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Classification and code of disciplines

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 13745-2009

Standard Name:Classification and code of disciplines

Chinese Name: 学科分类与代码

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2009-05-06

Date of Implementation:2009-11-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment >> 35.040 Character sets and information coding

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A24 Classification Code

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces GB/T 13745-1992

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Plan number:20062145-T-424

Publication date:2009-11-01

other information

Release date:1992-11-04

drafter:Li Xiaolin, Xing Liqiang, Jiang Zhou, Sun Guangzhi, Liu Xueying, Liu Zhiting, Shi Liwu

Drafting unit:China National Institute of Standardization, Planning and Finance Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Focal point unit:National Information Classification and Coding Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:China National Institute of Standardization

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the principles, basis, and coding methods of subject classification, as well as the classification system and codes of subjects. It is applicable to the classification, sharing, and exchange of information based on subjects, as well as to national macro-management and departmental applications. GB/T 13745-2009 Subject Classification and Codes GB/T13745-2009 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the principles, basis, and coding methods of subject classification, as well as the classification system and codes of subjects. It is applicable to the classification, sharing, and exchange of information based on subjects, as well as to national macro-management and departmental applications.
class="f14" style="padding-top:10px; padding-left:12px; padding-bottom:10px;"> This standard replaces GB/T13745-1992 "Subject Classification and Codes".
Compared with GB/T13745-1992, this standard has the following major changes:
---Added preface, introduction and Appendix A;
---In terms of the structure and format of the standard, it has been updated in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1.1-2000;
---The form of the discipline code has been modified, and the dot in the decimal classification symbol has been cancelled to facilitate information processing;
---Added three first-level discipline groups such as information and system science related engineering and technology, and adjusted the second-level discipline psychology to a first-level discipline;
---Added 39 second-level disciplines such as history of medicine, critical care medicine, optical engineering, and weapons science and technology, adjusted 13 third-level disciplines such as astronomical geodynamics to second-level disciplines, and changed the categories of 10 second-level disciplines such as bioengineering and instrumentation technology;
---Added 337 third-level disciplines such as genomics, lunar science, and terminology, adjusted 4 second-level disciplines such as infectious diseases to third-level disciplines, and changed the categories of 65 third-level disciplines such as cryptography;
---Cancelled 4 second-level disciplines such as theoretical statistics and 25 third-level disciplines such as general psychology;
---Adjusted and changed the names of 67 disciplines at all levels, such as monetary banking was renamed finance. For
detailed information on the addition, reduction and change of disciplines, please see Appendix A.
Appendix A of this standard is an informative appendix.
This standard is proposed by the China National Institute of Standardization.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Information Classification and Coding Standardization.
The main drafting units of this standard: China National Institute of Standardization, Planning and Finance Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main drafters of this standard:
Li Xiaolin, Xing Liqiang, Jiang Zhou, Sun Guangzhi, Liu Xueying, Liu Zhiting, Shi Liwu.
This standard was first issued in 1992 and this is the first revision.

Preface III
Introduction IV
1 Scope 1
2 Terms and definitions 1
3 Principles of discipline classification 1
4 Basis of discipline classification 1
5 Explanation of the discipline classification code system 1 6
Coding method 2
7 Discipline classification code table 3
110 Mathematics 3
120 Information science and system science 7
130 Mechanics 7
140 Physics 9
150 Chemistry 12
160 Astronomy 14
170 Earth science 15
180 Biology 18
190 Psychology 24
210 Agronomy25
220 Forestry27
230 Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science28
240 Fisheries30 ||tt || 310
Basic Medicine30
320 Clinical Medicine31
330 Preventive Medicine and Public Health33
340 Military Medicine and Special Medicine34
350 Pharmacy34
360 Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Materia Medica35
410 Basic Disciplines of Engineering and Technology36
413 Engineering and Technology Related to Information and System Science37
416 Engineering and Technology Related to Natural Science37
420 Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology39
430 Materials Science39
440 Mining Engineering Technology41
450 Metallurgical Engineering Technology42
460 Mechanical Engineering42 470
Power and Electrical Engineering43
480 Energy Science and Technology44
490 Nuclear Science and Technology45
510 Electronics and Communication Technology46
520 Computer Science and Technology47
530 Chemical Engineering48
535 Product Application Related Engineering and Technology50
540 Textile Science and Technology51
550 Food Science and Technology51
560 Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering52
570 Water Conservancy Engineering54
580 Transportation Engineering55
590 Aviation and Space Science and Technology55
610 Environmental Science and Technology and Resource Science and Technology57
620 Safety Science and Technology58
630 Management59
710 Marxism60
720 Philosophy61
730 Religious Studies62
740 Linguistics64
750 Literature66
760 Art67
770 History68 780 Archaeology71
810 Political Science76
820 Law77
830 Military Science78 840
850 Ethnology and Cultural Studies82
860 Journalism and Communication82
870 Library, Information and Documentation Science83
880 Education84
890 Sports Science85
910 Statistics85
Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Comparison of subject classification codes between GB/T13745-2009 and GB/T13745-1992
Change 87

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces GB/T13745-1992
Classification and code of disciplines2009-05-06 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration
2009-11-01 Implementation
Terms and definitions
Principles of discipline classification
Basis of discipline classification
Explanation of discipline classification code system
Coding method
Discipline classification code table
Information science and system science
Earth science
Animal husbandry , veterinary science
basic medicine
clinical medicine
preventive medicine and public health
military medicine and special medicine
traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine
basic disciplines of engineering and technology science·
engineering and technology related to information and system science, engineering and technology related to natural science,
surveying and mapping science and technology…
material science
mining engineering technology
metallurgical engineering technology·
mechanical engineering
power and electrical engineering
energy science and technology
GB/T13745—2009|| tt||GB/T13745—2009
Nuclear science and technology
Electronics and communication technology
Computer science and technology…
Chemical engineering
Engineering and technology related to product application
Textile science and technology·
Food science and technology·
Civil and architectural engineering·
Water conservancy engineering,
Transportation engineering·
Aviation and aerospace science and technology
Environmental science and technology and resource science and technology, safety science and technology
Religious studies·
Political Science
Military Science
Ethnology and Culture
Journalism and Communication,
Library, Information and Documentation
Sports Science
Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Comparison of Subject Classification Code Changes between GB/T13745-2009 and GB/T13745-1992
This standard replaces GB/T13745-1992 “Subject Classification and Code”. Compared with GB/T13745-1992, this standard has the following major changes: Foreword, Introduction and Appendix A have been added;
In terms of the structure and format of the standard, it has been updated in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1.1-2000; the form of the discipline code has been modified, and the dot "" in the decimal classification symbol has been cancelled to facilitate information processing; three first-level discipline groups such as "Information and System Science Related Engineering and Technology" have been added, and the second-level discipline "Psychology" has been adjusted to a first-level discipline;
"History of Medicine", "Critical Care Medicine", and "Optical Engineering" have been added. ”, “Weapon Science and Technology” and other 39 second-level disciplines, adjusted 13 third-level disciplines such as “Astronomy and Geodynamics” to second-level disciplines, changed the categories of 10 second-level disciplines such as “Bioengineering” and “Instrumentation Technology”;
added 337 third-level disciplines such as “Genomics”, “Lunar Science” and “Terminology”, adjusted 4 second-level disciplines such as “Infectious Diseases” to third-level disciplines, changed the categories of 65 third-level disciplines such as “Cryptology”; cancelled 4 second-level disciplines such as “Theoretical Statistics” and 25 third-level disciplines such as “General Psychology”; adjusted and changed the names of 67 disciplines at all levels, such as “Money and Banking” Named "Finance" etc. For detailed information on the addition, deletion and change of the above-mentioned disciplines, please see Appendix A. Appendix A of this standard is an informative appendix.
This standard is proposed by the China National Institute of Standardization. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Information Classification and Coding Standardization. The main drafting units of this standard: China National Institute of Standardization, Planning and Finance Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main drafters of this standard: Li Xiaolin, Xing Liqiang, Jiang Zhou, Sun Guangzhi, Liu Xueying, Liu Zhiting, Shi Liwu. This standard was first issued in 1992, and this is the first revision. GB/T13745—2009
Human activities generate experience, and the accumulation of experience Through thinking, summarizing, understanding and abstraction, cognition is formed. After application and verification, knowledge is further developed to the scientific level to form a knowledge system. The knowledge system in constant development and evolution is divided into disciplines according to certain common characteristics. Disciplines are relatively independent knowledge systems. Here, the three concepts of "relative", "independent" and "knowledge system" are the basis for defining disciplines in this standard. "Relative" emphasizes that discipline classification has different angles and aspects, "independent" makes a specific discipline irreplaceable by other disciplines, and "knowledge system" distinguishes "disciplines" from specific "business systems" or products. In this standard, there are some cases where the names of disciplines are the same as those of majors, industries and products. This is for the purpose of making the names of disciplines concise, and their inherent meanings are different. Due to different application purposes, different discipline classification systems will be generated. The discipline classification system established in this standard directly serves science and technology policies and science and technology development plans, as well as scientific research projects and scientific research results statistics and management. Therefore, it mainly includes already formed disciplines, while those that are not mature enough or are still in the process of development and may become disciplines are not included for the time being. They will be included when this standard is revised next time after the test of time.
1 Scope
Discipline classification and codes
This standard specifies the discipline classification principles, discipline classification basis, coding methods, and discipline classification system and codes. This standard applies to information classification, sharing and exchange based on disciplines, and is also applicable to national macro-management and departmental applications. The classification object of this standard is discipline, which is different from professions and industries. The classification of this standard cannot replace the classification of literature, information, books and various academic viewpoints.
2 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 2.1
A relatively independent knowledge system.
Discipline groupdisciplinegroup
A group of disciplines with a common attribute. Each discipline group contains several sub-disciplines. 3 Principles of discipline classification
3.1 Principle of scientificity
According to the objective and essential attributes of the disciplines and their mutual connections, different subordinate relationships and parallel orders are divided to form an orderly discipline classification system. 3.2 Principle of practicality
The classification and coding of disciplines should be based on the basic goal of meeting the application needs of national macro-management, and the disciplines included in the classification system should cover a comprehensive and moderate range.
3.3 Principle of simplicity
The division and combination of discipline levels should be simple and clear. 3.4 Principle of compatibility
Consider the inheritance of the traditional domestic classification system and the continuity of actual use, and pay attention to improving international comparability. 3.5 Principle of extensibility
According to the highly dynamic characteristics of the modern scientific and technological system, room should be left for emerging disciplines in their infancy so that they can be expanded and continued under the condition of a relatively stable classification system. 3.6 Uniqueness principle
In the discipline classification system, a discipline can only have one name and one code. After a discipline is adjusted or changed, its original classification code will be revoked and cannot be assigned to other disciplines. 4 Basis of discipline classification
This standard mainly divides disciplines based on five aspects: the research object of the discipline, the essential attributes or characteristics of the discipline, the research methods of the discipline, the derived sources of the discipline, and the purpose and objectives of the discipline research. 5 Explanation of the discipline classification code system
5.1 The disciplines listed in this standard should meet the following conditions: the formation of their theoretical systems and specialized methods: the emergence of relevant groups of scientists: the establishment of relevant research institutions and GB/T13745—2009
teaching units and academic groups and the implementation of effective activities; the publication of relevant monographs and publications. 5.2 This standard only defines the discipline classification to the first, second and third levels, with a total of 62 first-level disciplines or discipline groups, 676 second-level disciplines or discipline groups, and 2,382 third-level disciplines. Above the first-level disciplines, they can be classified into categories used in science and technology statistics, and the categories do not appear in the standard. The order of categories is: A natural sciences, codes 110-190; B agricultural sciences, codes 210-240; C medical sciences, codes 310-360; D engineering and technology sciences, codes 410-630; E humanities and social sciences, codes 710-910. 5.3 The order and level of discipline arrangement in this standard have nothing to do with the importance of the discipline. 5.4 This standard includes emerging disciplines in growth, but does not include emerging disciplines in their infancy. 5.5 In this classification system, especially in the engineering and technology science classification system, the disciplines that appear have the same names as majors, industries, and products, but their meanings are different.
5.6 In principle, the names in the classification system are subject names. Considering the needs of practical applications and subject classification levels, a small number of "subject group" names appear.
5.7 Depending on the situation, the first-level disciplines use the five names of "×x Science", "×× Science and Technology", "×× Engineering", and "×× Engineering Technology Science".
5.8 Intersecting or multi-affiliated disciplines can be listed in multiple places, with sub-codes assigned only in one place. No codes are given in other relevant locations, but "see ××××××× (code)" or "× (code)" is noted in the description column. 5.9 Branch disciplines under the first-level disciplines are divided according to the different characteristics of the determined disciplines. In principle, one characteristic is taken. Considering the characteristics of the discipline and the needs of use, some disciplines can be divided by two or more. 5.10 This classification system The disciplines follow the order of arrangement from theory to application, from general to individual, from abstract to specific, from general to special, from simple to complex, from low-level to high-level, and from macro to micro. 5.11 The uneven distribution of discipline classification levels and numbers in the standard is determined by the objective reality of the uneven development of various disciplines. 5.12 The treatment methods of this standard for certain cross-disciplinary disciplines, comprehensive disciplines and certain special disciplines 5.12.1 "Information science" in the classification table refers to a few concepts, excluding "computer science". The theoretical and technical parts of "information science and system science" are similar in nature to mathematics and are arranged after mathematics. Considering its development prospects, it is set as a first-level discipline. "Information science" and "system science" are both based on "cybernetics", "systems theory" and "information theory". It is difficult to separate them and they are listed in the same category. 5.12.2 Considering the mapping relationship between natural science and production application in the category of engineering and technology science, three first-level discipline groups are set up in this category, namely "engineering and technology related to information and system science", "engineering and technology related to natural science", and "engineering and technology related to production application", so as to classify various engineering and technology disciplines or discipline groups derived from natural science or production application. However, the traditional first-level disciplines of engineering and technology (such as chemical engineering, mining engineering technology, surveying and mapping science and technology, etc.) that have been formed for a long time are not included in this list. 5.12.3 The three first-level disciplines (groups) of "environmental science and technology and resource science and technology", "safety science and technology" and "management" are comprehensive disciplines, and this discipline is listed between natural science and social science. 5.12.4 According to the actual situation in my country, "geography" is listed as a second-level discipline under "earth science", and "human geography" is listed in "earth science", which is a special case.
6 Coding method
6.1 The subject classification of this standard is divided into three levels: first-level, second-level and third-level disciplines, which are expressed in Arabic numerals. First-level disciplines are represented by three digits, and second- and third-level disciplines are represented by two digits respectively. The code structure is shown in Figure 1. XXXXXXX
Third-level disciplines
Second-level disciplines (or discipline groups)
First-level disciplines (or discipline groups)
Figure 1 Discipline classification code structure
Second- and third-level disciplines are set as "group disciplines" and are represented by the number "99". 6.2
6.3 All codes in the standard only indicate the level and position of the subject in this classification system and do not indicate other meanings. Subject classification code table
See Table 1 for the subject classification code table.
Table 1 Subject classification code table
110176 0
1102135||tt ||1102140
1102160| |tt||1102165
History of Mathematics
Mathematical Logic and Mathematical Foundations
Deductive Logic
Proof Theory
Recursion Theory
Model Theory
Axiomatic Set Theory
Mathematical Foundations
Mathematical Logic and Mathematical FoundationsOther Resources
Elementary Number Theory
Solution Analytic Number Theory
Algebraic Number Theory
Transcendental Number Theory
Diophantine Approximation
Geometry of Numbers
Probabilistic Number Theory
Computational Number Theory
Other Subjects of Number Theory
Linear Algebra
Lie Algebra
Kac-Moody Algebra
Pan-Algebra Theory
Category Theory
Homological Algebra
Algebraic K-Theory
Differential Algebra
Algebraic Coding Theory
Other subjects of algebra
Algebraic geometry
Also known as symbolic logic
Also known as metamathematics
Including commutative rings and commutative algebras, associative rings and associative algebras, non-associative rings and non-associative algebras, etc.
1103150|| tt | 1104130
1104170||tt ||1104199
Subject Name
Foundations of Geometry
Euclidean Geometry
Non-Euclidean Geometry
Spherical Geometry
Vector and Tensor Analysis
Affine Geometry
Projective Geometry
Differential Geometry
Fractional Geometry||t t||Computational geometry
Other subjects of geometry
Point set topology
Algebraic topology
Homotopy theory
Low dimensional topology
Homology theory
Dimension theory
Topology on lattices
Fiber bundle theory
Geometric topology
Singularity theory
Differential topology
Other subjects of topology
Mathematical analysis
Differential calculus
Theory of series
Mathematical analysisOther subjects
Nonstandard analysis
Theory of fungal numbers
Theory of real variable functions
Theory of single complex variables
Theory of multiple complex variables
Theory of function approximation
Harmonic analysis
Complex manifolds
Theory of special functions
Theory of functionsOther subjects
Ordinary differential equations
Qualitative theory
Stability theory
Analytical theory
Ordinary differential equations Equation other disciplinesbZxz.net
Table 1 (continued)
Including Riemann geometry, etc.
1105 720 | | tt | | 1105725 | |tt||1106130
110616 5
1106420||t t||1106430
Partial differential equations|| tt||Subject Name
Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations
Parabolic Partial Differential Equations
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Other Partial Differential Equations
Dynamic Systems
Differential Dynamic Systems
Topological Dynamic Systems
Complex Dynamic Systems
Other Dynamic Systems
Integral Equations
Functional Analysis
Linear Operator Theory
Calculus of Variations
Topological linear space
Hilber space
Function space
Banach space
Operator algebra
Measure and integral
Generalized function theory
Nonlinear functional analysis
Functional analysis other subjects
Computational mathematics
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations
Numerical solution of partial differential equations
Integral transformation and numerical methods of integral equations
Numerical algebra
Optimization calculation method
Numerical Value Approximation and Computational Geometry
Random Numerical Methods and Statistical Computing
Parallel Computing Algorithms
Error Analysis and Interval Algorithms
Table 1 (Continued)
Numerical Methods for Wavelet Analysis and Fourier AnalysisComputational Methods for Inverse Problems
Symbolic Computation and Computer Reasoning
Other Subjects of Computational Mathematics
Probability Theory
Geometric Probability
Probability Distribution
Limit Theory
Random Process
Markov Process
Stochastic analysis
Originally named “Numerical solution of integral equations”
Originally named “Random numerical experiments”
Originally named “Error analysis”
Including normal process, stationary process, point process, etc. 5
1106470|| tt ||1106480 | 106745
11 06750 | |tt | 0
1107199| | tt | 107455
11 07460
Subject Name
Applied Probability Theory
Probability TheoryOther Subjects
Mathematical Statistics
Sampling Theory
Hypothesis Testing
Nonparametric Statistics
Analysis of Variance
Correlation and Regression Analysis
Statistical Inference
Bayesian Statistics
Experimental Design
Multivariate Analysis
Statistical Decision Theory
Time Series Analysis
Spatial Statistics
Mathematical StatisticsOther Subjects
Applied Statistics Mathematics|| tt||Statistical Quality Control
Reliability Mathematics
Insurance Mathematics
Statistical Computing
Statistical Simulation
Applied Statistics MathematicsOther Subjects
Operation Research
Linear Programming
Nonlinear Programming
Dynamic Programming
Combinatorial Optimization
Parameter Programming
Integer Programming
Stochastic Programming
Queuing Theory
Game Theory
Inventory Theory
Decision Theory
Search Theory
Coordination Theory
Operation ResearchOther Subjects
Combinatorial Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Fuzzy Mathematics
Computer Mathematics
Table 1 (Continued)
Specifically applied to relevant disciplines
Including sampling distribution, sampling survey, etc.
Including parameter estimation, etc.
Also known as Bo Ben Theory
12030 30
Applied Mathematics
Subject Name
Mathematics Other Subjects
Information Science and System Science
Basic Subjects of Information Science and System Science
Information Theory
System Theory|| tt||Table 1 (continued)
Basic disciplines of information science and system scienceOther disciplinesOperational research
Differential dynamical systems
General systems theory
Dissipative structure theory
Catastrophe theory
Hypercycle theory
Complex systems and complexity science
Systems other disciplines
Control theory
Large system theory
System identification
State estimation
Russian control
Control theoryOther disciplines
System evaluation and feasibility analysis
System engineering methodology
System modeling
Decision analysis||t t||Decision support system
Management information system
System engineering methodologyOther subjects
Information science and system scienceOther subjects
Basic mechanics
Theoretical mechanics
Rational mechanics
Nonlinear mechanics
Continuum mechanics
Flexible multi-body mechanics
Flight mechanics
Specific applicationRelated subjects
See 11074
See 1105110
See 6305035
See 6305940
See 6305045
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