Metallic coatings—Electroplated coatings of chromium for engineering purposes
Introduction to standards:
This standard specifies the requirements for chromium electroplated coatings for engineering purposes on ferrous and non-ferrous metals with or without an undercoat. The coating identification provides a method of indicating the thickness of the chromium coating for typical engineering applications. GB/T 11379-2008 Chromium electroplated coatings for engineering purposes on metallic coverings GB/T11379-2008 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the requirements for chromium electroplated coatings for engineering purposes on ferrous and non-ferrous metals with or without an undercoat. The coating identification provides a method of indicating the thickness of the chromium coating for typical engineering applications.
class="f14" style="padding-top:10px; padding-left:12px; padding-bottom:10px;">
This standard is equivalent to ISO6158:2004 "Chromium electroplated coatings for engineering purposes on metallic coverings" (English version).
This standard is
drafted based on the translation of ISO6158:2004.
For ease of use, this standard has been edited as follows:
--- The foreword of the international standard has been deleted, and the foreword of the Chinese standard has been added;
--- The term "this international standard" has been changed to "this standard";
--- The national standards corresponding to the international standards have been quoted.
This standard replaces GB/T11379-1989 "Chromium electroplating for metal covering engineering". The main changes compared with GB/T11379-1989 are as follows:
--- The introduction and logo have been added;
--- The requirements for chromium electroplating have been modified;
--- The characteristics, application examples and related instructions of chromium electroplating for engineering have been deleted;
--- The typical thickness of chromium electroplating for engineering has been added;
--- The measurement method of shot peening intensity has been deleted.
Appendix C of this standard is a normative appendix, and both Appendices A and B are informative appendices.
This standard is proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee for Standardization of Metallic and Non-metallic Coatings (SAC/TC57).
The drafting units of this standard are: Wuhan Institute of Material Protection, Guangzhou Dazhi Chemical Technology Co., Ltd., Nanjing Jingjing Surface Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Tiantang Umbrella Group Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this standard are: Zhang Dezhong, Mao Zuguo, Cai Zhihua, Jia Jianxin, Zhang Shengda, Wang Qiwei, He Jie.
The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are:
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to the agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version shall apply to this standard.
GB/T3138 Metal coating and chemical treatment and related process terminology (GB/T3138-1995, neqISO2079:1981)
GB/T4955 Metallic coatings - Coulometric method for measuring coating thickness by anodic dissolution (GB/T4955-2005, ISO2177:2003, IDT)
GB/T4956 Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates - Magnetic method for measuring coating thickness (GB/T 4956-2003, ISO2178:1982, IDT)
GB/T5270 Review of test methods for adhesion strength of electrodeposited and chemically deposited metallic coatings on metallic substrates (GB/T5270-2005, ISO2819:1980, IDT)
GB/T6462 Metal and oxide coating thickness measurement microscope method (GB/T6462-2005, ISO1463:2003, IDT)
GB/T6463 Review of the measurement method of metal and other inorganic coating thickness (GB/T6463-2005, ISO3882:2003, IDT)
GB/T9790 Vickers and Knoop microhardness test for metal coatings and other related coatings (GB/T9790-1988, neqISO4516:1980)
GB/T12332 Metal coatings Nickel electroplating for engineering use (GB/T12332-2008, ISO4526:2004, IDT)
GB/T12334 Definitions and general rules for thickness measurement of metallic and other non-organic coatings (GB/T12334-2001, ISO2064:1996, IDT)
GB/T12609 Sampling procedures for counting inspection of electrodeposited metallic coatings and related finishes (GB/T 12609-2005, ISO4519:1980, IDT)
GB/T17721 Metallic coatings - Porosity test - Iron reagent test (GB/T17721-1999, eqvISO10309:1994)
GB/T19349 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Pretreatment of steel to reduce the risk of hydrogen embrittlement (GB/T19349-2003, ISO9587:1999, IDT)
GB/T19350 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Treatment of coated steel to reduce the risk of hydrogen embrittlement (GB/T19350-2003, ISO9588:1999, IDT)
GB/T20015 Electroplating of nickel, autocatalytic nickel, electroplating of chromium and final finishing of metallic and other inorganic coatings - Automatic controlled shot peening treatment (GB/T20015-2005, ISO12686:1999, MOD)
GB/T20018 Measurement of coating thickness of metallic and non-metallic coatings - Beta ray backscattering method (GB/T20018-2005, ISO3543:2000, IDT)
ISO9220 Measurement of coating thickness of metallic coatings - Scanning electron microscopy method
ISO10587 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Test for residual hydrogen embrittlement of bolts and screws with and without metallic coatings - Wedge method
ISO15274 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Electrochemical measurement of hydrogen evolution on iron
and steel - Barnacle electrode method
EN12508 Protective surface treatment of metals and alloys - Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Vocabulary
Foreword III
Introduction IV
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 2
4 Information to be provided to suppliers 2
5 Marking 2
6 Requirements 4
7 Sampling 5
Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Typical Thickness of Chromium Electroplating Coatings for Engineering Use 6
Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Measurement Methods for Thickness of Chromium and Other Metallic Coatings 7
Appendix C (Normative Appendix) Measurement of Cracks and Pores in Chromium Electroplating Coatings 8
References 9
Some standard content:
[CS 25.220.40
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T11379—2008/IS06158:2004 Generation of GB/T11379—18s
Metallic coatings
Chromium electroplating for engineering purposes
Metallic coatings-Electroplated coatings of chrumium farengineeringpurposes
Published on 19 June 2008
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Administration of Standardization of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 1 January 2009
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Information provided to suppliers
Chromium electroplating for engineering purposes CB/T11379-2C0B/IS06158:2004H/GR/T11379-2008/IS0E158:2004 This standard is equivalent to IS06158:2001 (chrome electroplating layer for metallurgical applications) (English version). This standard was drafted based on the translation of IS06158:2004. For the following purposes, the following editing measures have been made to this standard: The reference to the national standard or the reference to the national standard has been added. "This international standard" is translated as "this standard"; the reference to the national standard corresponding to the original national standard is quoted. Compared with GB/T113791S89, this standard replaces GB/T113791989. The main changes of this standard are as follows:
New standard:
The requirements of the electric wire will be changed!
In addition to the expansion characteristics of the engineering layer, the old examples and related instructions are added; the engineering sheet chromium sensitive layer is added: In addition to the spraying method of the plate
The appendix C of this standard is the normative appendix, and the appendix A is the material appendix. This standard is issued by the China Machinery Industry Federation and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Non-metallic Layers (SAC/TC7). This standard was drafted by: Wuhan Institute of Material Protection, Guangzhou Daxin Chemical Technology Co., Ltd., Nanjing Display Products Surface Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Dachongye Group Co., Ltd. The drafters of this standard are Zhang Fanzhong, Mao Zhiyin, Zhishu, Yi Jixin, Zhang Shengda, Zhu Qiwei, and He Jie. The version of the standard replaced by this standard is: GB/T11379-189. GB/T 11379-2008/LS0 615B; 2004 Reference Industrial chrome plating is the same as decorative chrome plating, usually hexavalent chrome plating. However, the adhesion of chrome plating is generally higher than that of chrome plating. Conventional or traditional chrome plating is the type used in science, with multiple effects, cracking effect, small and light double-layer chrome plating is also used to obtain some oil-resistant or non-sticky surfaces, and corrosion resistance.
Engineering lead coatings are often electroplated on base metals to improve the corrosion resistance of abrasive materials, test small friction or dynamic friction, test small "seizure" or standstill, and workpieces that have been carefully or abraded. In order to prevent severe corrosion, other metal base coatings may be used. Alloys with high potential sensitivity must be used, and the alloy is preferably electroplated. CHIN
1 Standard National
Metallic Covering Engineering Chromium Electroplating
This standard specifies the requirements for electroplated coatings with or without corrosion on chromed and non-ferrous metals. The coating identification provides a method of indicating the thickness of electroplated coatings for typical engineering applications. 2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all referenced documents with dates, all subsequent revisions (excluding missing contents) are subject to revision and will not be applied to this standard: however, the parties who have reached an agreement based on this standard will study whether the latest versions of these documents are sufficient. For all referenced documents without dates, the latest versions are used for standard promotion. GB/T5138 Gold screen table and chemical treatment and related terminology (GB/T3138-1995, n69ISQ2079, 1981GB/T4955 Composite cover layer thickness measurement and compression method (GB/T4955-20C5.TS021772003, IDT>
G/T4356 Non-magnetic layer thickness measurement on magnetic body (GB/T4955-2003150 2178:1982,1T)
GB/T5270 Review of test methods for the electroplating and chemical resistance of metal ionization layers on metal mesh substrates (GB/527—2005,15) 2819,1950,) GB/T6162 Thickness measurement method for oxidized metal layers (GB/T6462-2000=15O1463:2003iDr
Other inorganic layers on metal mesh Disc method selection (CB/Tb463-*20C5.IS03882:2003, T>TCB/T64S3
G3/79795 Gold display personnel issued other related topics Difference layer Vickers and most effective convenience test (G1/T9795-1388neqIS04516,1980)
GB/T12H32 Total number of gold layers Nickel short layer for engineering (GB/T1233220031 SO4526:20C4ID) GB/T12334 Metal and other non-organic layers on the thickness of the general rules and regulations (GB/T12334-2001, 1S2C64::995, D)
Self-sinking limit gold crown difference layer and related precision field CNC verification sample procedures (GB/T12659-2005, 1SU4519.19B0.IDT3| |tt||GB/T17721 Jinping layer hole original car iron test reagent test age (GB/17V21-19996413010309:199)GE/T1934 Jinxian and other inorganic cover layer for the purpose of reducing the danger of steel treatment (GB/T19349-2003:1SO95671999, ID)
GB/T19350 Wheel and other inorganic layer for the purpose of reducing the danger of steel treatment After the lack of treatment (CB/T19351-2003O558.1999.
G/T20015 gold mesh and other windless cover electroplating brocade. Self-made brocade, classic building and final finishing automatic light material pelletizing pre-treatment (GB/T200152C05,15O12686,10JU,MOD) sun radiation cutting back to do radiation (GB/120018-2395: GB/T2001% gold and non-metallic Measurement of the thickness of the wire layer [SO3543:3000.IDT?
1509220 Jinping Jiangyin layer thickness record scanning electron TSO10587 Gold and other inorganic coatings and unsourced metal polymer layers before exposure to hydrogen embrittlement test method
[S015274 Gold and other inorganic coatings on steel and iron for hydrogen reduction by electrochemical method
GI/T11379—2008/ INO6153:2004EV12508 Protective surface treatment of metals and alloys, other inorganic coatings Vocabulary 3 Terms and definitions GB/T3138, GB/T13334EN125C8 Standards and definitions used in this standard 4 Information provided to suppliers 4.1 Necessary materials When ordering electroplating products according to this standard, the purchaser should specify the materials in the contract and on the workpiece drawing. The following materials shall be provided in writing; marking (see Section 5): Requirements for the original sample (see 6.2): The sample with appropriate markings shall be used to indicate the appearance of the electroplated layer, such as the polished or added parts (see 6.2 and 6.3): The sample provided or approved by the party concerned shall be used to show the appearance and finishing of the product, so as to facilitate the comparison of the allowable defects, size and number of defects (see 6.4): Requirements for bonding strength and penetration and their test force (see 5.5 and ?); Requirements for the workpiece's resistance to thermal deformation and electrical stress, see 6.8) Re-treatment of the material after electrical embrittlement and the subsequent heat treatment (see S.1.1 and S.2). Additional materials: a) Matrix metal composition or specifications, metallurgical properties and physical properties (see 5.3); any requirements or limitations on the quality of the material prior to use, such as pre-treatment; combined requirements (see Table 6.6); d) The necessity of stress avoidance such as: pre-plating or electro-sensitive treatment see 1): e) base coating (see 5.
5 Marking
11) and stripping: 6.127 Requirements
5.1 Overview
Marking may appear on engineering drawings, orders, contracts or product specifications, and shall clearly indicate the base alloy, special alloys, requirements for reducing stress, type and thickness of base coating, type and material of base coating, and post-treatment including treatment to reduce oxygen sensitivity. 5. 2 The composition
marking shall include the following:
the term "electroplated layer";
6) the number of this standard, GB/T11379;
the chemical symbol of the substrate metal mesh (see 5.3);
the slash (/):
the symbols of the coating layer, the top layer and the main coating layer, and the order of the layers after each other shall be marked with a slash (/>). The coating identification shall include the thickness of the layer (in micrometers) and the initial heat treatment requirements (see 5.3). The double slash shall be used for the layers not required.3
GB/T:11379-2008/[S0 6158:2004.
method, the name of the brand name shall be added after the chemical name of the product, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology; U conductor, ball, etc., the national or local brand name, the real position is subject to the ",
indicates the relative: FG3400 is the LNS brand of high-quality information 5. 3 Identification of base metal and base metal
The base metal shall be indicated by its chemical symbol: If it is an alloy, the main component shall be indicated, such as;
Fe indicates iron steel,
2n indicates chromium alloy;
indicates steel and steel alloy
dAl indicates aluminum alloy
method: In order to ensure that the
treatment is suitable for the
, the bonding strength between the
and the base metal is good, and the metallurgical state of the alloy (world fire, commercial effect, etc.) is indicated. 5. 4 The requirements for heat treatment are as follows: Heat treatment requirements should be in the form of SR, ER, TIT, and other false heat treatments; low density, heat treatment duration, and measurement: K, 5. 5. The typical type and thickness of the metal layer should be included in the standard and the symbol should be shown in the following figure. The type and thickness of the metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The type of metal layer should be shown in the standard. The appropriate symbol shall be added after the required minimum local thickness value of the electroplating layer (in units of hours) to indicate the type of coating. For example, to indicate that the layer will not be electroplated, the total thickness is taken as the core. 5.6 Identification example: The conventional electroplating layer (Ct5ahr) with a thickness of 50A on low-voltage steel (Fe) is marked as: Leading layer GB/T11379-Fe//Cr50hr. The electroplated chromium intermediate layer (Cr250p) with a thickness of 250um is marked as: Electroplating layer GB/T11379-A1//Cr2n. The conventional fluorescent layer (C25hr) with a thickness of 25μm and a non-porous layer with a thickness of 10um is marked as: CB/T 11379-2008/ISO 6158,2004 believes that:
The hardened steel layer with a thickness of 50 μm on the steel layer GB/T11379-Fe//Ni15s:/Cr25an is subjected to a heat treatment at 210°C for 2 h to eliminate the stress before electroplating, and a heat treatment at 2.0°C for 2 h to reduce the tonnage after electroplating. The steel layer is marked as follows: Steel layer GB/T11379-Fe//SR(210)2J/C0hr/LER(Z10>22. In order to facilitate ordering, the detailed product manual does not contain the active marking, but Other necessary requirements for the use of specific products should be clearly stated.
6 Requirements
6.1 Substitute test specimens
When electroplating is not suitable for verification, or when destructive testing cannot be carried out regularly due to the small number of electroplated parts or the high value of electroplated parts, substitute test specimens with lower bonding strength, thickness, porosity, corrosion resistance, hardness and other properties can be used. The mechanical quality, metallurgical state and surface state of the substitute test specimens should be the same as those of the electroplated parts, and they should be processed together with the electroplated parts they represent. The manufacturer should clearly specify the recommended method of using substitute test specimens and the substitute used. The number of or bars is subject to material, shape and size (see 4.1%). 6.7 Appearance The surface of the product shall be smooth or shiny. When inspected with the naked eye, there shall be no pitting, flaking, shedding or other defects that are harmful to the material. On the surface of workpieces that are directly used or polished after electroplating, except for the outer edge of the mirror layer, there shall be no defects. Defects caused by the surface condition of the bulk metal (scratches, scratches, steel age, residual quality) are difficult to remove even after good metal finishing. These defects shall not be the reason for rejection. Purchaser's Rules Determine the allowable defects of the finished product. The approved station can be used for comparison inspection. See 4. The workpiece should have no eye-catching cracks. The thickness is greater than 5m. The cracking effect that reaches the base is allowed. The workpiece should be polished after the filter chain is changed to meet the requirements of the filter size. It should not be flat, but should be made of a suitable cold printing agent. The force of the film should be light enough. After grinding, if there is no limit on the case, the coarse cracks should be rejected as the internal absorption or bubble cracking effect caused by grinding. 6.3 Surface decoration
g 1. 1d).
: For the plated surface, the surface roughness Ra is 0.1um, Ra is c, *um is called the distribution, and the plating size specified in the original deer
certification should be the minimum local size specified in the record. Unless otherwise specified, the local thickness of the plating layer should be measured at any point on the surface that can be touched by a ball with a diameter of 20mm [State 4.1E)]. The local thickness of the chromium plating layer, chrome plating layer or common metal plating layer shall be measured according to the method given in Table B: It is recommended that the Coulomb method is used to measure the thickness of the chromium plating layer below 10μm, and the mirror method is used to measure the thickness of the plating layer and the bottom layer of 10μm and above. Note: The light layer is not subject to technical restrictions. Due to the certain shape and color of the electric lock parts, it is difficult to obtain a thick layer on both sides and a whole thick piece. In order to avoid machining of the electric sensitive material to meet the requirements of the store, the electric chain is properly connected with the process. When there is a missing part in the sequence, it must be machined to increase the subsequent electric build-up layer installation. In order to increase the test and matching capacity of the electric deposition layer, auxiliary electrodes can be used. 6.5 hardness reading
When the hardness is specified, it should be verified according to the method given in GB19. 6.6 Bond Strength
There is no completely satisfactory test to measure the bond strength of the electroplated layer and the base metal, however, the test on the original sample with 25μm chromium core bond layer can be used to check the effectiveness of the bonding process. CB/Work 5270 reviews the bonding strength test method. It contains the basic test suitable for a specific situation. For thicker electroplated layers (greater than 25μm), the test cavity can be used to monitor the bonding strength [4.1h].
GB/T11379--2908/156158:2004 Note: The electroplating method has not been determined to ensure the bonding strength of the surrounding body. The surface treatment method before the electroplating is used to ensure the bonding strength of the surrounding body. The above 6.1 notes that the appropriate surface treatment should be used to ensure the best bonding strength. 6.7 Porosity
The steel parts (or substitute test pieces) shall be subjected to the porosity test described in /T17721 or a modified porosity test for the purpose. If the number of pores in a workpiece or per unit area exceeds a number agreed upon by the purchaser and the supplier, the workpiece shall be reported. When the continuity of the multi-layer, grain or other type of material is specified, the porosity and grain of the structure shall be checked by optical microscope with a suitable magnification or by the method given in Appendix C (see 1.h) 1. Note: The degassing requirements given in the appendix are applicable to the early tooth layer of the original metal layer, but the metal layer has been modified to improve the strength of the system. 6.8 Stress relief treatment before electroplating
When the purchaser has specified, the tensile stress generated during the slow manufacturing or forming process should be eliminated before the heat treatment. The technology and grade of heat treatment should be carried out according to the requirements of the purchaser, and the appropriate process number can also be specified according to GB/T19349. 4.1>]. In order to avoid the damage caused by scale or contamination during the electroplating process, chemical degreasing should be used. When the oil is removed, the possibility of
treatment should be considered.
6.9 Reduce The parts with high strength (tensile strength equal to or greater than 1000MP minus 3HRC) and the parts with surface treatment shall be subjected to hydrogen reduction heat treatment. The new parts shall be subjected to hydrogen reduction heat treatment (0/T150, or according to the requirements of the purchaser). The effect of hydrogen reduction heat treatment can be measured by the purchaser's specified inspection method, or the product can be tested according to the standard method, such as GB/T6462 and GB/T6.10 shot peening. If the purchaser wants to conduct heat treatment before or after power-on, the method of measuring tensile strength is described in the standard. Note: The requirements before power-on can be used as your own. The lower the cost of production, the ... If the workpiece is stripped in an alkaline solution, no treatment to reduce brittleness is required after casting. When the core layer of the workpiece is removed or ground to leave the main metal layer (if any), in order to obtain a better repair effect, the remaining layer is partially stripped, and the surface layer is obviously intact. However, in order to meet the requirements of the final product as much as possible, the surface should still be evaluated, for example, by grinding with a diamond wheel. After degreasing and anodizing in a carbonizing liquid, the workpiece is thoroughly free of bubbles, and then lightly anodicized at 6V in an autoclave for 10~2 seconds to cover the outer layer of the sensitive layer. Then the workpiece becomes bright, and a V voltage is started. The anodic voltage is increased within 30a~60min until electrolysis and electrolysis appear, and the current reaches the normal value within 5min. 7 Sampling The sampling plan shall be selected from the procedures specified in GB/T 126C9. The receiving level shall be specified by the party [see 4.1k) II.5 GB/T 11379--2003/1 ISO 6158.2004 True type / 2--10>1~More:>5C--5123 Add A "Informative Appendix" Typical thickness of the plastic layer of the engineering grade electrical chain Used to reduce the force and resist slight wear in the resistance of each single machine Used to resist the serious wear block Added to the following description of the serious wear (Informative Appendix) GB/T11379—2008/1SG6158:2004 Method for measuring the thickness of the coating and other metal layers GB/T6463 summarizes the measurement method of the thickness of the coating, 3.2 Destructive test B.2.1 Microscope method GB/T6462 specifies the method: 0.2.2 Coulomb vol./4555 can be used to measure the total thickness of the coating. When using the nuclear film method, a small ball of 20 μm should be placed on any point on the surface of the coating. B.2.3 Scanning Electron Microscope Method
The scanning electron microscope method described in S09220 is used to measure the thickness of the electroplated layer and the plating layer. A.3 Non-destructive Test
B.3.1 Magnetic Method
When the substrate metal is magnetic, the method specified in G/456 can be used. B.3.2 β Back Emission Method
The method specified in B/T20UB is used. This method is suitable for measuring the thickness of electroplated layers on aluminum and aluminum alloys, iron alloys, titanium and titanium alloys, and non-metallic substrates.
c1 Overview
Appendix C
(Normative Specification)
Cracks and holes in the electrostatic layer
Microscopic cracks are usually observed directly by the laser microscope method without pretreatment. In controversial cases, it is recommended to use electrostatic induction (see B.3) to reveal cracks, and it is necessary to use the anti-excitation method to reveal the cracks: C.2 Microscopic method without pretreatment of cracks In an optical microscope with appropriate magnification, use reflected light to check the surface cracks. Use a micrometer heliostat or similar model to measure the distance used to count the cracks, and walk the inspection on the length of at least several cracks that have been measured. C.3 Electrochemical method for cracks and pores [Dubperuell test] C.3.1 Principle
In an acid-treated iridium sample, electrochemically test the copper or aluminum alloy at low current density or voltage at discontinuities in the metal layer (if any) or at a low voltage. This method can be used to quickly determine the uniformity of crack and pore accumulation or the number of cracks and pores. Afterwards, the test can be observed by microscopy.
This test is preferably carried out immediately after the electrochemical treatment. If it is to be carried out later, check the overall conditions of the test before the experiment and avoid electrolytic treatment. Take the test sample as the cathode and pass a half-average current of 0.3A/dm (about 0.2V~0.4V, depending on the anode and cathode absorption ratio) for 20 minutes. The cathode is electrically relayed for 1 minute. The electrolyte contains 200g/L of aqueous acid (uS0.5I[0>20g/L of acid (HSp1.84gmL).
Before adding the electrolyte, the test sample and the resistor must be connected to the current: if the test is carried out a few days after electroplating, the test sample should be immersed in 10g-21/.4in of acetic acid at about 65° before electrodeposition adjustment. This helps to reveal cracks and holes. The image can be measured on a long environment where at least 40 cracks can be counted and 23 holes can be formed.9. Reduce the actual heat treatment of high strength parts (tensile strength equal to or greater than 1000MP minus 3HRC) and parts with surface treatment. The new level of treatment (0/T150, or according to the requirements of the purchaser L4.1. Reduce the effectiveness of the treatment to calibrate the effectiveness of the test method determined by the purchaser, or test the product according to the standard method, such as: GB/T6462 and GB/T6.10 shot peening. If the purchaser wants to conduct heat treatment before or after power-on, the method of measuring the tensile strength is described in the standard. Note: The requirements before power-on can be reduced to a minimum, reducing the production cost. The high-pressure layer is subjected to this stress and the process of working and bearing the cost of the part
. The hidden reason for the waist fatigue is that the thickness of the skin is suitable for the thickness of the skin and the thickness of the skin. The thickness of the skin should be suitable for the thickness of the skin and the thickness of the skin. The skin should be formed into a group. The thickness and the resistance of the skin should be good. The bottom layer should be treated in accordance with the B/T19350 plan when the customer has a specified time and the specified process and the number of times. The industry layer should comply with the requirements of GB/T12332. 12 Stripping
It is allowed to strip the workpiece with a tensile strength of 21000MP3HR> in acid. Before stripping, a treatment to reduce the brittleness should be carried out (see 6.9). If the workpiece is stripped in alkaline solution, no treatment to reduce the brittleness is required after stripping. 4.
When the core layer of the workpiece is removed or ground to leave the main bottom layer (if any), in order to obtain a better repair effect, the remaining effective layer is partially stripped.
Obviously, the surface layer is intact, but in order to meet the requirements of the final product as much as possible, the surface Still need to carry out standard evaluation, for example, grinding with a diamond wheel that has been used for corrosion. After degreasing and cation cleaning in carbonizing liquid, thoroughly clean without bubbles, then lightly anodic ... 2--10
Record A
《Informative Appendix》
Typical plastic thickness of the electrical chain layer for engineering use
Used to reduce the force of home and resist slight belt
Used to resist the loss of each single machine
Hand-held anti-radiation
Used to resist severe wear
Added to the following description of severe wear
(Informative Appendix)||tt GB/T11379—2008/1SG6158:2004 Method for measuring the thickness of the coating and other metal layers GB/T6463 summarizes the measurement method of the thickness of the coating, 3.2 Destructive test B.2.1 Microscope method GB/T6462 specifies the method: 0.2.2 Coulomb vol./4555 can be used to measure the total thickness of the coating. When using the nuclear film method, a small ball of 20 μm should be placed on any point on the surface of the coating. B.2.3 Scanning Electron Microscope Method
The scanning electron microscope method described in S09220 is used to measure the thickness of the electroplated layer and the plating layer. A.3 Non-destructive Test
B.3.1 Magnetic Method
When the substrate metal is magnetic, the method specified in G/456 can be used. B.3.2 β Back Emission Method
The method specified in B/T20UB is used. This method is suitable for measuring the thickness of electroplated layers on aluminum and aluminum alloys, iron alloys, titanium and titanium alloys, and non-metallic substrates.
c1 Overview
Appendix C
(Normative Specification)
Cracks and holes in the electrostatic layer
Microscopic cracks are usually observed directly by the laser microscope method without pretreatment. In controversial cases, it is recommended to use electrostatic induction (see B.3) to reveal cracks, and it is necessary to use the anti-excitation method to reveal the cracks: C.2 Microscopic method without pretreatment of cracks In an optical microscope with appropriate magnification, use reflected light to check the surface cracks. Use a micrometer heliostat or similar model to measure the distance used to count the cracks, and walk the inspection on the length of at least several cracks that have been measured. C.3 Electrochemical method for cracks and pores [Dubperuell test] C.3.1 Principle
In an acid-treated iridium sample, electrochemically test the copper or aluminum alloy at low current density or voltage at discontinuities in the metal layer (if any) or at a low voltage. This method can be used to quickly determine the uniformity of crack and pore accumulation or the number of cracks and pores. Afterwards, the test can be observed by microscopy.
This test is preferably carried out immediately after the electrochemical treatment. If it is to be carried out later, check the overall conditions of the test before the experiment and avoid electrolytic treatment. Take the test sample as the cathode and pass a half-average current of 0.3A/dm (about 0.2V~0.4V, depending on the anode and cathode absorption ratio) for 20 minutes. The cathode is electrically relayed for 1 minute. The electrolyte contains 200g/L of aqueous acid (uS0.5I[0>20g/L of acid (HSp1.84gmL).
Before adding the electrolyte, the test sample and the resistor must be connected to the current: if the test is carried out a few days after electroplating, the test sample should be immersed in 10g-21/.4in of acetic acid at about 65° before electrodeposition adjustment. This helps to reveal cracks and holes. The image can be measured on a long environment where at least 40 cracks can be counted and 23 holes can be formed.9. Reduce the actual heat treatment of high strength parts (tensile strength equal to or greater than 1000MP minus 3HRC) and parts with surface treatment. The new level of treatment (0/T150, or according to the requirements of the purchaser L4.1. Reduce the effectiveness of the treatment to calibrate the effectiveness of the test method determined by the purchaser, or test the product according to the standard method, such as: GB/T6462 and GB/T6.10 shot peening. If the purchaser wants to conduct heat treatment before or after power-on, the method of measuring the tensile strength is described in the standard. Note: The requirements before power-on can be reduced to a minimum, reducing the production cost. The high-pressure layer is subjected to this stress and the process of working and bearing the cost of the part
. The hidden reason for the waist fatigue is that the thickness of the skin is suitable for the thickness of the skin and the thickness of the skin. The thickness of the skin should be suitable for the thickness of the skin and the thickness of the skin. The skin should be formed into a group. The thickness and the resistance of the skin should be good. The bottom layer should be treated in accordance with the B/T19350 plan when the customer has a specified time and the specified process and the number of times. The industry layer should comply with the requirements of GB/T12332. 12 Stripping
It is allowed to strip the workpiece with a tensile strength of 21000MP3HR> in acid. Before stripping, a treatment to reduce the brittleness should be carried out (see 6.9). If the workpiece is stripped in alkaline solution, no treatment to reduce the brittleness is required after stripping. 4.
When the core layer of the workpiece is removed or ground to leave the main bottom layer (if any), in order to obtain a better repair effect, the remaining effective layer is partially stripped.
Obviously, the surface layer is intact, but in order to meet the requirements of the final product as much as possible, the surface Still need to carry out standard evaluation, for example, grinding with a diamond wheel that has been used for corrosion. After degreasing and cation cleaning in carbonizing liquid, thoroughly clean without bubbles, then lightly anodic ... 2--10
Record A
《Informative Appendix》
Typical plastic thickness of the electrical chain layer for engineering use
Used to reduce the force of home and resist slight belt
Used to resist the loss of each single machine
Hand-held anti-radiation
Used to resist severe wear
Added to the following description of severe wear
(Informative Appendix)||tt GB/T11379—2008/1SG6158:2004 Method for measuring the thickness of the coating and other metal layers GB/T6463 summarizes the measurement method of the thickness of the coating, 3.2 Destructive test B.2.1 Microscope method GB/T6462 specifies the method: 0.2.2 Coulomb vol./4555 can be used to measure the total thickness of the coating. When using the nuclear film method, a small ball of 20 μm should be placed on any point on the surface of the coating. B.2.3 Scanning Electron Microscope Method
The scanning electron microscope method described in S09220 is used to measure the thickness of the electroplated layer and the plating layer. A.3 Non-destructive Test
B.3.1 Magnetic Method
When the substrate metal is magnetic, the method specified in G/456 can be used. B.3.2 β Back Emission Method
The method specified in B/T20UB is used. This method is suitable for measuring the thickness of electroplated layers on aluminum and aluminum alloys, iron alloys, titanium and titanium alloys, and non-metallic substrates.
c1 Overview
Appendix C
(Normative Specification)
Cracks and holes in the electrostatic layer
Microscopic cracks are usually observed directly by the laser microscope method without pretreatment. In controversial cases, it is recommended to use electrostatic induction (see B.3) to reveal cracks, and it is necessary to use the anti-excitation method to reveal the cracks: C.2 Microscopic method without pretreatment of cracks In an optical microscope with appropriate magnification, use reflected light to check the surface cracks. Use a micrometer heliostat or similar model to measure the distance used to count the cracks, and walk the inspection on the length of at least several cracks that have been measured. C.3 Electrochemical method for cracks and pores [Dubperuell test] C.3.1 Principle
In an acid-treated iridium sample, electrochemically test the copper or aluminum alloy at low current density or voltage at discontinuities in the metal layer (if any) or at a low voltage. This method can be used to quickly determine the uniformity of crack and pore accumulation or the number of cracks and pores. Afterwards, the test can be observed by microscopy.
This test is preferably carried out immediately after the electrochemical treatment. If it is to be carried out later, check the overall conditions of the test before the experiment and avoid electrolytic treatment. Take the test sample as the cathode and pass a half-average current of 0.3A/dm (about 0.2V~0.4V, depending on the anode and cathode absorption ratio) for 20 minutes. The cathode is electrically relayed for 1 minute. The electrolyte contains 200g/L of aqueous acid (uS0.5I[0>20g/L of acid (HSp1.84gmL).
Before adding the electrolyte, the test sample and the resistor must be connected to the current: if the test is carried out a few days after electroplating, the test sample should be immersed in 10g-21/.4in of acetic acid at about 65° before electrodeposition adjustment. This helps to reveal cracks and holes. The image can be measured on a long environment where at least 40 cracks can be counted and 23 holes can be formed.
Record A
《Informative Appendix》
Typical plastic thickness of the electrical insulation layer for engineering use
Used to reduce the force of the home and resist slight belt
Used to resist the loss of each single machine
Hand-held anti-radiation
Used to resist severe wear
Added to the following description of severe wear
(Informative Appendix)
GB/T11 379—2008/1SG6158:2004 Method for measuring the thickness of the coating of other metals GB/T6463 summarizes the measurement method of the thickness of the coating of the metal mesh. 3.2 Destructive test
B.2.1 Microscope method
The method specified in GB/T6462:
0.2.2 Coulomb vol
The total reading of the bottom layer of the coating specified in GB/T6462/4555 can be used to measure the thickness of the coating. When using the nuclear film method, a small ball of 20 μm should be placed on any point on the surface of the coating. B.2.3 Scanning Electron Microscope Method
The scanning electron microscope method described in S09220 is used to measure the thickness of the electroplated layer and the plating layer. A.3 Non-destructive Test
B.3.1 Magnetic Method
When the substrate metal is magnetic, the method specified in G/456 can be used. B.3.2 β Back Emission Method
The method specified in B/T20UB is used. This method is suitable for measuring the thickness of electroplated layers on aluminum and aluminum alloys, iron alloys, titanium and titanium alloys, and non-metallic substrates.
c1 Overview
Appendix C
(Normative Specification)
Cracks and holes in the electrostatic layer
Microscopic cracks are usually observed directly by the laser microscope method without pretreatment. In controversial cases, it is recommended to use electrostatic induction (see B.3) to reveal cracks, and it is necessary to use the anti-excitation method to reveal the cracks: C.2 Microscopic method without pretreatment of cracks In an optical microscope with appropriate magnification, use reflected light to check the surface cracks. Use a micrometer heliostat or similar model to measure the distance used to count the cracks, and walk the inspection on the length of at least several cracks that have been measured. C.3 Electrochemical method for cracks and pores [Dubperuell test] C.3.1 Principle
In an acid-treated iridium sample, electrochemically test the copper or aluminum alloy at low current density or voltage at discontinuities in the metal layer (if any) or at a low voltage. This method can be used to quickly determine the uniformity of crack and pore accumulation or the number of cracks and pores. Afterwards, the test can be observed by microscopy.
This test is preferably carried out immediately after the electrochemical treatment. If it is to be carried out later, check the overall conditions of the test before the experiment and avoid electrolytic treatment. Take the test sample as the cathode and pass a half-average current of 0.3A/dm (about 0.2V~0.4V, depending on the anode and cathode absorption ratio) for 20 minutes. The cathode is electrically relayed for 1 minute. The electrolyte contains 200g/L of aqueous acid (uS0.5I[0>20g/L of acid (HSp1.84gmL).
Before adding the electrolyte, the test sample and the resistor must be connected to the current: if the test is carried out a few days after electroplating, the test sample should be immersed in 10g-21/.4in of acetic acid at about 65° before electrodeposition adjustment. This helps to reveal cracks and holes. The image can be measured on a long environment where at least 40 cracks can be counted and 23 holes can be formed.
Record A
《Informative Appendix》
Typical plastic thickness of the electrical insulation layer for engineering use
Used to reduce the force of the home and resist slight belt
Used to resist the loss of each single machine
Hand-held anti-radiation
Used to resist severe
Added to the following description of severe wear
(Informative Appendix)
GB/T11 379—2008/1SG6158:2004 Method for measuring the thickness of the coating of other metals GB/T6463 summarizes the measurement method of the thickness of the coating of the metal mesh. 3.2 Destructive test
B.2.1 Microscope method
The method specified in GB/T6462:
0.2.2 Coulomb vol
The total reading of the bottom layer of the coating specified in GB/T6462/4555 can be used to measure the thickness of the coating. When using the nuclear film method, a small ball of 20 μm should be placed on any point on the surface of the coating. B.2.3 Scanning Electron Microscope Method
The scanning electron microscope method described in S09220 is used to measure the thickness of the electroplated layer and the plating layer. A.3 Non-destructive Test
B.3.1 Magnetic Method
When the substrate metal is magnetic, the method specified in G/456 can be used. B.3.2 β Back Emission Method
The method specified in B/T20UB is used. This method is suitable for measuring the thickness of electroplated layers on aluminum and aluminum alloys, iron alloys, titanium and titanium alloys, and non-metallic substrates.
c1 Overview
Appendix C
(Normative Specification)
Cracks and holes in the electrostatic layer
Microscopic cracks are usually observed directly by the laser microscope method without pretreatment. In controversial cases, it is recommended to use electrostatic induction (see B.3) to reveal cracks, and it is necessary to use the anti-excitation method to reveal the cracks: C.2 Microscopic method without pretreatment of cracks In an optical microscope with appropriate magnification, use reflected light to check the surface cracks. Use a micrometer heliostat or similar model to measure the distance used to count the cracks, and walk the inspection on the length of at least several cracks that have been measured. C.3 Electrochemical method for cracks and pores [Dubperuell test] C.3.1 Principle
In an acid-treated iridium sample, electrochemically test the copper or aluminum alloy at low current density or voltage at discontinuities in the metal layer (if any) or at a low voltage. This method can be used to quickly determine the uniformity of crack and pore accumulation or the number of cracks and pores. Afterwards, the test can be observed by microscopy.
This test is preferably carried out immediately after the electrochemical treatment. If it is to be carried out later, check the overall conditions of the test before the experiment and avoid electrolytic treatment. Take the test sample as the cathode and pass a half-average current of 0.3A/dm (about 0.2V~0.4V, depending on the anode and cathode absorption ratio) for 20 minutes. The cathode is electrically relayed for 1 minute. The electrolyte contains 200g/L of aqueous acid (uS0.5I[0>20g/L of acid (HSp1.84gmL).
Before adding the electrolyte, the test sample and the resistor must be connected to the current: if the test is carried out a few days after electroplating, the test sample should be immersed in 10g-21/.4in of acetic acid at about 65° before electrodeposition adjustment. This helps to reveal cracks and holes. The image can be measured on a long environment where at least 40 cracks can be counted and 23 holes can be formed.
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