title>GB/T 8433-1998 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to chlorinated water (swimming pool water) - GB/T 8433-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 8433-1998 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to chlorinated water (swimming pool water)
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 8433-1998
Standard Name: Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to chlorinated water (swimming pool water)
This standard specifies the method for determining the color fastness of various types of textiles to the action of available chlorine at the concentration used for disinfected swimming pool water. This standard specifies three different test conditions. Available chlorine concentrations of 50mg/L and 100mg/L are used for swimwear, and available chlorine concentrations of 20mg/L are used for accessories such as bathrobes and towels. GB/T 8433-1998 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Color fastness to chlorinated water (swimming pool water) GB/T8433-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
[CS 59.080. 30 National Standard of the People's Republic of China CB/I8426~-84271998 GB/T 8429~-8431—1998 GB/T 8433---8441—1998 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness1998 11 26 Issued 1999-05-01 Implementation Issued by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision GE/T8433-1998 This standard is based on I50105-F.03:1SS4 Spinning color test E33: secondary oxidation water (alcohol coating water), and revised GB/8433-1987. The revised document is equivalent to 1S0105E05: 1194. This standard modifies and adds the following contents to CB/T8433-1987: 1. Based on GB/T8433-1987, 1995.1.12, the cover, title and writing format are modified, and the preface and LSO are added. 2. The text is modified to make it consistent with the ISU standard: 3. According to 1S103, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 are swapped. 4. Chapter 2 introduces the standard. 5. Test water is renamed as Grade 3 water. 6. The unit of length is changed to mm. 7. Cancel the appendix and replace the content 4.3. The code for the amount of sodium thiosulfate \X\ is \". 8. Add the content of the test report. This standard replaces G/T842-1937 from the implementation date. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Basic Standards Branch of the Technical Committee for Textile Standardization. This standard is jointly drafted by the Standard Research Institute of the China Textile Federation and the Technical Supervision Bureau of the Textile Industry of Erhai City. The drafters of this standard are Tong Jin, Lu Wenbao, Qi Lingmin, and Xu Jieshou. This standard was first issued in 19R7. 45 GHT8433—1998 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is an international alliance of national standards organizations (with more than 50 members). The preparation of international standards also involves the launch of technical committees. Each member has the right to participate in the committees, both official and unofficial international organizations, and has obtained joint projects with the IEC and participated in the work. ISO cooperates with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in all matters related to the standardization of electrical technical standards. C) A draft international standard submitted by a technical committee can be circulated among members for submission. When more than 75% of the members agree, it will be published as an international standard. The international standard 1S10.E03 was prepared by the new technical committee IS0/TC.3S/SC1 for the testing of textile products and dyestuffs. The first edition was technically revised and replaced by the second edition (1$0105-E03:1S87). TS0n issued 13 "parts" five months ago, each part is represented by a letter (such as Part A), editions from 1978 to 1985, each part consists of ten dates. The references are listed in the corresponding part and are indicated by two-digit serial numbers (i.e., A0). These are published in separate documents, the original "part" headers remain unchanged, and the full list is given in TS) 5-A1. 4 1 Standard National Standard of the People's Republic of China Textiles-Test for color fastness Color fastness to fluoridated water (swimming pool water) Textiles—Tusts for cnlaur fastness-Colour Tastness to chjrrinuted water(Nwimming-puol waler) GE/T8433—1998 eyv1S0105C3.1994 B/T84321rs This standard specifies the effective test method and method of liquid used for disinfection of service textiles during color removal. This standard specifies three different test methods, effective resistance concentration g/1g/1 for reading clothes, effective oxygen concentration g/1 for nursing clothes, towels, etc. 2 Reference standards The following standards contain provisions that, through reference in this standard, may constitute the provisions of this standard. This standard is published and the versions shown are valid: All standards may be revised. All parties using this standard should discuss the possibility of using the following standard development and newer versions. 25-[Color sample for evaluating color change (51C5-A02s) GB/61107 Current product accuracy test (e[30105-A01: 9943 Principle The fabric sample is treated with a certain concentration of sensitive material to verify the dry operation. The color of the sample is evaluated by the color non-card. 4 Equipment and reagents Suitable machine recovery method is a water-saving case with a rotating shaft, and the shaft radially supports multiple 551ntT. Gnm capacity. l instrument (diameter 75m: ±5m, 25am, 1cmx) the distance from the center of the shaft to the bottom of the instrument is 4murs/10mm, the shaft assembly rotation is ≥40/min12r/mi, the humidity needs to be controlled by a humidity meter, and the test solution needs to maintain a constant temperature of ±2 degrees. Note: Other devices that can be used can be used. .2 Standard sodium hydroxide (Na2O3), its water drop system is composed of,,, effective amount wear steel sodium hydroxide (NaH) sodium arsenic (NaO) iron (Fe) sodium chlorate drop must be prepared with the same 4 ( g/1. -. 60 g/1. 120 g/1.--170 g/1. 20 high volume) 20 g/1.1 high volume 2 C. G= g/l,(high pressure? 4.3 per liter 10m% effective H7.5.05 acid (VC0) water drop liquid, the second aldehyde must be doubled and ready to use. Use the level of technology to restore the method: 1: the second (CO4.22C.3m lean combustion 11.% State Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau 1998-11-25 approved 193905.01 buy standard GA/T B433199B Open solution 2, acid oxygen (KH2PO4) 42 (4.G>14.95E/L. Solution 3, acid dihydrogen dihydrate [NPH, 2H2O 20.5 +/1. Acid dihydrate (NP1O, 12H.O) 40. 35 #/1. (4.7). Add the selected chemical acceptor and the acid (Cl) to the solution to determine the powder. Use Na+ = 1 nal/1. Sodium thiosulfate solution to titrate the free iodine. The required sodium thiosulfate tube multiplier is VL Then pH 7. 30 = U. U5: 1. To solve the problem, you need 2 ml of solution 1, 102) L of solution 3 . Before using, use the calibrated H (4.) to correct the pF value. If necessary, you can use sodium hydroxide: (NsUFI> = (1 mol/L or CHCCOH) = C.: mol/L, 4.4 50% effective oxygen, pH 7.5 ± 0.9 sodium hydroxide (NnCl2) aqueous solution. 705.0||tt || 4.3 can be prepared by the same procedure: 2H7.50 ± 0.95 working solution, but it is necessary to use a dropper. 4.5 can be added 21 effective chlorine. H is 7.0.0 sodium hypochlorite (SCO) aqueous solution. 7115.4 According to the 2. time sequence, 1: H7.30 = 0.05 working solution is prepared, but it is necessary to use a dropper. L.6 potassium permanganate (KJI.PA). wwW.bzxz.Net 4./ The word cavity is uniformly structured Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.