Technical requirements of manufacturing consulting service for high pressure hydrogen equipment of oil-refinery
Some standard content:
ICS 03.080.99
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical requirements of manufacturing consulting service forhigh pressure hydrogen equipment of oil-refiner2014-09-03 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
2014-10-01 Implementation
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.12009. GB/T31183-2014
This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Equipment Supervision Engineering Consulting (SAC/TC423). The drafting unit of this standard: 1 Haizhongshen Petrochemical Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard: Hua Wei, Shi Xiaofeng, Zhou Yilin, Liu Bin, Fang Shouju, Shu Wei. 1 Scope
Technical requirements for the supervision of manufacturing of high-pressure equipment for oil refining GB/T 31183—2014
This standard specifies the basic technical requirements for the supervision of equipment related to the manufacturing quality of high-pressure equipment for oil refining such as hot-wall hydrogenation reactors and hydrogenation heaters.
This standard applies to the supervision of manufacturing of high-pressure equipment for oil refining such as hot-wall oxygenation reactors, hydrogenation heat exchangers, and hydrogenation equipment for chemical, coal, and fertilizer.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB150—2011 Pressure Vessels
GB/18923.12011 Visual Assessment of Surface Cleanliness of Steel Materials Before Coating Part 1: Rust Grade and Treatment Grade of Coated Steel Materials and Steel Materials after Complete Removal of Original Coatings GB/T264292010 Equipment Engineering Supervision Specification JB/TIC175--2003 Requirements for Heat Treatment Quality Control 3 Terms and Definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB/T26429
2010 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Manufacturing Supervision manufacturingcunsultingservice The equipment supervision unit accepts the entrustment of the client and, in accordance with the contract agreement, provides professional supervision and management services for the equipment manufacturing process. 3.2
Equipment supervision personnel observe, check, record, confirm and other witness activities of documents, records, entities, processes and other physical objects and activities. GB/T 26429-2010, definition 3.13] 3.3
Also a pre-set supervision control point after the equipment supervision engineer witnesses and signs before proceeding to the next process, sequence or node [GB/T 26429-2010. definition
on-site witness point
A pre-set supervision control point after the equipment supervision engineer witnesses and signs on-site the process, procedure, node or result of the equipment project. GB/T 26429—2010. Definition 3.15]1
GB/T 31183——2014
Record point
A pre-set supervision control point for the equipment supervision engineer to witness the relevant documents, records or reports of the equipment project. GB/T26429-2010, Definition 3.14
Ordinary inspectionOrdinary inspectionThe regular or irregular on-site supervision activities of the equipment supervision personnel on the equipment project. [GB/T 26429 -2010, Definition 3.17
Equipment in hydrogen service
Equipment working under high temperature, high repellency and hydrogen-containing components. 3.8
Advanced steel
Improved 2%Cr-1Mo, 2%Cr-1Mu4V, 3Cr-1Mo-%V steel, 3.9
Conventional steel
Standard 2%Cr1Mo, 3Cr-1Mo steel
Temper brittleness
The embrittlement phenomenon that occurs in a certain temperature range when tempering steel. 3.11
Temper brittleness sensitive coefficient H coefficient, X coefficient
The coefficient for predicting the embrittlement sensitivity of materials or coal seam metals. Note: The chemical composition of the material is used for prediction. 3.12
brittle transition temperaturebrittlenesslrausitiontemperatureThe temperature region where a metal material changes from a ductile state to a brittle stateNote; above the brittle transition temperature region, the metal material is in a brittle state, and the fracture form is mainly ductile fracture; below the brittle transition temperature region, the material is in a brittle state, and the fracture form is mainly tactile fracture (such as cleavage). 3.13
Final post weld heat treatment
post weld heat trcatment;, the last post weld heat treatment performed after the PWIIT equipment is manufactured and put into operation. 3.14
Maximum post weld heat treatment
The specific heat treatment performed on the sample to simulate the heat treatment in all manufacturing processes, including austenitizing and tempering, all intermediate heat treatments at 482℃, the final post weld heat treatment, and at least one additional minimum post weld heat treatment that the owner may perform. 3.15
Minimum PWHT
Specific heat treatment of the specimen to simulate the minimum heat treatment. Including austenitizing and tempering, as well as intermediate heat treatment above 482℃ and final PWHT. 2
Step cooling test (temper embrittlement tendency assessment) step conling tests CB/T 31183-2014
Specific heat treatment to simulate and add embrittlement of the specimen, used to evaluate the tempering sensitivity of alloy steels in service at high temperatures. Hydrogen dissection test Hydrogen dissection test Test method for evaluating the sensitivity of the cladding layer to hydrogen dissection at a certain pressure, temperature and hydrogen partial pressure. Ferrite number ferritic number; FN
The ferrite content of the molten metal of the austenitic stainless steel weld in ferrite number. Ultrasonic diffraction time difference method
time of flight diffractian; TOFD is an ultrasonic testing method that uses a send-receive probe to work in a mode, mainly using the diffraction compensation signal of the defect endpoint to detect and determine the defect size.
4 General
4.1 The processes required for equipment manufacturing quality supervision should be identified and controlled, and the monitoring control points and supervision methods should be determined. After the client confirms, the supervised unit should be informed before the supervision is implemented. The determination of the control points and supervision methods for the manufacturing quality supervision of hydrogen high-pressure equipment should comply with the requirements of Appendix A and Appendix B. According to the characteristics of hydrogen high-pressure equipment and the actual situation of the supervised unit, daily inspections are carried out on the manufacturing workshop and process. The main types of hydrogen high-pressure equipment are shown in Appendix C. Note: The identification and control of the processes required for the quality supervision of hydrogen high-pressure equipment include but are not limited to 5.1~5.7. The specific supervision service content related to the manufacturing quality of the high-efficiency hydrogen repellent equipment shall be determined by the contract. 4.2 The relevant qualifications of the supervised unit and the operation status of the quality management system shall be checked. 4.3 Supervision records shall be kept, and the witnessing and other supervision work shall be reported to the client in a timely manner. The supervision report shall be submitted as agreed. 4.4 If any non-conformity is found, the supervised unit shall be required to deal with it in a timely manner and take corrective measures, and the disposal results and corrective measures shall be verified; if the supervised unit refuses to rectify or delays, it shall be reported to the client in a timely manner: 5 Supervision process related to manufacturing quality
5.1 Raw materials
5.1.1. The material quality certification documents of the main pressure-bearing parts shall be reviewed, including chemical composition, temper brittleness sensitivity coefficient, mechanical properties at room temperature, high temperature mechanical properties, Charpy impact test, grain size and non-metallic impurities (referring to forgings), metallographic structure, hardness, temper embrittlement tendency assessment, non-destructive testing, etc. Check the conformity and marking of materials with design documents. Note: The steel grades of the main pressure-bearing parts are heat-resistant high-strength steel 1Cr-1Ma, 2.1Ma, 2Cr-1Mu-1V, 3Cr-1Mo and 3Cr-iMo-4V. 5.1.2 The procurement and re-inspection of the matrix and welding materials shall be reviewed to meet the requirements of the design and the owner. 5.1.3 Use appropriate methods to witness the smelting, degassing, forging normalizing-tempering heat treatment, rough machining, and testing of the main pressure-bearing parts of the forging and welding equipment.
5.1.4 Check that the temper brittleness sensitivity coefficient J factor and X factor of the main pressure-bearing parts and weld metal meet the requirements of the design or the owner. For the calculation of the J factor and the X factor, refer to Appendix D.
5.1.5 The test report of the simulated heat treatment test piece in Table 1 should be reviewed. 3
GB/T 31183-—2014
Base metal and weld metal
Stretching test
Minimum and maximum PWHT
Minimum and maximum PWHT
Table 1 Simulated heat treatment of test pieces
Base metal, weld metal and weld metal
Impact test
Minimum PWHT
Minimum PWHT
Step cooling test of weld metal and weld metal
Minimum PWHT
Minimum PWH
5.1.6 The assessment report of the temper brittleness tendency of the required parts and weld deposited metal should be reviewed to ensure that it meets the requirements of the design or industry. See the appendix for the temper brittleness assessment test process. 5.1.7 If the heat treatment state of the material is changed during the manufacturing process, the heat treatment report and mechanical properties report of the restored material supply state should be reviewed.
5.2 Welding
5.2.1 Before welding the product, the welding process assessment report and product welding procedure specification should be reviewed. Note 1: The assessment of welding 12 generally includes five categories: base welding assessment, annealing process assessment, dissimilar steel welding process assessment, tube and tube sheet process assessment, and re-welding process assessment.
Note 2: The base welding process assessment includes the brittleness assessment test of the heat link and heat affected zone. 5.2.2 The qualification of welding operators should be checked: 5.2.3 Spot check the preheating temperature before welding, hot cutting and deoxidation of chromium-molybdenum steel. Check the heat treatment after welding to eliminate stress. Note: The temperature and time of heat treatment during preheating should be checked to prevent cold cracks in the weld of heat-resistant weak steel. 5.2.4 Deoxidation of base material welding pieces If deoxidation treatment is adopted, the relevant information and specifications of the management unit on hydrogen control should be obtained, including the purchase and storage of welding materials, the oxygen content of welds and heat-affected zones after deoxidation treatment, and the sensitivity of the supermarket detection of welded joints, and the written consent of the owner should be obtained.
5.2.5 The appearance of welded joints and weld lips should be checked, and the size should be small. 5.2.6 All welded joints should be checked for full penetration and the smoothness of the welds connecting pipes and devices. 5.2.7 The chemical composition (Cr, Ni, Mo, Mn, Cu, Si and V) and X coefficient report of the molten metal of the pressure-bearing weld should be reviewed. 5.2.8 Witness the weld hardness test position and test points: Review the Vickers hardness test report of the pressure-bearing weld and the heat-affected zone parent metal side of the final heat-treated piece.
5.2.9 Review the hydrogen stripping test report of the cladding layer according to the design or the owner's requirements. Note: The test standard, evaluation method and acceptance index of the hydrogen stripping test should be discussed with the supervision unit and the owner. Test conditions, test parameters (hydrogen partial pressure, temperature and cooling rate, etc.) should simulate actual operation conditions. For test conditions, please refer to the relevant content of ASTMG116. 5.2.10 The chemical composition test report of the product stainless steel cladding layer using chemical analysis method should be reviewed. 5.2.11 Witness the sampling of the product stainless steel cladding layer and the position and test points of the instrument test, and the ferrite number test report of the stainless steel cladding layer calculated by instrument test and chemical analysis. Note: The ferrite number is calculated by the chemical composition of austenitic stainless steel weld metal, see ASMF I ParT [: SFA-5.22 Figure A2 WRC stainless steel weld metal WRC-1992 (FN) Figure
5.3 Heat treatment
5.3.1 According to the requirements of GB150-2011 and JB/T10175-2008, check the suitability and effectiveness of heat treatment equipment and heat instruments. 5.3.2 The heat treatment department document should be checked to verify the consistency of heat treatment and process documents. 5.3.3 The following heat treatment reports (including curves) should be checked: a) Performance heat treatment (normalizing and tempering or quenching and tempering) after hot forming of cylinders, hot stamping of heads and hot forming of bends; b) Intermediate stress relief heat treatment; c) Final heat treatment:
) Stabilization heat treatment of stainless steel welds of high-pressure heat exchanger sub-stage box. GB/T 31183—2014
5.3.4 Check the final post-heat treatment of the equipment, including the number and arrangement of the inner and outer wall thermocouples. For the final post-weld heat treatment of the segments: the heat treatment equipment and insulation measures should also be checked. 5.3.5 Spot check the solid heat treatment of the U-shaped pipe bend section including the 150tI straight section. 5.3.6 Mechanically check the hot forming and hot-drying and re-normalizing process of the button steel that exceeds the lower critical phase transition temperature. Hot forming and hot heating shall not be used instead of normalizing treatment, and the normalizing test pieces shall be checked. 5.3.7 The mechanical property test report of the product test pieces (welding test pieces, parent material heat treatment test pieces) shall be reviewed. 5.4 Non-destructive testing
5.4.1 Radiographic inspection and non-destructive testing personnel qualifications and the effectiveness of non-destructive testing equipment. 5.4.2, Review the non-destructive testing report of the supervised unit. For radiographic testing, confirm the negatives one by one, and the surface non-destructive measurement and ultrasonic testing of important parts shall be inspected on site. Check the following non-destructive testing reports of materials in Ultrasonic testing of Dan material steel plates; Ultrasonic testing of shells, connecting pipes and flanges; h) Ultrasonic testing of bars with a diameter greater than 50 tun; d) Ultrasonic or eddy current testing of heat exchange tubes; Magnetic particle or penetration testing of forging surface and welding slope 1; Powder detection of the surface to be clad: Penetration testing of the bent part of the 3 rows of U-shaped tubes near the center of the tube sheet after pressure testing (at least including 150 1In long straight tubes). Review the non-destructive testing report before the final post-weld heat treatment: Radiographic testing of all pressure-bearing butt welds and the connecting welds between the container and the base; Magnetic particle or penetrant testing and ultrasonic testing of the weld overlay layer; b)
Magnetic particle inspection of all pressure welds including root cleaning: d)
Magnetic particle or penetrant testing after the temporary accessories of the main body are removed: e
Penetrating testing of the butt weld braid of the hydrogen heat exchanger: Penetrant testing after flange sealing surface processing: f
Penetrating testing after octagonal gasket machine is added;
TOFD testing of welds and reheat cracks. Note: Use time-of-flight diffraction ultrasonic testing (TOFD) instead of radiographic testing. According to the design documents, the operation, flaw detection method, flaw detection requirements and acceptance level of TOFD of welding chain refer to NB/T47C13.102010° Non-destructive testing of equipment for welding equipment Part 10: Ultrasonic testing of time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) 3. Review the non-destructive testing report after the final post-weld heat treatment: Ultrasonic testing of all pressure-bearing burst seams including pipe welds: a
Magnetic particle testing of all feasible welds, b)
Note: Use AC magnetic current method to prevent arc striking. When powder testing is difficult to implement, use testing instead of magnetic particle testing. ) Penetrant testing of all austenitic stainless steel weld overlays and welds to weld overlays; Ultrasonic testing of austenitic stainless steel weld overlays (including within 200mm height above and below the support platform) and the welds connecting the ladder seat and the shell,
5.5 Parts, dimensions and pre-assembly
5.5.1 Use appropriate methods to check the test and appearance quality, and re-test the main dimensions and geometric shapes. Review the following inspection and test records: a) The geometric shape of the cylinder after processing or rounding; 5
The geometric shape of the head after stamping and bending; b)
Pressure-bearing parts and stainless steel cladding layer purity:
Bundle bending tube tensile side wall thickness and roundness of the bending segment: water filling test of distribution plate and cold hydrogen plate;
Single tube pressure test after U-shaped tube bundle bending; Thermocouple opening and casing tightness test: g)
The hardness of the flange and cover sealing surface and the hardness difference between the two tests: h)
i) The hardness of the octagonal gasket after T-adding;
Assembly size, overall size, and pipe mouth position. 5.5.2 Confirm that the bolts and screw threads in contact with the atmosphere have been phosphating treated, and check that the bolt threads are rolled.. Note: rolling method can ensure the continuity of the metal line. 5.5.3 All internal components (such as distribution plate, cold hydrogen plate, catalyst support plate, etc.) should be checked for pre-installation in the simulation part, and assembly marking internal parts assembly drawing
5,5.4 Check the connection between the tube head and the tube sheet of the hydrogen heat exchanger. It is strength welding and expansion. It is advisable to adopt light welding and then expansion. Check the tube head protruding from the tube sheet and witness the air tightness test of the first layer of weld of the tube head. 5.5.5 For overlapping heat exchangers delivered in units, the alignment of the connected pipes and the parallelism of the matching pipe flanges should be checked during pre-installation. 5.5.6 For hydrogen equipment delivered in sections, the pre-assembly should be checked before leaving the factory. Before the on-site assembly and welding, the appearance of the upper parts, construction equipment, and construction conditions should also be checked.
5.6 Hydrostatic test, air tightness test
5.6.1 Witness the test process on site, and report the hydrostatic test and air tightness test. 5.6.2 During the water pressure test, the following items should be checked: a) Measuring instruments;
Vessel wall temperature;
Pressure increase and decrease rates;
Test pressure and pressure holding time;
Chloride ion content of water used in the test of austenitic stainless steel materials; e) Water pressure difference test plan and procedure for the shell and tube sides of heat exchangers designed according to pressure difference: F
Seepage or leakage, deformation or sound.
5.6.3 During the air tightness test, the following contents shall be checked: a) Measuring instruments:
Test medium;
Pressure increase and decrease rate;
Test pressure, maintenance time;
Leakage check,
5.7 Paint and packaging
Check the equipment surface for sandblasting and rust removal. The surface treatment shall be Sa2.5 grade in GB/T8923.12011. 5.7.2 Before the equipment is shipped, check the internal cleaning of the equipment, the drainage of the test liquid, and whether there are foreign objects. 5.7.3 Check the quality of the paint.
5.7.4 Check the protection of the welding groove and the sealing surface and the protection of the main bolt thread against high temperature bite, 5.7.5 Check the nitrogen filling protection of the equipment.
Appendix A
(Normative appendix)
Main witness points for supervision of high-pressure equipment near hydrogen (hydrogenation reactor)Main witness points for supervision of high-pressure equipment near hydrogen (hydrogenation reactor) are shown in Table A.1. Table A.1
Main witness points for supervision of hydrogen high pressure equipment (hydrogenation reactor) No.
Parts name
1. Material quality specification review
2. Chemical composition (melting analysis, product analysis) 3. Temper brittleness sensitivity coefficient X, J
1. Mechanical properties (normal temperature, high temperature)
5. Product particle size (forgings)
6. Non-metallic inclusions (applicable to sections)
7. Temper embrittlement tendency assessment
8. Ultrasonic testing
, Shape and size after specification, plus 1 surface dense powder test 13. Rounding, longitudinal seam welding, intermediate heat treatment 11. Bacteria calibration, geometric shape (ellipticity, angular fish) check I2. Longitudinal seam appearance, no photography inspection (RT, LT, MT) IS. Longitudinal seam melting number Chemical composition analysis|| tt||H. Inspection of the non-bending of the cladding layer of CtMo steel (UT, MT) 15. Thickness of the cladding layer of stainless steel
13. Chemical composition of the stainless steel cladding layer, iron turbulence number inspection 17. Non-destructive inspection of the stainless steel cladding layer (UT, PT) 13. Appearance inspection of the cladding layer
1. Material quality certificate
2. Chemical composition (melting analysis, product analysis) 3. Tempering brittleness sensitivity coefficient X ,J
4. Mechanical properties (with temperature, high mixing)
5. Grain size (applicable to forgings)
6. Non-metallic inclusions (applicable to forgings)
7. Tempering embrittlement tendency assessment
9. Ultrasonic testing
9. Shape and size after extrusion (roundness, diameter, originality) 10. Performance after decompression Heat treatment and parent material test and repair Mechanical properties Document witness point
GB/T 31183-2014
On-site witness point
Business suspension witness point
GB/T 31183--2014
Part servant name
Table A.1 (continued)
11. Nondestructive testing after stamping (L:T, MT)
12. Precision T, after size inspection
13. Stainless steel cladding thickness
14, Stainless steel cladding layer chemical composition, ferrite number inspection 13, Stainless steel cladding layer non-destructive inspection (LT, PT) 15. Stainless steel cladding layer appearance inspection
1. Material quality certificate review
2. Chemical composition (melting analysis, product analysis) 3. Tempering sensitivity coefficient input,
4, Mechanical properties (with temperature and high temperature)
5. Grain size (applicable for forgings)
6. Non-metallic impurities (applicable for forgings)
Pre-flange, top tempering tendency assessment manhole cover, oil and gas inlet
\. Ultrasonic testing
Method, oil and gas outlet method.
Off/import elbow, export 9. T-shaped dimensions and magnetic particle inspection after finishing bend warning, bottom unloading 10. Geometrical condition (size, thickness) of elbow after stamping, H-shaped flange 11. Performance of elbow after stamping, combustion treatment cover, material pipe, flange,
Cold hydrogen human flange
Import and export corresponding French and American
12. No-photograph inspection after elbow stamping (UT, MT) 13. Mechanical properties of elbow parent material specimen
11. Groove size and magnetic particle inspection
3. Thickness of stainless steel cladding layer ||t t||: 13. Chemical composition and volume count of stainless steel cladding 17. Smokeless age of stainless steel cladding (T, P)
18. Hardness test of flange cladding layer sealing surface
1. Material quality certificate 1 check
2. Chemical composition
3. Mechanical properties
Rust pot internals
1. Destruction test (LT, MT/PT)
5. Sealing hardness test
6. Geometric size and appearance inspection||tt ||1. Material quality certificate check
2. Chemical composition
3. Mechanical properties
Document witness point
On-site witness point
Stop witness point
Serial number:
Parts name
Stainless steel internal parts
Main explosion mother
Thermocouple tube
1. Intergranular corrosion
Table A.1 (continued)
Supervision internal case
5. Welding nondestructive testing (PT)
3. Dimension and appearance inspection
7. Water filling test of distribution plate and cold spot plate
5. Sealing welding corner of wing plate is tested for kerosene leakage 1. Material quality certificate review
2. Chemical composition
3. Mechanical properties
1. Non-destructive testing (UT.MT)
5. Dimension and accuracy inspection
1. Material quality certificate review
2. Chemical composition
3. Hardness inspection
4. Dimension and accuracy inspection
5. Finishing. Magnetic particle inspection
6. Load test (according to technical agreement\regulation) 1. Chemical composition
2. Mechanical properties
3. Corrosion
4. Weld nondestructive testing (RT, FT)
5. Straightness inspection
6. Nitrogen and nitrogen test
1,Cr Mn Vehicle material quality certificate 1i 2. MT, UT, RT after longitudinal and circumferential welding of C-Mo steel sections 3. MT, UT, RT after longitudinal and circumferential welding of sulfur steel sections 1. Magnetic particle inspection of pressure weld groove
2. MT.UT, RT after welding of shell A/B/I) type welds 3. Chemical composition of cladding metal of shell A/13/[) type welds 4. T.UT of shell A/B/D type weld cladding layer 5. Determination of ferrous content of inner cladding layer of shell A/13/D type weld 6. Chemical composition of inner cladding layer of shell A/B/D type weld 7. Check for deviation between datum line and top tangent line 8. Check for deviation between bottom surface and datum line Document witness point
GB/T 31183---2014
Current witness point
Stop positive witness point
GB/T 311832014
Parts name
Heat treatment
Product parts
Leather test
Other purchased parts
Factory inspection
Table A.1 (continued)
Monitoring content
[3. Inspection of the straightness of the cylinder and the misalignment of the ring 10. Pipe position and size
11. Table position and size
12. Appearance inspection of the internal and external surfaces of the equipment
13.Internal parts and shell welding position, size, appearance inspection 14. Internal parts body welding fillet PT inspection 15. Distribution plate, support plate, cold hydrogen plate pre-assembly 16. Overall inspection of final heat treatment performance
1. Intermediate heat treatment of A/H/I type welds
2. Overall final heat treatment or segmented and combined final heat treatment 3. Hardness test of bare body A/B/I type blasting seam after final heat treatment 1. MT, LIT after final heat treatment of filled body A/B/I type welds 5. MT, LT after final heat treatment of auxiliary seat and shell rest welding seam 6. Final heat treatment of CrMs steel skirt longitudinal circumferential seam: MT, UT 7. MT after final heat treatment of temporary joint removal part 8. PT after final heat treatment of cladding layer
1. Inspection of heat treatment specimens of material performance
2. Inspection of product welding specimens
1. Shell water pressure test
2. Appearance and internal cleanliness inspection
3. Shell A/B/I MT, LT after water pressure treatment of welds 4. MT, UT after water treatment of joints connected with complete body 1. Inspection of gasket and blister
2. Inspection of gasket and blister geometry and appearance 1. Inspection of flange sealing surface
2. Inspection of sandblasting and rust removal, paint removal
3. Inspection of pipe mouth packaging
4. Inspection of marking and center of gravity
5. Inspection of nitrogen filling protection
6. Issuance of supervision release order
Wen Ke sees the point! On-site witness point
Stop witness point
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