GB/T 15014-1994 Terms and definitions of physical properties and quantities in the field of elastic alloys
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Physical characters and physical valuesterms defimitions for clastical alloysGB/F 15014-94
Replaces GBn 28G--88
This standard applies to the basic theory and technology in the field of elastic alloys. Basic physical properties and physical valuesTerms and definitions 1 General terms
1.1 Ideal elasticity
Ideal elasticityUnder the action of external force, the one that has the following four characteristics at the same time is considered ideal elasticity. The corresponding relationship between stress and strain appears instantly; a
There is a perfect correspondence between stress and strain; h.
When stress is zero, strain is also zero:
There is a positive proportional relationship between stress and strain,
1.2 High th clasticity
It has the first characteristic of ideal elasticity, but when the stress is large, the relationship between strain and stress deviates from linearity. 1.3 Nexelasticity
During the process of loading and unloading, the strain response has a non-linear course. There is neither a perfect correspondence nor a proportionality between stress and strain, but they still have the first characteristic of ideal elasticity. Method: After hysteresis, it can be regarded as a special type of non-inhibitory deformation. 1.4 Plasticity
When the stress exceeds the yield point, it can produce significant residual deformation without immediate fracture. The stress-strain behavior of plastic bodies does not have the four characteristics of ideal elastic bodies. 1.5 Viscoelasticity
The strain size is related to the deformation speed in addition to the stress size, which is an inelastic phenomenon. 1.6 Hysteresis
An inelastic phenomenon that the strain size is independent of the deformation speed and is only related to the stress size. Note: For an object with static hysteresis, even if the applied stress is lower than the elastic limit, it will still have permanent deformation after loading, and will not return to zero strain until the reverse loading is applied.
1.7 Hysteresis
Approved by the State Administration of Physical Science and Technology on April 4, 1994 and implemented on May 1, 1994
GB/T 1501494
Strain is divided into two parts: time-independent (instantaneous) and time-dependent. The expression of the strain e of the elastic body:
E=Et l 5?
wherein; e——virtual strain, dimensionless;
instantaneous strain, dimensionless:
strain related to time, dimensionless
In the process of applying and removing stress, the strain is exponentially related to time and the instantaneous strain is zero. The expression of the strain e of the viscous body:
strain, dimensionless;
strain related to time, dimensionless:
T.-—relaxation time of the process, s+
; strain when time tends to infinity, dimensionless. E
1.9 Elasticity
The property that an object changes its shape and size under the action of an external force, and can return to its original shape and size after the external force is removed. 1.10 Lonxtunt elastic
The property that the elastic modulus hardly changes with temperature within a certain temperature range. 1. 11 Internal friction
internal friction
The loss of vibration energy occurring inside a mechanical vibrating body 1.12 Elinvar effect
Elinvar effect
The phenomenon that the elastic modulus hardly changes with temperature within a certain temperature range 1.13 AEeffect
The phenomenon that the Young's modulus of ferromagnetic materials changes with the change of magnetization state. Note: Antiferromagnetic materials also have the modulus reversal phenomenon near the Vcl point. 1.14 relaxation spectrum
spee:trumn of relaxation
The curve that characterizes the relationship between internal friction and frequency or temperature. According to different independent variables, it is divided into "frequency and temperature spectrum". 2 Mechanical properties
2.1 Elastic limit 0.
elastic limit o
The maximum stress that does not cause residual deformation when external force is removed. Note: According to the deformation force formula, there are tensile, flexural and torsion limits: (2; In actual measurement, the non-proportional elongation stress m is often used instead of 0, GB/T15014-94
The unit name is Pascal or Newton per square meter, and the unit symbol is Pa or N/m. 2.2 Non-proportional elongation stress, (c,) def nonproportional expand-sless d,(n,) The stress when the non-proportional elongation of the gauge length of the specimen reaches the specified percentage of the original gauge length. : Commonly used specified non-proportional elongation stress 1, 00.c6t0: Respectively represent the stress when the specified non-proportional elongation is 0.01%, 0.05%, and 0-2%. The unit name is Pascal} or Newton per square meter, and the unit symbol is Pa or N/m. 2.3 Yield point 0,
yield point o,
The lowest stress at which the strain increases when the stress does not increase. The unit name is Pascal] or Newton per half square meter, and the unit symbol is Pa or N/m. 2.4 Yield strength a2
yield strength da.2
The stress when the residual elongation of the gauge length reaches 0.2% of the original gauge length during the tensile deformation of the specimen. The unit name is Pascal} or Newton per square meter, and the unit symbol is Pa or N/m\. 2.5 Tensile strength o
tensile strength oy
Stress corresponding to the maximum tensile force during the breaking process of the specimen. The unit name is Pascal or Newton per square meter, and the symbol for single tension is Pa or N/m2.6 Elasticity ratio
elastic ratio
The ratio of elastic limit to tensile strength.
This value is dimensionless.
3 Elastic properties
3.1 Rigidity
The ratio of the force acting on the deformed elastic body to the displacement caused by it. In the tension (compression) state, the expression of rigidity P is: pr=dP/dt
In the torsion state, the expression of rigidity T' is: or in: P —Tensile (compressive) stiffness, N/mm;
-Torsional stiffness, N·m/rad:
-Tensile (compressive) force, N,
—Length ms
Torsion, N·m!
Torsion angle, rad.
Note: ①The measurement of a component depends on the size, shape and modulus of the material of the component. ②Depending on the stress state, the modulus of the material is Grignard modulus or shear modulus. The unit name is Newton per millimeter or Newton meter per radian, and the unit symbol is N/mm or N·m/rnd. 3.2 Young's modulus E
Young's modulus E
The ratio of normal stress to corresponding normal strain within the elastic deformation range. The expression of Young's modulus E:
Where: E-Young's modulus. Pa:
o——normal stress, Pa
5,—positive strain. Dimensionless,
GB/T 15014-94
Note: Within the range of elastic deformation, the stress-strain relationship of many materials is not a linear relationship. At this time, the following terms and definitions are used: the slope of the stress-strain line at the starting point, the initial tangent modulus
Tangent modulus—the slope of the stress-strain curve at any specified initial stress or strain; the slope of the lead line drawn from the starting point to any specified point on a stress-strain curve: Young's modulus—the strongest slope between two specified points on the stress-strain curve. The unit name is Pascal or Newton per square meter, and the unit symbol is Pa or N/m. 3.3 Shear modulus G
shear modulus (?
elastic deformation range,The ratio of shear stress to the corresponding shear strain. The expression of shear modulus G is:
where G is shear modulus, Pa;
is the stress in the direction on the surface normal to (i and represent or respectively), Pa; . is the strain in the direction on the surface normal to (i and represent r, or respectively), dimensionless. The unit name is Pascal or Newton per square meter, and the unit symbol is Pa or N/m. 3.4 Bulk modulus K
bulk mkdulus K
The ratio of body stress to the corresponding body strain within the elastic deformation range. The expression of bulk modulus K:
Where K-
bulk modulus.Par
repulsive strength, Pa
relative change in volume, dimensionless.
The unit name is Pascal or Newton per square meter, and the unit symbol is Pa or N/m3.5 compressibility
compreseibility K
The volume strain caused by unit volume stress within the elastic deformation range, the expression of the positive shrinkage rate x;
Where--Loss ratio, Pa;
Pressure, Pa;
AV/V-relative change in volume. Dimensionless. The unit is called per Pascal], and the unit symbol is Pa! 3.6 Poisson's ratio
Poisson's ratio The absolute value of the ratio of the lateral strain to the axial strain under the action of uniformly distributed axial stress. The total expression of the Poisson's ratio can be:
In Chinese:
Poisson's ratio, without class:
GB/T 15014—94
Axial strain (represents coordinates: , y or) is dimensionless; E, —- and the modal strain (i, j represent coordinates text, y or), especially dimensionless. Note: Poisson's ratio is widely defined as:
Wu Zhong:
Poisson's ratio, optical disc thorn:
—Young's modulus, Pa;
(\ shear modulus. Pa.
Batch spot is the most
3.7 Stiffness constant (elastic constant) Gr
stiffness rnslant(elastie constant) c.,E
In the generalized Hooke's law, when the stress component is expressed as a linear function of the strain component, the constants in the relationship are: Note: In anisotropic materials such as a single body, this is used to measure the elastic behavior of the object. The unit name is Pa (ska) or Newton per square meter, and the unit symbol is Pa or N/m. 3.8 Compliance constant (flexibility constant) 8
compliancc constant $s..
In the generalized Hooke's law, when the strain component is expressed as a linear function of the stress component, the constants in the relationship are: Note: In anisotropic materials such as a single body, this is used to measure the elastic behavior of the object. The unit name is square meter per Newton<1, and the unit symbol is m\/N or Pa-13.9 Temperature coefficient of elastic modulus
temperature efficienl of elastic modulusB: In a certain temperature range, the average rate of change of Young's modulus relative to a temperature change of 1 ℃. Calculation formula of temperature coefficient of elastic modulus: EE
Wu Zhong:
Elastomer modulus temperature coefficient, r! -\;
Young's modulus under basic condition t: Pa:
Young's modulus under overflow, Pa;
Young's modulus at temperature, Pa;
-temperature (:
Note: Same definition but with "shear modulus coefficient minus:\. Unit name is per degree Celsius, unit symbol is -! 3.10 Instantaneous elastic modulus temperature coefficient 3
itistanlanedus lemperature ccefficient of elastic. modulus BvAt temperature--, with temperature change 1C The corresponding rate of change of elastic modulus and the expression of instantaneous elastic modulus coefficient are as follows: P--dE/(E.dr)
Wu Zhong:
Instantaneous elastic modulus temperature coefficient,
its modulus value at the quasi-temperature t, Pa;
dE/dt--the differential of the relationship curve of E(r) at temperature, Pa·"!; The unit name is per degree Celsius; The unit symbol is: -! 3.11 Frequency temperature coefficient 3,
GB/T 15014—94
ienperature coefficient of fregueucy, within a certain temperature range, the average rate of change of the filter modulus 1 (the corresponding natural frequency of the object. The calculation formula of frequency temperature coefficient 3, is:
3,-(4)m/(fr(t2 t))
frequency perturbation coefficient, C-}
reference temperature 1. The natural frequency of an object under. Hz: (two/)-temperature t: the maximum change of the natural frequency of an object within the range. H1z.---temperature
temperature, C.
,! Different vibration modes vary, and the vibration levels will also be slightly different: science often refers to the frequency temperature coefficient of bending motion or fine-axis motion. The unit name is per degree Celsius and the unit symbol is ℃-. 3.12 Inter-group frequency temperature coefficient 3
instantanerus terperalure crxeficient of [regueyp, at a certain temperature, the rate of change of the natural frequency of an object corresponding to a temperature change of 1. The expression of the instantaneous frequency temperature coefficient 3;
instantaneous frequency temperature coefficient, 14
reference temperature tn The natural frequency of an object under the condition of temperature, Hz; d/dt--the derivative of the relationship curve of temperature at t, Hz. The unit name is per degree Celsius; the unit symbol is [:-13.13 Velocity of siretch wave t'. The speed of longitudinal elastic vibration propagation when the linear dimension of the medium is much smaller than the wavelength. Note: In the machinery manufacturing industry, it is often called "weaving wave di". The unit name is meter per second. The unit symbol is m1/s. 3.14 Velocity of torsional wave c,
Velocity of torsional wivec. The speed of torsional elastic vibration propagation in a rod (tube): The unit name is per second, and the unit symbol is 11/. 4 Inelastic properties
4.1 Stress relaxation R.
stress relixation R.
The characteristic that the deformation is kept constant within the range of the deformation, and the force is reduced at any time. Chengli Xuyu R, expression:
stress image, dimensionless;
strain at the initial moment (t--), Pa:
strain at the final moment, Pa
this value has only dimension, usually expressed in percentage units, 4.2 relaxation image (positive elastic aftereffect) R
sitnin rclaxntitmtdireet -lastie after-effect?R.GB/T 1501494
Within the range of permanent deformation, under the action of constant point force, the characteristic of the increase in strain with the extension of time: virtual relaxation R expression:
R. -(ee.)/e
Wu Zhong: R.
strain pool alcohol, dimensionless:
strain at the initial moment (t=0), dimensionless;
one! Change in time, dimensionless
This value is dimensionless and usually expressed in centimeters. 4.3 Elastic hysteresis H.
clastie hystercsis II,
characterizes the characteristic that strain lags behind stress during the loading (unloading) process within the elastic deformation range. The expression of elastic hysteresis II. is:
Where: H,——elastic hysteresis. dimensionless: instantaneous strain during the loading (unloading) process, dimensionless; e
——strain after time t, dimensionless. This value is dimensionless and usually expressed in centimeters.
4. 4 Elastic aftereffect (rebound aftereffect) A,
clagtic aftcr-cffect (opposite clastic alter-elfect) A, after deformation or unloading within the elastic range, the shape of the object needs a period of delay before it can stabilize. The expression of elastic aftereffect A, is:
- elastic aftereffect, dimensionless:
Where: A,
strain at the initial moment (1-0), dimensionless + strain at moment t, especially nano
This value is dimensionless and is usually expressed in decimals. 4.5 Creep recovery Cl
The characteristic that the strain gradually recovers with time after the load is removed within the elastic deformation range, the expression of creep recovery C=E/en
where: (,— creep recovery, dimensionless; E,—strain at the initial moment of unloading (=0), dimensionless; e,—strain at the instant of unloading, dimensionless. This value is in units of centimeters. 4.6 Damping capacity p
The ratio of the energy dissipated in a vibration cycle to the initial stored energy of the vibration. Note: This factor is often used to express the magnitude of the moment. 4.7 Mechanical quality factor Q
mcchanical quality factor Q
Mechanical vibration system. The ratio of the energy existing in the mechanical resistance to the energy dissipated in the mechanical resistance in one movement cycle. The mechanical quality factor Q is also expressed as follows:
Where; Q—--mechanical quality factor, dimensionless; f,—harmonic frequency of the mechanical moving body, Hz; GB/T 15014 94
(△,f)-sll——Bandwidth at half power point of resonance curve, llz. This value is dimensionless.
4.8 Logarithmic attenuation rate
The natural logarithm of the amplitude ratio in two consecutive vibrations of a self-vibrating body. The expression of logarithmic attenuation rate:
In the play: D---logarithmic attenuation rate, without basis; A.--the amplitude of the u-th vibration of the self-vibrating body, mm; 4a+"the amplitude of the n+1th vibration of the self-vibrating body, mm. This value is dimensionless.
4.9 Damping coefficient β
cocfficient of damping ?
-a free vibrating body, the amplitude decays to the original value 1/e The number of times required. The expression of the damping coefficient 阝:
damping coefficient.Np/s:
initial (t-0) amplitude + mm;
A, amplitude at -t, mm.
unit name is Dongpei per second, unit symbol is Np/s, 4.10 attenuation coefficient (sound-attenuation coefficient)
atenuation cocfficicnt(sound-attenuation coefficient) ccefficierit)α The natural logarithmic attenuation rate of the amplitude per unit distance during vibration transmission. The expression of the attenuation coefficient u is:
Where: α-attenuation coefficient. Np/m:
is the distance from the starting point, m;
is the distance from the starting point, m;
A..-The amplitude at position t when the perturbation propagates along the two directions. mm: A, the amplitude at position; when the vibration propagates along the two directions, min. The unit name is neper per meter, and the unit symbol is Np/r. 4.11 decibel attenuation rate
rleribel dleerenent
The commonly used logarithmic attenuation rate of the amplitude per unit time during vibration transmission. Expression of decibel attenuation rate:
Decibel attenuation rate, dB/s;
Amplitude at the initial moment (t=0), Hz;
Amplitude at the moment t, Hz.
GB/T 15014—94
Unit name is decibel per second, unit symbol B/s. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Information Standard Research Institute of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry. 1+
This standard was drafted by Shougang Metallurgical Research Institute and the Information Standard Research Institute of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry. This standard level mark GB/T15014—941
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