This standard specifies the application layer interface format used when exchanging data between the public data exchange system within the public security organs and other information systems. This standard applies to the information system of the public security organs and the data exchange between them and the public data exchange system. GA 381.1-2002 Public Data Exchange Format Part 1: Application Layer Interface Format GA381.1-2002 Standard Download Decompression Password:
This standard specifies the application layer interface format used when exchanging data between the public data exchange system within the public security organs and other information systems. This standard applies to the information system of the public security organs and the data exchange between them and the public data exchange system.
Some standard content:
Public security industry standard of the People's Republic of China GA 381. 1—2002 Public data exchange format Part 1: Application layer interface format Public data exchange format Part T:Application interface format2002-04-15 Issued Issued by the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China Implemented on 2002-04-15 GA381.12002 The entire technical content of this standard is mandatory. This standard (A81) is under the general title of Public data exchange format: It includes 2 parts, namely: Part 1 (ie GA381.1): Application layer interface format, Part 2 (ie GA381.2): Exchange layer interface format. This standard is divided into two parts. This standard is issued by the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China Information This standard was issued by the Ministry of Public Security Computer and Information Processing Standardization Technical Committee. The drafting unit of this standard is the Information and Communication Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. The main drafters of this standard are Ouyang Man, Yi Baijun, Ji Yongli, Ma Juliang and Zhang Pin. The Ministry of Public Security Information Department is responsible for interpreting this standard. =KANKA= 1 Standard Department Public Security Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Public Data Exchange Format Part 1: Application Layer Interface Format Publlc data exchange foratatPar 1:Application Intertace formatGA 3B1.1 -2002 This standard specifies the procedures for data exchange between the public security information exchange system and other information systems. This standard is applicable to the public security information system and the data exchange between the public security information exchange system. 2 Referenced standards The following standard contains new provisions, which constitute the provisions of this standard by citing it in this standard. The editions shown are valid. All standard groups will be revised and the possibility of using the following new versions will be explored. GARHn—2 National Public Security Organization Code Compilation Hotline This standard adopts the following definitions. The layer exchange format ppiiil-fnrurrn (AiF) identifies the date of issuance of the number to be transmitted and the recipient of the effect. The data is processed by the system. 4 interface type virtual month roll mouth type see 1. Table 1 monitoring layer A1F format student storage name public security information system classification machine code integer AIF total "effect love long line Sifa note effective data priority should be required Decision Gate secret call time Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China 20020415 approved Longhai (ltye) 2002-04-15 implementation 5 Yueming Guide. Name Original governance effect training identification long Chinese Teaching technology transmission plan Business data index generation 5. Public security information system classification GA 381.1 7002 Table·Complete? Long Man Brte Mark only the category of public security information system. 5 characters are represented. The code is compiled according to the provisions of "Public Security Information System Classification Code Sales Heat Pool", 5-2 Machine Type Marking machine code: length is one character. The value range is: "1", "2", 3": used for the transfer of different dyeing system data formats of this machine model. The meaning of this bit is as follows: represents the machine type of CPuIatel series. 3\: represents (PI is Few.Pr: series or 4S/400 series machine code type. 3\: represents Cu is Sysler/330 series machine code type. The desired information is \1" 5. 341F total treatment \ number H for the calculation of the packet header. [Length is? 2 characters in total J2B:t. The maximum range is 221 nodes (:ste, 5.4 End length mark the technical length of a single address certificate: used for standard address processing, that is, the receiving address is multiple days, according to the average address length through the processing 5.5 source end old show the original sending address of the trigger data. The code is encoded in accordance with the GA's item specification. 5.6 The address of the final record The address of the date of the micro-sending number can be multiple, and the address encoding is in accordance with the provisions of 38: 5.7 The priority of the activation data indicates the priority of the payment to be sent. The length of the character is "1\"\. Among them, \1\ indicates the lowest priority of the six transmission prices and "" indicates the highest priority of the small transmission price. The default value is "." 5.8 Virtual use Request receipt indicates that the application of the number of payment recipients is required to give the number of customers a receipt: the length is · characters. The range is \\~"2", a total of \}\ indicates that no receipt is required, "\" indicates that a receipt is required. The default value is "5.9". The time limit indicates that the activation data is successfully sent within the actual time, and the activation data is sent. The calculation is in seconds. The length is changed to 32 characters, a total of 32 The length of each Bil record is 21 seconds. The period \0\R indicates that the transmission is time-independent, that is, it is valid until the data is sent. The default value of the period is 2 hours. 5.10 Original data identifier length indicates the length of the data file sent by the micro&, which is 4 characters, with a total of 52. The range is 2 "one" characters =TTKANKA:= 5.11 Original data identifier GA 381-1 2002 indicates the name of the file in the form of a numeric string. The data exchange system of the receiving party stores the data in this file name. 5.12 Trigger time indicates the start time of the data exchange system to transmit the data to be sent. It is processed in year, month, day, minute and second. The length is ≤ characters. The first 4 characters represent the year, month and day. The last 4 characters represent the hour, minute and second. 5.13 Business data processing code indicates the way the receiving party's data exchange system processes the data. The length is 1 character. The two non-valued characters represent different handling methods, namely: “10\ means \block\ handling. “Public” means “modify\ handling! . \3\:end\age” handling. \4n\ means “query\ handling. 5.14 Business data type expansion Complete information type of “Public Security Information System Classification” in Table 1, and define the document by yourself according to the different requirements of each business department for information handling. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.