Some standard content:
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Constant support disc spring hangers
Constant support disc spring hangers2002-07-16 Issued
Implementation on 2002-12-01
Issued by the State Economic and Trade Commission of the People's Republic of China Foreword
Normative references
Knot tree, type
Load, displacement series
Model representation method
Basic dimensions…
Manufacture and inspection
7.2 Inspection and testing
8 Paint. Packaging and marking
9 Selection, installation and adjustment
Appendix A (informative appendix) Typical support and suspension method examples
Appendix B (normative appendix) Selection, installation and adjustment of constant force disc spring supports and hangers B.1 Selection of constant force disc spring supports and hangers,
Selection of support and hanger type
Selection of support and hanger method,
Determination of standard displacement value of supports and hangers
Determination of support and hanger wheel load,
Determination of support and hanger number,
Handling of out-of-range situations
Installation and adjustment of constant force disc spring supports and hangers
Installation of supports and hangers
Adjustment of supports and hangers
Displacement indication inspection
Installation and adjustment instructions,
Structure diagram of flat constant force disc spring supports
Figure 2 PDA Type schematic
Figure 3 PDE type schematic.
PDB type schematic,
loose nut schematic
PDZ type schematic,
LDA type schematic
LDE type schematic
L,DB type cylinder diagram,
LDZa type schematic
LDZb type schematic
.JB/T 10357—2002
PDA type (connected)
PDE type (parallel)
PDF type
LDA type
LDE type
LDZa Type
LDZb type
Support mode and load, displacement range of constant disc spring support and hanger PDA, PDB, PDE, PDZ type support and hanger load, displacement series..LDALDB, LDE, LDZ type support load, displacement series...Table 3
Main dimensions and connection dimensions of PDA, PDB, PDE type support and hanger..Table 4
Table 5 L value of PDA, PDE type support and hanger
Table 6 H, 1. value of PDB type support and hanger..
Table 7 E value of PDA, PDE type support and hanger, Table 8 N value of PDA, PDB, PDE, PDZ type support and hanger..Table 9
K value of PDA, FDB, PDE, PDZ type support and hanger, H, value of PDA, PDB type support and hanger.
H value of PDE type support and hanger. Value,
Main axial dimensions of loose nuts of various types of supports and hangers. Specifications of thread of root bolts and hanger rods of various types of supports and hangers..Main overall dimensions and connection dimensions of PDZ type supports and hangers..PEZ type supports and hangers..
PDZ type supports and hangers..
Main overall dimensions and connection dimensions of LDA, LDB, LDE type supports and hangers..LB type supports and hangers..
Main overall dimensions and connection dimensions of LB type supports and hangers..
LDA, LDB, LDE, LDZb type supports and hangers..LDA, LDE Type support and hanger e value.
LDA, LDB, LDE type support and hanger L value..
LDA, LDB type support and hanger H value..
LDE type support and hanger H value
LDA, LDB, LDE, LDZa, LDZb type support and hanger quality LDZaLDZb type support and hanger main external dimensions and connection dimensions LDZa, LDZb type support and hanger L value
LDZa type support and hanger H value,
Table 29
LDZb type support and hanger H value.
Appendix A of this standard is an informative appendix, and Appendix B is a normative appendix. This standard is proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Boiler Standardization (CSBTS/TC73). The drafting units of this standard are Dalian Spring Factory and Harbin Boiler Factory Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are Lei Donghui, Du Benju, Wang Huating, Du Xianglin, Sun Xifa and Zhuang Songping. JB/T10357—2002
Constant force support and suspension channel is an indispensable and important device in the support and suspension system of thermal pipelines in thermal power plants and oil refining and chemical engineering projects. The elastic components in its structure currently include cylindrical helical springs and discs. This standard uses discs as elastic elements, thus reducing the volume and weight of the support and suspension bracket, facilitating the spatial arrangement of the project and reducing the project cost. Referring to similar foreign standards and domestic design selection, this standard cancels the single ear plate rooting method compared with JB/T8130.1-1999 "Constant Force Spring Support and Hanger".
1 Scope
Constant force disc spring supports and hangers
JB/T 10357--2002
This standard specifies the series specifications, dimensional parameters, manufacturing, inspection technical requirements and selection methods of constant force disc spring supports and hangers: This standard is applicable to constant force disc spring supports and hangers with a load range of 123N~315991N and a displacement range of 50mm~~400mm. 2 Normative references
The provisions in the following documents become the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. All subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions to dated references are not applicable to this standard. However, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For undated references, the latest versions are applicable to this standard. GBT1972-1992 Disc spring (negDIN2092: 1990: DIN2093: 1990) 3 Structure, type
3.1 The constant force disc spring support and hanger is mainly composed of a fixed frame, a rotating frame, a fixed pin, a rooting top plate (or ear plate, a loose medium nut, a disc spring group and a cover. The typical structure is shown in Figure 1.
1-rotating frame: 2-rooting bolts: 3-fixed frame: 4-displacement indicator: 5-locking pin: disc spring group and cover: 7-plate: 8-suspender bolt, 9-loose nut: 10--spindle. Figure 1 Structure diagram of flat constant force disc spring support and hanger
JB/T 103572002
3.2 The types of constant force disc support and hanger are divided into three types: horizontal type (PDA, PDB, PDE), vertical type (LDA, LDB, LDE) and seat type (PDZ, LDZ, LDZb). The support and hanger methods and load and displacement specifications are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Support and hanger methods and load and displacement specifications of constant force disc support and hanger. Schematic diagram
Support and hanger methods||t t||Use double bolts to root and suspend the pipes or equipment below
Use single bolts to root and suspend the pipes or equipment below
Use double-hole ear plates to suspend the pipes or equipment below
Same as PDA
Same as PDB
The bottom plate is installed on the component, and the pipes or equipment below are suspended
Load, displacement range
Load: 123N--31599IN
Displacement: 50mm~-400mm
Load: 123N-31599IN
Displacement; 60un400rum
Load: 15974315991N
Displacement: 60mm--400mm
Schematic diagram
Table 1 (continued)
Support and suspension method
The bottom plate is installed on the component, and the pipes or equipment below are not suspended
The bottom plate is installed on the component, and the pipes or equipment above are supported
Note 1: For PDB and LDB types, the single screw root must be fixed on the steel beam. Method 2: The manufacturer's supply does not include the suspension rod bolts below the loose nut. 3.3 Typical examples of constant force disc spring supports and hangers are shown in Appendix A. 4 Load and displacement series
Load and displacement range
Load: 1039N--53741N
Displacement: 80mm--400mm
Load: 1039N--53740N
Displacement: 80mm--400mm
4.1 Constant force disc spring supports and hangers can be selected according to the load and displacement series table. Among them, PDA, PDB, PDE, PDZ type supports and hangers are The load and displacement series of the bracket are shown in Table 2, and the load and displacement series of the LDA, LDB, LDE and LDZ type brackets are shown in Table 3. 4.2 The displacement, load value and code of the constant disc spring bracket are determined in B.1.4, B.1.5 and B.1.6 in Appendix B respectively. 5 Model Representation Method
The model of the constant disc spring bracket consists of 6 parts:
Bolt specification of the hanger, indicated by M××: - Displacement direction, X indicates downward, S indicates upward: Standard load value, unit is N. Indicated by Arabic numerals: Standard displacement value, unit is mm, in Arabic numerals: Bracket code, in Arabic numerals: Bracket type code, in two Chinese pinyin letters and one English letter. Example 1: PDA40-[60/24647 x-M36 means a horizontal A-type number 40, standard displacement value 160mm, standard load value 24647N, displacement direction downward, and rod bolt specification M36 constant force disc support. Example 2: LDB55-200/4813S-M64×4 means a vertical B-type number 55, standard displacement value 200tmm, standard load value /74813N, displacement direction upward, and rod bolt specification M64X4 constant force disc support. 3
Load and displacement series of PDA, PDB, PDE and PDZ type supports and hangers
5165 : 4763
5664 :
1058 :
3724 :3500
205 pcs
JB/T 10357: -2002
12 cross 0
2 (continued)
6 out of 42
602 learn
12986012836||tt ||37633469
21393: 19747 |
IB/T 10357—2002
Table 2 (continued)
53518 49059452864205239245
5835953500493824585 442797
33790 32095
36593.34770 31605 | | tt | 5823760334182:3134028930268622506823500221192089419796188066267157850153724 50137
70491 65072 6042 7 56400 52871 49764783317230467140626G1
9831391757| | tt | 2764626097247352350052214
5377348882448064135638406 35848 33604 3162529870283022688159740
74666 70276 66366||tt| |6287759731 5430249774 459524266939817
72442 688256256357350 52940 491578602480968
37328 35133331833143829870
430121404843823036220 34408
10687999754193521880248313378753 74813 68012 623481 5755553440049882 46756:4401241562 39376 3740711321910614499900 94345:89386849177719570756165317606522 56605 53067|49950 4717744688 42454122980115297108515102479 97089 92238 83850 76861709526588561495 57644|5425351244
13281912451911718811 0681.104860996179056283016 766267114846119
142649133730125871118874112622 106987972658916082300 76420 710306686562936 59437 56310 5349846108137514129870 123039116885 100261 97402|899058348677920:73049:68757649356151558437JB/T10357-2002
2 (continued)
155359146226 138102 130830 124293 112994 103576 9560988778 828597768573108690506541562142
8558 380545
180320169716160289151851144256131144120217110965 103037 9617790160184858801447593072128
181476171402162376154262 140238 128547118658 11018110284196412 907388570181193
19172 18107517 1549 162964 148156135808 125362 11641410864310185195864 9053285770 814872019581907371807021716671
156065143040132055122618114444107290100980995374 90356 85838
12R909 120315112798 108163 100264 94982 90238212317 200528 1899731
224244211788 20(635190610 173284158838 146618 136151127(68119129|112112 105889 100323; 5305245294 231672 21947 208505 189552 173754 160387 148930 139003 131290 122647 115836 109740 104252257123242834 230055 21855 198685 182123 168119 156104 145697136592 128556 121412 115(23 109280[267256253183|240531 218658|200440|185024171804160348 150332141483 1336231265961202(0280113265364 252095229|83210083 193922 180075 168070157564148294140052 132682126048303212287258272890248087|227409 209916194922181927170559160524 15[606 143629136445315991 299360 284386258534 236993 218765 203134 189590 177743 167286|157996 149675|142198TB/T 10357—2002
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