title>GB 3107.1-1991 General technical requirements for shipboard pyrotechnic signals - GB 3107.1-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 3107.1-1991 General technical requirements for shipboard pyrotechnic signals

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 3107.1-1991

Standard Name: General technical requirements for shipboard pyrotechnic signals

Chinese Name: 船用烟火信号通用技术条件

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-05-22

Date of Implementation:1992-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Shipbuilding and offshore structures >> 47.080 Small vessels

Standard Classification Number:Ship>>Outfitting Equipment>>U27 Lifesaving Equipment

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced GB 3107.1-1982; replaced by GB 4543-2008

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

other information

Release date:1982-05-22

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Institute of Standards and Metrology, Ministry of Transport

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Ship Outfitting Standardization

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:China State Shipbuilding Corporation

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the general technical conditions such as technical requirements, test methods, and inspection rules for shipboard pyrotechnic signals. This standard applies to pyrotechnic signals used by ships, lifeboats, life rafts, lifebuoys, and marine rescue stations to guide safe landings and offshore platforms in distress and need rescue. It meets the provisions of the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea and its 1983 amendments adopted by the International Maritime Organization and the relevant provisions of the 1972 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. GB 3107.1-1991 General Technical Requirements for Shipboard Pyrotechnic Signals GB3107.1-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
General specifications of pyrotechnicdistress signals for ships
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the general technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and other general technical conditions for pyrotechnic signals for ships. GB 3107.1--91
Replaces GB3107.1--82
This standard applies to pyrotechnic signals used by ships, lifeboats, lifeboats, lifebuoys and marine rescue stations to guide safe landing and for rescue of offshore platforms in distress. It meets the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 and its 1983 Amendment adopted by the International Maritime Organization and the relevant provisions of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972. 2 Reference standards
Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test A: Low temperature test method GB 2423.1
GB2423.2Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test B: High temperature test method GB2423.3Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Ca: Steady state damp heat test method GB2423.17Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Ka: Salt spray test method GB2423.22Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test N: Temperature change test method GB3028 Technical conditions for marine electrical signal lights
3 Terms
3.1 Pyrotechnics signal
pyrotechnics signal
Pyrotechnics signal refers to the chemical and physical phenomena of sound, flame or smoke emitted when a chemical mixture such as gunpowder is ignited as a general term for communication signals for identification. 3.2 Explosive type
Acoustic type refers to the reaction type in which a chemical mixture emits a sound after being ignited. 3.3 Flare type
Flame type refers to the reaction type in which a chemical mixture burns with flames and emits light and flames after being ignited. 3.4 Smoke type
Smoke type refers to the reaction type in which a chemical mixture burns without flames and emits smoke after being ignited. 4 Technical requirements
4.1 Various pyrotechnic signals shall be manufactured in accordance with the product standards and the drawings and technical documents approved by the national ship inspection department. 4.2 The ignition device of marine pyrotechnic signal products shall be safe and reliable, easy to operate, and can be pulled or fired. The ignition device shall be assembled into a whole with the signal housing and be in the ignition standby state at any time. The ignition time for the pull-fire shall not be less than 2s. 4.3 The appearance of marine pyrotechnic signals shall be able to identify its ignition end and emission end regardless of day or night. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on May 22, 1991, 510
Not reduced to make a net
Also exempted
Implementation on March 1, 1992
GB 3107.1-91
4.4 Marine pyrotechnic signal products must have a certain degree of water resistance. When immersed horizontally in 1m deep water, they should work effectively after 24 hours.
4.5 When the marine pyrotechnic signal products are pulled or fired, the force is not greater than 2.5~3.5N. 4.6 After being loaded on board, the marine pyrotechnic signal products should be stored in an ambient temperature range of -30~+65℃ without damage and can be used normally in any sea conditions; when the floating smoke signal is used, if it is immersed in seawater, it should be able to be used in a seawater temperature range of -1~+30℃. 4.7 The material of the sound type marine pyrotechnic signal should be non-metallic material that does not hurt people. 4.8 Marine pyrotechnic signal products shall not ignite or explode when freely dropped from a height of 2m onto a steel plate, and shall function effectively when released.
4.9 Marine pyrotechnic signal products shall be valid for three years from the date of manufacture, in accordance with the storage conditions specified in Article 7.4 or the storage conditions after loading on board. 5 Test methods
5.1 Temperature change test
5.1.1 Test conditions
Place the sample in a +65℃ high temperature test chamber (room), and take it out after continuous testing for 8h on the same day. Place it at room temperature for the second b.||t ... 5.2 Steady heat test
5.2.1 Test conditions
Test temperature: +65℃; relative humidity: 90%; test time 96h, followed by another 10 days at 20~25℃ and 65% relative humidity, and then effectively function.
5.2.2 Test method
After the test is carried out according to GB2423.3, it should be effectively functioned. 5.3 Salt spray test
5.3.1 Test conditions
Test temperature: +35±3℃; 20% NaCl solution; test time 100h. 5.3.2 Test method
After the test is carried out according to GB2423.17, it should be effectively functioned. 5.4 Low temperature test
5.4.1 Test conditions
Test temperature: -30℃; duration: 48h. 5.4.2 Test method
After the test is carried out according to GB2423.1, it should work effectively. 5.5 High temperature test
5.5.1 Test conditions
Test temperature: +65℃; Duration: 48h5.5.2 Test method
After the test is carried out according to GB2423.2, it should work effectively. 5.6 Water resistance test
5.6.1 Test conditions
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GB 3107.1-91
Product sample immersion depth: 1m; immersion time: 24h. Product sample immersion depth in water in the ready-to-go state: 10cm; immersion time: 5min. 5.6.2 Test method
Place the product sample horizontally in a 1m deep water tank or pool, and release it after 24 hours, and place it horizontally in a 10cm deep water tank or pool in the ready state, and release it after 5 minutes. Both should work effectively. 5.7 Drop test
5.7.1 Drop the product sample from a height of 2m alternately in the end direction and horizontal direction once each. Drop it onto a 6mm thick steel plate embedded in the cement floor. It is still in a safe state after the test and should work effectively when released. 5.7.2 Drop effect test of orange smoke signal, self-igniting floating light and combined signal for lifebuoy. First, drop 3 products from a height of 30m on the water surface, and then attach the products to the lifebuoy respectively, simulating the installation state on the ship and dropping from a height of 30m on the water surface. All of them work effectively.
5.8 Water immersion test during burning
5.8.1 Hand-held flame signal
After the flame signal is triggered and burned for 30 seconds, the transmitting end is immersed in the water to a depth of 100mm. The flame does not stop within 10 seconds and it can continue to burn for at least 20 seconds after being taken out.
5.8.2 Smoke signal
Orange smoke signal for ships: after the smoke is triggered for 1 minute, the transmitting end is immersed in the water to a depth of 25mm. After 10 seconds, it should continue to smoke. After surfacing, it should continue to smoke for 3 minutes. b. Orange smoke signal for lifebuoy: after the smoke is triggered for 7 minutes, the transmitting end is immersed in the water to a depth of 25mm. After 10 seconds, it should continue to smoke. After surfacing, it should continue to smoke for 15 minutes. c. In water covered with a 2mm thick layer of heptane, the smoke signal should be able to work without burning the heptane. 5.9 Measurement of Luminous Intensity
5.9.1 Flame Type
The light intensity of flame type fireworks signals shall be measured in a laboratory under the conditions of simulating a black body and a wind speed of 5m/s, using an ST type or equivalent illuminometer. The average value of the readings of not less than 5 times shall be calculated according to the following formula: IA·S2
Where: 1——luminous intensity of the light source, cd; A is the reading of the light source perpendicular to the illuminometer, lx; s—the distance between the light source and the illuminometer, m.
5.9.2 Lighting type
a. Take two floating lamps that have undergone high and low temperature cycle tests, place one in water at a constant temperature of -1°C and the other in water at a constant temperature of 30±2°C, soak them for 1 hour respectively, take them out and measure their light intensity immediately. Then immerse the lamp in water at a depth of 1m for 1 minute. The floating lamp shall not be extinguished. After floating on the water surface, it shall continue to emit light for 1 hour, and its light intensity shall be at least 2cd. b. The light intensity of floating lamps shall be measured in a laboratory simulating a black body using an illuminometer with an accuracy of 1/100. Fix the floating lamp on a workbench with two axial and mutually perpendicular turntables, place the illuminometer 1m away from the floating lamp, align it with the light emission center of the floating lamp, rotate the flat workbench from 0~90°, measure the readings for no less than 5 times within 2h of working time, take the average value, and calculate the light intensity. If the light is of constant brightness type, the formula (1) is used to calculate it; if the floating light is of flashing type, the frequency shall be not less than 50 times per minute, and it shall flash at least with the corresponding effective luminous intensity, and the effective luminous intensity can be calculated according to the formula (2):
10. 2 + (2) J,
wherein: ——instantaneous intensity;
-Blondel Rey constant;
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. (2)
ti, t2—integral time limit, measured in seconds.
5.10 Audible distance test of audible pyrotechnic signals GB 3107. 1--91
Fix the audible signal at an explosion point in an open space, set up a sound level meter at a radius of 1m from the explosion center, adjust its frequency to the 1/3 octave band within the range of (180~700Hz)±10%, and the sound pressure level measured when the sample is released should be 143~160dB. 5.11 Chromaticity measurement
Chromaticity measurement can be evaluated by visual comparison. In the sun or in the laboratory, use the standard color spectrum 2300K incandescent light to visually observe its color and compare its color with the standard sample. Or refer to the test method in GB3028. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 The manufacturing inspection of marine pyrotechnic signal products is batch sampling. Before obtaining the product type approval certificate from the ship inspection department, the quantity of each batch of products shall not exceed 240. After obtaining the product approval certificate, the quantity of each batch of products shall not exceed 480, and the number of random inspections for each batch shall be 3. All products leaving the factory shall have a "marine product inspection certificate". 6.2 The factory inspection of products shall be carried out by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer, and random inspections shall be carried out batch by batch according to the specified inspection items and test methods. Those that meet the requirements shall be reported to the Ship Inspection Bureau for inspection.
Samples for factory inspection shall be taken from each batch of products. If any of the appearance, size and quality do not meet the requirements during the factory inspection, double sampling shall be conducted to inspect the unqualified items. If they still do not meet the requirements, the batch of products shall be returned for repair. If any of the performance does not meet the requirements during the factory inspection, the batch of products shall be returned for repair. Products that have been repaired may be submitted for factory re-inspection. Double samples shall be taken for re-inspection and the re-inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the factory inspection. If they still do not meet the requirements, the batch of products shall be scrapped. 6.3 The product type inspection shall be carried out by the manufacturer and the ship inspection department in accordance with the order specified in the product type inspection and the items and test methods specified in the following table. The inspection shall be carried out at the time of product finalization or in the first batch of products each year, and the number of inspections shall not be less than 3. No.
Inspection items
Temperature change test
Steady-state damp heat test
Salt spray test
Low temperature test
High temperature test
Water resistance test
Drop test
No water test during combustion
Luminous intensity test
Chroma test
Audible distance of sound signal
Appearance inspection
Test method
After the test, the product is effectively released and meets the acceptance standards. It meets the basic parameter requirements of the product
Meets the acceptance standards
Meets the acceptance standards
Meets the requirements of the drawings approved by the ship inspection department
Type test should be carried out when the structure, process or material of the product is changed, or when production is resumed after one year of suspension, or when production is transferred to another factory. 6.4 The validity period of the product shall be assessed after obtaining the product type approval certificate. Three samples (pieces) shall be retained from each batch of products that have passed the factory inspection and stored in accordance with the storage conditions specified in this standard. After three years, the release test shall be carried out. If the structure, process or material of the product is changed, the validity period shall be re-assessed when the production is resumed after one year of suspension or when the production is transferred to another factory. 513
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7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Product marking
GB 3107.1-91
7.1.1 The outer surface of the shell of each pyrotechnic signal product shall have the following Chinese phonetic and English markings: product name and national label;
purpose and basic parameters;
illustration and instructions for use;
name and trademark of the manufacturer;
year of manufacture, batch number and validity period;
mark of the ship inspection department, approval number or product certificate number. 7.1.2 Each finished product packaging container specified in Article 7.2.2 of this standard shall have the following Chinese Pinyin and English signs: a.
Product name and national standard number;
The number of products in the container;
Manufacturer name and inspection number;
Manufacture year, batch number and validity period;
Mark, approval number or product certificate number of the ship inspection department. 7.1.3 Each transport packaging container specified in Article 7.2.2 shall have the following Chinese Pinyin and English signs: a.
Product variety, quantity and total weight;
Container dimensions (length × width × height);
Manufacturer name and address;
“Fire and explosion prevention”, “Moisture and glaze prevention”, “Handle with care” and signs and diagrams; Name of the port and station.
7.1.4 The logo should be durable and clear, the handwriting should be neat and clear, and the diagram should be concise and expressive. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The finished product packaging of fireworks signal products shall comply with the following provisions: Each fireworks signal shall be packaged in a sealed transparent plastic bag; a.
The finished product packaging container shall be made of waterproof hard plastic or metal materials; c.
Products of the same variety and batch number shall have one finished product packaging container in multiples of 2; or one finished product packaging container can be formed according to the variety and quantity of the signals to be equipped on ships, lifeboats or lifeboats; d.
There shall be a reduction measure between each product in the finished product packaging container. The transport packaging of pyrotechnic signal products shall comply with the following provisions: 7.2.2
The design of the transport packaging container shall comply with the requirements of transport safety, reliable protection, wood conservation, product characteristics and the provisions of the transportation department; a.
The transport packaging container shall contain products of the same variety, and the quantity shall be a multiple of 2, such as 60, 72 or 120; b.
The transport packaging container may be made of non-metallic materials: d. If the transport packaging container contains products of different varieties, the variety and quantity shall be listed one by one. 7.3 Transportation
7.3.1 If the transport packaging container complies with 7.2 and the provisions of the transportation department, it shall be safe to transport the products of this standard by car, ship or airplane.
7.3.2 Both the transport packaging container and the finished product packaging container are made of non-metallic materials. If they comply with the provisions of the transportation department, it shall be safe to transport the products of this standard by car, ship or airplane. 7.4 Storage
7.4.1 Products packaged in accordance with the provisions of 7.2 should be properly stored in a warehouse with an ambient temperature of -10 to +40℃ and a relative humidity of no more than 80% before being assembled on board lifeboats and rescue boats.
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GB 3107.1-91
7.4.2 Products packaged in accordance with the provisions of 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 should be properly stored in appropriate places on board ships or lifeboats and rescue boats after loading, with an ambient temperature of -30 to +65℃.
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Lifesaving Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Marine Ships. This standard was drafted by the Standard Metrology Institute of the Ministry of Communications and Nanjiang Machinery Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Ning Guizhen, Li Linfeng, Liu Huiru, Li Jushun and Deng Senru. This standard was first issued in 1982 and revised in September 1990. 515
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In the formula: —— instantaneous intensity;
-Blondel Rey constant;
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. (2)
ti, t2-integral time limit, measured in seconds.
5.10 Test of audible distance of audible fireworks signal GB 3107. 1--91
Fix the sound signal at an explosion point in an open space, set up a sound level meter at a radius of 1m from the explosion center, adjust its frequency to the 1/3 octave band within the range of (180~700Hz)±10%, and the sound pressure level measured when the sample is released should be 143~160dB. 5.11 Chromaticity measurement
Chromaticity measurement can be evaluated by visual comparison with human eyes. In the sun or in the laboratory, use the standard color spectrum 2300K incandescent light to visually observe its color and compare its color with the standard sample. Or refer to the test method in GB3028. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 The manufacturing inspection of marine pyrotechnic signal products is batch sampling. Before obtaining the product type approval certificate from the ship inspection department, the number of each batch of products shall not exceed 240. After obtaining the product approval certificate, the number of each batch of products shall not exceed 480, and the number of sampling for each batch is 3. All products leaving the factory should have a "marine product inspection certificate". 6.2 The factory inspection of products shall be carried out by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer, batch by batch according to the specified inspection items and test methods, and those that meet the requirements shall be reported to the Ship Inspection Bureau for inspection.
The samples for factory inspection shall be taken from each batch of products. If any of the appearance, size and quality do not meet the requirements during the factory inspection, double sampling shall be conducted to inspect the unqualified items. If they still do not meet the requirements, the batch of products shall be returned for repair. If any of the performance does not meet the requirements during the factory inspection, the products shall be returned for repair. After the repair, the product can be submitted for factory re-inspection. Double samples should be taken for re-inspection and the inspection should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of factory inspection. If it still does not meet the requirements, the batch of products should be scrapped. 6.3 The type inspection of the product shall be carried out by the manufacturer and the ship inspection department in accordance with the order of product type inspection and the items and test methods specified in the following table every year. The inspection shall be carried out when the product is finalized or in the first batch of products each year, and the number of samples to be inspected shall not be less than 3. No.
Inspection items
Temperature change test
Steady-state damp heat test
Salt spray test
Low temperature test
High temperature test
Water resistance test
Drop test
No water test during combustion
Luminous intensity test
Chroma test
Audible distance of sound signal
Appearance inspection
Test method
After the test, the product is effectively released and meets the acceptance standards. It meets the basic parameter requirements of the product
Meets the acceptance standards
Meets the acceptance standards
Meets the requirements of the drawings approved by the ship inspection department
Type test should be carried out when the structure, process or material of the product is changed, or when production is resumed after one year of suspension, or when production is transferred to another factory. 6.4 The validity period of the product shall be assessed after obtaining the product type approval certificate. Three samples (pieces) shall be retained from each batch of products that have passed the factory inspection and stored in accordance with the storage conditions specified in this standard. After three years, the release test shall be carried out. If the structure, process or material of the product is changed, the validity period shall be re-assessed when the production is resumed after one year of suspension or when the production is transferred to another factory. 513
Standard Search Network
7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Product marking
GB 3107.1-91
7.1.1 The outer surface of the shell of each pyrotechnic signal product shall have the following Chinese phonetic and English markings: product name and national label;
purpose and basic parameters;
illustration and instructions for use;
name and trademark of the manufacturer;
year of manufacture, batch number and validity period;
mark of the ship inspection department, approval number or product certificate number. 7.1.2 Each finished product packaging container specified in Article 7.2.2 of this standard shall have the following Chinese Pinyin and English signs: a.
Product name and national standard number;
The number of products in the container;
Manufacturer name and inspection number;
Manufacture year, batch number and validity period;
Mark, approval number or product certificate number of the ship inspection department. 7.1.3 Each transport packaging container specified in Article 7.2.2 shall have the following Chinese Pinyin and English signs: a.
Product variety, quantity and total weight;
Container dimensions (length × width × height);
Manufacturer name and address;
“Fire and explosion prevention”, “Moisture and glaze prevention”, “Handle with care” and signs and diagrams; Name of the port and station.
7.1.4 The logo should be durable and clear, the handwriting should be neat and clear, and the diagram should be concise and expressive. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The finished product packaging of fireworks signal products shall comply with the following provisions: Each fireworks signal shall be packaged in a sealed transparent plastic bag; a.
The finished product packaging container shall be made of waterproof hard plastic or metal materials; c.
Products of the same variety and batch number shall have one finished product packaging container in multiples of 2; or one finished product packaging container can be formed according to the variety and quantity of the signals to be equipped on ships, lifeboats or lifeboats; d.
There shall be a reduction measure between each product in the finished product packaging container. The transport packaging of pyrotechnic signal products shall comply with the following provisions: 7.2.2
The design of the transport packaging container shall comply with the requirements of transport safety, reliable protection, wood conservation, product characteristics and the provisions of the transportation department; a.
The transport packaging container shall contain products of the same variety, and the quantity shall be a multiple of 2, such as 60, 72 or 120; b.
The transport packaging container may be made of non-metallic materials: d. If the transport packaging container contains products of different varieties, the variety and quantity shall be listed one by one. 7.3 Transportation
7.3.1 If the transport packaging container complies with 7.2 and the provisions of the transportation department, it shall be safe to transport the products of this standard by car, ship or airplane.
7.3.2 Both the transport packaging container and the finished product packaging container are made of non-metallic materials. If they comply with the provisions of the transportation department, it shall be safe to transport the products of this standard by car, ship or airplane. 7.4 Storage
7.4.1 Products packaged in accordance with the provisions of 7.2 should be properly stored in a warehouse with an ambient temperature of -10 to +40℃ and a relative humidity of no more than 80% before being assembled on board lifeboats and rescue boats.
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GB 3107.1-91
7.4.2 Products packaged in accordance with the provisions of 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 should be properly stored in appropriate places on board ships or lifeboats and rescue boats after loading, with an ambient temperature of -30 to +65℃.
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Lifesaving Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Marine Ships. This standard was drafted by the Standard Metrology Institute of the Ministry of Communications and Nanjiang Machinery Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Ning Guizhen, Li Linfeng, Liu Huiru, Li Jushun and Deng Senru. This standard was first issued in 1982 and revised in September 1990. 515
Marking degree thin network AW.bo
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In the formula: —— instantaneous intensity;
-Blondel Rey constant;
Note industry meters free sale
. (2)
ti, t2-integral time limit, measured in seconds.
5.10 Test of audible distance of audible fireworks signal GB 3107. 1--91
Fix the sound signal at an explosion point in an open space, set up a sound level meter at a radius of 1m from the explosion center, adjust its frequency to the 1/3 octave band within the range of (180~700Hz)±10%, and the sound pressure level measured when the sample is released should be 143~160dB. 5.11 Chromaticity measurement
Chromaticity measurement can be evaluated by visual comparison with human eyes. In the sun or in the laboratory, use the standard color spectrum 2300K incandescent light to visually observe its color and compare its color with the standard sample. Or refer to the test method in GB3028. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 The manufacturing inspection of marine pyrotechnic signal products is batch sampling. Before obtaining the product type approval certificate from the ship inspection department, the number of each batch of products shall not exceed 240. After obtaining the product approval certificate, the number of each batch of products shall not exceed 480, and the number of sampling for each batch is 3. All products leaving the factory should have a "marine product inspection certificate". 6.2 The factory inspection of products shall be carried out by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer, batch by batch according to the specified inspection items and test methods, and those that meet the requirements shall be reported to the Ship Inspection Bureau for inspection.
The samples for factory inspection shall be taken from each batch of products. If any of the appearance, size and quality do not meet the requirements during the factory inspection, double sampling shall be conducted to inspect the unqualified items. If they still do not meet the requirements, the batch of products shall be returned for repair. If any of the performance does not meet the requirements during the factory inspection, the products shall be returned for repair. After the repair, the product can be submitted for factory re-inspection. Double samples should be taken for re-inspection and the inspection should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of factory inspection. If it still does not meet the requirements, the batch of products should be scrapped. 6.3 The type inspection of the product shall be carried out by the manufacturer and the ship inspection department in accordance with the order of product type inspection and the items and test methods specified in the following table every year. The inspection shall be carried out when the product is finalized or in the first batch of products each year, and the number of samples to be inspected shall not be less than 3. No.
Inspection items
Temperature change test
Steady-state damp heat test
Salt spray test
Low temperature test
High temperature test
Water resistance test
Drop test
No water test during combustion
Luminous intensity test
Chroma test
Audible distance of sound signal
Appearance inspection
Test method
After the test, the product is effectively released and meets the acceptance standards. It meets the basic parameter requirements of the product
Meets the acceptance standards
Meets the acceptance standards
Meets the requirements of the drawings approved by the ship inspection department
Type test should be carried out when the structure, process or material of the product is changed, or when production is resumed after one year of suspension, or when production is transferred to another factory. 6.4 The validity period of the product shall be assessed after obtaining the product type approval certificate. Three samples (pieces) shall be retained from each batch of products that have passed the factory inspection and stored in accordance with the storage conditions specified in this standard. After three years, the release test shall be carried out. If the structure, process or material of the product is changed, the validity period shall be re-assessed when the production is resumed after one year of suspension or when the production is transferred to another factory. 513
Standard Search Network
7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Product marking
GB 3107.1-91
7.1.1 The outer surface of the shell of each pyrotechnic signal product shall have the following Chinese phonetic and English markings: product name and national label;
purpose and basic parameters;
illustration and instructions for use;
name and trademark of the manufacturer;
year of manufacture, batch number and validity period;
mark of the ship inspection department, approval number or product certificate number. 7.1.2 Each finished product packaging container specified in Article 7.2.2 of this standard shall have the following Chinese Pinyin and English signs: a.
Product name and national standard number;
The number of products in the container;
Manufacturer name and inspection number;
Manufacture year, batch number and validity period;
Mark, approval number or product certificate number of the ship inspection department. 7.1.3 Each transport packaging container specified in Article 7.2.2 shall have the following Chinese Pinyin and English signs: a.
Product variety, quantity and total weight;
Container dimensions (length × width × height);
Manufacturer name and address;
“Fire and explosion prevention”, “Moisture and glaze prevention”, “Handle with care” and signs and diagrams; Name of the port and station.
7.1.4 The logo should be durable and clear, the handwriting should be neat and clear, and the diagram should be concise and expressive. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The finished product packaging of fireworks signal products shall comply with the following provisions: Each fireworks signal shall be packaged in a sealed transparent plastic bag; a.
The finished product packaging container shall be made of waterproof hard plastic or metal materials; c.
Products of the same variety and batch number shall have one finished product packaging container in multiples of 2; or one finished product packaging container can be formed according to the variety and quantity of the signals to be equipped on ships, lifeboats or lifeboats; d.
There shall be a reduction measure between each product in the finished product packaging container. The transport packaging of pyrotechnic signal products shall comply with the following provisions: 7.2.2
The design of the transport packaging container shall comply with the requirements of transport safety, reliable protection, wood conservation, product characteristics and the provisions of the transportation department; a.
The transport packaging container shall contain products of the same variety, and the quantity shall be a multiple of 2, such as 60, 72 or 120; b.
The transport packaging container may be made of non-metallic materials: d. If the transport packaging container contains products of different varieties, the variety and quantity shall be listed one by one. 7.3 Transportation
7.3.1 If the transport packaging container complies with 7.2 and the provisions of the transportation department, it shall be safe to transport the products of this standard by car, ship or airplane.
7.3.2 Both the transport packaging container and the finished product packaging container are made of non-metallic materials. If they comply with the provisions of the transportation department, it shall be safe to transport the products of this standard by car, ship or airplane. 7.4 Storage
7.4.1 Products packaged in accordance with the provisions of 7.2 should be properly stored in a warehouse with an ambient temperature of -10 to +40℃ and a relative humidity of no more than 80% before being assembled on board lifeboats and rescue boats.
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GB 3107.1-91
7.4.2 Products packaged in accordance with the provisions of 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 should be properly stored in appropriate places on board ships or lifeboats and rescue boats after loading, with an ambient temperature of -30 to +65℃.
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Lifesaving Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Marine Ships. This standard was drafted by the Standard Metrology Institute of the Ministry of Communications and Nanjiang Machinery Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Ning Guizhen, Li Linfeng, Liu Huiru, Li Jushun and Deng Senru. This standard was first issued in 1982 and revised in September 1990. 515
Marking degree thin network AW.bo
All kinds of marking industry materials free download2 The factory inspection of products shall be conducted by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer, and the products that meet the requirements shall be reported to the Ship Inspection Bureau.
The samples for factory inspection shall be taken from each batch of products. If any of the appearance, size and quality do not meet the requirements during the factory inspection, double sampling shall be conducted to inspect the unqualified items. If they still do not meet the requirements, the whole batch of products shall be returned for repair. If any of the performance does not meet the requirements during the factory inspection, the whole batch of products shall be returned for repair. The products that have been repaired may be submitted for factory re-inspection. Double sampling shall be conducted for re-inspection, and the inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of factory inspection. If they still do not meet the requirements, the batch of products shall be scrapped. 6.3 The type inspection of products shall be conducted by the manufacturer and the ship inspection department in the order of product type inspection and the items and test methods specified in the following table every year. The sampling shall be conducted when the product is finalized or in the first batch of products each year, and the number of sampling shall not be less than 3. No.
Inspection items
Temperature change test
Steady-state damp heat test
Salt spray test
Low temperature test
High temperature test
Water resistance test
Drop test
No water test during combustion
Luminous intensity test
Chroma test
Audible distance of sound signal
Appearance inspection
Test method
After the test, the product is effectively released and meets the acceptance standards. It meets the basic parameter requirements of the product
Meets the acceptance standards
Meets the acceptance standards
Meets the requirements of the drawings approved by the ship inspection department
Type test should be carried out when the structure, process or material of the product is changed, or when production is resumed after one year of suspension, or when production is transferred to another factory. 6.4 The validity period of the product shall be assessed after obtaining the product type approval certificate. Three samples (pieces) shall be retained from each batch of products that have passed the factory inspection and stored in accordance with the storage conditions specified in this standard. After three years, the release test shall be carried out. If the structure, process or material of the product is changed, the validity period shall be re-assessed when the production is resumed after one year of suspension or when the production is transferred to another factory. 513
Standard Search Network
7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Product marking
GB 3107.1-91
7.1.1 The outer surface of the shell of each pyrotechnic signal product shall have the following Chinese phonetic and English markings: product name and national label;
purpose and basic parameters;
illustration and instructions for use;
name and trademark of the manufacturer;
year of manufacture, batch number and validity period;
mark of the ship inspection department, approval number or product certificate number. 7.1.2 Each finished product packaging container specified in Article 7.2.2 of this standard shall have the following Chinese Pinyin and English signs: a.
Product name and national standard number;
The number of products in the container;
Manufacturer name and inspection number;
Manufacture year, batch number and validity period;
Mark, approval number or product certificate number of the ship inspection department. 7.1.3 Each transport packaging container specified in Article 7.2.2 shall have the following Chinese Pinyin and English signs: a.
Product variety, quantity and total weight;
Container dimensions (length × width × height);
Manufacturer name and address;
“Fire and explosion prevention”, “Moisture and glaze prevention”, “Handle with care” and signs and diagrams; Name of the port and station.
7.1.4 The logo should be durable and clear, the handwriting should be neat and clear, and the diagram should be concise and expressive. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The finished product packaging of fireworks signal products shall comply with the following provisions: Each fireworks signal shall be packaged in a sealed transparent plastic bag; a.
The finished product packaging container shall be made of waterproof hard plastic or metal materials; c.
Products of the same variety and batch number shall have one finished product packaging container in multiples of 2; or one finished product packaging container can be formed according to the variety and quantity of the signals to be equipped on ships, lifeboats or lifeboats; d.
There shall be a reduction measure between each product in the finished product packaging container. The transport packaging of pyrotechnic signal products shall comply with the following provisions: 7.2.2
The design of the transport packaging container shall comply with the requirements of transport safety, reliable protection, wood conservation, product characteristics and the provisions of the transportation department; a.
The transport packaging container shall contain products of the same variety, and the quantity shall be a multiple of 2, such as 60, 72 or 120; b.
The transport packaging container may be made of non-metallic materials: d. If the transport packaging container contains products of different varieties, the variety and quantity shall be listed one by one. 7.3 Transportation
7.3.1 If the transport packaging container complies with 7.2 and the provisions of the transportation department, it shall be safe to transport the products of this standard by car, ship or airplane.
7.3.2 Both the transport packaging container and the finished product packaging container are made of non-metallic materials. If they comply with the provisions of the transportation department, it shall be safe to transport the products of this standard by car, ship or airplane. 7.4 Storage
7.4.1 Products packaged in accordance with the provisions of 7.2 should be properly stored in a warehouse with an ambient temperature of -10 to +40℃ and a relative humidity of no more than 80% before being assembled on board lifeboats and rescue boats.
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GB 3107.1-91
7.4.2 Products packaged in accordance with the provisions of 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 should be properly stored in appropriate places on board ships or lifeboats and rescue boats after loading, with an ambient temperature of -30 to +65℃.
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Lifesaving Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Marine Ships. This standard was drafted by the Standard Metrology Institute of the Ministry of Communications and Nanjiang Machinery Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Ning Guizhen, Li Linfeng, Liu Huiru, Li Jushun and Deng Senru. This standard was first issued in 1982 and revised in September 1990. 515
Marking degree thin network AW.bo
All kinds of marking industry materials free download2 The factory inspection of products shall be conducted by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer, and the products that meet the requirements shall be reported to the Ship Inspection Bureau.
The samples for factory inspection shall be taken from each batch of products. If any of the appearance, size and quality do not meet the requirements during the factory inspection, double sampling shall be conducted to inspect the unqualified items. If they still do not meet the requirements, the whole batch of products shall be returned for repair. If any of the performance does not meet the requirements during the factory inspection, the whole batch of products shall be returned for repair. The products that have been repaired may be submitted for factory re-inspection. Double sampling shall be conducted for re-inspection, and the inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of factory inspection. If they still do not meet the requirements, the batch of products shall be scrapped. 6.3 The type inspection of products shall be conducted by the manufacturer and the ship inspection department in the order of product type inspection and the items and test methods specified in the following table every year. The sampling shall be conducted when the product is finalized or in the first batch of products each year, and the number of sampling shall not be less than 3. No.
Inspection items
Temperature change test
Steady-state damp heat test
Salt spray test
Low temperature test
High temperature test
Water resistance test
Drop test
No water test during combustion
Luminous intensity test
Chroma test
Audible distance of sound signal
Appearance inspection
Test method
After the test, the product is effectively released and meets the acceptance standards. It meets the basic parameter requirements of the product
Meets the acceptance standards
Meets the acceptance standards
Meets the requirements of the drawings approved by the ship inspection department
Type test should be carried out when the structure, process or material of the product is changed, or when production is resumed after one year of suspension, or when production is transferred to another factory. 6.4 The validity period of the product shall be assessed after obtaining the product type approval certificate. Three samples (pieces) shall be retained from each batch of products that have passed the factory inspection and stored in accordance with the storage conditions specified in this standard. After three years, the release test shall be carried out. If the structure, process or material of the product is changed, the validity period shall be re-assessed when the production is resumed after one year of suspension or when the production is transferred to another factory. 513
Standard Search Network
7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Product marking
GB 3107.1-91
7.1.1 The outer surface of the shell of each pyrotechnic signal product shall have the following Chinese phonetic and English markings: product name and national label;
purpose and basic parameters;
illustration and instructions for use;
name and trademark of the manufacturer;
year of manufacture, batch number and validity period;
mark of the ship inspection department, approval number or product certificate number. 7.1.2 Each finished product packaging container specified in Article 7.2.2 of this standard shall have the following Chinese Pinyin and English signs: a.
Product name and national standard number;
The number of products in the container;
Manufacturer name and inspection number;
Manufacture year, batch number and validity period;
Mark, approval number or product certificate number of the ship inspection department. 7.1.3 Each transport packaging container specified in Article 7.2.2 shall have the following Chinese Pinyin and English signs: a.
Product variety, quantity and total weight;
Container dimensions (length × width × height);
Manufacturer name and address;
“Fire and explosion prevention”, “Moisture and glaze prevention”, “Handle with care” and signs and diagrams; Name of the port and station.
7.1.4 The logo should be durable and clear, the handwriting should be neat and clear, and the diagram should be concise and expressive. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The finished product packaging of fireworks signal products shall comply with the following provisions: Each fireworks signal shall be packaged in a sealed transparent plastic bag; a.
The finished product packaging container shall be made of waterproof hard plastic or metal materials; c.
Products of the same variety and batch number shall have one finished product packaging container in multiples of 2; or one finished product packaging container can be formed according to the variety and quantity of the signals to be equipped on ships, lifeboats or lifeboats; d.
There shall be a reduction measure between each product in the finished product packaging container. The transport packaging of pyrotechnic signal products shall comply with the following provisions: 7.2.2
The design of the transport packaging container shall comply with the requirements of transport safety, reliable protection, wood conservation, product characteristics and the provisions of the transportation department; a.
The transport packaging container shall contain products of the same variety, and the quantity shall be a multiple of 2, such as 60, 72 or 120; b.
The transport packaging container may be made of non-metallic materials: d. If the transport packaging container contains products of different varieties, the variety and quantity shall be listed one by one. 7.3 Transportation
7.3.1 If the transport packaging container complies with 7.2 and the provisions of the transportation department, it shall be safe to transport the products of this standard by car, ship or airplane.
7.3.2 Both the transport packaging container and the finished product packaging container are made of non-metallic materials. If they comply with the provisions of the transportation department, it shall be safe to transport the products of this standard by car, ship or airplane. 7.4 Storage
7.4.1 Products packaged in accordance with the provisions of 7.2 should be properly stored in a warehouse with an ambient temperature of -10 to +40℃ and a relative humidity of no more than 80% before being assembled on board lifeboats and rescue boats.
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GB 3107.1-91
7.4.2 Products packaged in accordance with the provisions of 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 should be properly stored in appropriate places on board ships or lifeboats and rescue boats after loading, with an ambient temperature of -30 to +65℃.
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Lifesaving Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Marine Ships. This standard was drafted by the Standard Metrology Institute of the Ministry of Communications and Nanjiang Machinery Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Ning Guizhen, Li Linfeng, Liu Huiru, Li Jushun and Deng Senru. This standard was first issued in 1982 and revised in September 1990. 515
Marking degree thin network AW.bo
All kinds of marking industry materials free download
Product name and national standard number;
Quantity of product in the container;
Manufacturer name and inspection number;
Manufacture year, batch number and validity period;
Mark of the ship inspection department, approval number or product certificate number. 7.1.3 According to the provisions of Article 7.2.2, each transport packaging container shall have the following Chinese pinyin and English signs: a.
Product variety, quantity and total weight;
Container dimensions (length × width × height);
Manufacturer name and address;
“Fireproof and explosion-proof”, “Moisture-proof and anti-glaze”, “Handle with care” and signs and diagrams; Name of the port and station.
7.1.4 The signs shall be durable and clear, the handwriting shall be neat and clear, and the signs shall be concise and express the meaning. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The finished product packaging of fireworks signal products shall comply with the following provisions: Each fireworks signal shall be packaged in a sealed transparent plastic bag; a.
The finished product packaging container shall be made of waterproof hard plastic or metal materials; c.
Products of the same variety and batch number shall have one finished product packaging container in multiples of 2; or one finished product packaging container can be formed according to the variety and quantity of the signal to be equipped on the ship, lifeboat or lifeboat; d.
There shall be a reduction measure between each product in the finished product packaging container. The transportation packaging of fireworks signal products shall comply with the following provisions: 7.2.2
The design of the transportation packaging container shall comply with the transportation safety, reliable protection, saving wood, product characteristics and the regulations of the transportation department; a.
The transportation packaging container shall contain the same variety of products, and the quantity shall be a multiple of 2, such as 60, 72 or 120; b.bzxz.net
The transportation packaging container can be made of non-metallic materials: d. If the transport packaging container contains products of different varieties, the varieties and quantities shall be listed one by one. 7.3 Transportation
7.3.1 If the transport packaging container complies with 7.2 and the regulations of the transportation department, it shall be safe to transport the products of this standard by car, ship or airplane.
7.3.2 Both the transport packaging container and the finished product packaging container are made of non-metallic materials. If they comply with the regulations of the transportation department, it shall be safe to transport the products of this standard by car, ship or airplane. 7.4 Storage
7.4.1 Products packaged in accordance with 7.2 shall be properly stored in a warehouse with an ambient temperature of -10 to +40°C and a relative humidity of no more than 80% before being assembled into ship lifeboats and rescue boats.
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GB 3107.1-91
7.4.2 Products packaged in accordance with the provisions of 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 should be properly stored in the ship or lifeboat or appropriate place after loading, and the ambient temperature should be -30 ~ +65℃.
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Lifesaving Sub-Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Marine Ships. This standard was drafted by the Standard Metrology Institute of the Ministry of Communications and Nanjiang Machinery Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Ning Guizhen, Li Linfeng, Liu Huiru, Li Jushun and Deng Senru. This standard was first issued in 1982 and revised in September 1990. 515
Free download of various marking industry materials
Product name and national standard number;
Quantity of product in the container;
Manufacturer name and inspection number;
Manufacture year, batch number and validity period;
Mark of the ship inspection department, approval number or product certificate number. 7.1.3 According to the provisions of Article 7.2.2, each transport packaging container shall have the following Chinese pinyin and English signs: a.
Product variety, quantity and total weight;
Container dimensions (length × width × height);
Manufacturer name and address;
“Fireproof and explosion-proof”, “Moisture-proof and anti-glaze”, “Handle with care” and signs and diagrams; Name of the port and station.
7.1.4 The signs shall be durable and clear, the handwriting shall be neat and clear, and the signs shall be concise and express the meaning. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The finished product packaging of fireworks signal products shall comply with the following provisions: Each fireworks signal shall be packaged in a sealed transparent plastic bag; a.
The finished product packaging container shall be made of waterproof hard plastic or metal materials; c.
Products of the same variety and batch number shall have one finished product packaging container in multiples of 2; or one finished product packaging container can be formed according to the variety and quantity of the signal to be equipped on the ship, lifeboat or lifeboat; d.
There shall be a reduction measure between each product in the finished product packaging container. The transportation packaging of fireworks signal products shall comply with the following provisions: 7.2.2
The design of the transportation packaging container shall comply with the transportation safety, reliable protection, saving wood, product characteristics and the regulations of the transportation department; a.
The transportation packaging container shall contain the same variety of products, and the quantity shall be a multiple of 2, such as 60, 72 or 120; b.
The transportation packaging container can be made of non-metallic materials: d. If the transport packaging container contains products of different varieties, the varieties and quantities shall be listed one by one. 7.3 Transportation
7.3.1 If the transport packaging container complies with 7.2 and the regulations of the transportation department, it shall be safe to transport the products of this standard by car, ship or airplane.
7.3.2 Both the transport packaging container and the finished product packaging container are made of non-metallic materials. If they comply with the regulations of the transportation department, it shall be safe to transport the products of this standard by car, ship or airplane. 7.4 Storage
7.4.1 Products packaged in accordance with 7.2 shall be properly stored in a warehouse with an ambient temperature of -10 to +40°C and a relative humidity of no more than 80% before being assembled into ship lifeboats and rescue boats.
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GB 3107.1-91
7.4.2 Products packaged in accordance with the provisions of 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 should be properly stored in the ship or lifeboat or appropriate place after loading, and the ambient temperature should be -30 ~ +65℃.
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Lifesaving Sub-Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Marine Ships. This standard was drafted by the Standard Metrology Institute of the Ministry of Communications and Nanjiang Machinery Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Ning Guizhen, Li Linfeng, Liu Huiru, Li Jushun and Deng Senru. This standard was first issued in 1982 and revised in September 1990. 515
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Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.