title>GB 16999-1997 RMB counterfeit banknote detector - GB 16999-1997 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 16999-1997 RMB counterfeit banknote detector

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 16999-1997

Standard Name:Counterfeit RMB—Banknote discriminating device

Chinese Name: 人民币伪钞鉴别仪

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1997-10-05

Date of Implementation:1998-07-01

Date of Expiration:2011-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, services, organization and management of companies (enterprises), administration, transportation>>03.060 Finance, banking, monetary system, insurance

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Social and Public Security>>A90 Comprehensive Social and Public Security

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

other information

Release date:1997-10-05

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Currency and Gold and Silver Department of the People's Bank of China

Focal point unit:National Anti-Counterfeiting Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:National Standardization Administration Committee

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the general technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of counterfeit RMB banknote discriminators. This standard applies to a series of products that automatically identify counterfeit RMB banknotes when collecting and paying cash. GB 16999-1997 RMB counterfeit banknote discriminator GB16999-1997 standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

In the formulation of this standard, the technical requirements of foreign banknote counting machines were referred to. This standard proposes the basic requirements of RMB counterfeit banknote detectors. Appendix A of this standard is the standard appendix, and Appendix B is the reminder appendix. This standard is proposed by the State Administration of Technical Supervision and the People's Bank of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Anti-Counterfeiting Standardization Technical Committee. The drafting units of this standard are: Currency Gold and Silver Department of the People's Bank of China, 5311 Factory of the People's Liberation Army (Nanjing), Science and Technology Department of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation, Computer Research Institute of Guangdong Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Shenzhen Fushida Technology Industry Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Xiao Feng, Sun Naijun, Ye Xinliang, Dai Kaige, Zhang Shuangxiang, Luan Xin, Ma Zhimin, Wang Hongen, Lin Tianyuan, Chen Dexin. 493
1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Counterfeit RMB-Banknote discriminating device
Counterfeit RMB-Banknote discriminating deviceGB16999
This standard specifies the general technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of the RMB-counterfeit banknote discriminating device (hereinafter referred to as the discriminating device).
This standard applies to a series of products that automatically discriminate RMB counterfeit banknotes during cash collection and payment. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB191-90 Pictorial marking for packaging, storage and transportation
GB2828-87 Count sampling procedure and sampling table for batch inspection (applicable to inspection of continuous batches) GB2829-87 Count sampling procedure and sampling table for periodic inspection (applicable to inspection of stability of production process) GB/T3767-1996 Acoustics Sound pressure method for determining sound power level of noise source Engineering method for approximate free field above reflecting surface GB3785-83 Electrical and acoustic properties and test methods of sound level meter GB/T4857.5---92 Drop test method for packaging and transportation GB4943-1995 Safety of information technology equipment (including electrical business equipment) GB5080.7-86 Equipment reliability test Failure rate and mean time between failures under constant failure rate assumptions Test plan
GB6587.1-86 General outline for environmental testing of electronic measuring instruments GB6587.4-86 Vibration test of electronic measuring instruments GB6587.5-86 Impact test of electronic measuring instruments GB9254-88 Limits and measurement methods of radio interference of information technology equipment SJ94683 Basic requirements for electrical and mechanical structures of electronic measuring instruments JR/T0002-94 Banknote counting machine
3 Definitions
3.1 Banknotes banknote(s)
Paper RMB issued by the People's Bank of China and currently in circulation 3.2 Counterfeit or forged banknote(s) Counterfeit or altered banknotes.
3.3 Test paper test paper
Test paper made according to the characteristics of RMB and counterfeit banknotes collected. 3.4 Dynamic discrimination A method that can automatically and continuously identify the authenticity of banknotes in an electrically transmitted state. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on October 5, 1997 494
Implemented from July 1, 1998
3.5 Static discrimination GB 16999-1997
A method that can automatically identify the authenticity of a single banknote in a manually transmitted state. 3.6 Undiscrimination error rate The ratio of the number of counterfeit banknotes that are not identified to the number of counterfeit banknotes actually counted. Misdiscrimination error rate 3.7
The ratio of the number of genuine banknotes identified as counterfeit banknotes to the number of genuine banknotes actually counted. 3.8 Stuck banknote(s)
Two or more banknotes stuck to each other. 4 Product classification and model compilation method
4.1 Product classification
It is divided into two categories: dynamic identification type (indicated by I) and static identification type (indicated by J). Model compilation method (example)
5 Technical requirements
Appearance and structure are shown in Table 1.
Injection molded parts, sprayed parts
Plating, coating
Self-adhesive parts
Logos, characters
Basic parameters are shown in Table 2.
Serial number
Power supply adaptability
Power consumption (whole machine)
Preparation time
No-load operation noise
Working temperature rise
Modification number (expressed in English capital letter sequence) Design number (expressed in Arabic numeral sequence) Product features (expressed in registered trademarks or the number of counterfeit detection devices) Product classification (expressed in D or J)
Counterfeit banknote detector "False" and "Detection" Chinese pinyin the th alphabet Table 1 Appearance and structure
There are no obvious scratches, dents, or deformation on the surface, and no obvious color difference in color quality. There are no obvious scratches, peeling, or rust on the surface. Self-adhesive parts such as film panels and trademarks should be pasted flat and firmly, and no edge peeling is allowed. All logo characters should be clear.
All fasteners are firmly fixed.
Should comply with the relevant provisions of SJ946
Table 2 Basic parameters
(Static type is divided into AC and DC)
Less than 200W
Less than 2min
Less than 60dB(A)
Less than 20℃
See Table 3 and Table 4 for the main performance.
Serial number
Identification capability
General performance
Identification speed
Counterfeit banknote identification
Misidentification rate
Error identification rate
Preset number identification1)
GB 16999—1997
Table 3 Main performance of dynamic identification type
The identification instrument must have at least two of the following identification methods, and more than two identification methods can be used for identification simultaneously or separately. 1. Fluorescence identification
2. Magnetic identification
3. Security thread identification
4. Watermark identification
5. Graphic identification
Counter display digits
Capacity of banknote feeding and receiving stations
Distance to the front of banknotes
Error rate
Continuous working time
Life of wearing parts
Identification of sticky banknotes
1) The identification instrument with preset number identification function in the purchased model has this requirement, 6. Comprehensive identification of banknote paper quality
7. Infrared identification
8. Identification of banknote transmittance
9. Identification by other methods
Should comply with JR/T0 002 related requirements
Not less than 900 sheets/min
With auditory and visual prompt marks, the counter does not count too much, can point out the location of counterfeit banknotes, the machine automatically stops at a position that is convenient for taking out counterfeit banknotes Less than 1/5000
Less than 1/2000
In the process of counting banknotes with preset numbers, it should have the identification function Table 4 Main performance of static identification type
Serial number
Identification ability
Identification time
Counterfeit banknote petal identification
Misidentification rate
Misidentification rate
Reliability requirements
First name
Same as table 3
Less than or equal to 2s
Have auditory and visual prompt marks||tt ||Less than 1/5000
Less than 1/4000
The reliability of this standard is expressed in MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) 5.4.1 Dynamic discriminating MTBF is greater than or equal to 800h. 5.4.2 Static identification MTBF is greater than or equal to 1000h. 5.5 See Table 5 for safety performance.
Table 5 Safety Performance
Serial Number
General Requirements
Insulation Resistance||tt ||Name
Should comply with the relevant provisions of 1.3 in GB4943-1995 Greater than 20MΩ
Serial number
Leakage current
Electric strength
5.6 Radio interference limit value
GB 16999 —1997
Table 5 (End)
Less than 0.7mA
There should be no flying or breakdown phenomenon within 1 min| |tt||5.6.1 The limit value of the power terminal interference voltage when the product is working should comply with the requirements of Level A in GB9254-88. The limit value of the radiated interference field strength when the product is working should comply with the requirements of Level A in GB9254-88. 5.6.2
5.7 Environmental requirements
5.7.1 See Table 6 for climate and environmental requirements.
Table 6 Climate conditions
Serial number
Working climate
Storage and transportation climate
Constant humidity and heat| |tt||5.7.2 Mechanical environment
5. 7. 2. 1
See Table 7 for vibration requirements.
frequency range
resonance search
resonance hold
vibration cycle
vibration direction
machine status|| tt||Sweep rate
Drive amplitude (peak value)
Drive amplitude (bee value)
Frequency range
Sweep rate|| tt||Drive amplitude (peak)
The impact requirements are shown in Table 8
5. 7. 2. 2
Relative humidity/%
Atmospheric pressure/kPa
Relative humidity/%
Atmospheric pressure/kPa
Table 7
Vibration requirements
temperature 40℃±2℃, humidity (90)%|| tt||number
5~55~5 Hz
less than or equal to 1 octave/min
0.19 mm
l.59mm(5Hzsf10Hz)||tt ||Value
0. 19 mm(25 Hz≤f≤55 Hz)
555~5 Hz||tt| |Less than or equal to 1 octave/min
0.19 mm
2 times
Non-working state
497|| tt||Acceleration
Serial number
Pulse duration
See Table 9 for packaging drop requirements.
GB 16999—1997
Table 8 Impact requirements
Half sine wave
Table 9#
Packaging drop requirements| |tt||Test machine mass/kg
less than 200
less than 100
less than 50
less than 20
6 test methods
Number of impacts
6 sides, 3 times per side
Drop height/mm
1000|| tt||6.1 See Appendix A for routine inspection of testing instruments and equipment required in the test, and see Appendix A and Appendix B for type inspection. Machine status
Non-working status
6.2 The machine under test has been prepared according to the usage requirements. During the identification process, identifying the front and back of the banknote once is designated as identification time. Counterfeit banknotes should be identified in ~- times.
6.3 The appearance shall be inspected visually and by hand, and the structure shall be carried out according to the methods specified in Chapters 3 and 4 of SJ946-83. 6.4 Basic parameter test
6.4.1 Power supply adaptability
Adjust the 220V, 50Hz (1±5%) power supply voltage regulator to 198V and 242V input discriminator respectively, and use 100 banknotes randomly Incorporate 2 pieces of test paper, and under these two voltages, the dynamic discriminator identifies it twice, and the static discriminator identifies it once. After identification, start and stop the machine once, repeat this 5 times, and the machine should be able to identify normally. 6.4.2 Power consumption
Under the voltage of 220V (1±10%), 50Hz (1±5%), during the continuous identification process of the dynamic discriminator, use the power meter after the static discriminator is powered on for 5 minutes. The measured power consumption of the complete machine should comply with the requirements in Table 2. 6.4.3 Preparation time
Within 2 minutes of starting the machine·Identification according to 6.5.5, should meet the requirements of Table 2. 6.4.4. Noise
shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/T3767. The test instrument should use a sound level meter of type 1 or above specified in GB3785-83. The test point should be 1m away from the surface of the test sample. The test results should meet the requirements of Table 2. 6.4.5 Working temperature rise test
The discriminator must work continuously for 4 hours, and the dynamic identification shall be no less than 50,000 times; the static identification shall be no less than 5,000 times. Use a digital thermometer to measure the surface of the discriminator shell and any part. The working temperature rise should comply with the requirements of Table 2. 6.5 Main performance test
6.5.1 Use visual method to check the detection device on the discriminator should comply with the requirements of Table 3 and Table 4. 6.5.2 Identification ability test method
Mix 6 corresponding test papers into 100 banknotes, and test the product individually according to the methods of 3 pieces, 3 pieces together and 6 pieces randomly. The device is tested and two or more detection devices are tested at the same time. Each incorporation method is tested 10 times and should meet the requirements of Table 3 and Table 4.
6.5.3 General performance is checked according to the test method of JR/T0002. 6.5.4 Identification speed Dynamic identification
GB 16999-1997
Use the currently circulating 10 yuan paper market to identify a total of 1800 sheets, using a stopwatch Measure the identification time and use formula (1) to calculate the unit identification speed, which should meet the requirements of Table 3.
Number of identification sheets
Unit identification speed = identification time/min Static identification
Use 10 pieces of test paper for identification, and use a stopwatch to measure each time The identification time should comply with the requirements of Table 4. 6.5.5 Test methods for leakage rate and error rate (1)
Prepare products for shipment by random sampling according to the requirements in Table 11, and conduct batch identification tests using banknotes according to the requirements in Table 10. During the identification process, 2 pieces of test paper are randomly mixed into every 100 banknotes for identification. The leakage rate and error rate should meet the requirements of Table 3 and Table 4 respectively. Table 10 Identification test items
Denomination of banknotes
Number of dynamic counterfeiting verifications/times
Number of static counterfeiting verifications/times
Batch or continuous production quantity||tt| |Sampling quantity
6.5.6 Preset number identification
One yuan
Table 11
28||tt ||2
five yuan
ten yuan
10 000
Leakage rate, error rate and reliability test sampling number 9~15
51~ 100
five hundred yuan
one hundred yuan| | tt | (Incorporated into 2 pieces of test paper), 100 pieces (incorporated into 5 pieces of test paper), each identified twice, the preset number identification should meet the requirements of Table 3.
6.6 Reliability test
6.6.1 The test is conducted according to the timed censoring test plan numbered 5:7 in GB5080.7-86. 6.6.2 The sampling quantity shall be as per Table 11.
6.6.3 Identification method: Follow the test method of 6.5.5. 6.6.4 Reliability judgment basis
The total cumulative working time of dynamic prototype machines is 1168h (identification tests are not less than 750,000 times), and the total cumulative working time of static prototype machines is 1460h (identification tests are not less than 12 10,000 times), if the number of failures is less than or equal to 3, the batch of products is deemed to be reliable. 6.6.5 Failure judgment basis
is shown in Table 14~Table 18.
6.6.6 Calculation of the number of failures When any Category B failure in 6.6.5 occurs during the test, it is a failure; whenever any A in 6.6.5 occurs When the category fails, the reliability will be judged to be unqualified. When a fault occurs during the test but is not determined to be a failure, components cannot be replaced or repair measures cannot be taken. Otherwise, each replacement or repair measure will be counted as a failure. Only independent failures are counted. When two independent failures occur on the same prototype, they should be calculated twice. Subordinate failures are not counted as failures.
6.7 Safety requirements test
General requirements
6. 7. 1
Conducted in accordance with the relevant chapters of GB4943.
6.7.2 Insulation resistance
Measured with a digital megohmmeter (set to 200MQ/500V), it should comply with the requirements of Table 5. 6.7.3 Leakage current
Adjust the voltage of the leakage current tester to 242V, frequency 50Hz (1±5%), set the current to 1mA, and test the discriminator, which should meet the requirements of Table 5499
6.7.4 Electrical strength
GB 16999—1997
Connect the discriminator to the withstand voltage tester, adjust the voltage to 1500V, frequency 50Hz (1±5%), Set the leakage current to 5mA and resist electricity for 1 minute. It should meet the requirements of Table 5.
6.7.5 Radio interference limit value The limit value of the interference voltage of the power terminal shall be carried out according to the method specified in Chapter 7 of GB9254-88. The limit value of radiated interference field strength shall be determined according to the method specified in Chapter 8 of GB9254-88. 6.8 Environmental test
6.8.1 Temperature resistance test Working temperature lower limit test
Put the unpackaged identifier into a low temperature box of 0℃±3C (temperature change The rate should not be greater than 1C/min, and should not exceed the average value of 5 minutes). Keep the power on for 2 hours, and then identify it every 30 minutes for a total of 4 times. The identifier should work normally. Working temperature upper limit test
Put the unpackaged identification device into a high temperature box at 40℃±2℃ (the temperature change rate shall not be greater than 1℃/min, and shall not exceed the average value of 5min) and keep it powered on for 2h , and then identify it every 30 minutes for a total of 4 times. The identifier should work normally. Storage and transportation temperature lower limit test: Put the packaged identification instrument into a low temperature box of 25C ± 2C (temperature change rate shall not be greater than 1C/min and shall not exceed the average value of 5min) for 16 hours, and then raise the temperature to After room temperature, take out the discriminator and place it at room temperature for more than 8 hours. After unpacking, identify it no less than 5 times. The discriminator should work normally. Storage and transportation temperature upper limit test The packaged discriminator Put it into a high-temperature box at 55C ± 2C (the temperature change rate is not greater than 1℃/min, and does not exceed the average value of 5min) for 16h, then lower the temperature to room temperature, take out the discriminator, place it at room temperature for more than 8h, and disassemble it. Pack and identify for no less than 5 times. The identifier should work normally
6.8.2 Constant humidity and heat test
Put the unpackaged identifier into a 40C ± 2C test box, keep it for 1 hour, and then Adjust the humidity of the test chamber to (90±)% within 30 minutes, and after maintaining it for 48 hours, the machine will recover in the test chamber. First adjust the humidity of the test chamber to (75±3)%, and then lower the temperature of the test chamber to 20℃±5C within 30 minutes. After maintaining it for 1 hour, take out the discriminator and identify it no less than 5 times. The discriminator should work normally. . 6.8.3 Vibration test
shall be carried out in accordance with GB6587.4. Fix the discriminator on the vibration test bench and conduct the vibration test according to the requirements in Table 7. After the vibration is completed, check that each fastener should not be loose. The discriminator should be identified for no less than 5 times. The discriminator should work normally. 6.8.4 Impact test
shall be carried out in accordance with GB6587.5. Fix the discriminator on the impact test bench and conduct the impact test according to the requirements in Table 8. After the impact is completed, check that each fastener should not be loose. The discriminator should be identified for no less than 5 times. The discriminator should work normally. 6.8.5 Packaging drop test
After packaging the discriminator according to the factory requirements, place it at the corresponding height from the cement floor (see Table 9), and drop it in a free fall manner, once on each of the upper, lower, left, and right sides. , unpack and check that the fasteners should not be loose, the shell has no cracks, the identification should be no less than 5 times, and the identification device should work normally.
7 Inspection Rules
Product inspection rules include type inspection and routine inspection. 7.1 Type inspection
7.1. The following type inspection items are carried out according to Table 12. The criteria for unqualified inspection are shown in Table 14~Table 18. 500
7.1.2 Judgment level The water quality and sampling plan shall be determined according to GB2829, and the secondary sampling plan shall be carried out. The sampling quantity, unqualified quality level and corresponding number of discrimination groups are: n1 to 10, nz=10, Class B unqualified RQI to 12, Class C unqualified RQI to 20. Among them, the number of samples for environmental testing and radio interference limit value testing is 3 units. 7.1.3 Unqualified products shall be classified according to 2.1.7 in GB2829-87. 7.1.4 The judgment of qualified and unqualified and the handling of inspection results shall be carried out in accordance with 4.11 and 4.12 of GB282987. 7.1.5 During continuous production, it should be carried out every two years. 7.2 Routine inspection
7.2.1 Routine inspection items are carried out according to Table 12. The criteria for unqualified inspection are shown in Table 14~Table 18. 7.2.2 The inspection level, sampling plan and qualified quality level are shown in Table 13. 7.2. 3. Unqualified classification shall be carried out according to GB2828-87 4.2, 7.2.4 judgment of qualified and unqualified, and inspection results shall be handled according to GB2828-87 4.11, 4.12 carried out. Table 12 Product inspection items
Inspection items
Appearance and structural requirements
Power supply adaptability
2||tt ||Basic parameters
Main performance
Reliability requirements
Safety requirements
Radio interference limit
Environmental requirements
Power consumption
Preparation time
Working temperature rise
Identification ability
General performance
Identification speed
Counterfeit banknote identification
Leakage rate
Misidentification rate||tt| |Preset number identification
Note: "○" indicates the items that should be carried out in this type of inspection one by one
Routine inspection
Spot inspection
Type inspection
o| |tt||o
O||tt ||O
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