title>GB/T 2820.7-2002 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets Part 7: Technical specifications for technical conditions and design - GB/T 2820.7-2002 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 2820.7-2002 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets Part 7: Technical specifications for technical conditions and design
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 2820.7-2002
Standard Name: Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets Part 7: Technical specifications for technical conditions and design
This standard specifies the technical conditions and design requirements for generator sets driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines (RIC) with reference to the relevant definitions given in GB/T 2820.1 to 2820.6. This standard applies to alternating current (AC) generator sets driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines (RIC) for land and marine use. It is not applicable to generator sets for aviation or driving land vehicles and locomotives. For generator sets for certain special purposes (such as power supply for hospitals and high-rise buildings, etc.), it is necessary to put forward some additional requirements. The relevant provisions of this standard can be used as the basis. For other types of prime movers (such as biogas engines, steam engines, etc.), the relevant provisions of this standard should also be used as the basis. GB/T 2820.7-2002 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven AC generator sets Part 7: Technical instructions for technical conditions and design GB/T2820.7-2002 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
Ics 29.360.40 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/I 2820.7—2002 eqy ISo 8528-7:1994 Reciprocating iaternal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets-Part 7:Technical declarationsfor specification and design2002-02-28 Issued by People's Republic of China General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine 2003-03-01 Implementation GH/T2820.7—2002 152825 Alternating current generator sets for internal combustion engines or other types The center has recently formulated the following parts: IKoNKAca Part 282.1--Alternating current generator sets for compound internal combustion engines or other types for compound internal combustion engines Part 1: Purpose, specifications and functions: (eqv IS0) 8523-1:1993) /12820.2—1997 Alternating current generating sets for compound internal combustion engines Part 2: Engine V1508525-21993 GR/T820.3—1997 Alternating current generating sets for compound internal combustion engines Part 3: Alternating current generating sets for compound internal combustion engines. (eq1505528-3.1993) GB/I2824— Alternating current generator sets driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines Part 4: Control devices and switchgear (e150528-4:1993) GB/T2829.51997 Alternating current generator sets driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines Part 5: Generator sets ISO528-5:1933> GB/T2520.6—17 Alternating current generator sets driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines Part 6: Test methods (JS085286:139.13) GB 232 Alternating current generator sets driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines have one part under development, and the corresponding international standards are 150 8528-7:1994 Standardized generator sets for compound internal combustion engines Part 1: Technical specifications for technical control and design ISO8528-8.196 Alternating current generator sets driven by compound internal combustion engines Part 8: Test for the sum of small power generating sets 3 1SH52%-1SS55 AC generators for compound internal combustion engines Part 9: Measurement and evaluation of mechanical performance 1S 8528-10.1995 Alternating current generator sets driven by compound internal combustion engines Part 10: Noise measurement (including) 3150852813, 1997 Alternating current generators driven by compound internal combustion engines Part 12: Emergency power supply for safety devices. This standard corresponds to S8-7:194 Alternating current generator sets driven by compound internal combustion engines Part 7: Use 3. The difference between the technical standard and 1S05528-7 is mainly due to the difference between the technical standard and 1S05528-7. This standard is a descriptive document for guiding manufacturers to determine the design plan of generator sets, formulate production technical cases, and users to consult and select generator sets. It does not specify its specific indicators, definitions and test methods. Therefore, this part must be used in conjunction with other standards such as G13/13820.1~2820.6-1997. However, the main standards cited in 1S08528-7, such as 150R528.1-352R.6, 1EC60034-6, etc., are equivalent to the national standard: except for the reference standard, which is different from the historical standard in IS08528-7, the rest are the same as 1S3528-7, which is the original standard GH2820)-1991.B9355-196? There are few contents for determining the design of generator sets and formulating product technical conditions, so this standard replaces the first six parts of GB/T20 (H2320--1SSC, GE6-1937). From the date of implementation, this standard replaces B3355-187 and (B2820-1990) and lists 13 categories and 8 items that must be considered in order to obtain a satisfactory generator set design. The classification is appropriate and the details are comprehensive. It has a good guiding role for users and manufacturers. Manufacturers can take the contents of Chapter 4 of the vehicle part as the basis and make appropriate adjustments when necessary. 4. Appendix A and Appendix C should be checked and consulted in the same format as the relevant standards and the manufacturer's questionnaire. Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C of this standard are all standard appendices. The appendix is a reminder. This standard is reported by the China Electrical Equipment Industry Association. Lanzhou Electric Vehicle Research Institute is responsible for this standard. The main drafters of this standard include Zhang Hongzhan, Lin Huanshou, Zhang Huibin and Hai Yunfeng. GB/T 282Q. 7—2002 ISO (formerly the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide association of national standards bodies (members of ISO groups): the work of developing international standards is carried out through the cooperation of ISO technical committees. Members of each group have the right to be represented on the committees of the ISO technical committees in relation to a subject of interest. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental organizations also participate in the work in collaboration with ISO. ISO works closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to study all subjects of electrotechnical standardization. The draft international standard adopted by the final technical committee is voted on by all members of the body and, as an international standard, requires the vote of all members of the group. International standard TSO8528-T was developed by ISO/TC70\Technical Committee SC2\Performance and testing Subcommittee\. ISO08523 was developed in the "Communication and development of conventional internal combustion engines" The following parts are included under the general title "Generators" Part 1: Application, ratings and performance Part 7: Engines Part 3: Alternators for generator sets Part 4: Control devices and switchgear Part 5: Generator sets Part 6: Test methods Part 7: Technical specifications for application cases and design Part 8: Requirements and tests for small power generating sets Part 9: Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibrations Part 10: Noise measurement (surface method) Part 11: Continuous uninterruptible power supply systems Part 12: Emergency power supply for safe access Annex A, Annex B and Annex C are integral parts of this standard. Annex D is given only as a summary. National Standard of the People's Republic of China Alternating current generators driven by conventional internal combustion engines Part 1: Technical specifications for application cases and design Iuternal combustlon engine driven alternating current generating sets--Part 7, Technical specifications for specifications and design1 Scope H KAoN KAa- GH/T2820.7—2002 eqyISO 8528-7.1994 Generates GB232—1990 CE 83651987 This standard specifies the technical conditions and design requirements for the left motor set of a reciprocating internal combustion engine (RC) according to the relevant definitions given in 6/T2880.1~2R20. This standard is intended for alternating current generating sets (a.The following standards are not applicable to the generator sets used to drive land vehicles and locomotives. For some special power generation units (such as power supply for hospitals and high-rise buildings), some additional requirements must be put forward, and the relevant provisions of this standard can be used as the basis. For other types of prime movers (such as gas engines, steam engines, etc.): the relevant provisions of this standard should also be used as the basis. 2 Reference standards The texts contained in the following standards constitute the text of this standard by being cited in this standard. When this standard was published, the version shown was All standards will be revised. All parties using this standard should discuss the possibility of using the following standards as soon as possible to update the total version. GB/TS97-1981 Motor structure and installation type test code (eq[E50034-: 1S72) G1993-19 Rotating motor cooling method 60034-6: 1991) GB/T2820.1-1997 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven AC generator set Part 1 Inverter, rating and performance (eqvISO 8528-1,1993) GB/T2820.2—997 Alternating current generating sets driven by compound internal combustion engines Part 2: Engine (eqv1ISO 4528-2:1993) Alternating current generating sets driven by compound internal combustion engines Part 3: Alternating current generators for generator sets GB/F2829.31997 (cqv ISO 8528-3;1993) Alternating current generating sets driven by compound internal combustion engines Part 1: Control panels and switchgear GB/T2820.4—1997 (eqv1SK) A525-4:1993) Alternating current generators driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines Part 5: Generating sets GB/T2820.51997 (cqv IS0 8b28 5;1993) GB/T 282J.5--1Q97 Alternating current generators driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines Part 6: Test methods (eqv [S) R528-G.1993) GB/1912.11985 Motor external protection, etc. E1F60034-5.1981H/5321-1985 Calorimetric determination of power consumption and efficiency of large cross-filter motors mgIE6H134-2A:1974) People's Republic of China Network Beijing Stock Supervision and Inspection General Weekly 2002-02-28 approved 2003-03-01 sold tH/T2820.7-2002 S 5173-3 1994 Measurement of emissions from internal combustion engines Part 1: Measurement methods and definitions of smoke emissions from components TFC 603 4-2-11, 1992 Electrical installations in buildings Part 4: Safety protection Chapter 41: Protection against electric shock 3 Extensions and additional requirements 3.1 For AC generators that must comply with the regulations of a certain social organization, the relevant additional requirements of the social organization must be followed. The user should inform the social organization before purchasing. For AC generators that operate in unprotected equipment, the additional requirements in each case shall be agreed between the manufacturer and the user. 3.2 If any other requirements are to be met, such as by the user or by the legal authority, the user should inform the authority before purchasing. Other requirements should be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the user. 4 Technical description bzxZ.net In order to obtain a satisfactory delivery plan, the customer should put forward relevant requirements and suggestions to the generator manufacturer. The most important requirements and specific terms are listed in 1.1~4.19. Note: If the customer does not provide a detailed description, the manufacturer's description is the basis for this requirement and share. The customer or user of the generator set must make a distinction between the customer or customer and the manufacturer's description (not shown in 4.1~-1.1S). The manufacturer of the generator set must provide the description! In 4.1.! ! The "" in the manufacturer column indicates that the manufacturer and the customer have the same quality as the product (in 1.1%4.15, the manufacturer and serial number are marked with "×\"). East number Required power Rated actual power Rated voltage System grounding type Relay type of load Required steady-state power and voltage characteristics Required off-state voltage characteristics Available fuel type Cooling room ventilation Fuel disinfecting parts Governor type and performance Engine cooling type Required working time under normal conditions Required engine front control instrument Required protection system Quoted standard and year TPC: 606-4-41 GB/T 2820. 5 in 9- 1 GB/T 2X21. 5 in 5. 1, 7. 1 C/T 2820. 5 5, 3.7- 3 GB/T 2320.2 in 12 CB/T 2320. 6 out of 15.J G/T 2820. 7+I C3. 11 G15/T 2820. 5 25. 5 3K/T 2X2. 2 :+ $- 2 GB/T2320.3 out of 12 G/T 2R20.2 5.6 GB/T2320.2 12 G5/T 2820. 5 15- 3 GB/T 2820. 4 + 7. 4 GR/T 2R20.4 7.3 System fire-fighting Rated power According to the place of use Performance light Machine operation Operation and parallel operation Fuel fire-fighting science GB/T 2820.7 2002 Application standards and business regulations CB/I 2820. 1 11. 5 Starting system performance Heat balance Deep gas test Type and nature of excitation and medium voltage regulation Required mechanical protection Required electrical protection Generator cooling method Heat balance Uneven load (uneven load and medium current) Structure and installation Radio frequency suppression type Continuous operation Extended operation (main generator and Commercial load standby generator set Expected annual operating hours Continuous power Original power Limited time operating power Parallel operation with other generator sets Interconnection with the power grid Type and implementation of the whole process GH/ 1 2820. 2 1-1E GB/T 2820.7 CI:10 GB/T 2820.2 9 GR/T 2880. ~ 14. 7. 2 GB/T 8.12 GB/T in 2620-3 4912.1 GK/T 2820. 4 out of 7. 2 GR/T 1993 GB/T5321 CB/T 282C. 3 out of 10. 1 GB/1 282C. 3 out of 1U. GB/T 2820. 1 cow 6. 1 GB/T 2820.1 13.3 GB/ 2820.1 6.±.1 GB/T 2820: + 6 2.2,21.5 6R/T 2820.: 2 G.1/T 2820.1↓.. H KAoN KAa Manufacturers Automatic and Organization Use Point of use Semi-automatic GB/T 2820.7:2002 State standard and service number GBT 2820.1 6.4 G/T 2820.4 6 Generator manufacturer recommends Generators without specified start time Generators with long power outages Generators with short power outages Generators with single power outages Installation type Fixed Transportable Mobile Installation type Trailer Assembly type Atmospheric influence "Indoor One day Ambient temperature Shock and vibration Chemical pollution Radiation type Cooling water/liquid GT/T 2820.1 6 6 Generator manufacturer recommends Generators with no specified start time Long power outages Generators with short power outages Installation type Fixed Transportable Mobile Installation type Trailer Assembly type Atmospheric influence "Indoor One day Ambient temperature Shock and vibration Chemical pollution Radiation type Cooling water/liquid GT/T 2820.1 6 6 5 GB/T 2820.1 8-1 GE/T 2820.1 8.2 G/T2820.1 8.3 GR/T 2A20.1 8. 5 GB/T262C.1 11 Manufacturer (Radiation) Control equipment Jin and switchgear Factors affecting power generation 4.19 Unit performance Other provisions and requirements Noise limit GB/T 2820.7--2002 Cited standards and chapter numbers Air emission limits National laws and regulations Special requirements Daily maintenance (such as oil change) Electrical maintenance (such as control devices) Comprehensive inspection of the energy life of the main inductors Power consumption of auxiliary devices |Consumption (such as fans and compressors) Pre-lubrication Special auxiliary devices and dynamic batteries Rated battery capacity Neutral earthing scheme Fault current rating Nature of protection factor Nominal operating voltage and control line voltage Required electrical instruments Influence power Influence frequency and voltage G/T 9 in 2820.1 GB/T 4 in 2880.6 GB/T 13.3 in 2820.1 GB/T 2820. 4 + 4. 5 GT/T 8820. 4 7. 2.7 GB/T 2820.4 5.2 GB/T 2820. 4 7. 2 GB/T 282D.4 4.6 CB/T 2820. 7.1 GB/T 2820.5 9.1 GB/T 2820.1 14-2 GH/12820.5 9.2 GB/T 2820.114.2 GB/T 2820.3 HKOKA- To the supplier GB/T 2820 7—2002 (Appendix to the standard) Technical survey data A1A15 gives the user's required query list, and the user marks the "+" item in the appropriate direction User required average power: Basic power factor (c): Rated voltage, Rated current Against: Base data System grounding type : TN Connection method of relatively large load: Available types: diesel When running at a certain power without refueling, the engine cooling method, air cooling and water cooling Wu Xingfang Wu Continuous operation Limited time operation Emergency generator set Load commercial generator set Annual running hours of single unit: Application place; land use. 2. Performance category: G, 口G, 口G□G, : Good performance requirements G. Frequency performance, as expected B, single machine operation and well-connected operation Single machine operation Other generator sets in parallel Parallel operation with the public power grid Step mode. 9 State of GB/F2820.7 should be the number of items Start: manual Control: dynamic GB/T2820....2002 Start and control mode Automatic Dynamic Equipped with thermal automatic time control generator Generator sets with starting time specified Long power outage generating unit Short power outage generating unit Uninterrupted power generation Loading, Start-up success: Loading step, After dynamic work: Loading. Step three, After starting sense work: Fixed port Semi-automatic Automatic Starting time Load exchange characteristics % rated power % rated power Installation point Installation type: Mobile Transportable Installation type, Car type 1! Frame type【 Deep wilderness type Weather influence: Indoor and outdoor compensation Environmental conditions of the location Ambient temperature, maximum temperature: As follows: Test altitude: Maximum condensation Presence Dust: The nature of dust: Operation in marine climate: Action and pressing THKAoN KAa GB/T2820.7 Relevant clauses A12- 7 A12- 8 Chemical pollution nest Nature of pollution: Nature of chemical agent, Auxiliary injection type: Coolant Availability: GB/T2820-2002 Others are subject to regulations: H value; Allowance for commercial refund Emission efficiency (radiation time) Operation sound adjustment value·There is Maximum blood collection level 1, Exhaust gas emission limit: Whether Emission concentration related to energy consumption: g/tkwh .g/tkw .h> R/(kW-h) Smoke standard code (standard 1508178-%) Installation density value Fineness code connection 1S0):78-3) As the basis value of the concentration of pollutants in the exhaust gas, the volume fraction: %) The density value of the exhaust gas Under standard environmental conditions ()C101.3P measurement state digital according to TS08178-33 As the basis value of the concentration of pollutants in the exhaust gas, the volume fraction: (/ Corresponding clauses in GB 2820.7 GB/T 282072002 Test method GH, test procedure specified in 2820.5. Year, Test type in the standard Acceptance test of the standard Special requirements when conducting these tests: Other provisions and requirements When the medical law partner law (should be attached with joints) Special requirements of any official agency that should be considered (attach relevant details) With or without department (Standard attachment) Technical scheduling B1~B5 gives the user's requirements survey list special data HHKAoNT KAa G0/T2820.1 in corresponding clauses This document can be used as a supplement to the requirements of Appendix A-1, and also as a correction document for the performance category or selection requirements. Frequency drop: State rate control: Secret gold self-pressure dragon Performance parameters Instantaneous frequency deviation from initial frequency/rated frequency (depending on the loading step): State voltage deviation relative to the initial voltage and rated voltage (depending on the loading step): Voltage fast recovery time: Load characteristics: Neutral grounding scheme: Corresponding clauses of GB/T2820.7 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.