title>GB/T 2423.44-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2: Test methods Test Eg: Impact spring hammer - GB/T 2423.44-1995 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 2423.44-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2: Test methods Test Eg: Impact spring hammer
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 2423.44-1995
Standard Name: Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2: Test methods Test Eg: Impact spring hammer
Drafting unit:Shanghai Electronic Instrument Standard Metrology and Testing Institute
Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing for Electrical and Electronic Products
Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision
competent authority:China Electrical Equipment Industry Association
This standard provides a standard method for determining the ability of electrical and electronic products to withstand specified severe impact levels. This test specifies the test method for using a hand-held spring hammer to impact household and similar electrical and electronic equipment and their accessories and similar equipment in a specified direction, energy and number of times. GB/T 2423.44-1995 Environmental testing for electrical and electronic products Part 2: Test method Test Eg: Impact spring hammer GB/T2423.44-1995 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
GB/T2423.44—1995 This standard is formulated based on the first edition of 1991 of IEC68-2-63 "Environmental Test Spring Hammer" of the International Electrotechnical Commission. It is adopted equivalently. Appendix A of this standard is the standard appendix, Appendix B of this standard is the indicative appendix. This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China. Part 2: Test method Test Eg: Impact bomb This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions and Environmental Tests for Electrical and Electronic Products. The drafting units of this standard are: Shanghai Electronic Instrument Standard and Metrology Testing Institute, Shanghai Electric Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery. The main drafters of this standard are: Lu Zhaoming, He Jinkang, and Yu Zhanquan. 417 GB/T2423.44--1995 IEC Foreword 1) The formal resolutions or agreements of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on technical issues are formulated by technical committees represented by national committees with special concerns about the issue, and they express the international consensus on the issue as much as possible. 2) These resolutions or agreements are provided for international use in the form of recommended standards and are accepted by national committees in this sense. 3) In order to promote international unification, the International Electrotechnical Commission hopes that all member countries will adopt the contents of the recommended standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission as their national standards when formulating national standards, as long as the specific conditions of the country permit. Any differences between the recommended standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission and the national standards should be clearly pointed out in the national standards as much as possible. This international standard was prepared by the International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee 50 (Environmental Testing) Subcommittee 50A (Shock and Vibration). This standard was prepared based on the following documents. Draft Standard 50A(CO)188 More detailed full voting information can be found in the voting report specified in the table above. According to the provisions of IEC 104 Directive, this standard is a basic safety publication. It is an appendix to the subject. Appendix A Appendix B is an informative appendix. Voting report 50A(CO)207 1 Purpose National Standard of the People's Republic of China Environmental testing for electric and electronic productsPart 2: Test method Test Eg:Impact, spring hammerGB/T 2423. 44-1995 eqv IEC 68-2-63 : 1991 This standard provides a standard method for determining the ability of electric and electronic products to withstand specified severe impact levels. It is used to demonstrate the acceptable intensity level when evaluating the safety of the product. This test specifies the test method for impacting household and similar electrical and electronic equipment and their accessories and similar equipment (hereinafter referred to as "samples") with a hand-held spring hammer in a specified direction, energy and number of times. 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T2298--91 Mechanical vibration and shock terminology GB2421--89 General rules for basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products GB/T2422-1995 Terminology for environmental testing of electric and electronic products 3 Definitions This standard adopts the terms and definitions specified in GB2421, GB/T2422 and GB/T2298. 4 Test device 4.1 Description of spring hammer device The spring hammer impact test device driven by a spring shown in Figure 1. The device mainly consists of three parts: the main body, the impact element and the elastic load release mechanism. The main body consists of the impact element, the release mechanism and all the parts installed on the main body. The mass of the whole device is 1250g±10g. The impact element consists of a hammer head, a hammer rod and an operating handle. The mass of this movable part is 250g±1g. The hammer head has a nylon hemispherical surface with a radius of 10mm. Its Rockwell hardness is HR100. The hammer head is fixed on the hammer rod. Before the impact element is released, The distance from the top of the hammer head to the impact surface should basically conform to the corresponding values of the kinetic energy before impact and the spring compression given in Table 1. Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on August 29, 1995 and implemented on August 1, 1996 Kinetic energy before impact E 0.20±0.02 0.35±0.03 0.50±0.04 0.70±0.05 1.00±0.05 GB/T 2423.44—-1995 Table 1 Kinetic energy of impact element Note: Before impact, the approximate value of kinetic energy (J) can be calculated using the following formula: E 0.5FC × 10 3 Elastic force generated when the spring is fully compressed, N; in: F C.-Compression of the spring, mm. Approximate value of compression of a spring with an elastic constant of 2.75×10°N/m The mass of the hammer head is about 60g. When the release button is in the position of releasing the impact element, the hammer head spring should be able to generate a force of about 5N. By adjusting the release mechanism spring, it has sufficient pressure to keep the release button in the engaged position. The pressure required to release the impact element should not exceed 10N. The structure of the hammer rod and hammer head and the adjustment method of the hammer spring should enable the hammer spring to release all the stored energy when the top of the hammer head is about 1mm away from the impact plane. In the last 1mm of travel before the impact, the impact element should be a free moving body with only kinetic energy but no stored energy, except for friction. After the top of the hammer head passes the impact plane, the impact element can move freely without interference and should continue to move forward at least 8mm. Appendix A gives the calibration method of the spring hammer test device. When the device is in the horizontal position, the impact element has the kinetic energy value specified in Table 1 before impact. In order to avoid frequent and repeated settings and adjustments, it is recommended to calibrate each different kinetic energy value with a different test device. Hammer spring 4.2 Installation Release head Release lever $18.5±0.1- -27.5±0.1 The relevant specification should specify that the installation should be carried out in one of the following ways: 211±0.5 Figure 1 Spring hammer a) Install the sample on a rigid support surface in the conventional way:; 120 Release spring Release chain Operation button Dimensions in mm b) Lean the sample against a rigid support surface. GB/T 2423.44—1995 In order to ensure the rigid support of the sample, it is necessary to place the sample firmly against a solid and flat wall, such as a concrete wall, during the test. The wall is covered with a nylon plate, which should be firmly adhered to the wall and ensure that there is no air gap between the wall and the nylon plate. The Rockwell hardness of the nylon plate is HR100, and its thickness should be at least 8mm. The area of the nylon plate should be such that no part of the sample will be subjected to excessive mechanical stress due to insufficient support area. For small samples, a 15kg mass concrete block can be used as a rigid support. 5 Severity level The severity level includes the impact energy and the number of impacts. The impact energy value is selected in 5.1, and the number of impacts is specified in 5.2. 5.1 Impact energy The relevant specification should specify the impact energy of one of the values in Table 2. Table 2 Impact energy Impact energy 5.2 Number of impacts Unless otherwise specified in the relevant specifications, the total number of impacts shall be five. 6 Pretreatment The relevant specifications may put forward pretreatment requirements and shall specify the conditions. 7 Initial inspection The appearance, dimensions and function of the samples shall be inspected in accordance with the relevant specifications. 8 Test 8.1 Impact position The relevant specifications shall specify the position where the sample is subjected to impact. The impact shall be applied to the part that is actually most susceptible to damage. 8.2 Preparation of samples Before the sample is impacted, the relevant specifications shall indicate the tightening requirements for bases, covers and similar components. Note: Functional monitoring requirements may need to be considered (see 8.4b). 8.3 Operation of the test device Pull back the operating button until the release button is embedded in the groove of the hammer rod. Put the spring hammer in the firing state, place the spring hammer perpendicular to the test surface of the sample, and align the release cone head with and contact the specified position of the sample. Slowly increase the pressure to retract the conical release head into the body until it contacts the release rod, push the release rod to drive the release mechanism, and make the hammer head hit the sample. 8.4 Test method and function monitoring The relevant specifications should specify: a) whether the sample is required to be in working state during impact; 121 GB/T 2423. 44--1995 b) whether the sample is required to be functionally monitored during impact. In the above two cases, the relevant specifications should specify the criteria for accepting or rejecting the sample. 9 Recovery The relevant specifications may put forward recovery requirements and should specify the conditions. 10 Final inspection The appearance, size and function of the sample should be inspected in accordance with the relevant specifications. The relevant specification shall specify the criteria for acceptance or rejection of the sample. 11 What the relevant specification shall give When the relevant specification adopts this test method, the following details shall be given, whenever applicable. Particular attention shall be paid to the items marked with "*". This information is required at all times. a) Method of mounting* (4.2); b) Energy of impact* (5.1) c) Number of impacts, except five (5.2) d) Preconditioning (Chapter 6); e) Initial test* (Chapter 7); f) Location of impact* (8.1); g) Tightening of bases, covers and similar parts* (8.2); h) Method of operation and functional test* (8.4); i) Criteria for acceptance and rejection* (8.4 and Chapter 10); j) Recovery conditions (Chapter 9); k) Final test* (Chapter 10). A1 Structure of the calibration device GB/T2423.44-1995 Appendix A (Appendix of the standard) Calibration of the test device The main component of the calibration device is the indicating pendulum (see Figure A1). A steel spring sheet is firmly fixed to its lower part (Figure A2). The spring sheet does not require special treatment and is directly made of spring steel and firmly installed on the pendulum. The structure of the fully assembled calibration device is shown in Figure A3. In addition to the bracket seat, the main components include a set of bearings "a", an indicating pendulum and pointer \b", a release base "℃" and a release mechanism \d". The structural dimensions of these components are shown in Figure A4. The scale of the dial \\ is shown in Figure A6. A piece of tweed fabric is placed between the pointer and the metal surface of the bearing. A small force is generated between the bent piano wire and the tweed fabric to give the pointer appropriate friction characteristics. Because the release mechanism must be removed from the base when calibrating with the calibration device, the release mechanism is fixed to the base 1 with dart nails. A2 Calibration method of calibration device Before calibration, the release mechanism on the calibration device is removed from the base. The movable impact element (including the hammer head, hammer rod and operating button) is removed from the spring hammer impact device. As shown in Figure A5, an impact pendulum \a" is formed to complete the calibration of the calibration device. The impact element is suspended at four suspension points with four linen threads "b", and the suspension points are set on the horizontal plane above the spring sheet "" and the contact point of the impact element. When the impact element is at rest, the plane is 2000mm above the contact point. Swing the suspended impact element to knock out the spring sheet. The dynamic contact point of the spring sheet and the impact element should not move downward by more than 1mm relative to the static position. Adjustment can be made by raising the suspension point by a distance equal to the distance between the moving and static contact points. When adjusting the suspension system, the axis of the impact element should be perpendicular to the surface of the spring sheet. Moreover, the impact element should be in a horizontal state during the impact. When the impact element is in the static position, the calibration device should be set to the position where the head of the impact element hits during the calibration spring impact test. Note: An error of 1 mm in the vertical direction will result in a calibration error of about 0.8%. As an alternative, the impact element can be suspended by two linen lines. In this method, it is not only necessary to ensure that the axis of the impact element is perpendicular to the surface of the spring sheet. Moreover, the suspension system should be adjusted so that the impact element returns along the same path as before the impact. In addition, it should be noted that the line close to the head of the impact element should be at a sufficient distance from the top of the impact element to avoid interfering with the pendulum and pointer being measured. In order to obtain reliable results, the calibration device should be firmly fixed to a large and heavy bracket. For example, the energy used for calibration on the structural member of the building is 1J. This energy can be obtained by dropping from a height of 408mm±1mm. The drop height is measured at the center of gravity of the impact element, which can be conveniently determined using a liquid level. The level consists of two glass tubes "d" connected by a hose. One of the glass tubes is fixed and has a scale "e". The impact element with adjusted height is fixed at the highest position with a thin wire "". Cutting the thin wire can release the impact element. In order to make a dial, a circle needs to be drawn on the surface of the dial. The center of the circular dial coincides with the axis of the pendulum. Its radius extends the circle to the pointer. When the pendulum is in a stationary position, the point where the pointer contacts the measured pendulum is marked as the zero point 0J position (see Figure A6). When the suspension height relative to the impact pendulum is 408mm ± 1mm, the pointer's indication on the dial is equivalent to the 1J point. The operation should be repeated at least ten times. The average value of the pointer indication points is taken as the 1J point. The method for determining other scale values on the dial is as follows: a) draw a straight line through the center of the scale circle and the 0J point; b) the perpendicular projection point of the 1J point to this line is indicated as P; 123 GB/T 2423. 44-1995www.bzxz.net c) divide the distance between the oJ point and the P point into equal parts; d) draw a perpendicular line to the oJ-P line through each dividing point; e) the intersection of these lines and the circle corresponds to the impact energy of 0.1J, 0.2J, 0.3J0.9J respectively. The same principle can be used to extend the scale beyond the 1" point. A3 Use of the calibration device Put the spring hammer to be calibrated into the release base. Operate the release mechanism of the calibration device three times. The spring hammer cannot be released directly manually. The impact element should be turned to a different position after each operation. The average of the three readings on the calibration device can be used as the actual value of the impact energy of the spring hammer to be measured. Min Da Diagram Dimension unit: mm Figure A1 Pendulum GB/T 2423. 44-1995 Dimension unit: mm Figure A2 Spring Leaf a—-Bearing; b.-Pointer i.--Release Base; d--Release Device; e-Digital Plate Figure A3 Calibration Device 0.7 Piano Wire GB/T 2423. 44--1995 Release base Release contact Detailed diagram of calibration device Dimension unit: mm GB/T2423.44-1995 Dimension unit: mm a·Impact pendulum; b--Linen thread; c--Spring sheet; d·-Glass tube; e--Scale; f Fine line Figure A5 Calibration layout of calibration device Figure A6 Scale dial GB/T2423.44---1995 Appendix B (Suggestive appendix) Guidelines This test provides a test method for determining the strength of the sample machine. This test can also be used to assess the safety level of the sample. This test is used to apply impact to the sample by a handheld test device. This test with a manual spring hammer tester is particularly suitable for large samples where it is inconvenient to carry out a pendulum impact test (test Ef) because the sample is too large. Table B1 gives examples of the mass of the impact element (250 g in each case), the release force and the impact energy when using a spring hammer to carry out the tests specified in this standard for various types of samples. Table B1 Release force and kinetic energy GB8898 GB9393 IFC320 IEC 335-1 GB4793 IEC348 GB9316 IEC491 IEC 519-1 GB7000 IEC 598-1 GB 10495 IEC 598-1 GB7248 IEC 598-1 Gt3 9706.1 601-1 Test sample types Safety requirements for household and similar general-purpose electronic and related equipment powered by the mains Connectors for electronic measuring instruments Household and similar electrical equipment Electronic measuring equipment Electronic flash devices for photography Safety requirements for electric heating equipment General safety requirements and tests for lamps Main safety requirements to be followed when using electronic components in railway signaling technology Safety requirements for electric light sources Medical electrical equipment Mass of impact element Standard release force Approximate impact energy Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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