GB/T 4296-2004 Microstructure test method for wrought magnesium alloys
Some standard content:
ICS 77. 120. 20
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces GB/T4296..1984
Inspection method for microstructure of wrought magnesium alloy
Issued on 2004-03-24
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Administration of Standardization of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 2004-09-01
This standard is a revision of GB3/T 429G-1984. Compared with GB/T4296-1981, this standard has the following main changes: The specimen preparation method has been improved.
The microscopic particle size measurement method is based on the relevant content of ASTM F112:1996 of the United States. This standard is promoted by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Nonferrous Metals. This standard is drafted by Northeast Light Alloy Co., Ltd. This standard is drafted by the South China Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of China Nonferrous Metals Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Hou Yi, Tu Meiqi, Shi Yu, Zhang Ma, and Ai Liwei. This standard is interpreted by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Nonferrous Metals. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are: -GR/T 4296—1984.
1 Scope
Test method for microstructure of wrought magnesium alloy
This standard specifies the preparation, etching and organization test of the test specimens for microstructure test of wrought magnesium alloy, the method for determining the grain size, etc. This standard is applicable to the control test of the microstructure of wrought magnesium alloy materials and products. 2 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 2.1
Grain size
Refers to the grain size of the matrix (magnesium solid). A small amount of phase, impurities and other attachments are usually not considered in the grain size determination. 2.2
G valuemicrrrgrainsizemumberC
Microscopic grain grade index. When the number of grains on the test area A (mm\) is known to be N, the effective multiple is 100 When G is 1.0000-10gz(N/A) = 1,0000 + 3.3219lg(N/A)3Preparation of the sample
3.1 Sample cutting
Select representative parts according to the relevant standards or technical agreements. The transverse sample mainly checks the changes in the structure from the center to the surface, the particle size, the distribution of compounds or inclusions, the surface defects, the protective layer, the depth of corrosion, etc.; the longitudinal sample mainly checks the deformation degree, the extension of the compound or inclusions, and other defects. 3. 2 Number and size of samples
The number of samples to be taken shall be determined according to the provisions of the standard or technical agreement and the requirements of the test. The size of the samples can be referred to Table 1. Table 1
Block samples
Plate samples
3.3 Mounting
Small samples, especially those for inspecting the surface structure of the product, can be mounted. 3.4 Rough processing of samples
The inspected surface of the sample is milled or filed to remove 1mm-3mm or milled into a plane, and then coarsely ground on a grinder with 150~180 sandpaper perpendicular to the direction of the knife marks. Kerosene is recommended for cooling and lubrication. Grind off all the moon marks, turn the sample 90°, and then use 380 sandpaper to fine-tune it to remove all the coarse grinding marks. 3.5 Mechanical polishing
Rinse the ground sample with water and polish it on a polishing machine. Usually the speed of the polishing machine is between 400 r/min and 600 r/min. r/min, for fine polishing, the speed is preferably 150 T/min~200 T/min. 3, 5. 1 Rough polishing
GB/T 4296—2004
Rough polishing is performed on a polishing disc equipped with tweed. Use a suspension mixed with high-concentration, coarse-grained chromium oxide (or aluminum oxide or other polishing material) powder and a permanent mixture as a rough polishing agent. Polish perpendicularly to the wear marks until the wear marks disappear completely and the polished surface is smooth and free of dirt. 3.5.2 Fine Polishing
After rinsing the polished specimen with water, fine polish it on a polishing disc filled with fine felt (or other soft silk fabrics). Use a suspension of chromium oxide (or aluminum oxide or other polishing materials) powder with a relatively low concentration and fine particles and water as a fine polishing agent. Polish until there are no traces of rough polishing on the surface and there are no traces and dirt. Clear warp can be observed under the microscope. 3.5.3 Fine Polishing
For specimens that require high-quality micrographs, fine polishing can be carried out on a slow polishing machine with deerskin and fine aluminum oxide powder after fine polishing.
3.6 Chemical Polishing
In order to improve the polishing quality or shorten the sample preparation time, chemical polishing can be carried out after fine grinding or rough grinding. The composition of the polishing liquid is shown in Table 2. Dip it in the polishing quilt with degreasing cloth and wipe the vertical wear marks for 30≤-~353. Quickly wipe with alcohol and dry it. Polishing liquid should be prepared according to the conditions. Table 2
Iric acid
Imidoic acid
ibio mL
20 taL
Etching time
30 g~-33 5
10 s~25 5
5 s--30 s
Properties 1: Other solvents can also be used without reducing the quality. Note 2: Distilled water should be used to prepare the test, 4
Sample etching
4.1 Reagents
4. 1.1 Oil (pl. 261 g/mL).
4. 1.2 Hydrochloric acid (pl. 19 g/mL).
4. 1. 3 Nitric acid (pl. 40 g/mL).
Acetic acid (l.049 g/mL).
4. 1.5 Oxalic acid.
Piric acid.
Polishing liquid + used in 3.6 chemical polishing. Etching agent, used for sample etching in 4.3. Saturating agent. Used for sample etching in 4.3.
Thin film etchant, used for preparation of tissue sample observed under polarized light in 4.4:
4.1.7 Alcohol (po.789 g/mL).
4. 1. 8 Phosphoric acid (pl. 70 g/ml.).
4.2 Etching agent
The composition and use of the etchant are shown in Table 2.
4.3 Etching
4.3.1 Use absorbent cotton to gently wipe the sample with the etchant, or immerse the sample in the etchant and gently shake it. Then quickly wipe it clean with alcohol cotton and dry it.
4,3.2 In order to improve the efficiency of observing the structure under polarized light, the sample needs to be placed in a thin film etchant for etching. When a thin film is formed on the surface, soak it in alcohol and wash it. Dry. Do not wipe. The composition of the film etchant and the etching time are shown in Table 25. Organization inspection
Observe the sample under a microscope. The sample surface should be clean and the organization should be clear. There should be no oxidation pollution and false appearance. Otherwise, it should be re-prepared: In the microstructure inspection, the morphology of the phase in the alloy and defects such as inclusions are usually observed. Figures 1 to 6 are photos of microstructures that meet the requirements of preparation and etching.
6 Determination of grain size
6.1 General principles for selection, preparation and measurement of samples 6.1.1 According to standards or technologies The specimens shall be selected according to the location, direction or test research required by the conditions. 6.1.2 The specimens shall be prepared and etched in accordance with Chapters 3 and 4. During the polishing process, it shall be ensured that the specimens have no heat or obvious cold work hardening. 6.1.3 The grain size shall be determined by the comparison method (6.2) or the flat grain counting method (6.3) or the intercept method (6.4). The number of grains in two or more representative areas shall be determined on each intercept. Representativeness means that all parts of the specimen contribute to the measurement results. The time is not subjectively selected.
6 .2 Comparison method
6.2.1 The comparison method is applicable to fully restructured grains and casting material grains containing equiaxed grains (or approximately equiaxed grains). 6.2.2 The comparison method is to compare the grain image observed on the inspected sample with the standard image of the known grain size to obtain the grain size of the inspected sample (or by simple calculation). 6.2.3 Figures 7 to 14 are standard rating diagrams of magnesium alloy grain size magnified 100 times. The table under each figure gives different magnifications and corresponding grain grade indexes G.
6.2.4 Select an appropriate magnification from the magnifications given in the standard diagram, observe the image of the grain of the sample under inspection, compare it with the standard diagram, find the G value in the table under the standard diagram of equivalent grains, find the average number of grains per unit area πr (pieces/mm) corresponding to the G value in Table 3, which is the measured result. From this, the average grain area α-6 (mm*pieces) and the average diameter of the grains d./a (mm) can be calculated. 22
6.2.5 If the image to be observed is between two adjacent standard diagrams, the center value can be taken as the middle value or the G value of the nearest standard diagram. 6.3 Plane grain calculation method
6.3.1 Draw a circle with a diameter of 79.8 TT1 and an area of approximately 500 on the frosted glass of the microscope or the photograph. Select the number of grains so that there are at least 50 grains in the circle.
6.3.2 Find out the number of complete grains in the circle rl and the number of grains cut by the circumference of the circle, calculate the total number of grains in the circle according to formula (1) and formula (2), and calculate the average number of grains per unit area nA according to formula (3). When n is an even number:
ig = n +
When it is an odd number:
ne = ns + 2 =1
CB/T 4296—2004
In the formula:
Total number of grains in the circle:
Number of grains cut by the circumference of the circle;
Average number of grains per unit area;
6.3.3 Non-equiaxed crystals: Grain counts should be performed in three mutually perpendicular planes: longitudinal, transverse and height. The number of grains in these three planes is r, n, and. The number of grains per square millimeter is, =/0.8n,,n. 6.3.4 Refer to Table 4 for the grain grade index G and related data corresponding to the test results. Table 3
Product Grain Size Grade Index
6.4 Intercept Method
Number of grains per unit area/(pieces/mm*)
Grain Size Grade Index
Number of grains per unit surface defect/(pieces/mm)
Grain Size Crack Index
Number of grains per unit area/(pieces/mm)
6.4.1 The intercept method is recommended for uneven equiaxed grain structures. For anisotropic structures, the grain sizes in three major directions can be measured respectively. Under appropriate circumstances, the half-grain size can be measured more reasonably. This method can be used with various types of test instruments to complete measurement and screening. For example, quantitative microscopes and image analyzers 6.4.2 The intercept method is used to measure grain size. On frosted glass or in a representative field of view of the sample, the number of grains intercepted by one or more true lines (usually called detection lines) is counted (the total length of the straight lines should not be less than 5D intercepted grains). The grain size is determined by calculating the average intercept method.
6.4.3 Grain measurements should be carried out on 3-5 fields of view randomly selected and separated far apart to obtain a reasonable average grain size of the sample.
The average intercept 1 is calculated according to formula (4):
The length of one or more detection lines
[The total number of intersections between the detection line and the crystal count is the maximum multiple used (4)
6.4.5 The length of the average intercept 1 is slightly lower than the average diameter of the grains. In normal measurement, it can be considered as the average diameter of the grains. The relevant grain size numbers given in Table 4 can be referred to. 6.4.6 For non-equiaxed crystals, the number of grains per cubic millimeter is calculated according to formula (5): 0.566 × n.
The number of grains per cubic millimeter!
\,—the average number of grains per millimeter intersected by a straight line in the longitudinal direction; n,—the average number of grains per millimeter intersected by a straight line in the transverse direction; t
the average number of grains per meter intersected by a straight line in the vertical direction, 6.4.7 The grain grade index G and related data corresponding to the evaluation calculation results can be referred to Table 4. 7 Test report
The test report should include the following:
a) History of the sample:
Sampling location:
Alloy grade or chemical composition;
Processing status:
Defect type:
Organization description:
Magnification sieve number and etching conditions.
Shuang 4 Microscopic grain size relationship used for calculation of uniform randomly oriented equiaxed grains
Microscopic grain size
Grade index
Nominal diameter
Feret diameter
Average distance
Number of intercept points on the inspection line per millimeter
Average grain
Surface area
Number of grains per cubic meter
Average number of visible grains per unit area
1 times
Square meter
Grain distribution
100 times
Number of grains per square inch
GB/T 4296—2004||tt| ... 6×1-%. 6
Average grain
Cross-sectional area
Number of grains per square millimeter
800000||t t||952040
4 527000
3 6200000
Average number of grains per unit area
1 times the number of grains per
square meter
100 times the number of grains per
square inch
Figure 1Me20M plate longitudinal cold rolling structure
2 Figure 2 Transverse hot rolling structure of ME20M thick plate
Etching agent No. 3 × 200
Figure 3 Longitudinal hot extrusion structure of AZ41M profile
Etching agent No. 2
GB/T 4296—2004
Figure 4 Longitudinal hot deformation structure of ZK61M die forging Etching agent No. 2
Figure 5 Longitudinal hot extrusion structure of AZ40M pants
Etching agent No. 3 × 200
Figure 6 Longitudinal polarized light structure of AZ41M bar Etching agent No. 4 × 100
Grain level index
Grain level index
GB/T 4296—2004
GB/T 4296---2004
Grain level index
Loan number8 TT1 circle, area approximately 500 Select the number of grains so that there are at least 50 grains in the circle.
6.3.2 Find the number of complete grains in the circle rl and the number of grains cut by the circumference, calculate the total number of grains in the circle according to formula (1) and formula (2), and calculate the average number of grains per unit area nA according to formula (3). When n is an even number:
ig = n +
When it is an odd number:
ne = ns + 2 =1
CB/T 4296—2004
In the formula:
Total number of grains in the circle:
Number of complete grains in the circle:
Number of grains cut by the circumference of the circle;
Average number of grains per unit area;
6.3.3 Non-equiaxed crystals: Grain counts should be performed in three mutually perpendicular planes: longitudinal, transverse and height. The number of grains in these three planes is r, n, and. The number of grains per square millimeter is, =/0.8n,,n. 6.3.4 Refer to Table 4 for the grain grade index G and related data corresponding to the test results. Table 3
Product Grain Size Grade Index
6.4 Intercept Method
Number of grains per unit area/(pieces/mm*)
Grain Size Grade Index
Number of grains per unit surface defect/(pieces/mm)
Grain Size Crack Index
Number of grains per unit area/(pieces/mm)
6.4.1 The intercept method is recommended for uneven equiaxed grain structures. For anisotropic structures, the grain sizes in three major directions can be measured respectively. Under appropriate circumstances, the half-grain size can be measured more reasonably. This method can be used with various types of test instruments to complete measurement and screening. For example, quantitative microscopes and image analyzers 6.4.2 The intercept method is used to measure grain size. On frosted glass or in a representative field of view of the sample, the number of grains intercepted by one or more true lines (usually called detection lines) is counted (the total length of the straight lines should not be less than 5D intercepted grains). The grain size is determined by calculating the average intercept method.
6.4.3 Grain measurements should be carried out on 3-5 fields of view randomly selected and separated far apart to obtain a reasonable average grain size of the sample.
The average intercept 1 is calculated according to formula (4):
The length of one or more detection lines
[The total number of intersections between the detection line and the crystal count is the maximum multiple used (4)
6.4.5 The length of the average intercept 1 is slightly lower than the average diameter of the grains. In normal measurement, it can be considered as the average diameter of the grains. The relevant grain size numbers given in Table 4 can be referred to. 6.4.6 For non-equiaxed crystals, the number of grains per cubic millimeter is calculated according to formula (5): 0.566 × n.
The number of grains per cubic millimeter!
\,—the average number of grains per millimeter intersected by a straight line in the longitudinal direction; n,—the average number of grains per millimeter intersected by a straight line in the transverse direction; t
the average number of grains per meter intersected by a straight line in the vertical direction, 6.4.7 The grain grade index G and related data corresponding to the evaluation calculation results can be referred to Table 4. 7 Test report
The test report should include the following:
a) History of the sample:
Sampling location:
Alloy grade or chemical composition;
Processing status:
Defect type:
Organization description:
Magnification sieve number and etching conditions.
Shuang 4 Microscopic grain size relationship used for calculation of uniform randomly oriented equiaxed grains
Microscopic grain size
Grade index
Nominal diameter
Feret diameter
Average distance
Number of intercept points on the inspection line per millimeter
Average grain
Surface area
Number of grains per cubic meter
Average number of visible grains per unit area
1 times
Square meter
Grain distribution
100 times
Number of grains per square inch
GB/T 4296—2004||tt| ... 6×1-%. 6
Average grain
Cross-sectional area
Number of grains per square millimeter
800000||t t||952040
4 527000
3 6200000
Average number of grains per unit area
1 times the number of grains per
square meter
100 times the number of grains per
square inch
Figure 1Me20M plate longitudinal cold rolling structure
2 Figure 2 Transverse hot rolling structure of ME20M thick plate
Etching agent No. 3 × 200
Figure 3 Longitudinal hot extrusion structure of AZ41M profile
Etching agent No. 2
GB/T 4296—2004
Figure 4 Longitudinal hot deformation structure of ZK61M die forging Etching agent No. 2
Figure 5 Longitudinal hot extrusion structure of AZ40M pants
Etching agent No. 3 × 200
Figure 6 Longitudinal polarized light structure of AZ41M bar Etching agent No. 4 × 100
Grain level index
Grain level index
GB/T 4296—2004
GB/T 4296---2004
Grain level index
Loan number8 TT1 circle, area approximately 500 Select the number of grains so that there are at least 50 grains in the circle.
6.3.2 Find the number of complete grains in the circle rl and the number of grains cut by the circumference, calculate the total number of grains in the circle according to formula (1) and formula (2), and calculate the average number of grains per unit area nA according to formula (3). When n is an even number:
ig = n +
When it is an odd number:
ne = ns + 2 =1
CB/T 4296—2004
In the formula:
Total number of grains in the circle:
Number of complete grains in the circle:
Number of grains cut by the circumference of the circle;
Average number of grains per unit area;
6.3.3 Non-equiaxed crystals: Grain counts should be performed in three mutually perpendicular planes: longitudinal, transverse and height. The number of grains in these three planes is r, n, and. The number of grains per square millimeter is, =/0.8n,,n. 6.3.4 Refer to Table 4 for the grain grade index G and related data corresponding to the test results. Table 3
Product Grain Size Grade Index
6.4 Intercept Method
Number of grains per unit area/(pieces/mm*)
Grain Size Grade Index
Number of grains per unit surface defect/(pieces/mm)
Grain Size Crack Index
Number of grains per unit area/(pieces/mm)
6.4.1 The intercept method is recommended for uneven equiaxed grain structures. For anisotropic structures, the grain sizes in three major directions can be measured respectively. Under appropriate circumstances, the half-grain size can be measured more reasonably. This method can be used with various types of test instruments to complete measurement and screening. For example, quantitative microscopes and image analyzers 6.4.2 The intercept method is used to measure grain size. On frosted glass or in a representative field of view of the sample, the number of grains intercepted by one or more true lines (usually called detection lines) is counted (the total length of the straight lines should not be less than 5D intercepted grains). The grain size is determined by calculating the average intercept method.
6.4.3 Grain measurements should be carried out on 3-5 fields of view randomly selected and separated far apart to obtain a reasonable average grain size of the sample.
The average intercept 1 is calculated according to formula (4):
The length of one or more detection lines
[The total number of intersections between the detection line and the crystal count is the maximum multiple used (4)
6.4.5 The length of the average intercept 1 is slightly lower than the average diameter of the grains. In normal measurement, it can be considered as the average diameter of the grains. The relevant grain size numbers given in Table 4 can be referred to. 6.4.6 For non-equiaxed crystals, the number of grains per cubic millimeter is calculated according to formula (5): 0.566 × n.
The number of grains per cubic millimeter!
\,—the average number of grains per millimeter intersected by a straight line in the longitudinal direction; n,—the average number of grains per millimeter intersected by a straight line in the transverse direction; t
the average number of grains per meter intersected by a straight line in the vertical direction, 6.4.7 The grain grade index G and related data corresponding to the evaluation calculation results can be referred to Table 4. 7 Test report
The test report should include the following:
a) History of the sample:
Sampling location:
Alloy grade or chemical composition;
Processing status:
Defect type:
Organization description:
Magnification sieve number and etching conditions.
Shuang 4 Microscopic grain size relationship used for calculation of uniform randomly oriented equiaxed grains
Microscopic grain size
Grade index
Nominal diameter
Feret diameter
Average distance
Number of intercept points on the inspection line per millimeter
Average grain
Surface area
Number of grains per cubic meter
Average number of visible grains per unit area
1 times
Square meter
Grain distribution
100 times
Number of grains per square inch
GB/T 4296—2004||tt| ... 6×1-%. 6
Average grain
Cross-sectional area
Number of grains per square millimeter
800000||t t||952040
4 527000
3 6200000
Average number of grains per unit area
1 times the number of grains per
square meter
100 times the number of grains per
square inch
Figure 1Me20M plate longitudinal cold rolling structure
2 Figure 2 Transverse hot rolling structure of ME20M thick plate
Etching agent No. 3 × 200
Figure 3 Longitudinal hot extrusion structure of AZ41M profile
Etching agent No. 2
GB/T 4296—2004
Figure 4 Longitudinal hot deformation structure of ZK61M die forging Etching agent No. 2
Figure 5 Longitudinal hot extrusion structure of AZ40M pants
Etching agent No. 3 × 200
Figure 6 Longitudinal polarized light structure of AZ41M bar Etching agent No. 4 × 100
Grain level index
Grain level index
GB/T 4296—2004
GB/T 4296---2004
Grain level index
Loan number4 Refer to Table 4 for the grain level index G and related data corresponding to the test results. Table 3
Product Grain Size Grade Index
6.4 Intercept Method
Number of Grains per Unit Area/(pieces/mm*)
Grain Size Grade Index
Number of Grains per Unit Area/(pieces/mm)
Grain Size Crack Index
Number of Grains per Unit Area/(pieces/mm)
6.4.1 The intercept method is recommended for uneven equiaxed grain structures. For anisotropic structures, the grain sizes in three major directions can be measured respectively. Under appropriate circumstances, the half-grain size can be measured more reasonably. This method can be used with various types of test instruments to complete measurement and screening. For example, quantitative microscopes and image analyzers 6.4.2 The intercept method is used to measure grain size. On frosted glass or in a representative field of view of the sample, the number of grains intercepted by one or more true lines (usually called detection lines) is counted (the total length of the straight lines should not be less than 5D intercepted grains). The grain size is determined by calculating the average intercept method.
6.4.3 Grain measurements should be carried out on 3-5 fields of view randomly selected and separated far apart to obtain a reasonable average grain size of the sample.
The average intercept 1 is calculated according to formula (4):
The length of one or more detection lines
[The total number of intersections between the detection line and the crystal count is the maximum multiple used (4)
6.4.5 The length of the average intercept 1 is slightly lower than the average diameter of the grains. In normal measurement, it can be considered as the average diameter of the grains. The relevant grain size numbers given in Table 4 can be referred to. 6.4.6 For non-equiaxed crystals, the number of grains per cubic millimeter is calculated according to formula (5): 0.566 × n.
The number of grains per cubic millimeter!
\,—the average number of grains per millimeter intersected by a straight line in the longitudinal direction; n,—the average number of grains per millimeter intersected by a straight line in the transverse direction; t
the average number of grains per meter intersected by a straight line in the vertical direction, 6.4.7 The grain grade index G and related data corresponding to the evaluation calculation results can be referred to Table 4. 7 Test report
The test report should include the following:
a) History of the sample:
Sampling location:
Alloy grade or chemical composition;
Processing status:
Defect type:
Organization description:
Magnification sieve number and etching conditions.
Shuang 4 Microscopic grain size relationship used for calculation of uniform randomly oriented equiaxed grains
Microscopic grain size
Grade index
Nominal diameter
Feret diameter
Average distance
Number of intercept points on the inspection line per millimeter
Average grain
Surface area
Number of grains per cubic meter
Average number of visible grains per unit area
1 times
Square meter
Grain distribution
100 times
Number of grains per square inch
GB/T 4296—2004||tt| ... 6×1-%. 6
Average grain
Cross-sectional area
Number of grains per square millimeter
800000||t t||952040
4 527000
3 6200000
Average number of grains per unit area
1 times the number of grains per
square meter
100 times the number of grains per
square inch
Figure 1Me20M plate longitudinal cold rolling structure
2 Figure 2 Transverse hot rolling structure of ME20M thick plate
Etching agent No. 3 × 200
Figure 3 Longitudinal hot extrusion structure of AZ41M profile
Etching agent No. 2
GB/T 4296—2004
Figure 4 Longitudinal hot deformation structure of ZK61M die forging Etching agent No. 2
Figure 5 Longitudinal hot extrusion structure of AZ40M pants
Etching agent No. 3 × 200
Figure 6 Longitudinal polarized light structure of AZ41M bar Etching agent No. 4 × 100
Grain level index
Grain level index
GB/T 4296—2004
GB/T 4296---2004
Grain level index
Borrowing number4 Refer to Table 4 for the grain level index G and related data corresponding to the test results. Table 3
Product Grain Size Grade Index
6.4 Intercept Method
Number of Grains per Unit Area/(pieces/mm*)
Grain Size Grade Index
Number of Grains per Unit Area/(pieces/mm)
Grain Size Crack Index
Number of Grains per Unit Area/(pieces/mm)
6.4.1 The intercept method is recommended for uneven equiaxed grain structures. For anisotropic structures, the grain sizes in three major directions can be measured respectively. Under appropriate circumstances, the half-grain size can be measured more reasonably. This method can be used with various types of test instruments to complete measurement and screening. For example, quantitative microscopes and image analyzers 6.4.2 The intercept method is used to measure grain size. On frosted glass or in a representative field of view of the sample, the number of grains intercepted by one or more true lines (usually called detection lines) is counted (the total length of the straight lines should not be less than 5D intercepted grains). The grain size is determined by calculating the average intercept method.
6.4.3 Grain measurements should be carried out on 3-5 fields of view randomly selected and separated far apart to obtain a reasonable average grain size of the sample.
The average intercept 1 is calculated according to formula (4):
The length of one or more detection lines
[The total number of intersections between the detection line and the crystal count is the maximum multiple used (4)
6.4.5 The length of the average intercept 1 is slightly lower than the average diameter of the grains. In normal measurement, it can be considered as the average diameter of the grains. The relevant grain size numbers given in Table 4 can be referred to. 6.4.6 For non-equiaxed crystals, the number of grains per cubic millimeter is calculated according to formula (5): 0.566 × n.
The number of grains per cubic millimeter!
\,—the average number of grains per millimeter intersected by a straight line in the longitudinal direction; n,—the average number of grains per millimeter intersected by a straight line in the transverse direction; t
the average number of grains per meter intersected by a straight line in the vertical direction, 6.4.7 The grain grade index G and related data corresponding to the evaluation calculation results can be referred to Table 4. 7 Test report
The test report should include the following:
a) History of the sample:
Sampling location:
Alloy grade or chemical composition;
Processing status:
Defect type:
Organization description:
Magnification sieve number and etching conditions.
Shuang 4 Microscopic grain size relationship used for calculation of uniform randomly oriented equiaxed grains
Microscopic grain size
Grade index
Nominal diameter
Feret diameter
Average distance
Number of intercept points on the inspection line per millimeter
Average grain
Surface area
Number of grains per cubic meter
Average number of visible grains per unit area
1 times
Square meter
Grain distribution
100 times
Number of grains per square inch
GB/T 4296—2004||tt| ... 6×1-%. 6
Average grain
Cross-sectional area
Number of grains per square millimeter
800000||t t||952040
4 527000
3 6200000
Average number of grains per unit area
1 times the number of grains per
square meter
100 times the number of grains per
square inch
Figure 1Me20M plate longitudinal cold rolling structure
2 Figure 2 Transverse hot rolling structure of ME20M thick plate
Etching agent No. 3 × 200
Figure 3 Longitudinal hot extrusion structure of AZ41M profile
Etching agent No. 2
GB/T 4296—2004
Figure 4 Longitudinal hot deformation structure of ZK61M die forging Etching agent No. 2
Figure 5 Longitudinal hot extrusion structure of AZ40M pants
Etching agent No. 3 × 200
Figure 6 Longitudinal polarized light structure of AZ41M bar Etching agent No. 4 × 100
Grain level index
Grain level index
GB/T 4296—2004
GB/T 4296---2004
Grain level index
Loan number7 Refer to Table 4 for the grain grade index G and related data corresponding to the evaluation calculation results. 7 Test report The test report should include the following: a) History of the sample: Sampling location: Alloy grade or chemical composition; Processing status: Defect type: Organization description: Magnification sieve number and etching conditions. 4 Microscopic grain size relationship for calculation of uniform randomly oriented equiaxed grains Average grain cross section Microscopic grain size Grade index Diameter Nominal diameter Feret diameter Average survey distance Number of intercept points per millimeter Average grain size |Surface area
per cubic meter
Calculated number of grains
Average number of visible grains per unit area
1 times per
square meter
Particle distribution
100 times per
square inch
Number of grains
GB/T 4296—2004
Average grain cross section
Microscopic grain size
Grade index
Nominal diameter
Ferea. diameter
Meanwhile normalized intercept
=.d. and d values are approximated values. Table 4 (continued)
per meter test line
b) n is calculated based on the average crystal density of the sphere n=0.566×1-%. 6
Average grains
Cross-sectional area
Millimeters per square
Number of grains
237000||t t||336000
1007000| |tt||1600000
4527 000
Average number of grains per unit area
1 times per
square meter
Number of grains
100 times per
square inch
Number of grains
Figure 1ME20M plate longitudinal cold rolling structure
2 Figure 2 Transverse hot rolling structure of ME20M thick plate
Etching agent No. 3 × 200
Figure 3 Longitudinal hot extrusion structure of AZ41M profile
Etching agent No. 2
GB/T 4296—2004
Figure 4 Longitudinal hot deformation structure of ZK61M die forging Etching agent No. 2
Figure 5 Longitudinal hot extrusion structure of AZ40M pants
Etching agent No. 3 × 200
Figure 6 Longitudinal polarized light structure of AZ41M bar Etching agent No. 4 × 100
Grain level index
Grain level index
GB/T 4296—2004
GB/T 4296---2004
Grain level index
Loan number7 Refer to Table 4 for the grain grade index G and related data corresponding to the evaluation calculation results. 7 Test report The test report should include the following: a) History of the sample: Sampling location: Alloy grade or chemical composition; Processing status: Defect type: Organization description: Magnification sieve number and etching conditions. 4 Microscopic grain size relationship for calculation of uniform randomly oriented equiaxed grains Average grain cross section Microscopic grain size Grade index Diameter Nominal diameter Feret diameter Average survey distance Number of intercept points per millimeter Average grain size |Surface area
per cubic meter
Calculated number of grains
Average number of visible grains per unit area
1 times per
square meter
Particle distribution
100 times per
square inch
Number of grains
GB/T 4296—2004
Average grain cross section
Microscopic grain size
Grade index
Nominal diameter
Ferea. diameter
Meanwhile normalized intercept
=.d. and d values are approximated values. Table 4 (continued)
per meter test line
b) n is calculated based on the average crystal density of the sphere n=0.566×1-%. 6
Average grains
Cross-sectional area
Millimeters per square
Number of grains
237000||t t||336000
1007000| |tt||1600000
4527 000
Average number of grains per unit area
1 times per
square meter
Number of grains
100 times per
square inch
Number of grains
Figure 1ME20M plate longitudinal cold rolling structure
2 Figure 2 Transverse hot rolling structure of ME20M thick plate
Etching agent No. 3 × 200
Figure 3 Longitudinal hot extrusion structure of AZ41M profile
Etching agent No. 2
GB/T 4296—2004
Figure 4 Longitudinal hot deformation structure of ZK61M die forging Etching agent No. 2
Figure 5 Longitudinal hot extrusion structure of AZ40M pants
Etching agent No. 3 × 200
Figure 6 Longitudinal polarized light structure of AZ41M bar Etching agent No. 4 × 100
Grain level index
Grain level index
GB/T 4296—2004
GB/T 4296---2004
Grain level index
Loan number
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