title>Methodsf for andom sampling by utilizing dices of random number - GB 10111-1988 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Methodsf for andom sampling by utilizing dices of random number

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 10111-1988

Standard Name:Methodsf for andom sampling by utilizing dices of random number

Chinese Name: 利用随机数子进行随机抽样的方法

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1988-12-10

Date of Implementation:1989-08-01

Date of Expiration:2009-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Quality>>03.120.30 Application of statistical methods

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A41 Mathematics

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 10111-2008

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:1989-07-01

other information

Release date:1988-12-10

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Liu Guangyi, Yu Zhenfan

Drafting unit:China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Application of Statistical Methods and Standardization

Proposing unit:China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the method of obtaining random numbers using random number dice and conducting simple random sampling based on them. This standard is applicable to sampling surveys in various fields and sampling inspections of product quality. GB 10111-1988 Method of random sampling using random number dice GB10111-1988 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the method of obtaining random numbers using random number dice and conducting simple random sampling based on them. This standard is applicable to sampling surveys in various fields and sampling inspections of product quality.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB 10111--8B
Methods for randorn samplingby utilizing dices of random mimber1988-12-10 Issued
198908-01 Implementation
State Administration of Technical Supervision Issued
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Methods for random sumpilngbyutilizinr dices of fandom umber! Main content and scope of application
According to the provisions of the standard, the random numbers obtained by using the random number are used for commercial sampling. This standard is applicable to the single survey and quality inspection of various fields. 2 Terminology and Special Designations
UDC B28.11
GB 10111--88
2.1 Sampling: The process of randomly selecting or forming a sample. 1.2 Simple random sampling: Selecting n individuals from a population of N individuals so that all possible combinations of n individuals have equal probability of being selected.
According to the definition of simple random sampling, the probability of each individual (or product of each individual) in the population being selected is equal. 2.3 Symbols:
Total number of people:
The number of people R obtained by the method of broadcasting the number of shares
The random number R determined by the method of reading the specified part.
Integer part:
When the integer
is large, the integer part of
R, that is, K2 is
The number of people selected according to this blue W
3 Random number age and its use method
a! The number of particles is generally composed of ten bodies, each with 2 numbers of ~9. The win is a top view of the view, the mother point segment is greedy, the more barren, the bubble description of plastic science and 6 different colors of shares or, as required by 2. Yue said it was good
The State Technical Supervision Bureau approved the "simulated number of sensitive" on 21st of 1988
198806-01 implementation
3.2 Convenient method of following the number of support
drama 2 trap machine number stock box
root commercial development select a service (5.1 non-period fixed amount represented by the number. Example. Through the river line, with, facing the low end of the load, the standard heart of the stock now the number of small self-causing number, out of the mountain now the number of the heart: the collection is also a number than the heart appears in the table. Choose the regulations, the general number is often when, small \. Will do it! Let people comfort, big bubble description of the elastic pad, the box will be down, the real half of the electric data dynamic money, make full rotation. Sweep the opening, read the small teaching
+random drawing program||t t||GH10111-88
Batch draw year single core or outstanding product technology natural number from "【" and start serial number, then use the installed number to match the number. Deng Xie selects single or unit production activity without "all numbers", for example, the big and small opening license, you can also get the random number first, then the number, according to the number of sensitive draw.
5 Reading random number method
5.1 Determine the number of shares
According to the total size of the batch mouse, select the correct number of shares: the range of the loss is not N:s
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When 6 or 1, for the reason of the ring sequence, the method of using the same method can be used: for example, 1 can be used to replace the data of the first time, and the number obtained from the first time is the random number of the effect of the market certificate, and the number obtained from the second time of the cotton stock: the total number of chrysanthemum, snake capital,
5.2 single random reading machine number method 5.2.1~, the small tunnel machine number. The number of R is light R. N, otherwise it is not necessary to shake it again, repeat the above process, and take the same number of different breeding properties. Example: W = 753, m = 3
*.=725, then the maximum = R
b. If H. -234, take RR,
, 2. =39, for the description
5.2.2 method…, such as the random number *N of the version & music, the unique Hang number K is the most R+. . Let R. =K.N+R, (,+1>N ·0\, it will reselect, when 1^,1)0\, receive = (20R[) or (, = heart. Through the above, we can get different random numbers. For example, N=35
, 2 grid. 211. Then receive R-
b.2R--152 A,-[23 1, K++1)V- 2 ×39=700- 1035
R.AIN+R+=1 ×350 - 102- R,=[02 Take R=R;-102
C. Re-815, KI-[]-2
ll 1 (A + 1) A= 3 ×35t - 106#:10 Change the combined effect
.2.a as the method? The attachment requires R, just count R as the most. , V, then the maximum number, generally: 2×3m1, 2×#m or ×13-1, (+1)Mw; (+M10m=
,) branch, (,) or poor (,. The price is difficult to reach, and the number of different random numbers x 1. .
Example I: N= 4562+ nt = 4. Take M = 5000R, 3150, then take =R.
b. If R. 6897
R- 1 ×5000+ 1897+ R: =1897
in (+1)M-2×5000=10RN
Example 2: N-2H77+m=4. Take M=3000
9012- 3
, rock. =9012K, =
Since (K++ 1) = 4 × 300 = 12000>10, discard the heavy shake
b. If R=7820, Kg-[782]
R.= 782U = 2 × 3000 + 1820+R* = 1月21lF( +1) = 3 ×3000
and 0
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