CJJ 58-1994 Technical regulations for operation, maintenance and safety of urban water supply plants
Some standard content:
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
Operation, Maintenance
and Safety Technical Regulations for Urban Water Supply Plants
1994 Beijing
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
Operation, Maintenance
and Safety Technical Regulations for Urban Water Supply Plants
Editor: Beijing Water Supply Company
Approval Department: Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China Effective Date: December 1, 1994| |tt||Engineering Construction Standards Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standards Full Text Information System
Notice on the Release of the Industry Standard "Operation, Maintenance and Safety Technical Regulations for Urban Water Supply Plants"
Construction Standards [1994] No. 434
According to the requirements of the Ministry of Construction's Construction Standards [1991] No. 718, the "Operation, Maintenance and Safety Technical Regulations for Urban Water Supply Plants" edited by Beijing Water Supply Company has been reviewed, 58-94, and has been approved as an industry standard since December 1, 1994, with the number CJJ5
This standard is managed by the Ministry of Construction's Urban Construction Standards and Technology Management Unit, the Ministry of Construction's Urban Construction Research Institute, and its specific interpretation work is the responsibility of Beijing Water Supply Company. This standard is organized and published by the Ministry of Construction's Standards and Norms Research Institute. Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China
July 7, 1994
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Engineering Construction Standards Full-text Information System
Water Quality Monitoring
2.1 Raw water
2.2 Purified water
2.3 Water quality monitoring items and frequency
2.4 Inspection methods
2.5 Inspection items and methods for raw materials for purified water
Water production process standards
Industry professional core
General provisions
Process quality standards
Operation of water supply facilities
Water intake.
Raw water pipeline···.
Dosing and coagulation·
Mechanical stirring clarifier
Filter (ordinary rapid filter)
Clear water tank
Plant-level scheduling.
Operation of water supply equipment
5.1 Water pump
5.2 Motor
5.3 Transformer
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5.4 Distribution device·
Maintenance of water supply facilities
General provisions·
Water intake facilities
Water transmission pipeline
Dosing facilities·
Mixing flocculation equipment
Sedimentation (clarification) facilities
Filtration facilities
Clean water tank
Disinfection facilities (excluding ozone disinfection facilities) 6.
6.10 Maintenance of drainage facilities
Maintenance of water supply equipment
General provisions.
Distribution equipment:
10kV and below overhead power lines
10kV and below power cable lines
Instruments and meters
Safety in the use of chlorine and ammonia
Electrical safety·
Appendix A
Appendix B
Detection method of polyaluminium chloride||t t||Filter material analysis method
Explanation of terms used in this regulation
Additional explanation
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Engineering construction standard full text information system
1 General provisions
This regulation is formulated to enable urban water supply plants to establish a standardized operation mechanism, improve the technical level of water supply management, and ensure safe, stable, high-quality and low-consumption water supply. 2 This regulation is applicable to urban water supply plants with conventional water treatment. 1.0.2
1.0.3 In addition to the implementation of this regulation, the operation, maintenance and safety of urban water supply plants shall also comply with the provisions of relevant national laws and regulations and standards. Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
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2 Water Quality Monitoring
2.1 Raw Water
2.1.1 The raw water quality of urban water supply plants must comply with the provisions of the current national standard "Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water" 2. Combined with the water quality of the local source water, regular, fixed-point and fixed-project monitoring should be carried out. When the water quality of the source water changes abnormally, the monitoring items and frequency should be increased as needed. 2.1.2 When the raw water is seriously polluted, the treated water does not meet the requirements of the current national standard "Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water" 2.1, and the toxicological indicators are seriously exceeded and directly endanger human life, the water supply plant should immediately stop the water supply and report to the superior at the same time. 2.1.3 Urban surface water supply plants should conduct advanced automatic continuous monitoring of key detection items of raw water quality.
2.1.4 Large-scale urban surface water supply plants should designate a raw water quality monitoring section from the upstream to the downstream of the water inlet, and representative water quality blue measurement points should be set up in the monitoring section. Urban groundwater supply plants should select representative water source wells, booster wells (or all wells) in the group as raw water quality monitoring points. 2.2 Purified water
2.2.1 In the purification process, process quality inspection points should be set up at the outlet of the sedimentation tank (clarification tank), the filtered water part of the filter tank, the water delivery pump room (factory main pipe), etc. 2.3 Water quality monitoring items and frequency
2.3.1 Water quality testing should comply with the provisions of Table 2.3.1. Engineering 2 Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Monitoring Items and Frequency
Monitoring Items
Turbidity, color, PH, chloride, hardness", alkalinity*, monitoring points
Water intake
Sedimented water
Filtered water
Clear water reservoir
Factory water
Proteinous ammonia nitrogen*, ammonia, nitrite nitrogen", nitrate nitrogen, nitrogen consumption*||tt ||Water temperature, odor and taste, turbidity, chloride, color, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen", PH, dissolved oxygen, oxygen consumption*, total bacteria, total coliform bacteria, total algae", iron*, manganese*, alkalinity", hardness", total phosphorus", total nitrogen", total α radioactivity", total β radioactivity*
Protein ammonia", nitrate nitrogen
GB5746 thirty-five items (including groundwater source wells) turbidity, residual chlorine
Turbidity, residual chlorine
Turbidity, residual fluorine, Visible to the naked eye
Turbidity, residual chlorine, visible to the naked eye (including groundwater) Total bacteria count, total coliform group (including groundwater) Water temperature, odor and taste, color, PH, chloride, hardness, alkalinity, nitrite chloride, oxygen consumption, iron*, manganese, ammonia nitrogen (including groundwater)
Thirty-five items (including groundwater)
Monitoring frequency
1~4 times per month
At least once a day
Once a week| |tt||Once per quarter
Once per 1~2h
Once per 1~2h
Once per 1~2h
Once per hour
Once per day
Once per day
Once per quarter
Note: The * items in the table can be monitored by the local authorities according to the changes in the raw water quality and actual needs.
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2.4 Test Method
2.4.1 The test method shall comply with the provisions of the current national standard "Standard Test Method for Drinking Water" and relevant national standard test methods. 2.4.2 Turbidity should be tested by a scattered light turbidity meter calibrated with a polymer standard solution.
Residual chlorine shall be tested by the o-tolidine colorimetric method. 2.4.3
2.5 Testing items and methods for water purification raw materials
2.5.1 Water purification raw materials should be tested before they are newly introduced into the factory and before they are used after being stored for a long time. 2.5.2 The testing items and inspection methods for major water purification raw materials should comply with the provisions of Table 2.5.2.
Testing items and methods for raw materials for water purification Types of raw materials
Aluminum sulfate
Anhydrous ferric chloride
Ferrous chloride solution
Ferrous sulfate
Polyaluminum chloride
Quartz sand
White coal (anthracite)
Testing items
Aluminum, iron, free acid, water insoluble matter, arsenic, lead, specific gravity; liquid aluminum sulfate should be tested for pH value
Ferric chloride, ferrous chloride, free acid, arsenic, insoluble matter, lead
Ferrous chloride, ferrous chloride, free acid, arsenic, insoluble matter, lead, specific gravity, water insoluble matter
Ferrous sulfate, titanium dioxide, free acid, arsenic, lead, water insoluble matter
Testing methods
《Aluminum Sulfate for Water Purification》
GB3151|| tt||《Water Purifier Anhydrous Chloride》
《Water Purifier Ferric Chloride Solution》
《Water Treatment Agent Ferrous Sulfate》
Density, water insoluble matter, pH value, alumina, and alkalinity should comply with the provisions of Appendix A. Mud content, screening, hydrochloric acid soluble rate
Screening, hydrochloric acid soluble rate
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Should comply with the provisions of Appendix B
Should comply with the provisions of Appendix B
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Water Production Process Standard
3.1 General Provisions
3.1.1 The water production process should ensure that the water quality and water pressure meet the provisions of relevant national standards. The water pressure of the pipeline network trunk line should not be lower than 0.14MPa. Water supply plants should formulate enterprise standards for the quality and water pressure of factory water.
3.1.2 The facilities, equipment and materials that come into contact with water bodies for various water purification agents selected in the water production process should comply with the provisions of 2.3 of the current national standard "Sanitary Standards for Drinking Water".
3.1.3 The main processes in the water production process must be tested and dynamically controlled. The water quality test of each water purification process should comply with the provisions of 2 of this regulation. For major water quality items such as turbidity and residual chlorine, continuous measuring instruments should be configured to conduct continuous testing and recording, and process quality control should be carried out based on the test results. The water intake level, the operating water level and pressure of water supply facilities and equipment should be measured with instruments. The factory water pressure should be continuously tested and recorded on the factory main pipe, and the operating water level and pressure should be controlled based on the test results. The raw water entering the plant and the clean water leaving the plant must be equipped with metering instruments to detect and record the water volume. The equipment rate of water volume metering instruments in newly built water plants should reach 100%, and the detection rate should reach 95%. Existing water plants should meet the above standards. According to the changes in water supply, the production water volume of the water production system and each process should be controlled. The addition of water purification agents should be equipped with metering instruments for detection and recording, and the filling rate should be reasonably controlled. The power consumption of water supply should be measured and recorded according to the configuration of electric energy meters for single sets of pumps, and the maximum power consumption should be controlled. The operation status of the main facilities and equipment in production should be formulated and implemented with a spot inspection system, and the main technical parameters should be controlled. 3.1.4 The water production process must be matched with the production drainage (mud) facilities of the water supply plant and should meet the needs of production.
3.1.5 The water production process must ensure reliable production operation and must have appropriate spare equipment. Each process link must meet the requirements of safe production. 3.1.6 The water production process should meet the requirements of high efficiency and low consumption. 3.2 Process quality standards
3.2.1 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the dosing process should meet the following provisions: The quality of the water purifier should meet the provisions of the relevant national standards in force. It can only be used after passing the factory inspection. Water supply plants without automatic control operation should determine the reasonable filling rate through stirring test (no less than once a day). The coagulant should be dissolved and prepared into a standard concentration for metered filling. The dosing point should be set correctly according to the mixing conditions, and the dosing method can be gravity dosing or pressure dosing. Facilities, equipment and devices that are in direct contact with the liquid medicine should be made of acid-resistant materials or lined with coatings.
When the turbidity of the raw water is lower than 3 degrees, it is still advisable to add an appropriate amount of coagulant or coagulant aid.
7 When using coagulant aid, the dosing should be correctly selected according to the characteristics of the coagulant aid.
2 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the mixing process should meet the following requirements: The mixing should be fast and uniform. For dosing before the pump, the rotation of the water pump impeller can be used for mixing. For dosing after the pump, pipeline mixing, static mixer, mechanical stirring and other mixing methods can be selected. 3.2.3 The quality standards and technical requirements of the flocculation process shall comply with the following provisions: The flocculation should be dense and large, with good separation from the water body and easy precipitation.
Engineering 6 Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System The outlet of the flocculation tank should have obvious floccules by visual observation (or take the water sample after adding coagulant and mixing to do the beaker stirring experiment), and the flocs should be prevented from breaking. The process parameters such as inlet and outlet flow rate, operating water level, residence time, etc. should be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The sludge in the flocculation tank should be removed regularly. 3.2.4 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the sedimentation (clarification) process shall comply with the following provisions:
The process parameters such as flow rate, operating water level, residence time, sludge level (sludge sedimentation ratio) shall be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The water inlet area, sedimentation area (including the layout of inclined pipes), sludge area and water outlet area of the sedimentation tank shall meet the design and operation requirements. The sedimentation (clarification) tank shall be drained regularly or at regular intervals. 3.2.5 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the filtration process shall comply with the following provisions: The turbidity of the water leaving the factory must ensure that the turbidity of the pipe network water meets the requirements of the national standards, and its turbidity should not exceed 2 degrees. The process parameters such as filtration rate, operating water level, filtration loss head, flushing cycle, flushing intensity, flushing time, etc. shall be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The filter material, supporting layer, water distribution and drainage system of the filter tank shall meet the requirements of design and operation.
3.2.6 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the disinfection process shall comply with the following provisions: The total number of bacteria in the water after disinfection shall not exceed 100/ml, and the total coliform group shall not exceed 3/1. An appropriate amount of residual disinfectant shall be maintained in the water, and the residual chlorine shall meet the water quality requirements of the factory water. Liquid chlorine disinfectant must be added by metering with a safe and reliable dosing device. The dosing device should be able to effectively prevent backflow of water. Direct dry dosing is strictly prohibited. Chlorine disinfectant should be guaranteed to have sufficient contact time with the water body. If free chlorine is used for disinfection, the contact time should be greater than 30 minutes. If chloramine is used for disinfection, the contact time should not be less than 2 hours.
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Test items and methods for water purification raw materials Raw material types
Aluminum sulfate
Anhydrous ferric chloride
Ferrous chloride solution
Ferrous sulfate
Polyaluminum chloride
Quartz sand
White coal (anthracite)
Test items
Aluminum, iron, free acid, water insoluble matter, arsenic, lead, specific gravity; liquid aluminum sulfate should be tested for pH value
Ferric chloride, ferrous chloride, free acid, arsenic, insoluble matter, lead
Ferrous chloride, ferrous chloride, free acid, arsenic, insoluble matter, lead, specific gravity, water insoluble matter
Ferrous sulfate, titanium dioxide, free acid, arsenic, lead, water insoluble matter
Test methods
"Aluminum Sulfate for Water Purification"
GB3151|| tt||《Water Purifier Anhydrous Chloride》
《Water Purifier Ferric Chloride Solution》
《Water Treatment Agent Ferrous Sulfate》
Density, water insoluble matter, pH value, alumina, and alkalinity should comply with the provisions of Appendix A. Mud content, screening, hydrochloric acid soluble rate
Screening, hydrochloric acid soluble rate
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Should comply with the provisions of Appendix B
Should comply with the provisions of Appendix B
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Water Production Process Standard
3.1 General Provisions
3.1.1 The water production process should ensure that the water quality and water pressure meet the provisions of relevant national standards. The water pressure of the pipeline network trunk line should not be lower than 0.14MPa. Water supply plants should formulate enterprise standards for the quality and water pressure of factory water.
3.1.2 The facilities, equipment and materials that come into contact with water bodies for various water purification agents selected in the water production process should comply with the provisions of 2.3 of the current national standard "Sanitary Standards for Drinking Water".
3.1.3 The main processes in the water production process must be tested and dynamically controlled. The water quality test of each water purification process should comply with the provisions of 2 of this regulation. For major water quality items such as turbidity and residual chlorine, continuous measuring instruments should be configured to conduct continuous testing and recording, and process quality control should be carried out based on the test results. The water intake level, the operating water level and pressure of water supply facilities and equipment should be measured with instruments. The factory water pressure should be continuously tested and recorded on the factory main pipe, and the operating water level and pressure should be controlled based on the test results. The raw water entering the plant and the clean water leaving the plant must be equipped with metering instruments to detect and record the water volume. The equipment rate of water volume metering instruments in newly built water plants should reach 100%, and the detection rate should reach 95%. Existing water plants should meet the above standards. According to the changes in water supply, the production water volume of the water production system and each process should be controlled. The addition of water purification agents should be equipped with metering instruments for detection and recording, and the filling rate should be reasonably controlled. The power consumption of water supply should be measured and recorded according to the configuration of electric energy meters for single sets of pumps, and the maximum power consumption should be controlled. The operation status of the main facilities and equipment in production should be formulated and implemented with a spot inspection system, and the main technical parameters should be controlled. 3.1.4 The water production process must be matched with the production drainage (mud) facilities of the water supply plant and should meet the needs of production.
3.1.5 The water production process must ensure reliable production operation and must have appropriate spare equipment. Each process link must meet the requirements of safe production. 3.1.6 The water production process should meet the requirements of high efficiency and low consumption. 3.2 Process quality standards
3.2.1 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the dosing process should meet the following provisions: The quality of the water purifier should meet the provisions of the relevant national standards in force. It can only be used after passing the factory inspection. Water supply plants without automatic control operation should determine the reasonable filling rate through stirring test (no less than once a day). The coagulant should be dissolved and prepared into a standard concentration for metered filling. The dosing point should be set correctly according to the mixing conditions, and the dosing method can be gravity dosing or pressure dosing. Facilities, equipment and devices that are in direct contact with the liquid medicine should be made of acid-resistant materials or lined with coatings.
When the turbidity of the raw water is lower than 3 degrees, it is still advisable to add an appropriate amount of coagulant or coagulant aid.
7 When using coagulant aid, the dosing should be correctly selected according to the characteristics of the coagulant aid.
2 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the mixing process should meet the following requirements: The mixing should be fast and uniform. For dosing before the pump, the rotation of the water pump impeller can be used for mixing. For dosing after the pump, pipeline mixing, static mixer, mechanical stirring and other mixing methods can be selected. 3.2.3 The quality standards and technical requirements of the flocculation process shall comply with the following provisions: The flocculation should be dense and large, with good separation from the water body and easy precipitation.
Engineering 6 Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System The outlet of the flocculation tank should have obvious floccules by visual observation (or take the water sample after adding coagulant and mixing to do the beaker stirring experiment), and the flocs should be prevented from breaking. The process parameters such as inlet and outlet flow rate, operating water level, residence time, etc. should be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The sludge in the flocculation tank should be removed regularly. 3.2.4 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the sedimentation (clarification) process shall comply with the following provisions:
The process parameters such as flow rate, operating water level, residence time, sludge level (sludge sedimentation ratio) shall be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The water inlet area, sedimentation area (including the layout of inclined pipes), sludge area and water outlet area of the sedimentation tank shall meet the design and operation requirements. The sedimentation (clarification) tank shall be drained regularly or at regular intervals. 3.2.5 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the filtration process shall comply with the following provisions: The turbidity of the water leaving the factory must ensure that the turbidity of the pipe network water meets the requirements of the national standards, and its turbidity should not exceed 2 degrees. The process parameters such as filtration rate, operating water level, filtration loss head, flushing cycle, flushing intensity, flushing time, etc. shall be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The filter material, supporting layer, water distribution and drainage system of the filter tank shall meet the requirements of design and operation.
3.2.6 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the disinfection process shall comply with the following provisions: The total number of bacteria in the water after disinfection shall not exceed 100/ml, and the total coliform group shall not exceed 3/1. An appropriate amount of residual disinfectant shall be maintained in the water, and the residual chlorine shall meet the water quality requirements of the factory water. Liquid chlorine disinfectant must be added by metering with a safe and reliable dosing device. The dosing device should be able to effectively prevent backflow of water. Direct dry dosing is strictly prohibited. Chlorine disinfectant should be guaranteed to have sufficient contact time with the water body. If free chlorine is used for disinfection, the contact time should be greater than 30 minutes. If chloramine is used for disinfection, the contact time should not be less than 2 hours.
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Test items and methods for water purification raw materials Raw material types
Aluminum sulfate
Anhydrous ferric chloride
Ferrous chloride solution
Ferrous sulfate
Polyaluminum chloride
Quartz sand
White coal (anthracite)
Test items
Aluminum, iron, free acid, water insoluble matter, arsenic, lead, specific gravity; liquid aluminum sulfate should be tested for pH value
Ferric chloride, ferrous chloride, free acid, arsenic, insoluble matter, lead
Ferrous chloride, ferrous chloride, free acid, arsenic, insoluble matter, lead, specific gravity, water insoluble matter
Ferrous sulfate, titanium dioxide, free acid, arsenic, lead, water insoluble matter
Test methods
"Aluminum Sulfate for Water Purification"
GB3151|| tt||《Water Purifier Anhydrous Chloride》
《Water Purifier Ferric Chloride Solution》
《Water Treatment Agent Ferrous Sulfate》
Density, water insoluble matter, pH value, alumina, and alkalinity should comply with the provisions of Appendix A. Mud content, screening, hydrochloric acid soluble rate
Screening, hydrochloric acid soluble rate
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Should comply with the provisions of Appendix B
Should comply with the provisions of Appendix B
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Water Production Process Standard
3.1 General Provisions
3.1.1 The water production process should ensure that the water quality and water pressure meet the provisions of relevant national standards. The water pressure of the pipeline network trunk line should not be lower than 0.14MPa. Water supply plants should formulate enterprise standards for the quality and water pressure of factory water. bzxz.net
3.1.2 The facilities, equipment and materials that come into contact with water bodies for various water purification agents selected in the water production process should comply with the provisions of 2.3 of the current national standard "Sanitary Standards for Drinking Water".
3.1.3 The main processes in the water production process must be tested and dynamically controlled. The water quality test of each water purification process should comply with the provisions of 2 of this regulation. For major water quality items such as turbidity and residual chlorine, continuous measuring instruments should be configured to conduct continuous testing and recording, and process quality control should be carried out based on the test results. The water intake level, the operating water level and pressure of water supply facilities and equipment should be measured with instruments. The factory water pressure should be continuously tested and recorded on the factory main pipe, and the operating water level and pressure should be controlled based on the test results. The raw water entering the plant and the clean water leaving the plant must be equipped with metering instruments to detect and record the water volume. The equipment rate of water volume metering instruments in newly built water plants should reach 100%, and the detection rate should reach 95%. Existing water plants should meet the above standards. According to the changes in water supply, the production water volume of the water production system and each process should be controlled. The addition of water purification agents should be equipped with metering instruments for detection and recording, and the filling rate should be reasonably controlled. The power consumption of water supply should be measured and recorded according to the configuration of electric energy meters for single sets of pumps, and the maximum power consumption should be controlled. The operation status of the main facilities and equipment in production should be formulated and implemented with a spot inspection system, and the main technical parameters should be controlled. 3.1.4 The water production process must be matched with the production drainage (mud) facilities of the water supply plant and should meet the needs of production.
3.1.5 The water production process must ensure reliable production operation and must have appropriate spare equipment. Each process link must meet the requirements of safe production. 3.1.6 The water production process should meet the requirements of high efficiency and low consumption. 3.2 Process quality standards
3.2.1 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the dosing process should meet the following provisions: The quality of the water purifier should meet the provisions of the relevant national standards in force. It can only be used after passing the factory inspection. Water supply plants without automatic control operation should determine the reasonable filling rate through stirring test (no less than once a day). The coagulant should be dissolved and prepared into a standard concentration for metered filling. The dosing point should be set correctly according to the mixing conditions, and the dosing method can be gravity dosing or pressure dosing. Facilities, equipment and devices that are in direct contact with the liquid medicine should be made of acid-resistant materials or lined with coatings.
When the turbidity of the raw water is lower than 3 degrees, it is still advisable to add an appropriate amount of coagulant or coagulant aid.
7 When using coagulant aid, the dosing should be correctly selected according to the characteristics of the coagulant aid.
2 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the mixing process should meet the following requirements: The mixing should be fast and uniform. For dosing before the pump, the rotation of the water pump impeller can be used for mixing. For dosing after the pump, pipeline mixing, static mixer, mechanical stirring and other mixing methods can be selected. 3.2.3 The quality standards and technical requirements of the flocculation process shall comply with the following provisions: The flocculation should be dense and large, with good separation from the water body and easy precipitation.
Engineering 6 Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System The outlet of the flocculation tank should have obvious floccules by visual observation (or take the water sample after adding coagulant and mixing to do the beaker stirring experiment), and the flocs should be prevented from breaking. The process parameters such as inlet and outlet flow rate, operating water level, residence time, etc. should be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The sludge in the flocculation tank should be removed regularly. 3.2.4 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the sedimentation (clarification) process shall comply with the following provisions:
The process parameters such as flow rate, operating water level, residence time, sludge level (sludge sedimentation ratio) shall be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The water inlet area, sedimentation area (including the layout of inclined pipes), sludge area and water outlet area of the sedimentation tank shall meet the design and operation requirements. The sedimentation (clarification) tank shall be drained regularly or at regular intervals. 3.2.5 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the filtration process shall comply with the following provisions: The turbidity of the water leaving the factory must ensure that the turbidity of the pipe network water meets the requirements of the national standards, and its turbidity should not exceed 2 degrees. The process parameters such as filtration rate, operating water level, filtration loss head, flushing cycle, flushing intensity, flushing time, etc. shall be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The filter material, supporting layer, water distribution and drainage system of the filter tank shall meet the requirements of design and operation.
3.2.6 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the disinfection process shall comply with the following provisions: The total number of bacteria in the water after disinfection shall not exceed 100/ml, and the total coliform group shall not exceed 3/1. An appropriate amount of residual disinfectant shall be maintained in the water, and the residual chlorine shall meet the water quality requirements of the factory water. Liquid chlorine disinfectant must be added by metering with a safe and reliable dosing device. The dosing device should be able to effectively prevent backflow of water. Direct dry dosing is strictly prohibited. Chlorine disinfectant should be guaranteed to have sufficient contact time with the water body. If free chlorine is used for disinfection, the contact time should be greater than 30 minutes. If chloramine is used for disinfection, the contact time should not be less than 2 hours.
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
TKAONT KAca- Water quality testing of each process of water purification shall comply with the provisions of 2 of this Regulation. Continuous measuring instruments shall be configured for major water quality items such as turbidity and residual chlorine, and continuous testing and recording shall be carried out, and process quality control shall be carried out according to the test results. Water intake level, operating water level and pressure of water supply facilities and equipment shall be measured with instruments. The water pressure out of the factory shall be continuously tested and recorded on the main pipe out of the factory, and the operating water level and pressure shall be controlled according to the test results. Measuring instruments shall be configured for water volume testing and recording of raw water entering the factory and clean water leaving the factory. The configuration rate of water volume metering instruments in newly built water plants shall reach 100%, and the detection rate shall reach 95%. Existing water plants should meet the above standards. According to the changes in water supply, the production water volume of the water production system and each process shall be controlled. The addition of water purification agents should be equipped with measuring instruments for detection and recording, and the filling rate should be reasonably controlled. The power consumption of water supply should be measured and recorded according to the electric energy meter configured for each set of pumps, and the maximum power consumption should be controlled. The operation status of the main facilities and equipment in production should formulate and implement the engineering construction standard full text information system
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
point inspection system, and control the main technical parameters. 3.1.4 The water production process must be matched with the production drainage (mud) facilities of the water supply plant and should meet the needs of production.
3.1.5 The water production process must ensure reliable production operation and must have appropriate spare equipment. Each process link must meet the requirements of safe production. 3.1.6 The water production process should meet the requirements of high efficiency and low consumption. 3.2 Process Quality Standards
3.2.1 The quality standards and process technology requirements for dosing shall comply with the following provisions: The quality of water purifier shall comply with the provisions of the relevant national standards in force. It can only be used after passing the factory inspection. Water supply plants without automatic control operation shall determine the reasonable filling rate by stirring test (not less than once a day). Coagulant shall be dissolved and prepared into standard concentration for metered filling. The dosing point shall be correctly set according to the mixing conditions, and the dosing method can be gravity dosing or pressure dosing. Facilities, equipment and devices in direct contact with the liquid medicine shall be made of acid-resistant materials or lined with coating.
When the turbidity of the raw water is lower than 3 degrees, it is still advisable to add an appropriate amount of coagulant or coagulant.
7 When using coagulant aids, the dosage should be correctly selected according to the characteristics of the coagulant aids.
2 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the mixing process should meet the following requirements: The mixing should be fast and uniform. For dosing before the pump, the rotation of the water pump impeller can be used for mixing. For dosing after the pump, pipeline mixing, static mixer, mechanical stirring and other mixing methods can be selected. 3.2.3 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the flocculation process should meet the following requirements: The flocculation should achieve dense and large flocs, good separation from the water body, and easy precipitation.
Engineering 6 Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System The outlet of the flocculation tank should be observed with the naked eye (or take the water sample after adding coagulant and mixing to do the beaker stirring experiment), and the flocs should be prevented from breaking. The inlet and outlet flow rates, operating water level, residence time and other process parameters should be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The sludge in the flocculation tank should be removed regularly. 3.2.4 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the sedimentation (clarification) process should comply with the following provisions:
The flow rate, operating water level, residence time, sludge level (sludge sedimentation ratio) and other process parameters should be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The water inlet area, sedimentation area (including the layout of the inclined pipe), sludge area and water outlet area of the sedimentation tank should meet the design and operation requirements. The sedimentation (clarification) tank should be drained regularly or at fixed time. 3.2.5 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the filtration process should meet the following provisions: The turbidity of the water leaving the factory must ensure that the turbidity of the pipe network water meets the requirements of the national standards, and its turbidity should not exceed 2 degrees. The process parameters such as filtration rate, operating water level, filtration loss head, flushing cycle, flushing intensity, flushing time, etc. should be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The filter material, supporting layer and water distribution and drainage system of the filter tank should meet the requirements of design and operation.
3.2.6 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the disinfection process should meet the following provisions: The total number of bacteria in the water after disinfection should not exceed 100/ml, the total coliform group should not exceed 3/1, and an appropriate amount of disinfectant should be maintained in the water. The residual chlorine should meet the water quality requirements of the factory water. Liquid chlorine disinfectant must be added by a safe and reliable dosing device. The dosing device should be able to effectively prevent backflow of water. Direct dry dosing is strictly prohibited. Chlorine disinfectant should be guaranteed to have sufficient contact time with the water body. For disinfection in the form of free chlorine, the contact time should be greater than 30 minutes. For disinfection in the form of chloramine, the contact time should not be less than 2 hours.
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
TKAONT KAca- Water quality testing of each process of water purification shall comply with the provisions of 2 of this Regulation. Continuous measuring instruments shall be configured for major water quality items such as turbidity and residual chlorine, and continuous testing and recording shall be carried out, and process quality control shall be carried out according to the test results. Water intake level, operating water level and pressure of water supply facilities and equipment shall be measured with instruments. The water pressure out of the factory shall be continuously tested and recorded on the main pipe out of the factory, and the operating water level and pressure shall be controlled according to the test results. Measuring instruments shall be configured for water volume testing and recording of raw water entering the factory and clean water leaving the factory. The configuration rate of water volume metering instruments in newly built water plants shall reach 100%, and the detection rate shall reach 95%. Existing water plants should meet the above standards. According to the changes in water supply, the production water volume of the water production system and each process shall be controlled. The addition of water purification agents should be equipped with measuring instruments for detection and recording, and the filling rate should be reasonably controlled. The power consumption of water supply should be measured and recorded according to the electric energy meter configured for each set of pumps, and the maximum power consumption should be controlled. The operation status of the main facilities and equipment in production should formulate and implement the engineering construction standard full text information system
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
point inspection system, and control the main technical parameters. 3.1.4 The water production process must be matched with the production drainage (mud) facilities of the water supply plant and should meet the needs of production.
3.1.5 The water production process must ensure reliable production operation and must have appropriate spare equipment. Each process link must meet the requirements of safe production. 3.1.6 The water production process should meet the requirements of high efficiency and low consumption. 3.2 Process Quality Standards
3.2.1 The quality standards and process technology requirements for dosing shall comply with the following provisions: The quality of water purifier shall comply with the provisions of the relevant national standards in force. It can only be used after passing the factory inspection. Water supply plants without automatic control operation shall determine the reasonable filling rate by stirring test (not less than once a day). Coagulant shall be dissolved and prepared into standard concentration for metered filling. The dosing point shall be correctly set according to the mixing conditions, and the dosing method can be gravity dosing or pressure dosing. Facilities, equipment and devices in direct contact with the liquid medicine shall be made of acid-resistant materials or lined with coating.
When the turbidity of the raw water is lower than 3 degrees, it is still advisable to add an appropriate amount of coagulant or coagulant.
7 When using coagulant aids, the dosage should be correctly selected according to the characteristics of the coagulant aids.
2 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the mixing process should meet the following requirements: The mixing should be fast and uniform. For dosing before the pump, the rotation of the water pump impeller can be used for mixing. For dosing after the pump, pipeline mixing, static mixer, mechanical stirring and other mixing methods can be selected. 3.2.3 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the flocculation process should meet the following requirements: The flocculation should achieve dense and large flocs, good separation from the water body, and easy precipitation.
Engineering 6 Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System The outlet of the flocculation tank should be observed with the naked eye (or take the water sample after adding coagulant and mixing to do the beaker stirring experiment), and the flocs should be prevented from breaking. The inlet and outlet flow rates, operating water level, residence time and other process parameters should be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The sludge in the flocculation tank should be removed regularly. 3.2.4 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the sedimentation (clarification) process should comply with the following provisions:
The flow rate, operating water level, residence time, sludge level (sludge sedimentation ratio) and other process parameters should be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The water inlet area, sedimentation area (including the layout of the inclined pipe), sludge area and water outlet area of the sedimentation tank should meet the design and operation requirements. The sedimentation (clarification) tank should be drained regularly or at fixed time. 3.2.5 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the filtration process should meet the following provisions: The turbidity of the water leaving the factory must ensure that the turbidity of the pipe network water meets the requirements of the national standards, and its turbidity should not exceed 2 degrees. The process parameters such as filtration rate, operating water level, filtration loss head, flushing cycle, flushing intensity, flushing time, etc. should be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The filter material, supporting layer and water distribution and drainage system of the filter tank should meet the requirements of design and operation.
3.2.6 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the disinfection process should meet the following provisions: The total number of bacteria in the water after disinfection should not exceed 100/ml, the total coliform group should not exceed 3/1, and an appropriate amount of disinfectant should be maintained in the water. The residual chlorine should meet the water quality requirements of the factory water. Liquid chlorine disinfectant must be added by a safe and reliable dosing device. The dosing device should be able to effectively prevent backflow of water. Direct dry dosing is strictly prohibited. Chlorine disinfectant should be guaranteed to have sufficient contact time with the water body. For disinfection in the form of free chlorine, the contact time should be greater than 30 minutes. For disinfection in the form of chloramine, the contact time should not be less than 2 hours.
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
TKAONT KAca-1 Flocculation should achieve dense and large flocs, good separation from water and easy precipitation.
Engineering 6 Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System The outlet of the flocculation tank should be observed by naked eyes (or take the water sample after adding coagulant and mixing to do beaker stirring experiment), and the flocs should be prevented from breaking. The process parameters such as inlet and outlet flow rate, operating water level, residence time, etc. should be controlled according to design requirements and production conditions. The sludge in the flocculation tank should be removed regularly. 3.2.4 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the sedimentation (clarification) process should comply with the following provisions:
The process parameters such as flow rate, operating water level, residence time, sludge level (sludge sedimentation ratio) should be controlled according to design requirements and production conditions. The water inlet area, sedimentation area (including the layout of inclined pipes), mud accumulation area and water outlet area of the sedimentation tank shall meet the requirements of design and operation. The sedimentation (clarification) tank should be drained regularly or regularly. 3.2.5 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the filtration process shall comply with the following provisions: The turbidity of the water leaving the factory must ensure that the turbidity of the pipe network water meets the requirements of national standards, and its turbidity should not exceed 2 degrees. The process parameters such as filtration rate, operating water level, filtration loss head, flushing cycle, flushing intensity, flushing time, etc. shall be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The filter material, supporting layer and water distribution and drainage system of the filter tank shall meet the requirements of design and operation.
3.2.6 The quality standards and process technology requirements for the disinfection process shall comply with the following provisions: The total number of bacteria in the water after disinfection shall not exceed 100/ml, and the total coliform group shall not exceed 3/1. An appropriate amount of disinfectant shall be maintained in the water, and the residual chlorine shall meet the water quality requirements for factory water. Liquid chlorine disinfectant must be added by metering with a safe and reliable dosing device. The dosing device should be able to effectively prevent backflow of water. Direct dry dosing is strictly prohibited. Sufficient contact time between chlorine disinfectant and water body shall be ensured. For disinfection in the form of free chlorine, the contact time shall be greater than 30 minutes. For disinfection in the form of chloramine, the contact time should not be less than 2 hours.
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
TKAONT KAca-1 Flocculation should achieve dense and large flocs, good separation from water and easy precipitation.
Engineering 6 Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System The outlet of the flocculation tank should be observed by naked eyes (or take the water sample after adding coagulant and mixing to do beaker stirring experiment), and the flocs should be prevented from breaking. The process parameters such as inlet and outlet flow rate, operating water level, residence time, etc. should be controlled according to design requirements and production conditions. The sludge in the flocculation tank should be removed regularly. 3.2.4 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the sedimentation (clarification) process should comply with the following provisions:
The process parameters such as flow rate, operating water level, residence time, sludge level (sludge sedimentation ratio) should be controlled according to design requirements and production conditions. The water inlet area, sedimentation area (including the layout of inclined pipes), mud accumulation area and water outlet area of the sedimentation tank shall meet the requirements of design and operation. The sedimentation (clarification) tank should be drained regularly or regularly. 3.2.5 The quality standards and process technology requirements of the filtration process shall comply with the following provisions: The turbidity of the water leaving the factory must ensure that the turbidity of the pipe network water meets the requirements of national standards, and its turbidity should not exceed 2 degrees. The process parameters such as filtration rate, operating water level, filtration loss head, flushing cycle, flushing intensity, flushing time, etc. shall be controlled according to the design requirements and production conditions. The filter material, supporting layer and water distribution and drainage system of the filter tank shall meet the requirements of design and operation.
3.2.6 The quality standards and process technology requirements for the disinfection process shall comply with the following provisions: The total number of bacteria in the water after disinfection shall not exceed 100/ml, and the total coliform group shall not exceed 3/1. An appropriate amount of disinfectant shall be maintained in the water, and the residual chlorine shall meet the water quality requirements for factory water. Liquid chlorine disinfectant must be added by metering with a safe and reliable dosing device. The dosing device should be able to effectively prevent backflow of water. Direct dry dosing is strictly prohibited. Sufficient contact time between chlorine disinfectant and water body shall be ensured. For disinfection in the form of free chlorine, the contact time shall be greater than 30 minutes. For disinfection in the form of chloramine, the contact time should not be less than 2 hours.
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
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