title>Verification Regulation of Instruments for Measuing Moment of Pendulum of Impact tester - JJG 931-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Verification Regulation of Instruments for Measuing Moment of Pendulum of Impact tester

Basic Information

Standard ID: JJG 931-1998

Standard Name:Verification Regulation of Instruments for Measuing Moment of Pendulum of Impact tester

Chinese Name: 冲击试验机摆锤力矩测量仪

Standard category:National Metrology Standard (JJ)

state:in force

Date of Release1998-05-14

Date of Implementation:1991-08-10

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:General>>Metrology>>A53 Mechanical Metrology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Metrology Press


Publication date:2004-04-22

other information

drafter:Wang Naichen, Tang Guorong

Drafting unit:China Aviation Industry Corporation No. 11 Regional Physical and Chemical Metrology Station

Focal point unit:Sichuan Provincial Technical Supervision Bureau

Publishing department:State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision

Introduction to standards:

JJG 931-1998 Pendulum torque measuring instrument for impact testing machine JJG931-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This regulation is applicable to the calibration of the pendulum torque measuring instrument for 30~400N·m impact testing machine that is newly manufactured, in use or after repair.

Some standard content:

National Metrology Verification Standard of the People's Republic of China JJG 931--1998
Jnstnments for Meas uriny Moment of Iendulum uf Impac1. tester1998—05-14 Issued
Implemented on 1998-10-01 Issued by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision
JJG 931
Verification Regulation of
Instrunacnts for Mcasuring Monient of Pendulum of Impact tester
This verification procedure was approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on May 14, 1908, and was implemented on October 1, 1998.
Responsible unit: Sichuan Provincial Technical Supervision Bureau
Drafting unit: China Aviation Industry Corporation No. 10 Regional Physical and Chemical Measurement Station The technical provisions of this regulation shall be interpreted by the core unit The main drafter of this regulation:
Wang Naichen
Deng Guorong
Participating drafter:
Jiao Xianrui
(China Aviation Industry Corporation No. 11 Regional Physical and Chemical Measurement Station) (China Aviation Industry Corporation No. 11 Regional Physical and Chemical Measurement Station) (China Aviation Industry Corporation No. 1 Institute No. 4) Overview
—. Technical requirements
3. Verification conditions
Verification objectives and methods
5. Processing of verification results and verification cycle
Appendix 1. Verification record format
Appendix 2. Verification certificate format (front)
Record 3. Verification certificate format [back]
JG 931—1996
Verification procedure for pendulum torque measuring instrument for impact testing machine This procedure is applicable to the verification of new and used 30~-40N-m pendulum torque measuring instrument for impact testing machine (hereinafter referred to as the test instrument). 1. Overview
1 Pendulum impact tester pendulum torque measurement This is a special instrument for measuring the pendulum torque [impact constant]. It consists of a bar support measuring instrument and a force measuring ruler. 2. Technical requirements
2 The measuring instrument should indicate the name, model, specification, manufacturer, factory number, factory date, etc. of the measuring instrument on the label.
3 Although the measuring instrument has a solid packaging box, it should be prevented from vibration during transportation. Each blade should be out of contact with the knife support. 4 The blade of the measuring instrument shall not have defects such as chipping, burrs, rust, etc. The contact part of the blade and the knife support should be in a straight line and in close contact. The total length of the non-contact part should be less than one-fourth of the total length of the blade, but there should be no gap at both ends. The sliding distance of the blade on the support along the knife axis should be less than [mm5 The installation of the foot screws and brackets should ensure that the measuring instrument is placed stably. The support rod and the support plate should be well connected, and the screws and the slots should be loose and tight to facilitate level adjustment. 6 The requirements for measuring and measuring rulers are shown in Table 1:
7 The requirements for the accuracy and surface roughness of the working parts such as the blade, blade support and blade stopper are as follows: blade, blade stopper: HRC62-65R, 0.2μm blade: HRC58+·62R, 0.2pm
stem: HRC50-·55
8 Requirements for special scales
center, IN~5N, its accuracy level is equivalent to M1-level scales. [0 N~200 N, its accuracy level is equivalent to M1-level scales. 3. Verification conditions
9 Verification equipment: 0.1N-5 N, 10 N.~200 NJ supply brick code each set, the accuracy level of which is the same as I2: 3-level [or G-level] gauge blocks, and length measuring machines of equivalent accuracy level 10 Pendulum torque measuring instrument is calibrated under (20+5)T: relative humidity is less than 75%. 11
Before the calibration of the star meter, it should be placed in the calibration room for more than 4 hours, and the calibration can only be started after its temperature is consistent with the temperature of the damage. 12 The calibration environment does not need to be moved and there is no volatile gas. 1
Graduation value
Direct measurement
Amplified measurement
Direct visual axle
Red rod amplified observation
Four-phase error at 1/3 maximum load
Comparative error
Indication error
Indication attenuation
JJG 931—1998
3 -40
Not more than 0.2 mV
Grain test library indication error: length 460mrm
not more than 2mV
not more than 2my
not more than 5
≤ the last division (2 divisions in use
indication error = 0.02 r
Measurement ruler measurement range: fixed section value -450mmMeasurement ruler division:
Active section 45]-·[000mmm
Measurement ruler zero value error: line coincidence section ± 0.05m. Line coincidence ± 0.02mmMeasurement ruler value error: +0.1m
IV. Verification items and verification methods
13 Carry out corresponding appearance inspection and performance inspection according to the requirements of Articles 2 to 5. , if it meets the requirements, other items shall be calibrated:
14 Graduation value calibration
14,1 Determination of empty division:
Record the pointer reading of the measuring instrument when it is balanced under load": on the load-bearing plate and pallet 1, if there is a small force value, the pointer can deflect more than one division, record the reading, and then calculate the empty division value (S) according to the ratio of the force value of the brick code to the number of divisions of the pointer according to formula (1). 2
Wu Zhong: Sr—
S = Lr-Le
No-load graduation value, mx/min;
Lever ratio (when effective weight =, length on the plate α-10); plus the force value of the small weight, mY;
L——pointer reading when the vehicle is balanced;
Lr——pointer reading after adding the small weight r
11.2 Verification of full-load graduation value
Read the pointer number when the measuring load is fully loaded: then Calculate the value of the fixed force on the weight or pallet. The small code needle can deflect more than 3 divisions. Note the reading of the pointer F. According to formula (2), the ratio of the value of the small code and the division number of the pointer number is used to calculate the filter load division (SarF
In the formula: Sp
Full load division value, rN/division: bZxz.net
Add the force value of the small brick code:;
Add the balance point of the small magnetic weakening:
Du rod (with, 1 Same);
1 The reading of the pointer when fully loaded and balanced.
[5 One-third of the maximum four-corner deviation B calibration (2)
15! Unload the support on the load-bearing plate of the measuring instrument, adjust the half balance, and place the most possible one-third of the station weights evenly in the center of the vertical break, and place the corresponding bricks on the front support points of the measuring instrument to balance the measuring instrument, record the pointer number, and then measure the load under this load Sm15.2 Place the weights on the load-bearing plate on the three negative points within the range of the guide, and record the reading of each balance point. Place them on each corner 3 times, and calculate the approximate value of the readings, and then calculate the four deviations of one-third of the scale by formula (3).
(LL): SE×100%
Wherein: 3
Three angles of maximum load error: one-third of the maximum load value; M: -Measurement deviation value:
The maximum division reading of the average value of each angle in the four angles; The small division reading of half the value of each angle in the four angles: 16 Lever ratio error A calibration:
After the measuring instrument is balanced, set 10 transmission codes on the top and make some V stations on the dial, then the large balance pointer will point to the half-balance point of the load balance. If it is away from the balance point, add or subtract the corresponding code A on the load-bearing plate L to balance it.
The lever arm ratio error is calculated according to formula (4):
r=100 N ×100%
Wherein: Ar——lever arm ratio error;
——the weight added and subtracted for balancing the measuring instrument (N). 17. Verification of indication error
17. Before the measurement, the crossbar of the measuring instrument should be locked and preloaded 3 times under the maximum load before verification. (4)
7.2 During the calibration, take at least 5 calibration points within the full range, and the minimum calibration point is 10% of the maximum range. Calibrate 3 times at each level, take the arithmetic mean, and calculate according to formula (5): W
W--evaluation error;
F--the average value of 3 readings;
F--the force detection of the magnetic code.
Indication repeatability is calculated by formula (6):
Rr = Em=m 100%
R—indication repeatability;
F——the average value of 3 calibration readings;
Product m: During each calibration, the maximum and minimum values ​​of the indication shall be 18 times different from each other.
Compared with the calibration method in Clause 17.2, after one secondary calibration, remove all the basic codes, the pointer should return to zero, and the deviation of different points shall not exceed 1 division (2 divisions in use). During the next calibration, it is allowed to readjust the measuring instrument to make it balanced.
19 The calibration of the row value brick code shall refer to the extended calibration procedure>JJG991990. 20 Calibration of the length ruler and the inspection rod
20.1 Calibration equipment: Use 3 or 6 equal blocks or corresponding length measuring machines for calibration. 20.2 The number of calibration points for the indication error of the length ruler can be 460, 480, 600, 800, 1000, 1000 and 15 points according to the use requirements: the calibration methods and technical requirements of the equivalent error, indication carbon difference, deviation of the inner and outer disks, half-line degree, and line width difference of the length ruler shall be carried out in accordance with the calibration procedure for calipers>JFC30-1992. V. Processing of calibration results and calibration cycle
21 A calibration certificate shall be issued to the qualified climbing hammer torque measuring instrument and the arm length ruler, and a calibration result notice shall be issued to those that fail the calibration.
J.IG 931—1998
22 The calibration cycle of pendulum force measuring instruments and arm length measuring rulers that have passed the calibration shall be determined in accordance with the following provisions. 22.1 The initial calibration cycle is 3 months. If the instrument passes the calibration for two consecutive cycles, the next cycle can be extended by one time, but the longest period shall not exceed 1 year.
22.2 For those that are used frequently, the calibration cycle should be shorter than the above provisions. Appendix 1
Inspection unit
Factory number
Calibration result N
No-load division
Loaded division value
Four-corner deviation
Ratio error
Return to zero difference (division)
Calibration conclusion:
JIG 931—1998
Verification record format
Verification record of impact testing machine hammer moment splash meter, manufacturer
, model and specification
Verification temperature
Average value N
, calibration period
, verification date
Indication error K
Small validity/%
Appendix 2
Name of Sichuan Instrument
Model and Specification
Instrument No.
This verification unit
Based on the inspection, according to the IFC 931—1998
Verification certificate format [front
Verification certificate
Responsible person
Nuclear product
Calibration period
Valid until
Appendix 3
Verification extension items
No-load graduation value
Full-load graduation value
Four-layer deviation
Same-temperature difference (grading)
Verification certificate format (back)
Indication weight
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