JB/T 9005.1-1999 JB/T 9005.1-1999 Rope groove section of cast pulley for crane JB/T9005.1-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
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JB/T 9005.1--1999 This standard adopts DIN15061:1977 Part 1 "Rope groove section of wire rope pulley for lifting device" in a non-equivalent manner This standard is a revision of ZBJ80006.1-87 "Rope groove section of cast pulley for crane". During the revision, only editorial modifications were made to the original standard, and the main technical content remained unchanged. This standard is part of the JB/T9005 "Cast Pulley for Crane" series of standards, which includes the following 10 parts: JB/T 9005.1-—1999bZxz.net Cast Pulley for Crane JB/T 9005.2—1999 Cast Pulley for Crane JB/T 9005.3-1999 JB/T 9005. 4—1999 JB/T 9005.5-—1999 JB/T 9005.6-1999 JB/T 9005. 7--1999 JB/T 9005.8--1999 JB/T 9005.9---1999 Cast pulley for crane Cast pulley for crane Cast pulley for crane Cast pulley for crane Cast pulley for crane Cast pulley for crane Cast pulley for crane JB/T 9005.10—1999 Selection series and matching Type, hub and bearing size Cast pulley for crane This standard replaces ZBJ80006.187 from the date of implementation. Technical conditions This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Hoisting Machinery. The responsible drafting unit of this standard is Dalian Daqi Group Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are Zhou Yu'an and Cui Zhenyuan. 397 Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Casting sheaves for cranes Groove section Casting sheaves for cranes--Groove profiles This standard specifies the groove section dimensions and surface accuracy grades of cast sheaves for cranes. JB/T9005.1-1999 Replaces ZB J80 006.1-87 This standard is mainly applicable to cast wire rope sheaves for bridge cranes and gantry cranes (hereinafter referred to as sheaves). Sheaves for other cranes can also be used for reference. The groove radius R of this standard is determined based on the maximum allowable deviation of the nominal diameter d of the wire rope of +7%. The maximum angle of deflection when the wire rope is wound into or out of the pulley groove (i.e. the angle between the center line of the wire rope and the plane perpendicular to the pulley axis) should not exceed 4°. 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. JB/T9005.2-1999 Selection series and matching of cast pulley diameters for cranes 3 Dimensions and accuracy 3.1 The cross-section and dimensions of the pulley groove are detailed in Figure 1 and Table 1. C×45\ Approved by the State Machinery Industry Bureau on June 28, 1999398 Implemented on January 1, 2000 Wire rope diameter >6~7 >7~8 >9~10 >10~11 >11~12 >12~13 >13~14 >14~15 >15~16 >16~17 >17~18 >18~19 >19~20 >20~21 >21~22 >22~23 >23~24 >24~25 >25~26|| tt||>26~28 >28~30 >30~32 >32 ~34 >34 ~36 >36~38 >38~40 >40~41 >43~45 JB/T 9005.1—1999 Basic size Limit deviation +0.1/+0.2 +0.4+0.855. 0 Reference size Wire rope diameter >46~47 >48.5~50 >50~52 >52~54.5 >54. 5~56 >56~58 >58~60.5 JB/T9005.1—1999 Table 1 (end) Basic size Limit deviation Grade 1|Grade 2 For metallurgical cranes, it is recommended to use grade 1 accuracy. 125 2The rope groove section is allowed to match according to JB/T9005.2, and the pulleys of the same diameter are made into types 3 according to the maximum rope diameter. The reference size is proposed for cast iron pulleys. 3.2 The surface roughness of the pulley rope groove is divided into two levels: Level 1: Ru6.3μm; Level 2: Ral2.5μm. 3.3 Marking example The radius of the pulley rope groove R is 13.5mm. The rope groove section with a surface roughness of level 2 is marked as: Rope groove section 13.5-2JB/T9005.1--1999400 Reference scale Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.