title>JB/T 9078.2-1999 Performance test method for natural gas separation equipment - JB/T 9078.2-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 9078.2-1999 Performance test method for natural gas separation equipment

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 9078.2-1999

Standard Name: Performance test method for natural gas separation equipment

Chinese Name: 天然气分离设备 性能试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-07-12

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Chemical Products>>71.100.20 Industrial Gases

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J76 Gas Separation and Liquefaction Equipment

associated standards

alternative situation:ZB J76024-1990

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Gas Separation and Liquefaction Equipment Standardization Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 9078.2-1999 JB/T 9078.2-1999 Natural gas separation equipment performance test method JB/T9078.2-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

IC5 71.100.20
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Natural Gas Separation Equipment
Performance Test Methods
Perforrnance Test Methods for Natural Gas Separation Plauts1999-07-12 Issued
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
2000-01-01 Implementation
JB/T 9478.2—1959
This standard is a revision and modification of 2B175024-904 Performance Test Methods for Natural Gas Separation Equipment, and the main technical content has been slightly changed. This standard will be effective from the date of implementation: replace ZBJ7602490, and the gas separation and filtration equipment standardization technical committee in this standard is proposed and issued by the Technical Committee. Drafting unit of this standard: Sichuan Deep Cold Equipment Research Institute. The main initiators of this standard are He Jian and Xiao Feishan. This standard was first issued in October 1990: Standard of the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Performance Test Methods for Natural Gas Separation Equipment
Performance Test Methods for nntralgasseparationplants Scope
This standard specifies the performance test methods for natural gas (associated gas containing oil, etc.) separation equipment, JB/9078.2—1999
This standard is applicable to natural gas separation equipment that uses a semi-expander (or turbine with auxiliary refrigeration) to separate and add 10% or more of the liquid hydrocarbon products from the gas. Reference Standards
The following documents are included in this standard and will be used as international standards through reference. When this standard is published, the latest version is valid. All standards are subject to revision. The parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the listed standards. OB/T2624
GR 9052.1- - 1988
Discharge type measurement of throttling devices and orifice plates, nozzles and venturi tubes to measure the flow of fluid in a full circular pipe. Wind visual and magnetic sound measurement of mosquito fans. Disk force method for positive displacement compressors. Determination of power level by engineering method. Reciprocating piston compressors. Dynamic measurement and evaluation of oil and gas E-liquefied engine oil and gas
Technical conditions for major equipment of natural gas separation
Natural gas
Safety technical supervision regulations for pressure vessels?
3 Test method
The test of natural gas separation equipment is divided into factory inspection of transformer unit products and type inspection of transformer products. 3.1 Delivery inspection
3, 1.! The equipment must be inspected according to the provisions of the "Regulations on Safety Technical Supervision of Containers" and provide corresponding quality certification documents. 3.1.2 The equipment must pass the test run in the manufacturing process of the product according to the corresponding product standards or technical documents. Subject to conditions: The equipment must be tested on site, which should be specified in the contract and in accordance with the relevant product acceptance standards. The equipment shall be delivered to the user after passing the on-site test run. 3.1.3 The purchased components such as motors, electronic control equipment, valves, position meters and other parts and products shall be accompanied by a factory qualification certificate. 3.1.4 The equipment manufacturer shall re-inspect the screen and the filling in the tower and pass the inspection. The molecules shall be re-inspected according to the requirements of Appendix B of 1R 9078.1-1999: the filling shall be re-inspected in shape and measurement size, and weighed. 3.2 Complete product type testWww.bzxZ.net
3.2.1 Complete product type test conditions The performance test must be carried out under stable working conditions, with a continuous measurement time of 24 hours and a test every 2 hours. During the performance test period, the operating parameters are allowed to fluctuate within the specified range under the test instrument conditions. Approved by the State Machinery Industry Bureau on July 12, 1999 and implemented on January 1, 2000
Operating point number
Zero number fluctuation Dynamic allowable range
According to the working point parameter specification
Cooling material gas density
Material gas molecular weight
Parameter estimation fluctuation allowable range
(60k]% Due to the limitation of customer conditions, when the test conditions deviate from the provisions of this standard or the design conditions, the test results should be converted. The requirements for the measurement and measurement are shown in Table 2. When the test instrument cannot meet the accuracy requirements of Table 2 due to the limitation of conditions, the industrial instrument of the complete set of products can be used. Its accuracy shall be calibrated by the metrology department or certified by the inspection center: 2
Measurement of egg neck
Instrument pull meter
Glass thermometer
Explosion-proof needle resistance hygrometer
Pressure for juice
Please measure the pressure inverse department
Also flow meter
Bit meter
Electric tube and device
Gas annual color instrument
Measurement and reporting instrument
Sound light discussion
3.2.2 Product sieve gas transfer measurement
Determination of flow plate Generally, it should be in reverse order with the sampling interval of the gas component analysis. All pipe joints should be checked before measurement, and no leakage or blockage should be allowed. The installation of the flow plate measuring device shall be in accordance with the provisions of GFT2624, with an accuracy of 10.3, a graduation value of 505% after calibration and compensation of ±0.5% 1I-shaped differential pressure gauge weighted by the graduation period of the orifice plate of the regulating device: the law adopts a standard orifice plate: installed on the gas outlet equipment pipe, The residual gas lock can be corrected according to formula (1) = 41
In the formula: 4..——Flow reading of the secondary instrument during measurement, mh; 9w gas flow after compensation, m*h
T--Gas temperature before the orifice plate under design conditions, K: Gas temperature before the orifice plate under working conditions, K: 2
P-Gas before the orifice plate under design conditions, MPa; Gas delivery force before the orifice plate under working conditions, MPa, 3.2.3 The measurement requirements of raw natural gas flow are consistent with 3.2.2.
3, 2, 3, The raw natural gas flow is measured at the orifice installed on the pipeline before the inlet gas feed: The raw natural gas flow is adjusted according to formula (2) = q
Where: 9vl
-The flow pattern reading of the instrument during measurement, mh;\ After-grid drip volume, mh:
design calculated value of relative humidity, %;
actual value of relative humidity, ;
T——design gas temperature before orifice plate, K; 7—T working state gas temperature after orifice plate, K: -pa
PI—gas pressure before orifice plate under standard conditions, MPa+P…—gas pressure before orifice plate under working conditions, MPa: design calculated value of saturated partial pressure, MPa:
actual value of saturated partial pressure: MPa;
design value of raw natural gas density, kgm
actual value of raw natural gas density, kgm, 3.2.4 Liquid hydrocarbon production measurement
Use a calibrated end-to-end volumetric meter and take the 24h average value. The conditions for measuring liquid density should be the same as those for measuring liquid density. 3.2.5 Raw natural gas and residual gas composition analysis shall be in accordance with the provisions of $Y7514. The sampling point of raw natural gas is set on the pipe without free water and diameter before combustion. The sampling point of ten gas is on the main pipe of the residual gas outlet equipment. 3.2.6 Liquid product component analysis The sampling point of liquid hydrocarbon product is on the outlet equipment pipeline after the liquid passes through the product condenser. Sampling should be carried out at the same time as raw natural gas and residual gas, and measured every 2 hours. Component analysis adopts SC-4 model or %P-600 gas chromatograph and other equivalent instruments. 3.2.7 Measurement of power consumption of natural gas compressor: Power consumption is calculated according to motor input power and motor efficiency. The motor input power is calculated according to the formula [31N=c5@/1000
Wherein: N—motor power, kW;
—battery input, A;
—input voltage, V;
C—power factor, The natural gas compressor power consumption is calculated according to the formula (4)(3)
Formula: N—natural gas compressor input power, kW;—battery efficiency (provided by the motor manufacturer) 3.2.B thruster power consumption
machine power consumption, including compressor, compressor system exhaust fan, air cooler, voltage furnace & refrigeration machine average consumption
excluding instrument air compressor, water cabinet lighting equal consumption 3.2.9 gas consumption
flow meter installed on the gas main. 3.2.10 cooling water consumption meter installed cold water inlet total 1, etc. according to the formula [54m=4ml+9mEm
formula+:9-total cooling water consumption. h:
natural gas compressor cooling water consumption, th: m--refrigeration system cooling water consumption, th: m--refrigeration system cooling water consumption, th: m--the sum of the cooling water consumption of each water cooler, mountain. 3.2.11 Fuel gas consumption measurement device shall be installed on the fuel gas inlet pipeline of the heating furnace. 3.2.12 Ethane or propane recovery rate shall be measured according to the formula (6 yuan 2Gz
formula: \--ethane or propane recovery rate, %; G--ethane or propane product molar flow rate, kmol/h; G--molar flow rate of raw natural gas and feed liquid hydrocarbon, kmaVh:2→-product ethane or propane content, m01%; Z--ethane or propane content in raw natural gas and feed liquid hydrocarbon, mo% 3.2.13 Sound and vibration measurement Noise measurement of positive displacement compressor shall be measured according to G day /T4980, Turbine compressor noise measurement according to GB/T2888, Measurement noise includes auxiliary noise, 3.2.14 Instrument input rate input formula (7
Instruments in operation
Instrument input rate
Total number
In the formula: The total number of instruments is the sum of the number of instruments on the control panel and on-site, but does not include the number of meters that cannot be put into operation due to user reasons. 4. In the process of trial and inspection, if there is a dispute over the test method and evaluation, the industry product quality supervision and inspection center will arbitrate. 4
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