A blank detailed specification is a supplementary document to a sub-specification and includes requirements for the format, layout and minimum content of a detailed specification. Detailed specifications that do not comply with these requirements are not considered to be in compliance with the requirements of the electronic component quality assessment system. GB/T 9325-1996 Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment Part 10: Blank detailed specification Multilayer ceramic chip capacitors Assessment level E GB/T9325-1996 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
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GB/T9325—1996 This standard is equivalent to the international standard IFC384-10-1:1989 Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment Part 10: Blank detailed specification: Multilayer chip ceramic capacitors without its first revision (1993). The multi-lip chip ceramic capacitors included in this standard have been produced in my country for several years and several production lines have been introduced. They have reached the international standard level in terms of technical indicators, test severity and quality assurance. The formulation of this standard has laid a good foundation for promoting international trade and technical exchanges of such products and participating in international quality certification. This standard replaces GB 9325-88. Because GB 932-88 is equivalent to the Central Office document of IEC 384-10-1, the International Electrotechnical Commission issued the official version in 1989, namely IEC 381 101 (QC: 301 901). There are certain differences in the arrangement of clauses and technical contents between the two. This revision of GB 9325-88 makes it consistent with the official version of IEC 384-10-1. This standard is a supplement to GB/T 9324-1996 (idt IEC 384-10: 1989, Amendment 1 (1993)) "Specialized capacitors for electronic equipment Part 10: Sectional specification for multilayer ceramic capacitors", and is the basis for formulating detailed specifications for this type of product. The test methods and severity levels specified in the standard are selected from GB2693-90≤Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment Part 1: General specifications for capacitors (IDT [EC: 381-11982. Amendment 2 (1987), Amendment 3 (1989)). This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Cui Guang. This standard was first issued in June 1988. ..comGB/T 9325—1996 IEC Foreword 1) The formal resolutions or agreements of IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) on technical issues are formulated by technical committees participated by national committees with special concerns about these issues, and represent the international consensus on the issues involved as much as possible. 2) These resolutions or agreements are provided for international use in the form of recommended standards and are recognized by national committees in this sense. 3) In order to promote international unification, IEC hopes that national committees will adopt IFC standards if conditions permit in their own countries. The text of the standard shall be used as the national standard. Differences between IEC standards and corresponding national standards shall, as far as possible, be indicated in the national standard. Preface This standard was prepared by Technical Committee 40 (Capacitors and Resistors for Electronic Equipment) of the International Electrotechnical Commission. The text of this standard is based on the following documents: Six-month method 404.o.630 40(CO598 40(C.0.)599 Voting report 41(C.0).3666 40(C.0.)64h 40(C.0.)647 More detailed information can be found in the voting reports listed in the table above. QC on the cover of this standard It is the specification number of the IEC electronic component quality assessment system (IECQ). Other IEC standards referenced in this standard: IEC384-1 (1982) Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment Part 1: General specification Amendment No. 2 (1987) and Amendment No. 3 (1989) IFC384-10 (1989) Part 10: Sectional specification: Multilayer chip ceramic dielectric fixed capacitors EC410 (1973) Sampling plan and procedure for counting inspection Introduction National Standard of the People's Republic of China Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment Part 10: Blank detail specification Multilayer chip ceramic dielectric capacitors Assessment level E Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipmentPart 10:Blank detail specificationFixed multilayer ceramic chip capacitorsAssessment level E Blank detail specification GB/T 9325-1996 idt IEC384-10-1:1989 Qc 301 901 代翘GB9325--88 A blank detail specification is a supplementary document to the sub-specification and includes requirements for the format, arrangement and minimum content of the detailed specification. A detailed specification that does not comply with these requirements is not considered to be a standard that meets the requirements of the electronic component quality assessment system. When formulating the detailed specification, the contents of sub-specification 1.1 should be considered. The following corresponding information should be filled in the position marked with numbers in brackets on the first page: Identification of the detailed specification: (1) Organization authorized to draft this detailed specification: IEC or national standards promotion agency. (2) IEC or national standard detailed specification number, date of publication and other information required by the national system. (3) IEC or national standard general specification number and its version number. (4) IEC or national standard blank detailed specification number. Identification of capacitor: (5) Brief description of the capacitor type. (6) Brief description of typical structure (when applicable). (7) Appearance drawings and/or national or international documents on appearance of the main dimensions affecting interchangeability. Alternatively, such drawings can be given in the appendix to the detailed specification. (8) Application or application groups and/or assessment levels involved. Note: If one or more assessment levels are used in the detailed specification, they should be selected from 3.5.4 of the sub-specification. This means that several assessment levels can share one blank detailed specification as long as the division of the test groups remains unchanged. (9) Reference data of important characteristics in order to compare various types of capacitors. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on July 9, 1996 and implemented on December 1, 1996. GB/T 9325. Quality assessment of electronic components according to: Appearance drawing (see Table 1 for dimensions) (angle projection method) (other shapes are allowed within the specified scale range) GB/T GB/T 9325 TEC: 384-10-1(1989) QC301901 Multilayer ceramic capacitors Evaluation level The valid data of the devices qualified according to this detailed specification are given in the qualified products list (2) 1 General data 1.1 Recommended installation method (insertion type) See 1.4.2 of GB/T 9324. 1.2 Dimensions Outline dimensions CB/T 9325—1996 Chapter 1 General data 【When the dimensions are specified, Table 1 can be omitted. The dimensions should be given in Table 2, and then Table 2 should be changed to Table 1.2 The dimensions should give the minimum or nominal dimensions and the allowable deviation. 1.3 Rated values and characteristics Capacitance range (see Table 2) Allowable deviation of nominal capacitance; Rated voltage (see Table 2): Climate category: Rated temperature: Loss tangent; Insulation resistance: Overflow coefficient (Class 1) a:_10-6/C; Capacitance temperature characteristics (Class 2) Rated voltage Nominal capacitance (or) 1.4 Related documents Table 2 Relationship between rated voltage, capacitance and dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard by reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should discuss the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GE2693-90 Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment Part 1: General specification (idtIEC.384-1:1982) GB/T 9324-1996 Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment Part 10: Specific specification Multilayer ceramic capacitors (idt.JEC384-10,19893 1.5 Marking The marking on the capacitor (if applicable) and the marking on the packaging shall comply with GB/T9324-1996 1.6 requirements, Note: The capacitor and packaging marking details are specified in detail in the detailed specification. 1.6 Ordering information GB/T 9325—1996 The order form for the capacitors covered by this specification shall include at least the following information in the form of general text or code: a) Nominal capacitance Www.bzxZ.net h) Permissible deviation of nominal capacitance; c) Rated DC voltage! d) Capacitance temperature characteristics/temperature coefficient; e) Detailed specification number and version number, as well as model marking. 1.7 Release batch certification record Required/not required 1. 8 Additional content (not for inspection) 1.9 Increased or improved severity or requirements for the provisions of the general specification and/or sub-specification Note: Increase or improve requirements only when necessary. Table 3 Other characteristics This table is used for the addition or higher severity of the characteristics specified in the sub-specification. Chapter 2 Inspection requirements 2 Inspection requirements 2.1 Procedure 2.1.1 The qualification batch selection procedure shall comply with the provisions of 3.4 of the sub-specification GB/T 9324. 2.1.2 For quality consistency inspection, the test list (Table 4) includes sampling, cycle, severity and requirements. 3.5.1 of the sub-specification specifies the composition of the inspection batch. Table 4 1 The terms of test items and performance requirements are derived from the sub-specification GB/F 9324 and Chapter 1 of this specification. 2 Calibration level and AQL (acceptable quality level) selection IEC t1\; Count verification sample plan and procedure. 3 In this table cycle (month): sample size; qualified number (allowable number of unqualified products): destructive non-destructive, inspection level qualified quality level, clause number test item (see note 1) Group A inspection (ball batch) Group A1 4.5 Appearance inspection||tt ||4.5 Dimensions (details) Test conditions (See Note 1) (See Note 2) Performance requirements (See Note 1) According to 4.5.2. The markings shall be clear and in accordance with the provisions of 1.5 of this specification According to the provisions of Table 1 of this specification The test items See Note 1) A2 Group 4 .6.1 Capacitance Loss tangent (tena) 1.6.3 Insulation resistance (test 4.6.1 Withstand voltage (test A) Ugly group inspection (avoid reporting) 4.11 Solderability 4.11.2 Final measurement 4.18 Resistance to solvents (such as suitable) R2 group 13||t t||D or ND 4.7.1 Temperature coefficient and capacitance Measurement cycle drift (only 1 4.7.2 Capacitance temperature characteristics (Technical Class 2) Clause No. Approval Test Item Design (See Note 1) Group C Test (cycle) C1 Group 4.16 Terminal Strength" D or ND GB/T 9325—1996 Table 4 (continued) Test conditions [See Note 1] Frequency: _kHz Splash test voltage: V Frequency and test voltage are the same as in 4.6.1 Method 1 Appearance inspection Solvent: Solvent temperature, Direct delivery 1 Wipe material: absorbent cotton, Recovery: Pre-drying, 16 h~24 h Special pretreatment connection 4.」 Test conditions (See new 1) Test L.+ force: 2.5 N Test Lb, method 1 Bending number: 1 Appearance inspection *This test can be performed with the chip type inductor mounted on the substrate. AQI See Note 2) Sample size and Qualified number (See Note 3) Performance requirements (See Note 1) Within the specified tolerance range According to 4.6.2 Connected to Especially welded or worn According to 4.11.2 Clear marking AC/C: According to /C According to 4.7.2. 3 Performance requirements (See Note 1) No visible damage Clause number and test items (See Jiang 1) 4.10.2 Initial measurement 4.10 Resistance to soldering heat 1.10.4 Final measurement 4.17 Resistance to solvents of components (if applicable) C2 group ! Terminal electrode bonding strength C3 group 4.4 Installation C3.EA group 4.8 Adhesion" C3.1B group 4.13.2 Initial measurement 4.12 Rapid temperature change 4. 12.5 Final measurement GB/T 9325-1996 Table 4 (continued) Sample size Test conditions (see Note 1) Special pretreatment: according to 4.1 (Class 2 only) Method 1 Duration:. Recovery: (24±2)h Visual inspection Capacitance Solvent temperature: - Recovery: Capacitor plate (printed board in bent position) Visual inspection Board material: _* Visual inspection Capacitance Loss tangent Insulation resistance Resistance Telephone Appearance inspection Capacitance Special pretreatment; connect 4.1 (instrument 2 : lower limit category §; 1. Limit category end 5 cycles Continuous time 3 (Imin Recovery: 24_2)h Appearance inspection Capacitance Qualified judgment number (see Note 3) +When the substrate materials used in each group are different, the detailed specification should specify the material performance requirements used in each group (see Note 1) According to 4.10.4 According to 4. 160. 4 See detailed specification Capacitance reduction: No visible loss Within the specified tolerance range According to 4.6.2 According to 4.6.3. 3 No flying or breakdown No visible injury No visible damage AG/CAccording to 4.12.5 Clause number and test items (See Note 1) C3.1 Introduction &13 Climate sequence 4.13.2 Test quantity 4.13.8 Dry heat 1.13.4 Cyclic damp heat + test Db. The first cycle 4.13.5 Cold 4. 13. 6 Cycle sensible heat, test , other cycles 4.13.7 Minimum measurement C3.2 Group 4.14 Steady state mixed heat 4.14.2 Initial good value 4. 14. 5 Minimum measurement C3.3 Group 1.J5 Durability D or ND GB/T 9325-1996 Table 4 (continued) Sample size Test conditions (See Note 1) Special pretreatment according to 4.1 (Class 2 only) High capacity Temperature: Upper limit class temperature Duration Time 16 h Temperature: Lower limit class temperature To be continued Time: 2 h Appearance inspection Recovery: Class I, 6 h~24 h. Class 2: (24±2)h External spot inspection Loss angle scratch Insulation resistance Special pretreatment: Dial 4.1 (only Class 2) Capacitance Class 2: 6 h-~24 h Class 2: (24+2)h Appearance inspection Capacitance Loss angle tangent Ground circuit Special pretreatment: Dial 4.1 (only Class 2) To be continued time: 1000 1 Voltage, _V Temperature: ℃ Qualified judgment number (See Note 3) Performance requirements (See Note 1) No visible damage No visible damage mark A/According to 4.13.7 According to 4.13.7 Ammonium4.13.7 No visible frequency damage mark AC/C According to 4-14.5 According to 4.14.5 According to 4.14.5 Clause and test items (See Note 1) 4.15. 2 Initial measurements 4.15.5 Final measurements C4 Grouping 4.7.1 Temperature coefficient and cycle Source shift (only for Class 1) 4.7.2 Capacitor temperature characteristics (for Class 2) D or ND 1) Strip lead capacitors are not applicable! Capacitor base |GB/T9325—1996 Table 4 (end) Sample size and Qualified number Test strip (See Note 1) Recovery: <24±2)h Appearance inspection Capacitance Electrostatic tangent Insulation resistance Pre-drying 16 h~24 h Special pretreatment: according to 1.1 (see Note 3) 2) When calculating the unqualified products after the subsequent test, the defects found after the capacitor is installed should not be calculated. 3 Applicable to strip-type lead-out terminal wearers, ) If the cumulative dielectric material has been subjected to the corresponding test in each manufacturing batch, the test of this group can be omitted. 5 According to the provisions of the detailed specification, the chip capacitors installed on the oxide ship substrate are not subject to the performance requirements (see Note 1) No visible damage, clear markings 4C/C According to 4.15.5 According to 4.15.5 According to 1.15.5 /C According to /According to 4-7.2.3 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.