This standard specifies the types and basic parameters of multistage clean water centrifugal pumps. This standard applies to pumps that transport clean water or other liquids with physical and chemical properties similar to water. The temperature of the transported liquid is generally not higher than 80℃, and the temperature of the boiler feed water is not higher than 110℃. JB/T 1051-1993 Multistage clean water centrifugal pump types and basic parameters JB/T1051-1993 Standard download decompression password:
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Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T1051-93 Multistage Clean Water Centrifugal Pump Type and Basic Parameters Published on 1993-07-13 Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China Implementation on 1994-07-01 Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Multistage Clean Water Centrifugal Pump Type and Basic Parameters Subject Content and Scope of Application JB/T1051-93 This standard specifies the type and basic parameters of multistage clean water centrifugal pumps (hereinafter referred to as pumps). This standard applies to pumps that transport clean water or other liquids with physical and chemical properties similar to water. The temperature of the transported liquid is generally not higher than 80℃, and the temperature of the boiler feed water is not higher than 110℃. 2 Reference standards GB5659 GB/T13006 GB/T13007 Technical conditions for multistage high-pressure water pumps Centrifugal, mixed flow pumps and axial flow pumps NPSH efficiency of centrifugal pumps Type and basic parameters Structural type The pump is multistage horizontal. The impeller is single suction (or the first stage impeller is double suction), and the casing is segmented. 3.2 Basic parameters 3.2.1 The basic parameters of the pump shall comply with the provisions of the table, and the values listed in the table are the performance at the specified point. The performance operating range of the pump is shown in the figure. 3.2.2 The efficiency of the pump shall comply with the provisions of GB/T13007. 3.2.3 The NPSH of the pump shall comply with the provisions of GB/T13006. 3.2.4 The performance inspection and deviation of the pump shall comply with the provisions of GB5659. 3.3 Model indication method 3.3.1D-type pump Single-stage head, m Flow, m2/h Multistage clean water centrifugal pump (DS is used when the first-stage impeller is double-suction, and DA is used when two speeds are specified at the same time) Example: The model of a multistage clean water centrifugal pump with a flow of 46m/h, a single-stage head of 30m, and 10 stages is D46-30×10. 3.3.2DG type pump Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on July 13, 1993 Implementation on July 1, 1994 Jn/T1051-93 Number of stages Single-stage head, m Flow, m/h Multi-stage boiler feed centrifugal pump Example: The model of a multi-stage boiler feed centrifugal pump with a flow rate of 46m*/h, a single-stage head of 50m and 12 stages is DG46-50×12. 4 Direction of rotation Viewed from the drive end, the ticket rotates clockwise. Table | |tt | 5×6 DG6-25×6 D6-25×7 DG6-25×7 D6-25× 8 DG6-25×8 D6-25×9 DG6-25×9 D6-25X×10 DG6-25×10 DG6-25X11 DG6-25×11 DG6-25×12 DG6-25X12 Lift H Speed n Specific speed n. Type number K Pump model D10-40X2 DG10-40×2 D10-40×3 DG10-40X3 D10-40×4 DG10-40X4 D10-40X×5 DG10-40X5 D10-40X6 DG10-40X6 D10-40X7 DG10-40×7 D10-40X8 DG10-40×8 D10-40X 9 DG10-40× 9 D10-40X10 DG10-40×10 D12-25×2 D12-25×3 DG12-25X3 D12-25×4 DG12-25X4 D12-25×5 DG12-25×5 D12-25X6 DG12-25×6 D12-25×7 DG12-25X7 D12-25×8|| tt||DG12-25X8 D12-25×9 DG12-25×9 JB/T1051-93 Head H Speed n Specific speed n Type number K Pump model D12-25×10 DG12-25X10 D12-25X11 DG12-25×11 D12-25X12 DG12-25X12 D12-50×4 DG12 -50×4 D12-50×5 DG12-50X5 D12-50×6 DG12-50×6 D12-50×7 DG12-50X×7 D12-50X8 DG12-50X8||tt| |D12-50×9 DG12-50×9 D12-50X10 DG12-50X10 D12-50×11 DG12-50X11 D12- 50×12 DG12-50X12 D18-8×2 DA18-8X2 D18-8×3 DA18-8×3 D18-8×4 DA18-8X4 D18-8×5 DA18-8×5 D18-8×6 DA18-8×6 JB/T1051-93 Lift H Speed R (D type) (DA type) Specific speed n. Type number K Pump model D18-8×7 DA18-8×7 D18-8X8 DA18-8X8 D18-8×9 DA18-8X9 D25-30X4 DG25-30X4| | tt | 0×9| |tt||DG25-30X×9 D25-30X10 DG25-30×10 D25-50X4 DG25-50X4 D25-50X5 DG25-50×5 -5 0X6 | |tt | | D25-50X7 | | tt | |JB/T Head H Speed n (D type) (DA type) Specific speed Type number K Pump model D25-50×11 DG25-50×11 D25-50X12 DG25-50X12 D33-12×2 DA33-12×2 D33-12×3 DA33-12X3 D33-12×4 DA33-12X4 D33-12×5 DA33-12X5 D33-1 2×6||tt| |DA33-12X6 D33-12×7 DA33-12X7 D33-12×8 DA33-12X8 D33-12×9 DA33-12X9 D46-30X4 DG46-30×4| |tt||D46 -30×5 DG46-30×5 D46-30×6 DG46-30X6 D46-30×7 DG46-30X7 D46-30X8 DG46-30×8 D46-30X9 DG46-30X 9 D46-30×10 DG46-30X10 JB/T1051-93 Head H Speed R (D type) (DA type) Specific speed n Type number K Pump model D46-50×4 DG46-50X4 D46-50×5 DG46-50×5 D46-50× 6 DG46-50×6 D46-50X7 DG46-50×7 D46-50X8 DG46-50×8 D46-50X9 DG46-50X9 D46-50X10 DG 46-50X10 D46-50 ×11 | ||DA54-16×4 D54 -16X5 ||tt || DA54-16X9 JB/T 1051-93 Lift H (D type) (DA type) Specific speed n Type number K Pump model D85-45×2 D85-45×3 D85-45X4 D85-45×5 D85-45×6|| tt||D85-45×7 D85-45×8 D85-45×9 D85-67X4 DG85-67X4 D85-67×5 DG85-67X6 DG85-67 X6 D85-6 7 × 7 | | tt | | DG85-67 × 7 | t||DA100-20X3 D100-20×4 DA100-20X4 D100-20×5 DA100-20X5 D100-20×6 DA100-20X6 D100-20X7 DA100-20X7 D100-20X8 DA100-20×8 D100-20×9 DA100-20X9 JB/T 105193 Lift H Speed n (D type) (DA type) Specific speed n. Type number K Pump model D155-30×2 D155-30×3 D155-30X4 D155-30X5 D155-30X×6 D155-30×7 D155-30× 8 D155-30X×9 D155-30X10 D155-67×4 DG155-67×4 D155-67×5 DG155-67×5 D155-67×6 DG155-67X 6 D155-67X7 DG155-67×7 D155-67×8 DG155-67X8 D155-67×9 DG155-67X9 D280-43X2 D280-43X3 D280-43X4 D280-43X5 D280-43×6 D280-43×7 D280-43×8 D280-43X9 D280-65X5 D280-65X6 D280-65X7 D280-65×8 D280-65×9 D280-65X10 JB/T10S1-93 Lift H Speed n Specific speed n. Type number K Pump model D450-60×3 D450-60X4 D450-60X5 D450-60×6 D450-60×7 D450-60X8 D450-60X9 D450-6 0X10 DS720-80X3 DS720-80X4 DS720-80×5 DS720-80X6 DS720-80X7 DS720-80X8 JB/T1051-93 Lift H Specific speed n. 70(double suction) 90(single suction) Type number K1051-93 Lift H (D type) (DA type) Specific speed n Type number K Pump model D85-45×2 D85-45×3 D85-45X4 D85-45×5 D85-45×6|| tt||D85-45×7 D85-45×8 D85-45×9 D85-67X4 DG85-67X4 D85-67×5 DG85-67X6 DG85-67 X6 D85-6 7 × 7 | | tt | | DG85-67 × 7 | t||DA100-20X3 D100-20×4 DA100-20X4 D100-20×5 DA100-20X5 D100-20×6 DA100-20X6 D100-20X7 DA100-20X7 D100-20X8 DA100-20×8 D100-20×9 DA100-20X9 JB/T 105193 Lift H Speed n (D type) (DA type) Specific speed n. Type number K Pump model D155-30×2 D155-30×3 D155-30X4 D155-30X5 D155-30X×6 D155-30×7 D155-30× 8 D155-30X×9 D155-30X10 D155-67×4 DG155-67×4 D155-67×5 DG155-67×5 D155-67×6 DG155-67X 6 D155-67X7 DG155-67×7 D155-67×8 DG155-67X8 D155-67×9 DG155-67X9 D280-43X2 D280-43X3 D280-43X4 D280-43X5 D280-43×6 D280-43×7 D280-43×8 D280-43X9 D280-65X5 D280-65X6 D280-65X7 D280-65×8 D280-65×9 D280-65X10 JB/T10S1-93 Lift H Speed n Specific speed n. Type number K Pump model D450-60×3 D450-60X4 D450-60X5 D450-60×6 D450-60×7 D450-60X8 D450-60X9 D450-6 0X10 DS720-80X3 DS720-80X4 DS720-80×5 DS720-80X6 DS720-80X7 DS720-80X8 JB/T1051-93 Lift H Specific speed n. 70(double suction) 90(single suction) Type number K1051-93 Lift H (D type) (DA type) Specific speed n Type number K Pump model D85-45×2 D85-45×3 D85-45X4 D85-45×5 D85-45×6|| tt||D85-45×7 D85-45×8 D85-45×9 D85-67X4 DG85-67X4 D85-67×5 DG85-67X6 DG85-67 X6 D85-6 7 × 7 | | tt | | DG85-67 × 7 | t||DA100-20X3 D100-20×4 DA100-20X4 D100-20×5 DA100-20X5 D100-20×6 DA100-20X6 D100-20X7 DA100-20X7 D100-20X8 DA100-20×8 D100-20×9 DA100-20X9 JB/T 105193 Lift H Speed n (D type) (DA type) Specific speed n. Type number K Pump model D155-30×2 D155-30×3 D155-30X4 D155-30X5 D155-30X×6 D155-30×7 D155-30× 8 D155-30X×9 D155-30X10 D155-67×4 DG155-67×4 D155-67×5 DG155-67×5 D155-67×6 DG155-67X 6 D155-67X7 DG155-67×7 D155-67×8 DG155-67X8 D155-67×9 DG155-67X9 D280-43X2 D280-43X3 D280-43X4 D280-43X5 D280-43×6 D280-43×7 D280-43×8 D280-43X9 D280-65X5 D280-65X6 D280-65X7 D280-65×8 D280-65×9 D280-65X10 JB/T10S1-93 Lift H Speed n Specific speed n. Type number K Pump model D450-60×3 D450-60X4 D450-60X5 D450-60×6 D450-60×7 D450-60X8 D450-60X9 D450-6 0X10 DS720-80X3 DS720-80X4 DS720-80×5 DS720-80X6 DS720-80X7 DS720-80X8 JB/T1051-93 Lift H Specific speed n. 70(double suction) 90(single suction) Type number K Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.