Specifications for operation and maintenance of the reference stations using global navigation satellite system
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specifications for operation and maintenance of the reference stationsusing global navigation satellite system2020-12-14 Release
State Administration for Market Regulation
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
2020-12-14 Implementation
Normative Reference Documents
Terms and Definitions
Base Station Maintenance
Data Center Maintenance
Network Maintenance
Product Maintenance
Product Classification
Product Inspection
Product Storage
Product Backup
Coordinate Frame Maintenance
Coordinate System and Time
Data Processing
Safety Assurance
Facility Safety
Network Security
Product Safety
Emergency Assurance·
System monitoring
Submit report·
Appendix A (Normative Appendix)
Appendix B (Normative Appendix)
Appendix C (Informative Appendix)
Appendix D (Informative Appendix)
Appendix E (Normative Appendix)
Appendix F (Normative Appendix)
Base station inspection record table
Base station information table
Software system maintenance record table
Duty log table·
Backup statistics record table
Coordinate system definition and basic geometric parameters
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Geographic Information Standardization (SAC/TC230). GB/T39618—2020
The drafting units of this standard: National Basic Geographic Information Center, Jiangsu Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Hunan Institute of Surveying and Mapping Technology, Fujian Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Guangdong Institute of Land and Resources Surveying and Mapping, 61363 Unit of the People's Liberation Army of China, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Natural Resources Information Center The main drafters of this standard: Wu Junli, Li Zhicai, Chen Ming, Wang Yong, Dong Mingxu, Lian Zhenhua, Liu Wenjian, Tong Dong, Ao Minsi, Liu Yanchun, Yu Bihong, Ouyang Guichong, Chen Yongxiang, Yang Yifei. m
1 Scope
Satellite navigation and positioning reference station network
Operation and maintenance technical specifications
This standard specifies the basic technical requirements and related security requirements for the maintenance of reference stations, data centers, networks, products, coordinate frames, etc. related to the satellite navigation and positioning reference station network. This standard applies to the operation and maintenance of national and regional satellite navigation and positioning reference station networks. The National Data Center is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the national satellite navigation and positioning reference station network, and the provincial data center is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the regional satellite navigation and positioning reference station network. 2 Normative reference documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated reference document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated reference document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T18314 Global Positioning System (GPS) Measurement Specification 3 Technical Specification for Continuously Operating Reference Station Network of Global Navigation Satellite System GB/T28588
GB/T35767 Basic Product Specification for Satellite Navigation and Positioning Reference Station Network GB/T35768
Satellite Navigation and Positioning Reference Station Network Service Management System Specification CH8016 Calibration Procedure for Global Positioning System (GPS) Measurement Receiver Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Satellite navigation and positioning reference station network
reference stations using global navigation satellite system A system consisting of a number of satellite navigation and positioning reference stations, data centers and data communication networks, providing positioning, navigation, location and other services. 3.2
Data availability rate
data availability rate
The ratio of valid epoch data to total observation epochs. 4 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations apply to this document.
BST: Beijing Standard TimeCGCS2000: China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000DAR: Data Availability RateGNSS: Global Navigation Satellite SystemIGS: International GNSS ServiceITRF: International Terrestrial Reference FrameGB/T39618—2020
MP: Multi-Path effectRINEXReceiver Independent Exchange FormatSMARG: Service and Management System of Reference Stations using GNSS
UPS: Uninterruptible Power SupplyUTC:Coordinated Universal Time (CoordinateUniversalTime) 5 Base Station Maintenance
Satellite navigation positioning base station maintenance work should meet the following requirements: a) Base station maintenance includes daily maintenance and regular inspections. A base station maintenance system should be established to ensure that the annual continuous operation time of the base station is not less than 330 days;
b) Daily maintenance of base station equipment, observation piers, observation rooms, observation environment, indoor environment, network, power supply, lightning protection, etc. should be carried out to ensure the normal operation of the base station;
) Base stations should be inspected at least once a year. In the case of typhoons, thunderstorms, extreme weather, etc., the inspection intensity should be increased, and the inspection record form should be filled in (format see Appendix A);
GNSS receiver and antenna inspection content includes GNSS receiver equipment integrity, cable wear, antenna placement, etc.; d)
e) Meteorological equipment inspection The content includes the integrity of meteorological equipment, cable wear, meteorological data recording, etc.; f)
The inspection content of power supply equipment includes oxidation of power terminals, battery leakage, battery capacity, etc., and maintenance of UPS batteries; g)
The inspection content of lightning protection equipment includes the working status of lightning protection equipment, whether the grounding connection is loose and rusted, and the change of grounding resistance. The inspection time is selected before the thunderstorm season every year;
h) The software and hardware of the base station should be updated in time, and the index requirements should meet the relevant provisions of GB/T28588; i)
The receiver and antenna detection of the base station should use the observation data to test the multipath, phase center, signal-to-noise ratio, etc., once a year. The inspection method can be found in the relevant provisions of CH8016;)
When the base station information changes, it should be recorded in time and the base station information table should be filled in (the format is shown in Appendix B). 6 Data Center Maintenance
Data Center maintenance work should meet the following requirements:a)
Data Center maintenance includes daily maintenance and regular overhaul, and a data center maintenance system should be established:b) Perform daily maintenance on the data center's computer room, equipment, software, network, power supply, lightning protection, fire protection, etc. to ensure the normal operation of the data center;
Data Center hardware equipment should be regularly overhauled and cleaned, with an overhaul cycle of half a year: Data Center servers, network equipment, uninterruptible power supplies and other hardware configurations should have a certain degree of redundancy; data backup equipment capacityd)
|It should be kept at more than 20% idle and expanded when necessary; establish a disk monitoring and sorting mechanism, set system control parameters and monitor system operation, monitor and sort computer disk space; data center servers, network equipment, etc. should be updated regularly, with an update cycle of 3 to 8 years; e)
Data center application software should be updated and upgraded regularly, system software should install system patches in a timely manner, and keep corresponding update records; f)
Fill in the software system maintenance record form (see Appendix C for the format); g) Anti-virus software virus database should be updated regularly, and computer equipment should be Virus detection, if found, the virus infection should be cleared in time; h) When the SMARG software needs to be upgraded, it should be tested for no less than two weeks. The test content mainly includes system operation stability, operation efficiency, product integrity, navigation and positioning service result accuracy, system comprehensive performance and terminal compatibility; i) When there are many SMARG software users, the data center server load calculation and concurrent access can be shared to multiple node devices for parallel processing through software and hardware equipment; j) For system access user management Maintenance, user information, authority management, user logs and other daily maintenance should be carried out in accordance with GB/T35768;
k) Continuously improve the database backup and recovery strategy, regularly monitor, backup and record data to ensure data consistency and security; equipment providing real-time services should adopt dual-machine hot redundant backup; 1) Remotely monitor the base station to realize base station fault alarm and remote operation; m) During the provision of real-time services, a dedicated person must be on duty to monitor the system operation status, provide technical advice, and ensure the normal operation of the system: the on-duty personnel should fill in the duty log, the format of which is shown in Appendix D. 7 Network maintenance
Network maintenance should meet the following basic requirements: a) The network should be tested regularly, including: network equipment working status, bandwidth, transmission rate, bit error rate, delay time, packet loss rate, network security, etc.:
b) The bandwidth should be expanded according to the actual number of user access and the number of reference sites; when providing real-time services, the network availability should be greater than 98%, the delay time should be less than 500ms, and the communication delay from the data center to the user should be less than 1s;
The network firewall should be updated and upgraded regularly. d)
8 Product maintenance
8.1 Product classification
The basic product classification, content and requirements of the satellite navigation and positioning reference station network shall be implemented in accordance with GB/T35767. 8.2 Product Inspection
The inspection of satellite navigation and positioning base station network products shall meet the following basic requirements: a) Check and update the basic information of stations and station networks every day; b)
Check the attribute information of observation data every day. If the attribute information of the station changes (such as antenna height, receiver type, antenna type, etc.), the corresponding information shall be updated in the observation data in time; Check the quality of observation data every day, including time period length, MP value and DAR value, etc., among which the MP value shall be less than 0.5m, and the DAR value shall be greater than 85%; d) Check the coordinate frame consistency, initial data reliability, and result accuracy of the result products. 8.3 Product Storage
Satellite navigation and positioning base station network product storage should meet the following requirements: a) GNSS receivers store at least 30 days of raw observation data; b) Long-term preservation of records and content of changes in basic information of benchmark stations and station networks; c
Download and store raw observation data and RINEX format data every day: d)
Check the observation data every day, and take timely measures to ensure the integrity of data storage: GB/T39618—2020
Long-term preservation of observation data with a sampling interval of 30s, and a higher sampling rate observation data The retention period should be selected as needed; f) Long-term preservation of coordinates, time series, velocity fields and other product results: g)
It is advisable to use a disk array for storage, and perform physical dual backup storage. 8.4 Product backup
The satellite navigation and positioning base station network product backup should meet the following basic requirements: a) It is advisable to establish an off-site backup mechanism with a backup distance of no less than 500km; the backup method should be mainly automatic backup, and the product backup status should be checked every day; b)
There should be complete backup statistics records, and the backup statistics record table is shown in Appendix E: d) At the beginning of each month, a double backup of the previous month's products should be performed 9 Coordinate framework maintenance
9.1 Coordinate system and time
The satellite navigation and positioning base station network coordinate system and time should meet the following requirements: a) The coordinate system should uniformly adopt CGCS2000, and the coordinate system and basic geometric parameters should be defined according to the requirements of Appendix F: b) The original observation value should be recorded and stored in UTC time, and the maintenance record should be in BST time. 9.2 Maintenance
The maintenance method of the coordinate frame of the satellite navigation and positioning base station network should meet the following requirements: a
The coordinate frame of the national satellite navigation and positioning base station network should be regularly maintained, the coordinate values and velocity fields of the base stations should be updated, and the coordinates should be jointly solved with the IGS base stations to establish a connection with the ITRF coordinate frame; b) When the ITRF coordinate frame changes or is updated, or when the base station changes due to natural or human factors such as crustal movement and ground subsidence, the national coordinate frame should be updated in a timely manner; c) The regional satellite navigation and positioning base station network should regularly maintain the coordinate frame and update the coordinate values under the national coordinate frame; d) During the update cycle, when individual base stations in the regional satellite navigation and positioning base station network have significant displacement (the plane position changes by more than 2cm or the elevation changes by more than 3cm), the base station coordinates should be updated in time. When the cumulative number of base station updates reaches 30%, the entire network should be updated.
Data processing
Data processing of satellite navigation and positioning base station network shall meet the following basic requirements: data processing software and parameter settings shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/T28588; a)
The content of data processing may include: station coordinates, velocity field, time series, ionosphere, troposphere, etc.; b)
The data processing results shall meet the requirements of the relevant provisions of GB/T18314, and the accuracy index shall not be lower than the requirements of Class A network 10 Security guarantee
Facility safety
The facility safety of satellite navigation and positioning base station network shall meet the following basic requirements: base station and data The central computer room should establish a safety management system and formulate a fire safety plan; a)
b) The base station equipment should strengthen safety protection measures, and it is advisable to install environmental monitoring equipment (including video monitoring, temperature and humidity monitoring, smoke monitoring, etc.): 4
c) The observation pier body should be checked regularly for cracks or deformation, and safety fences should be installed for outdoor observation piers; d) The base station observation site should be designated as a safety protection area, and the surrounding environment should be inspected regularly; The data center computer room should have access control, and have safety, fire prevention, anti-theft and other conditions to meet environmental, temperature, humidity and other requirements. e)
10.2 Network Security
The network security of the satellite navigation and positioning base station network shall meet the following basic requirements: a) The transmission network from the base station to the data center shall be encrypted and protected by a dedicated network or commercial encryption means; the data center computer room shall be equipped with firewalls, network gates, security audits and other software and hardware security protection devices in accordance with network security and information security requirements; the network providing real-time services in the data center shall meet the requirements of controlled management. c)
10.3 Product Security
The product security of the satellite navigation and positioning base station network shall meet the following basic requirements: a) The product shall be managed in accordance with the national requirements for the classification of satellite navigation and positioning base station data confidentiality and surveying and mapping results: b) The observation data of the base station shall be managed by a dedicated person who is responsible for the download, storage, backup and processing of the data: c)
When providing product services to the outside, user review shall be adopted to meet the requirements of controlled product management. 11 Emergency Support
Emergency support should meet the following basic requirements: a) Establish an emergency response mechanism, formulate an emergency work plan, and deal with emergencies such as software and hardware failures of data centers and base stations, network communication failures, system failures, and data security; b) It is advisable to establish a data center off-site backup system and equip necessary base station backup equipment, and have the ability to quickly rebuild the system and coordinate framework;
Destroyed base stations should be handled in a timely manner to restore the normal operation of the station; c
d) The station’s observation is damaged due to major changes in the surrounding environment (such as electromagnetic interference, obstruction, etc.); When the data cannot be collected or transmitted, it should be processed in time;
If the site cannot be restored due to damage and environmental changes, the site should be relocated and rebuilt. 12 System monitoring
The satellite navigation positioning base station network system monitoring should meet the following basic requirements a) The base station network should regularly conduct functional tests such as compatibility and data management and performance tests such as real-time positioning accuracy and concurrent services b) The base station network should have a system monitoring station, which can be a combination of fixed and mobile methods to monitor whether the broadcast real-time positioning information is normal:
Fixed monitoring stations can evenly select base stations with stable performance in the system. Mobile monitoring stations generally adopt vehicle-mounted and conventional mobile c)
station operation modes.
Submit Report
The satellite navigation and positioning base station network shall prepare an annual operation and maintenance report, which shall mainly include the basic situation of the station network, data quality, coordinate frame, service situation, maintenance of hardware and software equipment, site maintenance, etc., and shall include the following annexes: GB/T39618—2020
Base station inspection record form;
Base station information form;
Software system maintenance record form;
Duty log form;
Backup statistics record form;www.bzxz.net
Base station inspection record form is shown in A.1.
Station name:
Inspection items
Temperature and humidity
Observation environment
Appearance of equipment
Power supply
Satellite tracking
Appendix A
(Normative appendix)
Base station inspection record
Base station inspection record
Overview of the situation
Comprehensive environment
Year, month, day
Record temperature and humidity to determine whether they are in the temperature and humidity range for normal operation of each device|| tt||Observe the surrounding environment to see if there are any new buildings, trees or other hidden dangers that may affect the observation quality
Visually judge whether the equipment in the observation room is neatly arranged and clean
Whether the doors, windows and monitoring equipment are complete, and whether there are any hidden dangers to equipment and data security
Receiver equipment
Whether the appearance is complete, and whether the interface is firm and not loose. Judge whether the input power of the receiver is normal. Whether the number of satellites and signal quality are normal, and record the number of satellites
Whether the data recording and storage configuration are normal
Power supply equipment
Whether the mains connection is normal, and whether the power interface is firm and not loose
DC and AC UPS||tt| |Auxiliary equipment
Appearance of equipment
GNSS antenna
Are UPS power supply, load, battery and wiring normal? Are auxiliary equipment such as sockets and power surge protectors working normally? Observation pier equipment
Are there any damages to the pier body, GNSS antenna, meteorological instrument, protection box and bracket?
Is the antenna connector firm? Is the antenna pointing to the north? Are the screws of the radome loose or fallen?
(Normal/Abnormal)| |tt||(Normal/Abnormal)
Station name:
Inspection items
Weather instrument
Cables and connectors
Equipment appearance
Switch (router)
Equipment appearance
Grounding electrode
Grounding resistance
Maintenance person:
Table A.1 (continued)
Overview of the situation
Is the meteorological instrument working normally? Is it collecting temperature, humidity, air pressure and other data normally?
Are all cables intact? Are the joints firm and protected with insulating tape?
Network equipment
Are network equipment such as routers and switches obviously damaged?
Are the power supply and data communication normal?
Are the network cables firmly connected and not loose?
Lightning protection equipment
Lightning protection Check whether the needle is damaged, whether the lightning protection belt, grounding wire, etc. are damaged. Check whether the grounding electrode is loose. Check whether the grounding resistance meets the national standard requirements. Record the grounding resistance value. Check whether the grounding resistance value meets the national standard requirements. Check whether the grounding resistance value meets the national standard requirements. Check whether the grounding resistance value meets the national standard requirements. Check whether the grounding resistance value meets the national standard requirements. Check whether the grounding resistance value meets the national standard requirements. Check whether the grounding resistance value meets the national standard requirements. Check whether the grounding needle is damaged, whether the lightning protection belt, grounding wire, etc. are damaged. Check whether the grounding electrode is loose. Check whether the grounding resistance meets the national standard requirements. Check whether the grounding resistance value meets the national standard requirements. Check whether the grounding resistance value meets the national standard requirements. Check whether the grounding resistance value meets the national standard requirements. Check whether the grounding needle is damaged, whether the lightning protection belt, grounding wire, etc. are damaged. Check whether the grounding electrode is loose. Check whether the grounding electrode is loose. Check whether the grounding resistance meets the national standard requirements. Check whether the grounding resistance value ...
Note: The attributes are bedrock/soil layer/roof
Appendix B
(Normative Appendix)
Base station information table
Base station information table
Access number
Serial number
Antenna height
Access method
Access number
Serial number
Staff and contact
Contact method
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