title>JB/T 6063-1992 Magnetic particle technical conditions for magnetic particle flaw detection - JB/T 6063-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6063-1992 Magnetic particle technical conditions for magnetic particle flaw detection

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6063-1992

Standard Name: Magnetic particle technical conditions for magnetic particle flaw detection

Chinese Name: 磁粉探伤用磁粉 技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Implementation:1993-07-01

Date of Expiration:2006-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Metallurgy>>Methods for testing the physical and chemical properties of metals>>H26 Nondestructive testing methods for metals

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 6063-2006

Procurement status:BS 4069-1982 NEQ

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:2006-06-25

other information

Publishing department:National Technical Committee for Nondestructive Testing Standardization

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical conditions and test methods for magnetic particles used in magnetic particle flaw detection. This standard applies to non-fluorescent magnetic powder dry powder and fluorescent magnetic powder dry powder used for wet flaw detection. It is also suitable for non-fluorescent magnetic powder dry powder used for dry flaw detection. This standard applies to magnetic paste for wet flaw detection. JB/T 6063-1992 Technical conditions for magnetic particles used in magnetic particle flaw detection JB/T6063-1992 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Magnetic Powder for Magnetic Particle Inspection
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
Technical Conditions
This standard specifies the technical conditions and test methods for magnetic powder for magnetic particle inspection. JB/T 6063--92
This standard applies to non-fluorescent magnetic powder and fluorescent magnetic powder for wet flaw detection. It also applies to non-fluorescent magnetic powder for dry flaw detection.
This standard does not apply to magnetic paste for wet flaw detection. 2 Reference Standards
JB/T6066 Standard Test Block for Magnetic Particle Inspection
3 Technical Requirements and Test Methods for Non-fluorescent Magnetic Powder for Wet Flaw Detection 3.1 Impurities
When visually inspecting the magnetic suspension for testing under the following conditions, there should be no foreign materials, lumps, or scum. . In the process of preparing the test magnetic suspension according to 6.4; b. After stirring the magnetic suspension, let it stand upright for 30 minutes and then shake it slightly; in the process of measuring other properties of the product. c.
3.2 Color
Inspect under a white light intensity of not less than 10001x. The magnetic suspension sample with good dispersion in the glass container should be ink, red or the color required by the purchaser.
3.3 Particle size
Add 20g of non-fluorescent magnetic powder to 1L of carrier liquid and pass it through a standard test sieve with an aperture of 0.045mm (320 mesh). Rinse the sieve with 1L of original carrier liquid, and after drying the sieve, determine the weight of the residual dry powder that cannot pass through the sieve to show the relationship between the residual dry powder and the original dry powder weight, and express it as a percentage. The weight passing through the sieve should not be less than 98%. 3.4 Suspensibility
Measured by the alcohol precipitation method described in Appendix A (Supplement), the height of the magnetic powder column at the obvious boundary between alcohol and magnetic powder should not be less than 180mm. No obvious boundary is allowed. 3.5 Magnetic Adsorption
Magnetic powder should be adsorbed and removed from the carrier, and there should be no residue at the bottom of the container. The test method is as follows: 3.5.1 Prepare an electromagnet with an industrial pure iron core, a diameter of 7.8mm ± 0.8mm, and a length of 75mm ± 3mm. A 50mm long non-magnetic handle is installed at one end, and 25 turns of enameled copper wire with a diameter of 2mm are wound on the core. An equivalent electromagnet can also be used.
3.5.2 Pour 100mL of the magnetic suspension prepared and stirred according to 6.4 into a 150mL glass beaker with a diameter of 60mm. The electromagnet with 15A direct current is vertically lowered into the magnetic suspension to absorb the magnetic powder, and then carefully removed from it, and then the current is cut off, and the magnetic powder is removed from the electromagnet. Repeat this operation until all the magnetic powder that can be absorbed is taken out of the carrier liquid. Then let the carrier liquid in the beaker stand for more than 30 minutes, and check whether there is any residue at the bottom of the beaker on the white substrate panel. The white light intensity on the inspection surface should not be less than 10001x. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on May 5, 1992 and implemented on July 1, 1993
3.6 Sensitivity
Should be tested by DC method, AC method or other methods according to the requirements of the purchaser. 3.6.1 When using the DC method, the magnetic powder should be able to show the 5 holes on the DC ring standard test block in JB/T6066. The test method is: pass a copper rod (or aluminum rod) with a diameter of 29mm ± 1mm ​​and a length greater than 400mm through the center of the ring. The ring should be placed in the middle of the length of the ring, and the fifth hole should be placed at the 12 o'clock position. On the magnetic particle flaw detection device, pass 2500A full-wave rectified electricity through the copper rod (or aluminum rod) to circumferentially magnetize the ring. Apply a magnetic suspension that is stirred evenly and has passed the impurities, magnetic adsorption, color, particle size, suspension and concentration inspections, and measure it by wet continuous method. The inspection is carried out under white light within 1 minute after power is turned on. The white light intensity at the inspection surface should not be less than 1 000 lx.
3.6.2 When using the AC wet continuous method for inspection, the magnetic particles should be able to display the two holes on the AC standard test block in B/T6066. The test method is: clamp the test block on the magnetic particle flaw detection device, pass 750A (effective value) of AC, and apply a stirred and well-tested magnetic suspension that has passed the impurity, color, magnetic adsorption, particle size, suspension and concentration inspections. Place the hole on the test block closest to the surface at the 12 o'clock position and check its display of magnetic marks on the outer surface of the ring. Then move the second and third holes to the 12 o'clock position in turn, and check each hole The display of magnetic marks on the outer surface of the ring. The intensity of white light at the inspection surface should not be less than 10001x. 4 Technical requirements and test methods for fluorescent magnetic powder for wet flaw detection 4.1 Impurities
Same as 3.1.
4.2 Color
Unless otherwise specified, fluorescent magnetic powder should be yellow-green when excited by ultraviolet light. This can be determined by observing the magnetic marks formed in the dark area during the sensitivity test in accordance with 4.6. The intensity of white light in the dark area should not exceed 201x. The wavelength range of ultraviolet light irradiating the fluorescent magnetic powder should be 320~400nm, with a central wavelength of 365nm, and irradiated to the test The ultraviolet irradiance on the surface of the parts should not be less than 1000uW/cm. 4.3 Particle size
Add 20g of fluorescent magnetic powder to 1L of carrier liquid and pass it through a standard test sieve with an aperture of 0.045 (320 mesh), then rinse the sieve with 1L of original carrier liquid, dry the sieve and measure the weight of the residual dry powder that fails to pass through the sieve to show the relationship between the residual dry powder and the original dry powder weight, and express it as a percentage. The weight passing through the sieve should not be less than 98%. 4.4 Suspension
Same as 3.4.
4.5 Magnetic adsorption
Same as 3.5.
4.6 Sensitivity
4.6.1 Standard test block test is the same as that in 3.6, but it should be checked in the dark area and ultraviolet irradiation in accordance with the provisions of 4.2. 4.6.2 Defects background comparison test
Prepare a defective sample. The surface roughness of the sample should be representative of the product. The nature and size of the defect of the sample should be what you want to find in routine flaw detection. Inject the magnetized sample with qualified fluorescent magnetic suspension and observe the magnetic traces in the dark area and ultraviolet irradiation in accordance with the provisions of 4.2. The display should be obvious and clear. The background fluorescence around the defect should not be difficult to detect. 4.7 Durability
Prepare and stir at least 400mL of fluorescent magnetic suspension in accordance with the provisions of 6.4, place it in a 1L constant speed stirrer, stir for 2min and stop for 5min, repeat this operation 5 times, and then perform sensitivity test in accordance with the provisions of 4.6. At this time, the fluorescent magnetic suspension should maintain the original sensitivity, color and display brightness. The stirring speed should be 10000~12000r/min. 4.8 Long-term durability
1.5L. of the fluorescent magnetic suspension prepared and stirred evenly according to 6.4 is left at room temperature for at least 14l. The fluorescent magnetic powder should maintain the original sensitivity, color and display brightness. The magnetic suspension should be well redispersible and meet the performance requirements of 4.2, 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7.
5 Technical requirements and test methods for magnetic powder for dry flaw detection 5.1 Impurities
JB/T 6063-92
By visual inspection, it should appear dry, with good fluidity and dispersibility, without foreign materials and lumps. 5.2 Color
It should be black, red or the color required by the purchaser. Spread the dry powder on a piece of white paper with a minimum size of 250mm×300mm, evenly covering an area with a diameter of not less than 100mm. Check the color with white light, and the intensity of the white light should not be less than 1000lx. 5.3 Particle size
Sieve a certain amount of dry magnetic powder through a standard test sieve with an aperture of 0.18mm (80 mesh), and then measure the weight of the residual powder that fails to pass through the sieve to show the relationship between the residual powder and the original magnetic powder weight, and express it as a percentage. The weight of the magnetic powder passing through the sieve should not be less than 98%. Note: Other sieve hole sizes can also be specified in the order according to the requirements of the purchaser. 5.4 Magnetic adsorption
5.4.1 Prepare the electromagnet according to 3.5.1.
5.4.2 Sprinkle 20g of new dry magnetic powder evenly on a clean white paper with an area of ​​not less than 250mm×300mm, and then place the above electromagnet with 15A DC on top of the magnetic powder so that the upper magnetic powder can be smoothly adsorbed to the magnet. Carefully remove the magnet with magnetic powder, then cut off the current, remove the magnetic powder from the electromagnet, and repeat the operation until all the magnetic powder is completely adsorbed. Check the powder left on the surface of the white paper, the weight ratio shall not exceed 2%.
5.5 Sensitivity
5.5.1 When using DC, the magnetic powder should be able to show the 6 holes on the DC ring standard block in JB/T6066. The test method is: put a 29mm±1mm diameter.A copper rod (or lead rod) with a length greater than 400mm passes through the center of the ring. The ring should be placed at the 12 o'clock position. On the magnetic particle flaw detection device, a full-wave rectified current of 2500A is passed through the copper rod (or aluminum rod) to circumferentially magnetize the ring. When the current passes, a suitable spraying device is used to apply the test dry magnetic powder with qualified impurities, color, particle size, magnetic adsorption and other properties to the surface of the ring. The inspection is carried out under white light within 1 minute after power is turned on. The white light intensity at the inspection surface should not be less than 1000lx. 5.5.2 When AC is used, the magnetic powder should be able to display the two holes on the AC standard test block in JB/T6066. The test method is the same as that of 3.6.2. A 750A (effective value) AC current is passed through the central cadmium rod (or aluminum rod). While power is turned on, the test dry magnetic powder with qualified impurities, color, particle size, magnetic adsorption and other properties is applied to the surface of the test block, and its display is checked. The white light intensity at the inspection point should not be less than 10001x. Other methods may be used with the consent of the purchaser. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection report
The supplier shall provide the purchaser with a factory inspection report for each batch of products. In addition to reflecting that the various technical requirements of the batch of products meet the requirements of this standard, the report shall also include the purchaser's order number, product name, batch number, product color, quantity and carrier used for the test. Note: A batch of products refers to products produced once under the same process conditions using raw materials from the same furnace batch. 6.2 Type inspection
6.2.1 Each batch of magnetic powder (product) shall be inspected in accordance with the technical requirements and test methods specified in Chapters 3, 4 and 5. If necessary, additional inspection items may be added, such as chemical composition analysis, etc., with the agreement between the supplier and the purchaser. 6.2.2 Type inspection must be carried out in the following situations: a. When any changes are made to the ingredients, processing equipment or manufacturing process; b. When there is a large fluctuation in product quality; c. When the national quality supervision agency or the purchaser makes a request. 6.3 Factory Inspection
6.3.1 Each batch of magnetic powder (product) shall be inspected according to the technical requirements specified in Chapters 3, 4 (excluding long-term durability) or 5. 6.3.2 The inspection shall be carried out on three samples randomly selected from each batch of products, which are sufficient to repeat the test three times. If one item fails to pass the inspection once, a sample can be drawn from another sample to repeat the inspection. As long as one item fails the re-inspection, the batch of products is unqualified and the purchaser can reject it.
6.3.3 When the supply and demand parties agree on a statistical sampling plan and quality acceptance level, the agreement between the supply and demand parties can be implemented and replace the provisions of Article 6.3.2.
6.4 Preparation of magnetic suspension for test
For wet-process magnetic powder, when magnetic suspension is required for performance test, the preparation method of the magnetic suspension is: add a certain amount of wet-process dry magnetic powder to odorless kerosene with a flash point (closed cup) greater than 94°C, a viscosity less than 3.0×10-6m2/s at 38°C, no fluorescence, and a total acid value less than 0.05mgKOH/g. Other carrier liquids specified by the purchaser may also be used. For fluorescent magnetic powder, the magnetic powder content in 100mL of magnetic suspension is 0.1~~0.3mL, and for non-fluorescent magnetic powder, the magnetic powder content in 100mL of magnetic suspension is 1.2~2.5mL. The method for verifying the concentration of magnetic suspension is: stir the magnetic suspension evenly, take 100mL and inject it into the magnetic suspension measuring tube with scale, let the tube stand upright for at least 30min, and read the volume of magnetic powder deposited in 100mL magnetic suspension with an accuracy of 0.1mL.
Packaging, marking, transportation and storage
Batch products can be packaged in opaque containers suitable for transportation and use with approval, and the containers should have good moisture-proof ability.
Each container should have a mark that is not easy to disappear during normal handling, including: a.
Manufacturer name;
Product name,
This standard number and the carrier liquid used for the test;
Magnetic powder type and color;
Manufacture date;
Batch number:
7.3 Magnetic powder should be shipped according to the regulations of the transportation department. 7.4 Magnetic powder should be stored in a dry place.
8 Others
The supplier should mention this standard when making a quotation and confirming the contract with the purchaser. 244
A1 Test preparation
Appendix A
Test by alcohol precipitation method
Test method for magnetic powder suspension performance for wet method (supplement)
A glass tube with a length of 400mm and an inner diameter of 10mm±1mm is fixed vertically on a bracket and clamped with a clamp. There are two scales on the tube, one on the horizontal line of the lower plug end and the other at 300mm from the previous scale. The scales between the two scales are divided into equal parts every 10mm.
A2 Test procedure
Use an industrial balance to weigh 3g of unmagnetized magnetic powder sample. Pour anhydrous ethanol into the glass tube to a height of 150mm. A2.2
Pour 3g of the weighed magnetic powder sample into the glass tube with anhydrous ethanol, and then shake it vigorously until it is evenly mixed. A2.3
Pour anhydrous ethanol into the glass tube again to a height of 300mm. A2.5 Plug the stopper and repeatedly invert the glass tube to mix the magnetic powder and anhydrous ethanol evenly. After stopping the inversion, quickly fix the glass tube upright on the clamp, let it stand for 3 minutes, and read the height of the magnetic powder column at the obvious boundary. A2.6
Perform the test 3 times according to the above steps, replace new magnetic powder each time, and then take the arithmetic mean of the 3 times as the final test result. Xie Jia Note:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Nondestructive Testing. This standard was drafted by the 621st Institute of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the Beijing Internal Combustion Engine Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Zhu Muxiu and Chen Jiansheng. 2455mL. The verification method of magnetic suspension concentration is: stir the magnetic suspension evenly, take 100mL and inject it into the magnetic suspension measuring tube with scale, let the tube stand upright for at least 30min, and read the volume of magnetic powder deposited in 100mL magnetic suspension with an accuracy of 0.1mL.
Packaging, marking, transportation and storage
Batch products can be packaged in opaque containers suitable for transportation and use with approval, and the containers should have good moisture-proof ability.
Each container should have a mark that is not easy to disappear during normal handling, including: a.
Manufacturer name;
Product name,
This standard number and the carrier liquid used for the test;
Magnetic powder type and color;
Manufacture date;
Batch number:
7.3 Magnetic powder should be shipped according to the regulations of the transportation department. 7.4 Magnetic powder should be stored in a dry place.
8 Others
The supplier should mention this standard when making a quotation and confirming the contract with the purchaser. 244
A1 Inspection preparation
Appendix A
Alcohol precipitation method inspection
Inspection method for magnetic powder suspension performance for wet method (supplement)
A glass tube with a length of 400mm and an inner diameter of 10mm±1mm is fixed vertically on a bracket and clamped with a clamp. There are two scales on the tube, one on the horizontal line of the lower plug end and the other at 300mm from the previous scale. The scales between the two scales are divided into equal parts every 10mm.
A2 Inspection procedure
Use an industrial balance to weigh 3g of unmagnetized magnetic powder sample. Pour anhydrous ethanol into the glass tube to a height of 150mm. A2.2
Pour 3g of the weighed magnetic powder sample into the glass tube with anhydrous ethanol, and then shake it vigorously until it is evenly mixed. A2.3
Pour anhydrous ethanol into the glass tube again to a height of 300mm. A2.5 Plug the stopper and repeatedly invert the glass tube to mix the magnetic powder and anhydrous ethanol evenly. After stopping the inversion, quickly fix the glass tube upright on the clamp, let it stand for 3 minutes, and read the height of the magnetic powder column at the obvious boundary. A2.6
Perform the test 3 times according to the above steps, replace new magnetic powder each time, and then take the arithmetic mean of the 3 times as the final test result. Xie Jia Note:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Nondestructive Testing. This standard was drafted by the 621st Institute of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the Beijing Internal Combustion Engine Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Zhu Muxiu and Chen Jiansheng. 2455mL. The verification method of magnetic suspension concentration is: stir the magnetic suspension evenly, take 100mL and inject it into the magnetic suspension measuring tube with scale, let the tube stand upright for at least 30min, and read the volume of magnetic powder deposited in 100mL magnetic suspension with an accuracy of 0.1mL.
Packaging, marking, transportation and storage
Batch products can be packaged in opaque containers suitable for transportation and use with approval, and the containers should have good moisture-proof ability. wwW.bzxz.Net
Each container should have a mark that is not easy to disappear during normal handling, including: a.
Manufacturer name;
Product name,
This standard number and the carrier liquid used for the test;
Magnetic powder type and color;
Manufacture date;
Batch number:
7.3 Magnetic powder should be shipped according to the regulations of the transportation department. 7.4 Magnetic powder should be stored in a dry place.
8 Others
The supplier should mention this standard when making a quotation and confirming the contract with the purchaser. 244
A1 Inspection preparation
Appendix A
Alcohol precipitation method inspection
Inspection method for magnetic powder suspension performance for wet method (supplement)
A glass tube with a length of 400mm and an inner diameter of 10mm±1mm is fixed vertically on a bracket and clamped with a clamp. There are two scales on the tube, one on the horizontal line of the lower plug end and the other at 300mm from the previous scale. The scales between the two scales are divided into equal parts every 10mm.
A2 Inspection procedure
Use an industrial balance to weigh 3g of unmagnetized magnetic powder sample. Pour anhydrous ethanol into the glass tube to a height of 150mm. A2.2
Pour 3g of the weighed magnetic powder sample into the glass tube with anhydrous ethanol, and then shake it vigorously until it is evenly mixed. A2.3
Pour anhydrous ethanol into the glass tube again to a height of 300mm. A2.5 Plug the stopper and repeatedly invert the glass tube to mix the magnetic powder and anhydrous ethanol evenly. After stopping the inversion, quickly fix the glass tube upright on the clamp, let it stand for 3 minutes, and read the height of the magnetic powder column at the obvious boundary. A2.6
Perform the test 3 times according to the above steps, replace new magnetic powder each time, and then take the arithmetic mean of the 3 times as the final test result. Xie Jia Note:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Nondestructive Testing. This standard was drafted by the 621st Institute of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the Beijing Internal Combustion Engine Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Zhu Muxiu and Chen Jiansheng. 245
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