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JB/T 6480-1992 Basic technical requirements for traction motors

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6480-1992

Standard Name: Basic technical requirements for traction motors

Chinese Name: 牵引电机 基本技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1992-08-06

Date of Implementation:1993-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Electrical Equipment and Apparatus>>K63 Traction Electrical Equipment

associated standards

alternative situation:JB 3369-83

Procurement status:neq IEC 349:1987

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press 

Publication date:1993-01-01

other information

drafter:Wan Dexin, Liu Wenshan, Zhu Ling, Zhu Hanshou, Xu Chang

Drafting unit:Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry

Focal point unit:Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry

Proposing unit:Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the product classification, terminology, and operating environment conditions of traction motors. It also specifies the basic technical requirements, acceptance rules, nameplates and logos, quality warranty period, and attached documents and spare parts for traction motors. The standard applies to rotating motors on locomotives or vehicles powered by electricity for railway and road transportation, and is collectively referred to as traction motors. Such locomotives and vehicles can obtain electricity from external power supplies or internal energy. The standard does not apply to motors used in battery-powered electric industrial vehicles (forklifts, transporters, stackers, etc.), such as front window wiper motors on locomotives or vehicles. It is applicable to micro motors, such as front window wiper motors on locomotives or vehicles. JB/T 6480-1992 Basic Technical Conditions for Traction Motors JB/T6480-1992 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Basic Technical Requirements for Rotating Traction Motors
Published on August 6, 1992
Implementation by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on January 1, 1993
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Basic Technical Requirements for Rotating Traction Motors
Replaces JB3369-83
This standard refers to the second edition of the international electrotechnical standard IEC349 (November 1991) "Rotating Motors for Electric Traction Railway and Road Vehicles" and IEC349-2 "Rotating Motors for Electric Traction Railway and Road Vehicles Part 2: AC Motors Powered by Electronic Converters" (Draft). 1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
1.1 Subject Content
This standard specifies the product classification, terminology, and operating environment conditions of traction motors. This standard specifies the basic technical requirements, acceptance rules, nameplates and marks, quality warranty period, attached documents and spare parts for traction motors. 1.21 Scope of application This standard applies to rotating motors on locomotives or vehicles driven by electricity for railway and road transportation, and is collectively referred to as traction motors. Such locomotives or vehicles can obtain electricity from external power sources or internal energy. This standard does not apply to motors used in battery-powered electric industrial vehicles (forklifts, transporters, stackers, etc.); this standard also does not apply to micro motors, such as front window wiper motors on locomotives or vehicles. Reference standards
3 Terminology
3.1 Rating
Basic technical requirements for rotating electrical machines
Motor terminal marking and direction of rotation
Test Db: Alternating damp heat test method
Electrical and electrical Sub-product basic environmental test procedures Electrical terminology Motor
Electrical terminology Electric traction
Methods and limits for vibration measurement of rotating electrical machines
【Methods for vibration measurement
Methods and limits for noise measurement of rotating electrical machines
Methods for noise measurement
Methods for compiling product models of traction motors
Basic test methods for traction motors
Ratings refer to all values ​​of electrical and mechanical quantities occurring simultaneously and their duration and sequence specified by the manufacturer for the motor in accordance with the requirements of this standard.
The purpose of the rating is to enable the performance of the motor to be verified on the test bench, and to serve as the basis for evaluating the suitability of the specified working conditions and as the basis for comparison between different motors. The ratings of traction motors are divided into continuous ratings, short-term ratings, intermittent ratings, and equivalent ratings. Operation in full accordance with the ratings is called "rated operation",
3.2 Rated values
The value of any quantity included in the rating is called the rated value. The rated value of a motor is the value of the electrical quantity or mechanical quantity of the motor specified by the manufacturer to ensure the quota. The names of these values ​​are prefixed with the word "rated", namely, rated power, rated voltage, rated current, rated speed, rated excitation current (rated magnetic field level), rated excitation voltage, rated current ripple coefficient, rated power factor, rated frequency, etc. 3.3 Continuous Rating This rating corresponds to the load that the motor can withstand when it is continuously operated on the test bench according to the temperature rise test requirements specified in Article 6.1.1, and the temperature rise of each part does not exceed the temperature rise limit specified in Table 1 in Article 6.1.3. This rating should also meet all other corresponding requirements of this standard. 3.4 Short-time rating
This rating corresponds to the load that the motor can withstand when it runs for a specified time from the cold state of the motor on the test bench according to the temperature rise test requirements specified in Article 6.1.1, and the temperature rise does not exceed the overflow limit specified in Table 1 in Article 6.1.3. The time limit of the short-time rating is preferably 10, 30, 60, and 90 minutes, and the 60-minute rating is specified as the hourly rating. This rating should also meet all other corresponding requirements of this standard. 3.5 Intermittent rating
This rating corresponds to the load that the motor can withstand when it runs continuously in a series of identical working cycles without the temperature rise exceeding the temperature rise limit specified in Article 6.1.3. Its working cycle includes starting, a running time at rated load, and a shutdown and power-off time (excluding the excitation power supply that is not allowed to be cut off in DC motors). Unless there is a special agreement between the user and the manufacturer, one cycle is usually 10 minutes. In one cycle, the ratio of the rated load (including starting) time to the entire cycle time is called the "duration of load" (expressed as a percentage). This rating should also meet all other corresponding requirements of this standard. 3.6 Equivalent rating
The equivalent rating is a continuous rating with constant voltage, current and speed. In terms of its temperature rise, it is equivalent to the intermittent rating that the motor must withstand in actual use.
This rating should be agreed upon by the user and the manufacturer. This rating should also meet all other corresponding requirements of this standard. 3.7 Short-term overload rating
This rating is equivalent to a load that the motor can withstand on the test bench, starting from the hot state and running within a specified time. The start and conduct of the test shall be in accordance with Article 6.1.5, and the temperature rise shall not exceed the provisions of Table 2. The short-term overload rating is valuable for determining the motor's ability to adapt to overload, that is, the motor's ability to run for a period of time above the continuous rating after running for a considerable period of time below the continuous rating. This rating is determined through tests based on user requirements. 3.8 Guaranteed rating
The guaranteed rating is the rating guaranteed by the manufacturer to the user, and is determined by the manufacturer according to the following principles: a. The guaranteed rating of traction motors and main generators for trunk railways is usually a continuous rating; b. The guaranteed rating of traction motors and main generators for industrial and mining and urban transportation is usually an hourly rating: C. The guaranteed rating of auxiliary motors should be set as a continuous rating, intermittent rating or short-term rating according to their working requirements. Motors usually have two guaranteed ratings. One is the "low voltage rating", i.e., lower voltage and larger load current, which is determined by the temperature rise of each winding through which the load current passes; the other is the "high voltage rating", i.e., higher voltage and smaller load current, which is determined by the temperature rise of the excitation winding: the guaranteed rating of the traction motor powered by the main generator corresponds to the "low voltage rating" of the main generator. 3.9 Rated voltage
The rated voltage of the motor is the specified value of the voltage at the motor output terminal. If the voltage changes in one direction, the rated voltage is the arithmetic mean of the periodic waveform; if the voltage is alternating, the rated voltage is the effective value of the fundamental component of the periodic waveform. 3.9.1 Rated voltage of traction motor and traction auxiliary motor The following and apply to both a single motor and n motors connected in fixed series. In the latter case, the rated voltage of each traction motor is equal to the rated voltage specified in and divided by n. For auxiliary motors with fixed JB648092
resistors in series, the rated voltage is the voltage value of the entire device including the voltage drop of the resistor. The rated voltage of a motor directly or indirectly powered by a catenary refers to the highest voltage value (excluding instantaneous value) that appears at its terminals when the motor is supplied with rated current by a catenary of rated network voltage. For indirectly powered motors, if the adjustment tolerance curve of the transformer or other device is not given, the rated voltage is taken as 90% of the open circuit voltage value, or agreed upon by the user and the manufacturer. The rated voltage of a motor powered by a power source installed on a locomotive or vehicle. The rated voltage of a traction motor powered by a main generator is equal to the "rated low voltage" of the connected main generator; when a synchronous main generator supplies power to a DC traction motor, the rated voltage of the motor is the corresponding output voltage of the rectifier connected between the generator and the traction motor.
b. The rated voltage of a motor powered by an auxiliary generator is a value corresponding to the rated voltage of the auxiliary power system. c. If the power supply is from a battery, the actual voltage at the motor output terminal under the rated current of the motor shall be the rated voltage of the motor. 3.9.2 The rated voltage of the main generator
shall be determined by the manufacturer and shall correspond to the two guaranteed ratings specified in Article 3.8. 3.9.3 The rated voltage of the auxiliary generator
shall be a value corresponding to the rated voltage of the auxiliary power supply system. 3.10 Maximum and minimum voltage
The maximum and minimum voltage of the motor refer to the maximum and minimum voltage values ​​(excluding instantaneous voltage) that the motor can withstand during normal operation. The minimum voltage does not include any attenuation caused by the control equipment during starting or acceleration. The maximum and minimum voltages of the motor directly or indirectly powered by the overhead line should usually be the values ​​corresponding to the maximum and minimum voltages of the traction system, and the adjustment rate of any transformer or control equipment connected between the line and the motor should be taken into account. 3.10.1 The maximum voltage of traction motors and auxiliary motors directly powered by the DC overhead line is 1.2 times the rated voltage and the minimum voltage is 0.67 times the rated voltage.
3.10.2 For pulse current traction motors and auxiliary motors powered by the transformer-rectifier group on the vehicle, if there is no special agreement, the maximum voltage is specified as 1.1 times the rated voltage, and the minimum voltage of the auxiliary motor is specified as 0.7 times the rated voltage. 3.10.3 The maximum voltage of traction motors and main generators for thermal locomotives or vehicles is the maximum voltage shown on the full power adjustment curve. 3.10.4 The maximum voltage of the traction motor and auxiliary motor powered by the battery is the no-load voltage of the fully charged battery pack (or in consultation with the overall design of the locomotive).
3.10.5 The maximum and minimum voltages of the auxiliary generator refer to the generator voltage corresponding to the maximum and minimum speeds of the traction motor (or thermal engine) and the generator under the specified excitation conditions. For auxiliary generators working with voltage regulators, there is no provision for maximum and minimum voltages. 3.10.6 If there are n auxiliary motors directly or indirectly powered by the overhead line and there is no mechanical coupling, the maximum voltage of each motor is equal to 1.2 times the quotient obtained by dividing the maximum voltage supplied to this group of motors by n. 3.10.7 The maximum voltage of the AC traction motor powered by the converter is the effective value of the fundamental component of the maximum line voltage of the power supply that the motor is required to withstand during operation.
3.11 Maximum current
The maximum current of the motor is the current that the motor should not exceed during operation. For traction motors and main generators, the maximum current should be determined by the user and the manufacturer based on the maximum current of the motor's characteristic use range. If there is no special agreement, the manufacturer shall determine it according to the following principles (except AC motors): 8. The maximum current of DC (or pulse current) traction motors for electric locomotives or vehicles is 2 times the guaranteed rated current, but various characteristic curves can only be drawn to 1.7 times the guaranteed rated current. b. The maximum current of DC traction motors for thermal locomotives or vehicles is 1.7 times the guaranteed rated current. The maximum current of the main generator is 1.7 times the guaranteed low-voltage rated current. C. The maximum current of DC and synchronous traction auxiliary motors is 1.5 times the guaranteed rated current. 3.12 Rated power
3.12.1 Rated power of motor
The rated power of a motor refers to the effective mechanical power output on the shaft when the motor is running at rated speed. 3.12.2 Rated power of generator
a The rated power of a DC generator refers to the rated output power at the motor line end; b The rated power of a synchronous generator refers to the rated apparent power output at the motor line end at the rated power factor; the rated power of an AC generator designed to output after full rectification refers to the rated output power after rectification. c.
3.13 Rated speed
The rated speed of a motor refers to the speed under guaranteed rating. The rated speed of a main generator or auxiliary generator driven by a thermal engine shall be a value corresponding to the rated speed of the thermal engine. 3.14 Maximum operating speed
3.14.1 The maximum operating speed of a traction motor refers to the motor speed corresponding to the maximum speed of a locomotive or vehicle during normal operation. This maximum operating speed is converted according to the wheel diameter under the specified full wear state of the wheel rim in the case of metal wheels, and according to the minimum rolling circle diameter in the case of rubber wheels.
3.14.2 The maximum operating speed of the traction auxiliary motor shall be clearly stipulated in the agreement between the user and the manufacturer (taking into account the most unfavorable conditions of voltage, excitation, load, frequency, etc. that may occur during operation). 3.14.3 The maximum operating speed of the main or auxiliary generator directly driven by the thermal engine corresponds to the maximum operating speed of the thermal engine. 3.15 Current ripple coefficient
The current ripple coefficient is expressed as a percentage and is determined by formula (1): ImrIni
Where: I...the maximum value of the pulsating current; Iin—the minimum value of the pulsating current.
3.16 Pulsating frequency
The pulsating frequency refers to the frequency of the fundamental wave of the AC component of the pulsating current or voltage. 3.17 Excitation ratio and field level of series-wound motors (1)
The excitation ratio of a series-wound motor is the ratio of the actual ampere-turns in the field winding under a given armature current to the maximum ampere-turns when the field winding passes the same armature current, expressed as a percentage. The field level of a series-wound motor is classified according to the magnitude of the excitation ratio as follows: When the current passing through the field winding is equal to the armature current, the excitation ratio is 100% and the corresponding field level is the full field level; b. When the motor is operated at the maximum excitation ratio allowed in use, the corresponding field level is the maximum field level (when the motor field winding has no fixed parallel shunt, the maximum field level is the full field level); c.
When the motor is operated at an excitation ratio less than the maximum excitation ratio, the corresponding field level is the weakened field level; when the motor is operated at the minimum excitation ratio allowed in use, the corresponding field level is the minimum field level (or the deepest weakened field level).
3.18 Specified loss
Specified loss is the difference between input power and output power under guaranteed rating. 3.19 Permanent damage
Permanent damage refers to damage that will affect the normal operation of the motor after the test. 4 Classification
4.1 The motors covered by this standard can be divided into the following types according to the nature of input or output power: direct current (including multi-phase alternating current rectification); a.
pulsated current (single-phase alternating current rectification);
unidirectional current controlled by chopper;
single-phase alternating current;
multi-phase (generally three-phase) alternating current.
4.2 The motors covered by this standard can be divided into the following types according to their use: Traction motors - motors used to drive railway or road locomotives or vehicles: a.
Traction main generator driven by a thermal engine - a generator used to power the traction motor on the same locomotive or vehicle (such as an electric wheel dump truck);
c Traction auxiliary motor - a motor used to drive auxiliary machinery on a locomotive or vehicle (such as a compressor, blower, auxiliary generator, bow pump, etc.);
d. Traction auxiliary generator - a generator that powers auxiliary equipment on a locomotive or vehicle (such as excitation, control, lighting, battery, auxiliary motor, air conditioning, mining, etc.); e. Traction auxiliary electric generator set - a set that obtains electricity from the overhead line or other power source to power auxiliary equipment on the vehicle. 5 Operating environment conditions
The motor should be able to run normally under the following environmental conditions: a. The altitude should not exceed 1200m; b. The highest air temperature in the shade should not exceed 40℃, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than -25℃; c. The average maximum relative humidity in the wettest month should not exceed 90% (the average minimum temperature in the same month should not be higher than 25℃). If the above conditions are exceeded, or when working under harsh dust, humidity, snow, impact, and vibration conditions, the user and the manufacturer shall determine. Traction motors used in special environmental conditions shall also comply with the relevant standards or regulations (such as the provisions of "Explosion-proof Electrical Equipment for Explosive Environments").
6 Basic technical requirements for motors
6.1 Temperature rise test
6.1.1 Temperature rise test requirements During the type test, the motor shall be subjected to a temperature rise test under the guaranteed rating. The inspection test is carried out under the same test conditions as the type test for a short-time rated temperature rise test. For the main synchronous generator, after consultation and agreement between the user and the manufacturer, the indirect method such as short circuit and open circuit may be used for the test.
If the user and the manufacturer agree Note that large synchronous motors can also be tested as synchronous generators. The motor should be tested on the test bench with all components installed on the vehicle that can affect the temperature rise of the motor or equivalent devices. The rated ventilation volume should be kept unchanged for motors using forced ventilation cooling. Usually, the air volume with cooling effect caused by the movement of the vehicle is not supplied, but in special conditions, such as the cooling of enclosed traction motors is actually important. A proper amount of external air volume can be supplied after agreement between the user and the manufacturer. AC generators designed for full rectified output should be equipped with corresponding rectifiers for type inspection. 6.1.2 Test rules for pulse current motors
a The temperature rise, commutation and current ripple tests of pulse current motors should be carried out under the conditions of the actual pulsation frequency and current ripple coefficient;
b. The ripple coefficient of the current generated by the test equipment used for pulse current motors should be as close as possible to the ripple coefficient that occurs in the entire working range during actual operation;
c. When the difference in temperature rise, commutation and speed characteristics of pulse current motors under DC and pulse current has been determined, the inspection test of the same type of motor, if carried out under DC, should take this difference into account. 6.1.3 Temperature rise limit and temperature limit Temperature rise limit of windings, commutators, slip rings and temperature rise tolerance of windings JB6480-92
The temperature rise limit values ​​of various components of motors with different insulation levels that exceed the ambient cooling air temperature measured on the test bench are listed in Table 1.
Table 1 Temperature rise limits of motor windings and commutators (or slip rings) Motor parts
Stator windings, rotating field windings of synchronous generators and motors All other rotating windings
Commutators, slip rings
Squirrel cage rotor windings, damping windings
Note: Class 200 refers to Class C insulation referred to by the passband, and the test method
Resistance method
Resistance method
Electric thermometer method
Electric thermometer method
Insulation level
The temperature rise should be limited to not damaging adjacent windings or other parts. For each component of the enclosed motor, the allowable temperature rise limit value can be increased by 10K compared with the specified value in Table 1. During the test, if the cooling air temperature is between 10 and 40C, the measured temperature rise will not be corrected; if the cooling air temperature is outside the above range, the user and the manufacturer shall negotiate to determine the correction method. The tolerance of the temperature rise of the motor winding during the inspection test is as follows: During the inspection test, within 1 minute after the start of cooling (it can be extended to 2 minutes for large motors with difficulty in stopping), a resistance value or temperature value is measured for each winding, and the time of obtaining the reading is recorded. The calculated temperature rise value is compared with the temperature rise value of the corresponding "typical heating and cooling curve" at the same time. The winding temperature rise shall not exceed 8% of the corresponding reading on the typical curve or 10K (whichever is greater). If the temperature rise of individual motors exceeds the value of the typical curve by more than the tolerance: a type test can be carried out under the guaranteed quota. If it passes, it should also be accepted. Temperature limit of rolling bearings
When the ambient temperature of the same motor is 40℃ or below, the temperature limit of the rolling bearing is 95℃. If the technical conditions of the rolling bearing and grease allow its temperature limit to exceed 95C, the temperature limit of the rolling bearing is not subject to this restriction and can be specified separately in the product technical conditions. 6.1.4 Drawing of the "typical heating and cooling curve" of the traction motor winding: For the first 10 motors to be trial-produced and produced, the heating and cooling curves of each winding shall be drawn at one stroke using the temperature rise test method in the type test. For each winding, the curves of the first 4 tested motors (including the motors in the type test) shall be averaged as a temporary basis for the subsequent motor tests, and their temperature rise tolerance shall be used to accept or reject them until all 10 motors have been tested. The curves of the corresponding windings of these 10 motors shall be averaged, and the average value curve is the "typical heating and cooling curve" of the winding of this type of motor. If the inspection test of the motor fails for many times due to the influence of materials, processes, etc., a new typical curve may be drawn, but the new curve shall not be 5% higher than the original curve. 6.1.5 Short-time overload rating test
If the user requires a short-time overload rating test, the starting and final values ​​of the test temperature rise shall be as specified in Table 2, and the over-limit rating shall be determined based on the final temperature rise measured, which is preferably within ±10K of the value given in Table 2. If the test value differs from the value in Table 2 by more than 20K, the test should be repeated.
This test is based on the armature temperature of the commutator motor, but should not cause heating of other motor components to cause permanent damage. For multi-phase AC motors, the test should be based on the stator winding temperature. At this time, the temperature rise of Class B insulation should increase by 10K compared to the value in Table 2, Class F by 15K, and Class H and Class 200 by 20K. These increases also apply to rotating field windings. For fully enclosed motors, all limits shall be increased by 10K.
Table 2 Armature temperature rise for short-time overload rating
Test start value
Final value
6.2 Overspeed test
6.2.1 General
The overspeed test is an inspection test for all commutator and wound rotor motors and a type test for other motors (unless otherwise agreed). The motor shall be run at the speed specified below for 2 minutes in the hot state. After the test, the motor shall have no permanent damage and shall be able to pass the withstand voltage test specified in Article 6.6.2.
6.2.2 The overspeed of the traction motor is generally 1.2 times the maximum operating speed of the motor. However, for two or more series-excited traction motors that are fixed in series, there is no automatic protection device to prevent the motor from overspeeding, nor a mechanical interlocking device to prevent speed differences between the motors. The overspeed is 1.3 times the maximum operating speed of the motor. For motors that only have an idling display and need to be adjusted by the driver, the overspeed should still be 1.3 times the maximum operating speed.
After the test, there should be no permanent damage to the rotating parts of the motor. 6.3 Starting test
Auxiliary motors and auxiliary motor generators should be tested for starting. During the test, normal starting and protection devices should be provided. For AC motors, the frequency should be the rated value. For motors used in pulsating or pulse-controlled motors, the test should be carried out under power supply conditions close to the actual operating conditions. The motor should first be subjected to 5 consecutive starts at the lowest voltage and then at the highest voltage, with an interval of 2 minutes between each start. At this time, the load applied to the motor should be such that the torque it produces is close to the starting torque under actual operating conditions. The starting performance should be satisfactory. At the same time, no abnormal temperature rise should occur in any part of the motor, and there should be no flashover or permanent deformation on the commutator. When testing at the highest voltage, the motor voltage should not drop below 0.9 times the maximum value specified in Article 3.10. If this requirement cannot be met due to the limitations of the test equipment, the user shall negotiate an alternative measure with the manufacturer. 6.4 Commutation test
6.4.1 General
The commutation test of DC or pulse current motors should be carried out in a hot state. Each test condition should be maintained for a period of time, but not more than 30s. Under high current conditions, if the motor shows signs of overheating, it can be operated under light load for a period of time to allow the motor to cool to normal operating temperature. The motor running in one direction is tested in the specified running direction; the motor running in two directions shall be tested in both directions for each test condition, and before the second direction test, it is allowed to run in the second direction for 15 minutes at rated voltage and current not exceeding the continuous rated current, so that the brush can obtain better contact (but the brush position shall not be moved). The motor shall be able to withstand each test specified in the corresponding regulations according to its type, and its commutation spark level shall not exceed the specified level, and there shall be no organic damage, flashover, ring fire and permanent damage.
6.4.2 Commutation test conditions and allowable spark levels for traction motors. Commutation test conditions and allowable spark levels for traction motors are shown in Tables 3 and 4. Table 3 Commutation test conditions and allowable spark level for traction motors for electric locomotives or vehicles Item
Maximum voltage
Maximum voltage
Maximum voltage
Maximum voltage
Maximum current
Maximum current
Rated electro-hydraulic
Rated current
Maximum speed
Magnetic field level
Maximum magnetic field level
Deepest weakened magnetic field level
Maximum magnetic field level
Deepest weakened magnetic field level
Deepest weakened magnetic field level
Allowable spark level
Items 1 and 3 in Table 3 are only performed in type tests and not in inspection tests; when testing Item 4, if the test speed is higher than the maximum operating speed, the voltage test can be reduced. Table 4 Thermal locomotive or vehicle Commutation test conditions and allowable spark level of traction motor
Rated low voltage
Rated low voltage
The product of the maximum current is equal to
The voltage at rated input power
Rated high voltage ... Current
Under rated high voltage
Rated current
Maximum speed
Cause field level
Maximum avoidance level
Deepest weakened magnetic field level
Maximum magnetic field level
Deepest weakened magnetic field level
Deepest weakened field level
Allowed spark levelwww.bzxz.net
Items 1 and 3 in Table 4 are only performed in type tests and not in inspection tests. For several motors that are fixed in series and have neither automatic protection devices to prevent overspeed nor mechanical interlocking devices to prevent speed differences between motors, the commutation test should also be carried out at the maximum magnetic field level and the highest operating speed: For traction motors powered by overhead wire or battery, the test voltage is 1.5 times the rated voltage; a.
For traction motors for thermal locomotives or vehicles, the test voltage is 1.5 times the rated high voltage. b.
The allowable spark level is level 2.
In addition, the traction motor used for regenerative braking or resistance braking should be tested under the most difficult commutation conditions within the braking line range. When the braking circuit during operation makes the current pulsation coefficient greater than 10%, the commutation test of the braking condition should be carried out under conditions close to the actual operation.
6.4.3 Commutation test conditions and allowable spark level of the main generator The commutation test conditions and allowable spark level of the main generator are shown in Table 5. Table 5 Commutation test conditions and allowable spark levels of main generator Voltage when the product of item
and current is equal to rated power Rated low voltage
Rated high voltage
Maximum current
Rated current at rated low voltage
Rated current at rated high voltage
Commutation test conditions and allowable spark levels of auxiliary traction motors Speed
Rated speed
Rated speed
Rated speed
Commutation test conditions and allowable spark levels of auxiliary traction motors are shown in Table 6. Table 6 Commutation test conditions and allowable spark level of auxiliary traction motor Item
Highest voltage
Highest voltage
Highest voltage
Rated current
Maximum current
High speed
Phosphorus field level
Deepest weakening magnetic field level
Deep weakening field level
Maximum magnetic field level
Allowable spark level
Allowable spark level
6.4.5. Commutation test of other motors
Except for motors specified in Articles 6.4.2 to 6.4.4, the commutation test of other motors shall be agreed upon by the user and the manufacturer. 6.4.6 The spark level of commutation and the determination of spark level shall comply with the provisions of GB755 on "spark level of commutation" and "determination of spark level". 6.5 Transient test (Tests of disconnecting and connecting the power supply, test of sudden change of supply voltage and additional test of compound-excited motor) For DC (or pulse current) series-excited motors and compound-excited motors mainly powered by series excitation, which are directly or indirectly powered by the overhead line, the test of disconnecting and connecting the power supply and the test of sudden change of supply voltage shall be carried out in accordance with the following provisions; motors with other excitation modes shall be specially arranged according to the agreement between the user and the manufacturer. For DC and pulse current compound-excited motors in the above cases, additional tests shall be carried out. When high-power motors cannot be tested in full accordance with the provisions of this article due to the limitations of the test equipment, the user and the manufacturer may discuss the test methods for this part separately.
The motor must withstand these tests without any mechanical damage, deformation, ring fire, arcing and permanent damage. 6.5.1 Test of disconnecting and connecting the power supply of the traction motor When the motor is running at the rated current, the power supply voltage is disconnected for about 1s and then reconnected. Disconnect and connect every 3 to 5 minutes, and repeat 6 times in total (if the motor magnetic field is adjustable, it should be carried out 3 times at the maximum magnetic field level and the deepest weakened magnetic field level). During the test, the speed of the motor should be kept constant as much as possible, and an appropriate transient recorder should be used to confirm that the instantaneous supply voltage before reconnection is at least equal to the maximum voltage; after connection, it should not be less than 0.9 times the rated voltage. In addition, if the motor is equipped with an automatic protection device, it should be tested with this protection device, or the operating time of this device should be used as the disconnection time of the above test. 6.5.2 Test of disconnection and connection of auxiliary motors and auxiliary motor-generator sets The test should be carried out when the motor is equipped with control and protection devices simulating normal operating conditions: for auxiliary motor-generator sets, the test circuit should include voltage and power regulators. The test can be carried out on a single motor or on a complete set of auxiliary units. The test should be started after the motor reaches stability at the highest voltage and the deepest weakened magnetic field level in use. When testing a single motor, the motor current shall be the rated value, while when testing a complete set of auxiliary units, the unit shall be tested under normal load conditions. During the test, the motor power supply shall be cut off and reclosed with a fast switch for four consecutive times. The time interval between cutting off and reclosing the power supply shall be about 1s twice, and the other two times shall be slightly less than the action time of the protection device. 6.5.3 Sudden change test of power supply voltage for auxiliary motors and auxiliary motor-generator sets During the test, the motor terminal voltage shall be suddenly changed between the highest and lowest values, for a total of 5 times. During the successive voltage sudden changes, the motor terminal voltage shall return to the lowest voltage state. During the test, a transient recorder can be used to confirm that the power supply voltage will not drop below the value corresponding to the system nominal voltage immediately after the resistor is short-circuited.
For auxiliary motors driving mechanical loads, the test shall be carried out when the motor is running at the lowest voltage and the deepest field weakening level with normal load.
For auxiliary motor generator sets, the test shall be carried out under the condition that the generator outputs the guaranteed rated power. If the output power is less than the guaranteed rated value, the test shall be carried out under the condition of the maximum power that can be provided at the minimum input voltage. During the test, the control equipment of the motor and the driven machine shall not be adjusted otherwise. The normal control and protection devices of the motor (including the generator voltage regulator) shall be provided in the circuit. 6.5.4 Additional tests for compound excitation motors
Because these motors can become generators in the case of a short circuit in the line, they shall be subjected to the following additional tests. The motor shall be powered at the highest voltage and the driven machine shall be operated at no load or the smallest possible load. When a steady state is reached, the power supply circuit shall be quickly disconnected and the motor shall be short-circuited immediately. The test shall be carried out twice with a time interval of 5 minutes. During the test, the motor under test shall have normal protection devices (relays and circuit breakers, damping and starting resistors, etc.). If a device that reliably prevents feedback (such as a rectifier diode) is installed in the circuit, this test is not required. 6.6 Determination of insulation resistance and withstand voltage test 6.6.1 Insulation resistance of motor windings in hot state The insulation resistance of motor windings in hot state shall not be less than the value calculated by formula (2): U
Where: R--insulation resistance of motor windings in hot state, Mn; U-rated voltage of motor, V.
However, the minimum insulation resistance value shall not be less than 0.5MS
When running on the same motor, the windings connected together internally shall be measured together. (2)
6.6.2 Withstand voltage test
Each new motor shall be subjected to withstand voltage test without insulation breakdown. The test shall be carried out in hot state after completing other specified test items. During the test, voltage shall be applied between the winding and the housing. At this time, the windings connected together internally during motor operation shall be combined for withstand voltage test, while other windings not participating in the test shall be connected to the housing. The test time is 1min, the frequency of the test voltage is 50Hz, and the waveform is an actual sine wave. The test voltage value shall be as specified in Table? Table 7 Test voltage values ​​for withstand voltage test
Windings powered directly or indirectly by the overhead line DC overhead line:
Rated voltage 600V and above
Rated voltage below 600V
AC overhead line
Windings not powered directly or indirectly by the overhead line (excluding item 3 and item 4 of this table)
Field windings of AC generators or step motors powered by batteries with a voltage of 36V or less Field windings of motors powered by transformers The test voltage value (effective value) of the motor winding powered by the rectifier is 2.25U+2000
U is the highest voltage to ground added to the winding when the contact network is rated voltage, 2.25U+2000
U is the highest voltage to ground added to the winding when the contact network is rated voltage. 2U+1000V. The minimum is 1500V. U is the highest voltage to ground added to the winding in normal operation. 10U, the minimum is 1500V, the maximum is 3500V, and U is the highest excitation voltage.
U is the rated voltage of the battery.
2Udel+1000V or
2Urp/V2+1000V or
Udel, which may be the highest voltage to ground UrpP on the DC link; the highest repetitive peak voltage to ground Urpb that may be applied to the motor winding: the highest repetitive peak voltage to ground that may be applied to the winding when the motor is in a braking state
Take the maximum value of the above three formulas as the test voltage value Note: ① Voltage U, for AC, refers to the effective value, and for pulsating voltage, it is the arithmetic mean. ② If the applied voltage is not based on the ground, U should be the applied voltage, 6.7 Drawing and tolerance of characteristic curves
The characteristic curve should be drawn to the use limit of each variable, such as the maximum operating speed, maximum current, maximum torque, etc. When drawing the characteristic curve, the winding resistance should be converted to the reference operating temperature according to its insulation grade; for B, F and H grade insulation, the reference operating temperature is 115°C, and the reference operating temperature for "200 grade" insulation is 150°C. All motor characteristics affected by heat should be measured when the temperature of each winding is close to the reference operating temperature in the hot state of the motor (such as after the temperature rise test). The pulse current motor characteristic curve test can be carried out under DC power supply. At this time, when calculating the efficiency, the additional loss caused by the pulse current should be taken into account.
Commutator traction motor
The characteristic curve of the commutator traction motor refers to the following characteristic curves at rated voltage and various magnetic field levels (for DC traction motors for thermal locomotives or vehicles, it usually refers to the following special curves at the rated low voltage of the main generator and various magnetic field levels. It can also be drawn at other voltages after negotiation):
Speed ​​characteristic curve - the relationship curve between motor speed and armature current (the average of two steering speeds); a.
Efficiency characteristic curve - the relationship curve between motor efficiency and armature current; Torque characteristic curve - the relationship curve between output torque and armature current; c.
No-load characteristic curve - the relationship curve between the no-load terminal voltage and excitation current when the motor is operated as a separately excited generator at rated speed; d.
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