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JB/T 7539-1994 Guidelines for inspection procedures for packaging of electromechanical products

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7539-1994

Standard Name: Guidelines for inspection procedures for packaging of electromechanical products

Chinese Name: 机电产品包装检验规程导则

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-10-25

Date of Implementation:1995-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery>>J08 Marking, Packaging, Transportation, Storage

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Publishing department:Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the inspection items, contents and requirements for protective packaging and transport packaging of electromechanical products. This standard applies to the packaging quality inspection of machinery, electrical appliances, instruments and their parts. It is also applicable to the issuance of production licenses and the inspection of export product packaging quality. JB/T 7539-1994 Guidelines for Inspection of Electromechanical Product Packaging JB/T7539-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 7539-1994
Guidelines for Inspection Procedures for Packaging of Electromechanical Products
Published on October 25, 1994
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on October 1, 1995
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Guidelines for Inspection Procedures for Packaging of Electromechanical Products
Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the inspection items, contents and requirements for protective packaging and transport packaging of electromechanical products. JB/T 75391994
This standard applies to the packaging quality inspection of machinery, electrical appliances, instruments and their parts. It is also applicable to the issuance of production licenses and the inspection of the packaging quality of export products.
:Cited standards
Packaging storage and transportation pictorial signs
Batch inspection counting sampling procedures and sampling tables (applicable to continuous batch inspection) Technical requirements for mildew-proof packaging|| tt||Test method for mildew-proof packaging
Packaging and transport packages
Test method
Rust-proof packaging
Moisture-proof packaging
Test method for large transport packages
Frame wooden boxes
Technical conditions for waterproof packaging
Design method for cushioning packaging
Wooden chassis for transport packaging
Ordinary wooden boxes
General technical conditions for packaging of electromechanical products
Metal accessories for packaging boxes
3 Responsibilities and classification of product packaging inspection
3.1 The inspection department shall conduct various inspections and tests on product packaging in accordance with the provisions of this standard to ensure that the quality of product packaging meets the requirements of relevant standards or regulations.
3.2 Classification of inspection
Product packaging inspection is divided into type inspection and quality inspection. Type inspection is the inspection and test conducted to determine whether the product packaging quality and packaging design meet the requirements of relevant standards or contracts. Quality inspection is the inspection and test required for product packaging acceptance according to standards or packaging design specifications. It includes factory inspection, process inspection and factory inspection.
4 Type inspection
For newly designed product packaging, when there are major improvements and changes in packaging materials and packaging structures, as well as inspection of product production licenses and export commodity inspections, type inspection must be carried out, and all inspections and tests specified in this standard must be carried out on the various parameters and requirements of sample (prototype) packaging quality (see Table 1 to Table 3). After passing the test, the structure of the contents is intact, the accuracy and dimensional tolerance remain within the allowable value range (approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on October 25, 1994, implemented on October 1, 1995, JB/T7539-1994), and can be used. The packaging container has a reasonable structure, and the packaging materials, padding, and reinforcements are intact and maintain the predetermined protection capabilities. Prove that the product's protection, fixation and container functions meet the requirements for protecting the contents. Considering the characteristics and value of the contents of the package, simulated contents can be used for the test in Table 3. The size and physical properties of the simulated contents should be close to those of the predetermined contents, and the packages should be sealed according to the normal procedures before shipment. 5 Quality inspection
5.1 The quality inspection items and contents of product packaging (see Table 1 and Table 2) should include: a. Packaging material and packaging container inspection
All materials used for cleaning, protection and packaging must be inspected in accordance with the corresponding material standards or specifications to confirm that they meet the packaging design requirements of the product; packaging containers, accessories and accessories must be checked for their materials, sizes and weights according to packaging drawings and documents or relevant standards, and they can only be put into storage or used after they are confirmed to be qualified.
b. Protection inspection
Judge whether the protection methods, materials and containers used for the contents and their protective packaging meet the regulations. Rust-proof packaging should comply with GB4879. Moisture-proof packaging should comply with GB5048, mildew-proof packaging should comply with GB4768, and cushioning packaging should comply with GB8166. The contents and methods of inspection and testing shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 1. For other protection methods other than those specified in Table 1, the requirements of the mandatory inspection items and contents specified in Table 1 shall be referred to according to their protection characteristics.
c. Product packaging inspection
Judge whether the quality, quantity, variety and documents of the contents are qualified and complete, whether the transport packaging is reasonable and reliable, and whether the packaging marks are complete, clear, standardized and beautiful, and comply with the provisions of GB/T13384, GB191 and relevant standards. The items of inspection and testing shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 2 and Table 3. For specific requirements of inspection, please refer to Appendix A (reference). When the product standard or product packaging standard has inspection requirements that are consistent with this standard, the inspection can be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the product standard or product packaging standard. In order to avoid damage caused by inspection, large and medium-sized product packaging should strengthen process inspection. 5.2 Sampling inspection
Packaging delivered in batches shall be subject to sampling inspection as specified in GB2828. The composition of a batch, a batch should be composed of the same material, the same packaging method, the same variety, specifications, and the contents and packaging containers inspected at the same time, which can be regarded as all the packages manufactured in the same cycle. Samples (prototypes) must be randomly selected from each batch, the sample unit is a package, and the inspection level uses the general inspection level I. A single sampling plan is adopted, the average quality acceptance level AQL is 4%, and the sampling plan is determined according to the number of packages delivered for inspection. The determination of the sampling inspection plan can also refer to Appendix B (reference). 6 Inspection report
After the inspection is completed, an inspection report and inspection conclusion should be submitted. The content of the inspection report generally includes: a: Name, quantity, name of the inspected package; b. Name, specification, model, quantity and name and specification of the accessories of the contents; c. Type, structure, material, external dimensions and bundling status of the outer packaging; d. Protection method, protective material, support and fixing method of the inner packaging; e. Types of inspection, items and contents of inspection and testing, test instruments, equipment, methods, sampling inspection plans, etc.; f.Inspection results, with accompanying drawings and tables when necessary; 2
g. Inspection conclusion;
h. Inspection date, stamped by the inspection unit, and signed by the inspection personnel. Table 1 Inspection table for protective packaging
Protection method
Inspection items and contents
Clean thoroughly
Products in cleaning and drying
Products are clean after cleaningwwW.bzxz.Net
No fingerprints, footprints, etc.
Dry the bottom
Drain thoroughly (water, air,
Variety, specification, quality
Conform to regulations
No pollution
Compressed air pressure conforms to regulations, air is not polluted
Cleanliness of the cloth is qualified
Variety, specification, quality
Conform to regulations
Oil film is coated completely and evenly|| tt||The anti-rust paper is well covered,
The film cover is intact, etc.
Qualified varieties and quality
Correct dosage
No attached products
Shock-absorbing material structure, material, and size meet the requirements
Reinforcement structure and size
Inspection method,
Test method
Factory inspection
Measurement and visual inspection
Factory inspection
Factory inspection
Factory inspection
Film cover
Sealed or vacuum packed
With desiccant
Without desiccant
Filled Nitrogen or
gas-filled packaging
should comply
should comply ... |Leakage test
Heat sealing test
Mold growth test
Drop test
Horizontal impact test
Vibration test
Spray test
Inspection method,
Test method
Factory inspection
According to GB5048
According to GB5048
According to GB4769
According to GB/T4857.5
Or GB5398
According to GB/T4857.11
According to GB/T4857.7
According to GB/ T4857.9
Continued Table 1
Protection methods
Film cover
It is a mandatory inspection item, and "+" is an optional inspection item. Note: In the table, "
Sealed or vacuum packaging
With desiccant
Without desiccant
Nitrogen filling or
Gas filling packaging
All those that need to be mold-proof
packaging should
be tested for mold growth
Packaging containers
Packaging accessories
Inspection items and contents
Product quality Qualified
The types, specifications and quantities of products, accessories and spare parts are qualified and complete; the inner packaging is qualified
The structure, size, material, weight and strength are qualified
The material, size and structure of the fixed pads, strapping tapes, linings and reinforcing ribs are qualified
The contents are fixed in the box, the gaps are qualified, stable and firm; there are no foreign objects in the packaging box
The random documents (such as packing list, certificate of conformity, instruction manual, etc.) are complete, reasonably placed and easy to retrieve. The packaging box is sealed, nailed firmly and the nailing is reasonably arranged
The packaging box accessories (edge ​​protection , corner guards, lifting guard irons, ventilation windows, etc.) are of reasonable size, position and firmly nailed. The packaging markings are correct, complete, clear and firm. The packaging appearance is clean and beautiful.
2 Product packaging inspection form
Inspection method
Certificate of conformity
Incoming inspection
Incoming inspection
Incoming inspection
Process inspection
Factory inspection
Containers of different materials should comply with the provisions of the corresponding national standards and product packaging design
Should comply with the corresponding standards and design requirements
The gap should comply with GB/T13 384 or
design requirements
Before sealing, check and confirm that there is no foreign matter in the packaging box
Metal accessories should comply with the provisions of JB/T
5990 and pass the factory and warehouse inspection
comply with the provisions of GB/T13384
Inspection and trial adjustment
Product packaging
Stacking test
Lifting and transportation
Fall freedom
Achieve the test of surface angle
Pressure test
Horizontal impact
Inspection, the test method
according to the provisions of Table 2 of this standard
According to GB/T 4857.3
according to GB5398
according to GB5398 and
relevant standards
connect GB/T 4857.5
according to GB5398
according to GB/T 4857.4
according to GB/T 4857.11
according to GB/T 4857.7,
report (rolling) GB/T4857.10;
transport test
rain test
dynamic test according to GB6543
or GB10819
according to GB 5398
according to GB/T4857.9
Weight of contents in disinfection box
Note: ①“、” are mandatory inspection items, except for special circumstancesV
Table 3 Product packaging inspection summary table
Bamboo plywood box
Special weight of contents kg
2“+* is determined according to needs: Test results must reach 2 special weight: If there are provisions in the product standard or packaging standard, it should comply with its provisionsJB/T75391994
Appendix A
Product packaging inspection content and requirements
Product packaging inspection content and requirements shall be as specified in Table A1. Table A1 Product packaging quality inspection table
Inspection items
Inspection content
Packaging mark
Product mark
Packaging storage and transportation mark
Receiving and shipping mark
Document location mark
Certification mark
Measurement unit
Appearance and size of packaged parts
Should be clearly and properly sprayed, printed, and pasted on the surface of the packaging box
Should comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T13384 or special product packaging standards
The location or box of the random documents should be indicated on the packaging box. For products that have passed quality certification and safety certification, the packaging should have certification marks
Marks and measurement units The unit of measurement should comply with the statutory measurement unit. The appearance of the packaging should be clean, standardized and beautiful.
Inspection method
Visual inspection and record
Visual inspection and record
Visual inspection and record
Visual inspection and record
Visual inspection and record
Visual inspection and record
Appendix A
Product packaging Inspection Contents and Requirements
1 Inspection contents and requirements for product packaging shall be in accordance with Table A1. A1
Table A1 Product Packaging Quality Inspection Table
Inspection Items
Inspection Content
Packaging Mark
Product Mark
Packaging Storage and Transportation Mark
Receiving and Shipping Mark
Document Location Mark
Certification Mark
Measurement Unit
Appearance and Dimensions of Package
Box Quality and Package
Surface Quality
Packaging Dimensions
Outer Packaging Materials
Should be clearly and properly sprayed, printed, or pasted on the surface of the packaging box
Should comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T13384 or special product packaging standards
The location of the random documents should be indicated on the packaging box In the parts or boxes where the products that have passed the quality certification and safety certification are located, the packaging should have the certification mark
The mark and the measurement unit should comply with the legal measurement unit. The appearance of the packaging is neat, standardized and beautiful
a. Cartons and calcium plastic boxes should be sealed with tape and tied with plastic strapping tape or oxidized steel strapping;
b. The structure layout of the auxiliary parts such as the edge wrapping, corner wrapping, lifting guard iron, ventilation window, etc. of the packaging box>500kg is reasonable and reliable; c. The surface of various boxes should be neat and the nailing should be reasonable (the nailing of the frame wooden box should comply with the provisions of GB7284), and the box body should be nailed firmly;
d. The assembly of various packaging boxes should comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T13384;
e. Bulk, bundled and pallet combined packaging should comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T13384
The dimensions of different types of packaging should comply with the provisions of GB/T13384 and other relevant standards. For example, ordinary wooden boxes should comply with GB12464; frame wooden boxes should comply with GB7284; bulk chassis should comply with GB10819, etc.
a. Wood, corrugated board, plywood, fiberboard, particle board, bamboo plywood, calcium plastic corrugated board, Lingmei concrete, etc. used for outer packaging should comply with GB/T13384;
b. The material of the outer packaging should be consistent with the weight of the product inside. Inspection method
Visual inspection and record
Visual inspection and record
Visual inspection and record
Visual inspection and record
Visual inspection and record
Visual inspection and record
Visual inspection and record
Visual inspection and record
Visual inspection and record
Measure or consult drawings and documents
Measure or consult drawings and documents
Inspection items
Strength of packaging
Protection (rust-proof,
moisture-proof, waterproof,
shockproof, mildew-proof)
Packaging performance
Inspection content
Fixation and center of gravity of products
Fixation of accessory boxes and spare parts boxes
Strength of packaging boxes
Reasonableness of protective packaging
Selection of protective packaging materials
Quality of protective packaging
JB/T 75391994
Continued Table A1
The fixing of products during packing shall comply with the provisions of GB/T13384 or the requirements of special product packaging standards
Should comply with the requirements of GB/T13384 or special product packaging standards
a. The box type and material selection shall be reasonable, and meet the requirements of product weight, storage and transportation environment and time as well as the provisions of GB/T13384;
b. The design of frame wooden boxes shall comply with the provisions of GB7284a. The packaging protection measures adopted shall be adapted to the environmental conditions for transportation and storage of the packaged goods, and the storage and transportation time; b. The form of cushioning packaging shall comply with reasonable and economical provisions
a. The amount and method of use of desiccant;
b. The performance of packaging materials;
c. The performance of moisture-proof materials;
d. The performance of cushioning materials
a. The protective packaging process measures shall be reasonable;
b. The sealing performance of protective packaging is good;
c. The protective packaging effect meets the design requirements
Inspection method
Check the packaging drawings and design documents, inspect when packing, and unpack for inspection if necessary
Check the packaging drawings and design documents, inspect when packing, and unpack for inspection if necessary
① Check the design documents and packaging box test data, and review and calculate if necessary;
② Batch product sampling test;
③ The test is in accordance with the requirements specified in Table 3 of this standard
Check the packaging drawings and design documents:
a. Anti-rust packaging should comply with the
provisions of GB4879;| |tt||b. Moisture-proof packaging shall comply with the provisions of GB5048;
c. Waterproof packaging shall comply with the provisions of GB7350;
d. Mildew-proof packaging shall comply with the provisions of GB4768;
Cushioning packaging shall comply with the provisions of GB8166
Check packaging drawings and design documents:
a. The selection of moisture-proof materials shall comply with the provisions of GB
b. The selection of cushioning materials shall comply with the provisions of GB
Check test data or conduct sampling re-inspection: a. Sealed packages should be tested for sealing performance, airtightness, and alternating humidity and heat (according to GB5048); b. General waterproof packages should be tested for spraying (according to GB7350); c. Packages that are easily soaked by water during storage and transportation should be tested for immersion (according to GB7350); d.The mildew-proof packaging should be tested for mildew growth (according to GB4769). Sampling method JB/T7539-1994 Sampling inspection of packaging for electromechanical products (reference) The factory inspection of packaging should be carried out by randomly selecting n packages from the total number of inspection batches N. Random sampling is to make every package in the batch have an equal chance of being selected. B2 Sampling inspection plan The sampling inspection plan for packaging can refer to Table B1. Table B1
Batch range N
Judgment rules
Sample size R
Qualified judgment number Ac
Randomly select n packages from the total number of packages N for inspection. If the number of unqualified products d≤Ac, then accept this inspection batch, otherwise reject this batch of packages. If unqualified packages can be repaired, they are allowed to be repaired and then submitted for inspection. Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed and managed by the Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard is drafted by the Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Meng Xianpei and Yi Xiguang. 9
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Guidelines for Inspection Procedures for Packaging of Electromechanical Products
JB/T 75391994
Published and issued by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2 Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code 100044)
1/16 Sheet 3/4
Format 880×1230
First edition in April 1995
Printing 1-500
Word count 18.000
First printing in April 1995
Price 10.00 yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http://www.JB.ac.cn661_6
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