Standard ICS number:Packaging and transportation of goods>>55.020 Packaging and transportation of goods
Standard Classification Number:General>>Marking, packaging, transportation, storage>>A83 packaging method
associated standards
Procurement status:ISO 15119-2000 equivalent
Publication information
publishing house:China Standards Press
Plan number:20030770-T-469
Publication date:2007-09-01
other information
Release date:2007-03-21
Review date:2023-12-28
drafter:Han Xueshan, Zhao Yu, Lu Ming, Shao Zhen, Wang Qing, Yuan Wenguang, Xu Weifeng, Yang Kai
Drafting unit:National Packaging Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (Tianjin), National Packaging Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (Guangzhou)
Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
This standard specifies three methods for determining the friction of full bags: the inclined plane method, the hanging pendulum method and the tilting plate method. The inclined plane method in this standard is applicable to determining the mutual friction coefficient between layers of stacked full bags, while the hanging pendulum method and the tilting plate method are applicable to determining the friction performance of a single bag. GB/T 20859-2007 Determination of the friction of full bags of packaging bags GB/T20859-2007 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies three methods for determining the friction of full bags: the inclined plane method, the hanging pendulum method and the tilting plate method. The inclined plane method in this standard is applicable to determining the mutual friction coefficient between layers of stacked full bags, while the hanging pendulum method and the tilting plate method are applicable to determining the friction performance of a single bag.
Some standard content:
ICS55.020 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T20859--2007/IS15119:2000 Packaging--SacksDetermination of the friction of filled sacks(ISO15119:2000,IDT) Issued on March 21, 2007 General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Administration of Standardization of the People's Republic of China Implementation on September 1, 2007 GB/T20859-2007/ISO15119:2000 This standard is equivalent to the international standard ISO15119:2000 "Packaging--Sacks--Determination of the friction of filled sacks". This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Packaging Standardization and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Packaging Standardization and the Glass Container Technical Committee. The main drafting units of this standard are: National Packaging Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (Tianjin), National Packaging Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (Guangzhou). The main drafters of this standard are: Han Xueshan, Zhao Yu, Lu Ming, Shao You, Wang Yu, Yuan Wenguang, Xu Weifeng, Yang Kai. a GB/T20859—2007/IS015119:2000ISO Foreword ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation composed of national standardization bodies (ISO members). The formulation of international standards is usually completed by ISO technical committees. Any member interested in a project established by a technical committee has the right to send representatives to participate in the technical committee. Whether it is an official or unofficial international organization, as long as it has contact with ISO, it can also participate in the work. In the field of electrotechnical standardization, ISO cooperates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). International standards are drafted in accordance with the requirements of Part 3 of the ISO/IEC Directives. Draft international standards approved by the technical committee are sent to the members for voting. International standards need to be approved by at least 75% of the member groups participating in the voting before they can be officially published. It must be noted that some parts of this international standard may involve patent issues. ISO will not be responsible for the identification of any or all of these patent rights. International Standard ISO15119 was prepared by ISO/TC122 Packaging Technical Committee SC2 Packaging Bags Sub-Technical Committee Introduction GB/T20859-2007/IS015119:2000 standard specifies three methods for determining the friction of full bags: inclined plane method, hanging pendulum method and tilting plate method. When full bags are often stacked during transportation and/or storage, it is very important to determine the friction that the full bags can withstand. For example, whether the container unit carrying full bags on the transport pallet needs additional tying. The friction of a full bag is affected not only by the bag material, but also by the printing on the bag, the nature of the product inside and the filling amount. Therefore, the test method for full bags specified in this standard is provided for end users. The method specified in this standard helps bag designers and users to correctly select the type of bag based on the known contents and handling methods. The method provides a basis for comparing different bag designs and filling amounts. The results obtained by different methods are not comparable. The inclined plane method is used to determine the mutual friction coefficient between layers of stacked full bags, especially bags stacked on pallets. The pendulum method and the tilting plate method are suitable for determining the friction properties of individual bags. They are also important, for example, to test the filling process. 1 Scope GB/T20859—2007/IS015119:2000 Packaging bags Determination of friction of full bags This standard specifies three methods for determining the friction of full bags: the inclined plane method, the pendulum method and the tilting plate method. The inclined plane method in this standard is applicable to the determination of the mutual friction coefficient between layers of stacked fully loaded bags, and the pendulum method and tilting plate method are applicable to the determination of the friction performance of a single bag. 2 Normative references The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all dated referenced documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated referenced documents, the latest versions are applicable to this standard. GB/T4857.2 Basic tests for packaging and transport packages Part 2: Temperature and humidity conditioning (ISO2233: 2000, MOD) GB/T4857.11. Basic tests for packaging and transport packages Part 11: Horizontal impact test method (ISO2244: 2000, MOD) ISO7023 Packaging - Bags - Empty bags inspection sampling method 3 Test principle 3.1 Inclined plane method Use a rolling trolley on an inclined plane to stack full bags on the trolley so that it has a predetermined speed. The stacked bags are stopped by the collision of the trolley with a vertical impact surface. The friction force is the measured limit value of the force that prevents the surface of the stacked sample from being displaced, and the displacement mainly occurs in the upper bag. 3.2 Pendulum method Use a pendulum to give the stacked full bags a predetermined horizontal speed. The stacked bags are stopped by the collision of the pendulum with a vertical impact surface. The friction coefficient is determined based on the displacement of the bag and the damper. 3.3 Inclined plate method Stack the full bags on a table surface that can increase the horizontal angle, and measure the angle when the top bag starts to move. The tangent of this angle is the initial friction coefficient. 4 Test equipment 4.1 Inclined plane method 4.1.1 Inclined plane impact test machine According to the provisions of GB/T4857.11, see Figure 1. 1F.o Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the inclined plane method GB/T20859—2007/IS015119:20004.2 Pendulum method 4.2.1 Pendulum impact test machine According to the provisions of GB/T4857.11, the damper can prevent the table from having a secondary impact, see Figure 2. Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the pendulum method 4.3 Tilt plate method (see Figure 3) 4.3.1 The tabletop can be supported by hinged connections, the plate surface is smooth and has sufficient strength, the length and width of the tabletop should be greater than the longest side of the full bag, and a stopper should be installed at the lower end. 4.3.2 The tabletop can be moved and the angle indication device should have an accuracy of 0.5. The tilt angle of the tabletop can be smoothly increased at a speed of 1.5°/s±0.5°/s, from horizontal to at least 45°. The tilting of the tabletop should not cause vibration of the tabletop. 4.3.3 The tabletop should be placed on a workbench with certain strength and stability. Figure 3 Schematic diagram of the tilt plate method 5 Sampling Sampling should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of ISO7023. wwW.bzxz.Net 6 Sample pretreatment conditions Pre-treat the test samples with temperature and humidity. The pretreatment conditions should be the same as the atmospheric conditions when the test samples are actually used. If this is not feasible, select an atmospheric condition that is closest to the sample in use according to the provisions of GB/T4857.2. 2 7 Test procedure 7.1 General test conditions GB/T20859--2007/IS015119:2000 The test should be carried out under the same environment as the preconditioning conditions. If the preconditioning conditions cannot be achieved, the test should be started within 3 minutes after the test sample leaves the preconditioning conditions. 7.2 Filling of test samples Fill the bag with the predetermined filling and filling method and seal it in the predetermined manner. The error between the mass of the full bag and the predetermined mass should not exceed ±0.2%. 7.3 Determination of the test procedure 7.3.1 Inclined plane method Put the test sample on the trolley, with the sample 20mm~50mm away from the front edge of the trolley, so that the trolley hits the baffle first. If a pallet is used, it must be securely fastened to the trolley. If the test specimens are placed directly on the trolley, attach several strips of double-sided tape to the trolley. Choose an initial position for the trolley in which the stacking position of the bags does not change before impact. Release the trolley and allow it to slide down due to gravity alone. Ensure that the stacking position of the specimens does not change from before the trolley impact to the baffle. The test specimens are prone to collapse when the bags are stacked in a funnel shape or cross-sectionally to the trolley. If the specimens collapse before the test begins, the bags must be re-stacked. Gradually increase the running length of the trolley in the smallest feasible increments and determine the limit of the trolley increment when the cohesive force between the bags is exceeded. Measure the friction force (F, see Figure 1) on the impact surface electronically. 7.3.2 Pendulum method Fix two or more full bags on the pendulum table. These full bags should be the same as the samples to be tested. Place the bag to be tested on top of them and mark the position of this bag. Lift the table to a predetermined height (h) and release it (see Figure 2). Make the trolley hit the damper and stop without rebounding. Record the displacement of the upper bag (a) and the displacement of the damper piston (b). 7.3.3 Tilt plate method Make the table horizontal and return the inclinometer to zero. Place a full bag on the table in the direction of the test, with one end fixed on the stopper, and place another full bag on top of it. Tilt the table at the speed specified in 4.3.2 and stop when the bag on the upper layer starts to move (see Figure 3). Record the angle (β) at this time, accurate to 0.5°. Repeat the above procedure at least three times and calculate the average of the three angles. 8 Calculation 8.1 Inclined plane method Calculate the friction coefficient () according to formula (1). tiF:/(m×g×cosa) Where: F—measured impact force, in Newton (N); m is the mass of the trolley and the sample, in kilograms (kg); g—gravitational acceleration, 9.8m/s; α is the inclination angle of a trolley, in degrees (\). 8.2 Pendulum method Calculate the friction coefficient (μp) according to formula (2). Pp=h/(a+b) ·(1) GB/T20859—2007/ISO15119:2000 Where: The lifting height of the pendulum, in centimeters (cm); The displacement of the sample, in centimeters (cm); The displacement of the damper piston, in centimeters (cm). 8.3 Inclination plate method Calculate the friction coefficient (μ) according to formula (3). μ=tang Where: The average angle at which the position of the upper bag in a specific stacking combination changes, in degrees (). 8 Test report The test report should include the following: State that the test is carried out in accordance with this standard; Test date and test location; (3) Detailed description of the size, structure and specifications of the test sample. Describe all factors that affect friction, including: the outer material of the bag, printing, full bag mass and the name of the product inside; d) Test environment conditions; The test method used and the friction coefficient measured; It should be noted: For the inclined plane method: the stacking form; For the hanging pendulum method and tilting plate method: the position of the moving bag relative to the fixed bag; the purpose of the test (to evaluate the design plan, stacking method, surface printing, ink type, etc.). GB/T20859-2007 People's Republic of China National Standard Determination of friction of bags filled GB/T20859—2007/1SO15119:2000* Published and distributed by China Standards Press No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing Postal Code: 100045 Website: Tel: 68523946685 17548 Printed by Qinhuangdao Printing Factory of China Standard Press and distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places Format 880×1230 Printing sheet 0.75 Word count 11,000 words First edition in August 2007 First printing in August 2007 Book number: 155066·1-29732 Price 14.00 yuan If there is any printing error, our distribution center will replace it. Copyright infringement will be investigated Report telephone: (010) 68533533 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.