title>HG/T 20549.2-1998 Chemical plant piping layout design engineering regulations - HG/T 20549.2-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20549.2-1998 Chemical plant piping layout design engineering regulations

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20549.2-1998

Standard Name: Chemical plant piping layout design engineering regulations

Chinese Name: 化工装置管道布置设计工程规定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1998-06-22

Date of Implementation:1999-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010 Chemical Technology >> 71.120 Chemical Equipment

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Industrial Equipment Installation Engineering>>P94 Metal Equipment and Process Pipeline Installation Engineering

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HG/T 20549.2-1998 Chemical Plant Piping Layout Design Engineering Regulations HG/T20549.2-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Chemical Plant Pipeline Layout Design Engineering Regulations HG/T20549.2—1998
Standard Tips Network bzsos6.c Various Standard Industry Data Free Download 1.1.1 Scope of Application
Pipeline Layout Design Engineering Regulations
1.1 Overview
1 These regulations are general regulations and are applicable to the chemical plant pipeline layout design. When carrying out engineering design, the professional person in charge may make appropriate supplements or adjustments to these engineering regulations based on the characteristics of the project, and then publish and implement them. 2 In addition to implementing these regulations, the current national or industry standards or specifications for pipeline design should also be implemented as needed.
1.1.2 Design Principles
1 The pipeline layout design must comply with the design requirements of the pipeline instrument flow diagram (PID), and should be safe, reliable, economical and reasonable, and meet the requirements of construction, operation, maintenance, etc. 2 The pipeline layout must comply with safety and environmental protection regulations, and check the conditions such as fire prevention, explosion prevention, safety protection, and environmental protection requirements so that the pipeline layout can meet the requirements of safe production. 3 The pipeline layout should meet the flexibility required for thermal expansion and contraction. 4 For the pipelines of moving equipment, attention should be paid to controlling the natural frequency of the pipeline to avoid resonance. 5
The pipeline layout should strictly select pipeline components according to the pipeline grade table and special parts table. 6 The pipeline layout should comply with the relevant requirements of the "Chemical Plant Equipment Layout Design Engineering Regulations" (HG20546.2).
Pipeline layout
1.2.1 General requirements
1 The clearance height, channel width and foundation elevation of the pipeline layout shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the "Chemical Plant Equipment Layout Design Engineering Regulations" (HG20546.2). 2 The pipeline layout design should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the maximum allowable bracket spacing in the current national standards. 3 The pipeline should be laid overhead as much as possible. If necessary, it can also be buried or laid in a trench. 4 The pipeline layout should consider the convenience of operation, installation and maintenance, and should not affect the operation of the crane. Pipes should not be arranged in the area of ​​the building installation hole.
5 The pipeline layout design should consider the design of the support bracket to make the pipeline as close as possible to the existing There are buildings or structures, but large flexible components should be avoided from being subjected to large loads. 99
Standards.com wm.bzaoso.com All kinds of standard industry information can be downloaded for free. 6 Where conditions permit, pipelines should be arranged in rows. The bottom of the bare pipe should be aligned with the bottom of the pipe support to facilitate the design of the bracket.
7 Pipes without insulation layers do not require pipe supports or supports. Large-diameter thin-walled bare pipes and pipes with insulation layers should be supported by pipe supports or supports.
8 Flanges or threaded connections and other connection points that may cause leakage should not be set on pipelines that transport corrosive media across passages or above rotating equipment. 9 When the pipeline passes through the isolation wall of a building to isolate highly toxic or explosive media, a casing should be added, and the gap in the casing should be filled with non-metallic flexible materials. The welds on the pipeline should not be in the casing. Inside the pipe, and not less than 100mm from the casing port. Rain protection measures should be taken where the pipeline passes through the roof. 10 Fire water and cooling water mains and sewer pipes are generally buried, and anti-corrosion measures should be taken on the outer surface of the pipe in accordance with relevant regulations.
11 The buried pipeline should take into account the impact of vehicle loads. The distance between the top of the pipe and the road surface should not be less than 0.6m, and it should be below the depth of frozen soil.
12 For pipelines with requirements such as "bagless", "with slope" and "with liquid seal", the piping should be strictly in accordance with the requirements of PID.
13 When connecting a branch pipe from a horizontal gas main pipe, it should be connected from the top of the main pipe. 1.2.2 Spacing and installation space of parallel pipes 1 The clear distance between parallel pipes should meet the requirements of pipe welding, insulation layer and component installation and maintenance. The clear distance between the protrusions on the pipeline should not be less than 30mm. For example, the net distance between the outer edge of the flange and the outer wall of the adjacent pipe insulation layer or the net distance between flanges.
2 The distance between pipes without flanges and insulation should meet the requirements of pipe welding and inspection, and generally not less than 50mm.
3 Pipes with lateral displacement should appropriately increase the net distance between pipes. 4 The net distance between the protruding part of the pipe or the most protruding part of the outer wall of the pipe insulation layer and the support of the pipe rack or frame and the wall of the building should not be less than 100mm, and the space required for tightening the flange bolts should be considered. 1.2.3 Exhaust and drainage
1 Exhaust and drainage ports should be set for high points or low points formed by pipeline layout: 1) The minimum pipe diameter of the high point exhaust port is DN15, and the minimum pipe diameter of the low point drainage port is DN20 (when the main pipe is DN15, the drainage port is DN15). The minimum pipe diameter of the exhaust and drainage ports for high viscosity media is DN25. 2) The high point exhaust port of the gas pipe may not be equipped with a valve and may be closed with a threaded pipe cap or a flange cover. Except for the pipes on the pipe gallery, pipes with a DN less than or equal to 25 may not have high-point exhaust ports. 3) Non-technical high-point exhaust and low-point drain ports may not be indicated on the PID. 100
Standard Tips Network wm.bzaoso.com Various standard industry materials are free to download 2 The exhaust and drain ports required by the process (including those connected on the equipment) shall be set according to the requirements on the PID. 3 The height requirements of the exhaust port shall comply with the provisions of the current national standard "Petrochemical Enterprise Design Fire Protection Code" (GB50160).
4 The discharge point of the toxic and flammable and explosive liquid pipeline shall not be connected to the sewer, but shall be connected to a closed system. The venting point of gases heavier than air shall consider the impact on the operating environment and the protection of personal safety. 1.2.4 Position of the weld
1 The distance between the center of the pipe butt weld and the bending point of the elbow shall not be less than the outer diameter of the pipe, and shall not be less than 100mm.
2 The net distance between two adjacent butt welds on the pipeline should be no less than 3 times the pipe wall thickness, and the net length of the short pipe should be no less than 5 times the pipe wall thickness, and no less than 50mm; for pipes with DN greater than or equal to 50mm, the net distance between the two welds should be no less than 100mm.
3 The girth weld of the pipeline should not be within the range of the pipe support. The net distance between the edge of the weld and the edge of the support should be greater than 5 times the width of the weld, and no less than 100mm. 4 It is not advisable to open holes and connect pipes on the weld and its edges of the pipeline. 5 The longitudinal weld of the steel plate rolled pipe should be placed in a position that is easy to inspect and observe, and should not be at the bottom of the horizontal pipe. 6 For pipes with reinforcement rings or support rings, the butt joints of the reinforcement rings or support rings should be staggered with the longitudinal welds of the pipes, and should not be less than 100mm. The reinforcement ring or support ring should be no less than 50mm away from the girth weld of the pipe. 1.2.5 Restriction on pipe diameter
Should comply with the provisions of "Chemical Plant Pipe Material Design Regulations" (HG/T20646.2). 1.2.6 Thermal (cold) compensation of pipelines
1 The displacement, force and moment caused by thermal expansion or contraction of the pipeline must be carefully calculated, and the natural geometric shape of the pipeline layout must be used to absorb it. The forces and moments acting on the equipment or pump interface shall not exceed the allowable values.
2 When the self-compensation capacity of the pipeline cannot meet the requirements, compensation elements such as "I"-shaped elbows should be installed at appropriate locations in the pipeline system; when conditions are limited and corrugated expansion joints or other types of compensators must be selected, they should be reasonably selected based on the calculation results, and the setting of fixed frames and guide frames should be considered according to standard requirements. 3 When it is required to reduce forces and moments, cold drawing measures are allowed, but cold drawing should not be used for important sensitive machines and equipment connections.
1.3 Arrangement of valves
1.3.1 General requirements
Standard search network b
caomo.com Various standard industry materials are free to download 1 Valves should be located in places that are easy to operate, install and maintain. Valves on rows of pipes (such as pipes entering and exiting the device) should be arranged in a centralized manner, which is conducive to setting up operating platforms and ladders. 2 Some valve positions have process operation requirements and locking requirements, and should be arranged and marked according to the PID instructions.
3 Valves on the bottom pipes of equipment such as towers, reactors, and vertical containers should not be arranged in skirts. 4 Manual valves that need to be operated according to the instructions of local instruments should be located close to local instruments. 5 Control valves and safety valves should be arranged on the ground or platform for easy maintenance and commissioning. The layout of steam traps should comply with the provisions of Chapter 15 of the "Design Regulations for Pipeline Layout of Chemical Plants" (HG/T20549.5). 6 Fire hydrants or valves for fire fighting should be located in a position that can be safely approached in the event of a fire. 7 Valves for buried pipelines should be installed in valve wells and leave space for maintenance. 8 Valves should be installed in places with small thermal displacement.
When there are bypass or offset transmission components on the valve (such as gear-driven valves), sufficient installation and operation space should be left for the bypass or offset components.
1.3.2 Valve location requirements
1 The installation height of the valve stem centerline of the valve on the riser should be 0.7. to 1.6m above the ground or platform. Valves of DN40 and below can be arranged below 2m in height. When the position is too high or too low, a platform or operating device, such as a sprocket or extension rod, should be installed for easy operation. 2 A very small number of valves that are not frequently operated, and their operating height is no more than 2.5m, and it is inconvenient to set up a permanent platform, a portable ladder or mobile platform should be used to enable people to operate. 3 The center distance of the valve handwheel arranged around the operating platform should not be greater than 400mm from the edge of the operating platform. When the valve stem and handwheel extend above the platform and the height is less than 2m, it should not affect the operation and passage safety of the operator.
4 When valves are arranged adjacent to each other, the net distance between the handwheels should not be less than 100mm. 5 The valve stem of the valve should not be installed vertically or tilted downward. 6 For valves installed in trenches or valve wells that are frequently operated, when the handwheel is 300mm below the cover plate, an extension rod should be installed to make it within 100mm below the cover plate. 1.4 Non-metallic pipes and non-metallic lined pipes 1.4.1 These regulations are only applicable to the design of plastic pipes and plastic-lined and rubber-lined pipes. 1.4.2 According to the weaknesses of non-metallic pipelines such as low strength and rigidity, large linear expansion coefficient and easy aging, the layout of pipelines shall meet the following requirements:
Standards.com wm.bzaoso.com Free download of various American standard industry materials 1. The support method and spacing of the pipe racks shall meet the requirements of the pipelines for strength and rigidity. Generally, the smaller of the two is taken as the maximum pipe rack spacing; 2. The pipelines shall have sufficient flexibility or effective thermal compensation measures to prevent leakage or damage due to expansion (or contraction) or displacement of the pipe racks and pipe ends;
3. Effective anti-static measures shall be taken for pipelines; 4. Anti-aging measures shall be taken for pipelines laid in the open air; 5. Appropriate safety protection measures shall be set up for them in areas with fire hazards. 1.4.3 The layout of non-metallic lined pipelines shall meet the following requirements: 1 Special attention shall be paid to the differences between the characteristics of non-metallic materials and metallic materials to minimize the stress caused by expansion (or contraction) and other displacements;
2 Each pipeline shall be provided with a size adjustment pipe section in at least one direction of the three-dimensional coordinate system to ensure correct installation:
3 Non-metallic lined pipes should not be used for vacuum pipelines. 1.5 Safety measures
1.5.1 Fire protection and protection
1 For hydrocarbon gas relief valve outlet pipes that are directly discharged into the atmosphere at a temperature higher than the spontaneous combustion temperature of the material, steam or nitrogen pipelines for fire extinguishing shall be installed and controlled from the ground. 2 Water sprinkler fire prevention measures shall be set outside hydrocarbon liquid storage tanks, and valves shall be located in accessible places in case of fire. 1.5.2 Accident emergency facilities
Special eyewash and shower facilities should be provided near various pipelines and equipment that transport acidic, alkaline and harmful media. The facilities should be arranged in convenient places, and the installation height of the shower should also be considered so that water can spray over the head. When used outdoors in cold areas, antifreeze measures should be taken for the facilities for emergency use. 1.5.3 Anti-static
For pipelines that transport media with electrostatic hazards, electrostatic grounding measures must be considered. It should comply with the provisions of the current national standard "General Guidelines for Preventing Electrostatic Accidents" (GB12158). 103
Standard exchange search network mbzaoso.com pipe
On-site welding
Heating pipe (dotted line)
Jacketed pipe (example)
Underground pipeline
2 Pipeline layout and axonometric drawings of pipes,
Fittings, valves and special pipeline parts
2.1 Pipes, fittings and flanges
Pipeline layout drawing
(Draw one together with the above-ground pipeline Drawing)
Reducing flange
Concentric reducer
Threaded, socket welded,
Connected with threaded, socket welded or
Slip-on flange
Connected with butt-weld flange
Threaded or socket welded
Standard replacement Technology Network mm.bza0s0.c0m Various standard industry data are free to submit axonometric drawings
Threaded or socket weld
Butt weld connection
Flange connection
Threaded or socket weld
Butt weld connection
Flange connection
Standard Technology Network m.bza080.c0m Free submission of axonometric drawings of various British standard industry materials
Butt welding connection
Flange connection
Miter elbow
Threaded or socket welding
Butt welding connection
Flange connection
Threaded or socket welding
Butt welding connection
Flange connection Connection
(only for small angle bend)
Standard technology exchange network mm.bza0s0.c0m Various standard industry data are free to submit axonometric drawings
Welded branch pipe
Half pipe joint
And branch pipe platform
Without reinforcement plate
With reinforcement plate
Threaded or socket welding connection
Butt welding connection
Threaded or socket welding
Butt welding connection| |tt||Flange connection
Threaded or socket welding connection
Explosion-proof connection
Flange connection
Threaded connection
Threaded or socket welding pipe joint
Threaded or socket welding union
Axonometric drawing
(for half-pipe joint or branch pipe platform)for branch pipe platform)S
Standard technology exchange network mm.bza0s0.c0mAll kinds of standard industry information are free to submit+|| tt||Hose connector
Quick connector
Threaded or socket welding connection
Butt welding connection
Stop cabinet
Throttle valve
*Y" type valve
Three-way ball valve
Views of pipeline layout
bza0s0-90m standard camera
Axonometric drawing
Plug valve||tt| |Three-way valve
Wafer type
Flange type
Plunger valve
Check valve
Cut-off type
Check valve
Diaphragm valve
\y\ shape
Diaphragm valve
Drain valve
Clamping type
Hose valve
Views of pipeline layout
Standard photography search network
All kinds of standard industry information are free to download2 Accident emergency facilities
Special eyewash and shower facilities should be provided near various pipelines and equipment that transport acidic, alkaline and harmful media. The facilities should be arranged in convenient places, and the installation height of the shower should also be considered so that water can spray over the head. When used outdoors in cold areas, antifreeze measures should be taken for the facilities for emergency use. 1.5.3 Anti-static
For pipelines that transport media with electrostatic hazards, electrostatic grounding measures must be considered. It should comply with the provisions of the current national standard "General Guidelines for Preventing Electrostatic Accidents" (GB12158). 103
Standard exchange search network mbzaoso.com pipe
On-site welding
Heating pipe (dotted line)
Jacketed pipe (example)
Underground pipeline
2 Pipeline layout and axonometric drawings of pipes,
Fittings, valves and special pipeline parts
2.1 Pipes, fittings and flanges
Pipeline layout drawing
(Draw one together with the above-ground pipeline Drawing)
Reducing flange
Concentric reducer
Threaded, socket welded,
Connected with threaded, socket welded or
Slip-on flange
Connected with butt-weld flange
Threaded or socket welded
Standard replacement Technology Network mm.bza0s0.c0m Various standard industry data are free to submit axonometric drawings
Threaded or socket weld
Butt weld connection
Flange connection
Threaded or socket weld
Butt weld connection
Flange connection
Standard Technology Network m.bza080.c0m Free submission of axonometric drawings of various British standard industry materials
Butt welding connection
Flange connection
Miter elbow
Threaded or socket welding
Butt welding connection
Flange connection
Threaded or socket welding
Butt welding connection
Flange connection Connection
(only for small angle bend)
Standard technology exchange network mm.bza0s0.c0m Various standard industry data are free to submit axonometric drawings
Welded branch pipe
Half pipe joint
And branch pipe platform
Without reinforcement plate
With reinforcement plate
Threaded or socket welding connection
Butt welding connection
Threaded or socket welding
Butt welding connection| |tt||Flange connection
Threaded or socket welding connection
Explosion-proof connection
Flange connection
Threaded connection
Threaded or socket welding pipe joint
Threaded or socket welding union
Axonometric drawing
(for half-pipe joint or branch pipe platform)for branch pipe platform)S
Standard technology exchange network mm.bza0s0.c0mAll kinds of standard industry information are free to submit+|| tt||Hose connector
Quick connector
Threaded or socket welding connection
Butt welding connection
Stop cabinet
Throttle valve
*Y" type valve
Three-way ball valve
Views of pipeline layout
bza0s0-90m standard camera
Axonometric drawing
Plug valve||tt| |Three-way valve
Wafer type
Flange type
Plunger valve
Check valve
Cut-off type
Check valve
Diaphragm valve
\y\ shape
Diaphragm valve
Drain valve
Clamping type
Hose valve
Views of pipeline layout
Standard photography search network
All kinds of standard industry information are free to download2 Accident emergency facilities
Special eyewash and shower facilities should be provided near various pipelines and equipment that transport acidic, alkaline and harmful media. The facilities should be arranged in convenient places, and the installation height of the shower should also be considered so that water can spray over the head. When used outdoors in cold areas, antifreeze measures should be taken for the facilities for emergency use. 1.5.3 Anti-static
For pipelines that transport media with electrostatic hazards, electrostatic grounding measures must be considered. It should comply with the provisions of the current national standard "General Guidelines for Preventing Electrostatic Accidents" (GB12158). 103
Standard exchange search network mbzaoso.com pipe
On-site welding
Heating pipe (dotted line)
Jacketed pipe (example)
Underground pipeline
2 Pipeline layout and axonometric drawings of pipes,
Fittings, valves and special pipeline parts
2.1 Pipes, fittings and flanges
Pipeline layout drawing
(Draw one together with the above-ground pipeline Drawing)
Reducing flangeWww.bzxZ.net
Concentric reducer
Threaded, socket welded,
Connected with threaded, socket welded or
Slip-on flange
Connected with butt-weld flange
Threaded or socket welded
Standard replacement Technology Network mm.bza0s0.c0m Various standard industry data are free to submit axonometric drawings
Threaded or socket weld
Butt weld connection
Flange connection
Threaded or socket weld
Butt weld connection
Flange connection
Standard Technology Network m.bza080.c0m Free submission of axonometric drawings of various British standard industry materials
Butt welding connection
Flange connection
Miter elbow
Threaded or socket welding
Butt welding connection
Flange connection
Threaded or socket welding
Butt welding connection
Flange connection Connection
(only for small angle bend)
Standard technology exchange network mm.bza0s0.c0m Various standard industry data are free to submit axonometric drawings
Welded branch pipe
Half pipe joint
And branch pipe platform
Without reinforcement plate
With reinforcement plate
Threaded or socket welding connection
Butt welding connection
Threaded or socket welding
Butt welding connection| |tt||Flange connection
Threaded or socket welding connection
Explosion-proof connection
Flange connection
Threaded connection
Threaded or socket welding pipe joint
Threaded or socket welding union
Axonometric drawing
(for half-pipe joint or branch pipe platform)for branch pipe platform)S
Standard technology exchange network mm.bza0s0.c0mAll kinds of standard industry information are free to submit+|| tt||Hose connector
Quick connector
Threaded or socket welding connection
Butt welding connection
Stop cabinet
Throttle valve
*Y" type valve
Three-way ball valve
Views of pipeline layout
bza0s0-90m standard camera
Axonometric drawing
Plug valve||tt| |Three-way valve
Wafer type
Flange type
Plunger valve
Check valve
Cut-off type
Check valve
Diaphragm valve
\y\ shape
Diaphragm valve
Drain valve
Clamping type
Hose valve
Views of pipeline layout
Standard photography search network
All kinds of standard industry information are free to download
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