title>Specifications for safe firing area map-drawing of anti-aircraft gun at weather modification operating spots - GB/T 39782-2021 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Specifications for safe firing area map-drawing of anti-aircraft gun at weather modification operating spots

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39782-2021

Standard Name:Specifications for safe firing area map-drawing of anti-aircraft gun at weather modification operating spots

Chinese Name: 人工影响天气高炮作业点安全射界图绘制规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2021-04-30

Date of Implementation:2021-08-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.060 Geology, Meteorology, Hydrology

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A47 Meteorology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2021-04-01

other information

drafter:Gong Dianli, Guo Jian, Wang Xiaoli, Liu Zhaowu, Zhang Xiaopei, Shao Yang, Zhang Yanlong

Drafting unit:Shandong Provincial People's Government Weather Modification Office, Weifang Meteorological Bureau

Focal point unit:National Weather Modification Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 538)

Proposing unit:China Meteorological Administration

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39782-2021.Specifications for safe firing area map-drawing of anti-aircraft gun at weather
modification operating spots.
1 Scope
GB/T 39782 specifies the basic requirements for the drawing of safe firing area maps of anti-aircraft gun operating spots for artificial weather modification, the selection of safe firing areas, the compilation and drawing of safe firing area maps, and the review and ground marking of safe firing area maps.
GB/T 39782 is applicable to the drawing of safe firing area maps of 37mm and 57mm anti-aircraft gun operating spots for artificial weather modification.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 148-1997 Dimensions of printing, writing and drawing paper
GB/T 2260 Administrative division codes of the People's Republic of China
QX/T 151 Terms for weather modification operations
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in QX/T 151 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Safe firing area of ​​anti-aircraft gun
A safe area set aside to prevent unexploded projectiles from falling into densely populated areas or important facilities.
Note: Densely populated areas refer to towns, villages, schools, etc.; important facilities refer to oil depots, chemical plants, high-speed railways, airports, cultural relics and military facilities, etc.
4 Basic requirements
4.1 When drawing a safe firing area map, the base map, the scope of the safe firing area, the drawing method and the review requirements should be clearly defined.
4.2 The latitude, longitude and altitude of the anti-aircraft gun operation point should be measured with the center of the anti-aircraft gun firing platform as the measurement reference point. The latitude and longitude measurements should be accurate to seconds ("), and the altitude measurements should be accurate to meters (m). The location of the operation point on the drawing base map should be consistent with the actual location.
4.3 The safe firing range map should include the base map (6.1), horizontal distance circle (6.2), shooting distance circle (6.3), azimuth line segment (6.4), safe firing range area (6.5), safe firing range number (6.6), safe firing range table (6.7), annotation information (6.8) and other elements. For examples, see Appendix A.
4.4 Before replacing different models and different ranges of artillery shells, the safe firing range map should be redrawn.
4.5 The completed safe firing range map should be marked on the anti-aircraft gun firing platform.
It stipulates the basic requirements for drawing safe firing range maps for artificial weather modification anti-aircraft gun operation points, the selection of safe firing ranges, the compilation, review and ground marking of safe firing range maps.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specifications for safe firing area map-drawing of anti-aircraft gun at weather modification operating spots2021-04-30Release
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
Implementation on 2021-08-01
Normative reference documents
3 Terms and definitions
Basic requirements
Selection of safe firing area
6 Compilation and drawing of safe firing area map
? Safe firing range diagram City Nuclear
8 Safe firing range diagram ground plot
Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Example of safe firing range diagram for artificial atmosphere influence anti-aircraft gun operation point Appendix 13 (Normative Appendix) Data table of theoretical maximum firing range of anti-aircraft gun explosive projectiles Appendix C (Informative Appendix)
An example of calculation of firing azimuth and firing elevation range corresponding to safe firing range of anti-aircraft gun Appendix D (Informative Appendix) Sample drawing of safe firing range diagram for anti-aircraft gun operation point References
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.12009. The standard was proposed by the China Meteorological Administration.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Artificial Atmosphere Influence Standardization (SAC/TC538). The drafting units of this standard are: Shandong Provincial People's Government Weather Influence Office, Weifang Meteorological Bureau. The main drafters of this standard: Gong Dianli, Guo Jian, Gong Xiaoli, Liu Zhaowu, Zhang Xiaopei, Shao Yang, Zhang Yanlong-riKaeerkca-
1 Scope
Specifications for drawing safe firing range diagrams for anti-aircraft gun operation points for artificial weather modification
This standard specifies the basic requirements for drawing safe firing range diagrams for anti-aircraft gun operation points for artificial weather modification, selection of safe firing ranges, compilation of safe firing range diagrams, center core and ground marking
This standard is applicable to the drawing of safe firing range diagrams for 37mm and 57mm anti-aircraft gun operation points for artificial weather modification: 2 Normative referenced documents
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For any applicable documents with a specified period, only the versions with the specified period are applicable to this document. For any referenced document not marked with issue II, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document: GB/T148-1997 Dimensions of printing, writing and drawing paper GB/T 2260 Administrative division code of the People's Republic of China QX/T151 Terminology of weather influence operations
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in QX/T151 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document: 3.1
Safe firing area of ​​anti-aircraft gun A safe area preset to prevent aerial terminal projectiles from falling into densely populated areas or important facilities. Note: People: 1 Case concentration area refers to towns, schools, etc.; important facilities refer to oil depots, chemical industry, high-speed railways, airports, cultural relics and military facilities, etc. 4 Basic requirements
4.1 The base map, safe shooting range, compilation method and central nuclear requirements should be clearly drawn when drawing the safe shooting range map. 4.2 The longitude and latitude of the high-altitude operation point should be measured with the center of the anti-aircraft gun firing platform as the reference point. The longitude and latitude measurements are accurate to seconds (), and the altitude measurement is accurate to meters (m). The positioning of the operation point on the drawing base map should be consistent with the actual position. 4.3 Safe shooting The range map should include the base map (6.1), horizontal range circle (6.2), shooting range circle (6.3), azimuth line segment (6.4), safe firing range area (6.5), safe firing range number (6.6), safe firing range table (6.7), marking information (6.8) and other elements. See Appendix A for examples. 4.4 Before replacing different types of artillery shells with different ranges, the safe firing range map should be redrawn. 4.5 The drawn safe firing range map is marked on the anti-aircraft gun firing platform: 5 Selection of safe firing range
5.1 Selection of rules The safe firing range should be selected with the antiaircraft gun operating point as the center, within the theoretical firing range of the antiaircraft gun, and follow the following rules: 1. Kaeerkca-GB/T39782-2021. Avoid densely populated areas and important facilities: b. The minimum range of the safe firing range should meet the requirements of 5.2: c. The distance between the boundary of the safe firing range and the surrounding densely populated areas and important facilities should be less than 200m. 5.2 Minimum range. The selected safe firing range should be less than 200m. The following conditions should be met for the use of the 37mm anti-aircraft gun:
1) Altitude less than 1500m: 1500m (polar coordinate radial) × 1000m (polar coordinate tangent): 2) Altitude greater than 1500m: 2000m (polar coordinate radial) × 1500m (polar coordinate tangent). b) 57mm anti-aircraft gun operation point:
1) Altitude less than 1500m: 2500m (polar coordinate radial) × 1500m (polar coordinate tangent): 2) Altitude greater than 1500m: 3000 m (polar coordinate radial) × 2000m (polar coordinate tangent) Note: Polar coordinate radial is the horizontal projection direction of the anti-aircraft gun barrel line direction; polar coordinate tangent is the horizontal and perpendicular to the polar coordinate radial direction. 6. Compilation of safe shooting range map
6.1 Base map
Satellite remote sensing images with a spatial resolution of not less than 5m in the past two years, or 1250000 to 1 scale map should be used as the base map. The annotation layer can clearly identify the scope of the prohibited shooting area such as densely populated areas and important facilities. The base map should be marked with the coordinate north direction, map review number, etc. and the image data source and imaging time,
6.2 Horizontal distance circle
should meet the following requirements:
a) With the operation point as the center and 1km as the radius, draw a solid inner circle, and with the value of the theoretical maximum range of the projectile type used (in km) rounded up as the radius, draw a solid outer circle: b) On the horizontal axis from the center of the circle to the right (eastward direction), mark the distance scale at 1km intervals, and mark the distance scale values ​​formed by the inner circle and the outer circle:
The inner circle, outer circle and distance The line width of the short scale line is 0.52mm, and the width of other lines is 0.26mm: 6.3 Shooting distance circle
6.3.1 The shooting distance circle shall meet the following requirements: With the working point as the center and the theoretical maximum range of the shooting elevation angle of 4580 of the projectile type used as the horizontal diameter, a circle is closed by 5 intervals of dotted lines with a line width of 0.26mm
h) On the vertical axis from the center of the circle upward (in the north direction of the coordinate), the corresponding shooting elevation angle value is marked. 6.3.2 Theoretical maximum range data and main performance indicators of unexploded anti-aircraft projectiles are provided by the manufacturer Provided, see Appendix B, B.1 and B.2: For the working point, the theoretical maximum range of the unexploded projectile should be multiplied by the incremental coefficient of the corresponding altitude range. The incremental coefficient is shown in Table 13.3. 6.4 The azimuth line segment
meets the following requirements:
a) From the initial azimuth, clockwise to 345°, every 15°, the azimuth line segment from the working point to the outer circle has a line width of 0.26mm; b) From the initial azimuth, clockwise to 315°, every 45°. The corresponding azimuth value is marked on the outside of the outer circle. Note: The initial azimuth is the due north azimuth of the geographic coordinates. That is, 0 azimuth, 2
6.5 Safe firing range area
GB/T 39782—2021
Find the area that meets the requirements of Chapter 5 on the base map and determine the boundary of the safe firing range: draw a sector-shaped area with the operation point as the center, use a color that is obviously different from the base map, and fill it in a semi-transparent way. It should not affect the judgment of the base map ground information. The filling color of the safe firing range should be light blue or green-yellow, and red should not be used.
6.6 Numbering of safe firing range
Starting from the initial position, go clockwise and number it in Arabic numerals starting from 1. The number is marked in the center of the safe firing range. .7 Safe firing range table
6.7.1 The safe firing range table shall meet the following requirements: a) The shooting azimuth and shooting elevation ranges corresponding to each safe firing range shall be given in a list in the lower left part of the safe firing range diagram in the order of the safe firing range numbers from small to large:
b) The title shall be “Safe firing range application”;
c) The table header shall be divided into three columns, from left to right, namely “number”\azimuth”\elevation. 6.7.2 For calculation examples of shooting azimuth and shooting elevation ranges corresponding to safe firing ranges, please refer to Appendix C.Note: The table of anti-aircraft gun safety firing range gives the anti-aircraft gun firing azimuth and elevation angle corresponding to each anti-aircraft gun safety firing range under calm wind conditions. When implementing anti-aircraft gun rainmaking and wind prevention operations, the firing azimuth and firing elevation angle are usually corrected according to the actual wind direction and wind speed; when the shooting direction is a high mountain, it is advisable to shoot at a high elevation angle to avoid the projectile colliding with the mountain in the "elevation" section. 6.8 Marking information
The following information should be marked on the safe firing range diagram:
a) In the center of the safe firing range diagram, mark the title "Safe firing range diagram for artificial weather modification anti-aircraft gun operation points" b) In the lower right part of the safe firing range diagram, mark the following instructions in sequence 1) Operation point name: Use the county-level administrative region and the specific operation point name to indicate: 2)
Number: Use a 9-digit code, in which the 1st to 6th digits are GB/T 2260 The 7- to 9-digit administrative region code is the serial number of the operation point:
Coordinates: The coordinates of the operation point in the 2000 National Geodetic Coordinate System are marked in the order of latitude first and longitude later. The latitude value and 3
longitude estimate are expressed in the format of degree (°) minute (\) second (\). The latitude value is followed by NV (indicating north latitude) and the longitude value is followed by E (indicating east longitude):
4) Altitude: The altitude of the operation point in meters (m). The accuracy is 1m; 5) Image resolution or map scale: It is given according to the spatial resolution of satellite images or map scale: 6) Applicable shell type: The shell type applicable to the safe firing range map. If it is applicable to multiple shell types, use "/" to separate different shell types.
c) Below the safe firing range map, indicate the person who drew it, the person who reviewed it, the drawing unit and the time of drawing in turn. 6.9 Format size
The safe firing area diagram shall be printed in a size not less than (A2 (120mm×591mm) as specified in [3/T [18-1997] table): 7 Review of safe firing area diagram
7.1 Verification
After the safe firing area diagram is drawn, the auditor shall conduct an on-site investigation and verification of the selected safe firing area and the surrounding environment to confirm that the safe firing area complies with 3
GB/T 39782—2021
Chapter 4 to Chapter 6 requirements, and the marked information is accurate. 7.2 Review
It should be reviewed once a year, and the safety firing range diagram that does not meet the requirements of Chapter 4 to Chapter 6 should be revised. Ground marking of safety firing range diagram
After the safety firing range diagram is reviewed and approved, it should be marked on the anti-aircraft gun firing platform: The main marking content should include: With the center point of the firing platform (the center of the anti-aircraft gun placement) as the center of the circle, draw the north-south line, the east-west line and the inner circle and the outer circle, mark the four directions of north, south, east and west and the corresponding numbers of each safety firing range and the shooting azimuth and shooting elevation angle. For sample drawings, please refer to Appendix D:rrKaeerkAca-
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Example of safety firing range diagram for artificial weather modification anti-aircraft gun operation point GB/T 39782—2021
Figure A, 1 gives an example of the safe firing range diagram of the artificial weather-modified anti-aircraft artillery operation point drawn by the factory based on the Gaofen: satellite image. Safe firing range diagram of the artificial weather-modified anti-aircraft artillery operation point 95
Safe firing range Fan Guo
31501655064||t t||169-193
Drawing and paying person: xxx
Horizontal distance circle:
Firing ton circle:
Safe firing range:
4——azimuth line segment.
Note: The base map of this example is omitted.
Number azimuth
City nuclear person: xxx
285~305° 5580°
Operation point name:
Label: \Rxxx\X*XX\T
Sea level:
Image resolution:
Applicable projectile type:
City Human Resources and Social Security Office, City Atmospheric Office, Ting City
Artificial weather modification anti-aircraft artillery operation point safety firing range diagram Example 5
Appendix B
(Normative Appendix)
Artificial weather modification anti-aircraft artillery unexploded projectile theoretical maximum range data table unexploded projectile theoretical maximum range and projectile performance indicators B.1
B.1 gives the models of artificial weather modification artillery shells currently used in China and the theoretical maximum range of unexploded projectiles corresponding to different shooting elevation angles under standard meteorological conditions and calm wind conditions: the projectile performance indicators of each model of artillery shells are shown in Table B.2. Table B.1
Data on the theoretical maximum range of unexploded projectiles at different firing elevation angles Shooting elevation
Theoretical maximum range of unexploded projectiles
Note 1: Provided by the manufacturer. For calculation methods, see "Artillery Science". RY-18
Z13 Z-[37-15
11 217
Note 2: Standard meteorological conditions: ground temperature is 15℃, virtual temperature is 288.9K, air density is 1.206kg/m3, ground pressure is 1000hPa, room relative humidity is 50%
Projectile model
Artificial weather modification projectile projectile performance index projectile mass
GB/T 39782—2021
Bullet shape coefficient
Note: Provided by the manufacturer, ZBZ-1)57-[type projectile is fired by 37mmm anti-aircraft gun, and other types of ground projectiles are fired by 37 m anti-aircraft artillery shooting. Theoretical maximum range increment coefficient of unexploded projectiles in high altitude areas The increment coefficient indicates the multiple of the theoretical maximum range of unexploded projectiles with the increase of altitude. The calculation is shown in formula (B.1). B.2.1
Where: bZxz.net
Increment coefficient, is the corresponding altitude;
Number of shell types. Distinguish 37mm.57mm anti-aircraft artillery shell types Number of shooting elevation angles:
Range in high altitude areas, is the corresponding shell type, ) is the corresponding shooting elevation angle: Range under standard meteorological conditions and calm wind conditions. ...............
........( B.1 )
2Calculation number provided by the manufacturer: Theoretical maximum range increment coefficient for different altitude ranges (see Table B.3) Take the increment coefficient corresponding to the limit value of B.2.2
Altitude range
(1 060.1 500
(2 0co.2500)
(2 5G0,3 000]
Increment coefficient of the theoretical maximum range at different altitude rangesIncrement coefficient
37mm anti-aircraft gun
57 mm anti-aircraft gun
Appendix C
(Informative Appendix)
An example of calculating the range of shooting azimuth and shooting elevation corresponding to the safe firing range of anti-aircraft guns C.1 Basic information of the safe firing range of anti-aircraft guns
The altitude of a 37mm anti-aircraft gun operation point is 1200m, and the shells used are JD-17. According to the conditions specified in Chapter 5, the safe firing range is selected, as shown in the shaded area of ​​Figure C.1. The two boundary arcs AC and BD between the H polar coordinate method are 5500m and 7500m away from the operation point respectively. The two radial boundaries ABCD of the H polar coordinates are 60.0°78.2°75
Figure C.1 Schematic diagram of calculating the corresponding shooting azimuth and shooting elevation from the safe firing range of anti-aircraft guns C.2 Calculation of the firing azimuth range
The safe firing range AB, CL of the anti-aircraft gun in Figure C.1 The firing azimuths corresponding to the two side lines are integers (round up the lower limit of the azimuth range and round down the upper limit), and the firing azimuth range is 60°~78°C.3 Calculate the firing elevation range
C.3.1 Determine the theoretical maximum range of the JI-17 shells at different firing elevations at an altitude of 12001m. Look up Table B.3 to know that the theoretical maximum range increment coefficient of the 37mm anti-aircraft gun at an altitude of 1200m is 1.08. Multiply the theoretical maximum range in Table B.1 by 1.08 The maximum range of the JD17 shell at an altitude of 1200m is obtained. The calculation results are shown in Table C.1: 8
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