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SY/T 4805-1992 Recommended practice for production facilities on offshore structures

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Standard ID: SY/T 4805-1992

Standard Name: Recommended practice for production facilities on offshore structures

Chinese Name: 海上结构物上生产设施的推荐作法

Standard category:Oil and gas industry standards (SY)

state:in force

Date of Release1992-11-05

Date of Implementation:1993-04-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Raw Materials Industry, Communications, and Broadcasting Engineering>>P71 Petroleum Engineering

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SY/T 4805-1992 Recommended Practice for Production Facilities on Offshore StructuresSY/T4805-1992 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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In order to meet the requirements of developing offshore gas resources in my country, the Ministry of Energy of the People's Republic of China has issued the 174th edition of "Recommended Practice for Production Facilities on Offshore Structures" of the American Petroleum Institute, namely API RP 2G (API Recommended Practice for Production Facilities on Offshore Structures - 1994) and Supplement 1 to API RP 2G (API Recommended Practice for Production Facilities on Offshore Structures - 1994) and Supplement 1 to API RP 2G (API Recommended Practice for Production Facilities on Offshore Structures - 1994) Edition The Standard of the People's Republic of China for the Natural Gas Industry.
If there is any objection to the translation of the standard, the original standard shall prevail. In the design, construction and use of offshore oil and gas development projects, when the laws, regulations and provisions of the government or other competent authorities of the country where the standard is located are involved, the relevant orders, regulations and provisions issued by the government of the People's Republic of China or the competent authorities shall be followed. The data or quantitative calculation methods of environmental conditions such as wind, waves, currents, ice, temperature, earthquakes, etc. in the original standard can be used as a reference if they are in line with my country's actual conditions. Otherwise, data and quantitative calculation methods that meet my country's actual environmental conditions should be used. Regarding measurement units, metric units are mainly used. That is, the English unit should be marked in brackets before and after the metric unit value. In order not to change the formulas, line shape characteristics, coefficients and coefficients in the original standard, all English units shall be used. China Offshore Oil Engineering Professional Standardization Technical Committee Offshore Oil Engineering Professional Standardization Technical Committee May 4, 1992
SY/T 4805-92
This Recommended Practice for Installation of Offshore Structures is under the jurisdiction of the American Petroleum Institute's Offshore Structure Standardization Committee: This Recommended Practice includes various engineering guidelines and recommended installation methods for production equipment on various offshore structures. These guidelines are based on sound engineering design principles and experience gained in the development of offshore oil and gas resources. The purpose of this recommended practice is to maximize the safety of personnel, comply with various regulations, protect the environment from pollution, protect production facilities, and facilitate operation and maintenance.
1.1 Contents
SY/T 4805-S2
Chapter 1. Scope
This practice collects in one document various procedures and guidelines useful in the planning, design, and layout of offshore production facilities for the safe, safe, and efficient production of natural gas and crude oil. This recommended practice is not to be construed as a technical specification, nor as a fixed guideline regardless of the accuracy of its design and definition, nor should it be used to override or in some way override any existing code or regulatory requirements.
12 Multiple Uses of Structures
The multiple functions of structures are essential to the performance of the multiple functions required for drilling and oil production. For new structures, if the various functions and requirements of the production equipment are well understood, the initial layout should be carried out in accordance with this recommended practice. In many cases, existing structures that were built before all relevant production requirements were known require that the equipment be arranged and deployed directly within the space. In this case, the layout should be as reasonable as possible under the guidance of the production work. When planning and arranging production facilities, in addition to fully considering the drilling and repair equipment, the specific operation of other drilling and repair equipment is not within the scope of this work.
13 The primary consideration
Within the strict limitations of each industrial structure, the primary consideration is safety and pollution prevention. For the escape of flammable liquids or volatiles, whether caused by normal operating conditions or by abnormal or abnormal conditions, maintenance must be provided. Equipment that may cause fire under normal or normal operating conditions should be connected to the main fuel source or other protective measures should be taken. Chapter 2 Definitions
Compressor, rotary or complex, including its transmission equipment and related equipment, refrigeration, pipelines, conditioning, control equipment, etc., used to compress natural gas or air from low pressure to high pressure: main deck structure, the uppermost deck
Lower deck/wellhead deck. The lower deck is the closest to the working deck. The lower deck is located at the lower deck/wellhead deck. It is located below the lower deck/wellhead deck. It can be named as the lower deck A, the lower deck B, etc.
Central area of ​​the wellhead deck, the lower deck/wellhead deck or the lower deck deck, and the part within the boundary of the surrounding support. Drilling operation deck area The board area required for drilling or repair operations. Deck cantilever area The lower deck/wellhead deck: the lower deck/wellhead deck or the lower deck deck, and the part outside the boundary of the surrounding support. Direct combustion container The container where the fire directly increases the internal fluid to increase its temperature. Open flame process area The area where the open flame container is located. Fire wall is built with non-hazardous materials to prevent the spread of fire and serve as a partition wall for auxiliary bearing barriers, generator sets and other energy-generating equipment, including transmission devices and working equipment. The header is a pipe section or chamber that receives fluids from two or more branches. It is used to lift materials and products from the top vertically to the collection layer of the structure. It is usually a crane or a hoisting device installed on a slope. These lifting devices can be driven by internal combustion engines, intermediate engines, pneumatics or pressure. Indirect combustion vessels use the large flame in multiple fire tubes to raise the temperature of another fluid in the intermediate container through a heat transfer device. Indirect heating containers use a fluid carrier such as gas, water, oil or other added medium to increase the temperature of another fluid. It is a container or heat exchanger. SY/T 4805-92 Manifolds and header systems selectively direct fluids from one or more sources to one or more outlets, pipelines, gates, etc. The pipeline from the fittings is connected to the pipes. Each manifold is connected to the pipes and directly sent to the production system.
The manifold is also called the port to distribute the common gas source, water source or other fluid mechanical equipment area. The area where the internal combustion engine gas turbine, motor, generator, pump, compressor and other rotating or reciprocating mechanical equipment are installed.
The personnel and public system area is the production area and the area of ​​public service equipment. The personnel landing platform is a small platform used for personnel to get on and off the ship in the offshore section. The pressurized buffer tank is a container with positive pressure to prevent the liquid from entering the pump blades and causing dust fluctuations. Protective wall is a barrier designed to resist any falling or flying objects or to prevent them from rotating, and to prevent the flow of gases from one area to another, and to limit local explosions:
Pump A rotary or reciprocating barrier device including a transmission device and associated pipelines, valves, and buffers, used to transport gases,
Flare system A system that releases natural gas from a pressurized system to the atmosphere during normal operation. The release can be continuous or intermittent, and can be done either in a staggered or intermittent manner. The natural gas emergency release system is used to automatically or automatically release natural gas from a pressurized system to the atmosphere, and is used to relieve abnormal high pressure conditions.
Separator A flare pressure vessel used to separate natural gas and various liquids by the drop in specific gravity or centrifugal action. Separator Separators are usually round (vertical, vertical) or spherical. Flameless operation area is an area where process equipment of the original flame path is placed. The wellhead controls the fluid from the production meter or water injection river with an assembly of valves and pipe fittings, usually including casing head, tubing head, upper valve (one or more), wing valve and automatic closing valve, as well as flow control valve and inner nozzle. There are usually several parallel valves on the upper structure. Wellhead area is the area around the well (one or more). Chapter 3 Regulations, Rules and Regulations
3.1 Government Regulations and Regulations
Regulatory agencies have formulated certain regulations and rules. These regulations and rules may be related to the equipment and methods of operating production equipment on offshore structures. Listed below are the regulations that must be considered when designing gas injection production facilities or formulating operating procedures on offshore structures:
I. Code af Feceral Regulatons, S0 CFR 250.b. Nntice to Ierset's untl (Operators of Federal (onl, tras Leasrt in the (Outer Conti:nental Shc:f, Pa-ciie Reglon,ocs Orcle No.I thraugh lo.t. Notice to Ic-sett and Operators uf Feduiel Oil,Grus ind Sulfur Icares in the touter ContirsetalShelf. (rulf of Mexico Aree. cs Order Ne. 1 thruugh 12.dLi-t ol Potentual ltems ef Nen-Compliance and Enforretent Acnon.li.S.frtolugicil SurveyConsurvation DivistonBranca al Oniand (raOperations,ulfofMexicoAreae. U.. Ceast Guard Rule and Regulaticn, fot Ari:fietal Jland, and Fixed Sirurcures cou the OuterCantiner.tal Shetf--33 CFR --Sub -Chapier N.Pari 140 through 146 uni Sub-Chapter C -Purt67.
f.(ccupatuonelSafeiyand llealthAclf1970.25CFR1u.0.g. Fnvironmcita: Proteeton Agency Regulation- on Diseharge of Oil CFR 1103
h. Caast Guard Regulations on O.1 Splls. 33 CFR 153, 46 CFR 126.i. Nellural Gis Pipelunc Safety Act. 49 CFR 192.3.2 Industry Regulations and Standards
Various organizations have developed many standards, regulations, technical specifications and recommended practices that are accepted by industry and government departments. These documents are useful reference materials and assist in the design of offshore production facilities. The reference documents listed in this list are some of the many documents that are generally accepted.
Jiang Guo Shi Di Society
a. API RP 2A, Recomnenced Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platfoims
b,API Spec 2B, Specification for Fabricated Structural Steel Pupee.AFI Spee 26:, Spceificatnn for Offshore Cranesd. API RP 2D, Recommended Practice for Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranese. APl Spcc 5l., Spccitlicatlon for Line PipeF. l.ine Pipeh, API Spec 6A, Specification for Wellhead Equpmenti. APl Spe: 6D, Specificaticn for Pipeline Valvesj. API RP 5ooB, Recommended Fractice for Clussification of Arcas for Electrical Installation Rigs and Production Facilit:es on Land and on Marine Fixed and Mobile Platformsk API RP 5ooC, Recommended Fracuice for Clessification of Areas for Electrical Installatioris alPetroleum and Gas Pipe Line Transportation Facilties1. AFI RP 520. Recommenced Fiactice for the IDesign and Installalon ol Pressure-Releviig Sys-tems tn Refineries
m. API RP 52l, Guide Ior Pressure Rellef and Depressullng Systemsn APl Spec 7B-llC, Sperificatiun for Internal (Combustion Reciprocaling Engines for Oil FieldService
o API RP 7CIiF, Recommended Practice for Installation, Maintenance and Operation of Inter-nal Combusticn EngineswwW.bzxz.Net
p. API SPEC: 12B, Specificallan for Boled Production Tanksq APl Spec 12F, Specificalon for Stall Welded Productun Tanksr API Sper l21, Snecification for Oil and Gas SeparatorsS API Spet 12K, Speuifitdlun fur Inclirecl Typu Orl-Frld Hearerst. API Spec l2l.. Spccifucaton for Vertical Eniulsion Treatersu. APl Spec 66l, Couled Hent FExehangers fr G-ltral Refunery ServcexAmerican Society for Testing and Materials
a. Siccl Pipeb, ASTM A lo6, Specificauon For Scamle:s, Carbon Stecl Pipe lor High -'Temperature Servicec. ASTM A l31, Sprcification for Electrc -Fusion(ARC)- Welded Sreel Plate P'ipe.Sizes 16 inind Over
d. AsTM A I35, Sperificatton far Flertric-teau=tanrp-Welded Steel Pipe. AST'M A I39, Specification for Electric-Fusion(ARC)-Welded Pipe (sizes 4 in and over)f. AsTM A 155, Specificaton for Electric Fus:on Welded Steel Pipc for High Pressure Serviceg.ASTMA21l.Specificat:onfarSpiral WeldecStecl orlronPipeh. AsTM A 333. Spertliralion Inr Seamless and Welded Stcel Pipr: for Low Temperature ScrvireSY/T 2805- 92
t.AsTMA38l,Spccifcallon [or Meral-Art.--Wetded Stecl Pupe orHigh-Pressure TransmissionService
i AsTM A 530 . Spccificalon for Ficetric -Resi
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