title>Data elements of public credit information - GB/T 39445-2020 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Data elements of public credit information

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39445-2020

Standard Name:Data elements of public credit information

Chinese Name: 公共信用信息数据元

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-11-19

Date of Implementation:2021-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Services>>03.080.99 Other services

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A20 Comprehensive Technology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2020-11-01

other information

drafter:Chang Lili, Zhou Li, Wang Jun, Zhang Yuan, Wang Shuguang, Gong Wei, Cao Jing, Zhu Xiaoyan, Jiang Zhou, Zhao Yan, Zhao Suhua, Meng Cuizhu, Li Xianghua, Wang Huan, Song Liangfen, Xu Baocheng, Song Yan, Yang Guisheng

Drafting unit:Shandong Provincial Institute of Standardization, China National Institute of Standardization, Shandong Provincial Social Credit Center, Shandong Provincial Computing Center, Anhui Provincial Institute of Quality and Standardization, China University

Focal point unit:National Social Credit Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 470)

Proposing unit:National Social Credit Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 470)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39445-2020.Data elements of public credit information.
1 Scope
GB/T 39445 specifies the basic data elements of public credit information.
GB/T 39445 applies to the processing, exchange and sharing of public credit information.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 7408 Data elements and exchange formats Information exchange date and time representation
GB 11643-1999 Citizen identity number
GB/T 18391.1-2009 Information technology metadata registry (MDR) Part 1: Framework
GB/T 18391.3 Information technology metadata registry (MDR) Part 3: Registry metamodel and basic attributes.
GB/T 22117-2018 Basic credit terms
GB 32100 Coding rules for unified social credit codes for legal persons and other organizations
GB/T 39446-2020 Public credit information code set
GA 36 Number plates of motor vehicles of the People's Republic of China
ISO 3779 Road vehicles-Vehicle identification number (VIN)-Content and structure
ISO 4030 Road vehicles - Vehicle identification number (VIN) - Location and fixation
This standard specifies the basic data units of public credit information. This standard applies to the processing, exchange and sharing of public credit information.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Data elements of public credit information
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Description rules for data elements
Encoding rules for identifiers
Description of data types
Description of data formats
5 Data elements
Personnel data elements such as identity, family, education, occupation, etc.|| tt||Institutional data elements such as entity registration, key management personnel, and equity structure; Property rights data elements such as motor vehicles, intellectual property rights, ten lands, real estate, movable mortgages, and pledges; Administrative decision data elements such as administrative licenses and administrative penalties; Judicial data elements such as court judgments and compulsory execution; Water, electricity, gas and other public utility charges and arrears data elements.… Joint incentive and joint punishment data elements
Social evaluation data elements such as industry certification and third-party evaluation; Rights and interests data elements such as objections and complaints.…
Other data elements
6 Data element management and maintenance
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Social Credit Standardization (SAC/TC470). GB/T39445—2020
The drafting units of this standard are: Shandong Provincial Institute of Standardization, China National Institute of Standardization, Shandong Social Credit Center, Shandong Computing Center, Anhui Quality and Standardization Research Institute, China University of Metrology, Shandong Saibao Electronic Information Engineering Co., Ltd., Anhui Tiankai Optical Communication Technology Co., Ltd., Anhui Hongchang New Materials Co., Ltd., Anhui Chengyan Plastic Industry Co., Ltd., Anhui Meiyan Sealing Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Chang Lili, Zhou Li, Wang Jun, Zhang Yuan, Gan Shuguang, Gong Wei, Cao Jing, Zhu Xiaoyan, Jiang Zhou, Zhao Yan, Zhao Suhua, Meng Cuizhu, Li Xianghua, Gan Huan, Song Liangfen, Xu Baocheng, Song Yan, Yang Guisheng. GB/T39445—2020
The construction of the credit standard system is the foundation of the construction of the social credit system. This standard focuses on the field of public credit and formulates the basic data element of public credit information. The basic data element of public credit information is the basic work for the implementation of public credit information management, which is conducive to promoting the exchange and sharing of public credit information and business collaboration.
This standard is guided by the national standards for public credit and relevant rules and regulations on public credit. By investigating public credit information platforms at all levels, combining the actual situation of the platforms, analyzing public credit information and the characteristics of public credit information, determining the common data elements in the field of public credit, and standardizing the minimum data unit of public credit information. By standardizing the data elements of public credit information, the standardized representation and unambiguous understanding of public credit information business data can be achieved. =
1 Scope
Public Credit Information Data Elements
This standard specifies the basic data units of public credit information. This standard applies to the processing, exchange and sharing of public credit information. Normative References
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated referenced documents, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T7408 Data elements and exchange formats Information exchange Date and time representation GB11643—1999 Citizen identity number
GB/T18391.1—2009 Information technology
Metadata registration system (MDR)
Part 1: Framework
GB/T18391.3 Information technology Metadata registration system (MDR) Part 3: Registration system metamodel and basic attributes GB/T22117—2018 Basic credit terms
GB32100 Coding rules for unified social credit codes of legal persons and other organizations GB/T39446—2020 Public credit information code set GA36 Motor vehicle license plate of the People's Republic of China ISO3779 Road vehicles Vehicle identification number (VIN)—Content and structure [Road vehicles Vehicle identification number (VIN)—Content and structure structure 2 Vehicle identification number (VIN) location and attachment [Road vehicles 一 Vehicle identification ISO 4030 Road vehicles
number (VIN) Location and attachment 3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 18391.1-2009 and GB/T 22117-2018 apply to this document. For ease of use, some terms and definitions in GB/T 18391.1-2009 are repeated below 3.1
Data element
A data unit that specifies its definition, identification, representation and allowed values ??with a set of attributes. [GB/T18391.1—2009, definition 3.3.8] 4 General provisions
Description rules for data elements
According to the relevant provisions of GB/T18391.3, the following attributes are selected to describe the public credit information data elements: 1
Chinese name: the support of a single or multiple Chinese characters assigned to the data element, which should be unique; Identifier: a language-independent, unique marking symbol assigned to the data element, see the provisions of 4.2; Definition: a statement that expresses the essential characteristics of a data element and distinguishes it from all other data elements; c)
Data type: the type of symbol, character or other representation used to represent the data element, see 4.3 for specific provisions; Data format: the format requirements of the data element value specified from the business perspective, including the maximum and/or minimum allowed characters. Symbol length, data element value representation format, etc., see 4.4 for specific provisions; value range (optional): the set of allowable values ??of the data element determined by the data type and data format specified in the corresponding attribute; synonym name (optional): different names of a data element in the application environment. A data element can have multiple synonyms, and the first synonym should be a unified agreed name; unit of measurement (optional): the unit of measurement of the numerical data element value; h)
i) Remarks (optional): additional comments on the data element, the encoding rule of the identifier
adopts a two-segment encoding rule:
The first segment: 2 digits, indicating the business attribute category of the data element, see Table 1 for details; a)
The second segment: 3 digits, indicating the data element sequence number of the specific business category, the encoding range is 001~999, starting from 001 in sequence b)
Table 1 Business attribute categories and codes of public credit information data elements Code
Business attribute category
Personnel data elements such as identity identification, family, education, and occupation; Institutional data elements such as subject registration, key management personnel, and equity structure; Property data elements such as motor vehicles, intellectual property rights, ten lands, houses, movable mortgages, and pledges; Administrative decision data elements such as administrative licenses and administrative penalties; Judicial data elements such as court judgments and compulsory execution; Water, electricity, gas and other public utility charges and arrears data elements; Joint incentives and joint punishment data elements
Industry certification, third-party evaluation and other social evaluation data elements; Objection complaints and other rights and interests data elements
Other data elements
Description of data types
The data types of data elements in this standard are shown in Table 2. 4.4
Data type
Character type
Numeric type
Date type
Date and time type
Table 2 Data types
Description and requirements
Data types composed of letters, numbers, Chinese characters, special characters, etc. The type of value expressed in digital form from "0" to "9" The data type representing date, in accordance with the requirements of GB/T7408 The data type representing date and time, in accordance with the requirements of GB/T7408 Other data types that cannot be represented above, such as images, audio, video, files, etc. Description of data format
The meaning of the characters used in the data format of data elements in this standard is shown in Table 3. Table 3
.pq (q is a natural number)
Alphabetic characters
Digital characters
Alphanumeric characters
Text of uncertain length
Data format character meaning
Longest numeric characters, q digits after the decimal point
From the minimum length to the maximum length, the minimum length is appended in front and the maximum length is appended behind GB/T39445—2020
YYYY represents year, MM represents month, and DD represents date. They can be used in combination according to actual conditions. YYYY represents year, MM represents month, DD represents date, hh represents hour, mm represents minute, and ss represents second. They can be used in combination according to actual conditions
Example 1: an5 (aannn) represents a fixed length of 5 Alphanumeric characters, the first two are alphabetic characters, and the last three are numeric charactersExample 2: n17, 2 means a maximum of 17 characters (excluding the decimal point), including 2 decimal placesExample 3: an38 means an indefinite length of alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 8 and a minimum length of 35
Data element
Personnel data element such as identity identification, family, education, occupation, etc. Chinese name: Name
Identifier: 01001
Definition: Surname and name officially registered with the household registration department and officially recorded in the personnel file Data type: Character type
Data format: a50
Value range:
Unit of measurement:
Chinese name: Gender
Identifier: 01002
Definition: Basic physiological characteristics of a person.
Data type: character
Data format: a12
Value range: Gender names in GB/T39446-2020. Synonymous noun:
Measurement unit:
Chinese name: Nationality
Identifier: 01003
Definition: The name of the nationality to which an individual belongs, which is registered with the household registration department and recognized by the state. Data type: character
Data format: a10
Value range: Nationality names in GB/T39446-2020. Synonymous noun:
Measurement unit:
Chinese name: Nationality
Identifier: 01004
Definition: The name of the country to which a citizen belongs and which is recognized to have special geographical and political significance. Data type: character
Data format: a40
Value range: Nationality name in GB/T39446-2020. Synonyms:
Measurement unit:bZxz.net
Chinese name: Native place
Identifier: 01005
Definition: A person's ancestral home or place of origin.
Data type: character
Data format: an100
Value range:
Synonyms: Household registration address
Measurement unit:
Chinese name: Date of birth
Identifier: 01006
Definition: The date of a person's birth.
Data type: Date
Data format: YYYYMMDD
Value range:
Measurement unit:
Chinese name; ID card type
Identifier: 01007
Definition: The name of the certificate issued by a specific institution that can prove the identity of an individual. Data type: Character
Data format: a50
Value range: ID card type in GB/T39446-2020. Synonym: ID card type name
Measurement unit:
Chinese name: ID card number
Identifier: 01008
Definition: The number recorded on the ID card that can uniquely identify the identity of an individual. Data type: character
Data format: an18
Value range:
Unit of measurement:
GB/T39445—2020pq (q is a natural number)
Alphabetic characters
Digital characters
Alphanumeric characters
Text of uncertain length
Data format character meaning
Longest numeric characters, q decimal places
From the minimum length to the maximum length, the minimum length is appended in front and the maximum length is appended behind GB/T39445—2020
YYYY represents year, MM represents month, and DD represents date. They can be used in combination according to actual conditions. YYYY represents year, MM represents month, DD represents date, hh represents hour, mm represents minute, and ss represents second. They can be used in combination according to actual conditions
Example 1: an5 (aannn) represents a fixed length of 5 alphanumeric characters, the first 2 are alphabetic characters, and the last 3 are numeric charactersExample 2: n17, 2 means a maximum of 17 characters (excluding the decimal point), including 2 digits after the decimal pointExample 3: an38 means an indefinite length of alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 8 and a minimum length of 35
Data element
Personnel data element such as identity identification, family, education, occupation, etc. Chinese name: Name
Identifier: 01001
Definition: The surname and name officially registered with the household registration department and officially recorded in the personnel file Data type: Character type
Data format: a50
Value range:
Unit of measurement:
Chinese name: Gender
Identifier: 01002
Definition: Basic physiological characteristics of a person.
Data type: character
Data format: a12
Value range: Gender names in GB/T39446-2020. Synonymous noun:
Measurement unit:
Chinese name: Nationality
Identifier: 01003
Definition: The name of the nationality to which an individual belongs, which is registered with the household registration department and recognized by the state. Data type: character
Data format: a10
Value range: Nationality names in GB/T39446-2020. Synonymous noun:
Measurement unit:
Chinese name: Nationality
Identifier: 01004
Definition: The name of the country to which a citizen belongs and which is recognized to have special geographical and political significance. Data type: character
Data format: a40
Value range: Nationality name in GB/T39446-2020. Synonyms:
Measurement unit:
Chinese name: Native place
Identifier: 01005
Definition: A person's ancestral home or place of origin.
Data type: character
Data format: an100
Value range:
Synonyms: Household registration address
Measurement unit:
Chinese name: Date of birth
Identifier: 01006
Definition: The date of a person's birth.
Data type: Date
Data format: YYYYMMDD
Value range:
Measurement unit:
Chinese name; ID card type
Identifier: 01007
Definition: The name of the certificate issued by a specific institution that can prove the identity of an individual. Data type: Character
Data format: a50
Value range: ID card type in GB/T39446-2020. Synonym: ID card type name
Measurement unit:
Chinese name: ID card number
Identifier: 01008
Definition: The number recorded on the ID card that can uniquely identify the identity of an individual. Data type: character
Data format: an18
Value range:
Unit of measurement:
GB/T39445—2020pq (q is a natural number)
Alphabetic characters
Digital characters
Alphanumeric characters
Text of uncertain length
Data format character meaning
Longest numeric characters, q decimal places
From the minimum length to the maximum length, the minimum length is appended in front and the maximum length is appended behind GB/T39445—2020
YYYY represents year, MM represents month, and DD represents date. They can be used in combination according to actual conditions. YYYY represents year, MM represents month, DD represents date, hh represents hour, mm represents minute, and ss represents second. They can be used in combination according to actual conditions
Example 1: an5 (aannn) represents a fixed length of 5 alphanumeric characters, the first 2 are alphabetic characters, and the last 3 are numeric charactersExample 2: n17, 2 means a maximum of 17 characters (excluding the decimal point), including 2 digits after the decimal pointExample 3: an38 means an indefinite length of alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 8 and a minimum length of 35
Data element
Personnel data element such as identity identification, family, education, occupation, etc. Chinese name: Name
Identifier: 01001
Definition: The surname and name officially registered with the household registration department and officially recorded in the personnel file Data type: Character type
Data format: a50
Value range:
Unit of measurement:
Chinese name: Gender
Identifier: 01002
Definition: Basic physiological characteristics of a person.
Data type: character
Data format: a12
Value range: Gender names in GB/T39446-2020. Synonymous noun:
Measurement unit:
Chinese name: Nationality
Identifier: 01003
Definition: The name of the nationality to which an individual belongs, which is registered with the household registration department and recognized by the state. Data type: character
Data format: a10
Value range: Nationality names in GB/T39446-2020. Synonymous noun:
Measurement unit:
Chinese name: Nationality
Identifier: 01004
Definition: The name of the country to which a citizen belongs and which is recognized to have special geographical and political significance. Data type: character
Data format: a40
Value range: Nationality name in GB/T39446-2020. Synonyms:
Measurement unit:
Chinese name: Native place
Identifier: 01005
Definition: A person's ancestral home or place of origin.
Data type: character
Data format: an100
Value range:
Synonyms: Household registration address
Measurement unit:
Chinese name: Date of birth
Identifier: 01006
Definition: The date of a person's birth.
Data type: Date
Data format: YYYYMMDD
Value range:
Measurement unit:
Chinese name; ID card type
Identifier: 01007
Definition: The name of the certificate issued by a specific institution that can prove the identity of an individual. Data type: Character
Data format: a50
Value range: ID card type in GB/T39446-2020. Synonym: ID card type name
Measurement unit:
Chinese name: ID card number
Identifier: 01008
Definition: The number recorded on the ID card that can uniquely identify the identity of an individual. Data type: character
Data format: an18
Value range:
Unit of measurement:
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