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Process control and measurement methods for heatset web offset printing

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 33713-2017

Standard Name:Process control and measurement methods for heatset web offset printing

Chinese Name: 热固型轮转胶印过程控制要求及检测方法

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2017-05-12

Date of Implementation:2017-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Imaging Technology>>Printing Technology>>37.100.01 Printing Technology General

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A17 Printing Technology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

other information

drafter:Zhou Zhiqiang, Chen Yaxiong, Wu Yayong, Zhu Min, Xu Xin, Zhu Yongshuang, Pan Xiaoshan, Yuan Xiaoyu, Wu Guoquan, Wang Xin, Gao Jiwei, Xu Hong, Liang Lihui, Chen Jiewen, Gao Xuechao, Luo Haiping, Hu Yuehui, Yang Bo, Tang Dongfang, Zhang Hongqiao

Drafting unit:China Commercial United Printing (Guangdong) Co., Ltd., Beijing Hualian Printing Co., Ltd., Shanghai China Commercial United Printing Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Polytechnic, Hunan Tianwen Xinhua Printing Co., Ltd., UPM (China) Co., Ltd., Gold East Paper (Ji

Focal point unit:National Printing Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 170)

Proposing unit:State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 33713-2017 Process control requirements and test methods for thermosetting web offset printing GB/T33713-2017 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, material requirements, technical requirements, test methods, environmental requirements, etc. involved in the process control of thermosetting web offset printing, and also specifies the relevant parameters and values ​​of the process such as color separation, plate making, printing and in-line glue spraying, folding, cutting, etc. ? This standard applies to the process control of thermosetting web offset printing. ?

Some standard content:

ICS 37.100.01
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 33713—2017
Process control and measurement methods for heatset web offset printing2017-05-12 Issued by
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
2017-12-01 Implementation
1 Scope
Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
Material requirements
Technical requirements
6 Printing environment requirements
Testing methods
Appendix A (Informative Appendix)
Arrangement of measurement and control strips and layout information
Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Reference values ​​of solid density corresponding to different types of paper Appendix C (Informative Appendix) CIELAB values ​​measured under ISO13655 MO and M1 conditions GB/T33713--2017
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Printing Standardization (SAC/TC170). GB/T33713—2017
The drafting units of this standard are: China Commercial United Printing (Guangdong) Co., Ltd., Beijing Hualian Printing Co., Ltd., Shanghai China Commercial United Printing Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Vocational and Technical College, Hunan Tianwen Xinhua Printing Co., Ltd., UPM (China) Co., Ltd., Jindong Paper (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., Tianjin Toyo Ink Co., Ltd., Shanghai DIC Trading Co., Ltd., Yueyang Forest and Paper Co., Ltd. Beijing Shengtong Printing Co., Ltd., Beijing Lifeng Accor Great Wall Printing Co., Ltd., Hong Kong Vocational Training Council, Shanghai Goss Printing Equipment Co., Ltd., Shenzhen China Commercial Safety Printing Co., Ltd. The drafters of this standard are: Zhou Zhiqiang, Chen Yaxiong, Wu Yayong, Zhu, Xu Xin, Zhu Yongshuang, Pan Xiaoshan, Yuan Xiaoning, Wu Guoquan, Tu Xin, Gao Jiwei, Xu Hong, Liang Lihui, Chen Jiewen, Gao Xuechao, Luo Hai, Hu Yuehui, Yang Bo, Tang Dongfang, and Zhang Hongqiao. GB/T33713—2017
This standard is formulated on the basis of IS(12647-2 "Printing Technology Network Color Separation Sheets, Samples and Printed Products Process Control Part 2: Offset Printing", with reference to relevant specifications such as "US Publication Web Offset Printing Specification (SWOP)" and "Japan (olor2003)", and combined with the current status of raw and auxiliary materials related to thermosetting web offset printing in my country. As the main offset printing method One of them is that heat-set rotary offset printing has the common characteristics of offset printing described in 1S012647-2, and it also has its own characteristics as heat-set rotary offset printing. This standard inherits the principle of commonality and highlights the characteristics, and standardizes the process control requirements and test methods of heat-set rotary offset printing.
1 Scope
Process control requirements and test methods for heat-set rotary offset printing GB/T33713—2017
This standard specifies the process control requirements and test methods for heat-set rotary offset printing. The technical spectrum and definitions, material requirements, technical requirements, testing methods, environmental requirements, etc., also stipulates the relevant parameters and values ​​of the process of color separation, plate making, printing and online gluing, folding, cutting, etc. This standard applies to the process control of heat-set rotary offset printing. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with a printing date, the version with the printing date applies to this document. For all referenced documents without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T18720 Printing technology Application of printing measurement and control strips GB/T30329.1 Printing technology Four-color printing ink color rent and transparency: Part 1: Sheet-fed and heat-set web offset printing CY/I'128 Printing technology Matching color characterization data set printing system adjustment method ISO12647-1 Printing technology Halftone color separation, sample and printed product production process control Part 1: Parameters and test force method (Graphic ISO 12647-2:2004, Graphic technology, Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints—Part 2: Offset printing ISO 13655 Graphic technology—Spectral measurement and colourimetric computation for graphic arts images 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in ISO 12647-1 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Web offset printing Web offset printing is a printing process using rolls of paper or other strips of material as the substrate. 3.2
Heatset wehoffsel printing Heatset wehoffsel printing is a method of rotary offset printing using heat-dried ink. Note: Modification of 1S0)12647-2:2004,3.5. 3.3
On-line folding
The process of connecting the folding system to the rotary offset press to complete the printing and folding production process at one time. 3.4bzxZ.net
The process of spraying glue on the specified position of the substrate according to a certain pattern. 1
GB/T 33713—2017
On-line gluing
The glue spraying device is integrated into the rotary offset press to achieve the purpose of simple online binding of book pages. 3.6
On-line cutting
Integrate the cutting equipment on the rotary offset press to achieve the purpose of on-line cutting of the pages. 3.7
mid-tone spread
mid-tone expansion
The deviation between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the mid-tone dot enlargement values ​​of the three primary colors of yellow, magenta and cyan. S is expressed as a percentage and is determined by the following formula: S=Max[(A-A.),(An-Am),(A, A,)]-Min[(A.A,),(A,-Am),(A, -A,) format:
Measured value of cyan primary midtone;
Specified value of cyan primary midtone;
Measured value of magenta primary midtone;
Specified value of magenta primary midtone;
Measured value of yellow primary midtone;
Specified value of yellow primary midtone,
Measure(A,AmA,)—(22,17,20) Specified value (AgAm, A,)-(20,20,18)S—Max[(22-20),(17—20),(20-18)J-Min[(22-20),(1720),(20-18)]=2-(3)54Material requirements
4.1Paper requirements
The technical indicators of paper such as type, basis weight, CIE whiteness, glossiness, chromaticity value, etc. shall comply with the requirements of Table 1. Table
Technical parameters
Paper type
Basis weight/(g/m*)
CIEH degree
Glossy polyester paper
Paper technical requirements
Matte coated paper
Note 1: The CIE whiteness measurement point given in Table A is at D65,Measured under 10° viewing angle. Note 2: The gloss values ​​given in the table are measured under 75° angle of incidence. L
Light master coated paper
Uncoated paper (offset paper)
Note 3: The chromaticity values ​​given in the table are measured under 1)50,2° viewing field, using 1S() 13655 M0 and M1 conditions respectively, and dot backing. 2
4.2 Ink requirements
The hue and transparency of the ink used should meet the requirements of GB/T30329.1. 5 Technical requirements
5.1 Design and prepress
5.1.1 Data transmission
When delivering the printing data file, a digital proofing sample, a printing press proofing sample, or a pre-printed sample should be provided at the same time. The delivered data should be in CMYK or three-channel color mode, preferably in PIF/X file format. The required printing conditions should be specified for the delivered data file. If PDF/X file format is used, it should be described in the specified data format; if other file formats are used, the printing conditions, characteristic data sets or ICC characteristic files for output should be specified. If the data is not in CMYK mode, ICC characteristic files or other mechanisms should be used to define the data in colorimetric terms, and ICC characteristic files for output CMYK should be included, and the color rendering intent used when using the output characteristic file should be specified. If the printing conditions corresponding to the provided characteristic data or ICC output characteristic file conflict with the printing conditions defined in this standard: the data should be adjusted before printing production using the method defined in CY/T128. If all parties agree, the target value of process control should be obtained from the characteristic data. In this case, the density gradation value is usually not available, and the color gradation value can be used. The relationship between the color gradation value and the gradation value is referred to CY/T128.
Note 1: The printing press proofing sample is a sample printed by the printing press on the data file for test printing, which can be used as a reference for series printing. Although most proofing is done digitally, for prints with high requirements for color and content, it is necessary to use a printing press proofing that is consistent with the final printing conditions. Note 2: Three-channel color modes include RGB, La '6', and XYZ. Note 3: Printing conditions are defined as isolated printing materials, reproduction intent, screening, oil and printing color sequence description. Note 4: It is recommended to use the PLDF pre-check function, because compliance with PDF/X does not guarantee appropriate image resolution and other printing conditions. 5.1.2 Plate Quality
The resolution of the plate-making machine should be appropriately set to ensure that at least 150 gradations can be reproduced. Example: When using conventional AM screen and the nominal screen number is 80 cm, the output resolution of the plate-making machine should not be less than 1000 cm-1! 5.1.3 Screen number
The following screen numbers should be used for different papers: a) Glossy coated paper and matt coated paper: 60 cm-1~70 cm-1; b) Lightweight coated paper: 50 cm-1~70 cm-1; c) Offset paper: 50 cm-1~60 cr-1,
Note 1: If the screen number is outside the range of 50 cm-1~~70 cm1, the basic principles specified in this standard can still be referred to, but the value may be different. Note 2: When computer screening, in order to minimize moiré fringes, the screen lines of different color plates may vary slightly. Note 3: The screen lines of the black plate or yellow plate can be greater than the screen lines of other color plates. 5.1.4 Screening angle
For halftone dots without a main axis, the screen angle difference between the cyan plate, magenta plate and the black plate should be 30°, the screen angle difference with the yellow plate should be 15°, and the screen angle of the main color plate should be 15°.
For halftone dots with a main axis, the screen angle difference between the cyan plate, magenta plate and the black plate should be 60°, the screen angle difference with the yellow plate should be 15°, and the screen angle of the main color plate should be 45 or 135°.
5.1.5 Dot shape and its relationship with tone value It is recommended to use round, square or circular dots. For dots with a main axis, the first connection occurs at a tone value of not less than 40%, and the second connection occurs at a tone value of not more than 60. 5.1.6 Tone value sum
For coated paper printing, the sum of tone values ​​should not exceed 300%; for offset paper printing, the sum of tone values ​​should not exceed 270%. Note: In the case of a high sum of tone values, phenomena such as poor registration and print-through may occur. 5.1.7 Graphics and text processing and design Lines
Thin lines and thin serifs (such as the thin lines on the left and right ends of \T\) should only use one printing primary color or spot color. The thinnest part of the line pattern should not be less than 0.2mm. Thin serifs should not be reversed, and the line color should have sufficient contrast with the surrounding tremolo color. Registration
Small text should only use one primary color or spot color, and should not be reversed. The finest part of the reversed text should not be less than 0.2mm, and the background color should be selected as the primary color according to the shape of the text (the tone value should be higher than 70). In actual operation, the edge of the secondary primary color should be slightly larger without affecting the observation, so as to reduce the registration problem on the printing press. The color tone of the reversed text should be dark enough to ensure that the font is easy to recognize. For text that needs to be overprinted, it is recommended to use as few primary colors as possible, and the finest part should not be less than 0.1mm. The tone value of any primary color should not be higher than 30% of the background, and the total tone value after four-color overprinting should not be higher than 90% to ensure that the font is easy to recognize. 5.1.8 Measurement and control strips
Measurement and control strips that meet the requirements of GB/T18720 should be placed on the printed plate. Note: For control strips and layout information, refer to the catalog.
5.2 Printing
5.2.1 Color
When printing with the four substrates listed in Table 1, the CIELAB chromaticity coordinates of the solid color of the printing primary colors on the printed sheet should be consistent with the standard values ​​in Table 2 and within the deviation range specified in Table 3; the CIELAB chromaticity coordinates of the secondary and tertiary printing colors (both excluding overprinting with black ink) should also be consistent with the standard values ​​in Table 2. The chromaticity coordinates of the solid color and overprinting CIELAB values ​​are shown in Figure 1. The color difference between the solid color of the printing primary colors in the printing sample and the customer confirmation draft in the printing production should be within the deviation range specified in Table 3. If there is no customer confirmation, the values ​​in Table 2 shall be used as the national standard values. The fluctuation of the solid color of the printing primary colors of the printed product shall meet the following conditions: For at least 68% of the printed products, the color difference between the solid color of the printing primary colors and the printing sample should not exceed the corresponding tolerance specified in Table 3. Note: The distribution of color difference should be a skewed Gaussian distribution. Considering the consistency, the upper limit of the color difference of 68% of the prints is defined as the tolerance. Similar to the Ding Gaussian distribution, 68% of the samples are within plus or minus one standard deviation. 4
White backing
Black backing
White backing
Black backing
White backing
Xi backing
White backing
Black backing
White backing
Black backing
White backing
Xi backing
White backing
Black backing
Table 2 CIELab values ​​of solid colors and overprint colors (color sequence is cyan - Magenta - Yellow) Paper Type
Glossy and Matte Cloth-Removing Paper
Light-Wall Coated Paper
Offset Paper
Note 1: The data given in the table are measured and recorded under ISO13655 "M0\ conditions, and the data include both black and white backgrounds. Note 2: The density value under the white backing corresponding to the L·ab value when printed on Table 2 can be found in Appendix B. Note 3: The data measured under ISO13655 "M1" conditions can be found in Appendix C. 1.5
Note: The data used in the figure are derived from the white background measurement data in Table 2: Blue
Glossy and matte
coated paper
Whole tray coated paper
Offset paper
Coordinate diagram of CIELAB values ​​of solid color and process color in α-b' plane
Table 3 Printing solid color tolerance
AE tolerance value is for reference only:
5.2.2 Tone reproduction range
Backing sample
Within the tonal value reproduction range (in the digital file), the dot shape of the halftone should be stably and consistently transferred to the printed matter: a) 2%~96% for the three coated papers in Table 1;
b) Offset paper: 2%~4%.
Important image information should be included in the above tone reproduction range: 5.2.3 Overprint micro-position error
The image overprint error between any two colors should not be greater than 0.1imm. The position error of the center + word line of the front and back sides should not be greater than 1mm. The upper and lower position error of the left and right cross lines of the layout should not be greater than 1nm. 6
5.2.4 Tone value increase
Target value
The tone value increase during printing and proofing should comply with the provisions of Table 4, and can also refer to Figure 2. Table 5 should be used for calibration. Table 4 Tone increase of color blocks on the control strip for different substrates Substrate type
Glossy and matte coated paper
Lightweight coated paper
Offset paper
Tone value of color blocks on the control strip ()
Note: The data in the table are obtained by filtering under HISO state T response and no polarization filter conditions (ISO13655\M0\) Table 5 Tone increase on different substrates
Tone value/
Tone increase
Note: The data in the table are measured under ISO state T response and no polarization filter conditions (ISO13655 "M0\). 75%
GB/T 33713—2017
Glossy and matte polyester paper, light weight coated paper. E-
Offset paper.
Figure 2 Tone increase curves on different substrates Tone increase and midtone extension 80
The deviation between the tone increase and midtone extension of the printed sample and the specified target value shall not exceed the deviation value specified in Table 6. For the next printing production, the difference between the tone increase and the target value of at least 68% of the printed sheets shall not exceed the corresponding tolerance value specified in Table 6.
At least 68% For printed sheets, the midtone expansion should not exceed the maximum midtone expansion value specified in Table 6. Table 6 Deviation, tolerance and maximum midtone expansion value of the tone value increase of the printed sample and the printed sheet Step value on the measurement and control strip/%
Maximum midtone expansion
Requirements for post-press processing technology
5.3.1 Online glue spraying
Between the printed sample and the standard value
Between the printed sheet and the printed sample
Online glue spraying is based on the standard position, and the left and right deviations should not exceed 1mm. The glue spraying is uniform. There is no glue shark phenomenon. 8
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