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HG/T 2537-1993 Carbon dioxide for welding

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2537-1993

Standard Name: Carbon dioxide for welding

Chinese Name: 焊接用二氧化碳

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Implementation:1990-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Chemical Products>>71.100.20 Industrial Gases

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Other Chemical Products>>G86 Industrial Gases and Chemical Gases

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HG/T 2537-1993 Carbon dioxide for welding HG/T2537-1993 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG/T 2537-—93
Carbon Dioxide for Welding
Published on September 6, 1993
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
1994-07-01 Shici
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Carbon Dioxide for Welding
Subject Content and Scope of Application
HG/T 2537—93
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, acceptance rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, safety requirements, etc. of liquid carbon dioxide supplied in cylinders or storage tanks and gaseous carbon dioxide supplied by pipeline as welding protection medium. This standard applies to carbon dioxide obtained by lime kiln gas, synthetic ammonia plant gas, refinery gas, mine gas, fermentation tank gas, etc.
Chemical formula: CO2
Relative molecular mass: 44.01 (according to 1 1989 International Table of Relative Atomic Masses) 2' Reference Standards
GB190 Dangerous Goods Packaging Marks
GB/T5832.1 Determination of Micro-disk Water Content in Gases - Electrolytic Method GB/T5832.2 Determination of Water Content in Gases - Dew Point Method GB7144 Color Marking for Gas Cylinders
GB10621 Food Additives - Liquid Carbon Dioxide (Lime Method and Synthetic Ammonia Method) HG14951
General Rules for Chemical Standard Materials
HG 1496
Measures for the Administration of Chemical Standard Materials
3 Technical Requirements
Carbon dioxide for welding shall meet the requirements of Table 1, Table
Carbon dioxide content, V/V, 10-2
Water vapor + ethyl content, m/m, 10-2
Superior products
No detection
No peculiar smell
For carbon dioxide obtained by non-fermentation method, ethanol content is not specified, approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on September 6, 1993
First-class products
No detection
No peculiar smell
Competent products
No risk
No odor
1994-07-01 Implementation
4 Test method
4.1 Liquid water test
Liquid water test should be conducted before other tests. HG/T 2537--93
Tilt the sample gas cylinder upside down with the bottle mouth facing downward. Slowly open the bottle valve after 5 minutes. No liquid water should flow out of the gas cylinder, only a weak carbon dioxide gas flow.
4.2 Oil test
Test according to Article 3.3 of GB10621
4.3 Determination of carbon dioxide content
Determine the carbon dioxide content by taking samples from the liquid phase. Carbon dioxide content determination is determined according to the method specified in 3.2 of GB 10621. 4.4 Determination of water vapor content and ethanol content
Water vapor content determination and ethanol content determination are sampled from the gas phase. 4.4.1 Determination of water vapor content
Use mass weighing method, electrolysis method or dew point method, and the mass weighing method is the method of selection. Mass weighing method Principle of the method
The sample gas passes through the phosphorus pentoxide absorption tube, and the water vapor in it is absorbed. The water vapor content is calculated based on the increase of the mass of the absorption tube before and after absorption. Instruments, reagents and materials
Glass absorption tube: U-shaped tube, Φ13×1.5mm, tube length 100mm, with branches and holes at both ends. Ground glass analytical balance: minimum graduation 0.1mg.
Rotameter: measuring range 0.5~1.5L/min, c.
Wet gas flowmeter: rated flow 1000L/h, used after calibration, e.
Sampling sieve: 0.25~0.32mm, 0.12~0.16mm. Hydrochloric acid (GB622): analytical pure, 1+1 solution, phosphorus pentoxide (GB2305): chemical pure
Quartz sand or sand: after sieving through the sampling sieve, the particle size is 0.12~0.32m average. Sand needs to be pickled with 1+1 hydrochloric acid and then washed with water for h.
until there is no free acid, dried at 150C for 2h, cooled for use. Determination device As shown in Figure 1, 2
IIG / T 2537 93
Figure 1 Water vapor content determination device
1—Sample gas cylinder: 2—Pressure relief valve; 3—U-shaped absorption tube: 4—Glass fiber; 5—Mixture of quartz sand and phosphorus pentoxide: 6—Rotameter: 7—Thermometer: 8—Wet gas flowmeter. Determination steps
Put the required volume of quartz sand or treated sand into a stoppered container, quickly add an equal volume of phosphorus pentoxide, cover the stopper, shake the container to mix the phosphorus pentoxide and quartz sand or sand evenly, quickly transfer the mixture into a clean and dry U-shaped receiving tube, fill the tube mouth with glass fiber, plug it with a ground stopper coated with vacuum grease, rotate the stopper to make it leak-proof, and connect the two absorption tubes with a hose.
Connect the absorption tube to the sample gas cylinder, rotor flow meter, and wet gas flow meter as shown in Figure 1, and check that the entire device is not gassed. Carefully open the sample gas cylinder, pressure reducing valve, and absorption tube piston, and allow the sample gas to flow through at a flow rate of about 500mL/min for 10 minutes to completely replace the air in the absorption tube and saturate the water in the wet flow meter with carbon dioxide. Close the pressure net and the absorption tube piston, remove the absorption tube, and clean the outer wall. Place the absorption tube in a glass desiccator for about 20 minutes and weigh it (accurate to 0.1 ng). Its weight is m1. Reconnect the absorption tube as shown in Figure 1, and record the wet gas flow meter reading as V. Then take a sample of 50L at a flow rate of 0.5-1L/min, close the sample gas valve and the absorption tube piston, and record the wet gas flow meter reading as V2-Remove the absorption tube and wipe the outer wall, and place the absorption tube in a glass desiccator for 20 Weigh after min (accurate to 0.1 mg), its mass is mz: Calculation
Determine the water vapor content W by mass weighing method according to formula (1): W-
Where: m-
-mass of the absorption tube before sampling, g;
-mass of the absorption tube after sampling, g;
V,-reading of the wet gas flowmeter before sampling, L; V--reading of the wet gas flowmeter after sampling, L: --temperature of the sample gas, °C;
P-atmospheric pressure at the time of measurement, kPa;
Saturated water vapor at temperature t, kPa (see Appendix): 101.3
HG / T 2537 -- 93
Volume of each mole of carbon dioxide, L;
44.01—Mass of each liter of carbon dioxide, g-Note: The connecting pipes of the auxiliary device should be appropriately shorter to reduce leakage. 14.1.2 Electrolytic method Determination of water vapor content by electrolytic method The electrolytic method for determination of trace moisture in gas in GB/T5832.1 is used. Calculation
and electrolytic method The water vapor content W in carbon dioxide for welding is calculated according to formula (2): 18.01/22.4
W = 0×44.01 / 22.26
W=0×44.01/ ... 10 Dew point method The dew point method is carried out in accordance with GB/T5832.2 Dew point method for the determination of trace moisture in gas. Dew point method The total amount of water vapor W in carbon dioxide for welding is determined by formula (3): W =
saturated vapor pressure of water at dew point, kPa (see Appendix); Formula:
P—atmospheric pressure at the time of measurement, kPa;
13.01—mass of water per mole, g
—mass of carbon dioxide per mole, g
4.4.2 Determination of ethanol content The ethanol content is determined by gas chromatography. Detection by hydrogen flame ionization detector. (2)
The component to be measured is carried into the chromatographic column by the carrier gas for separation and then enters the detector to be ionized. The ion flow generated by ionization is proportional to the content of the component to be measured, and thus the quantification is performed.
4.4.22 Instrument
Gas chromatograph with hydrogen flame ionization detector. The instrument's minimum detection concentration for ethanol is 5×10~°. Reference operating conditions
Carrier gas: pure nitrogen (GB8979), flow rate 30~40mL/min; fuel gas: pure carrier (GB7445), flow rate 3040mL/min: b.
Auxiliary gas: air, flow rate 300~400mL/min; Chromatographic column: 1m long, 2~4mm inner diameter stainless steel arm, filled with Porapak-Q (0.07~0.1mm) or other equivalent to Porap ak-Q stationary phase;
Column temperature: 100°C:
Detector temperature: 150°C;
Injection: 1mL;
Recording instrument: 1mV range recorder or integrator, microprocessor, etc. b. Chromatographic column activation: Parapak-Q column, introduce carrier gas at a flow rate of 30~40mL/min, activate at 200°C for 4h to 4
HG/T 2537-93 Standard: Carbon dioxide is used as the base gas. Weighing method is used to make the standard, and the amount of ethanol and the ethanol content in the sample gas are used as the standard gas. The gas should comply with the provisions of HG1495 and HG.1496. 4.4.2. See the operating steps Turn on the instrument according to the instrument manual until the instrument is stable. Open the standard gas cylinder and the pressure reducing valve. Fully replace the sampling pipeline and the sampling valve with an appropriate flow rate, and then send the sample. Record the peak area (or peak height) Open the sample gas, fully replace the sampling pipeline and the sampling valve, and then inject the sample. Record the peak area (or peak part) 4.4.2. 7 Calculation
The arithmetic mean of the peak front area (or peak height) of two repeated measurements is the measurement result. The relative error of the two measured values ​​should be less than 5%
The ethanol content W is calculated according to (4)
W-ethanol content in standard gas, 10-, m/m; A-ethanol peak area in sample gas, mm2 (or peak height mm): A-ethanol peak area in standard gas, mm (or peak height mm). 4.4.3 The total content of water vapor plus ethanol is the sum of the two. 4.5 Odor test
The odor is tested by human sense of smell.
Carefully open the sample valve and let the sample gas flow out slowly and continuously. Fan it with your hand after 30 seconds. There should be no peculiar smell. 5 Acceptance rules
5.1 Carbon dioxide for welding shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall ensure that the quality of the products leaving the factory complies with this product standard. 5.2 Carbon dioxide for welding shall be inspected in batches. 5.2.1 For welding carbon dioxide supplied in gas cylinders, the number of each batch is the number of gas cylinders filled in one production shift. When accepting a batch of carbon dioxide in gas cylinders, random sampling inspection shall be carried out according to the provisions of Table 2. Table 2
Batch number (bottles)
50 or less
501 or more
Sample (bottles) If any item of the inspection result does not meet this standard, a new inspection shall be carried out from the gas cylinders according to the sampling number in Table 2. If there is still one item that does not meet the requirements of this standard in the re-inspection result, the batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.2.2 For welding carbon dioxide supplied in storage tanks (carts), each storage tank is a batch. The storage tank should not have sampling valves and pipelines for sampling. Inspection of the sampling valve and pipeline of the storage tank directly sending the sample gas to the detection instrument. If the inspection result does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products cannot be accepted. HG/T2537-93
522.2 In the case of sampling from the storage tank for inspection by a special sampling device, if one of the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products should be re-sampled and inspected. If the result of the re-inspection still does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products cannot be accepted. 523 When carbon dioxide for welding is supplied by pipeline, it shall be inspected at least twice per production shift at the end of the pipeline of the production plant. If one of the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, it cannot be shipped. 53 Users have the right to accept according to the provisions of this standard.
5.4 When the user and the manufacturer have objections to the quality of the product, both parties shall conduct joint inspection or apply for arbitration. 6 Packaging, marking, transportation, purchase and storage
61 The gas cylinders of carbon dioxide for welding and their filling, filling factor, transportation, storage and use shall comply with the provisions of the "Regulations on the Safety Supervision of Gas Cylinders and the "Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Goods". The packaging markings shall comply with the provisions of GB190. 62 The storage tanks of carbon dioxide for welding and their filling, filling factor, transportation and storage shall comply with the provisions of the "Regulations on Safety Technical Supervision of Pressure Vessels" and its product standards.
63 The actual filling volume of carbon dioxide in gas cylinders or storage tanks shall not be less than 90% of the maximum filling volume. The difference between the net weight of the product marked on the product certificate and the actual filling volume shall be less than 5%. The maximum filling volume M of the gas cylinder or the whole tank is calculated according to formula (5): MK.Y
Where: Area - filling coefficient of the gas cylinder or storage tank, kg/L; water volume of the gas cylinder or storage tank, L
64: The paint color, color ring, lettering and lettering color of the gas cylinder and the tank surface shall comply with the provisions of GB7144, (5)
65 The carbon dioxide gas cylinder or storage tank for welding shall be dedicated and shall not be filled with other gases. When the empty cylinder is returned to the dust production plant, there shall be residual pressure, which shall not be less than 0.5MPa. The bottle cap shall be complete. The manufacturer shall check according to the "Gas Cylinder Safety Surplus Supervision Regulations" before filling. If it does not meet the requirements, it shall be filled only after corresponding treatment. 66 The material, diameter, wall thickness, transportation distance, transportation pressure, etc. of the pipeline for transporting carbon dioxide for welding shall comply with the relevant design requirements and safety regulations.
6 When carbon hydride for welding leaves the factory, it should be accompanied by a quality certificate, the contents of which include: . Product name:
b. This standard number, product grade, component content; c.
dust production date, production batch number:
d. Product net weight;
manufacturer name;
high pressure liquefied gas and safety signs, etc.,
safety requirements
when the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air of the operating area is higher than 5×10-2, it is harmful to human health. The density of carbon dioxide is 0.5 times greater than that of air, and it is easy to accumulate in places with poor air circulation, which can cause hypoxia and suffocation. The air circulation in the place where carbon dioxide is produced, stored and used should be good, and the relevant equipment should be kept in a cool place. Bottles or storage tanks should be placed in a cool place. Dry place, avoid direct sunlight, 6
Temperature, ℃wwW.bzxz.Net
HG/T 2537—93
Appendix A
Saturated vapor pressure of water at dew point temperature
Saturated vapor pressure, KP.
Saturated vapor pressure, KPa
HG/ T 2537 93
Pao and steam, KPa
0. 096485
Saturated vapor pressure, KPa
0. 0420 50
0. 007119
Additional Notes:
This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Southwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and was drafted by the Southwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry, and Beijing Analytical Instrument Factory.
The main drafters of this standard are Wu Jiaxing, Wen Anran and Liu Zhigang. People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Carbon dioxide for welding
HG/T 257-0
Editor: Chemical Industry Standard Compilation Department
(Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printing: Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright: Exclusive use, no preferential printing
Printing size: 17000
Book size: 880×12301/16
First edition in January 1594
First edition in January 1994
Number of prints: 1 500
Cost: RMB Z.40
2537-934 Column activation: Parapak-Q column, introduce carrier gas at a flow rate of 30~40mL/min, activate at 200℃ for 4h. 4
HG/T 2537-93 Standard: Carbon dioxide is used as the base gas. The weighing method is used to make the column. The amount of Z alcohol and the ethanol content in the sample gas are used as the standard gas. The gas should comply with the provisions of HG1495 and HG.1496. 4.4.2. See the operating steps Turn on the instrument according to the instrument manual and wait until the instrument is stable. Open the standard gas cylinder and the pressure reducing valve. Fully replace the sampling pipeline and sampling valve with an appropriate flow rate and then send the sample, and record the area (or peak height) Turn on the sample gas, fully replace the sampling pipeline and sampling valve and then inject the sample. Record the peak area (or peak part) Calculate
The arithmetic mean of the peak area (or peak height) of two repeated measurements is the measurement result. The relative error of the two measured values ​​should be less than 5%.
The ethanol content W is calculated according to (4)
Wherein: W is the ethanol content in the standard gas, 10-, m/m; A is the ethanol peak area in the sample gas, mm2 (or peak height in mm): A is the ethanol peak area in the standard gas, mm (or peak height in mm). 4.4.3 The total content of water vapor plus ethanol is the sum of the two. 4.5 Odor test
The odor is tested by human sense of smell.
Carefully open the sample valve and let the sample gas flow out slowly and continuously. Fan it with your hand after 30 seconds. There should be no peculiar smell. 5 Acceptance rules
5.1 Carbon dioxide for welding shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall ensure that the quality of the products leaving the factory complies with this product standard. 5.2 Carbon dioxide for welding shall be inspected in batches. 5.2.1 For welding carbon dioxide supplied in gas cylinders, the number of each batch is the number of gas cylinders filled in one production shift. When accepting a batch of carbon dioxide in gas cylinders, random sampling inspection shall be carried out according to the provisions of Table 2. Table 2
Batch number (bottles)
50 or less
501 or more
Sample (bottles) If any item of the inspection result does not meet this standard, a new inspection shall be carried out from the gas cylinders according to the sampling number in Table 2. If there is still one item that does not meet the requirements of this standard in the re-inspection result, the batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.2.2 For welding carbon dioxide supplied in storage tanks (carts), each storage tank is a batch. The storage tank should not have sampling valves and pipelines for sampling. Inspection of the sampling valve and pipeline of the storage tank directly sending the sample gas to the detection instrument. If the inspection result does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products cannot be accepted. HG/T2537-93
522.2 In the case of sampling from the storage tank for inspection by a special sampling device, if one of the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products should be re-sampled and inspected. If the result of the re-inspection still does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products cannot be accepted. 523 When carbon dioxide for welding is supplied by pipeline, it shall be inspected at least twice per production shift at the end of the pipeline of the production plant. If one of the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, it cannot be shipped. 53 Users have the right to accept according to the provisions of this standard.
5.4 When the user and the manufacturer have objections to the quality of the product, both parties shall conduct joint inspection or apply for arbitration. 6 Packaging, marking, transportation, purchase and storage
61 The gas cylinders of carbon dioxide for welding and their filling, filling factor, transportation, storage and use shall comply with the provisions of the "Regulations on the Safety Supervision of Gas Cylinders and the "Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Goods". The packaging markings shall comply with the provisions of GB190. 62 The storage tanks of carbon dioxide for welding and their filling, filling factor, transportation and storage shall comply with the provisions of the "Regulations on Safety Technical Supervision of Pressure Vessels" and its product standards.
63 The actual filling volume of carbon dioxide in gas cylinders or storage tanks shall not be less than 90% of the maximum filling volume. The difference between the net weight of the product marked on the product certificate and the actual filling volume shall be less than 5%. The maximum filling volume M of the gas cylinder or the whole tank is calculated according to formula (5): MK.Y
Where: Area - filling coefficient of the gas cylinder or storage tank, kg/L; water volume of the gas cylinder or storage tank, L
64: The paint color, color ring, lettering and lettering color of the gas cylinder and the tank surface shall comply with the provisions of GB7144, (5)
65 The carbon dioxide gas cylinder or storage tank for welding shall be dedicated and shall not be filled with other gases. When the empty cylinder is returned to the dust production plant, there shall be residual pressure, which shall not be less than 0.5MPa. The bottle cap shall be complete. The manufacturer shall check according to the "Gas Cylinder Safety Surplus Supervision Regulations" before filling. If it does not meet the requirements, it shall be filled only after corresponding treatment. 66 The material, diameter, wall thickness, transportation distance, transportation pressure, etc. of the pipeline for transporting carbon dioxide for welding shall comply with the relevant design requirements and safety regulations.
6 When carbon hydride for welding leaves the factory, it should be accompanied by a quality certificate, the contents of which include: . Product name:
b. This standard number, product grade, component content; c.
dust production date, production batch number:
d. Product net weight;
manufacturer name;
high pressure liquefied gas and safety signs, etc.,
safety requirements
when the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air of the operating area is higher than 5×10-2, it is harmful to human health. The density of carbon dioxide is 0.5 times greater than that of air, and it is easy to accumulate in places with poor air circulation, which can cause hypoxia and suffocation. The air circulation in the place where carbon dioxide is produced, stored and used should be good, and the relevant equipment should be kept in a cool place. Bottles or storage tanks should be placed in a cool place. Dry place, avoid direct sunlight, 6
Temperature, ℃
HG/T 2537—93
Appendix A
Saturated vapor pressure of water at dew point temperature
Saturated vapor pressure, KP.
Saturated vapor pressure, KPa
HG/ T 2537 93
Pao and steam, KPa
0. 096485
Saturated vapor pressure, KPa
0. 0420 50
0. 007119
Additional Notes:
This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Southwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and was drafted by the Southwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry, and Beijing Analytical Instrument Factory.
The main drafters of this standard are Wu Jiaxing, Wen Anran and Liu Zhigang. People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Carbon dioxide for welding
HG/T 257-0
Editor: Chemical Industry Standard Compilation Department
(Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printing: Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright: Exclusive use, no preferential printing
Printing size: 17000
Book size: 880×12301/16
First edition in January 1594
First edition in January 1994
Number of prints: 1 500
Cost: RMB Z.40
2537-934 Column activation: Parapak-Q column, introduce carrier gas at a flow rate of 30~40mL/min, activate at 200℃ for 4h. 4
HG/T 2537-93 Standard: Carbon dioxide is used as the base gas. The weighing method is used to make the column. The amount of Z alcohol and the ethanol content in the sample gas are used as the standard gas. The gas should comply with the provisions of HG1495 and HG.1496. 4.4.2. See the operating steps Turn on the instrument according to the instrument manual and wait until the instrument is stable. Open the standard gas cylinder and the pressure reducing valve. Fully replace the sampling pipeline and sampling valve with an appropriate flow rate and then send the sample, and record the area (or peak height) Turn on the sample gas, fully replace the sampling pipeline and sampling valve and then inject the sample. Record the peak area (or peak part) Calculate
The arithmetic mean of the peak area (or peak height) of two repeated measurements is the measurement result. The relative error of the two measured values ​​should be less than 5%.
The ethanol content W is calculated according to (4)
Wherein: W is the ethanol content in the standard gas, 10-, m/m; A is the ethanol peak area in the sample gas, mm2 (or peak height in mm): A is the ethanol peak area in the standard gas, mm (or peak height in mm). 4.4.3 The total content of water vapor plus ethanol is the sum of the two. 4.5 Odor test
The odor is tested by human sense of smell.
Carefully open the sample valve and let the sample gas flow out slowly and continuously. Fan it with your hand after 30 seconds. There should be no peculiar smell. 5 Acceptance rules
5.1 Carbon dioxide for welding shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall ensure that the quality of the products leaving the factory complies with this product standard. 5.2 Carbon dioxide for welding shall be inspected in batches. 5.2.1 For welding carbon dioxide supplied in gas cylinders, the number of each batch is the number of gas cylinders filled in one production shift. When accepting a batch of carbon dioxide in gas cylinders, random sampling inspection shall be carried out according to the provisions of Table 2. Table 2
Batch number (bottles)
50 or less
501 or more
Sample (bottles) If any item of the inspection result does not meet this standard, a new inspection shall be carried out from the gas cylinders according to the sampling number in Table 2. If there is still one item that does not meet the requirements of this standard in the re-inspection result, the batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.2.2 For welding carbon dioxide supplied in storage tanks (carts), each storage tank is a batch. The storage tank should not have sampling valves and pipelines for sampling. Inspection of the sampling valve and pipeline of the storage tank directly sending the sample gas to the detection instrument. If the inspection result does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products cannot be accepted. HG/T2537-93
522.2 In the case of sampling from the storage tank for inspection by a special sampling device, if one of the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products should be re-sampled and inspected. If the result of the re-inspection still does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products cannot be accepted. 523 When carbon dioxide for welding is supplied by pipeline, it shall be inspected at least twice per production shift at the end of the pipeline of the production plant. If one of the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, it cannot be shipped. 53 Users have the right to accept according to the provisions of this standard.
5.4 When the user and the manufacturer have objections to the quality of the product, both parties shall conduct joint inspection or apply for arbitration. 6 Packaging, marking, transportation, purchase and storage
61 The gas cylinders of carbon dioxide for welding and their filling, filling factor, transportation, storage and use shall comply with the provisions of the "Regulations on the Safety Supervision of Gas Cylinders and the "Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Goods". The packaging markings shall comply with the provisions of GB190. 62 The storage tanks of carbon dioxide for welding and their filling, filling factor, transportation and storage shall comply with the provisions of the "Regulations on Safety Technical Supervision of Pressure Vessels" and its product standards.
63 The actual filling volume of carbon dioxide in gas cylinders or storage tanks shall not be less than 90% of the maximum filling volume. The difference between the net weight of the product marked on the product certificate and the actual filling volume shall be less than 5%. The maximum filling volume M of the gas cylinder or the whole tank is calculated according to formula (5): MK.Y
Where: Area - filling coefficient of the gas cylinder or storage tank, kg/L; water volume of the gas cylinder or storage tank, L
64: The paint color, color ring, lettering and lettering color of the gas cylinder and the tank surface shall comply with the provisions of GB7144, (5)
65 The carbon dioxide gas cylinder or storage tank for welding shall be dedicated and shall not be filled with other gases. When the empty cylinder is returned to the dust production plant, there shall be residual pressure, which shall not be less than 0.5MPa. The bottle cap shall be complete. The manufacturer shall check according to the "Gas Cylinder Safety Surplus Supervision Regulations" before filling. If it does not meet the requirements, it shall be filled only after corresponding treatment. 66 The material, diameter, wall thickness, transportation distance, transportation pressure, etc. of the pipeline for transporting carbon dioxide for welding shall comply with the relevant design requirements and safety regulations.
6 When carbon hydride for welding leaves the factory, it should be accompanied by a quality certificate, the contents of which include: . Product name:
b. This standard number, product grade, component content; c.
dust production date, production batch number:
d. Product net weight;
manufacturer name;
high pressure liquefied gas and safety signs, etc.,
safety requirements
when the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air of the operating area is higher than 5×10-2, it is harmful to human health. The density of carbon dioxide is 0.5 times greater than that of air, and it is easy to accumulate in places with poor air circulation, which can cause hypoxia and suffocation. The air circulation in the place where carbon dioxide is produced, stored and used should be good, and the relevant equipment should be kept in a cool place. Bottles or storage tanks should be placed in a cool place. Dry place, avoid direct sunlight, 6
Temperature, ℃
HG/T 2537—93
Appendix A
Saturated vapor pressure of water at dew point temperature
Saturated vapor pressure, KP.
Saturated vapor pressure, KPa
HG/ T 2537 93
Pao and steam, KPa
0. 096485
Saturated vapor pressure, KPa
0. 0420 50
0. 007119
Additional Notes:
This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Southwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and was drafted by the Southwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry, and Beijing Analytical Instrument Factory.
The main drafters of this standard are Wu Jiaxing, Wen Anran and Liu Zhigang. People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Carbon dioxide for welding
HG/T 257-0
Editor: Chemical Industry Standards Department
(Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printing: Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright: Exclusive use, no preferential printing
Printing size: 17000
Book size: 880×12301/16
First edition in January 1594
First edition in January 1994
Number of prints: 1 500
Cost: RMB Z.40
2537-935 Odor test
The odor is tested by human sense of noise.
Carefully open the sample valve and let the sample gas flow out slowly and continuously. Fan the smell with your hand after 30 seconds. There should be no peculiar smell. 5 Acceptance rules
5.1 Carbon dioxide for welding shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall ensure that the quality of the products leaving the factory complies with this standard. 5.2 Carbon dioxide for welding shall be inspected in batches. 5.2.1 For welding carbon dioxide supplied in gas cylinders, the number of each batch is the number of gas cylinders filled in one production shift. When accepting a batch of carbon dioxide in gas cylinders, random sampling inspection shall be carried out according to the provisions of Table 2. Table 2
Batch number (bottles)
50 or less
501 or more
Sample (bottles) If any item of the inspection result does not meet this standard, a new inspection shall be carried out from the gas cylinders according to the sampling number in Table 2. If there is still one item that does not meet the requirements of this standard in the re-inspection result, the batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.2.2 For welding carbon dioxide supplied in storage tanks (carts), each storage tank is a batch. The storage tank should not have sampling valves and pipelines for sampling. Inspection of the sampling valve and pipeline of the storage tank directly sending the sample gas to the detection instrument. If the inspection result does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products cannot be accepted. HG/T2537-93
522.2 In the case of sampling from the storage tank for inspection by a special sampling device, if one of the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products should be re-sampled and inspected. If the result of the re-inspection still does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products cannot be accepted. 523 When carbon dioxide for welding is supplied by pipeline, it shall be inspected at least twice per production shift at the end of the pipeline of the production plant. If one of the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, it cannot be shipped. 53 Users have the right to accept according to the provisions of this standard.
5.4 When the user and the manufacturer have objections to the quality of the product, both parties shall conduct joint inspection or apply for arbitration. 6 Packaging, marking, transportation, purchase and storage
61 The gas cylinders of carbon dioxide for welding and their filling, filling factor, transportation, storage and use shall comply with the provisions of the "Regulations on the Safety Supervision of Gas Cylinders and the "Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Goods". The packaging markings shall comply with the provisions of GB190. 62 The storage tanks of carbon dioxide for welding and their filling, filling factor, transportation and storage shall comply with the provisions of the "Regulations on Safety Technical Supervision of Pressure Vessels" and its product standards.
63 The actual filling volume of carbon dioxide in gas cylinders or storage tanks shall not be less than 90% of the maximum filling volume. The difference between the net weight of the product marked on the product certificate and the actual filling volume shall be less than 5%. The maximum filling volume M of the gas cylinder or the whole tank is calculated according to formula (5): MK.Y
Where: Area - filling coefficient of the gas cylinder or storage tank, kg/L; water volume of the gas cylinder or storage tank, L
64: The paint color, color ring, lettering and lettering color of the gas cylinder and the tank surface shall comply with the provisions of GB7144, (5)
65 The carbon dioxide gas cylinder or storage tank for welding shall be dedicated and shall not be filled with other gases. When the empty cylinder is returned to the dust production plant, there shall be residual pressure, which shall not be less than 0.5MPa. The bottle cap shall be complete. The manufacturer shall check according to the "Gas Cylinder Safety Surplus Supervision Regulations" before filling. If it does not meet the requirements, it shall be filled only after corresponding treatment. 66 The material, diameter, wall thickness, transportation distance, transportation pressure, etc. of the pipeline for transporting carbon dioxide for welding shall comply with the relevant design requirements and safety regulations.
6 When carbon hydride for welding leaves the factory, it should be accompanied by a quality certificate, the contents of which include: . Product name:
b. This standard number, product grade, component content; c.
dust production date, production batch number:
d. Product net weight;
manufacturer name;
high pressure liquefied gas and safety signs, etc.,
safety requirements
when the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air of the operating area is higher than 5×10-2, it is harmful to human health. The density of carbon dioxide is 0.5 times greater than that of air, and it is easy to accumulate in places with poor air circulation, which can cause hypoxia and suffocation. The air circulation in the place where carbon dioxide is produced, stored and used should be good, and the relevant equipment should be kept in a cool place. Bottles or storage tanks should be placed in a cool place. Dry place, avoid direct sunlight, 6
Temperature, ℃
HG/T 2537—93
Appendix A
Saturated vapor pressure of water at dew point temperature
Saturated vapor pressure, KP.
Saturated vapor pressure, KPa
HG/ T 2537 93
Pao and steam, KPa
0. 096485
Saturated vapor pressure, KPa
0. 0420 50
0. 007119
Additional Notes:
This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Southwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and was drafted by the Southwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry, and Beijing Analytical Instrument Factory.
The main drafters of this standard are Wu Jiaxing, Wen Anran and Liu Zhigang. People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Carbon dioxide for welding
HG/T 257-0
Editor: Chemical Industry Standards Department
(Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printing: Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright: Exclusive use, no preferential printing
Printing size: 17000
Book size: 880×12301/16
First edition in January 1594
First edition in January 1994
Number of prints: 1 500
Cost: RMB Z.40
2537-935 Odor test
The odor is tested by human sense of noise.
Carefully open the sample valve and let the sample gas flow out slowly and continuously. Fan the smell with your hand after 30 seconds. There should be no peculiar smell. 5 Acceptance rules
5.1 Carbon dioxide for welding shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall ensure that the quality of the products leaving the factory complies with this standard. 5.2 Carbon dioxide for welding shall be inspected in batches. 5.2.1 For welding carbon dioxide supplied in gas cylinders, the number of each batch is the number of gas cylinders filled in one production shift. When accepting a batch of carbon dioxide in gas cylinders, random sampling inspection shall be carried out according to the provisions of Table 2. Table 2
Batch number (bottles)
50 or less
501 or more
Sample (bottles) If any item of the inspection result does not meet this standard, a new inspection shall be carried out from the gas cylinders according to the sampling number in Table 2. If there is still one item that does not meet the requirements of this standard in the re-inspection result, the batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.2.2 For welding carbon dioxide supplied in storage tanks (carts), each storage tank is a batch. The storage tank should not have sampling valves and pipelines for sampling. Inspection of the sampling valve and pipeline of the storage tank directly sending the sample gas to the detection instrument. If the inspection result does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products cannot be accepted. HG/T2537-93
522.2 In the case of sampling from the storage tank for inspection by a special sampling device, if one of the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products should be re-sampled and inspected. If the result of the re-inspection still does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products cannot be accepted. 523 When carbon dioxide for welding is supplied by pipeline, it shall be inspected at least twice per production shift at the end of the pipeline of the production plant. If one of the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, it cannot be shipped. 53 Users have the right to accept according to the provisions of this standard.
5.4 When the user and the manufacturer have objections to the quality of the product, both parties shall conduct joint inspection or apply for arbitration. 6 Packaging, marking, transportation, purchase and storage
61 The gas cylinders of carbon dioxide for welding and their filling, filling factor, transportation, storage and use shall comply with the provisions of the "Regulations on the Safety Supervision of Gas Cylinders and the "Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Goods". The packaging markings shall comply with the provisions of GB190. 62 The storage tanks of carbon dioxide for welding and their filling, filling factor, transportation and storage shall comply with the provisions of the "Regulations on Safety Technical Supervision of Pressure Vessels" and its product standards.
63 The actual filling volume of carbon dioxide in gas cylinders or storage tanks shall not be less than 90% of the maximum filling volume. The difference between the net weight of the product marked on the product certificate and the actual filling volume shall be less than 5%. The maximum filling volume M of the gas cylinder or the whole tank is calculated according to formula (5): MK.Y
Where: Area - filling coefficient of the gas cylinder or storage tank, kg/L; water volume of the gas cylinder or storage tank, L
64: The paint color, color ring, lettering and lettering color of the gas cylinder and the tank surface shall comply with the provisions of GB7144, (5)
65 The carbon dioxide gas cylinder or storage tank for welding shall be dedicated and shall not be filled with other gases. When the empty cylinder is returned to the dust production plant, there shall be residual pressure, which shall not be less than 0.5MPa. The bottle cap shall be complete. The manufacturer shall check according to the "Gas Cylinder Safety Surplus Supervision Regulations" before filling. If it does not meet the requirements, it shall be filled only after corresponding treatment. 66 The material, diameter, wall thickness, transportation distance, transportation pressure, etc. of the pipeline for transporting carbon dioxide for welding shall comply with the relevant design requirements and safety regulations.
6 When carbon hydride for welding leaves the factory, it should be accompanied by a quality certificate, the contents of which include: . Product name:
b. This standard number, product grade, component content; c.
dust production date, production batch number:
d. Product net weight;
manufacturer name;
high pressure liquefied gas and safety signs, etc.,
safety requirements
when the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air of the operating area is higher than 5×10-2, it is harmful to human health. The density of carbon dioxide is 0.5 times greater than that of air, and it is easy to accumulate in places with poor air circulation, which can cause hypoxia and suffocation. The air circulation in the place where carbon dioxide is produced, stored and used should be good, and the relevant equipment should be kept in a cool place. Bottles or storage tanks should be placed in a cool place. Dry place, avoid direct sunlight, 6
Temperature, ℃
HG/T 2537—93
Appendix A
Saturated vapor pressure of water at dew point temperature
Saturated vapor pressure, KP.
Saturated vapor pressure, KPa
HG/ T 2537 93
Pao and steam, KPa
0. 096485
Saturated vapor pressure, KPa
0. 0420 50
0. 007119
Additional Notes:
This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Southwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and was drafted by the Southwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry, and Beijing Analytical Instrument Factory.
The main drafters of this standard are Wu Jiaxing, Wen Anran and Liu Zhigang. People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Carbon dioxide for welding
HG/T 257-0
Editor: Chemical Industry Standards Department
(Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printing: Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright: Exclusive use, no preferential printing
Printing size: 17000
Book size: 880×12301/16
First edition in January 1594
First edition in January 1994
Number of prints: 1 500
Cost: RMB Z.40
Where: Area - filling coefficient of gas cylinder or storage tank, kg/L; water volume of gas cylinder or storage tank, L
64: The paint color, color ring, lettering and lettering color of gas cylinder and storage tank shall comply with the provisions of GB7144, (5)
65 Carbon dioxide gas cylinders or storage tanks for welding shall be dedicated and shall not be filled with other gases. When empty bottles are returned to the dust production factory, residual pressure shall be left and shall not be less than 0.5MPa. Bottle caps shall be complete. Before filling, the manufacturer shall check according to the "Gas Cylinder Safety Residual Supervision Regulations". If it does not meet the requirements, it shall be filled only after corresponding treatment. 66 The material, diameter, wall thickness, transportation distance and transportation pressure of the pipeline for transporting carbon dioxide for welding shall comply with the relevant design requirements and safety regulations.
6 When hydrogenated carbon for welding leaves the factory, it shall be accompanied by a quality certificate, the contents of which include:. Product name:
b. Standard number, product grade, component content;
Production date, production batch number:
d. Net weight of product;
Manufacturer name;
High-pressure liquefied gas and safety signs, etc.,
Safety requirements
When the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air of the operating area is higher than 5×10-2, it is harmful to human health. The density of carbon dioxide is 0.5 times greater than that of air. It is easy to accumulate in places with poor air circulation, which can cause hypoxia and suffocation. The air circulation in the place where carbon dioxide is produced, stored and used should be good, and the equipment with poor ventilation should be used. Bottles or storage tanks should be placed in a cool place. Dry place, avoid direct sunlight, 6
Temperature, ℃
HG/T 2537—93
Appendix A
Saturated vapor pressure of water at dew point temperature
Saturated vapor pressure, KP.
Saturated vapor pressure, KPa
HG/ T 2537 93
Pao and steam, KPa
0. 096485
Saturated vapor pressure, KPa
0. 0420 50
0. 007119
Additional Notes:
This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Southwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and was drafted by the Southwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry, and Beijing Analytical Instrument Factory.
The main drafters of this standard are Wu Jiaxing, Wen Anran and Liu Zhigang. People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Carbon dioxide for welding
HG/T 257-0
Editor: Chemical Industry Standard Compilation Department
(Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printing: Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright: Exclusive use, no preferential printing
Printing size: 17000
Book size: 880×12301/16
First edition in January 1594
First edition in January 1994
Number of prints: 1 500
Cost: RMB Z.40
Where: Area - filling coefficient of gas cylinder or storage tank, kg/L; water volume of gas cylinder or storage tank, L
64: The paint color, color ring, lettering and lettering color of gas cylinder and storage tank shall comply with the provisions of GB7144, (5)
65 Carbon dioxide gas cylinders or storage tanks for welding shall be dedicated and shall not be filled with other gases. When empty bottles are returned to the dust production factory, residual pressure shall be left and shall not be less than 0.5MPa. Bottle caps shall be complete. Before filling, the manufacturer shall check according to the "Gas Cylinder Safety Residual Supervision Regulations". If it does not meet the requirements, it shall be filled only after corresponding treatment. 66 The material, diameter, wall thickness, transportation distance and transportation pressure of the pipeline for transporting carbon dioxide for welding shall comply with the relevant design requirements and safety regulations.
6 When hydrogenated carbon for welding leaves the factory, it shall be accompanied by a quality certificate, the contents of which include:. Product name:
b. Standard number, product grade, component content;
Production date, production batch number:
d. Net weight of product;
Manufacturer name;
High-pressure liquefied gas and safety signs, etc.,
Safety requirements
When the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air of the operating area is higher than 5×10-2, it is harmful to human health. The density of carbon dioxide is 0.5 times greater than that of air. It is easy to accumulate in places with poor air circulation, which can cause hypoxia and suffocation. The air circulation in the place where carbon dioxide is produced, stored and used should be good, and the equipment with poor ventilation should be used. Bottles or storage tanks should be placed in a cool place. Dry place, avoid direct sunlight, 6
Temperature, ℃
HG/T 2537—93
Appendix A
Saturated vapor pressure of water at dew point temperature
Saturated vapor pressure, KP.
Saturated vapor pressure, KPa
HG/ T 2537 93
Pao and steam, KPa
0. 096485
Saturated vapor pressure, KPa
0. 0420 50
0. 007119
Additional Notes:
This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Southwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and was drafted by the Southwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, Harbin Welding Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry, and Beijing Analytical Instrument Factory.
The main drafters of this standard are Wu Jiaxing, Wen Anran and Liu Zhigang. People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Carbon dioxide for welding
HG/T 257-0
Editor: Chemical Industry Standard Compilation Department
(Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printing: Institute of Standardization, Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright: Exclusive use, no preferential printing
Printing size: 17000
Book size: 880×12301/16
First edition in January 1594
First edition in January 1994
Number of prints: 1 500
Cost: RMB Z.40
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.