LY/T 1606-2003 Forest ecosystem positioning observation indicator system
Some standard content:
ICS 65.020.01
Forestry Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Indicators system for long-term observation of forest ecosystem2003-08-14Issued
State Forestry Administration
This standard is proposed and managed by the State Forestry Administration.
The responsible drafting unit of this standard is: Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry. The main drafters of this standard are: Wang Bing, Guo Quanshui, Yang Fengwei, Jiang Youxu, Liu Shirong, Cui XianghuiThis standard is issued for the first time.
1 Scope
Forest ecosystem positioning observation index system LY/T1606—2003
This standard specifies the forest ecosystem positioning observation index, namely, conventional meteorological index, physical and chemical index of forest soil, health and sustainable development index of forest ecosystem, forest hydrological index and forest community characteristic index. This standard is applicable to forest ecosystem positioning observation throughout the country. 2 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 2.1
Forest ecosystem
A biological community (including animals, plants, microorganisms, etc.) dominated by tree species, a functional unit with life and regeneration ability that continuously exchanges energy, circulates materials and transfers energy over time and space. 2.2
Surface temperature
The temperature shown on the temperature meter directly in contact with the soil surface, including the surface regular temperature, the lowest surface temperature, and the highest surface temperature. 2.3
Soil temperature
The temperature shown on the temperature meter directly in contact with the soil below the surface, including the soil temperature at different depths such as 10cm, 20cm, 30cm, and 40cm.
The depth of the water layer accumulated on the ground without evaporation, infiltration, or loss due to liquid or solid (after melting) precipitation falling from the sky to the ground.
Precipitation intensity
precipitation intensity
Precipitation per unit time.
The amount of water lost due to evaporation.
Total radiation
The total amount of short-wave radiation on a horizontal plane at a certain height from the ground. 2.8
Net radiation
The difference between the total radiation emitted downward by the sun and the atmosphere and the total radiation emitted upward by the ground on a horizontal plane at a certain height from the ground. 2.9
Artificially divide the wavelength range of short-wave radiation emitted by the sun into several bands, and the radiation components of one band or several bands are called spectroradiometry,
UVA, UVBultravioletA, ultravioletBTwo bands of the ultraviolet spectrum. Among them, UVA: 400nm~320nm, UVB: 320nm~290nm. 2.11
Duration of sunshine
The number of hours the sun actually shines on the ground in a certain place. 2.12
Soil containing water is frozen when the temperature drops to 0℃ or below. 2.13
Soil bulk density
The mass of dried soil per unit volume.
Soil porosity
Soil porosity
The percentage of voids in a unit volume of soil. Pores with a diameter less than 0.1mm are called capillary pores, and pores with a diameter greater than 0.1mm are called non-capillary pores.
Cation exchange capacity of soilCation exchange capacity of soilThe total amount of various cations that can be adsorbed by soil colloids. 2.16
ionexchangecapacityofsoilThe sum of alkali metals and alkali metal ions (K+, Na+, Ca+, Mg+) adsorbed by the soil absorption complex. 2.17
The amount of rainfall outside the forest (also known as the total precipitation in the forest) after deducting the amount of interception by the tree crown and the amount of runoff from the tree stem. 2.18
The amount of raindrops falling into the forest, part of which is transferred from leaves to branches, from branches to trunks and flows to the forest floor. This part of rainfall is called stemflow.
The amount of water flowing on the slope and in the river channel after the rainwater or snowmelt water falling on the ground is lost through filling, infiltration, evaporation, etc. 2.20
evapotranspiration of forest
the sum of transpiration from forest vegetation and evaporation from soil under the canopy. 2.21
Fnatural regeneration of community
the process of forming a new forest through natural seeding or root sprouting, root sprouting, underground stem sprouting (such as bamboo forest). 2.22
forest litter forest floor
the layer of organic matter formed on the surface of mineral soil under forest vegetation, also known as the dead ground cover layer. 2.23
forest biomass
forest biomass
the total amount of all living organisms accumulated over a long period of time on a unit area of forest. 2
leaf area index
leaf area index (LAI)
the ratio of the total leaf area of plants on a certain land area to the land area. 3 Index system
3.1 Conventional meteorological indicators
See Table 1 for various observation indicators.
Table 1 Conventional meteorological indicators
Indicator category
Weather phenomenon
Air temperature6
Temperature of ground surface and soil fill at different depths
Air humidity
Atmospheric precipitation?
Evaporation from water surface
Observation indicators
Cloud cover, wind, rain, snow, lightning, dust pressure
Wind speed acting on forest surface
Wind direction acting on forest surface (E,
Minimum temperature
Maximum temperature
Timed temperature
Timed surface
Minimum surface temperature
Maximum surface temperature
Ground temperature at 10cm depth
Ground temperature at 20cm depth
Ground temperature at 30cm depth
Ground temperature at 40cm depth
Relative humidity
Total radiation
Net radiation||tt| |Spectral radiation
Sunshine hours
UVA/UVB radiation
Total precipitation
Precipitation intensity
Wind speed and direction should be measured 3m above the canopy, single
Observation frequency
Once a day
Once a day
Continuous observation or three times a day
Continuous observation or 3 times a day
1 time a day
1 time a day
1 time a day
Continuous observation or 3 times a day
Continuous observation or 3 times a day
Continuous observation or 3 times a day
Continuous observation or 3 times a day
Continuous observation or 3 times a day
Continuous observation or 3 times a day
Continuous observation or 3 times a day
Continuous observation or 3 times a day
Continuous observation or 3 times a day
Once per hour
Once per hour
Once per hour
Continuous observation or once per day
Once per hour
Once per day
Continuous observation or 3 times per day
Continuous observation or 3 times per day
Once per day
Determination of humidity, temperature, radiation, etc. should be carried out at four spatial levels: 3m above the canopy, in the middle of the canopy, 1.5m below the canopy, and at the ground cover layer. The rain gauge and evaporator port should be 70cm above the ground. 3.2
Physical and chemical indicators of forest soil
See Table 2 for various observation indicators.
Indicator categories
Forest litter
Soil physical properties
Soil chemical properties
Physical and chemical indicators of forest soil
Observation indicators
Soil particle composition
Soil bulk density
Total soil porosity Capillary pores and
Non-capillary pores
Soil pH value
Soil cation exchange capacity||t t||Soil exchangeable calcium and magnesium (saline-alkali soil)
Soil exchangeable potassium and sodium
Soil exchangeable acid (acidic soil)
Total soil exchangeable base
Soil carbonate (saline-alkali soil)
Soil organic matter
Soil water-soluble salt (total salt content in saline-alkali soil, carbonate and bicarbonate
roots, sulfate, chloride, calcium ion,
magnesium ion, potassium ion, sodium ion
|Total nitrogen in soil
Hydrolyzed nitrogen
Nitrite nitrogen
Total phosphorus in soil
Available phosphorus
Total potassium in soil
Fast-acting potassium
Slow-acting potassium
Total magnesium in soil
Available magnesium
Total calcium in soil
Available calcium
Total sulfur in soil
Available sulfur
Total boron in soil
Available boron
Total zinc in soil
Available zinc| |tt||Total manganese in soil
Available manganese
Total aluminum in soil
Available molybdenum
Total copper in soil
Available copper
3.3 Indicators of health and sustainable development of forest ecosystems 4
% ,mg/kg
Observation frequency
Once a year
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
See Table 3 for various observation indicators.
Indicator category
Table 3 Observation indicators of health and sustainable development indicators of forest ecosystems
Types of harmful insects and natural enemies
Plants harmed by harmful insects
Percentage of total plants
Occurrence and damage of pests and diseases
Occurrence and damage of pests and diseases||tt ||Conservation of water and soil resources
The impact of pollution on forests
The occurrence of forest-related disasters
Forest hydrological indicators
The density of harmful insects on plants
and the affected area of forests
Species of fungi infected on plants
The percentage of plants infected by fungi in the total
Forest area infected by fungi
Erosion intensity of forest soil
Soil erosion modulus of forest land
Dry and wet sedimentation that causes harm to forests||t t||Precipitation composition
Acidity of atmospheric precipitation, i.e. pH value
Degree of harm to trees caused by pollutants
The number and degree of harm of floods and mudslides in forest basins each year, as well as the time and degree of other disasters in forests, including frost damage, wind damage, drought, fire, etc.
Species and number of animals and plants under national or local protection
Species and number of local endemic species
Catalog and number of animals and plants
Diversity index
See Table 4 for various observation indicators.
pieces/hm2, hm2
Table 4 Forest hydrological indicators
Indicator category
Observation indicators
Precipitation in the forest
Precipitation intensity in the forest
Tree runoff
Surface runoff
Groundwater level
Water content of litter layer
Forest evapotranspiration||tt| |LY/T1606—2003
Observation frequency
Once a year
Once a year
Once a year
Once a year
Once a year
Once a year
Once a year
Once a year
Once a year
Once a year
Once a year
Once a year
Once a year
Once every 5 years||t t||Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Observation frequency
Continuous observation
Continuous observation
Observe at every precipitation
Observe at every precipitation
Continuous observation
Once a month
Once a month
Once a month or once a growing season
Index category
Observation index
Table 4 (continued)
pH value, calcium ion, magnesium ion, potassium
ion, sodium ion, carbonate,
hydrogen carbonate, chloride, sulfate, total phosphorus,
nitrate, total nitrogen
trace elements (B, Mn, Mo, Zn,
Fe, Cu), heavy metal elements (Cd,
Pb, Ni, Cr, Se, As,Ti)
Except pH value, all others are
mg/dm or μg/dm3
mg/m or mg/dm
For forest evapotranspiration, water balance method and energy balance-Bowen ratio method should be used. Observation frequency
Once a month
After the background value is obtained, once every 5 years,
Observation frequency should be increased in special circumstances.
Water quality samples should be obtained from atmospheric precipitation, penetrating water, tree trunk runoff, soil infiltration water, surface runoff and groundwater. 3.5 Community characteristic indicators of forests
See Table 5 for various observation indicators.
Table 5 Community characteristic indicators of forests
Indicator category
Forest community structure
Biomass of tree layer in forest community
And tree growth
Forest litter volume
Nutrients of forest community
Natural regeneration of community
Observation indicators
Age of forest community
Origin of forest community
Average tree height of forest community
Average breast diameter of forest community
Density of forest community
Tree species composition of forest community
Animal and plant species in forest community
Canopy closure of forest community
Leaf area of main forest layer of forest community
Average vegetation understory (sub-trees, shrubs, grasses) Average height
Total cover of understory vegetation
Annual growth of tree height
Annual growth of breast diameter
Biomass of various organs in the tree layer (trunk, branch, leaf,
fruit, flower, root)
Above and below ground biomass of shrub layer and herb layer
Partial biomass
Litterfall in the forest in the current year
CNP, K, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ca.
Mg, Cd, Pb
Including tree species, density, number and seedlings
plant/hm2, plant, cm
Observation frequency
Once every 5 years
Every 5 Once a year
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years|| tt||Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Once every 5 years
Forestry of the People's Republic of China
Industry Standard
Forest Ecosystem Positioning Observation Index System LY/T1606—2003
Published by China Standards Press||tt ||No.16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing
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