title>Specification for recruitment meeting service - GB/T 30662-2014 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Specification for recruitment meeting service

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 30662-2014

Standard Name:Specification for recruitment meeting service

Chinese Name: 现场招聘会服务规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2014-12-31

Date of Implementation:2015-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Services>>03.080.99 Other services

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A20 Comprehensive Technology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2015-07-01

other information

drafter:Wang Xi, Ju Hongfen, Wang Hongfei, Cheng Yuxin, Wang Haikun, Li Hua, Rao Caimin, Wang Yan, Xiong Yiqi, Guo Weidong, Yang Yang, Huang Wenxin, Jiang Xin

Drafting unit:China Talent Exchange Association, National Talent Mobility Center, Beijing Human Resources Service Industry Association, Shanghai Talent Service Center, Beijing Talent Service Center, Sichuan Talent Exchange Center, China Southern Talent Market, Sta

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Human Resources Service Standardization (SAC/TC292)

Proposing unit:Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 30662-2014 On-site job fair service specification GB/T30662-2014 Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the qualifications of service agencies that hold on-site job fairs, staff deployment, venues and facilities, service processes and basic requirements, service requirements, service evaluation and improvement. This standard applies to on-site job fair services provided by human resources service agencies (hereinafter referred to as service agencies). This standard
was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Human Resources Service Standardization (SAC/TC292).
The drafting units of this standard are: China Talent Exchange Association, National Talent Mobility Center, Beijing Human Resources Service Industry Association, Shanghai Talent Service Center, Beijing Talent Service Center, Sichuan Talent Exchange Center, China Southern Talent Market, State Grid Talent Center, Beijing Science and Technology Commission Talent Center, Guangdong Zhitong Talent Chain Co., Ltd. The
main drafters of this standard are: Wang Xi, Ju Hongfen, Wang Hongfei, Cheng Yuxin, Wang Haikun, Li Hua, Rao Caimin, Wang Yan, Xiong Yiqi, Guo Weidong, Yang Yang, Huang Wenxin, Jiang Xin.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specification for recruitment meeting service Issued on 2014-12-31
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
Implementation on 2015-07-01
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Human Resources Services (SAC/TC292). GB/T30662-—2014
The drafting units of this standard are: China Talent Exchange Association, National Talent Mobility Center, Beijing Human Resources Service Industry Association, Shanghai Talent Service Center, Beijing Talent Service Center, Sichuan Talent Exchange Center, China Southern Talent Market, State Grid Talent Center, Beijing Science and Technology Commission Talent Center, Guangdong Zhitong Talent Chain Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Wang Xi, Han Hongfen, Wang Hongfei, Cheng Yuxin, Wang Haikun, Li Hua, Rao Caimin, Wang Yan, Xiong Yiqi, Guo Weidong, Yang Yang, Huang Wenxin, Jiang Xin.
1 Scope
On-site job fair service specifications
This standard specifies the qualifications of service agencies for holding on-site job fairs, staff deployment, venues and facilities, service processes and basic requirements, service requirements, service evaluation and improvement. This standard applies to on-site job fair services provided by human resources service agencies (hereinafter referred to as service agencies). Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 2.1
On-site recruitment meeting
recruitment meeting
A human resources exchange activity organized at an agreed time and place for negotiation and two-way selection between employers and job seekers. On-site recruitment fairs include irregular recruitment fairs and regular recruitment fairs. 2.2
Irregular recruitment meeting irregular recruitment meeting A temporary on-site recruitment fair.
regular recruitment meeting
Regular recruitment meeting
Periodic on-site recruitment fair.
3 Service Organization
3.1 Have venues, facilities and full-time staff suitable for conducting business. 3.2 Have rules and regulations that meet the needs of business development. 4 Staff Arrangement
4.1 On-site staff of on-site recruitment fairs (hereinafter referred to as recruitment fairs) should receive pre-job training and be familiar with the recruitment fair business. On-site jobs at regular recruitment fairs should be relatively stable.
4.2 The ratio of the number of on-site staff of the job fair to the number of recruitment booths should not be less than 1:104.3 The site of irregular job fairs should be equipped with medical personnel and professional security personnel. 4.4 Medical personnel and special security personnel should be equipped at regular job fairs as needed. 5 Venues and facilities
The site facilities of the job fair should meet the following conditions:a) The site area should be adapted to the scale of the job fair, and the average public area of ​​each booth should not be less than 5mb) The site and facilities should comply with fire safety regulations. Each venue should have at least two safe entrances and exits, and the safe exits and safe passages should be 1
Set up obvious signs, and the width of the passage should meet the evacuation requirements and ensure smooth flow; be equipped with emergency broadcasting, lighting facilities, and fire-fighting facilities, and ensure that they are intact and effectived)
There are public toilets for men and women, with obvious signs;e)
Set up safe slow-entry passages and safety inspection equipment and facilities. 6 Service Process
6.1 Plan Preparation
6.1.1 Regular job fairs should prepare an annual plan, which should include the cycle, type, time, location, scale, participants, etc. of the job fairs. 6.1.2 The plan for irregular job fairs should include the name, type, time, location, scale, participants, etc. of the job fairs. 6.2 Application
When a job fair is held by a single service agency, the service agency is the organizer; when it is held by more than two service agencies, the organizer and co-organizer should be clearly identified. The organizer should submit a written application and relevant materials for holding a job fair to the local competent department. After approval, it should submit application or filing materials to the public security and fire departments, and obey the guidance, supervision and inspection of the relevant competent departments. 6.3 Establish an organizational structure
Establish a leadership and working body that is appropriate to the scale of the job fair. The person in charge of the leadership organization shall be the legal person of the sponsor or the person designated by the legal person. The working organization shall set up work organizations for security, fire safety, exhibition facilities, conference affairs, tickets, catering, etc. to formulate management systems, job responsibilities, work processes and service specifications. 6.4 Formulate a work plan
6.4.1 Formulate a security plan, which shall at least include the following contents:a) Security measures:
Specify the person in charge of security and sign a safety position responsibility letter for the person in charge of each group;b)
Evacuation measures for personnel in case of emergency;c2
Safety protection measures for special groups such as elderly talents and people with disabilities.d)
6.4.2 Formulate a fire safety plan, which shall at least include the following contents:a)
Fire safety measures:
Determine the person in charge of fire safety and the division of responsibilities;c2
Evacuation measures for personnel in case of emergency. 6.4.3 Develop emergency response plans for unexpected events: The emergency response plan for unexpected events shall at least include but not be limited to the following contents: a) Measures to be taken in case of congestion in exits and passages; b) Measures to be taken in case the number of participants exceeds the expected number; Measures to be taken in case of excessive number of people inside and outside the venue and disorder; c) Measures to be taken in case of suspicious persons or objects; e) Measures to be taken in case of fire in the venue; Measures to be taken in case of emergency such as power outage in the venue. According to the needs, the following emergency plans should be formulated: a) measures when the job fair is suspended for some reason; b) rescue measures in case of injuries and illnesses; c) measures to prevent regional infectious diseases: d) anti-terrorism and anti-theft measures: e) measures in case of natural disasters such as earthquakes; measures in case of other safety hazards; d) formulate exhibition recruitment plans and construction plans for exhibition racks and other facilities; 6.4.5 formulate a distribution map of booths and service facilities: emergency exits, evacuation passages; booth numbers and locations: the locations of on-site service departments such as the conference affairs team and security team; d) the locations of other public facilities such as fire-fighting facilities and sanitary facilities. 6.4.6 design and produce the tickets required for the job fair. The tickets should be clear and easy to identify. 6.4.7 formulate catering supply and food hygiene and safety plans. 6.5 Organization and Implementation
6.5.1 Before the job fair
Develop and publish the job fair advertisement, which should include: Job fair name:
Full name of the organizer and co-organizer of the job fair; Job fair time and location:
Job fair content and participants;
Job fair scale;
Participation requirements and registration method:
Consultation and contact information:
Regular job fairs should also publish information such as cycle and special sessions. Recruit employers and handle the procedures for participating in the fair. The procedures are as follows:
Publish job fair information;
b) Invite employers;
Review the qualifications of employers:
Review recruitment information:
Handle the procedures for participating in the fair and issue participation certificates:D
Organize the information of employers and publish it.
Employers should be informed to abide by the following recruitment rules: GB/T30662—2014
Announce the unit name, address, contact information, and the positions, number, conditions and other information to be recruited truthfully: Recruitment conditions should not contain discriminatory content;
People who are not allowed to move according to laws and regulations should not be recruited;c)
d) Job seekers should not be charged fees in any name or required to pledge their property or documents; without the consent of job seekers, their materials and information should not be published or disclosed, or their technology and intellectual achievements should not be used. e) Check the implementation of the work plan and the exhibition arrangement: Assist the employer in the exhibition arrangement and solve related conference affairs issues; a)
Check the name of the employer and the recruitment content; b)
Check and accept the facilities of the job fair:
d) Check and accept the implementation of the work plan for security, fire protection, emergency plan, exhibition stand construction, ticket production, and catering hygiene: e
Sign a food safety agreement with the catering supplier. 3
GB/T30662—2014 Report the preparation of the job fair and the safety and fire protection work to the competent department. It is advisable to purchase accident insurance for the job fair. 6.5.2 During the job fair Maintain the order on the scene and do a good job in conference services. Supervise and manage the recruitment activities, accept complaints, provide consultation, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of both parties. Pay close attention to the trends of the job fair, keep in touch with the public security, fire and other departments, and coordinate and deal with any abnormalities in a timely manner. Handle emergencies.
6.5.3 After the job fair Make a written summary of the job fair and report it to the competent department for filing. 2 Statistics should be collected on the supply and demand information and recruitment results of the job fair.
3 Collect relevant documents and materials, and organize and archive them.
6 Adjustment of regular job fairs
If the venue, cycle and content of regular job fairs need to be adjusted, they should be reported to the competent department for approval before implementation. 6.7 Cancellation or Change of Job Fair
Cancellation or change of job fair shall be handled in accordance with the following requirements: The organizer shall submit a report on the cancellation or change of job fair to the competent department in written form a)
Publish a notice of cancellation or change of job fair in the original media for job fair information; b)
Handle the aftermath for employers;
Post the notice of cancellation or change of job fair at the original time and place, and do a good job of on-site aftermath. d)
7 Service Requirements
7.1 When soliciting employers to participate in the job fair, the organizer shall truthfully and clearly inform the employers of the job fair information such as the type, scale, and participants.
7.2 The organizer and co-organizer of the job fair shall provide safe, orderly, warm and thoughtful services to employers and participants in accordance with the organizational division of labor and responsibilities.
7.3 The service desk, conference affairs team, and security team of the job fair should be placed in a prominent position, and the service signs should be clear and obvious. 7.4 The booth map of the job fair should be placed in a prominent position at the job fair. The booth map should indicate the booth distribution, passages, and emergency evacuation passages. 7.5 The organizer should provide participants with information such as the employer's recruitment positions, recruitment conditions, and booth locations. 7.6 On-site job fairs should provide emergency broadcasting services 7.7 The security team should carefully patrol inside and outside the venue to guide participants to attend the meeting in an orderly manner. Safety and fire protection issues should be handled promptly. Suspicious persons and suspicious items should be reported immediately and properly handled. 7.8 The staff of the job fair should carefully answer the questions of employers and participants. 8 Service evaluation and improvement
8.1 Set up and publish complaint telephones and email addresses, promptly understand opinions and suggestions on the job fair, and conduct customer satisfaction surveys. 8.2 Properly handle customer complaints and formulate improvement measures. 4
[1]Ministry of Personnel and State Administration for Industry and Commerce. Regulations on the Management of Talent Market. Issued on September 11, 2001 and revised on March 22, 2005
Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Regulations on Employment Services and Employment Management. November 5, 2007[3]
Regulations on the Safety Management of Large-scale Mass Activities. Order No. 505 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on September 14, 2007. Ministry of Personnel. Notice on Standardizing the Management of Recruitment Fairs and Improving Recruitment Services. June 25, 2007 [5] Ministry of Personnel. Approval Measures for National Recruitment Fairs. November 18, 2005 [6] Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. Emergency Plan for Emergencies in Human Resources Market Recruitment Fairs. September 20, 2009 [7] Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Notice on Further Strengthening the Supervision of Human Resources Market. January 29, 2010
Print Date: March 2, 2015 4th F009A People's Republic of China
National Standard
On-site job fair service specification
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website spc.net,cn
Editor's Office: (010) 64275323
Distribution Center: (010) 51780235
Reader Service Department: (010 )68523946
Printed by Qinhuangdao Printing Factory of China Standard Press Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Format 880×12301/16 Printing sheet 0.75 Word count 9,000 words First edition in January 2015 First printing in January 2015*
Book number: 155066-1-50454 Pricing
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Report telephone: (010)68510107
-rKacadiaiKAca2 Properly handle customer complaints and formulate improvement measures. 4
[1] Ministry of Personnel, State Administration for Industry and Commerce. Regulations on Talent Market Management. Issued on September 11, 2001, revised on March 22, 2005
Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Regulations on Employment Services and Employment Management. November 5, 2007[3]
Regulations on Safety Management of Large-scale Mass Activities. Order No. 505 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on September 14, 2007 Ministry of Personnel. Regarding Notice on Standardizing the Management of Recruitment Fairs and Improving Recruitment Services. June 25, 2007 [5] Ministry of Personnel. Approval Measures for National Recruitment Fairs. November 18, 2005 [6] Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. Emergency Plan for Emergencies in Human Resources Market Recruitment Fairs. September 20, 2009 [7] Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Notice on Further Strengthening the Supervision of Human Resources Market. January 29, 2010
Print Date: March 2, 2015 4th F009A People's Republic of China
National Standard
On-site job fair service specification
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website spc.net,cn
Editor's Office: (010) 64275323
Distribution Center: (010) 51780235
Reader Service Department: (010 )68523946
Printed by Qinhuangdao Printing Factory of China Standard Press Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Format 880×12301/16 Printing sheet 0.75 Word count 9,000 words First edition in January 2015 First printing in January 2015*
Book number: 155066-1-50454 Pricing
If there is any printing error
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Copyright exclusive Infringement will be investigated
Report telephone: (010)68510107
-rKacadiaiKAca2 Properly handle customer complaints and formulate improvement measures. 4
[1] Ministry of Personnel, State Administration for Industry and Commerce. Regulations on Talent Market Management. Issued on September 11, 2001, revised on March 22, 2005
Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Regulations on Employment Services and Employment Management. November 5, 2007[3]
Regulations on Safety Management of Large-scale Mass Activities. Order No. 505 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on September 14, 2007 Ministry of Personnel. Regarding Notice on Standardizing the Management of Recruitment Fairs and Improving Recruitment Services. June 25, 2007 [5] Ministry of Personnel. Approval Measures for National Recruitment Fairs. November 18, 2005 [6] Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. Emergency Plan for Emergencies in Human Resources Market Recruitment Fairs. September 20, 2009 [7] Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Notice on Further Strengthening the Supervision of Human Resources Market. January 29, 2010
Print Date: March 2, 2015 4th F009A People's Republic of China
National Standard
On-site job fair service specification
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website spc.net,cn
Editor's Office: (010) 64275323
Distribution Center: (010) 51780235
Reader Service Department: (010 )68523946
Printed by Qinhuangdao Printing Factory of China Standard Press Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Format 880×12301/16 Printing sheet 0.75 Word count 9,000 words First edition in January 2015 First printing in January 2015*wwW.bzxz.Net
Book number: 155066-1-50454 Pricing
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Copyright exclusive Infringement will be investigated
Report telephone: (010)68510107
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