title>Technical regulation on subsurface drainage and desalination soil. Part 1:Soil survey - TD/T 1043.1-2013 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Technical regulation on subsurface drainage and desalination soil. Part 1:Soil survey

Basic Information

Standard ID: TD/T 1043.1-2013

Standard Name:Technical regulation on subsurface drainage and desalination soil. Part 1:Soil survey

Chinese Name: 暗管改良盐碱地技术规程 第1部分土壤调查

Standard category:Land Management Industry Standard (TD)

state:in force

Date of Release2013-10-12

Date of Implementation:2013-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental protection, health care and safety>>Soil and soil science>>13.080.01 Comprehensive soil and soil science

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture & Forestry>>Soil & Fertilizer>>B10 Soil & Fertilizer General

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2013-12-01

other information

drafter:Ju Zhengshan, Luo Ming, Bu Fanmin, etc.

Drafting unit:Land Consolidation Center of the Ministry of Land and Resources, etc.

Focal point unit:Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China

Proposing unit:Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:Ministry of Land and Resources

competent authority:Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

TD/T 1043.1-2013 Technical Specification for Concealed Pipe Improvement of Saline-alkali Land Part 1 Soil Survey TD/T1043.1-2013 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This part of TD/T 1043 provides soil survey parameter indicators and determination methods for each parameter for the planning and design, construction management, monitoring and evaluation, and subsequent maintenance management of the concealed pipe improvement of saline-alkali land project. It stipulates the general procedures for soil survey in the concealed pipe improvement area, survey indicators such as soil environment, physical and chemical properties, and hydrological characteristics, and provides determination methods for each survey indicator and the preparation specifications for soil survey reports. This part is applicable to soil survey work for the purpose of concealed pipe improvement of saline-alkali land and improvement and utilization projects of saline soil or salinized soil in northern China. It is also applicable to farmland concealed pipe drainage projects for waterlogging prevention and waterlogging removal. Under the condition of improving soil permeability, this part can guide the improvement and utilization of alkaline soil using concealed pipe improvement technology.

Some standard content:

Land management industry standard of the People's Republic of China TD/T1043.1-2013
Technical regulation on subsurface drainage and desalination soil Partl.Soil survey
2013-10-12 Issued
Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China
2013-12-01 Implementation
Normative reference documents
3 Terms and definitions
Preparatory work
Survey on natural environmental conditions of soil
Survey on physical and chemical properties of soil
Groundwater adjustment
8 Results of soil survey
Appendix A (Informative Appendix)
Appendix B (Informative Appendix)
Soil profile property survey method
Soil particle composition and texture determination method
Appendix C (Informative Appendix)
Soil water-soluble salt conductivity and its salt composition Determination method Appendix D (informative appendix)
Appendix E (informative appendix)
Appendix F (informative appendix)
Appendix G (normative appendix)
Appendix H (normative appendix)
Determination method of soil permeability and water holding capacity·Determination method of groundwater mineralization and critical depth: Classification of soil salinization and soil alkalization
Basic data of soil survey·…
Preparation of soil survey report·
TD/T1043 "Technical Code for Improving Saline-alkali Land with Concealed Pipes" is divided into two parts: Part 1: Soil survey;
Part 2: Planning, design and construction.
This part is Part 1 of TD/T1043
This part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.12009. This part was proposed by the Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China. This part is under the unified management of the Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China. TD/T1043.1—2013
The main drafting units of this part are: Land Consolidation Center of the Ministry of Land and Resources, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University, Dongying Land Consolidation Center, Shandong Zhongtian Water and Soil Resources Ecological Development and Construction Co., Ltd., Dongying Jinchuan Water and Soil Environment Engineering Co., Ltd., Hebei Land Consolidation Service Center, Jilin Land Consolidation Center, Jiangsu Land Development and Consolidation Center, Tianjin TEDA Garden Construction Co., Ltd., Jilin Agricultural University.
The main drafters of this part are: Han Zhengshan, Luo Ming, Bu Fanmin, Kang Yuehu, Song Fupeng, Wang Jun, Hao Jihu, Lin Guohua, Chu Linlin, Zheng Xiaogang, Wan Shuqin, Zhang Yanan, Guo Yiqiang, Shang Shaohua. The drafters of this section (in order of the number of strokes of the surnames) are Yu Litao, Wang Zhenyu, Wang Changyu, Liu Yang, Li Zhixiang, Liu Guozhen, Liu Jintong, Liu Shuming, Jiang Zhendong, Liu Jinghua, Liu Huitao, Du Changyou, Yang Yuzhen, Chen Jinguo, Song Jiajing, Chen Huiming, Zhang Dajun, Zhou Wei, Zhang Zhitan, Zhang Qing, Zhang Jinlong, Zhang Baomin, Hu Xiaoan, Zhao Guangmin, Duan Cunguo, Zhao Huaping, Shi Zhenbin, Xu Cuilan, Gai Zhenyu, Peng Chengshan, Jiang Shufang, Dong Xiaoliang and Dou Sen.
1 Scope
Technical regulations for the improvement of saline-alkali land by concealed pipes
Part 1: Soil survey
This part of TD/T1043 provides soil survey parameter indicators and determination methods of various parameters for the planning and design, construction management, monitoring and evaluation and subsequent maintenance management of saline-alkali land improvement projects by concealed pipes. It stipulates the general procedures for soil survey in the area of ​​concealed pipe improvement, survey indicators such as soil environment, physical and chemical properties, and hydrological characteristics, and provides determination methods of various survey indicators and the compilation specifications of soil survey reports. This part is applicable to soil survey work for the purpose of improving saline-alkali land by concealed pipes and improvement and utilization projects of saline soil or salinized soil in northern my country. It is also applicable to farmland concealed pipe drainage projects for waterlogging prevention and waterlogging removal. Under the condition of improving soil permeability, this part can guide the improvement and utilization of alkalized soil by concealed pipes and the application of alkali improvement technology. 2 Normative reference documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T1.1-2009 Guidelines for Standardization Part 1: Structure and Writing of Standards GB3100~3102—1993 Quantities and Units
GB/T6682-2008 Specifications and Test Methods for Water Use in Analytical Laboratories GB/T15834-—2011 Use of Punctuation GB/T21010-2007 Land Use Status Classification GB500262007
Engineering Measurement Specifications
Calculation of Soil Alkalinity
LY/ T1249--1999
Technical specification for monitoring farmland soil environmental quality NY/T395—2000
Soil monitoring procedures
Soil testing-Part 2: Determination of soil pHSoil testing
Soil testing||tt ||NY/T1121.132006
Soil testing
Part 3: Determination of mechanical composition of soil
Part 5: Determination of cation exchange capacity of calcareous soils Part 13: Exchangeable calcium content of soils and magnesium Part 16: Determination of total water-based salts in soil Soil testing
Soil testing
Part 17: Determination of soil chloride ion content Part 18: Determination of soil sulfate ion content Soil testing
Soil testing Part 22: Determination of soil field water holding capacity Ring knife method NY/T13772007 Determination of pH value in soil SL791994 Determination of mineralization (gravimetric method) 3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 1
Land in which the soil contains more soluble salts and is not conducive to crop growth. 3.2
Soil texturesoiltexture
The coarseness and fineness distinguished by the composition of the relative content of particles of different sizes in the soil. 3.3
Soil permeability coefficient soil permeability coefficient The flow rate through a unit cross-sectional area of ​​soil per unit time under a unit water pressure gradient. 3.4
Soil infiltration rate Soil infiltration rate The amount of water that infiltrates a unit area of ​​soil on the surface per unit time. 3.5
Soil salinity S
Soil salinity
The total amount of soluble salts in the soil, expressed as grams of soluble salts per kilogram of dry matter. 3.6
Soil alkalinity exchangeable sodium percentage; ESP The percentage of exchangeable sodium ions adsorbed by soil colloids to the cation exchange capacity. 3.7
Buried depth of subsurface pipe The vertical distance from the bottom of the suction pipe or water collection pipe to the ground. 3.8
Field moisture capacityfieldmoisturecapacityAfter the field is saturated with water, the water content at which free water is discharged to a negligible level within 2 to 3 days under the condition of preventing evaporation. It is expressed as a percentage of dry soil mass or volume.
Critical depth of groundwater
critical depth of groundwaterThe minimum groundwater depth required to prevent soil salinization. 4 Preparation
4.1 Material preparation
4.1.1 Soil fill survey base map
The maps include topographic maps, soil distribution maps, soil texture distribution maps, groundwater depth maps, hydrogeological maps, land use status maps and other base maps of the concealed pipe improvement area (the scale should not be less than 1:2000) and necessary remote sensing images and other related map materials. 4.1.2 Soil survey tools
The main tools for soil survey include soil drill, soil shovel, ring knife, aluminum box, water level measurement tool, steel tape measure, GPS, record sheet, etc. Soil testing instruments include acidity meter, conductivity meter, etc. 4.2 Personnel preparation
The survey team is composed of professionals or professionally trained personnel in plants, geography, hydrology, meteorology, agriculture, soil, etc., and experienced farmers can be recruited to participate when necessary.
5 Survey of natural soil environment
5.1 Survey content and indicators
The content and indicators of the survey of natural soil environment include: Topography and geomorphology mainly survey the elevation of saline-alkali land, etc.; Meteorology mainly surveys the temperature, precipitation, evaporation, etc.; Land use mainly surveys the type, scope, area and vegetation of land use: TD/T1043.1—2013
Hydrology mainly surveys the water level of surface water and groundwater and its seasonal changes, mineralization, groundwater lateral infiltration rate, water supply, etc.
5.2 Topography and geomorphology survey
According to the requirements of GB50026-2007, in view of the purpose and task of the underground pipe improvement of saline-alkali land, GPS and other measuring equipment are used to measure the elevation values ​​of different points in the project area, obtain the information of the boundaries, shape, area, distribution and other elements of the field in the land reclamation underground pipe improvement area, and draw the digital elevation model (DEM) of the land reclamation underground pipe improvement area. All maps use the 1980 Xi'an coordinate system. 5.3 Hydrological Survey
Collect relevant data on surface water systems and groundwater systems in the underground pipe improvement project area and its surrounding areas, investigate hydrological characteristics such as surface water flow, direction, water level and its seasonal changes, groundwater burial depth, groundwater critical depth and its flow, direction, water level, recharge and discharge, impermeable layer depth, thickness and other hydrogeological data to be collected, 5.4 Meteorological Survey
Collect meteorological data around the underground pipe improvement area, investigate the meteorological data of the underground pipe improvement area over the years, mainly including data on elements such as precipitation, evaporation, and temperature in the project area. 5.5 Land use survey
Collect land use data in the area of ​​underground pipe improvement, determine the type of land use (according to the requirements of GB/T21010-2007 and indicators such as area, layout zoning, and ownership. Conduct field sample surveys to obtain data such as soil salinity types, crop planting systems, main crop irrigation systems, vegetation types, and indicator plant species in the area of ​​land reclamation and underground pipe improvement. 5.6 Infrastructure survey
Collect data on farmland water conservancy facilities in the area of ​​underground pipe improvement, clarify the composition of farmland water conservancy facilities and projects in the area of ​​underground pipe improvement, layout form, pipeline laying, usage status, and seasonal changes in the water level of irrigation and drainage ditches, measure the water level of irrigation water beams, drainage ditches, and receiving and discharge areas in the area of ​​underground pipe improvement, and investigate basic surface water conservancy facilities and hydraulic structures. , roads, electric wires and optical cables in ecologically sensitive areas, oil and gas pipelines and other underground projects and other landforms are distributed and characterized, marked on the survey base map. 6 Survey of soil physical and chemical properties
6.1 Survey content and indicators
The main contents and indicators of the soil physical and chemical properties survey include soil profile properties, soil physical properties and chemical properties, etc. 3
6.1.1 Survey of soil profile properties
Soil configuration (number, arrangement, thickness of soil layers, soil thickness), depth and thickness of impermeable layer, depth and thickness of frozen soil layer, etc. 6.1.2 Survey of soil physical properties
Soil bulk density, porosity, infiltration rate and field water holding capacity, permeability coefficient, soil particle composition (particle size distribution), texture type, etc. . 6.1.3 Survey of soil chemical properties
The total amount and component types of water-soluble salts in the soil, soil acidity (pH), soil alkalinity (ESP). 6.2 Principles and methods of survey site layout
6.2.1 Principles of site layout
The site layout should follow the principles of representativeness and uniformity of soil survey sites. The representativeness principle requires that at least one survey sampling point be set up in each survey area sub-unit with relatively consistent soil salinization degree, and it should be arranged in the most representative typical terrain part with stable soil development conditions and not affected by erosion and periodic collapse. The uniformity principle requires that within the same survey area unit, survey sampling points should be set up according to a certain area ratio to ensure the accuracy of survey sampling.
6.2.2 Site layout method
The site layout method should be based on actual In practice, it is necessary to choose to use the grid point method or the random point method. Grid point distribution is to divide the survey area into a number of evenly-hook grids, each of which is a square, and the sampling point is set at the intersection of two straight lines or the center of the grid.
Random point distribution can be carried out in two ways: block random point distribution and systematic random point distribution. One is that when the degree of soil salinization is relatively consistent, systematic random point distribution can be carried out; the other is that when the soil salinization in the survey area is significantly different, block random point distribution can be carried out, that is, the area is divided into several units, and each unit is randomly distributed. The geographic coordinates of all points are in the 1980 Xi'an coordinate system. 6.2.3 Number of points
The number of soil survey points is mainly determined based on the purpose and task of the survey, the accuracy requirements of the survey, the terrain of the survey project area and its environmental conditions.
When the grid point method is used, the number of survey points is generally 1 point for every 5hm10hm. In actual application, it is adjusted according to the field conditions such as the change of microtopography in the project area, the variation of soil salinization, soil texture, and groundwater changes. The layout of the survey sample points on the survey field is designed and marked on the survey base map to obtain the field survey point map. The survey points are arranged according to the above principles, methods and quantity requirements: or according to actual needs, in accordance with the requirements of NY/T395-2000 and NY/T1119-2006.
6.3 Soil profile property survey
There are mainly two survey methods: field drilling method and soil surface excavation method. Choose to use according to the field conditions and actual needs. For specific methods, see Appendix A.
6.4 Soil particle composition and texture
Soil particle composition can be determined by laser particle size analyzer method, pipette method or soil hydrometer method (NY/T1121.3-2006)4
: The type of soil texture can be determined indoors by combining the results of soil particle composition determination (see Appendix B), and can be determined by referring to the manual soil texture method in the field (see Appendix B). 6.5 Soil fill salt type and content
The total amount of water-soluble salt in soil fill is determined by conductivity method (see Appendix C) or by drying residue mass method (according to the method specified in NY/T1121.16-2006), and the laboratory water is carried out according to GB/T6682-2008. The soil salt composition is determined by chemical analysis method, and the recommended test method is shown in Table 1.
The types and contents of soil salts are classified and graded according to Table F.1, Table F.2 and Table F.3 in Appendix F. Table 1 Recommended test methods for soil salt composition
Water-soluble Ca*+, Mg
Exchangeable Cat, Mg?+
Water-soluble and exchangeable Na+K
Soil cation exchange capacity
Salt-soil exchange capacity
Soil pile ESP
Soil pH
Recommended determination method
Method specified in NY/T1121.17-2006
Method specified in NY/T1121.18-2006
Double indicator neutralization method (See Appendix C)
EDTA complexometric titration method (See Appendix C)
Method specified in NY/T1121.13-2006
Flame photometry (See Appendix C)
Use the ammonium acyl exchange method (See Appendix C) into the method specified in NY/T1121.5-2006Use the sodium acetate method (See Appendix C)
Method specified in LY/T1249-1999
The pH of soil fill is determined by the acidometer method, according to the method specified in NY/T1121.22006 or NY/T1377-2007.
Tucheng permeability coefficient
The soil permeability coefficient is determined by the field in-situ survey method (See Appendix D). 6.8
Soil infiltration rate
Soil infiltration rate adopts double ring method (see Appendix D). Field water holding capacity
Field water holding capacity is determined in accordance with NY/T1121.22-2010 or by iron frame method (see Appendix D). 7 Groundwater survey
Survey content and indicators
The contents and indicators of groundwater survey mainly include groundwater depth, mineralization, critical depth, etc. 7.2 Point distribution
The principles and methods of point distribution are the same as 6.2. The number of measuring points shall be determined according to the actual situation. 5
3 Groundwater depth
Same as 6.7, measure the groundwater depth with a ruler, etc. 4 Groundwater mineralization
Measured by conductivity meter (see Appendix E) or in accordance with SL79—1994, and classified according to Table F.5 5 Groundwater critical depth
Use table lookup method (see Appendix E).
Soil survey results
Main soil survey report (see Appendix H).
8.2 Attachments
Attachments are as follows:
Topographic map of the underground pipe improvement area:
Land use status map of the underground pipe improvement area;
Soil survey distribution map of the underground pipe improvement area; Soil quality map of the underground pipe improvement area;
Soil salinity map of the underground pipe improvement area.
8.3 Appendix
Basic data table for soil survey (see Appendix G)
A.1 Field drilling method
A.1.1 Key points of the method
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Soil profile property survey method
Use a soil drill to drill holes at the locations of the survey area, observe and sample the soil in layers. A.1.2 Operation steps
A.1.2.1 Survey materials and tools
Topographic map of the survey area, GPS, tape measure, sampling bag, label, survey form, plastic sheet (2m×2m), soil drill, etc. A.1.2.2 Specific steps
The specific steps are as follows:
According to the field survey point map, use GPS to find the corresponding sample points, and select the best survey site in the field where the sample points are located. a) The selected sample points should be representative, and the sample points should reflect the changes in the soil layer section of the surveyed field, and should be at least 10m away from the nearest collection, ditch, road, etc.
Before drilling, clean and level the topsoil about 2m around the borehole. Avoid loose soil, plants and other debris on the surface falling into the b)
manhole. In addition, a 3m×3m flat ground should be leveled in front of the left side of the borehole, and plastic cloth should be placed to place the main soil of different layers drilled by the borehole for observation and description. When drilling, turn the drill handle of the soil drill clockwise and apply a little downward force: if you retreat to a hard and dry layer, you can increase the downward force of drilling). Usually, it only takes 2 to 3 full turns to fill the drill bit. Do not overfill the drill, as this will make it difficult to remove the drill and the depth will not be recorded accurately. When lifting the drill upward, the drill should be slowly rotated clockwise to lift it up to prevent the soil from falling out of the drill. Push the sample out of the drill and place it on the plastic sheet, trying not to destroy its internal structure, and arrange it in order according to the different layers of the soil. In wet or sticky sections, soil on the hole wall may sometimes fall into the drill hole, so the drill hole should be cleaned frequently to ensure the accuracy of the sampling depth. Do not apply downward force when cleaning the drill hole. Clean to the bottom and then lift the drill out and throw away the soil. In normal operation, the average depth of each drilling is 10cm; the depth of each borehole is generally 150cm; when taking soil samples to determine soil salinity, continuous sampling is performed (such as 0cm~10cm, 10cm~20cm20cm~40cm.40cm~60cm60cm~90cm.90cm120cm.120cm~150cm). For the drilled soil samples, the top layer of mixed soil is generally discarded, the bottom layer is sampled for testing, and the middle part is used for pointing. The good soil samples are placed in sampling bags, labeled and marked with waterproof marks, indicating the date, field number, hole number, hole depth, etc. h) The soil samples used for pointing must be arranged on a flat ground in the order of rows and soil layers, with 10 in each row and each row being 1m long. Start from the farthest end of the borehole to prevent the soil dropped from the drill bit from mixing with the soil in other layers (if two adjacent depths have the same properties, they can be described together)
i In order to reduce the impact of soil variability, after determining the best survey site, within the 3m~5m range around it, if the upper soil variability is large, 3~5 points can be drilled and mixed, and then quartered to 1kg (1kg can meet the needs of various analyses after the soil sample is air-dried). If the soil layer below 1m has small variability, only one hole can be drilled. 7
A.2 Soil profile excavation method
A.2.1 Key points of the method
After determining the representative survey point in the field, artificial excavation is carried out to expose all the soil layers, so as to facilitate the observation and sampling of the soil profile layers.
Operation steps
A.2.2.1 Survey materials and tools
Survey area topographic map, GPS, tape measure, sampling bag, pencil, notebook, survey form, ferro-titanium, profile knife, soil drill, soil sample box, label, ring knife, etc.
A.2.2.2 Specific steps
The specific steps are as follows:
a) Select the survey excavation profile point. The profile point should be far away from the road, the edge of the field and the manure pile, and should be representative. b) Excavate the profile, the profile size is 2.0m long from north to south, 1.5m wide from east to west, and 1.5m deep. Leave a step every 30cm or so. People cannot stand on the observation surface and soil cannot be placed. The excavated soil should be placed on both sides of the profile pit according to the soil layer sequence (see Figure A, 1). When the depth is less than 1.5m, stop digging until the groundwater is reached: if the burial depth exceeds 1.5m, after digging to a depth of 1.5m, use a soil drill to drill holes at the bottom of the pit to a depth of 2.5m, and observe whether the soil layer has changed (Figure A1 marks the soil surface pit as north-south direction. In actual excavation, it is not necessary to be north-south or east-west. Instead, it is best to proceed in the direction where the observation surface is facing the sun when the profile is expected to be completed according to the excavation progress). Light
Observation surface
Groundwater surface
Figure A.1 Schematic diagram of soil profile excavation
c) After the rhyme surface is dug, first organize the profile, put a ruler, then divide the soil layers, and record the surface properties and soil configuration. d) Take the profile specimens. According to the natural layers, collect the original soil blocks of each layer in the middle of each layer. Use your hands or a knife to trim the blocks into blocks of similar size to the blanks in the soil specimen box. The upward side of the block should keep the natural structural surface. It cannot be trimmed with a knife. It can only be opened by hand according to its natural structural surface and placed in the blanks of the specimen box. The main physical characteristics of the soil layer, such as film, stripes, pseudomycelium, tuberculosis, sand ginger and other new bodies, should be faithfully reflected in the paper box specimens. If the soil blocks are loose, the natural structure of the soil should not be destroyed. Fill the blanks of the paper box with loose soil blocks: then mark the layer depth on the side of the specimen box, and record the soil profile number, soil name, profile location, terrain, sampler, sampling date, etc. Write the profile number and soil name on the top of the box bottom, and indicate the depth on the right side of the box bottom. The schematic diagram of stratified sampling and the label format are shown in Figure A.2. 8
Tucheng sub-surface number:
Main layer depth:
Fruit sample depth:
Sampling entry:
Report analysis project:
One fruit collection point
2 Schematic diagram of soil sample bag label and soil profile sample collection point Figure A.2
TD/T1043.1—2 013
e) Collect samples for testing and analysis in layers from bottom to top of the soil profile. Take samples from the middle of each layer, about 1.5kg to 2.0kg (or the sampling amount is determined according to actual needs), and put them into the sampling bag: immediately write two labels with a pencil after the samples are bagged, one is folded and put into the bag, and the other is tied to the mouth of the sample bag. The label should indicate the soil surface number, soil name, sampling location, depth, date, sampler, sampling time and other items. Usually, the sample bags of each layer of the same soil profile should be tied together to avoid confusion or loss.2 Operation steps
A.1.2.1 Survey materials and tools
Survey area topographic map, GPS, tape measure, sampling bag, label, survey form, plastic sheet (2m×2m), soil drill, etc. A.1.2.2 Specific steps
The specific steps are as follows:
According to the field survey point map, use GPS to find the corresponding sample points, and select the best survey location in the field where the sample points are located. a)
The selected sample points should be representative, and the sample points should reflect the changes in the soil layer section of the survey field, and be at least 10m away from the nearest collection, ditch, road, etc.
Before drilling, clean and level the topsoil about 2m around the borehole. Avoid loose soil, plants and other debris on the surface falling into the b)
manhole. Another 3m×3m flat ground should be leveled in front of the left side of the borehole, and plastic sheet should be placed to place the main soil of different layers drilled by the borehole for observation and description. When drilling, turn the drill handle of the soil drill clockwise and apply a little downward force: if you retreat to a hard and dry layer, you can increase the downward force of the drill. Usually, only 2 to 3 full circles are needed to fill the drill bit. Do not overfill the soil drill, which will make it difficult to remove the soil drill and the depth recording will not be accurate enough. When lifting the drill upward, the soil drill should be lifted up with slow clockwise rotation to prevent the soil from falling off the soil drill. The soil samples taken from the soil drill are pushed out of the soil drill and placed on the plastic sheet, trying not to destroy its internal structure, and arranged in the order of different soil layers. In wet or sticky sections, soil on the hole wall sometimes falls into the drill hole, so the drill hole should be cleaned frequently to ensure the accuracy of the sampling depth. Do not apply downward force when cleaning the drill hole. Remove the soil drill after cleaning the bottom and discard the soil. In normal operation, the average depth of each drilling is 10cm; the depth of each drill hole is generally 150cm; when taking soil samples to determine the salinity of the soil, continuous sampling is performed (such as 0cm~10cm, 10cm~20cm20cm~40cm.40cm~60cm60cm~90cm.90cm120cm.120cm~150cm). For the drilled soil samples, the top layer of mixed soil should be discarded, the bottom layer should be sampled for testing, and the middle part should be used for pointing. The good soil samples are placed in the sampling bag, labeled and marked with waterproof marks, and the date, field number, hole number, hole depth, etc. are written. h) The soil samples used for pointing should be arranged on the flat ground in the order of columns and soil layers, with 10 in each column and each column length of 1m. Start from the farthest end of the borehole to prevent the soil dropped from the drill bit from mixing with the soil in other layers (if two adjacent depths have the same properties, they can be described together)
i In order to reduce the impact of soil variability, after determining the best survey site, within the 3m~5m range around it, if the upper soil variability is large, 3~5 points can be drilled and mixed, and then quartered to 1kg (1kg can meet the needs of various analyses after the soil sample is air-dried). If the soil layer below 1m has small variability, only one hole can be drilled. 7
A.2 Soil profile excavation method
A.2.1 Key points of the method
After determining the representative survey point in the field, dig downward manually to expose all the soil layers, so as to facilitate the observation and sampling of the soil profile layers.
Operation steps
A.2.2.1 Survey materials and tools
Survey area topographic map, GPS, tape measure, sampling bag, pencil, notebook, survey form, ferro-titanium, profile knife, soil drill, soil sample box, label, ring knife, etc.
A.2.2.2 Specific stepswww.bzxz.net
The specific steps are as follows:
a) Select the survey excavation profile point. The profile point should be far away from the road, the edge of the field and the manure pile, and should be representative. b) Excavate the profile, the profile size is 2.0m long from north to south, 1.5m wide from east to west, and 1.5m deep. Leave a step every 30cm or so. People cannot stand on the observation surface and soil cannot be placed. The excavated soil should be placed on both sides of the profile pit according to the soil layer sequence (see Figure A, 1). When the depth is less than 1.5m, stop digging until the groundwater is reached: if the burial depth exceeds 1.5m, after digging to a depth of 1.5m, use a soil drill to drill holes at the bottom of the pit to a depth of 2.5m, and observe whether the soil layer has changed (Figure A1 marks the soil surface pit as north-south direction. In actual excavation, it is not necessary to be north-south or east-west. Instead, it is best to proceed in the direction where the observation surface is facing the sun when the profile is expected to be completed according to the excavation progress). Light
Observation surface
Groundwater surface
Figure A.1 Schematic diagram of soil profile excavation
c) After the rhyme surface is dug, first organize the profile, put a ruler, then divide the soil layers, and record the surface properties and soil configuration. d) Take the profile specimens. According to the natural layers, collect the original soil blocks of each layer in the middle of each layer. Use your hands or a knife to trim the blocks into blocks of similar size to the blanks in the soil specimen box. The upward side of the block should keep the natural structural surface. It cannot be trimmed with a knife. It can only be opened by hand according to its natural structural surface and placed in the blanks of the specimen box. The main physical characteristics of the soil layer, such as film, stripes, pseudomycelium, tuberculosis, sand ginger and other new bodies, should be faithfully reflected in the paper box specimens. If the soil blocks are loose, the natural structure of the soil should not be destroyed. Fill the blanks of the paper box with loose soil blocks: then mark the layer depth on the side of the specimen box, and record the soil profile number, soil name, profile location, terrain, sampler, sampling date, etc. Write the profile number and soil name on the top of the box bottom, and indicate the depth on the right side of the box bottom. The schematic diagram of stratified sampling and the label format are shown in Figure A.2. 8
Tucheng sub-surface number:
Main layer depth:
Fruit sample depth:
Sampling entry:
Report analysis project:
One fruit collection point
2 Schematic diagram of soil sample bag label and soil profile sample collection point Figure A.2
TD/T1043.1—2 013
e) Collect samples for testing and analysis in layers from bottom to top of the soil profile. Take samples from the middle of each layer, about 1.5kg to 2.0kg (or the sampling amount is determined according to actual needs), and put them into the sampling bag: immediately write two labels with a pencil after the samples are bagged, one is folded and put into the bag, and the other is tied to the mouth of the sample bag. The label should indicate the soil surface number, soil name, sampling location, depth, date, sampler, sampling time and other items. Usually, the sample bags of each layer of the same soil profile should be tied together to avoid confusion or loss.2 Operation steps
A.1.2.1 Survey materials and tools
Survey area topographic map, GPS, tape measure, sampling bag, label, survey form, plastic sheet (2m×2m), soil drill, etc. A.1.2.2 Specific steps
The specific steps are as follows:
According to the field survey point map, use GPS to find the corresponding sample points, and select the best survey location in the field where the sample points are located. a)
The selected sample points should be representative, and the sample points should reflect the changes in the soil layer section of the survey field, and be at least 10m away from the nearest collection, ditch, road, etc.
Before drilling, clean and level the topsoil about 2m around the borehole. Avoid loose soil, plants and other debris on the surface falling into the b)
manhole. Another 3m×3m flat ground should be leveled in front of the left side of the borehole, and plastic sheet should be placed to place the main soil of different layers drilled by the borehole for observation and description. When drilling, turn the drill handle of the soil drill clockwise and apply a little downward force: if you retreat to a hard and dry layer, you can increase the downward force of the drill. Usually, only 2 to 3 full circles are needed to fill the drill bit. Do not overfill the soil drill, which will make it difficult to remove the soil drill and the depth recording will not be accurate enough. When lifting the drill upward, the soil drill should be lifted up with slow clockwise rotation to prevent the soil from falling off the soil drill. The soil samples taken from the soil drill are pushed out of the soil drill and placed on the plastic sheet, trying not to destroy its internal structure, and arranged in the order of different soil layers. In wet or sticky sections, soil on the hole wall sometimes falls into the drill hole, so the drill hole should be cleaned frequently to ensure the accuracy of the sampling depth. Do not apply downward force when cleaning the drill hole. Remove the soil drill after cleaning the bottom and discard the soil. In normal operation, the average depth of each drilling is 10cm; the depth of each drill hole is generally 150cm; when taking soil samples to determine the salinity of the soil, continuous sampling is performed (such as 0cm~10cm, 10cm~20cm20cm~40cm.40cm~60cm60cm~90cm.90cm120cm.120cm~150cm). For the drilled soil samples, the top layer of mixed soil should be discarded, the bottom layer should be sampled for testing, and the middle part should be used for pointing. The good soil samples are placed in the sampling bag, labeled and marked with waterproof marks, and the date, field number, hole number, hole depth, etc. are written. h) The soil samples used for pointing should be arranged on the flat ground in the order of columns and soil layers, with 10 in each column and each column length of 1m. Start from the farthest end of the borehole to prevent the soil dropped from the drill bit from mixing with the soil in other layers (if two adjacent depths have the same properties, they can be described together)
i In order to reduce the impact of soil variability, after determining the best survey site, within the 3m~5m range around it, if the upper soil variability is large, 3~5 points can be drilled and mixed, and then quartered to 1kg (1kg can meet the needs of various analyses after the soil sample is air-dried). If the soil layer below 1m has small variability, only one hole can be drilled. 7
A.2 Soil profile excavation method
A.2.1 Key points of the method
After determining the representative survey point in the field, dig downward manually to expose all the soil layers, so as to facilitate the observation and sampling of the soil profile layers.
Operation steps
A.2.2.1 Survey materials and tools
Survey area topographic map, GPS, tape measure, sampling bag, pencil, notebook, survey form, ferro-titanium, profile knife, soil drill, soil sample box, label, ring knife, etc.
A.2.2.2 Specific steps
The specific steps are as follows:
a) Select the survey excavation profile point. The profile point should be far away from the road, the edge of the field and the manure pile, and should be representative. b) Excavate the profile, the profile size is 2.0m long from north to south, 1.5m wide from east to west, and 1.5m deep. Leave a step every 30cm or so. People cannot stand on the observation surface and soil cannot be placed. The excavated soil should be placed on both sides of the profile pit according to the soil layer order (see Figure A, 1). When the depth is less than 1.5m, stop digging until the groundwater is reached: if the burial depth exceeds 1.5m, after digging to a depth of 1.5m, use a soil drill to drill holes at the bottom of the pit to a depth of 2.5m, and observe whether the soil layer has changed (Figure A1 marks the soil surface pit as north-south direction. In actual excavation, it is not necessary to be north-south or east-west. Instead, it is best to proceed in the direction where the observation surface is facing the sun when the profile is completed, depending on the excavation progress). Light
Observation surface
Groundwater surface
Figure A.1 Schematic diagram of soil profile excavation
c) After the rhyme surface is dug, first organize the profile, put a ruler, then divide the soil layers, and record the surface properties and soil configuration. d) Take the profile specimens. According to the natural layers, collect the original soil blocks of each layer in the middle of each layer. Use your hands or a knife to trim the blocks into blocks of similar size to the blanks in the soil specimen box. The upward side of the block should keep the natural structural surface. It cannot be trimmed with a knife. It can only be opened by hand according to its natural structural surface and placed in the blanks of the specimen box. The main physical characteristics of the soil layer, such as film, stripes, pseudomycelium, tuberculosis, sand ginger and other new bodies, should be faithfully reflected in the paper box specimens. If the soil blocks are loose, the natural structure of the soil should not be destroyed. Fill the blanks of the paper box with loose soil blocks: then mark the layer depth on the side of the specimen box, and record the soil profile number, soil name, profile location, terrain, sampler, sampling date, etc. Write the profile number and soil name on the top of the box bottom, and indicate the depth on the right side of the box bottom. The schematic diagram of stratified sampling and the label format are shown in Figure A.2. 8
Tucheng sub-surface number:
Main layer depth:
Fruit sample depth:
Sampling entry:
Report analysis project:
One fruit collection point
2 Schematic diagram of soil sample bag label and soil profile sample collection point Figure A.2
TD/T1043.1—2 013
e) Collect samples for testing and analysis in layers from bottom to top of the soil profile. Take samples from the middle of each layer, about 1.5kg to 2.0kg (or the sampling amount is determined according to actual needs), and put them into the sampling bag: immediately write two labels with a pencil after the samples are bagged, one is folded and put into the bag, and the other is tied to the mouth of the sample bag. The label should indicate the soil surface number, soil name, sampling location, depth, date, sampler, sampling time and other items. Usually, the sample bags of each layer of the same soil profile should be tied together to avoid confusion or loss.120cm~150cm). For the soil samples drilled out, the top layer of mixed soil should be thrown away, the bottom layer should be sampled for testing, and the middle part should be used for description. The good soil samples are placed in sampling bags, labeled and waterproofed with date, field number, hole number, hole depth, etc. h) The soil samples for description should be arranged on a flat ground in the order of rows and layers, with 10 in each row and each row being 1m long. Start from the farthest end from the borehole to prevent the soil dropped by the drill from mixing with the soil in other layers (if the two adjacent depths have the same properties, they can be described together)
i In order to reduce the impact of soil variability, after determining the best investigation site, within the 3m~5m range around it, if the upper layer has a large variation, 3~5 mixed samples can be drilled and mixed, and then quartered to 1kg (1kg of the soil sample can meet the needs of various analyses after air drying). If the soil layer below 1m has a small variation, only one hole can be drilled. 7
A.2 Soil profile excavation method
A.2.1 Key points of the method
After determining the representative survey points in the field, dig downwards manually to expose all the soil layers, so as to facilitate the observation and sampling of the soil profile layers.
Operation steps
A.2.2.1 Survey materials and tools
Survey area topographic map, GPS, tape measure, sampling bag, pencil, notebook, survey form, iron titanium, profile knife, soil drill, soil sample box, label, ring knife, etc.
A.2.2.2 Specific steps
The specific steps are as follows:
a) Select the survey excavation profile point. The profile point should be far away from the road, field edge and manure pile, etc., and should be representative. b) Excavation profile, the size of the profile is 2.0m long from north to south, 1.5m wide from east to west, and 1.5m deep. Leave a step every 30cm or so. No one can stand on the observation surface or place soil. The excavated soil should be placed on both sides of the profile pit in the order of soil layers (see Figure A, 1). When the depth is less than 1.5m, stop digging until the groundwater is reached: if the burial depth exceeds 1.5m, after digging to a depth of 1.5m, use a soil drill to drill a hole at the bottom of the pit to a depth of 2.5m, and observe whether the soil layer changes (Figure A1 marks the soil surface pit as north-south direction. In actual excavation, it is not necessary to be north-south or east-west. Instead, it is best to proceed in the direction in which the observation surface is expected to face the sun when the profile is completed according to the progress of the excavation). Light
Observation surface
Groundwater surface
Figure A.1 Schematic diagram of soil profile excavation
c) After the rhyme surface is excavated, first organize the profile, put a ruler, then divide the soil layers, and record the surface properties and soil configuration. d) Take the profile specimens. According to the natural layers, collect the original soil blocks of each layer in the middle of each layer. Use your hands or a knife to trim the blocks into blocks of similar size to the blanks in the soil specimen box. The upward side of the block should keep the natural structural surface. It cannot be trimmed with a knife. It can only be opened by hand according to its natural structural surface and placed in the blanks of the specimen box. The main physical characteristics of the soil layer, such as film, stripes, pseudomycelium, tuberculosis, sand ginger and other new bodies, should be faithfully reflected in the paper box specimens. If the soil blocks are loose, the natural structure of the soil should not be destroyed. Fill the blanks of the paper box with loose soil blocks: then mark the layer depth on the side of the specimen box, and record the soil profile number, soil name, profile location, terrain, sampler, sampling date, etc. Write the profile number and soil name on the top of the box bottom, and indicate the depth on the right side of the box bottom. The schematic diagram of stratified sampling and the label format are shown in Figure A.2. 8
Tucheng sub-surface number:
Main layer depth:
Fruit sample depth:
Sampling entry:
Report analysis project:
One fruit collection point
2 Schematic diagram of soil sample bag label and soil profile sample collection point Figure A.2
TD/T1043.1—2 013
e) Collect samples for testing and analysis in layers from bottom to top of the soil profile. Take samples from the middle of each layer, about 1.5kg to 2.0kg (or the sampling amount is determined according to actual needs), and put them into the sampling bag: immediately write two labels with a pencil after the samples are bagged, one is folded and put into the bag, and the other is tied to the mouth of the sample bag. The label should indicate the soil surface number, soil name, sampling location, depth, date, sampler, sampling time and other items. Usually, the sample bags of each layer of the same soil profile should be tied together to avoid confusion or loss.120cm~150cm). For the soil samples drilled out, the top layer of mixed soil should be thrown away, the bottom layer should be sampled for testing, and the middle part should be used for description. The good soil samples are placed in sampling bags, labeled and waterproofed with date, field number, hole number, hole depth, etc. h) The soil samples for description should be arranged on a flat ground in the order of rows and layers, with 10 in each row and each row being 1m long. Start from the farthest end from the borehole to prevent the soil dropped by the drill from mixing with the soil in other layers (if the two adjacent depths have the same properties, they can be described together)
i In order to reduce the impact of soil variability, after determining the best investigation site, within the 3m~5m range around it, if the upper layer has a large variation, 3~5 mixed samples can be drilled and mixed, and then quartered to 1kg (1kg of the soil sample can meet the needs of various analyses after air drying). If the soil layer below 1m has a small variation, only one hole can be drilled. 7
A.2 Soil profile excavation method
A.2.1 Key points of the method
After determining the representative survey points in the field, dig downwards manually to expose all the soil layers, so as to facilitate the observation and sampling of the soil profile layers.
Operation steps
A.2.2.1 Survey materials and tools
Survey area topographic map, GPS, tape measure, sampling bag, pencil, notebook, survey form, iron titanium, profile knife, soil drill, soil sample box, label, ring knife, etc.
A.2.2.2 Specific steps
The specific steps are as follows:
a) Select the survey excavation profile point. The profile point should be far away from the road, field edge and manure pile, etc., and should be representative. b) Excavation profile, the size of the profile is 2.0m long from north to south, 1.5m wide from east to west, and 1.5m deep. Leave a step every 30cm or so. No one can stand on the observation surface or place soil. The excavated soil should be placed on both sides of the profile pit in the order of soil layers (see Figure A, 1). When the depth is less than 1.5m, stop digging until the groundwater is reached: if the burial depth exceeds 1.5m, after digging to a depth of 1.5m, use a soil drill to drill a hole at the bottom of the pit to a depth of 2.5m, and observe whether the soil layer changes (Figure A1 marks the soil surface pit as north-south direction. In actual excavation, it is not necessary to be north-south or east-west. Instead, it is best to proceed in the direction in which the observation surface is expected to face the sun when the profile is completed according to the progress of the excavation). Light
Observation surface
Groundwater surface
Figure A.1 Schematic diagram of soil profile excavation
c) After the rhyme surface is excavated, first organize the profile, put a ruler, then divide the soil layers, and record the surface properties and soil configuration. d) Take the profile specimens. According to the natural layers, collect the original soil blocks of each layer in the middle of each layer. Use your hands or a knife to trim the blocks into blocks of similar size to the blanks in the soil specimen box. The upward side of the block should keep the natural structural surface. It cannot be trimmed with a knife. It can only be opened by hand according to its natural structural surface and placed in the blanks of the specimen box. The main physical characteristics of the soil layer, such as film, stripes, pseudomycelium, tuberculosis, sand ginger and other new bodies, should be faithfully reflected in the paper box specimens. If the soil blocks are loose, the natural structure of the soil should not be destroyed. Fill the blanks of the paper box with loose soil blocks: then mark the layer depth on the side of the specimen box, and record the soil profile number, soil name, profile location, terrain, sampler, sampling date, etc. Write the profile number and soil name on the top of the box bottom, and indicate the depth on the right side of the box bottom. The schematic diagram of stratified sampling and the label format are shown in Figure A.2. 8
Tucheng sub-surface number:
Main layer depth:
Fruit sample depth:
Sampling entry:
Report analysis project:
One fruit collection point
2 Schematic diagram of soil sample bag label and soil profile sample collection point Figure A.2
TD/T1043.1—2 013
e) Collect samples for testing and analysis in layers from bottom to top of the soil profile. Take samples from the middle of each layer, about 1.5kg to 2.0kg (or the sampling amount is determined according to actual needs), and put them into the sampling bag: immediately write two labels with a pencil after the samples are bagged, one is folded and put into the bag, and the other is tied to the mouth of the sample bag. The label should indicate the soil surface number, soil name, sampling location, depth, date, sampler, sampling time and other items. Usually, the sample bags of each layer of the same soil profile should be tied together to avoid confusion or loss.
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