This standard specifies the specifications, models, requirements, test methods, inspection rules and markings, packaging, transportation and storage of aluminum-zinc-indium alloy sacrificial anodes. This standard applies to the design, production and inspection of sacrificial anodes for cathodic protection in industrial fields such as ships, port and marine engineering facilities, seawater cooling systems and tank sedimentation water parts in seawater media. The design, production and inspection of sacrificial anodes for cathodic protection of other steel structures in corrosive media such as seawater, desalinated water and sea mud can also be used as a reference. GB/T 4948-2002 Aluminum-zinc-indium alloy sacrificial anodes GB/T4948-2002 standard download decompression password:
Some standard content:
UDC 66 9.715' 6' 872: 621. 35.0a5.2+ 549. 06 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB4948~4949—85 Sacrificial anode of Al - Zn- In systemalloy and chemical analysis Published on February 4, 1985 National Standard Implemented on October 1, 1985 National Standard of the People's Republic of China Sacrificial anode of Al-Zn-In system alloyUDC 669.715' 5' 872: 621.35 .0a5.2 GB4948—85 This standard applies to the cathodic protection of marine engineering facilities, port facilities and ships in seawater, and also to the cathodic protection of metal structures in fresh water and sea mud. Terms and terms See GB4950—85 "Zinc-Aluminum Alloy Cathodic Protection". 2 Model specifications and main dimensions Sacrificial anode model specifications are shown in Table 1 and Table 2 Ocean secondary, port facilities, sacrificial anode model specifications for seawater ballast tanks Table 1 (1 bottom - lower bottom) × length × height, mm AZI-- HI A7I-E-H2 Az,I - . 1- H3 AZI--H4 AZ1-1- H5 AzT - C- H6 A21 - 1.J- 117 AZ1--H8 AzI-1- H9 AZI-[-H10 AzI - C- H11 AZI--H12 (220 +240) 5)×125×130 (150 +170) × 90(1 ×160 (115 +135) ×500×130 (110-130)×500×120 (52 + 58 ) ×1100× 56 National Bureau of Standards 1985-02-4 Release Weekly determination method Spiral twisted pipe Threaded steel .Steel plate Quality, kr 1985-10-01 implementation AZI··CI AzI- II- C2 AZT-.-- C3 AZ1-1. -G4 AZ1 .-E--C5 A7z1--C6 AZ1--C7 AZ-0-C8 Azi -- Cg AZI C10 AZI -C1E Az1-E-C12 GB 4948--85 Table 2 Model and specification of marine sacrificial anode Fixing method Length × width × width, mm 800×140×40 500×100×40 400×120×35 400×100×35 30) ×110×3 25×100 ×35 t80×70×35 180×80×12 280 × 160 × 70 230 × 75.× 40 180 × 0 × 30 Climbing nail determination Bi core Mass, kg 2.zThe structure and main dimensions of the anode are shown in Figure 1B A2E -[3-1H11 AZ1 --H2 AzI --H3 AZI --H6 Figure 1 AzI --HI 6 Sacrificial anode Steel section 114×8 $·102 × 6 @76×5 Threaded steel core AzI -Li- H4wwW.bzxz.Net AZI -□-HS5 AZI-[-H? Az1 --H8 GB4948-86 A21 -[-H4 ~ 5. 7~810 Sacrificial galvanic pole A21 --H9 AzI --H11 AzI -- H12 Ahang core shortage GB4848—85 AZ1-□-H9, 11~12 sacrificial cathode 5 ± 1 60 ± 1 28 ± 1 Xie board coated core AZ1 --CI AzI -~C2 AZI-C4 4948—85 Figure 4 Az1 -]- C 1 ~ 2. 4 sacrificial cathode H AzI --C3 AzI -]-C5 AzI-E-C6 A2F-C8 GB4948---B5 Figure 6A21 8 sex floor A2[ -_i-C 9 handle anode AzI-i-C10 Az[ -[I-C11 Az1 --C12 Tree iron control GB4948—85 -C10~12 Special anodes Sacrificial anode model specification GB494B Represents sacrificial anode specifications Represents sacrificial anodes for different purposes; Meiyang engineering, port facilities, Sacrificial anodes for seawater ballast tanks; Marine sacrificial anodes Represents the addition of other alloy elements Cd Mg- ... 3 Raw materials Aluminum purity shall not be lower than the provisions of A1-00 in GB1196-75 "Aluminum Ingot". 3.2 Zinc purity shall not be lower than the provisions of Zπ-1 in Article 1.1 of GB 470-83 "Zinc Ingot". 9.8 Indium purity shall not be lower than 99.9%. 3.4 Purity shall not be lower than the provisions of Cd-2 in GB 914-66 "Classification and Technical Conditions". 3.5 Tin purity shall not be lower than the provisions of Sn-1 in GB72865 "Classification and Technical Conditions of Tin". Magnesium purity shall not be lower than the provisions of Mg-1 in YB86-60 "Classification and Technical Conditions of Magnesium". 8.6 Technical requirements 4.1 Chemical composition The chemical composition of sacrificial anode shall conform to the requirements of Table 3. Chemical composition of sacrificial anode Aluminum-zinc-indium alloy sacrificial anode (AzI-Cd) Aluminum-zinc-indium alloy (AZI-Sn) Aluminum-zinc-indium-silicon (AZI-Si) Lead-zinc-calcium-magnesium (A2I-SnMg) CB4948-1140 ... 035 4.00.020-0.050 005~0.020 0,018~ 0.035 20.160.02 Residue <0.13< Residue 0.10~ Residue 0. 025. ~ 0. 075 10. 50 ~ 1. 004.2 Electrochemical properties The electrochemical properties of the lead-zinc-steel alloy anode shall comply with the requirements of Table 4. Table 4 Aluminum Electrochemical properties Open circuit potential -1.18~ -1.10 Zn-In alloy anode electrochemical performance test electrode 1.12~-1.05 Note: ① Reference electrode: saturated electrode. ② Medium: artificial water. 4.8 Iron core Actual electric current Ah/kg ≥2400 Current efficiency 4.$.1 Steel pipe iron core: The material should comply with the provisions of YB231-70 "Seamless Steel Pipe". c.0.13 Dissolution condition Etch products are easy to fall off, and the surface dissolution is uniform. 4.3.2 Threaded steel core, the material should comply with the provisions of GB1499--79 "Hot-rolled steel bars". Steel plate core: The material should comply with the provisions of 4.8.3 of GB912-82 "Technical conditions for ordinary carbon structural steel and low alloy structural thin steel plate". The surface of the iron core is clean and calcium-free, and can be galvanized or sandblasted. 4.4 Surface quality 4.4.1 The surface of all types of sacrificial anodes is a casting surface, and the positive side of the sacrificial anode is free of oxide slag, dry burrs, and dead cracks. The remaining surfaces of the sacrificial anode are allowed to have transverse fine cracks with a length of no more than 51 mm and a depth of no more than 6 mm, but crack clusters are not allowed. The maximum size of the surface depression shall not exceed 10% of the maximum thickness of the sacrificial anode. 4.2 The working surface of the sacrificial anode shall be kept very clean and free of paint and oil. 4.5 Contact resistance between the sacrificial anode substrate and the iron core The contact resistance between the sacrificial anode body and the iron core shall be less than 0.00192. 4. See Appendix A (reference) for the metallographic structure of the sacrificial anode of the zinc-steel alloy. 11 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.