title>Rules for geocode of address - GB/T 39609-2020 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Rules for geocode of address

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39609-2020

Standard Name:Rules for geocode of address

Chinese Name: 地名地址地理编码规则

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-12-14

Date of Implementation:2020-12-14

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Surveying and Mapping>>A75 Surveying and Mapping Comprehensive

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2020-12-01

other information

drafter:Yang Bogang, Li Chengming, Zhang Baogang, Tan Ningsheng, Yin Jie, Zhao Yuanchun, Yang Zhigang, Zhou Xunfei, Zhang Xin, Wu Fei, Xu Liuji, Liu Shaojun, Du Chaoli, Chen Zhen, Shi Shouzhi

Drafting unit:Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing Institute of Surveying and Mapping Design, First Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, Development Research Center of the State Post Bureau, Population Management and Grassroots Work

Focal point unit:National Geographic Information Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 230)

Proposing unit:Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39609-2020. Rules for geocode of address.
1 Scope
GB/T 39609 specifies the composition and coding rules of geocodes for place names and addresses, including the classification and coding process of geocodes for place names and addresses, the standardized description of place names and addresses, the structure and coding rules of zoning geocodes, the structure and coding rules of coordinate geocodes, and the design of address QR codes.
GB/T 39609 is applicable to the coding, database construction, QR code design and service applications related to geocodes for place names and addresses.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 2260 Administrative division code of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 10114 Rules for compiling administrative division codes below the county level
GB/T 18284 Quick response matrix code
GB/T 21049 Han Xin code
GB/T 35639-2017 Address model
ISO/IEC 18004 Information technology- Automatic identification and data capture techniques-QR Code bar code symbology specification
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Structured address information composed of a series of place names that identify and locate the location.
geocode of address
geocode of address and its encoding process.
two-dimensional code for address
A two-dimensional code generated by the place name and address two-dimensional code header, unique identifier, geographic coordinate type geocode and other information according to certain rules.
This standard specifies the composition and encoding rules of place name and address geocode, including the classification and encoding process of place name and address geocode, the standardized description of place name and address, the structure and encoding rules of zoning type geocode, the structure and encoding rules of coordinate type geocode, and the design of address two-dimensional code. This standard applies to the encoding, database construction, two-dimensional code design and service application related to place name and address geocode.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rules for geocode of place names and addresses
address2020-12-14 Issued
State Administration for Market Regulation
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
2020-12-14 Implementation
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Spatial reference
Time expression
Primary and secondary addresses
5 Classification and coding process
Coding process
Standardized description of place name addresses
District-based geographic code structure and coding rules7.1
Code structure
Administrative division code
Street and courtyard code
Building gate code
Unit and room code
Coordinate-based geographic code structure and Coding rules 8
Code structure
Coordinate code
Elevation code
9 Place name and address QR code design
Attribute item setting
QR code generation
Information association
Appendix A (normative appendix)
Place name and address geographic code data model
Appendix B (normative appendix)
Place name and address QR code attribute item setting
Appendix C (informative appendix)
Place name and address QR code example
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Geographic Information Standardization (SAC/TC230). GB/T39609—2020
The main drafting units of this standard are: China Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing Institute of Surveying and Mapping Design, First Research Institute of Ministry of Public Security, Development Research Center of State Post Bureau, Population Management and Grassroots Work Team of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Fengtu Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Yang Bogang, Li Chengming, Zhang Baogang, Tan Ningsheng, Yin Jie, Zhao Yuanchun, Yang Zhigang, Zhou Xunfei, Zhang Xin, Wu Fei, Xu Liuji, Liu Shaojun, Du Chaoli, Chen Zhen, Shi Shouzhi. m
1 Scope
Geographical Coding Rules for Place Names and Addresses
This standard specifies the composition and coding rules of geographic codes for place names and addresses, including the classification and coding process of geographic codes for place names and addresses, the standardized description of place names and addresses, the structure and coding rules of regional geographic codes, the structure and coding rules of coordinate geographic codes, and the design of address QR codes.
This standard applies to the coding, database construction, QR code design and service applications related to geographical codes of place names and addresses. Normative reference documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with dates, only the versions with dates apply to this document. For all referenced documents without dates, the latest versions (including all amendments) apply to this document. GB/T2260 Administrative division code of the People's Republic of China GB/T10114 Rules for compiling administrative division codes below the county level Quick response matrix code
9 Hanxin code
GB/T35639—2017 Address model
ISO/IEC18004 Information technology-Automatic identification and data capture techniques QR Code bar code symbologyspecification
Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Place name address
Structured address information composed of a series of place names that identify and locate the location. 3.2
Geographical coding of place names and addresses
geocode of addressWww.bzxZ.net
Geographical code of place names and addresses, and its encoding process 3.3
Two-dimensional code for place names and addresses
Two-dimensional code for address A two-dimensional code generated according to certain rules by the place name and address two-dimensional code identification header, unique identification code, geographic coordinates and geographic code and other information. 4 General
4.1 Spatial datum
The geodetic datum of place names and addresses should adopt the 2000 National Geodetic Coordinate System, with units of degree, minute and second, and accuracy to one decimal place after the second. The elevation datum of the place name address should adopt the 1985 national elevation datum, with the unit of meter and the accuracy to the integer meter1
Time expression
The time expression related to the place name address should adopt the Gregorian calendar and Beijing time4.3
Primary and auxiliary addresses
When multiple place name addresses refer to the same assignable address object, one of them should be determined as the primary address and the other place name addresses as auxiliary addresses.
Example: When a courtyard, building or household has multiple entrances and exits, the main entrance and exit house number address can be selected as the primary address, and the other house number exit and population addresses can be selected as auxiliary addresses.
5 Classification and Coding Process
5.1 Classification
The geographic codes of place name addresses are divided into two categories: district-based geographic codes and coordinate-based geographic codes: a) The district-based geographic code uses the administrative division code, street and courtyard code, building code, and unit and room code of the place name address for combined coding
b) The coordinate-based geographic code uses the coordinate code and elevation code of the location of the place name address for combined coding. 5.2
Coding Process
The coding process of place name address geographic codes is shown in Figure 1: a)
Collect place name address data;
Standardize the description information of the place name address; c)Standardize the spatial location information of the place name address. Processing: Store the place name and address information in the address database according to the requirements of GB/T35639-2017, and allocate the address unique identification code according to the requirements of d)
Table 1 in GB/T35639-2017; e)
Prepare the zoning-type geographic code according to the rules based on the standardized description information: f
Prepare the coordinate-type geographic code according to the rules based on the standardized spatial location information: Combine the address unique identification code, coordinate-type geographic code and network link information, and generate the place name and address QR code according to the rules: Take the address unique identification code as the primary key, refer to the data model defined in Appendix A, build a database to store the place name and address geographic code data, and establish an association with the address database; h)
Provide place name and address geocoding services to the outside world. i)
Compile regional geographic code
Describe information in a standardized way
Collect name and address data
Store in the local data bed
Standardize location information
Assign address identification code
Compile coordinate geographic code
Build a storage station with reference to the data model
Provide external services
Figure 1 Address geographic code compilation process
6 Standardized description of place name address
Generate place name address code
Place name address should be standardized in accordance with the address data structure specified in Chapter 6 of GB/T35639—2017. 7 Regional geographic code structure and encoding rules 7.1 Code structure
The regional geographic code consists of 29 digits, which are composed of the administrative division code, street and courtyard code, building code and unit code. The first to ninth digits represent the administrative division, the tenth to seventeenth digits represent the street and courtyard code, the eighteenth to twentieth digits represent the building code, and the twenty-first to twenty-ninth digits represent the unit code. The code structure is shown in Figure 2. ×× ×× ×× ×××
Administrative division code
Street and courtyard code
Building gate code
2 Zoning geographic code structure
×× ×x× ××××
Unit and room code
2 Administrative division code
The administrative division code consists of 9 digits, consisting of province, city, county, and township codes. The first to sixth digits represent the administrative division code above the county level (including the county level), and the coding should comply with the provisions of GB/T2260; the seventh to ninth digits represent the administrative division code below the county level (excluding the county level), and the coding should comply with the provisions of GB/T2260 and GB/T10114. The code structure is shown in Figure 3. ××
7.3 Street, alley and courtyard code
7.3.1 Code structure
Figure 3 Administrative division code structure
The street, alley and courtyard code is 8 digits in total, indicating the street, alley/district name in 6.3.2 and the courtyard gate in 6.3.3 of GB/T35639-2017. The first to fifth digits indicate the sequence number of the street, alley and courtyard in the lowest level administrative area to which it belongs. The sixth to ninth digits indicate the nested secondary street, alley and courtyard code, which is indicated by its sequence number in the superior street, alley and courtyard area. When there is no nested street, alley and courtyard, this part is indicated by "000". Its structure is shown in Figure 4.
Street and courtyard code
Embedded street and courtyard code
Figure 4 Street and courtyard code structure
7.3.2 Coding rules
Street and courtyard codes should be uniquely coded according to the rules in the lowest level administrative district or the superior street and courtyard area to which they belong. 7.3.3 Mapping relationship
In areas where place name and address databases have been established, street and courtyard codes should establish a mapping relationship with street and courtyard data in the local place name and address database.
In areas where conditions are met, street and courtyard codes should establish a mapping relationship with street and courtyard house numbers of local management departments. 7.4 Building gate code
7.4.1 Code structure
The building gate code is 3 digits in total, indicating the building address information in 6.3.3 of GB/T35639-2017. It is the sequential numbering of the building gate number within the street, alley or courtyard to which it belongs. When there is no building gate information in the place name address, it is represented by "000\". Its structure is shown in Figure 5, Xxx
Building gate code
Figure 5 Building gate code structure
7.4.2 Coding rules
The building gate code should be within the street, alley or courtyard area to which it belongs. Uniquely encode according to the rules 4
7.4.3 Mapping relationship
In areas where a place name and address database has been established, the building gate code should be mapped with the building gate data in the local place name and address database.
In areas where conditions permit, the building gate code should be mapped with the building gate number of the local management department. 7.5 Unit room code
7.5.1 Code structure
The unit room code is 9 digits in total, with the unit sequence number occupying the first to second digits. Buildings without unit divisions are represented by "00"; the 3rd to 5th digits represent the floor sequence number; the 6th to 9th digits represent the household sequence number, that is, the sequence number within the unit floor to which it belongs. Its structure is shown in Figure 6xx
Unit sequence number
7.5.2 Coding rules
Floor sequence number
Figure 6 Unit household code structure
Household sequence number
Unit number, floor number, household number should be uniquely arranged in accordance with the rules within the building, unit, and floor to which it belongs. 7.5.3 Mapping relationship
Has been In areas where a place name and address database is established, the unit and room code should be mapped to the unit and room data in the local place name and address database. In areas where conditions are met, the unit and room code should be mapped to the unit and room number of the local management department. 8
Coordinate-type geographic code structure and coding rules 8.1
Code structure
Coordinate-type geographic code has a total of 20 digits, of which the 1st to 15th digits represent the coordinate code, and the 16th to 20th digits represent the elevation code. The structure is shown in Figure 7.
xx×xx××× ××x×xxx
Coordinate code
Elevation code
Figure 7 Coordinate-type geographic code structure
8.2 Coordinate code
Coordinate code, a total of 15 digits, the first to the eighth digits are longitude coordinate codes, all of which are east longitude in my country, expressed in longitude values, accurate to one decimal place after the second; the ninth to the fifteenth digits represent latitude coordinate codes, all of which are north latitude in my country, directly expressed in latitude values, accurate to one decimal place after the second, and its structure is shown in Figure 8. ||tt| |GB/T39609—2020
Longitude coordinate code
Latitude coordinate code
Coordinate code structure
Example: The coordinates of a place name address are 116°58°40.2\ east longitude and 390301.5\ north latitude. Its coordinate code is 116584023903015.8.3
Elevation code
The elevation code is 5 digits in total, and its structure is shown in Figure 9. ×x×xx
Elevation code
Elevation code structure
The elevation code of the place name address should be calculated using formula (1). C=[E]+10000
C—elevation code;
E-—elevation value of the location of the place name address; the unit and accuracy are both meters (m); gate—rounding operation;
When the elevation value is not provided, ECODE is "00000". Example: The elevation value of the location of a place name address is 250.38m, and its elevation code is 10250.9 Place name address QR code design
Attribute item setting
The place name address QR code attribute item setting should comply with the requirements of Appendix B. QR code generation
The QR code for place names and addresses should adopt the QR code (GB/T18284), Hanxin code (GB/T21049) or QR code (ISO/IEC18004) and other QR codes. The content is composed of the attribute data items in Appendix B. The data items should be separated by "\||" as the standard separator. For examples, see Appendix C.
3 Information association
The QR code for place names and addresses establishes a one-to-one association with the coded address (Table A.1) and the place name and address geographic code (Table A.2) through the address unique identification code, and establishes a one-to-many association with the auxiliary address (Table A.3). 6
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Place name and address geographic code data model
A.1 Composition of the place name and address geographic code data model B/T39609—2020
The data model of geocodes for place names and addresses consists of GeocodedAddress (coded address class), SupplementaryAddress (auxiliary address class) and GeocodesOfAddress (geocodes for place names and addresses class), see Figure A.1. GeocodedAddress refers to the main address data object containing the geocodes for place names and addresses, and SupplementaryAddress refers to the auxiliary address object, both of which are inherited from the Address class in GB/T356392017. GeocodesOfAddress refers to the geocodes for place names and addresses.
Geographic code data model for place names and addresses
(GB:T 30639—2017)
+descripluon.CharacterStringll..J+colltonlhine:Dare Fume/0..!+utl ChuraclerString[0..1]
+rcgionalGcocode:CharacterSing[1..1]+courlinalGwde:CharterSiring[I 1]+2[C.ode:Binaryl1.11
Place name address geographic code data model
Coded address class
The attribute definition of the coded address class (GeocodedAddress) is shown in Table A.1. GB/T39609—2020
Attribute name
GeocodedAddress attribute required/
Unique identification code of the place name address, inherited from
From the id attribute of the address
class in GB/T35639—2017
The complete description of the place name address, inherited from
The address class in GB/T35639—2017
addressValue attribute
geographic code of the place name address
data collection time, inherited from
collectionTime of the address data quality type in GB/T35639-2017
network access link for the information related to the coded place name address
Supplementary address collection
Note: M-required; 0
optional; N—multiple occurrences
Supplementary address class
maximum occurrence
The attribute definition of the supplementary address class (SupplementaryAddress) is shown in Table A.2. Table A.2
Attribute name
See GB/T35639—2017
See GB/T35639—2017
SupplementaryAddress class (SupplementaryAddress) Attribute Required/
The unique identification code of the place name address, inherited
from the id attribute of the Address
class in GB/T35639—2017
Primary Address
Note: M is required; 0 is optional.
A.4 Place name and address geocode class
Maximum occurrence
The attribute definition of the place name and address code class (GeocodesOfAddress) is shown in Table A.3. 8
See GB/T35639-2017
Attribute name
Place name and address geocode class (GeocodesOfAddress) Attribute Required/
Coded place name and address object
Region-type geocode
Coordinate-type geocode
Place name and address QR code
Note: M is a required item: 0 is an optional item.
Maximum occurrence
Region-based geographic code as defined in Chapter 7Coordinate-based geographic code as defined in Chapter 8QR code generated according to the rules defined in Chapter 9
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