This standard specifies the basic terms and definitions of dictionary compilation. This standard applies to dictionary compilation and related teaching, scientific research, and publishing. GB/T 15238-2000 Terminology Basic terms for dictionary compilation GB/T15238-2000 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the basic terms and definitions of dictionary compilation. This standard applies to dictionary compilation and related teaching, scientific research, and publishing.
Some standard content:
1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Terminology work Basic lexicographical terminology Terminology work-Basic lexicographical terminologyGB/T15238—2000 Replaces GB/T15238.1—1994 This standard specifies the basic terms and definitions for lexicographical terminology. This standard applies to lexicographical terminology and related teaching, scientific research and publishing work. 2 Dictionary types 2.1 Dictionary and encyclopedia A reference book that is arranged and searched in a certain way with word entries (4.11), word entries (4.12) and items (4.13) as units. It is a general term for dictionaries (2.2), lexicons (2.3) and encyclopedias (2.4). 2.2 dictionary of Chinese characters A dictionary (2.1) that uses character entries (4.11) as units and explains the form, pronunciation, meaning, usage or other attributes of character heads (4.14). 2.3 dictionary dictionary A dictionary (2.1) that uses word entries (4.12) as units and explains or provides information about word items (4.15). 2.4 encyclopedia A relatively complete dictionary (2.1) that uses entries (4.13) as units and collects and explains various categories of human knowledge or a certain category. 2.5 dictionary of common words A dictionary (2.3) that collects common words and gives word-part interpretations (4:27). Some also include some specialized words that have entered the common vocabulary (231). 2.6 Subject dictionary A dictionary that lists terms and proper nouns in one (or more) disciplines or knowledge fields and gives professional definitions (4.27) (2.3). General-purpose dictionary A dictionary that lists common words and terms and proper nouns in many disciplines or knowledge fields and gives word-type definitions (227) or professional definitions (4.27) (2.3). Monolingual dictionary Monolingual dictionary 2.8 A dictionary that uses the same language for its appearance (4.15) and its interpretation (4.26) (2.3). 2.9 Bilingual dictionary A dictionary that uses two different languages for its entries (4.15) and its translations (2.3). 2.lo multilingual dictionary multilingual dictionary A dictionary that uses three or more different languages for entries (4.15) and explanations (4.26) (2.3). 2.11 diachronic dictionary A dictionary that describes the origin and evolution of ancient and modern words according to the principle of dynamics (2.3). 2.12 synchronic dictionary A dictionary that describes words in a certain period of time according to the principle of statics (2.3). 2.13 prescriptive dictionary A dictionary that uses the principle of prescriptiveness to deal with words (2.3). 2.14 descriptive dictionary A dictionary that uses the principle of objective description to deal with words (2.3). 2.15 proper-order dictionary proper-order dictionary a dictionary arranged in the customary order of letters, syllables or glyphs of words (4.15) (2.3). 2.16 reverse-order dictionary reverse-order dictionary a dictionary arranged in the order of the last letters, syllables or suffixes of words (4.15) (2.3). 2.17 pedagogical dictionary a dictionary compiled to meet the needs of language teaching and learning (2.3). 2.18 unabridged dictionary an unabridged large dictionary (2.3). 2.19 abridged dictionary an abridged version of a full-length dictionary (2.18). 2.20 pocket dictionary pocket dictionary a small-format dictionary that is easy to carry (2.3). 2.21 Dictionary with detailed explanations Dictionary with detailed explanations (4.15) that gives detailed explanations (2.3). 2.22 Electronic dictionary Computer-readable dictionary stored in media such as disks, CDs, semiconductor read-only memories (2.3). 2.23 Multimedia dictionary Electronic dictionary with multiple display forms such as text, sound, dynamic and static images (2.22). 2.24 Online dictionary Electronic dictionary that can be used online using network technology (2.22). 2.25 Dictionary of proper names Dictionary that includes proper nouns such as names of people or places and provides relevant information (2.3). 2.26 Encyclopedia dictionary Encyclopedia dictionary Dictionary that includes terms and proper nouns from many disciplines or knowledge fields and gives professional interpretations (4.27) (2.3). 2.27 Phrasesological dictionary A dictionary that includes idioms, colloquialisms, and common expressions (2.5). 2.28 Etymological dictionary A dictionary that explains the origin and evolution of words (2.3). 2.29 Pictorial dictionary A dictionary that uses images as the main means of interpretation (4.27) (2.3). 2.30 Terminological dictionary A dictionary that includes professional terms and gives definitions (2.3). 2.31 Glossary; vocabulary mainly refers to a dictionary of monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual corresponding words in the form of word lists (2.3). 3 Databases 3.1 Corpus A database that stores language materials. 4 Dictionary compilation 4.1 Framework Standards Standards The overall structure (4.2) of a dictionary (2.1). 4.2 Megastructure The macroscopic structure of the content and form of a dictionary (2.1). 4.3 Microstructure The way the content of an entry (4.13) is organized, 4.4 Format Guideline The basic rules and format for the compilation of a dictionary (2.1). 4.5 Selection of head characters Selection of head characters from a dictionary (2.2) or some dictionaries (2.3) as the subject of annotation (4, 14) 4.6 Selection of head words Selection of entries from a dictionary (2.3) as the subject of annotation (4.15). 4.7 Selection of entries (articles) Selection of entries from an encyclopedia (2.4) as the subject of elaboration (4.16). 4.8 Inclusion of head characters Selection of head characters from a dictionary (2.2) or some dictionaries (2.3) as the subject of annotation (4.14). 4.9 Inclusion of head words Selection of entries from a dictionary (2.3) as the subject of annotation (4.15). 4.1o Inclusion of entries (articles) Selection of entries from an encyclopedia (2.4) as the subject of elaboration (4.15). 4. 11 character entr In the dictionary (2.2) or some lexicon (2.3), a whole consisting of a character head (4.14) and its description, 4.12 vocabulary entry In a dictionary (2.3), the whole consisting of a vocabulary entry (4.15) and the explanation of the vocabulary entry (4.15). 4. 13 eneyelop(a)edia artiele, enti In an encyclopedia (2.4), the whole consisting of an entry heading (4.16) and the explanation of the entry heading (4.16). Note: In a dictionary (2.2) and a dictionary (2.3), an "entry (4.13)" is generally called "entry (4.11)" or "entry (412)". 4.14 head character The object described in an entry (4.11). 4.15 head word The object described in an entry (4.12). 4.16 heading of an article the object described in an entry (4.13) of an encyclopedia (2.4). 4. 17 main entry a character entry (4.11), a word entry (4.12), or an entry (4.13) with an independent explanation (4.26). 4.18 cross-reference entry a character entry (4.11), a word entry (4.12), or an entry (4.13) with a guide or only a simple explanation (4.26) that requires reference to the main entry (4.17). single character entry 4.19 single character entry a character entry (4.11) with a single Chinese character in the entry (4.15). 4.20 multi-character entry multi-character entry (4.15) An entry (4.12) consisting of two or more Chinese characters. 4.21 phonetic transcription The pronunciation of a character head (4.14) or a word (4.15) is marked with a specified symbol or method. 4.22 Zhiyin method The method of marking the pronunciation of a Chinese character with a homophone or a near-phonetic character (4.21). 4.23 Fanqie method The method of marking the pronunciation of a Chinese character with two Chinese characters (4.21), with the first character taking its initial consonant and the second character taking its final vowel and tone. 4.24 Phonetic alphabet method Phonetic alphabet method The method of using pinyin letters, Zhuyin (4, 21) letters, etc. to indicate the pronunciation of words and phrases (4.21) 4.25 Phonetic symbol method Phonetic symbol method The method of using the International Phonetic Alphabet or other phonetic symbols to indicate the pronunciation of words and phrases (4.21) 4.2G Definition and explaining paragraph The entire explanation of a word (4.14), word (4.15), or item (4.16). 4.27 Definition Explain the meaning of a word head (4.14), word head (4.15), or item head (4.16). 4.28 Definition with sysonym(s) or antonym(s) Explanation of the prefix (4.14) or the entry (4.15) with synonyms or antonyms (4.27) 4.29 Logical definition Explanation of the entry (4.15) with the method of revealing the connotation and extension (4.27) 4. 30 Descriptive and explanatory definition Explanation of the entry (4.12) with the method of explaining the phenomena, actions, properties, etc. 4.31 Meaning of a character Meaning of a prefix (4.14) 4.32 Meaning of a word Meaning of a word (4.15) 4.33 Meaning of a word (4.15) 4.33 sense An annotation item that lists the different meanings of a prefix (4.14) or a word (4.15). 4.34 illustrative example An example or basis for explaining the meaning, usage, origin, or other use of a prefix (4.14) or a word (4.15). 4.35 citation An example (4.34) or general indication of the source of a written document 4.36 label A mark that uses certain words or symbols to identify matters that need to be noted in a word (4.11), a word (4.12), or an item (4.13). 4.37 Arrangement and consultation A method of arranging and consulting character entries (4.11), word entries (4.12), and item entries (4.13) based on the sound, form, and meaning of character heads (4.14), word headings (4.15), and item headings (4.15). 4.38 Arrangement and consultation on inphonetic alphabetical order A method of arranging and consulting based on the pronunciation of character heads (4.14), word headings (4.15), and item headings (4.16). For example, the arrangement and consultation based on the order of Chinese phonetic letters (4.37). 4.39 Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form Arrangement and consultation occupying to the written form 4.42 arrangement and consultation according to the meaning method of classification and consultation based on the meaning characteristics of the word (4.15) and the heading (4.16) 4.43 arrangement in time sequence method of classification and consultation based on the time sequence of things 4.44 arrangement in a real sequence method of classification and consultation based on the region involved in things 4.45 arrangerment according to codedstrokes 4.45 method of using digital numbers to represent the strokes of the first character of the word (4.14) or the word (4.15), and arranging and consulting according to the sequence of connected digital numbers. 4.46 radical classified as similar components based on the Chinese character shape structure as the basis for consultation. 4.47 Index index The part of the dictionary (.1) that indicates the location of the prefix (4.14), the word (4.15), the heading (4.16), the diagram and the implicit theme, and is arranged in a certain way for users to check. Law See entry Entry 4.12 Entry structure Prefix (permitted term) Word meaning 4.[32 Etymology dictionary Dictionary (permitted term) Dictionary 2.L Word dictionary Single word entry 4.19 Reverse dictionary (permitted term) 2.3 Geographic order search method 4.44 Electronic dictionary/2.22 Definitional interpretation4.29 Parsing interpretation Multimedia dictionary2.23 Multilingual dictionary2.10 Multi-word entry4.20 Fanqie method4.23 Synchronic dictionary Normative dictionary Teaching dictionary2.17 Abridged dictionary2.19 Framework4.1 Diachronic dictionary Example4.34 Descriptive interpretation4.30 Descriptive dictionary2.14 Reverse dictionary2. 16 Sequential search method4.37 Chronological search method Explanation4.26 Explanation4.27 Collected words4, 9 Receipt4.10 Collected words4.8 Documentary evidence4.35 Language dictionary2.30 Bilingual dictionary2.9 Sequential dictionary, 2.15 Index4.47 Format4.4 Item4.13||t t||Header 4.16 Graphic dictionary 2.29 Online dictionary Detailed dictionary 2.21 Form sequence sorting method 4.39 Marrow species cooking static norms Standard technology network WWW.bzsOsO.cOm various real standard industry information free T download Pocket dictionary 2.20 Word selection 4.6 Item selection 4.7 Word selection 4.5 Meaning 4.32||tt ||Meaning order sorting method 4.42 Phonetic phonetic notation method 4.25 Phonetic order sorting method 4.38 Dictionary 2.27 Corpus 3.1 Chinese dictionary Main article 4.17 Main article (permitted terms) Direct phonetic method 4.22 Main article (permitted bed words) Phonetic notation 4.21 Special dictionary Proper name dictionary Overall structure||tt ||Full dictionary 2.18 Dictionary 2.2 Alphabet phonetic notation 4.24 Word entry 4.11 Headline 4.14 Word meaning 4.31 Comprehensive dictionary 17h Book static road skeleton species year static wax Standard technical grant network WW.bzsOsO.cOm various real standard industry information free download Appendix B (Suggested Appendix) English index abridged dictionary arrangement according to coded strokesarrangement and censultatinn4.37 arrangement and eonsultation accnrding to the meaningarrangement and consoltation according to the written formarrangement and consnttation in phonetic alphabetieat orderarrangement in area sequencearrangement in radicals arrangement in strokes arrangement in time sequeneeB| |tt||bilingual diclionary charaqter eitation corpus crosstreferenceentry defining and explaining paragraphdefinition definition with synonym(s)or antonym(s)descriptive and explanatory definitiondescriptive dictionary diachronic dictionary dictionary dictionary and encyclop(a)ediadictionary of Chinese charactersdictionary of common words dictionaryofpropernames dictionarywithtailedexplanationsE electronic dictionary encyclop(a)edia encyclop(a)edia article a,17h book wall kind of road Shugui standard technology grant network W each actual standard industry information Ke Ke fee download 4.42 encyclop(a)edia dictionary etymological dictionary fanqiemethod format guideline framework general-purpose dictionary glossary character beading of an article headword illustrative example inclusionofentries(articles)inclusion of head characters4.9 inclusion of headwords lobical definition meaning of a character meaning of a word megastructure microstructure monolingual dictionary multi -character entry multilingual dictionary multi-media dictionary on-line dictionary pedagogical dictionary phonetic alphatbet method phonetic symbol method phonetic transcription phraseological dictionary pictorial dictionary pocket dictionary prescriptive dictionary Quick 17hzn Yanbixiao Device cooking and quiet model Standard technical teaching network WW.bzsOsO.cOm various standards industry information free download proper order dictionary Radical reverse-orderdictionary selectionofentries(articles)selectionofheadcharacters selection of headwords single character entry subject dictionary synehronic dictionary unabridged dictionary Vocabulary vocabulary entry zhiyin method Quick 17 Book wall eliminates the number of species of cooking guests quiet way back Standard technology network WW.bzsOsO.cOm various standards industry information free download Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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