title>HG/T 3600-1999 Sulfurized dark yellow 2R (sulfurized light yellow GC250%) - HG/T 3600-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 3600-1999 Sulfurized dark yellow 2R (sulfurized light yellow GC250%)

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 3600-1999

Standard Name: Sulfurized dark yellow 2R (sulfurized light yellow GC250%)

Chinese Name: 硫化深黄2R(硫化淡黄GC250%)

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-04-20

Date of Implementation:2000-04-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Chemical Products>>71.100.01 General Chemical Products

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Coatings, Pigments, Dyes>>G57 Dye

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HG/T 3600-1999 Sulfurized dark yellow 2R (sulfurized light yellow GC250%) HG/T3600-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
1999-04-20 Issued
2000-04-01 Implementation
Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry of China
Registration No.: 2/93
This standard refers to the relevant provisions of the national standard GB/T237-92 for the determination of color and transmittance of chemical dyes, and the measurement method of light intensity is determined by formal test, and the factory inspection items and technical indicators are determined based on the product quality certificates provided by relevant manufacturers and the opinions of users. Technical standards are used to select the inspection items according to the national standard. This standard is issued by the Technical Supervision Bureau of the former Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. The main body of the standard is the National Material Standard Digestion Technical Committee. The origin of this standard is: Shenyang Chemical Research Institute, Anhui Yongdi Dye Chemical Factory. The main authors of this standard are: Jia Lanpan, Tong Zhongsheng, Nianjiao, Zhang Zhifang. 61
1 Scope
Chemical Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
Sulphur Dark Yellow 2R
(Sulphur Light Yellow C250%)
Sulphur Dark Yellow 2R
This standard specifies the requirements, acceptance, test methods, inspection rules and marking of Sulphur Yellow 21 (C.1 Sulphur Yellow 2), as well as the requirements for packaging and storage.
This standard is applicable to the reaction of 2:1 dihydrogen with 2,4-trimethylolpropane to form 2,4-trimethylolpropane through sulfide reaction. The sulfurized yellow 2R obtained is mainly used for dyeing textiles. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of the standards through reference in the standards. This standard is published for the following references, and the capital indicated is valid. All standard parts are subject to revision. The parties using this standard should consider the possibility of using the following new versions: GB/T2374
Specification of performance conditions for dyeing determination of dyes
GB/T 237G—S0
Determination of color and intensity of sparse dyes GB/T 23RI $4
Determination of insoluble content in dyes
GS7 2383--8C
Determination of the screening fineness of dyes
GR/T 2386-EL
Determination of moisture content in dyestuffs and aggregates GH/R3926:-99 Test method for color fastness of fabrics: color fastness test (cgIS010S-X12: 1S93) G/T 2].4—1337
Test method for color fastness of fabrics: color fastness test 1 (mIS0105C04: 139) 183 Test method for color fastness of fabrics to flow (TS0105-F0411994 GB/T3$22
GET 4E4-.1 84
3 Requirements
1 Dye color standard depth color card
Color ratio test bottle water color richness (1501C5-E0114) Economic fabrics
Color brilliance test Heat pressure color industry (cq[S010-11994) Health product
Color space test
3.1 Appearance: Yellow and powder wood,
32 Chemical depth 2R quality sound meets the requirements of Table 1 National Petroleum Chemical Industry Bureau 1999-D4-20 approved light color half seat (eqVI5O1U5B02:1994) 2000 4 01 actual
strength. points
not net chemical monitoring quality,
women (general 250 original effective structure quality)
quality requirements of superimposed chemical deep cost 2R
the color rate of chemical yellow 2R on cotton fabrics should not be lower than the requirements of Table 2. For the standard product: 00
specification product avoid doing
the color rate of dark yellow 2R on cotton fabric when
note.[relative to T/real color standard,
4 sampling
thank you heat color
resistant to female photography
from the mother strong "with the average product as the disturbance) product is collected in 10, the product in small trays must be at least 3 barrels, when sampling, use a damage probe to take samples from the upper, middle and lower parts, the sampling volume must not be less than 200. The selected products will be stored in detail, packed in a clean brown high-sealing paper box with a wax seal. Label on the plate, indicate the name of the manufacturer, product name, batch and date of collection, one bottle is used for inspection, and stored for food.
5 Test method
5.1 Determination of appearance
Measurement by visual inspection.
5.2 Determination of color tone and intensity
The color should be tested in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/T2374 and GB/T2376. 5.2.1 Dyeing depth and deterioration
The color depth is specified as 2%. Before color collection, the weighed cotton yarn (or cotton cloth with 9.926/X for industrial use) should be boiled for 10 minutes, and the ratio is 2. After treatment, use the product to clean the system, and then dye. 5.2.2 Preparation of dyes: weigh 1g of the test sample and the standard sample (accurate to the nearest 100g/L, and the base (accurate to 100g/L) of Ug/L liquid: 2.mT dye: add 100ml of sodium chloride and 10,000ml of its red oil, add 1ml of distilled water, then heat until the temperature of the dye reaches 993. After the product is completely dissolved, add 230ml of distilled water, stir well, wait for it to cool, add 0.01ml of empty volume, dilute with distilled water to the full scale, the color materials must be prepared according to the requirements of the table in five 30-well dyes. F4
Dye number
Standard tube liquid with a concentration of 1m/50c:
High gsuo. Style Road oil
[Father. Anhydrous soul acid sodium device
5231. Anhydrous need to test Nasa standard
Hot water will
Economic ratio: cotton (comb cloth! 1:4℃
5-2.3 Fruit color soft work
Table 3 Preparation
After the dyeing wave is ready, the dyeing bone is prepared for the dyeing temperature to -0℃, and the person is turned over at the same time. The temperature is raised to Jiang S5C within 3in, and the dyeing is carried out under the temperature for 30min. The dyeing step is carried out, and the station is built with water. After full identification, hydrogenation treatment is carried out.
5.2.4 Oxidation treatment
5.2.4.T Oxidant preparation
Take 5ug/. Medium acid drop 6 L. Add 100g/ml acetic acid 8ml. Dilute with distilled water to 10>>rL to make an oxidant dark turbidity. www.bzxz.net
| Oxidation treatment
Add oxidant liquid to 5U at a bath ratio of 1:4G, then wash the dye sample with water and treat it at this temperature for 1min, collect the water to wash thoroughly, and dry it in room temperature at 63℃. 5.3 Evaluation of color light
According to the relevant provisions of GB/T2474,
5.4 The determination of impurity content of sodium chlorite shall refer to the relevant provisions of GR/2561. The old dye is brightened with 50%+ red standard: the color is moistened and the slurry is prepared. 5.5 Determination of fineness
According to the relevant provisions of GT238.1 The standard sieve weight is 2501:5.6 The determination of moisture content shall refer to the provisions of 6L/12386, and the temperature shall be 100-1C5 for 21°C. 5.7 The determination of color fastness to color change on fabrics shall be carried out according to the heat determination of CBT320, and the determination of color fastness to water shall be carried out according to the provisions of GR, T3921. The determination of the color fastness of the two colors shall be carried out according to the observation determination of G/T3723, the determination of color fastness to water shall be carried out according to the observation determination of (3571), the determination of color fastness to pressure shall be carried out according to the provisions of GBT6152, and the temperature shall be 26°C. The determination of light color fastness shall be carried out according to the provisions of G13427. 6 Inspection rules 61 Inspection fees 3.1-4 of this standard. 3 is the monthly test item for model x, 3.1.~3.2 is the export test item, and .x is the vibration frequency of each item during continuous normal production.
6.2. Factory inspection The factory's inspection department shall conduct inspection according to the requirements of this standard. The factory shall ensure that all H(/73600-1999) H2R products leaving the factory meet the requirements of this standard. Each batch of H2R products shall be accompanied by a quality certificate in a certain format. 6.3 The manufacturer shall have a double inspection certificate for the received H2R products in accordance with the requirements of this standard to check whether they meet the requirements of this standard. 6.4 Safety inspection If the inspection station finds that one of the indicators does not meet the requirements of this standard, the inspection station shall re-inspect the product packaging twice. Even if only one indicator does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products cannot be accepted. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
The inner and outer packaging of the product should be firmly and clearly marked with the following: manufacturer name, address, product name, trademark, market standard number, batch number, production date, and product quality certificate. 7.2 Packaging
The inner lining material can be selected by the manufacturer, and the packaging should be confirmed with seals and seals. The net weight is 25kg or 6kg. Each batch of packaged products should be equipped with a certain quantity certificate. The manufacturer name, factory certificate, product name, batch number, production date, production date, product serial number, product application and technical certification required by the user. Others can be determined by negotiation with the user. 7.3 Transportation
Avoid strong vibration during transportation. Be careful to handle with care, prevent fire and sunlight, and avoid bacteria. 7.4 Storage
Products should be stored in a cool, dry and ventilated warehouse.
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