title>GB 4066-1994 Sodium bicarbonate dry powder fire extinguishing agent - GB 4066-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 4066-1994 Sodium bicarbonate dry powder fire extinguishing agent

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 4066-1994

Standard Name: Sodium bicarbonate dry powder fire extinguishing agent

Chinese Name: 碳酸氢钠干粉灭火剂

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1994-05-05

Date of Implementation:1995-02-01

Date of Expiration:2005-02-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:13.220.30

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Other Chemical Products>>G85 Other Chemical Products Comprehensive

associated standards

alternative situation:GB 4066-1983; replaced by GB 4066.1-2004

Procurement status:ISO 7202-1987 NEQ

Publication information

other information

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Shanghai Fire Research Institute

Focal point unit:Ministry of Public Security

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

Introduction to standards:

GB 4066-1994 Sodium bicarbonate dry powder fire extinguishing agent GB4066-1994 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Sodium bicarbonate dry powder fire extinguishing agent
Fire extinguishing agent-
Sodium bicarbonate dry chemical This standard refers to the international standard IS07202-1987 "Firefighting Subject Content and Scope of Application"
One fire extinguishing agent-
dry powder》.
GB 4066-94
Replaces GB4066-83
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of sodium bicarbonate dry powder fire extinguishing agent etc. content.
This standard applies to dry powder fire extinguishing agents based on sodium bicarbonate. 2 Reference standards
GB 601
Preparation of standard solutions for chemical reagent titration analysis (volume analysis) Preparation of preparations and products used in chemical reagent test methods GB6031
GB 1887||tt ||Food additive sodium bicarbonate
General technical conditions for dry powder fire extinguishing agents
Technical requirements
Main properties of sodium bicarbonate dry powder fire extinguishing agent It should comply with the following table: Item
Sodium bicarbonate content, %
Bulk density + g/mL
Moisture absorption rate, %
Anti-caking (needle penetration Degree), mm
Water +s
Particle size distribution
Test method
0. 250~~0. 125 mm
0.063~0.040 mm
Low temperature resistance, s
Electrical insulation Properties, kv
Injection performance,%
Fire extinguishing efficiency
Sodium bicarbonate content
Technology approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on 1994-05-05 Index
≥82.0, the factory published value ±5.0
≥0.85, the factory published value ±0.10
≥16.0 (loose surface)||tt| |5.0
The factory announced a value of 3.0
The factory announced a value of 6.0
The factory announced a value of 6.0
65.0||tt ||≤5.0
≥5. 00
Three fire-extinguishing test chambers successfully extinguished the second fire 1995-02-01 Implementation
4.1.1 Titration method (Arbitration Law) Method Summary
GB 4066-94
After destroying the silicon membrane of the dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample, dissolve it in distilled water and filter it. Take the filtrate and add it with bromide. Phenol green-methyl red is the indicator solution, which is titrated with hydrochloric acid standard solution. Reagent
Hydrochloric acid (GB 622): c (HCl) is about 0.1mol/L standard titration solution;; a.
Methyl red indicator solution (2g/ L): Weigh 0.20g methyl red, dissolve in ethanol, and dilute to 100mL with ethanol; b.
bromocresol green indicator solution (1g /L): Weigh 0.10g bromocresol green, dissolve in ethanol, dilute with ethanol to 100mL bromocresol green-methyl red indicator solution: mix bromocresol green ethanol solution (1g/L) and methyl red ethanol Solution (2g/L)) is mixed according to the volume ratio of 3+1 and shaken;
Acetone (GB686);
Ethanol (95% ).
Instrument| |tt|| Balance; capacity 0.2mg,
Volumetric flask: 500mL,
Pipette: 50ml.
Burette: 50mL;
Erlenmeyer flask: 250mL. || tt | After the acetone evaporates, dissolve and filter in heated distilled water (60-70°C), wash the insoluble matter with about 250 mL of hot distilled water, collect the filtrate b.
and the washing liquid in a 500 mL volumetric flask, and dilute with distilled water to 500ml, shake well, it is the solution A to be tested. Use a pipette to draw 50 mL of solution A into an Erlenmeyer flask, and add 10 drops of bromocresol green-methyl red indicator solution ( c,
Titrate with hydrochloric acid standard solution ( until the color of the test solution changes from green to dark red. d.
Boil for 2 minutes, the color of the solution turns back to blue, and cool to room temperature. Continue titrating with hydrochloric acid standard solution to dark red as the end point. e. Result
Expresses the total alkali content in mass percentage, that is, the sodium bicarbonate content z1. α(%) is calculated according to formula (1): 2(%)= :V 0. 084 01 × 100
Actual concentration of hydrochloric acid standard solution, mol/L; V--the volume of hydrochloric acid solution consumed in titration, mL: (1)
mo——Sample mass, g*
0.08401——The mass of sodium bicarbonate in grams equivalent to 1.00mL hydrochloric acid standard solution [c(HCI)=1.000 mol/L]. If the difference between parallel measurement results is not greater than 0.2%, the arithmetic mean shall be taken as the measurement result. 4.1.2 Burning method Instruments and equipment
Balance: sensitivity 0.2mg;
b. The temperature control range of the muffle furnace is 0~1100℃, and the graduation value is 20℃; c. Weighing bottle: $50mm×30mm,
d, dryer: $220mm. Test step
a. In three weighing bottles with constant weight, weigh 5g of dried dry powder fire extinguishing agent samples respectively, weighing accurately to 0.0002g. The drying of dry powder fire extinguishing agent 1
is the same as Article
GB 4066--94
Place the weighing bottle in the muffle furnace and burn it for 1 hour at a temperature of 270~300℃. b.
Take out the weighing bottle and place it in a desiccator, cool it for 45 minutes, and weigh it. c. Result
Sodium bicarbonate content is 2, expressed as mass percentage, calculated according to formula (2): 2(%) =
(ml m2) × 2. 709
2.709——-Conversion coefficient calculated based on sodium bicarbonate. Take the arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results as the measurement result. 4.2 Bulk Density
4.2.1 Instrument
Balance with sensitivity starting from 0.2g
With stopper measuring scale: measuring range 250mL, graduation value 2.5mLb.| |tt||Stopwatch: division value 0.18.
4.2.2 Test steps Weigh 100g of dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample, weigh it accurately to 0.2g+ and place it in the measuring tool. At the speed of one cycle of 2s, measure 10 cycles upside down. After leaving the measuring stick vertically for 3 minutes, record the volume of the sample. 4.2.3 Results
Bulk density D is calculated according to formula (3):
where m3 - mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample + - cow powder fire extinguishing agent sample Volume occupied, mL. If the difference between parallel test results is not greater than 0.04g/mL, take the arithmetic mean as the measurement result. 4.3 Moisture absorption rate
4.3.1 Instruments, equipment, reagents
Temperature and humidity system: saturated chlorination Humidification system for ammonium solution (used during arbitration inspection) or temperature and humidity control box, Fuping: sensing capacity 0.2mg;
Weighing bottle: $50mm×30tm;
Dryer: 220mm
Fluorinated, chemically pure.
Note: The saturated ammonium chloride liquid humidification system passes the air passing through the saturated ammonium chloride solution into the humidifier at a flow rate of 5 L/min. Also filled with saturated ammonium oxide solution (see Figure 1).
GB 4066—94
Figure 1 Humidification system of saturated ammonium chloride solution
1-Air supply pressure stabilizing buffer device; 2-Wall-mouth bottle; 3-Saturated chlorination Ammonium solution? 4—$250mm humidifier: 5—glass tube with inner diameter 6mm; 6—air outlet; 7—humidifier orifice plate 4.3.2 Test method Place the dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample In the vacuum drying box, the vacuum degree is 0.095~0.096MPa, the temperature is 50±2℃, and dried for 1 hour. In the weighing bottle with constant weight, weigh 5g of dry dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample, weighing accurately to 0.0002g. Place the weighing bottle without the cap in a constant temperature and humidity system with a temperature of 21 ± 3°C and a relative humidity of 78% for 24 hours. Take out the weighing bottle, cover it and place it in a desiccator, let it stand for 15 minutes and weigh it accurately to 0.0002g. 4.3.3 Results
Moisture absorption rate s is expressed as mass percentage, calculated according to formula (4): t3(%) ms = m
× 100
In the formula: ma-
-the mass of the dry powder fire-extinguishing agent sample before moisture absorption, name; -the mass of the dry powder fire-extinguishing agent sample after moisture absorption, 8. Take the arithmetic mean of the three test results as the measurement result. 4.4 Resistance to caking
f.|| tt | 32 ± 1 time/min, impact height 4.0mm; constant temperature and humidity system: same as 4.3.1;
Penetrometer, in compliance with GB4509 regulations, accuracy 0.1mm, standard needle mass is 50.00±0.05 g, electric constant temperature drying oven: accuracy ±2°C;
Beaker: 100mL
Stopwatch: graduation value 0.1s;
Ammonium chloride: chemically pure.
4.4.2 Test steps Fill a dry, clean beaker with dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample, and scrape the surface with a scraper.
Place it on the vibrating screen machine, clamp it with a clamp, and move it for 5 minutes. Humidify for 24 hours in a constant temperature and humidity system with a temperature of 21±3°C and a relative humidity of 78%. Move into an electric constant temperature drying oven with a temperature of 48±3℃ for 24h. Use a penetrometer to measure the penetration. When measuring, the needle tip should be close to the surface of the sample, and the distance between the needle entry points and the distance between the needle entry points and the cup wall should not be less than 10mm. After the needle falls freely into the sample for 5 seconds, record the depth of the needle inserted into the sample, expressed in millimeters. Three needle penetration points were measured for each beaker sample.
4.4.3 Results
GB 4066-94
Take the arithmetic mean of the three test results as the measurement result. 4.5, water repellency
4.5.1 Instrument
Balance: sensing value 0.2g
Stopwatch: graduation value 0.1st
Beaker: 100mL;
Graduated cylinder: 50mL.
4.5.2 Test steps In a 100mL beaker, weigh 50g of dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample and weigh accurately to 0.2g. Slowly add 50ml of water along the wall of the cup and let it stand at room temperature for 5 hours. Tilt the beaker within 2 seconds until it is inverted, observe the agglomeration of the sample, and use a stopwatch to record the total time for the sample to flow down. 4.5.3 Results
Take the arithmetic mean of the three test results as the measurement result. 4.6 Particle size distribution
4.6.1 Instruments and equipment
Balance: sensitivity 0.2g
Stopwatch: graduation value 0.1s:
ZS-A1 type bladder screen machine: Same as 4.4.1;
Sieve set: in line with GB6003 regulations) 200mm, mesh size is 0.250mm, 0.125 respectively mm, 0.063mmd.
0.040 mm, a cover and a chassis.
4.6.2 Test steps Weigh 50g of dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample to the nearest 0.2g and place it into the 0.250mm top sieve. The following are 0.125mm, 0.063mm, 0.040mm sieve and bottom plate, and cover with top cover. Install the screen set on the screen machine and move it for 10 minutes. Weigh the mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent left on each layer of sieves and in the chassis respectively. 4.6.3 Results
The mass percentage of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in each layer of sieves and chassis is calculated according to formula (5): r(%) =
where: m6
ms× 100
-The mass of the dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample in each layer of sieves and chassis, g; the mass·name of the dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample.
Take the arithmetic mean of the secondary test results with a recovery rate greater than 98% as the measurement result. 4.7 Low temperature resistance
4.7.1 Instruments and equipment
Low temperature tester: temperature control range 0~-70℃, accuracy ±1℃; a.
b. Test tube: $20 mm×150 mms
Balance sensitivity 0.2g*
d. Stopwatch: division value 0.1s.
4.7.2 Test steps Weigh more than 20 dry powder fire extinguishing agent samples, weigh accurately to 0.2g, and put them into a dry and clean test tube. After plugging the test tube, place it in a 55℃ environment for 1 hour. Take out the test tube, tilt it within 2 seconds until it is upside down, and use a stopwatch to record the time it takes for all the samples to flow down. (5)
4.7.3 Results
GB 4066---94
Take the arithmetic mean of the three test results as the measurement result. 4.8 Electrical insulation
4.8.1 Instruments and equipment
a. Test cup (see Figure 2): The test cup has a pair of disc-shaped apple plate electrodes installed on the same axis. The cup body is made of highly insulating material that does not absorb moisture. The distance between any part of the disc-shaped electrode and the test cup shall not be less than 13mm. The distance between the top of the test cup and the top of the disc-shaped electrode shall not be less than 32mm. The design of the test cup should be easy to disassemble, clean and polish, and can make the distance between the two disc-shaped electrodes easy to adjust; the disc-shaped flat electrode is made of polished brass plate, with a diameter of 25mm and a thickness of not less than 3mm. At right angles, the distance between the two electrodes is 2.50±0.01 mm.
Picture 2 Electrical Insulation Cup
1—banana plug? 2—cup body: 3—baffle; 4, 5—electrode; 6—adjustment screw; 7 adjustment washer: 8—washer? 9—spring washer, 10—fastening nut b. Step-up transformer: powered by an appropriate low-voltage power supply, the output voltage can continuously rise to above 5kV, CS-501 drop test bench: maximum drop height 30mm, maximum allowable load 50kg, frequency range 0~1.667Hz connected to C.|| tt||Continuously adjustable, the falling acceleration is greater than 9.3m/s. 4.8.2·Test steps Fill the test cup with dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample, place it on the drop table and clamp it. With a drop rate of 1Hz and a drop height of 15mm, drop 500 times to solidify the dry powder fire extinguishing agent. Install the test cup on the step-up transformer, rapidly increase the voltage at the leakage current level of 1mA until breakdown, and record the breakdown voltage value.
4.8.3 Results
Take the arithmetic mean of the two test results as the measurement result. 4.9 Injection performance
4.9.1 Method 1 (arbitration inspection) Instruments and equipment
2.25kg dry powder special injector (see Figure 3): Injector capacity 2.25kg , the propelling gas (CO2) is 40±4, the inner height of the injector is 375mm, the inner diameter of the injector is 90mm, the inner diameter of the injection pipe is 10mm, and the nozzle diameter is 4.25mmb, CS-501 drop test bench: Same as 4.8.1, 15
GB 4066—94
Figure 3
1 powder outlet pipe, 2 powder outlet joint, 3 - hose assembly; 4 - bottle body, 5 - band, 6 - CO, gas cylinder: 7 - gas head assembly: 8 - lead seal : 9 - fuse; 10 - self-tapping screws: 11 - pressure handle assembly, 12 - dry powder fire extinguishing agent c. Electric blast drying oven: accuracy ±2℃d. Platform scale: accuracy 0.05kg. Test steps
Put a dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample with a mass of 2250×D±10 into a special injector (where D is the bulk density of the sample), and ||tt ||Install the carbon dioxide gas storage bottle to the head of the injector, and then fasten the head to the special injector. b.
Fix the injector on the drop test stand and drop it from a height of 25.0±1.5mm 250 times at a frequency of 0.417Hz. Place the spray in a drying oven at 49±2°C for 8 hours. d. Take out the injector, pressurize it for 5 seconds and start injecting until the pressure disappears. Weigh the remaining dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the injector. e. Result
Injection rate xs, expressed as mass percentage, calculated according to formula (6): rs(%) =
where: mg||tt| |mg
mg -

-The mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the injector before injection, g; the mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the injector after injection ,8. Take the arithmetic mean of the three test results as the measurement result. 4.9.2 Method 1 Instruments and equipment
X 100
GB 4066 --94
Dry powder fire extinguisher with a volume of 8.5±0.3L (in compliance with GB4351): propelling gas (CO,) 180±5g, inner diameter of siphon tube 12.0mm, distance between siphon tube and the bottom of the cylinder 15mm, nozzle diameter 11.5mm, simplified Diameter 160mm, nozzle length 600mmzb.
Vibrating table: amplitude 3mm, frequency 10~80Hz; electric blast drying oven : Accuracy ±2°C;
Platform scale: accuracy 0.05kg;
Stopwatch: graduation value 0.1s.
Test steps
Put 8kg dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample into the dry powder fire extinguisher. Fix the dry powder fire extinguisher on the vibrating table. Under the conditions of amplitude 1.27mm and frequency 34Hz, vibrate for 30 minutes. Place the dry powder fire extinguisher in an electric blast box at 54±3°C for 24 hours. Take out the dry powder fire extinguisher, let it stand until it reaches room temperature, and install a carbon dioxide storage bottle stored at 20±5℃. Start spraying after 5 seconds of pressurization until the pressure disappears. Weigh the remaining dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the dry powder fire extinguisher. Results
The injection rate r is calculated according to equation (7):
m1o - mn × 100
αg(%) =
In the formula: m1o——The mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the fire extinguisher before spraying, gmu-
The mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the fire extinguisher after spraying, 8. Take the arithmetic mean of the three test results as the measurement result. 4.10 Fire extinguishing efficiency
4.10.1 Class B fire extinguishing test Instruments and equipment
a. Stopwatch: division value 0.1s,
b. Anemometer:
MF3 standard dry powder fire extinguisher, in line with Article 5.8 of GB13532! Fuel: No. 90 automotive gasoline (in compliance with GB484 regulations) or No. 70 gasoline (in compliance with GB489 regulations) Class B fire steel oil pan (see Figure 4): diameter 1484mm, height 150mm, wall thickness 2.5mm. $1484
Figure 4B Class Fire Steel Oil Pan Test Steps
a. The test temperature is 0~ 30℃, wind speed not greater than 3m/s. b. Add 20L of water into the oil pan and then pour 55L of fuel (in compliance with the provisions of 4.10 and 1.1). And make the fuel depth at each point in the oil pan not less than 15mm, but not more than 50mm
C. Ignition and pre-ignition time is 60s.
Use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. At the beginning, the distance between the operator and the oil pan shall not be less than 1.5m. Later, the operator can move at any distance to extinguish the fire. During the fire extinguishing process, the operator must not touch the oil pan. Results
GB 4066-94
The extinction test is successful if all the flames are extinguished. Three tests and two fire extinguishments are considered qualified. 4.10.2 Category C fire extinguishing test. If it meets the requirements of Set.10.1, it is considered to have the fire extinguishing effect of extinguishing Category C fires. 5 Inspection Rules
5.1 Batch, group definition:
Group, batch refers to a uniform product made by feeding into the processing equipment at one time:. A group includes a batch or multiple batches (not exceeding 25t), and is a product produced under the same environmental conditions, using the same raw materials and processes.
5.2 Dry powder fire extinguishing agents should be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer; the manufacturer should ensure that all dry powder fire extinguishing agents shipped meet the requirements of this standard, and each batch or group of products shipped must be accompanied by a quality certificate. . 5.3 The user unit has the right to inspect the quality of the dry powder fire extinguishing agent received in accordance with the inspection regulations and test methods specified in this standard to verify whether its indicators meet the requirements of this standard. 5.4 Sampling:
5.4.1 In order to ensure the consistency between the sample and the population, the sampling must be representative. Type inspection samples should be taken from products that pass the factory inspection. The product should be mixed evenly before sampling, and the samples should also be mixed evenly before each performance test.
5.4.2 When sampling according to "group" or "batch", no less than 40kg samples should be randomly selected. The sample to be tested must be stored in a clean, dry and sealed special container.||tt ||5.5 Factory inspection: Inspection shall be carried out according to the test methods specified in Articles 4.1 to 4.7 of this standard. 5.6 Type inspection: Inspection shall be carried out in accordance with all test methods specified in Chapter 4 of this standard. Type inspection:
During the identification of new products or the transfer of old products to production; after formal production, if there are major changes in the raw material process, regular inspection during formal production
d. When production is resumed after a long-term suspension,
when the national quality supervision agency proposes type inspection requirements. 5. Determination of inspection results: The results of factory inspection and type inspection must comply with Section 1 of this standard. Chapter 3 Technical Requirements. If one item does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sampling should be carried out from twice the package. If there is still one item that does not meet the requirements of this standard after re-inspection, it will be deemed as unqualified product. 6. Marking, packaging, transportation and Juecun
6.1 mark
Each package must be clearly and firmly marked with the name of the manufacturer, product name, trademark, standard number, production date or production batch number, qualified mark, weight and applicable Description of the fire category and simple construction and storage requirements, etc. 6.2 Packaging
Dry powder fire extinguishing agent should be sealed in a plastic bag, and a protective package should be added outside the plastic bag.
Beef powder fire extinguishing agent. The agent should be stored in a ventilated and dry place and transported to avoid being exposed to moisture and the packaging bag being photographed. Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee on Fire Protection Standardization of the People's Republic of China. This standard is drafted by the Tianjin Fire Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security. The main drafters of this standard are Xu Chunyuan, Wang Yunpei, and Liu Yuheng 18
2 Test steps
Put a dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample with a mass of 2250 × D ± 10 into a special injector (where D is the bulk density of the sample), and
put the carbon dioxide gas storage bottle into to the head of the injector, and then fasten the head to the special injector. b.
Fix the injector on the drop test stand and drop it from a height of 25.0±1.5mm 250 times at a frequency of 0.417Hz. Place the spray in a drying oven at 49±2°C for 8 hours. d. Take out the injector, pressurize it for 5 seconds and start injecting until the pressure disappears. Weigh the remaining dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the injector. e. Result
Injection rate xs, expressed as mass percentage, calculated according to formula (6): rs(%) =
where: mg||tt| |mg
mg -

-The mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the injector before injection, g; the mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the injector after injection ,8. Take the arithmetic mean of the three test results as the measurement result. 4.9.2 Method 1 Instruments and equipment
X 100
GB 4066 --94
Dry powder fire extinguisher with a volume of 8.5±0.3L (in compliance with GB4351): propelling gas (CO,) 180±5g, inner diameter of siphon tube 12.0mm, distance between siphon tube and the bottom of the cylinder 15mm, nozzle diameter 11.5mm, simplified Diameter 160mm, nozzle length 600mmzb.
Vibrating table: amplitude 3mm, frequency 10~80Hz; electric blast drying oven : Accuracy ±2°C;
Platform scale: accuracy 0.05kg;
Stopwatch: graduation value 0.1s.
Test steps
Put 8kg dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample into the dry powder fire extinguisher. Fix the dry powder fire extinguisher on the vibrating table. Under the conditions of amplitude 1.27mm and frequency 34Hz, vibrate for 30 minutes. Place the dry powder fire extinguisher in an electric blast box at 54±3°C for 24 hours. Take out the dry powder fire extinguisher, let it stand until it reaches room temperature, and install a carbon dioxide storage bottle stored at 20±5℃. Start spraying after 5 seconds of pressurization until the pressure disappears. Weigh the remaining dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the dry powder fire extinguisher. Results
The injection rate r is calculated according to equation (7):
m1o - mn × 100
αg(%) =
In the formula: m1o——The mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the fire extinguisher before spraying, gmu-
The mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the fire extinguisher after spraying, 8. Take the arithmetic mean of the three test results as the measurement result. 4.10 Fire extinguishing efficiency
4.10.1 Class B fire extinguishing test Instruments and equipment
a. Stopwatch: division value 0.1s,
b. Anemometer:
MF3 standard dry powder fire extinguisher, in line with Article 5.8 of GB13532! Fuel: No. 90 automotive gasoline (in compliance with GB484 regulations) or No. 70 gasoline (in compliance with GB489 regulations) Class B fire steel oil pan (see Figure 4): diameter 1484mm, height 150mm, wall thickness 2.5mm. $1484
Figure 4B Class Fire Steel Oil Pan Test Steps
a. The test temperature is 0~ 30℃, wind speed not greater than 3m/s. b. Add 20L of water into the oil pan and then pour 55L of fuel (in compliance with the provisions of 4.10 and 1.1). And make the fuel depth at each point in the oil pan not less than 15mm, but not more than 50mm
C. Ignition and pre-ignition time is 60 seconds.
Use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. At the beginning, the distance between the operator and the oil pan shall not be less than 1.5m. Later, the operator can move at any distance to extinguish the fire. During the fire extinguishing process, the operator must not touch the oil pan. Results
GB 4066-94
The extinction test is successful if all the flames are extinguished. Three tests and two fire extinguishments are considered qualified. 4.10.2 Category C fire extinguishing test. If it meets the requirements of Set.10.1, it is considered to have the fire extinguishing effect of extinguishing Category C fires. 5 Inspection Rules
5.1 Batch, group definition:
Group, batch refers to a uniform product made by feeding into the processing equipment at one time:. A group includes one or more batches (not exceeding 25t), and is a product produced under the same environmental conditions, using the same raw materials and processes.
5.2 Dry powder fire extinguishing agents shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer; the manufacturer shall ensure that all dry powder fire extinguishing agents shipped from the factory meet the requirements of this standard, and each batch or group of products shipped from the factory must be accompanied by a quality certificate . 5.3 The user unit has the right to inspect the quality of the dry powder fire extinguishing agent received in accordance with the inspection regulations and test methods specified in this standard to verify whether its indicators meet the requirements of this standard. 5.4 Sampling:
5.4.1 In order to ensure the consistency between the sample and the population, the sampling must be representative. Type inspection samples should be taken from products that pass the factory inspection. The product should be mixed evenly before sampling, and the sample should be mixed evenly before each performance test.
5.4.2 When sampling according to "group" or "batch", no less than 40kg samples should be randomly selected. The sample to be tested must be stored in a clean, dry and sealed special container.||tt ||5.5 Factory inspection: Inspection shall be carried out according to the test methods specified in Articles 4.1 to 4.7 of this standard. 5.6 Type inspection: Inspection shall be carried out in accordance with all test methods specified in Chapter 4 of this standard. Type inspection:
During the identification of new products or the transfer of old products to production; after formal production, if there are major changes in the raw material process, regular inspection during formal production
d. When production is resumed after a long-term suspension,
when the national quality supervision agency proposes type inspection requirements. 5. Determination of inspection results: The results of factory inspection and type inspection must comply with Section 1 of this standard. Chapter 3 Technical Requirements. If one item does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sampling should be carried out from twice the package. If there is still one item that does not meet the requirements of this standard after re-inspection, it will be deemed as unqualified product. 6. Marking, packaging, transportation and Juecun
6.1 mark
Each package must be clearly and firmly marked with the name of the manufacturer, product name, trademark, standard number, production date or production batch number, qualified mark, weight and applicable Description of the fire category and simple construction and storage requirements, etc. 6.2 Packaging
Dry powder fire extinguishing agent should be sealed in a plastic bag, and a protective package should be added outside the plastic bag.
Beef powder fire extinguishing agent. The agent should be stored in a ventilated and dry place and transported to avoid being exposed to moisture and the packaging bag being photographed. Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee on Fire Protection Standardization of the People's Republic of China. This standard is drafted by the Tianjin Fire Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security. The main drafters of this standard are Xu Chunyuan, Wang Yunpei, and Liu Yuheng 18
2 Test steps
Put a dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample with a mass of 2250 × D ± 10 into a special injector (where D is the bulk density of the sample), and
put the carbon dioxide gas storage bottle into to the head of the injector, and then fasten the head to the special injector. b.
Fix the injector on the drop test stand and drop it from a height of 25.0±1.5mm 250 times at a frequency of 0.417Hz. Place the spray in a drying oven at 49±2°C for 8 hours. d. Take out the injector, pressurize it for 5 seconds and start injecting until the pressure disappears. Weigh the remaining dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the injector. e. Result
Injection rate xs, expressed as mass percentage, calculated according to formula (6): rs(%) =
where: mg||tt| |mg
mg -

-The mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the injector before injection, g; the mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the injector after injection ,8. Take the arithmetic mean of the three test results as the measurement result. 4.9.2 Method 1 Instruments and equipment
X 100
GB 4066 --94
Dry powder fire extinguisher with a volume of 8.5±0.3L (in compliance with GB4351): propelling gas (CO,) 180±5g, inner diameter of siphon tube 12.0mm, distance between siphon tube and the bottom of the cylinder 15mm, nozzle diameter 11.5mm, simplified Diameter 160mm, nozzle length 600mmzb.
Vibrating table: amplitude 3mm, frequency 10~80Hz; electric blast drying oven : Accuracy ±2°C;
Platform scale: accuracy 0.05kg;
Stopwatch: graduation value 0.1s.
Test steps
Put 8kg dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample into the dry powder fire extinguisher. Fix the dry powder fire extinguisher on the vibrating table. Under the conditions of amplitude 1.27mm and frequency 34Hz, vibrate for 30 minutes. Place the dry powder fire extinguisher in an electric blast box at 54±3°C for 24 hours. Take out the dry powder fire extinguisher, let it stand until it reaches room temperature, and install a carbon dioxide storage bottle stored at 20±5℃. Start spraying after 5 seconds of pressurization until the pressure disappears. Weigh the remaining dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the dry powder fire extinguisher. Results
The injection rate r is calculated according to equation (7):
m1o - mn × 100
αg(%) =
In the formula: m1o——The mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the fire extinguisher before spraying, gmu-
The mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the fire extinguisher after spraying, 8. Take the arithmetic mean of the three test results as the measurement result. 4.10 Fire extinguishing efficiency
4.10.1 Class B fire extinguishing test Instruments and equipment
a. Stopwatch: division value 0.1s,
b. Anemometer:
MF3 standard dry powder fire extinguisher, in line with Article 5.8 of GB13532! Fuel: No. 90 automotive gasoline (in compliance with GB484 regulations) or No. 70 gasoline (in compliance with GB489 regulations) Class B fire steel oil pan (see Figure 4): diameter 1484mm, height 150mm, wall thickness 2.5mm. $1484
Figure 4B Class Fire Steel Oil Pan Test Steps
a. The test temperature is 0~ 30℃, wind speed not greater than 3m/s. b. Add 20L of water into the oil pan and then pour 55L of fuel (in compliance with the provisions of 4.10 and 1.1). And make the fuel depth at each point in the oil pan not less than 15mm, but not more than 50mm
C. Ignition and pre-ignition time is 60s.
Use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. At the beginning, the distance between the operator and the oil pan shall not be less than 1.5m. Later, the operator can move at any distance to extinguish the fire. During the fire extinguishing process, the operator must not touch the oil pan. Results
GB 4066-94
The extinction test is successful if all the flames are extinguished. Three tests and two fire extinguishments are considered qualified. 4.10.2 Category C fire extinguishing test. If it meets the requirements of Set.10.1, it is considered to have the fire extinguishing effect of extinguishing Category C fires. 5 Inspection Rules
5.1 Batch, group definition:
Group, batch refers to a uniform product made by feeding into the processing equipment at one time:. A group includes a batch or multiple batches (not exceeding 25t), and is a product produced under the same environmental conditions, using the same raw materials and processes.
5.2 Dry powder fire extinguishing agents shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer; the manufacturer shall ensure that all dry powder fire extinguishing agents shipped from the factory meet the requirements of this standard, and each batch or group of products shipped from the factory must be accompanied by a quality certificate . 5.3 The user unit has the right to inspect the quality of the dry powder fire extinguishing agent received in accordance with the inspection regulations and test methods specified in this standard to verify whether its indicators meet the requirements of this standard. 5.4 Sampling:
5.4.1 In order to ensure the consistency between the sample and the population, the sampling must be representative. Type inspection samples should be taken from products that pass the factory inspection. The product should be mixed evenly before sampling, and the sample should be mixed evenly before each performance test.
5.4.2 When sampling according to "group" or "batch", no less than 40kg samples should be randomly selected. The sample to be tested must be stored in a clean, dry and sealed special container.||tt ||5.5 Factory inspection: Inspection shall be carried out according to the test methods specified in Articles 4.1 to 4.7 of this standard. 5.6 Type inspection: Inspection shall be carried out in accordance with all test methods specified in Chapter 4 of this standard. Type inspection:
During the identification of new products or the transfer of old products to production; after formal production, if there are major changes in the raw material process, regular inspection during formal production
d. When production is resumed after a long-term suspension,
when the national quality supervision agency proposes type inspection requirements. 5. Determination of inspection results: The results of factory inspection and type inspection must comply with Section 1 of this standard. Chapter 3 Technical Requirements. If one item does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sampling should be carried out from twice the package. If there is still one item that does not meet the requirements of this standard after re-inspection, it will be deemed as unqualified product. 6. Marking, packaging, transportation and Juecun
6.1 mark
Each package must be clearly and firmly marked with the name of the manufacturer, product name, trademark, standard number, production date or production batch number, qualified mark, weight and applicable Description of the fire category and simple construction and storage requirements, etc. 6.2 Packaging
Dry powder fire extinguishing agent should be sealed in a plastic bag, and a protective package should be added outside the plastic bag.
Beef powder fire extinguishing agent. The agent should be stored in a ventilated and dry place and transported to avoid being exposed to moisture and the packaging bag being photographed. Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee on Fire Protection Standardization of the People's Republic of China. This standard is drafted by the Tianjin Fire Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security. The main drafters of this standard are Xu Chunyuan, Wang Yunpei, and Liu Yuheng 18
3L dry powder fire extinguisher (in compliance with GB4351): propelling gas (CO,) 180±5g, siphon inner diameter 12.0mm, distance between siphon tube and base 15mm, nozzle diameter 11.5mm, simplification diameter 160mm, nozzle length 600mmzb.||tt| |c.
Vibrating table: Amplitude 3mm, frequency 10~80Hz; Electric blast drying oven: Accuracy ±2℃;
Platform scale : Accuracy 0.05kg;
Stopwatch: Graduation value 0.1s.
Test steps
Put 8kg dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample into the dry powder fire extinguisher. Fix the dry powder fire extinguisher on the vibrating table. Under the conditions of amplitude 1.27mm and frequency 34Hz, vibrate for 30 minutes. Place the dry powder fire extinguisher in an electric blast box at 54±3°C for 24 hours. Take out the dry powder fire extinguisher, let it stand until it reaches room temperature, and install a carbon dioxide storage bottle stored at 20±5℃. Start spraying after 5 seconds of pressurization until the pressure disappears. Weigh the remaining dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the dry powder fire extinguisher. Results
The injection rate r is calculated according to equation (7):
m1o - mn × 100
αg(%) =
In the formula: m1o——The mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the fire extinguisher before spraying, gmu-
The mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the fire extinguisher after spraying, 8. Take the arithmetic mean of the three test results as the measurement result. 4.10 Fire extinguishing efficiency
4.10.1 Class B fire extinguishing test Instruments and equipment
a. Stopwatch: division value 0.1s,
b. Anemometer:
MF3 standard dry powder fire extinguisher, in line with Article 5.8 of GB13532! Fuel: No. 90 automotive gasoline (in compliance with GB484 regulations) or No. 70 gasoline (in compliance with GB489 regulations) Class B fire steel oil pan (see Figure 4): diameter 1484mm, height 150mm, wall thickness 2.5mm. $1484
Figure 4B Class Fire Steel Oil Pan Test Steps
a. The test temperature is 0~ 30℃, wind speed not greater than 3m/s. b. Add 20L of water into the oil pan and then pour 55L of fuel (in compliance with the provisions of 4.10 and 1.1). And make the fuel depth at each point in the oil pan not less than 15mm, but not more than 50mm
C. Ignition and pre-ignition time is 60s.
Use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. At the beginning, the distance between the operator and the oil pan shall not be less than 1.5m. Later, the operator can move at any distance to extinguish the fire. During the fire extinguishing process, the operator must not touch the oil pan. Results
GB 4066-94
The extinction test is successful if all the flames are extinguished. Three tests and two fire extinguishments are considered qualified. 4.10.2 Category C fire extinguishing test. If it meets the requirements of Set.10.1, it is considered to have the fire extinguishing effect of extinguishing Category C fires. 5 Inspection Rules
5.1 Batch, group definition:
Group, batch refers to a uniform product made by feeding into the processing equipment at one time:. A group includes one or more batches (not exceeding 25t), and is a product produced under the same environmental conditions, using the same raw materials and processes.
5.2 Dry powder fire extinguishing agents shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer; the manufacturer shall ensure that all dry powder fire extinguishing agents shipped from the factory meet the requirements of this standard, and each batch or group of products shipped from the factory must be accompanied by a quality certificate . 5.3 The user unit has the right to inspect the quality of the dry powder fire extinguishing agent received in accordance with the inspection regulations and test methods specified in this standard to verify whether its indicators meet the requirements of this standard. 5.4 Sampling:
5.4.1 In order to ensure the consistency between the sample and the population, the sampling must be representative. Type inspection samples should be taken from products that pass the factory inspection. The product should be mixed evenly before sampling, and the samples should also be mixed evenly before each performance test.
5.4.2 When sampling according to "group" or "batch", no less than 40kg samples should be randomly selected. The sample to be tested must be stored in a clean, dry and sealed special container.||tt ||5.5 Factory inspection: Inspection shall be carried out according to the test methods specified in Articles 4.1 to 4.7 of this standard. 5.6 Type inspection: Inspection shall be carried out in accordance with all test methods specified in Chapter 4 of this standard. Type inspection:
During the identification of new products or the transfer of old products to production; after formal production, if there are major changes in the raw material process, regular inspection during formal production
d. When production is resumed after a long-term suspension,
when the national quality supervision agency proposes type inspection requirements. 5. Determination of inspection results: The results of factory inspection and type inspection must comply with Section 1 of this standard. Chapter 3 Technical Requirements. If one item does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sampling should be carried out from twice the package. If there is still one item that does not meet the requirements of this standard after re-inspection, it will be deemed as unqualified product. 6. Marking, packaging, transportation and Juecun
6.1 mark
Each package must be clearly and firmly marked with the name of the manufacturer, product name, trademark, standard number, production date or production batch number, qualified mark, weight and applicable Description of the fire category and simple construction and storage requirements, etc. 6.2 Packaging
Dry powder fire extinguishing agent should be sealed in a plastic bag, and a protective package should be added outside the plastic bag.
Beef powder fire extinguishing agent. The agent should be stored in a ventilated and dry place and transported to avoid being exposed to moisture and the packaging bag being photographed. Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee on Fire Protection Standardization of the People's Republic of China. This standard is drafted by the Tianjin Fire Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security. The main drafters of this standard are Xu Chunyuan, Wang Yunpei, and Liu Yuheng 18
3L dry powder fire extinguisher (in compliance with GB4351): propelling gas (CO,) 180±5g, siphon inner diameter 12.0mm, distance between siphon tube and base 15mm, nozzle diameter 11.5mm, simplification diameter 160mm, nozzle length 600mmzb.||tt| |c.
Vibrating table: Amplitude 3mm, frequency 10~80Hz; Electric blast drying oven: Accuracy ±2℃;
Platform scale : Accuracy 0.05kg;
Stopwatch: Graduation value 0.1s.
Test steps
Put 8kg dry powder fire extinguishing agent sample into the dry powder fire extinguisher. Fix the dry powder fire extinguisher on the vibrating table. Under the conditions of amplitude 1.27mm and frequency 34Hz, vibrate for 30 minutes. Place the dry powder fire extinguisher in an electric blast box at 54±3°C for 24 hours. Take out the dry powder fire extinguisher, let it stand until it reaches room temperature, and install a carbon dioxide storage bottle stored at 20±5℃. Start spraying after 5 seconds of pressurization until the pressure disappears. Weigh the remaining dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the dry powder fire extinguisher. Results
The injection rate r is calculated according to equation (7):
m1o - mn × 100
αg(%) =
In the formula: m1o——The mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the fire extinguisher before spraying, gmu-
The mass of dry powder fire extinguishing agent in the fire extinguisher after spraying, 8. Take the arithmetic mean of the three test results as the measurement result. 4.10 Fire extinguishing efficiency
4.10.1 Class B fire extinguishing test Instruments and equipment
a. Stopwatch: division value 0.1s,
b. Anemometer:
MF3 standard dry powder fire extinguisher, in line with Article 5.8 of GB13532! Fuel: No. 90 automotive gasoline (in compliance with GB484 regulations) or No. 70 gasoline (in compliance with GB489 regulations) Class B fire steel oil pan (see Figure 4): diameter 1484mm, height 150mm, wall thickness 2.5mm. $1484
Figure 4B Class Fire Steel Oil Pan Test Steps
a. The test temperature is 0~ 30℃, wind speed not greater than 3m/s. b. Add 20L of water into the oil pan and then pour 55L of fuel (in compliance with the provisions of 4.10 and 1.1). And make the fuel depth at each point in the oil pan not less than 15mm, but not more than 50mm
C. Ignition and pre-ignition time is 60s.
Use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. At the beginning, the distance between the operator and the oil pan shall not be less than 1.5m. Later, the operator can move at any distance to extinguish the fire. During the fire extinguishing process, the operator must not touch the oil pan. Results
GB 4066-94
The extinction test is successful if all the flames are extinguished. Three tests and two fire extinguishments are considered qualified. 4.10.2 Category C fire extinguishing test. If it meets the requirements of Set.10.1, it is considered to have the fire extinguishing effect of extinguishing Category C fires. 5 Inspection Rules
5.1 Batch, group definition:
Group, batch refers to a uniform product made by feeding into the processing equipment at one time:. A group includes a batch or multiple batches (not exceeding 25t), and is a product produced under the same environmental conditions, using the same raw materials and processes.
5.2 Dry powder fire extinguishing agents shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer; the manufacturer shall ensure that all dry powder fire extinguishing agents shipped from the factory meet the requirements of this standard, and each batch or group of products shipped from the factory must be accompanied by a quality certificate . 5.3 The user unit has the right to inspect the quality of the dry powder fire extinguishing agent received in accordance with the inspection regulations and test methods specified in this standard to verify whether its indicators meet the requirements of this standard. 5.4 Sampling:
5.4.1 In order to ensure the consistency between the sample and the population, the sampling must be representative. Type inspection samples should be taken from products that pass the factory inspection. The product should be mixed evenly before sampling, and the sample should be mixed evenly before each performance test.
5.4.2 When sampling according to "group" or "batch", no less than 40kg samples should be randomly selected. The sample to be tested must be stored in a clean, dry and sealed special container.||tt ||5.5 Factory inspection: Inspection shall be carried out according to the test methods specified in Articles 4.1 to 4.7 of this standard. 5.6 Type inspection: Inspection shall be carried out in accordance with all test methods specified in Chapter 4 of this standard. Type inspection:
During the identification of new products or the transfer of old products to production; after formal production, if there are major changes in the raw material process, regular inspection during formal production
d. When production is resumed after a long-term suspension,
when the national quality supervision agency proposes type inspection requirements. 5. Determination of inspection results: The results of factory inspection and type inspection must comply with Section 1 of this standard. Chapter 3 Technical Requirements. If one item does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sampling should be carried out from twice the package. If there is still one item that does not meet the requirements of this standard after re-inspection, it will be deemed as unqualified product. 6. Marking, packaging, transportation and Juecun
6.1 mark
Each package must be clearly and firmly marked with the name of the manufacturer, product name, trademark, standard number, production date or production batch number, qualified mark, weight and applicable Description of the fire category and simple construction and storage requirements, etc. 6.2 Packaging
Dry powder fire extinguishing agent should be sealed in a plastic bag, and a protective package should be added outside the plastic bag.
Beef powder fire extinguishing agent. The agent should be stored in a ventilated and dry place and transported to avoid being exposed to moisture and the packaging bag being photographed. Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee on Fire Protection Standardization of the People's Republic of China. This standard is drafted by the Tianjin Fire Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security. The main drafters of this standard are Xu Chunyuan, Wang Yunpei, and Liu Yuheng 18
1). And make the fuel depth at each point in the oil pan not less than 15mm, but not more than 50mm
C. Ignition and pre-ignition time is 60s.
Use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. At the beginning, the distance between the operator and the oil pan shall not be less than 1.5m. Later, the operator can move at any distance to extinguish the fire. During the fire extinguishing process, the operator must not touch the oil pan. Results
GB 4066-94
The extinction test is successful if all the flames are extinguished. Three tests and two fire extinguishments are considered qualified. 4.10.2 Category C fire extinguishing test. If it meets the requirements of Set.10.1, it is considered to have the fire extinguishing effect of extinguishing Category C fires. 5 Inspection Rules
5.1 Batch, group definition:
Group, batch refers to a uniform product made by feeding into the processing equipment at one time:. A group includes one or more batches (not exceeding 25t), and is a product produced under the same environmental conditions, using the same raw materials and processes.
5.2 Dry powder fire extinguishing agents shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer; the manufacturer shall ensure that all dry powder fire extinguishing agents shipped from the factory meet the requirements of this standard, and each batch or group of products shipped from the factory must be accompanied by a quality certificate . 5.3 The user unit has the right to inspect the quality of the dry powder fire extinguishing agent received in accordance with the inspection regulations and test methods specified in this standard to verify whether its indicators meet the requirements of this standard. 5.4 Sampling:
5.4.1 In order to ensure the consistency between the sample and the population, the sampling must be representative. Type inspection samples should be taken from products that pass the factory inspection. The product should be mixed evenly before sampling, and the samples should also be mixed evenly before each performance test.
5.4.2 When sampling according to "group" or "batch", no less than 40kg samples should be randomly selected. The sample to be tested must be stored in a clean, dry and sealed special container.||tt ||5.5 Factory inspection: Inspection shall be carried out according to the test methods specified in Articles 4.1 to 4.7 of this standard. 5.6 Type inspection: Inspection shall be carried out in accordance with all test methods specified in Chapter 4 of this standard. Type inspection:
When new products are identified or old products are transferred to production; after formal production, if there are major changes in the raw material process, regular inspection during formal production
d. When production is resumed after a long-term suspension,
when the national quality supervision agency proposes type inspection requirements. 5. Determination of inspection results: The results of factory inspection and type inspection must comply with Section 1 of this standard. Chapter 3 Technical Requirements. If one item does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sampling should be carried out from twice the package. If there is still one item that does not meet the requirements of this standard after re-inspection, it will be deemed as unqualified product. 6. Marking, packaging, transportation and Juecun
6.1 mark
Each package must be clearly and firmly marked with the name of the manufacturer, product name, trademark, standard number, production date or production batch number, qualified mark, weight and applicable Description of the fire category and simple construction and storage requirements, etc. 6.2 Packaging
Dry powder fire extinguishing agent should be sealed in a plastic bag, and a protective package should be added outside the plastic bag.
Beef powder fire extinguishing agent. The agent should be stored in a ventilated and dry place and transported to avoid being exposed to moisture and the packaging bag being photographed. Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee on Fire Protection Standardization of the People's Republic of China. This standard is drafted by the Tianjin Fire Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security. The main drafters of this standard are Xu Chunyuan, Wang Yunpei, and Liu Yuheng 18
1). And make the fuel depth at each point in the oil pan not less than 15mm, but not more than 50mm
C. Ignition and pre-ignition time is 60 seconds.
Use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. At the beginning, the distance between the operator and the oil pan shall not be less than 1.5m. Later, the operator can move at any distance to extinguish the fire. During the fire extinguishing process, the operator must not touch the oil pan. Results
GB 4066-94
The extinction test is successful if all the flames are extinguished. Three tests and two fire extinguishments are considered qualified. 4.10.2 Category C fire extinguishing test. If it meets the requirements of Set.10.1, it is considered to have the fire extinguishing effect of extinguishing Category C fires. 5 Inspection Rules
5.1 Batch, group definition:
Group, batch refers to a uniform product made by feeding into the processing equipment at one time:. A group includes a batch or multiple batches (not exceeding 25t), and is a product produced under the same environmental conditions, using the same raw materials and processes.
5.2 Dry powder fire extinguishing agents shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer; the manufacturer shall ensure that all dry powder fire extinguishing agents shipped from the factory meet the requirements of this standard, and each batch or group of products shipped from the factory must be accompanied by a quality certificate . 5.3 The user unit has the right to inspect the quality of the dry powder fire extinguishing agent received in accordance with the inspection regulations and test methods specified in this standard to verify whether its indicators meet the requirements of this standard. 5.4 Sampling:
5.4.1 In order to ensure the consistency between the sample and the population, the sampling must be representative. Type inspection samples should be taken from products that pass the factory inspection. The product should be mixed evenly before sampling, and the sample should be mixed evenly before each performance test.
5.4.2 When sampling according to "group" or "batch", no less than 40kg samples should be randomly selected. The sample to be tested must be stored in a clean, dry and sealed special container.||tt ||5.5 Factory inspection: Inspection shall be carried out according to the test methods specified in Articles 4.1 to 4.7 of this standard. 5.6 Type inspection: Inspection shall be carried out in accordance with all the test methods specified in Chapter 4 of this standard. Type inspection:
During the identification of new products or the transfer of old products to production; after formal production, if there are major changes in the raw material process, regular inspection during formal production
d. When production is resumed after a long-term suspension,
when the national quality supervision agency proposes type inspection requirements. 5. Determination of inspection results: The results of factory inspection and type inspection must comply with Section 1 of this standard. Chapter 3 Technical Requirements. If one item does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sampling should be carried out from twice the package. If there is still one item that does not meet the requirements of this standard after re-inspection, it will be deemed as unqualified product. 6. Marking, packaging, transportation and Juecun
6.1 mark
Each package must be clearly and firmly marked with the name of the manufacturer, product name, trademark, standard number, production date or production batch number, qualified mark, weight and applicable Description of the fire category and simple construction and storage requirements, etc. 6.2 Packaging
Dry powder fire extinguishing agent should be sealed in a plastic bag, and a protective package should be added outside the plastic bag.
Beef powder fire extinguishing agent. The agent should be stored in a ventilated and dry place and transported to avoid being exposed to moisture and the packaging bag being photographed. Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee on Fire Protection Standardization of the People's Republic of China. This standard is drafted by the Tianjin Fire Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security. The main drafters of this standard are Xu Chunyuan, Wang Yunpei, and Liu Yuheng 18
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