Some standard content:
Registration No. 416-1997
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Microfilm Dimensions
Photography-Film dimensions Micrographics1997-05-23 Issued
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
1997-10-01 Implementation
This standard adopts 1S061481993 "Photography-Film Size", the difference is: one international standard number that has been converted into a Chinese standard is changed in the referenced standard. From the date of publication of this standard, the content of microfilm size in HG/T2173--91 is discontinued. Appendices A, B, and C of this standard are reminders. This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard is issued by China Lucky Film Company, the technical unit of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The drafting units of this standard are: China Lucky Film Company, Tianfa Photosensitive Material Company, Shanghai Photosensitive Material Company, and the drafters of this standard are: Huang Zhihui, Wang Shuqiu, and Wang Benying. HG/T2912—1997
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide joint organization of national standard bodies (member organizations). The work of formulating international standards is usually completed by ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to participate in that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, may also participate in the work of the committee after contacting ISO. Draft international standards developed by the technical committee are circulated to the member bodies for voting. At least 75 % of the members voting are required to approve them for them to be adopted as international standards. International Standard ISO 148 was prepared by ISO/TC42 Technical Committee on Photography. Appendices A, B and C of this standard are suggested lists and specifications. Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Microfilm Dimensions Photpgraphy-Film adimensiaxs Nicrographics HG/T 2912-1997 150 6148 + 193
This standard specifies the nominal length and the common polarity deviation of the same length of the film (COM) for microphotography, including the calculation of the nominal length of the film (COM) for microphotography. This standard is applicable to the type 1 film, microfilm, and the length, thickness and thickness of roll film and sheet film. This standard does not include the specification of film cores, optical film, film reels, single-axis film cassettes and dark boxes. The standard covers the content of the standard. When the referenced research paper is published, all versions of the standard will be valid for all departments. The relevant departments will make revisions. The parties who use this standard will use the new standard under the following conditions. G-Road T9135-~1996135 Specification for Film and Spraying 1S:1975 Industrial Length Measurement Standard S0215:1975 Specification for Cutting Technology of Printed Products Series S0$54:1976 Conditioning and/or Testing of Atmospheric ~ Specification 150 9923: 19943
Digital photography technology-A6 transparent microfilm-image arrangement 3 size measurement conditions
The width and limit of this bridge are measured by the production method, under the conditions of (23+2)7 and initial humidity (50±5)% atmosphere, the requirements of 554 (see Appendix A), 4 film thickness
The support of non-silver salt photocopying film (including film base, backing layer and transfer layer) should be in accordance with the current regulations, and the thickness range of the microphotographic film should comply with the requirements of Table 2, and the packaging Non-silver seal cavity film
Nominal thickness
) When 1506148:1993 was published, this standard had not yet been published. The minimum thickness
2) All proposals should be tested under the conditions of quality porcelain 2 (such as S>1) and 50% humidity. Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on May 23, 1997. Maximum thickness
Implemented on October 1, 1997
Nominal thickness
s roll adhesive
5, US
HG/T 2912 — 1997
Table 2 Other microfilm thickness
Minimum length
Nominal width
Nominal width and its limit deviation shall conform to the provisions of Table 3. The overall film thickness
Green object style
System, recommended long-term
Intelligent standard
The focus and product standard and their limit deviation shall be in accordance with the current table 4. Recommended length of film
Cup ring length
Maximum thickness (but not including quality indication)
Adenocarcinoma volume,
Reported limit deviation
1) These lengths are converted from the original standard. In the future, it is possible that 64, 300m and 600m will replace these three lengths. 322 Approved length
The nominal size and nominal size of the temporary approved length and their limit deviations shall comply with the provisions of Table 5. mm
Nominal length
, the total length will reach the recommended length, 5.2.3 Film header and film rate
HG/ T 2912 —1997
Table roll film approved length
Japanese standard length
The nominal length and national standard length of the film specified in Table 4 and Table 5 do not include the film header and film size, 5.3 Rolling method
Limit deviation
Generally, the photosensitive surface of the film should be rolled inside, and the photosensitive surface must be rolled outside, which must be clearly marked on the packaging. The film should not be fixed on the film or lightproof film disc. The film should be rolled on the film core with both ends symmetrical. In any case, the film core should not be rolled back at one end. The total width of the roll, including any unevenness in the width of the film and any possible protrusion of the core, shall not exceed the maximum mark t plus 1 mm.
5.4 Joints
Films used as first generation microforms shall have no joints. Microfilms used for duplication shall have two joints: 16 mm and 35 mm for lengths greater than 600 m and 105 mm for lengths greater than 150 m.
Jointing materials shall be chemically resistant to all process fluids and conditions. Their physical properties shall remain unchanged during processing. The total thickness of the joints shall not exceed twice the maximum specified thickness of the corresponding film plus 0.13 mm. If joints are present, they shall be clearly marked on the packaging. 5.5. Punching
16mm film for micro photography is generally not perforated, 35mm film can be perforated on both sides. The perforations should comply with the provisions of GB/T9185.
105mm film should not be perforated.
Sheet film
6.1 Size
The only recommended specification is the nominal specification A6 in ISO215. Its nominal size and self-standard size and grade deviation shall conform to the provisions of Table 6,
Nominal size
6.2 Verticality and straightness of film edge
Table 6 Recommended sizes of sheet films
Japanese standard sizes
Limit deviation, local
The inspection of the verticality and straightness of the film edge, and the conformity of the shape and size of the film are carried out simultaneously. Randomly select a sheet film and compare it with the two standard rectangles for inspection. One of these rectangles is determined according to the minimum value specified in this standard, and the other is determined according to the maximum value specified in this standard, and they are fixed independently. Any point on the edge of the film under inspection should not fall within the small rectangle, nor should it exceed the large rectangle. 6.3 Identification of the photosensitive surface
The photosensitive surface of the sheet film can be marked with a notch or a cut corner. When holding the film, the longer than vertical, the header area is on the left, and the light side faces the operator, the notch should be on the short side near the upper corner. If a cut corner is made, it should be made at the lower left corner according to the sample orientation. The shape and number of the notch are determined by the manufacturer. These notches can also be used as additional codes to distinguish the film type. The depth of the notch should not exceed 1.6mm.
For microbubble and diazo films, the cut corner should be located in the header area, and the maximum size on both sides of the cut corner is 4mm×4mm. The cut area of the notch or the cut corner is not considered as a violation or 6.2. 6.4. Corner rounding
Sheet film may be rounded to facilitate handling. If so, the portion of the corner removed should not exceed 3 mm, and the corner should not have steps or sharp parts. 7. Header lining
The header area of roll film with a width of 105 mm or sheet film cut from roll film of this specification may be lined with a header area lining to make the writing clear or easy to preserve. The header lining may be semi-transparent or opaque, and may be self-colored or colored. The header lining should be lined in the label area of the non-photosensitive surface of the film and should not overlap with the image area. 7.1 Header width
According to TS09923:1994, three maximum widths of the header area are specified, which are: 6mm8.25mm12.25mm.
7.2 Width of header lining
The maximum width of the header lining should be equal to the minimum width of the header. The header can be 1.0mm smaller than the width of the header area (see Figure 1).3) ISO 6[48:1993 states that ISO 9923 specifies five nominal widths of headers: 4.5 mm, 6.5 mm, 9.25 mm, 12.75 mm and 17.75 mm. However, ISO 9923:1994 only stipulates the maximum width of the three types of header areas in this standard 7. [HG/T 2912-1997]: The minimum width of a differential film is: H--the multiplication of the screen height and the number of lines; The maximum thickness of the microfilm edge avoidance---the maximum width of the header area, Figure 1 Header lining position and width 7.3 The thickness of the header lining The use of header lining to increase the thickness of the microfilm should not exceed 0. 7.4 Coiling method A and B are to use the axis of the film roll and the viewer's visual space to match the outer side of the film to identify the header area of the film. A love burning, the header area is on the edge of the film between the two sides, B roll, the header area is on the edge of the film that is selected from the side of the film! , now dense 2, push the essence into A Yan, approved, also travel, a) \A\ style
shallow: step inside
8 packaging mark
S1 mark content
Figure 2 winding method
The packaging should give the detailed mark content to ensure the correct use of the product, with)\\ winding
Product identification includes:
) product name and specifications:
Use conditions (just as the safety will be clear):
) transportation and storage system.
HG/ T 2912 —1997
Any level of product should be marked with one or more requirements, so the appropriate items in the following items should be used for identification: product name or trade name";
--," manufacturer's name or trademark
manufacturer's product self-recording identification code;
Hong Kong, bar code letter:
"cooperative packaging reading and receiving degree abandonment teaching atmosphere
--a reward and fixed string shape you acid number:
since the injury policy requires a comprehensive layer size mark width and length, first mark small size:--our claim evening source box shaft number
valid period of time "strange tour title" or inventory control code--strong manufacturer lighting parts! Manufacturers must remove the 76mm and 35mm film, if the winding method is not recommended, indicate 3: There is no joint effect of the film! ! A pair of 105mm films must be marked. 8.2 Area
8. 3 Conformity
If you want to indicate that the product complies with this standard, the following terms should be used: HGXXXX-XXXX
4) On each unit, this mark should be able to be clearly displayed under the safe conditions of the control (not complete) 5) This item should be represented by text or code. Appendix A (Annex of Report)
Dimensional stability
.1 Overview
This dimensional accuracy specification is applicable to the film during production and under the standard atmospheric conditions specified in ISO554, namely temperature (23±2), relative humidity (50±5)%, and balanced measurement. These dimensions may be permanently affected by aging, shrinkage or expansion changes caused by different atmospheric moisture content and humidity. However, when the package is opened within the validity period, the effect measured under the atmospheric conditions of relative humidity (23 ± 2) (50 ± 5)% and the effect measured during production shall not exceed the following provisions: 0.13mm thick cellulose tablets: +0.08%~-0.11%; 0.13mm thick ester tablets: +0.06%~0.02%; 0.06mm thick polyurethane tablets: +0.02%~0.04%; 0.02%~0.02%- ... 10%;
There are two reasons for the change in the permanent size:
) During processing, the size of the cellulose film can be caused by the loss of solvent during production. The film length will increase due to excessive stretching, while the poly film substrate will not shrink due to the loss of solvent. Temporary film base micro-cell and heat-processed type dance or silver film, during high overflow processing, there will be a phenomenon of effective space delivery. The size of this film can shrink in one direction and in another direction when the surface is moistened. Dynamic) Loss film or processed film can also shrink during storage. The solvent in the cellulose ester film base glue is actually a factor of film shrinkage. Therefore, a closed film box will reduce this shrinkage. The range listed in Table A.1 is applicable to films stored under the conditions of 26°C and 60% relative coagulation. Table A.1 Typical dimensional changes
Shuwei energy film base
silver-gel type or military
ammonia cavity film!
Grinding, m
Newly built wet
degree of effect, %
About degree of effect, %
Processing size
boot, %
Chemical size
-0. 05~ -0. 25
0. 10-*-9. 70
Adhesive film base-adhesive film
Plastic support
Micro film
+0. 01 --
1) For cellulose ester based films, the dimensional changes due to aging are large, mainly caused by different packaging. The small value represents the dimensional change due to aging in sealed film boxes, and the large value represents the dimensional change due to aging in free contact with air. 2) For polyester based films, the two dimensional changes due to aging represent the dimensional change range of sealed film boxes or free contact with air. 7
A.3 Temporary dimensional changes
The dimensional changes caused by normal temperature fluctuations are reversible. In this respect, raw film and processed films have similar results. The dimensional changes caused by relative temperature fluctuations are only partially, but not completely, avoidable. The film shows a hysteresis phenomenon to these changes. These changes are not completely the same for raw film and processed film. This point is particularly important during processing and subsequent drying. The size of the relevant changes can be calculated from the temperature and humidity coefficients given in Table A.1. 8
Appendix B Appendix
Due to the different sizes of microfilm, the number of packages per shipping box, including the shipping packaging tape for pallet size, is to be agreed upon by the supplier and the supplier. However, it is recommended to select the number of packages per package from the following:) 16 mm and 35 mm roll film
1, 3, 10, 20. 30, 100.
105 mm differential film
1. 2, 4, 8.
e) Sheet film
Bag of one film, 100 sheets.
Diazo and microfilm: 100 or 500 sheets, 975 mm Nominal width of 5 gauge heads. However, ISO 9923:1994 only stipulates the maximum width of the three types of header areas in this standard 7. [HG/T 2912-1997]: The minimum width of a differential film is: H--the multiplication of the screen height and the number of lines; The maximum thickness of the microfilm edge avoidance---the maximum width of the header area, Figure 1 Header lining position and width 7.3 The thickness of the header lining The use of header lining to increase the thickness of the microfilm should not exceed 0. 7.4 Coiling method A and B are to use the axis of the film roll and the viewer's visual space to match the outer side of the film to identify the header area of the film. A love burning, the header area is on the edge of the film between the two sides, B roll, the header area is on the edge of the film that is selected from the side of the film! , now dense 2, push the essence into A Yan, approved, also travel, a) \A\ style
shallow: step inside
8 packaging mark
S1 mark content
Figure 2 winding method
The packaging should give the detailed mark content to ensure the correct use of the product, with)\\ winding
Product identification includes:
) product name and specifications:
Use conditions (just as the safety will be clear):
) transportation and storage system.
HG/ T 2912 —1997
Any level of product should be marked with one or more requirements, so the appropriate items in the following items should be used for identification: product name or trade name";
--," manufacturer's name or trademark
manufacturer's product self-recording identification code;
Hong Kong, bar code letter:
"cooperative packaging reading and receiving degree abandonment teaching atmosphere
--a reward and fixed string shape you acid number:
since the injury policy requires a comprehensive layer size mark width and length, first mark small size:--our claim evening source box shaft number
valid period of time "strange tour title" or inventory control code--strong manufacturer lighting parts! Manufacturers must remove the 76mm and 35mm film, if the winding method is not recommended, indicate 3: There is no joint effect of the film! ! A pair of 105mm films must be marked. 8.2 Area
8. 3 Conformity
If you want to indicate that the product complies with this standard, the following terms should be used: HGXXXX-XXXX
4) On each unit, this mark should be able to be clearly displayed under the safe conditions of the control (not complete) 5) This item should be represented by text or code. Appendix A (Annex of Report)
Dimensional stability
.1 Overview
This dimensional accuracy specification is applicable to the film during production and under the standard atmospheric conditions specified in ISO554, namely temperature (23±2), relative humidity (50±5)%, and balanced measurement. These dimensions may be permanently affected by aging, shrinkage or expansion changes caused by different atmospheric moisture content and humidity. However, when the package is opened within the validity period, the effect measured under the atmospheric conditions of relative humidity (23 ± 2) (50 ± 5)% and the effect measured during production shall not exceed the following provisions: 0.13mm thick cellulose tablets: +0.08%~-0.11%; 0.13mm thick ester tablets: +0.06%~0.02%; 0.06mm thick polyurethane tablets: +0.02%~0.04%; 0.02%~0.02%- ... 10%;
There are two reasons for the change in the permanent size:
) During processing, the size of the cellulose film can be caused by the loss of solvent and the stress generated during production is released. The film length is said to be excessively stretched and increased by the processing machine, while the poly film substrate will not shrink due to the loss of solvent, and the value of the monitoring lamp rate will not change. Temporary film base micro-cell and heat-processed type dance or silver film, during high overflow processing, there will be a phenomenon of effective space delivery. The size of this film can shrink in one direction and in another direction when the surface is moistened. Dynamic) Loss film or processed film can also shrink during storage. The solvent in the cellulose ester film base glue is actually a factor of film shrinkage. Therefore, a closed film box will reduce this shrinkage. The range listed in Table A.1 is applicable to films stored under the conditions of 26°C and 60% relative coagulation. Table A.1 Typical dimensional changes
Shuwei energy film base
silver-gel type or military
ammonia cavity film!
Grinding, m
Newly built wet
degree of effect, %
About degree of effect, %
Processing size
boot, %
Chemical size
-0. 05~ -0. 25
0. 10-*-9. 70
Adhesive film base-adhesive film
Plastic support
Micro film
+0. 01 --
1) For cellulose ester based films, the dimensional changes due to aging are large, mainly caused by different packaging. The small value represents the dimensional change due to aging in sealed film boxes, and the large value represents the dimensional change due to aging in free contact with air. 2) For polyester based films, the two dimensional changes due to aging represent the dimensional change range of sealed film boxes or free contact with air. 7
A.3 Temporary dimensional changes
The dimensional changes caused by normal temperature fluctuations are reversible. In this respect, raw film and processed films have similar results. The dimensional changes caused by relative temperature fluctuations are only partially, but not completely, avoidable. The film shows a hysteresis phenomenon to these changes. These changes are not completely the same for raw film and processed film. This point is particularly important during processing and subsequent drying. The size of the relevant changes can be calculated from the temperature and humidity coefficients given in Table A.1. 8
Appendix B Appendix
Due to the different sizes of microfilm, the number of packages per shipping box, including the shipping packaging tape for pallet size, is to be agreed upon by the supplier and the supplier. However, it is recommended to select the number of packages per package from the following:) 16 mm and 35 mm roll film
1, 3, 10, 20. 30, 100.
105 mm differential film
1. 2, 4, 8.
e) Sheet film
Bag of one film, 100 sheets.
Diazo and microfilm: 100 or 500 sheets, 975 mm Nominal width of 5 gauge heads. However, ISO 9923:1994 only stipulates the maximum width of the three types of header areas in this standard 7. [HG/T 2912-1997]: The minimum width of a differential film is: H--the multiplication of the screen height and the number of lines; The maximum thickness of the microfilm edge avoidance---the maximum width of the header area, Figure 1 Header lining position and width 7.3 The thickness of the header lining The use of header lining to increase the thickness of the microfilm should not exceed 0. 7.4 Coiling method A and B are to use the axis of the film roll and the viewer's visual space to match the outer side of the film to identify the header area of the film. A love burning, the header area is on the edge of the film between the two sides, B roll, the header area is on the edge of the film that is selected from the side of the film! , now dense 2, push the essence into A Yan, approved, also travel, a) \A\ style
shallow: step inside
8 packaging mark
S1 mark content
Figure 2 winding method
The packaging should give the detailed mark content to ensure the correct use of the product, with)\\ winding
Product identification includes:
) product name and specifications:
Use conditions (just as the safety will be clear):
) transportation and storage system.
HG/ T 2912 —1997
Any level of product should be marked with one or more requirements, so the appropriate items in the following items should be used for identification: product name or trade name";
--," manufacturer's name or trademark
manufacturer's product self-recording identification code;
Hong Kong, bar code letter:
"cooperative packaging reading and receiving degree abandonment teaching atmosphere
--a reward and fixed string shape you acid number:
since the injury policy requires a comprehensive layer size mark width and length, first mark small size:--our claim evening source box shaft number
valid period of time "strange tour title" or inventory control code--strong manufacturer lighting parts! Manufacturers must remove the 76mm and 35mm film, if the winding method is not recommended, indicate 3: There is no joint effect of the film! ! A pair of 105mm films must be marked. 8.2 Area
8. 3 Conformity
If you want to indicate that the product complies with this standard, the following terms should be used: HGXXXX-XXXX
4) On each unit, this mark should be able to be clearly displayed under the safe conditions of the control (not complete) 5) This item should be represented by text or code. Appendix A (Annex of Report)
Dimensional stability
.1 Overview
This dimensional accuracy specification is applicable to the film during production and under the standard atmospheric conditions specified in ISO554, namely temperature (23±2), relative humidity (50±5)%, and balanced measurement. These dimensions may be permanently affected by aging, shrinkage or expansion changes caused by different atmospheric moisture content and humidity. However, when the package is opened within the validity period, the effect measured under the atmospheric conditions of relative humidity (23 ± 2) (50 ± 5)% and the effect measured during production shall not exceed the following provisions: 0.13mm thick cellulose tablets: +0.08%~-0.11%; 0.13mm thick ester tablets: +0.06%~0.02%; 0.06mm thick polyurethane tablets: +0.02%~0.04%; 0.02%~0.02%- ... 10%;
There are two reasons for the change in the permanent size:
) During processing, the size of the cellulose film can be caused by the loss of solvent during production. The film length will increase due to excessive stretching, while the poly film substrate will not shrink due to the loss of solvent. Temporary film base micro-cell and heat-processed type dance or silver film, during high overflow processing, there will be a phenomenon of effective space delivery. The size of this film can shrink in one direction and in another direction when the surface is moistened. Dynamic) Loss film or processed film can also shrink during storage. The solvent in the cellulose ester film base glue is actually a factor of film shrinkage. Therefore, a closed film box will reduce this shrinkage. The range listed in Table A.1 is applicable to films stored under the conditions of 26°C and 60% relative coagulation. Table A.1 Typical dimensional changes
Shuwei energy film base
silver-gel type or military
ammonia cavity film!
Grinding, m
Newly built wet
degree of effect, %
About degree of effect, %
Processing size
boot, %
Chemical size
-0. 05~ -0. 25
0. 10-*-9. 70
Adhesive film base-adhesive film
Plastic support
Micro film
+0. 01 --
1) For cellulose ester based films, the dimensional changes due to aging are large, mainly caused by different packaging. The small value represents the dimensional change due to aging in sealed film boxes, and the large value represents the dimensional change due to aging in free contact with air. 2) For polyester based films, the two dimensional changes due to aging represent the dimensional change range of sealed film boxes or free contact with air. 7
A.3 Temporary dimensional changes
The dimensional changes caused by normal temperature fluctuations are reversible. In this respect, raw film and processed films have similar results. The dimensional changes caused by relative temperature fluctuations are only partially, but not completely, avoidable. The film shows a hysteresis phenomenon to these changes. These changes are not completely the same for raw film and processed film. This point is particularly important during processing and subsequent drying. The size of the relevant changes can be calculated from the temperature and humidity coefficients given in Table A.1. 8
Appendix B Appendix
Due to the different sizes of microfilm, the number of packages per shipping box, including the shipping packaging tape for pallet size, is to be agreed upon by the supplier and the supplier. However, it is recommended to select the number of packages per package from the following:) 16 mm and 35 mm roll film
1, 3, 10, 20. 30, 100.
105 mm differential film
1. 2, 4, 8.
e) Sheet film
Bag of one film, 100 sheets.
Diazo and microfilm: 100 or 500 sheets, 94. The scrolling method A and B are to use the axis of the film scroll and the viewer's visual space to identify the header area of the film from the top of the film. A, the header area is on the edge of the film between the viewer and the viewer, B, the header area is on the edge of the film that is away from the viewer! , now dense 2, push into A Yan, approved, also travel, a) \A\ style
shallow: step inside
8 packaging mark
S1 mark content
Figure 2 Winding method
Detailed mark content should be given on the packaging to ensure the correct use of the product, with)\\ style winding
Product identification marks include:
) Product name and specifications:
Use conditions (just as the safety meeting explained):
) Transportation and storage accessories.
HG/ T 2912 —1997
Any level of product should be marked with one or more requirements, so the appropriate items in the following items should be used for identification: product name or trade name";
--," manufacturer's name or trademark
manufacturer's product self-recording identification code;
Hong Kong, bar code letter:
"cooperative packaging reading and receiving degree abandonment teaching atmosphere
--a reward and fixed string shape you acid number:
since the injury policy requires a comprehensive layer size mark width and length, first mark small size:--our claim evening source box shaft number
valid period of time "strange tour title" or inventory control code--strong manufacturer lighting parts! Manufacturers must remove the 76mm and 35mm film, if the winding method is not recommended, indicate 3: There is no joint effect of the film! ! A pair of 105mm films must be marked. 8.2 Area
8. 3 Conformity
If you want to indicate that the product complies with this standard, the following terms should be used: HGXXXX-XXXX
4) On each unit, this mark should be able to be clearly displayed under the safe conditions of the control (not complete) 5) This item should be represented by text or code. Appendix A (Annex of Report)
Dimensional stability
.1 Overview
This dimensional accuracy specification is applicable to the film during production and under the standard atmospheric conditions specified in ISO554, namely temperature (23±2), relative humidity (50±5)%, and balanced measurement. These dimensions may be permanently affected by aging, shrinkage or expansion changes caused by different atmospheric moisture content and humidity. However, when the package is opened within the validity period, the effect measured under the atmospheric conditions of relative humidity (23 ± 2) (50 ± 5)% and the effect measured during production shall not exceed the following provisions: 0.13mm thick cellulose tablets: +0.08%~-0.11%; 0.13mm thick ester tablets: +0.06%~0.02%; 0.06mm thick polyurethane tablets: +0.02%~0.04%; 0.02%~0.02%- ... 10%;
There are two reasons for the change in the permanent size:
) During processing, the size of the cellulose film can be caused by the loss of solvent and the stress generated during production is released. The film length is said to be excessively stretched and increased by the processing machine, while the poly film substrate will not shrink due to the loss of solvent, and the value of the monitoring lamp rate will not change. Temporary film base micro-cell and heat-processed type dance or silver film, during high overflow processing, there will be a phenomenon of effective space delivery. The size of this film can shrink in one direction and in another direction when the surface is moistened. Dynamic) Loss film or processed film can also shrink during storage. The solvent in the cellulose ester film base glue is actually a factor of film shrinkage. Therefore, a closed film box will reduce this shrinkage. The range listed in Table A.1 is applicable to films stored under the conditions of 26°C and 60% relative coagulation. Table A.1 Typical dimensional changes
Shuwei energy film base
silver-gel type or military
ammonia cavity film!
Grinding, m
Newly built wet
degree of effect, %
About degree of effect, %
Processing size
boot, %
Chemical size
-0. 05~ -0. 25
0. 10-*-9. 70
Adhesive film base-adhesive film
Plastic support
Micro film
+0. 01 --
1) For cellulose ester based films, the dimensional changes due to aging are large, mainly caused by different packaging. The small value represents the dimensional change due to aging in sealed film boxes, and the large value represents the dimensional change due to aging in free contact with air. 2) For polyester based films, the two dimensional changes due to aging represent the dimensional change range of sealed film boxes or free contact with air. 7
A.3 Temporary dimensional changes
The dimensional changes caused by normal temperature fluctuations are reversible. In this respect, raw film and processed films have similar results. The dimensional changes caused by relative temperature fluctuations are only partially, but not completely, avoidable. The film shows a hysteresis phenomenon to these changes. These changes are not completely the same for raw film and processed film. This point is particularly important during processing and subsequent drying. The size of the relevant changes can be calculated from the temperature and humidity coefficients given in Table A.1. 8
Appendix B Appendix
Due to the different sizes of microfilm, the number of packages per shipping box, including the shipping packaging tape for pallet size, is to be agreed upon by the supplier and the supplier. However, it is recommended to select the number of packages per package from the following:) 16 mm and 35 mm roll film
1, 3, 10, 20. 30, 100.
105 mm differential film
1. 2, 4, 8.
e) Sheet film
Bag of one film, 100 sheets.
Diazo and microfilm: 100 or 500 sheets, 94. The scrolling method A and B uses the axis of the film scroll and the viewer's visual space to identify the header area of the film from the top of the film. A, the header area is on the edge of the film between the viewer and the viewer, B, the header area is on the edge of the film that is away from the viewer! , now dense 2, push into A Yan, approved, also travel, a) \A\ style
shallow: step inside
8 packaging mark
S1 mark content
Figure 2 Winding method
Detailed mark content should be given on the packaging to ensure the correct use of the product, with)\\ style winding
Product identification marks include:
) Product name and specifications:
Use conditions (just as the safety meeting explained):
) Transportation and storage accessories.
HG/ T 2912 —1997
Any level of product should be marked with one or more requirements, so the appropriate items in the following items should be used for identification: product name or trade name";
--," manufacturer's name or trademark
manufacturer's product self-recording identification code;
Hong Kong, bar code letter:
"cooperative packaging reading and receiving degree abandonment teaching atmosphere
--a reward and fixed string shape you acid number:
since the injury policy requires a comprehensive layer size mark width and length, first mark small size:--our claim evening source box shaft number
valid period of time "strange tour title" or inventory control code--strong manufacturer lighting parts! Manufacturers must remove the 76mm and 35mm film, if the winding method is not recommended, indicate 3: There is no joint effect of the film! ! A pair of 105mm films must be marked. 8.2 Area
8. 3 Conformity
If you want to indicate that the product complies with this standard, the following terms should be used: HGXXXX-XXXX
4) On each unit, this mark should be able to be clearly displayed under the safe conditions of the control (not complete) 5) This item should be represented by text or code. Appendix A (Annex of Report)
Dimensional stability
.1 Overview
This dimensional accuracy specification is applicable to the film during production and under the standard atmospheric conditions specified in ISO554, namely temperature (23±2), relative humidity (50±5)%, and balanced measurement. These dimensions may be permanently affected by aging, shrinkage or expansion changes caused by different atmospheric moisture content and humidity. However, when the package is opened within the validity period, the effect measured under the atmospheric conditions of relative humidity (23 ± 2) (50 ± 5)% and the size measured during production shall not exceed the following regulations: 0.13mm thick cellulose tablets: +0.08%~-0.11%; 0.13mm thick ester tablets: +0.06%~0.02%; 0.06mm thick polyurethane tablets: +0.02%~0.04%; 0.02%~0.02%- ... 10%;
There are two reasons for the change in the permanent size:
) During processing, the size of the cellulose film can be caused by the loss of solvent during production. The film length will increase due to excessive stretching, while the poly film substrate will not shrink due to the loss of solvent. Temporary film base micro-cell and heat-processed type dance or silver film, there will be a phenomenon of effective space during high overflow processing. The size of this film can shrink in one direction and in another direction when the surface is moistened. Dynamic) Loss film or processed film can also shrink during storage. The solvent in the cellulose ester film base is actually a factor of film shrinkage. Therefore, a closed film box will reduce this shrinkage. The range listed in Table A.1 is applicable to films stored under the conditions of 26°C and 60% relative coagulation. Table A.1 Typical dimensional changes
Shuwei energy film base
silver-gel type or military
ammonia cavity film!
Grinding, m
Newly built wet
degree of effect, %
About degree of effect, %
Processing size
boot, %
Chemical size
-0. 05~ -0. 25
0. 10-*-9. 70
Adhesive film base-adhesive film
Plastic support
Micro film
+0. 01 --
1) For cellulose ester based films, the dimensional changes due to aging are large, mainly caused by different packaging. The small value represents the dimensional change due to aging in sealed film boxes, and the large value represents the dimensional change due to aging in free contact with air. 2) For polyester based films, the two dimensional changes due to aging represent the dimensional change range of sealed film boxes or free contact with air. 7
A.3 Temporary dimensional changes
The dimensional changes caused by normal temperature fluctuations are reversible. In this respect, raw film and processed films have similar results. The dimensional changes caused by relative temperature fluctuations are only partially, but not completely, avoidable. The film shows a hysteresis phenomenon to these changes. These changes are not completely the same for raw film and processed film. This point is particularly important during processing and subsequent drying. The size of the relevant changes can be calculated from the temperature and humidity coefficients given in Table A.1. 8
Appendix B Appendix
Due to the different sizes of microfilm, the number of packages per shipping box, including the shipping packaging tape for pallet size, is to be agreed upon by the supplier and the supplier. However, it is recommended to select the number of packages per package from the following:) 16 mm and 35 mm roll film
1, 3, 10, 20. 30, 100.
105 mm differential film
1. 2, 4, 8.
e) Sheet film
Bag of one film, 100 sheets.
Diazo and microfilm: 100 or 500 sheets, 910%;
There are two reasons for the change in the permanent size:
) During processing, the size of the cellulose film can be caused by the loss of solvent and the stress generated during production is released. The film length is said to be excessively stretched and increased by the processing machine, while the poly film substrate will not shrink due to the loss of solvent, and the value of the monitoring lamp rate will not change. Temporary film base micro-cell and heat-processed type dance or silver film, during high overflow processing, there will be a phenomenon of effective space delivery. The size of this film can shrink in one direction and in another direction when the surface is moistened. Dynamic) Loss film or processed film can also shrink during storage. The solvent in the cellulose ester film base glue is actually a factor of film shrinkage. Therefore, a closed film box will reduce this shrinkage. The range listed in Table A.1 is applicable to films stored under the conditions of 26°C and 60% relative coagulation. Table A.1 Typical dimensional changes
Shuwei energy film base
silver-gel type or military
ammonia cavity film!
Grinding, m
Newly built wet
degree of effect, %
About degree of effect, %
Processing size
boot, %
Chemical size
-0. 05~ -0. 25
0. 10-*-9. 70
Adhesive film base-adhesive film
Plastic support
Micro film
+0. 01 --
1) For cellulose ester based films, the dimensional changes due to aging are large, mainly caused by different packaging. The small value represents the dimensional change due to aging in sealed film boxes, and the large value represents the dimensional change due to aging in free contact with air. 2) For polyester based films, the two dimensional changes due to aging represent the dimensional change range of sealed film boxes or free contact with air. 7
A.3 Temporary dimensional changes
The dimensional changes caused by normal temperature fluctuations are reversible. In this respect, raw film and processed films have similar results. The dimensional changes caused by relative temperature fluctuations are only partially, but not completely, avoidable. The film shows a hysteresis phenomenon to these changes. These changes are not completely the same for raw film and processed film. This point is particularly important during processing and subsequent drying. The size of the relevant changes can be calculated from the temperature and humidity coefficients given in Table A.1. 8
Appendix B Appendix
Due to the different sizes of microfilm, the number of packages per shipping box, including the shipping packaging tape for pallet size, is to be agreed upon by the supplier and the supplier. However, it is recommended to select the number of packages per package from the following:) 16 mm and 35 mm roll film
1, 3, 10, 20. 30, 100.
105 mm differential film
1. 2, 4, 8.
e) Sheet film
Bag of one film, 100 sheets.
Diazo and microfilm: 100 or 500 sheets, 910%;
There are two reasons for the change in the permanent size:
) During processing, the size of the cellulose film can be caused by the loss of solvent and the stress generated during production is released. The film length is said to be excessively stretched and increased by the processing machine, while the poly film substrate will not shrink due to the loss of solvent, and the value of the monitoring lamp rate will not change. Temporary film base micro-cell and heat-processed type dance or silver film, during high overflow processing, there will be a phenomenon of effective space delivery. The size of this film can shrink in one direction and in another direction when the surface is moistened. Dynamic) Loss film or processed film can also shrink during storage. The solvent in the cellulose ester film base glue is actually a factor of film shrinkage. Therefore, a closed film box will reduce this shrinkage. The range listed in Table A.1 is applicable to films stored under the conditions of 26°C and 60% relative coagulation. Table A.1 Typical dimensional changes
Shuwei energy film base
silver-gel type or military
ammonia cavity film!
Grinding, m
Newly built wet
degree of effect, %
About degree of effect, %
Processing size
boot, %
Chemical size
-0. 05~ -0. 25
0. 10-*-9. 70
Adhesive film base-adhesive film
Plastic support
Micro film
+0. 01 --
1) For cellulose ester based films, the dimensional changes due to aging are large, mainly caused by different packaging. The small value represents the dimensional change due to aging in sealed film boxes, and the large value represents the dimensional change due to aging in free contact with air. 2) For polyester based films, the two dimensional changes due to aging represent the dimensional change range of sealed film boxes or free contact with air. 7
A.3 Temporary dimensional changes
The dimensional changes caused by normal temperature fluctuations are reversible. In this respect, raw film and processed films have similar results. The dimensional changes caused by relative temperature fluctuations are only partially, but not completely, avoidable. The film shows a hysteresis phenomenon to these changes. These changes are not completely the same for raw film and processed film. This point is particularly important during processing and subsequent drying. The size of the relevant changes can be calculated from the temperature and humidity coefficients given in Table A.1. 8
Appendix B Appendix
Due to the different sizes of microfilm, the number of packages per shipping box, including the shipping packaging tape for pallet size, is to be agreed upon by the supplier and the supplier. However, it is recommended to select the number of packages per package from the following:) 16 mm and 35 mm roll film
1, 3, 10, 20. 30, 100.
105 mm differential film
1. 2, 4, 8.
e) Sheet film
Bag of one film, 100 sheets.
Diazo and microfilm: 100 or 500 sheets, 9
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