title>The properties and the test methods for antistatic silk fabric of synthetic filament in electronic industry - SJ/T 11090-1996 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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The properties and the test methods for antistatic silk fabric of synthetic filament in electronic industry

Basic Information

Standard ID: SJ/T 11090-1996

Standard Name:The properties and the test methods for antistatic silk fabric of synthetic filament in electronic industry

Chinese Name: 电子工业用合成纤维防静电绸性能及试验方法

Standard category:Electronic Industry Standard (SJ)

state:in force

Date of Release1996-11-20

Date of Implementation:1997-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:General>>Standardization Management and General Provisions>>A01 Technical Management

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alternative situation:Original standard number GB 12059-1989

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SJ/T 11090-1996 Performance and test methods of synthetic fiber antistatic silk for electronic industry SJ/T11090-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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National Standard of the People's Republic of China
The properties and the test methods for antistatic silk -like fabricof synthetic filament in electronic industry1 Subject content and scope of application
1.1 Subject content
This standard specifies the quality and test methods of synthetic fiber antistatic silk for electronic industry. 1.2 Scope of application
Downgraded to SJ/T11090-96
This standard applies to textile fabrics used for antistatic work clothes in electronic industry. It is not applicable to antistatic work clothes fabrics used in occasions where flammable and explosive substances exist.
2 Reference standards
Technical requirements for synthetic silk fabrics
GBn234 Classification regulations for synthetic silk fabricsGBn235
Test methods for silk fabrics
Acceptance rules for silk fabrics
Packaging and marking of silk fabrics
GB414 Test method for soap fastness of printed and dyed fabrics
Test method for electrostatic properties of textile materials Determination of half-life of static voltage for textilesFJ549
3 Explanation of terms
3.1 Synthetic fiber antistatic silk
The so-called synthetic fiber antistatic silk refers to a textile made of synthetic fiber filaments interwoven with conductive filaments embedded in the middle at approximately equal intervals.
3.2 Conductive filaments
Conductive filaments refer to conductive long fibers made entirely or partially of conductive materials such as metal or carbon black, with a surface resistance of less than 10Q/cm and a diameter of less than 100μm. 3.3 Standard cloth
The standard cloth used for measurement is the standard bleached fine cotton cloth and nylon cloth used as pads and friction cloths in the electrostatic performance test in accordance with this standard and in accordance with the color fastness test in GB414. 4 Technical requirements
4.1 Physical properties
4.1.1 Basic properties
The basic performance indicators of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall comply with the provisions of Table 1, and other physical indicators shall comply with the provisions of Article 1.1 of GBn233 approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on December 29, 1989 and implemented on July 1, 1990.
Synthetic fiber
Antistatic braid
4.1.2 Shrinkage
Electronic industry
Workwear fabric
Basic performance index
Density, root/10cm
The shrinkage of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall comply with the provisions of Article 1.2 of GBn233. 4.1.3 Pilling and crease recovery angle shall comply with the provisions of Article 1.3 of GBn233. 4.1.4 Elongation at break
The elongation at break of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall comply with the provisions of Article 1.4 of GBn233. 4.1.5 Printing and color fastness
The printing and color fastness of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall comply with the provisions of Article 2 of GBn233. 4.2 Electrical properties
The electrical properties of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. Table 2
Friction charge density
Note: The half-life in Table 2 is a reference indicator.
Grading assessment rules
Friction charge voltage
Synthetic fiber antistatic silk is graded according to its physical and electrical properties. The rules for determining qualified products, substandard products and unqualified products are as follows:
Qualified products
Both physical and electrical properties meet the requirements of this standard. b. Substandard products
Electrical properties meet the requirements of this standard, but physical properties do not meet the requirements of this standard. c. Unqualified products
Electrical properties do not meet the requirements of this standard, and regardless of their physical properties, they are all unqualified products. 6 Test methods
6.1 Test methods for physical properties
The test methods for the physical properties of synthetic fiber antistatic silk are carried out in accordance with the provisions of GBn235. 6.2 Test methods for friction charge density
6.2.1 Principle
Put the sample after friction by the friction device into the Faraday cylinder. Measure the potential of the inner cylinder of the Faraday cylinder to the ground, and then convert it into the charge per unit area.
6.2.2 Test equipment and tools
GB12059—89 The Faraday cylinder is the specification in Table 3. The Faraday cylinder and test equipment are shown in Figure 1. Table 3
Insulation of inner and outer shells
Diameter 40cm
Height 95cm
Diameter 50cm
Height 100cm
Insulation resistance is above 10%n
Insulation plate
The upper circle is covered with polyester adhesive cloth, etc. Materials such as tetrafluoroethylene and polycarbonate
Faraday foot
Polyester adhesive tape
Vibration capacitance type
Micro current meter
Adjustable capacitor Vibration capacitance type micro current potentiometer (DC ±10mV10V, input resistance 1×102Q or more. Adjustable capacitor box
Capacitance from 0.01~ 1μF is adjustable, and the error is within ±5%. Friction cloth and friction rod
Use nylon cloth with a size of 45×50cm as the friction cloth. Roll the friction cloth on a 40cm long cheap polyvinyl chloride tube, with the long side of the friction cloth as the winding direction, and roll it 5 times to make a friction rod. Tighten the two ends of the friction cloth and fold it into the tube to fix it on the friction rod. Pad
As shown in Figure 2, wrap a piece of nylon cloth with a size of 40×45cm and the same material as the friction cloth from all sides with polyester tape with a thickness of more than 50um and a width of more than 2cm on both ends of the aluminum plate. The size of the aluminum plate is 32×30cm2 and the thickness is 3mm. Ground it with a polyethylene core wire.
Polyester adhesive
A wooden platform as shown in Figure 3. Insulating rod
Material is rigid polyvinyl chloride, with a diameter of 20mm and a length of 50mm. 6.2.3 Test specimens and their preparation Sampling
The sample should be taken from both sides of the fabric at a distance of 1/10 of the width. Cut from a position more than 1m away from the end of the fabric, and then take 3 samples of 25×35cm in size in the longitudinal and transverse directions of the sample, leaving 26cm at the - end of the long side and 1cm at the other end, and sew into a sleeve. Washing treatment
Washing treatment according to FJ 549 Appendix, and the washing should be repeated 3 times, that is, the operation from washing to dehydration should be repeated 3 times before drying. Humidity conditioning of test specimens and standard cloth
After the test specimens and standard cloth are washed according to the provisions of Article 6.3.2, they are pre-dried at 70℃ for 1 hour. Then they are placed under the same YKAONrKAcas
temperature and humidity conditions as during the test for 24 hours.
Note: The humidity conditioning environment of the test specimens should also be the environment in which the test specimens are tested. 6.2.4 Test conditions
The test conditions are specified as 20±2℃ and relative humidity of 27% to 33%. Note: If the test is conducted in a non-specified test environment, the conditions should be separately stated. 6.2.5 Test method
Insert the insulating rod into the sample sewn into a sleeve shape and place it on the pad without causing wrinkles. Place it as shown in Figure 4. Insulating rod
Polyethylene core wire
Lift upwards
Hold both ends of the friction rod wrapped with friction cloth with both hands, press part of your body weight evenly on the rod, and pull the rod from the front to yourself to rub the sample. Be careful not to rotate the friction rod. Rub once every 1s, and repeat 10 times. After rubbing, immediately hold one end of the insulating rod. Lift the sample while keeping the rod parallel to the sample and pad as shown in Figure 5. Then lift the sample from the pad. It takes about 1s to lift the sample from the pad, and then immediately put the sample into the Faraday cylinder and read the potential indicated by the potentiometer after the sample is put into the Faraday cylinder.
Note: During the process of removing the sample and putting it into the Faraday cell, care should be taken to keep the sample at least 30 cm away from the human body or other objects. 6.2.6 Calculation
Read the potential indicated by the potentiometer after the sample is put into the Faraday cell. Calculate the charge of each sample by formula (1), and then convert it into the charge density of the sample by formula (2).
q. =CVIA
Where: Q—sample charge, μC;
C——system capacitance, μF;
V—potential indicated by the potentiometer, V;
—sample charge density, μC/m
The area of ​​the friction rod rubbing the sample, m.
During the measurement, each sample shall be tested 5 times according to the provisions of Article 6.4. Before each measurement, an electrostatic eliminator shall be used to remove the static electricity on the sample, friction rod and pad.
Take the average of the results of 5 tests, and then find the average of the 6 longitudinal and transverse samples as the test result. Calculate to 2 significant figures. 6.3 Test method of friction electrification voltage
6.3.1 Principle
Under certain tension conditions, make the standard cloth rub against the rotating sample and measure the static voltage generated on the sample. 6.3.2 Test equipment and tools Main unit of friction electrification static voltage tester: as shown in Figure 6. Sample installation pants
Receiving voltage part
Friction cloth
Revolving roller
Friction cloth clamp
The main unit consists of a roller on which the sample is placed and rotated, a friction part that generates static electricity due to friction, a receiving part for detecting the generated static electricity and its amplifier, etc. Friction cloth
Use standard cloth or nylon cloth that conforms to GB414. Take 6 pieces of friction cloth with a width of 2.5cm and a length of 16cm. 6
YKAONrKAcas Friction cloth clamp
The width is 25±1mm, and the distance between the left and right clamps is 130±3mm. Sample installation frame
The sample installation frame is shown in Figure 7. Sample clamp frame
The sample clamp frame is shown in Figure 8: Rotating drum
Hollow part
The curvature radius is about 90
The outer diameter of the hollow part
is 150±1mm, the width is about 60mm, and the rotation speed is about 400rpm. Receiving voltage part
The diameter of the electrode plate of the receiving voltage part is 20±1mm. The applied load is 4.903N (500gf)
Amplifier Oscilloscope and recorder
6.3.3 Samples and their preparation Sampling
Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article of this standard, and then 6 samples of 4X8cm in the vertical and horizontal directions of the samples shall be taken respectively. Washing treatment
Carry out in accordance with the provisions of Article of this standard.
3 Humidity adjustment of samples
Carry out in accordance with the provisions of Article of this standard. 6.3.4 Test conditions
Test conditions shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.2.4 of this standard. 6.3.5 Test method
Connect the friction charge static tester with the oscilloscope and recorder, and the distance between the plate of the voltage receiving part and the plane of the sample mounting frame is about 15mm, and then place the friction cloth with static electricity eliminated at the specified position. Apply a load of 4.903N. At the same time, change the height of the left and right clamps to make the friction smooth. Place a sample on each sample mounting frame so that its surface becomes the friction surface. Perform static electricity elimination treatment. Then rotate the rotating drum to rub the sample. Measure the voltage after 60s from the start of rotation, and then replace the friction cloth of another material, and measure 3 samples in the longitudinal and transverse directions in the same order. Note: The friction charge static tester must be calibrated before starting this series of tests. During calibration, install the calibration electrode plate [the exposed area is (20 ± 1) × (25 ± 1) mm] on the component where the sample is placed, apply a 100V calibration DC voltage, and rotate the rotary roller to calibrate the receiving voltage part. 6.3.6 Calculation
Calculate the average measured values ​​of the two friction cloths for a total of 6 samples in the longitudinal and transverse directions, and calculate the average value to 2 significant figures. 6.3.7 Test report
The test report should at least include the following: a.
Sample name;
Test date;
Test conditions:
Instrument model:
Test results;
Name of the tester.
6.3.8 Other contents may be added as needed. 6.4 Test method for static voltage half-life
The test method for static voltage half-life of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall be tested in accordance with the provisions of FJ549. 7 Inspection rules
7.1 Inspection classification
Product inspection is divided into acceptance test (S) and type test (T). 7.2 The quality of synthetic fiber antistatic silk should be guaranteed by the quality assurance system of the manufacturer. Products should be inspected and qualified by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer before they can leave the factory. Products leaving the factory must be accompanied by a product quality certificate. 7.3 Product acceptance test and sampling
Acceptance inspection and sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard and GBn236. If the supply and demand parties have a separate technical agreement, acceptance tests can be carried out in accordance with the technical agreement.
7.4 Type test and sampling
Type test shall be carried out in accordance with the technical requirements of this standard and the provisions of GBn236. If the supply and demand parties have a separate technical agreement, inspections can be carried out in accordance with the technical agreement.
Type tests should also be carried out when the process, materials and equipment are changed. 8 Marking and packaging
The marking and packaging of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GBn237. 9 Transportation and storage
9.1 The product should be protected from sunlight, rain and moisture during transportation. 8
9.2 The product should be stored in a dry, ventilated warehouse without corrosive substances. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Electronic Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry and the Jiangsu Textile Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Ding Xie'an, Wang Qinyun, Gu Yingying and Li Weigang. YKAoNrKAas1 Main unit of friction-charged static voltage tester: as shown in Figure 6. Sample installation pants
Receiving voltage part
Friction cloth
Rotating roller
Friction cloth clampwwW.bzxz.Net
The main unit consists of a roller for placing the sample and rotating it, a friction part for causing the sample to generate static electricity due to friction, a receiving part for detecting the generated static electricity and its amplifier. Friction cloth
Use standard cloth or nylon cloth that conforms to GB414. Take 6 pieces of friction cloth with a width of 2.5cm and a length of 16cm. 6
YKAONrKAcas Friction cloth clamp
The width is 25±1mm, and the distance between the left and right clamps is 130±3mm. Sample installation frame
The sample installation frame is shown in Figure 7. Sample clamping frame
The sample clamping frame is shown in Figure 8: Rotating drum
Hollow part
The curvature radius is about 90
Hollow part
The outer diameter is 150±1mm, the width is about 60mm, and the rotation speed is about 400rpm. Receiving voltage part
The diameter of the electrode plate of the receiving voltage part is 20±1mm. The applied load is 4.903N (500gf)
Amplifier Oscilloscope and recorder
6.3.3 Samples and their preparation Sampling
Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article of this standard, and then 6 samples of 4X8cm in the vertical and horizontal directions of the samples shall be taken respectively. Washing treatment
Carry out in accordance with the provisions of Article of this standard.
3 Humidification of the sample
Carry out in accordance with the provisions of Article of this standard. 6.3.4 Test conditions
Test conditions shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.2.4 of this standard. 6.3.5 Test method
Connect the friction charge static tester with the oscilloscope and recorder, and the distance between the plate of the voltage receiving part and the plane of the sample mounting frame is about 15mm, and then place the friction cloth with static electricity eliminated at the specified position. Apply a load of 4.903N. At the same time, change the height of the left and right clamps to make the friction smooth. Place a sample on each sample mounting frame so that its surface becomes the friction surface. Perform static electricity elimination treatment. Then rotate the rotating drum to rub the sample. Measure the voltage after 60s from the start of rotation, and then replace the friction cloth of another material, and measure 3 samples in the longitudinal and transverse directions in the same order. Note: The friction charge static tester must be calibrated before starting this series of tests. During calibration, install the calibration electrode plate [the exposed area is (20 ± 1) × (25 ± 1) mm] on the component where the sample is placed, apply a 100V calibration DC voltage, and rotate the rotary roller to calibrate the receiving voltage part. 6.3.6 Calculation
Calculate the average measured values ​​of the two friction cloths for a total of 6 samples in the longitudinal and transverse directions, and calculate the average value to 2 significant figures. 6.3.7 Test report
The test report should at least include the following: a.
Sample name;
Test date;
Test conditions:
Instrument model:
Test results;
Name of the tester.
6.3.8 Other contents may be added as needed. 6.4 Test method for static voltage half-life
The test method for static voltage half-life of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall be tested in accordance with the provisions of FJ549. 7 Inspection rules
7.1 Inspection classification
Product inspection is divided into acceptance test (S) and type test (T). 7.2 The quality of synthetic fiber antistatic silk should be guaranteed by the quality assurance system of the manufacturer. Products should be inspected and qualified by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer before they can leave the factory. Products leaving the factory must be accompanied by a product quality certificate. 7.3 Product acceptance test and sampling
Acceptance inspection and sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard and GBn236. If the supply and demand parties have a separate technical agreement, acceptance tests can be carried out in accordance with the technical agreement.
7.4 Type test and sampling
Type test shall be carried out in accordance with the technical requirements of this standard and the provisions of GBn236. If the supply and demand parties have a separate technical agreement, inspections can be carried out in accordance with the technical agreement.
Type tests should also be carried out when the process, materials and equipment are changed. 8 Marking and packaging
The marking and packaging of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GBn237. 9 Transportation and storage
9.1 The product should be protected from sunlight, rain and moisture during transportation. 8
9.2 The product should be stored in a dry, ventilated warehouse without corrosive substances. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Electronic Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry and the Jiangsu Textile Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Ding Xie'an, Wang Qinyun, Gu Yingying and Li Weigang. YKAoNrKAas1 Main unit of friction-charged static voltage tester: as shown in Figure 6. Sample installation pants
Receiving voltage part
Friction cloth
Rotating roller
Friction cloth clamp
The main unit consists of a roller for placing the sample and rotating it, a friction part for causing the sample to generate static electricity due to friction, a receiving part for detecting the generated static electricity and its amplifier. Friction cloth
Use standard cloth or nylon cloth that conforms to GB414. Take 6 pieces of friction cloth with a width of 2.5cm and a length of 16cm. 6
YKAONrKAcas Friction cloth clamp
The width is 25±1mm, and the distance between the left and right clamps is 130±3mm. Sample installation frame
The sample installation frame is shown in Figure 7. Sample clamping frame
The sample clamping frame is shown in Figure 8: Rotating drum
Hollow part
The curvature radius is about 90
Hollow part
The outer diameter is 150±1mm, the width is about 60mm, and the rotation speed is about 400rpm. Receiving voltage part
The diameter of the electrode plate of the receiving voltage part is 20±1mm. The applied load is 4.903N (500gf)
Amplifier Oscilloscope and recorder
6.3.3 Samples and their preparation Sampling
Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article of this standard, and then 6 samples of 4X8cm in the vertical and horizontal directions of the samples shall be taken respectively. Washing treatment
Carry out in accordance with the provisions of Article of this standard.
3 Humidification of the sample
Carry out in accordance with the provisions of Article of this standard. 6.3.4 Test conditions
Test conditions shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.2.4 of this standard. 6.3.5 Test method
Connect the friction charge static tester with the oscilloscope and recorder, and the distance between the plate of the voltage receiving part and the plane of the sample mounting frame is about 15mm, and then place the friction cloth with static electricity eliminated at the specified position. Apply a load of 4.903N. At the same time, change the height of the left and right clamps to make the friction smooth. Place a sample on each sample mounting frame so that its surface becomes the friction surface. Perform static electricity elimination treatment. Then rotate the rotating drum to rub the sample. Measure the voltage after 60s from the start of rotation, and then replace the friction cloth of another material, and measure 3 samples in the longitudinal and transverse directions in the same order. Note: The friction charge static tester must be calibrated before starting this series of tests. During calibration, install the calibration electrode plate [the exposed area is (20 ± 1) × (25 ± 1) mm] on the component where the sample is placed, apply a 100V calibration DC voltage, and rotate the rotary roller to calibrate the receiving voltage part. 6.3.6 Calculation
Calculate the average measured values ​​of the two friction cloths for a total of 6 samples in the longitudinal and transverse directions, and calculate the average value to 2 significant figures. 6.3.7 Test report
The test report should at least include the following: a.
Sample name;
Test date;
Test conditions:
Instrument model:
Test results;
Name of the tester.
6.3.8 Other contents may be added as needed. 6.4 Test method for static voltage half-life
The test method for static voltage half-life of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall be tested in accordance with the provisions of FJ549. 7 Inspection rules
7.1 Inspection classification
Product inspection is divided into acceptance test (S) and type test (T). 7.2 The quality of synthetic fiber antistatic silk should be guaranteed by the quality assurance system of the manufacturer. Products should be inspected and qualified by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer before they can leave the factory. Products leaving the factory must be accompanied by a product quality certificate. 7.3 Product acceptance test and sampling
Acceptance inspection and sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard and GBn236. If the supply and demand parties have a separate technical agreement, acceptance tests can be carried out in accordance with the technical agreement.
7.4 Type test and sampling
Type test shall be carried out in accordance with the technical requirements of this standard and the provisions of GBn236. If the supply and demand parties have a separate technical agreement, inspections can be carried out in accordance with the technical agreement.
Type tests should also be carried out when the process, materials and equipment are changed. 8 Marking and packaging
The marking and packaging of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GBn237. 9 Transportation and storage
9.1 The product should be protected from sunlight, rain and moisture during transportation. 8
9.2 The product should be stored in a dry, ventilated warehouse without corrosive substances. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Electronic Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry and the Jiangsu Textile Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Ding Xie'an, Wang Qinyun, Gu Yingying and Li Weigang. YKAoNrKAas
Specimen name;
Test date;
Test conditions:
Instrument model:
Test results;
Name of tester.
6.3.8Other contents may be added as needed. 6.4Test method for half-life of static voltage
The test method for half-life of static voltage of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall be tested in accordance with the provisions of FJ549. 7Inspection rules
7.1Inspection classification
Product inspection is divided into acceptance test (S) and type test (T). 7.2The quality of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall be guaranteed by the quality assurance system of the manufacturer. The product shall be inspected and qualified by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer before it can be shipped. The shipped product shall be accompanied by a product quality certificate. 7.3Product acceptance test and sampling
Acceptance inspection and sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard and GBn236. If the supply and demand parties have another technical agreement, the delivery test can be carried out according to the technical agreement.
7.4 Type test and sampling
Type test shall be carried out in accordance with the technical requirements of this standard and the provisions of GBn236. If the supply and demand parties have another technical agreement, the inspection can be carried out in accordance with the technical agreement.
Type test shall also be carried out when the process, materials and equipment are changed. 8 Marking and packaging
The marking and packaging of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GBn237. 9 Transportation and storage
9.1 The product shall be protected from sunlight, rain and moisture during transportation. 8
9.2 The product shall be stored in a dry, ventilated warehouse without corrosive substances. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Electronic Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry and the Jiangsu Textile Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Ding Xie'an, Wang Qinyun, Gu Yingying and Li Weigang.
Specimen name;
Test date;
Test conditions:
Instrument model:
Test results;
Name of tester.
6.3.8Other contents may be added as needed. 6.4Test method for half-life of static voltage
The test method for half-life of static voltage of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall be tested in accordance with the provisions of FJ549. 7Inspection rules
7.1Inspection classification
Product inspection is divided into acceptance test (S) and type test (T). 7.2The quality of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall be guaranteed by the quality assurance system of the manufacturer. The product shall be inspected and qualified by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer before it can be shipped. The shipped product shall be accompanied by a product quality certificate. 7.3Product acceptance test and sampling
Acceptance inspection and sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard and GBn236. If the supply and demand parties have another technical agreement, the delivery test can be carried out according to the technical agreement.
7.4 Type test and sampling
Type test shall be carried out in accordance with the technical requirements of this standard and the provisions of GBn236. If the supply and demand parties have another technical agreement, the inspection can be carried out in accordance with the technical agreement.
Type test shall also be carried out when the process, materials and equipment are changed. 8 Marking and packaging
The marking and packaging of synthetic fiber antistatic silk shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GBn237. 9 Transportation and storage
9.1 The product shall be protected from sunlight, rain and moisture during transportation. 8
9.2 The product shall be stored in a dry, ventilated warehouse without corrosive substances. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Electronic Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry and the Jiangsu Textile Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Ding Xie'an, Wang Qinyun, Gu Yingying and Li Weigang.
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