GB 8242.4-1987 Terminology of Hull Equipment Life-saving Equipment GB8242.4-1987 Standard Download Decompression Password:
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UDC 62912.811- 001.4 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB824218242.4—87 Terminology for hull equipment Terminology for hull equipment prmcnt1987-10-09 Issued 198807-01 Implementation National Standard Issued National Standard of the People's Republic of China Terminology for hull equipment Life-saving equipment Fermlnalogy Eer hull equipneat -lfe-sivinig appliancrs Learning equipment I:r: x:ving appllance Small six anti-life section preparation riersunal liesavn pli. life film itebozt open life book opcn lifebcat all share closed life insurance artially en:kseu Jifeboat fully enclosed life exhibition rotally encloeed rifebout white air makeup bottle hielnat :clf-sunt? ir support ayatent front fire rescue eiro-protreml lil-t.uit is the meaning or meaning UDK628.12.01: GB B242.4 The art of design The design of a hundred in the super common complex time choose to rescue my help door let the total system thank the companion environment called The next person against the moon teaching tools Element to the sex function teaching all-round East when there are many F's flight length performance items In the deeper fold, time Can completely change the death teaching life Set the day wide full reserve full flight solid life water air side benefit model full vehicle High Austrian in the case of two related settings under the arrival line Time can be used for the two backup gas supply system to ensure the full output of the whole environment and the whole group of personnel under the baby's care and the full output of the gate switch at the fixed time: set up a special water cut-off service and certification gas system: can protect the system from time-to-time adjustment "timed full-closed teaching" China Stock Exchange Industry General Corporation 1987: D3-26 approved ◆ human resources and life equipment time-closed level Lan title fully closed 1988.07-01 implementation creation of teaching card book mar prcyelled LifHcyul machine-made teaching solution mctor tEifebsat number of students' total length ng1bnflif1 number of students' study breuth of lifeboat number of students' depth depth of lifeboat number of students' total solution totalmassofiifcboat the buoyancy of teaching boat bloyaney of litehonr mouth-behaving seir-ghting teaching students' staff to set a new H 8242.4—87 is the horizontal distance between the outer surfaces of the whole plate and the stern support at the center line of the life-saving membrane of the body. On the horizontal cross section of the body, the vertical distance between the outer surfaces of the two complete plates at the top is the intersection of the dragon and the outer surface of the rate plate to the intersection of the side deck and the auxiliary outer plate. the total weight of the lifeboat should be sufficient for the rated passengers and the specified room equipment, plus the natural rigor of the small material or air box to provide the payment process, the buoy should be determined to be able to float the full-load rescue oxygen when the boat is flooded and broken through the sea. When the external force eliminates the danger, the ability of the rescue team to use the correct management of the lifeboat should be met in accordance with the relevant conventions and regulations. After the design and approval, the lifeboat is allowed to disperse the number of people artying rnphtily of lifdxyll seat plate wulertighr airrase self-reliant pregnant material in:herent buoyante. myiteri:!boat crane Jifting hook linked disengaging structure cream sumulta.seous disengaging undetside handhoids trigger lifeline ynallifeling The fixed board for students to sit on The small fixed box used for students to help them with energy is equipped with a special material for floating, and the closed-cell hard plastic with extremely low water absorption rate is used on life-saving bodies. The slings for lifting students are installed on the life-saving bodies to ensure that the whole sling can withstand full pressure The device which can release synchronously when loaded or without load is installed on the outer board of the teaching staff. When the wind is low, the belts arranged around the teaching staff have reversed ten cases to provide comfort for the water workers to grab and lift. bkoe launchir.r spplier.or energy guiding device boat handling gear boat davit single-force rigging grivily lype thievit radialdavit baat chock circular rigging boatrope hanging spot boat Fall horizontal stretch davit span safety load liferope product determination free loadin upavety tif Ixin? tlaivil davit shadow road outrcach of boul daivi safety downgrade satoty felling yelocity liferaft rigid liferaft GB B242. 4---87 Definition or meaning No narrow in the effective life doubt lack of appropriate position, for the life of students in the process of landing with the mother of the collision and insertion of the mother of the practical training of the average ten professional Ding teaching Li life and life with, and have a good you small you will be the number of cattle break range or the whole new from its position to the surface of the water deposit, landing and recovery teaching students temporary, teaching aid feeling of the full decline equipment used to save, landing and recovery teaching students solution, teaching aid idea of the special request for the release of the outside of the guide frame hanging dirty rod system its vertical axis rotation.The sea rack that is lowered or collected outside the ship is installed on the midship board to store and fix the seat of the boat as tightly as possible so that the fixed student can be quickly removed and inspected within a limited period of time! When the rescue boat is buoyant, the horizontal distance between the rope and the deck should be as high as possible. In order to protect the boat from excessive acceleration and allow the rescuers to get off the boat at the beginning, the rescue boat should be equipped with a rigid body to maintain the life of the rescuers and the crew at the rescue boat. The term "inflatable applinnce" is used as the term for inflatable equipment. applience inflatable life bag inflatable life bag davit aunched life bag davit hydrostatic pressure sprayer hydrosinlic teleraye unit. life safety ladder cmbar'te1inri Jader boaring liaduler imneryici Najt effective life letter litebuoy life clothing ufeiacket leading use hcrmal protrrt[ve u] fire umbrella flame signal GR B242. 4—81 Definition A device that relies on non-sexual air chambers to provide buoyancy and is usually kept in an uninflated state before use Relies on an inflatable chamber that can be recharged for buoyancy, and is kept in an inflated standby state in a special container. When in use, it can be automatically inflated and opened by the rescuer After the rescuer lands on the water, it can be used to release the rescuer from the water surface. The device can be used to release the rescuer from the water surface and float the rescuer. It is designed to provide a safe and stable landing place for the rescuer to board the rescuer safely. It is placed in the lifesaving book for the rescuer who falls into the water The short-distance floating body with buoyancy and water-retention performance, or the instrument has one of the two performances, such as the floating body made of water-retaining material, which can absorb the force of the annular floating body, for the drowning person to cling to, and wait for the single-person makeup tool, etc., which can provide the drowning person with total survival power and can reduce the lost part of the human body out of the water. The clothing or clothes made of low-conductivity and weak water-retaining material can be used to moisturize the drowning person. After being launched into the air to a certain temperature, the rocket parachute can be maintained at a certain rate of descent and emit a certain amount of light with a certain degree of weakness for a certain period of time, and the signal of slow descent can be sent. [buoyant hand-held smoke signal hand fire sigra] hand-held fire smoke signal hand fire sigra? self-igniting light JFebuoy welf-jpniting Jiglil can then float on the water surface, and emit an orange color without stopping any fire for a certain period of time after being ignited, it can continue to burn for a certain period of time and emit a bright red light with a certain luminous intensity: a hand-held distress signal connected to a certain device that can emit a continuous flash of a certain luminous intensity or a flash rate of a certain flash modern smoke signal 8242.4—87 Definition or meaning Life-saving medical equipment that emits a signal such as colored smoke for a certain period of time. ... It can reflect the light in the opposite direction when entering the room. It is a kind of life-saving product with a certain length and vertical breaking strength. It is suitable for teaching and epidemic prevention. It is a life-saving product for the whole section of the life-saving product. It is a device for other life-saving products. This standard is issued by the Beijing Technical University Standard Committee. The China Information Industry Corporation Standardization Research and Development Center is responsible for the development of this standard. The main drafter of this standard is Guangye Shipyard.And can lose the part of the human nature out of the water Using low conductivity weak water material or clothes, the world wearer moisturizes launched into the air to a certain time after the world, the health worry under the rate of descent rocketparachatelareggna? To be continued burning - a certain time piece of light with a certain degree of weakness and scientific destruction slow speed of descent with the request Dunxin source foreign smoke signal [buoyant smoke sigra] handheld fire smoke signal hand fire sisra? generated from the lamp JFebuoy welf-jpniting Jigsaw puzzle: It can then float on the water surface and emit an orange-colored distress signal without stopping any fire within a certain period of time. A handheld distress signal that can continue to burn for a certain period of time after being ignited and emit a bright red light with a certain luminous intensity: A handheld distress signal that can emit a continuous flash of a certain luminous intensity or a flash rate with a certain luminous intensity. Terms used in life-saving medicine: Smoke signal 8242.4—87 Definition or meaning Note: A life-saving medical signal that emits or emits a red smoke signal for a certain period of time. ial teaching case ife-line teaching network lire-equipment antibiotic maintenance equipment fcthrpwin,appiaace additional instructions: : The technical student's clothing can emit a continuous light of a certain luminous intensity or a flashing digital position indicator light of a certain intensity! It can reflect the light in the opposite direction when entering the room. It is a kind of life-saving product with a certain length and vertical breaking strength. It is suitable for teaching and epidemic prevention. It is a life-saving product for the whole section of the life-saving product. It is a device for other life-saving products. This standard is issued by the Beijing Technical University Standard Committee. The China Information Industry Corporation Standardization Research and Development Center is responsible for the development of this standard. The main drafter of this standard is Guangye Shipyard.And can lose the part of the human nature out of the water Using low conductivity weak water material or clothes, the world wearer moisturizes launched into the air to a certain time after the world, the health worry under the rate of descent rocketparachatelareggna? To be continued burning - a certain time piece of light with a certain degree of weakness and scientific destruction slow speed of descent with the request Dunxin source foreign smoke signal [buoyant smoke sigra] handheld fire smoke signal hand fire sisra? generated from the lamp JFebuoy welf-jpniting Jigsaw puzzle: It can then float on the water surface and emit an orange-colored distress signal without stopping any fire within a certain period of time. A handheld distress signal that can continue to burn for a certain period of time after being ignited and emit a bright red light with a certain luminous intensity: A handheld distress signal that can emit a continuous flash of a certain luminous intensity or a flash rate with a certain luminous intensity. Terms used in life-saving medicine: Smoke signal 8242.4—87 Definition or meaning Note: A life-saving medical signal that emits or emits a red smoke signal for a certain period of time. ial teaching case ife-line teaching network lire-equipment antibiotic maintenance equipment fcthrpwin,appiaace additional instructions: : This system is a digital position indicator light that can emit a continuous light of a certain luminous intensity or a flashing light of a certain intensity! It can reflect the light in the opposite direction when entering the room. It is a kind of life-saving product with a certain length and vertical breaking strength. It is suitable for teaching and epidemic prevention. It is a life-saving product for the whole section of the life-saving product. It is a device for other life-saving products. This standard is issued by the Beijing Technical University Standard Committee. The China Information Industry Corporation Standardization Research and Development Center is responsible for the development of this standard. The main drafter of this standard is Guangye Shipyard. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.