title>Electronic data interchange for administration,commerce and transport(EDIFACT)-Segment directory-Part2:Segment directory for interactive-EDI - GB/T 15634.2-2001 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Electronic data interchange for administration,commerce and transport(EDIFACT)-Segment directory-Part2:Segment directory for interactive-EDI
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 15634.2-2001
Standard Name:Electronic data interchange for administration,commerce and transport(EDIFACT)-Segment directory-Part2:Segment directory for interactive-EDI
Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment>>Information technology applications>>35.240.60 Information technology in transportation and trade
Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A10 Commerce, Trade, Contract
This standard specifies the marking, name, function, structure and index of user data segments used in interactive electronic data interchange. This standard applies to the design of interactive electronic data interchange messages and the structuring of data. GB/T 15634.2-2001 Segment directory for electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport Part 2: Segment directory for interactive electronic data interchange GB/T15634.2-2001 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the marking, name, function, structure and index of user data segments used in interactive electronic data interchange. This standard applies to the design of interactive electronic data interchange messages and the structuring of data.
Some standard content:
ICS35.240.60 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T15634.2—2001 Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT)-Segment directory-Part 2: Segment directory for interactive electronic data interchange interactive-EDI2001-04-09 Issued 2001-10-01 Implementation State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision Issued GB/T15634.2—2001 Reference mark Explanation of paragraph representation 5.1 Index arranged in alphabetical order by paragraph mark 5.2 Index arranged in alphabetical order by English name of paragraph 6 Paragraph specification GB/T15634.2--2001 This standard is equivalent to the "Interactive Electronic Data Interchange Segment Directory" in Chapter 3 of Part 5 of the United Nations series of standards for electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (UN/EDIFACT D97B). The difference between this standard and Chapter 3 of Part 5 of UN/EDIFACT D97B is that the scope, reference standards, definitions and relevant explanations of paragraph representation are added in the structure. This series of standards, under the general title of "Segment Directory for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport", includes the following two parts: Part 1: Segment Directory for Batch Electronic Data Interchange Part 2: Segment Directory for Interactive Electronic Data Interchange This standard is proposed by the China Standards Research Center. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Electronic Business Standardization. The drafting units of this standard are: China Standards Research Center, General Administration of Customs, and Water Transport Research Institute of the Ministry of Communications. The main drafters of this standard are: Cheng Nufan, Zhang Rongjing, Liu Bisong, Shi Wenlai, and Huang Deyu. Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT)-Segment directory-Part 2.Segment directory for interactive-EDI GB/T15634.2—2001 This standard specifies the marking, name, function, structure and index of user data segments used in interactive electronic data interchange. This standard applies to the design of interactive electronic data interchange messages and the structuring of data. 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T14805.1-1999 Application level syntax rules for electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (Syntax version number: 4) Part 1: Common syntax rules and syntax service directory (idtISO9735-1:1998) 3 Definitions The definitions adopted in this standard can be found in Appendix A of GB/T14805.1-1999. 4 Explanations of segment representation For details on the representation of position identifiers, tags, names, states, maximum times and data element values in segment specifications, please refer to Appendix C1.1 of GB/T14805.1-1999. 5 Index 5.1 Alphabetical index to paragraph markers Chinese name Accommodationallocation informationAddress Additional transport detailsService details Tour information Clear terminate information Commission information Contact details English name Accommodationallocation informationAddress Additional transport detailsService details Tour information Clear terminate information Commission information Connection details Approved by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on April 9, 2001 and implemented on October 1, 2001 Chinese name Contact information Consumer reference information Daily availability Discount information Application error information Frequent flyer information Hardware device information Interactive free text Level identification Auto transport instructions Message action details Participant name Number of units Origin and destination details Request source details Product information Product location information Payment information Product identification Booking control information Quantity and action details Rate type Rate details Rules information Selection details Special needs details Passenger document information Price list information Passenger information Transportation restriction details Travel product information Transportation tools GB/T15634.22001 English name Contact information | | tt | t||Origin and destination detailsOriginator of request detailsProduct information Product location informationPayment information Product identification Reservation control informationQuantity and action details Rate types Rate details Rule information Selection details Special requirement details Traveller document informationTariff information Travellerinformation Traffic restriction details Travel product information Vehicle 5.2 Alphabetical index to the English name of the section English name Accommodation allocation informationAdditional transport detailsAddress Application error informationCar delivery instruction Clear terminate information Chinese name Accommodation arrangement information Additional transport details Application error information Car delivery instruction Cancel sent information English name Commission information Connection details GB/T15634.2—2001 Chinese name Commission information Contact details Consumer reference informationContact information Currencies Daily availability Discount information Frequent traveller informationHardware device information Interactive free text Itemnumber Level indication Message action details Number of units Origin and destination detailsOriginator of request detailsPartyname Payment information Product identification Product information Product location informationQuantity and action details||tt| |Rate details Rate types Reservation control informationRule information Selection details Service details Special requirement details Tariff information Tour informationbzxZ.net Traffic restriction details Travel product information Traveller document information information Vehicle 6-segment specification Consumer reference information Contact information Daily availability Discount information Frequent flyer information Hardware device information Interactive free text Level identification Message action details Number of units Origin and destination details Request originator details Party name Payment information Product identification Product information Product location information Quantity and action details rate details rate type booking control information rule information selection details service details special needs details price list information travel information transportation restriction details travel product information passenger document information passenger information transportation means AAI accommodation arrangement informationACCOMMODATIONALLOCATIONINFORMATION Function: Describes the reference, type and characteristics of accommodation arranged for the reservation request. Note: Component data element 4184 of special needs data as additional information appears 99 times in the composite data element. 3 Identifier Chinese name Meal and accommodation arrangement information Reference number Relationship, code type Special demand type identifier Characteristic value, code type Special demand details ADDRESS Function: Describe the address. Identifier Chinese name Address usage Address purpose, code type Address type, code type Address status, code type Address details Address format, code type Address component Address component Address component Address component Address component Address component City name Postal code identifier Country (region), code National administrative division details||t t||National administrative division identification Code table qualifier Code table responsible agency, Code type National administrative division Location identification Place/location identification Code table qualifier Code table responsible agency, Code type Place/location GB/T15634.2-2001 English name ACOMMODATION INFORMATION Reference number | ||Address format, coded Address component Address component Address component Address component Address component Address component CITY NAME POSTCODEIDENTIFICATION COUNTRY,CODED COUNTRY SUB-ENTITY DETAILS Country sub-entity identificationCode list qualifier Code list responsible agency,codedCountry sub-entity LOCATIONIDENTIFICATION Place/locationidentificationCode list qualifier Code list responsible agency,codedPlace/location APDAdditional transport details GB/T15634.2—2001 ADDITIONALTRANSPORTDETAILS Function: Transmit additional information about the means of transport. Location Identifier Chinese name Transport details Transport type identification Journey duration Percentage Working day Date/time/duration Complex transport indicator Place/location identification Place/location identification Place/location identification Terminal station information Channel identification First relevant place/position Place identification First relevant place/location Place identification Distance or time details Measurement value Measurement unit qualifier Passenger time details Registration date and time Special travel facilities Facility type, coded type Facility type description English name TRANSPORTDETAILS Typeof meansof transport identification Number of stops Leg duration Percentage Days of operation Date/time/period Complexing transport indicatorPlace/location identificationPlace/location identificationPlace/location identificationTERMINALINFORMATION Gate identification Related place/location one ident ification | coded Facility type description ASDService detailsSERVICEDETAILS Function: Describe the date, time and location information related to the service. Location Identifier Chinese name Service date, time and Location information Special services, coded 2002Time English name DATE,TIME,LOCA-M SERVICE TIONINFORMATION Special services, coded 2002Time Place/location Tourism information GB/T15634.2—2001 Place/location TOURINFORMATION Function: Transmit information related to tourism. Identifier Chinese name Tour details Product identification Party name Working days Number of units Stopover information Place/location identification Number of units Withdraw sent information English name TOUR DETAILS Product identification Partyname Length dimension Number of stops Days of operation Number of units Quantity STOPOVERINFORMATION Place/location identificationNumber of units CLEARTERMINATEINFORMATION Function: Describes the information required to cancel all or part of a previous action in a business transaction. Position Identifier Chinese name English name Action request/notification, code ACTION Message function, coded Free text Commission information REQUEST/NOTIFICA- TION, CODED MESSAGEFUNCTION, CODED FREETEXT COMMISSIONINFORMATION Function: Describes information about commissions. Identifier Chinese name Commission details Payment conditions, coded Monetary amount Currency, coded Party name Free text English name COMMISSIONDETAILS Payment conditions, coded Monetary amount Currency, coded Partyname Free text CNX contact details GB/T15634.2—2001 CONNECTION DETAILS Function: Describe the contact location and the designated provider. Location Identifier Chinese name Contact details Place/location identification Party name Contact information English name CONNECTIONDETAILS Place/location identificationPartyname CONTACTINFORMATION Function: Describe the contact party's communication number and name. Location Identifier Chinese name E966Contact information Party qualifier Communication number Communication channel qualifier Party name English name CONTACTINFORMATION Partyqualifier Communication number Communication channel qualifierPartyname Consumer reference informationCONSUMERREFERENCEINFORMATION Function: Describes the reference information of the consumer. Position Identifier Chinese name Consumer reference identifier Reference qualifier Reference number Party name Traveller reference number CURRENCIES English name CONSUMERREFERENCEIDENTI FICATION Reference qualifier Reference number Party name Traveller reference number Function: Details of the currency used in the transaction and its exchange rate. Position Identifier Chinese name Currency details Currency details qualifier Currency, coded Currency qualifier Currency rate base Currency details Currency details qualifier Currency, coded English name CURRENCYDETAILS Currency details qualifier Currency, coded Currency qualifier Currency rate base CURRENCYDETAILS Currency details qualifier Currency, coded Currency qualifier Currency rate base GB/T 15634.2—2001 Currency qualifier Currency rate base RATEOFEXCHANGE Foreign exchange market, CURRENCY Daily availability MARKET CHANGE, CODED DAILYAVAILABILITY Function: Describes availability based on daily basis. Position Identifier Discount information Chinese name Characteristic identification Daily availability information Requested information English name CHARACTERISTIC IDENTIFICA- DAILYAVAILABILITYINFORMA- Requested information DISCOUNTINFORMATION Function: Describes information about discounts. Identifier Chinese name E998 Discount information Adjustment reason, coded Percentage Party name Number of units APPLICATIONERRORINFORMATION Function: Identify the type of application error in the message. Position Identifier Chinese name Application error details Application error identification Code list qualifier English name APPLICATIONERROR DETAILS Application error identificationCode list qualifier Code list responsible agency,codedCode list responsible agency, Code type FREQUENTTRAVELLERINFORMATIONFTIFrequent traveler information Function: Provides information about frequent travelers. Location Identifier Chinese name Frequent traveller identification English name FREQUENTTRAVELLERIDENTI FICATION Party name Frequent traveller identification Traveler reference number GB/T15634.2-2001 Partyname Frequent traveller identificationTraveller reference number Hardware device informationHARDWARE DEVICE INFORMATIONFunction: Describes the hardware device line number, access level, device type and characteristics. Location Identifier Chinese name Communication number Department or employee identification Computer environment, code E003 Attribute information Attribute type, coded English name COMMUNICATIONNUMBER DEPARTMENTOREMPLOYEE IDENTIFICATION COMPUTER ENVIRONMENT,COD ATTRIBUTEINFORMATION Attribute type, coded Attribute Interactive free textINTERACTIVEFREETEXTFunction: Provides free-format information. Identifier Chinese name Free text restriction Text subject qualifier Information type identificationStatus, coded Partyname Language, coded Free text ITEMNUMBER Function: Indicates the item number. Identifier Chinese name E212 Item number identification Item number type, coded Code table qualifier English name FREETEXTOUALIFICATION Text subject qualifier Information type identificationStatus, coded Partyname Language,coded FREETEXT English name ITEM NUMBER IDENTIFICATION Itemnumber Item numbertype, coded Code list qualifier Code list responsible agency, coded Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.