JB/T 9926.1-1999 This standard is a revision of ZB J55 052-90 "Precision Inspection of Internal Thread Grinding Machines". During the revision, only editorial changes were made according to relevant regulations, and the technical content remained unchanged. This standard is part of the JB/T 9926 "Internal Thread Grinding Machine" series of standards, which includes the following two parts: JB/T 9926.1-1999 Precision Inspection of Internal Thread Grinding Machines JB/T 9926.2-1999 Technical Conditions for Internal Thread Grinding Machines This standard specifies the geometric accuracy and working accuracy inspection requirements and inspection methods for internal thread grinding machines. This standard is applicable to internal thread grinding machines with a maximum grinding diameter of 200~320mm. This standard was first issued in July 1990. JB/T 9926.1-1999 Precision Inspection of Internal Thread Grinding Machines JB/T9926.1-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
108 25.080.99 中华人民共和国机械行业标准 JB/T9926.1~9926.2—1999 内螺纹磨床 1999-05-20发布 国家机械工业局 2000-01-01 实施 JD/T9926.1—1999 本标准是对2B」5552一州内频纹磨述持滤愉验3的修订,修汀时仅按有关规定进行了缩拥性炼改:技不内容术改变: 本标准是B门9926内燃纹磨风累列标准的--部分,落系列标推包括以下两个部分JH9926.1--1999内频级磨皮粘度愉陷JB/T9926.21999内媒数磨岸技术亲件本标准白实整之口品代著zF155052--90,本标推比金国金居切削机床标准化技术委员会提出。本标准山全当会麗划制机床标准化技术委员会磨床分会归口。本标准负责起卓单位:汉江螺纹磨床研究所、本标准于1991年7万肯次发布 1范围 中华人民共和国机械行业标准 内螺纹磨床精度检验 中标注现实,内媒效磨床几河站度和门作精度的要求皮怡验办泌本造道用于最火接测直径2n0...32nmm的实爆纹磨床。2引用标准 JB/T 9926.1—1999 代9Z0/5505290 下列标准所化含怕亲文、须过生在标准中引用而构虑为不标池条文。本标出版时、所示版动药有效。所有标准部会签修订,使用本标滤的各方应探讨使用下列标准最新版本的川能性GBT1742!.11998机床检骑减测第1部欠:在无负荷或加[条件下机床的几何摘度IRT28861902 JR16221991 机床梯形螺纹丝任、睾母技齐条件滚珠丝杠验收技术条件 3.【使本标准时必纳参照出门1\421.1,尤共是粘度检验前的安装,土轴改其包部仁的空运转刀温、检验力法和孕验[具的精度。3.2参照0B/T17421.1—1998中3.1调整机末能安装水半。水孕仪在织向和横向的读数均.小超过0.02/1000 3.3机床精度检验时,环境温度保持在20T±1汇内。3.4本标准所列出的悄度检验项日的顺,并不表示实际检验的次厅,为了装拆检验1.具和检验方便,可按危总咨进行格临 3.5:作持虑检验时,试件的格验应在精魔后进行,3.6当实测长度与本标准就定的长度不司时,允差应根据GD/T17421.1一1998中2.3.1.1的规定按能够测的长度折算。算结果小于0.001mm时,仍按0.00lmm计3.根据用户和制造厂的协议,检检项日可以增惑,医家机械工业摄1999-05-20批准三 200(-01-01实施 I8/T9926.1-1990www.bzxz.net *[00你 水京垂楼 JB/T9926.1-1999 JB/T 9926.1 -[999 E+s +Izi+s “器装 866[12 [B门9926.1-1999 zzr9's JB/T9926.1-1999 +ts Iters ttts ttts 器尚品 JB/T 9926.1-1999 t+ +1++te +1'? 2'b t!p+2e 1's JD/T9926.1-1999 't:+t +ze +Is +t t+t+rt Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.