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JB/T 5054.5-2000 Product drawing design file integrity

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5054.5-2000

Standard Name: Product drawing design file integrity

Chinese Name: 产品图样设计文件 完整性

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-03-30

Date of Implementation:2000-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation >> 01.110 Technical Product Documentation

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery>>J01 Technical Management

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 5054.5-1999

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:2000-10-01

other information

drafter:Zhang Xiafeng, Wang Zhongkui, Zhang Xiulan

Drafting unit:Beijing Second Machine Tool Factory, Beijing Instrument Factory, etc.

Focal point unit:National Technical Product Document Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:National Technical Product Document Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:National Technical Product Document Standardization Technical Committee

competent authority:National Technical Product Document Standardization Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 5054.5-2000 This standard is a revision of JB/T 5054.5-1999 "Integrity of Product Drawings and Design Documents" based on the needs of design management and implementation of computer-aided design (CAD) file management. This standard specifies the complete set requirements and main contents of mechanical industrial product drawings and design documents, including CAD drawings and design documents. This standard applies to mechanical industrial product drawings and document design, including the integrity requirements of CAD files. This standard was first issued in 1990 as ZB/T J01 035.5-90, and the standard number was adjusted to JB/T 5054.5-1999 in April 1999. JB/T 5054.5-2000 Product Drawing Design Document Integrity JB/T5054.5-2000 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Drawing and design document of product
Drawing and design document of product2000-03-30 Issued
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
2000-10-01 Implementation
This standard is based on the needs of design management and implementation of computer-aided design (CAD) file management, and has revised the JB/T5054.5-1999 "Integrity of Product Drawings and Design Documents" (formerly ZB/TJ01035.5-90) standard. 1. The contents of design documents such as market forecast reports, technical research reports, pilot test outlines, pilot test reports, feasibility analysis reports, and feasibility analysis review reports in the decision-making stage of new product development and design have been supplemented; and in accordance with the requirements of the GB/T19000 "Quality Management and Quality Assurance" standard, the contents of design documents such as early failure analysis reports and user acceptance have been added; at the same time, the objects and contents of feasibility analysis reviews and design reviews have also been specified. 2. In order to accelerate the development of new products and adapt to the needs of the market economy, the integrity table is divided into two environmental conditions: contractual and non-contractual. In the table, "I", "II", "III" and "IV" respectively specify the requirements for different products. Among them, "II" is the leading product; "II" is a variant product or a derived product; "III" is a simple product; and "IV" is a complex product. Appendix A of this standard is a prompt appendix.
This standard replaces JB/T5054.5-1999 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Technical Product Documents. The drafting units of this standard: Beijing No. 2 Machine Tool Plant, Beijing Instrument Guang and other units are responsible for drafting. The main drafters of this standard: Zhang Xiafeng, Wang Zhongkui, Zhang Xiulan.50
1 Scope
Standards of the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Product Drawings and Design Documents
Drawing and design document of productGeneral principles
This standard specifies the requirements for the completeness and main contents of drawings and design documents for mechanical industrial products, including CAD drawings and design documents (hereinafter referred to as drawings and documents or CAD files). This standard applies to the integrity requirements of drawings and design documents for mechanical industrial products, including CAD files. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards are referred to as the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T1.3—1997
Guidelines for standardization work Unit 1: Rules for drafting and expressing standards Part 3: Abbreviations of product standards
JB/ T5058—1991 Guidelines for the Grading of Importance of Quality Characteristics of Mechanical Industry Products JB/T5995—1992 Provisions for the Preparation of Instructions for Use of Electromechanical Products 3 Integrity of Product Drawings and Design Documents
3.1 Products should have corresponding drawings and documents at each stage of development, decision-making, design, trial production, identification, formal production and random distribution. 3.2 The integrity of drawings and documents should be as specified in Table 1. Each enterprise should formulate enterprise standards based on the specific conditions of its product type, complexity, structural characteristics, batch size, production scale, production method, management method, etc. 3.2.1 For products that are relatively simple, their market forecast report and technical research report can be carried out at the same time, and the "market forecast and technical research report" can be compiled together.
Approved by the State Bureau of Machinery Industry on March 30, 2000 and implemented on October 1, 2000
JB/T 5054.5 2000
3.2.2 For products that only undergo technical design and working drawing design or only undergo working drawing design, there may be no drawings and documents at other stages. 3.2.3 For products that are only produced according to the contract or the technical requirements have been stipulated in the contract, there may be no technical agreement. 3.2.4 The detail column in the detail list and assembly drawing may have one of them. 3.2.5 For one-time production, special large equipment, special or simple products, etc., their drawings and documents may be determined according to specific circumstances. 3.2.6 The following drawings and documents may be compiled in combination: a) The same drawings and documents of the same series of products; b) Drawing catalog and detail list; c) Purchased parts summary list and standard parts summary list: d) Simple drawings can be directly drawn on the corresponding assembly drawings. 4 Contents of design documents
4.1 Market forecast report
a) Summarization and analysis of market supply and demand information of similar products; b) Market requirements for product varieties, specifications, performance, quality, price, etc.; c) Forecast of product life cycle;
d) Preliminary analysis of product economic effects;
e) Necessity of new product development.
4.2 Technical research report
a) Analysis of domestic and foreign product levels and development trends; b) Product function analysis;
c) Discussion on the use of new principles, new structures, new technologies, new materials, and new processes; e) Market and user requirements;
d) Conception of new products, including the working principle, main structure and performance of the product, as well as the standards or regulations to be implemented; f) Propose key research topics and preliminary test outlines as needed. 4.3 Preliminary test outline
) Test items and names:
b) Test objectives and requirements (should explain the current level and situation, and the goals to be achieved); c) Test conditions (environmental conditions, test equipment, test instruments, tools, and precision requirements of test instruments, etc.) d) Test methods, steps and corresponding record forms; e) Test precautions:
) Required test completion date:
g) Cost estimate;
h) Proposing unit and personnel.
4.4 Preliminary test report
a) Test items and task sources;
b) Test objectives and requirements;
c) Test start and end dates:
d) Test data;
e) Problems encountered during the test and analysis and treatment opinions: ① Test conclusions and suggestions;
g) Test unit and personnel.
4.5 Feasibility Analysis Report
a) Necessity of product development and market demand: b) Analysis of the ability to occupy domestic and foreign markets and its product life cycle; c) Discussion on the correctness, inheritance and feasibility of the overall product plan; d) Product performance, accuracy, main technical parameters, and whether they meet the applicable product standards or regulations; e) Technical feasibility analysis;
Analysis and propose product design cycle and production cycle; g) Analysis of enterprise production capacity and quality assurance capabilities; h) Economic effect analysis (product cost forecast and profit forecast). 4.6 Feasibility Analysis Review and Design Review Report a) Review category:
b) Review object;
c) Review content;
d) Review opinions and suggestions;
e) Review conclusion;
|) Review host;
9) Participants in the review and sign;
h) Review date.
Note: The review objects and contents are shown in Appendix A (suggested Appendix) 4.7 Product Development Project Proposal
a) Overview of the overall product plan:
b) Concluding opinions and requirements for product development; c) Product purpose and scope of use;
d) Basic parameters and main technical performance indicators: e) Implementation standards and regulations;
Completion date and requirements.
4.8 Technical Quotation
a) Feasibility analysis of product manufacturing;
b) Basic technical parameters of the product;
c) Basic structure diagram and appearance diagram of the product:
d) Performance and price (estimate) of the main raw materials of the product e) Main and supporting parts and their price estimates: f) Cost budget for tooling and molds, etc.:
g) Product testing cost budget, etc.
4.9 Technical Agreement
a) Main technical parameters of the product:
b) Main structure and performance of the product:
c) Special requirements for the product;
d) Main accessories and spare parts of the product:
e) Implementation standards and regulations:
Acceptance basis:bZxz.net
g) Other agreed matters.
4.10 Technical (design) assignment
a) Design basis;
b) Product purpose and scope of use:
JB/T 5054.52000
c) Propose key research projects and research and test outlines as needed, or propose solutions to key technical problems; d) Propose relevant modifications and improvement opinions on product development project proposals or technical agreements; e) Basic product parameters and main technical performance indicators; f) Overview of the overall layout and main structures;
More) Main working principles and systems of products
h) Analysis and comparison of similar product levels at home and abroad: i) Comprehensive standardization requirements, including: Product standards and other current technical standards to be implemented: Standardization coefficients expected to be achieved by new products (standardization coefficients are not required for modular design products): Standardization requirements for materials and components; Comparison with domestic and foreign levels: Standardization requirements for new products and expected economic effects of standardization, etc.;) Key technical solutions and analysis of key components, special materials, and supply conditions; k) Analyze and compare product performance, life and cost; 1) Propose packaging technical requirements:
m) Describe the situation in which the product meets both user needs and adapts to the development requirements of the enterprise; n) Estimate the product design, testing, and trial production cycle. 4.11 Research and test outline
a) Test project name:
b) Test purpose and requirements;
c) Test conditions (environmental conditions, test equipment, test instruments and tools, etc.); d) Test methods, steps and corresponding record forms: e) Test notes:
↑) Required test completion date;
g) Cost estimate;
h) Proposing unit and personnel.
4.12 Research and test report
a) Test project and task source;
b) Test purpose and requirements;
c) Test start and end dates;
d) Test data;
e) Characteristic curve:
f) Problems encountered during the test and analysis and treatment: g) Test conclusions and suggestions;
h) Test unit and personnel.
4.13 Calculation sheet
a) Calculation purpose:
b) Calculation method, formula source and formula symbol description (except for those using unified calculation formulas): c) Calculation process and results.
4.14 Technical design specification
a) Technical design basis;
b) Description of changes in basic parameters, main technical performance indicators, structure, principle, etc. determined in the technical (design) task book. 4.15 Technical and economic analysis report
a) Determine the main parts and components that have a significant impact on product performance, quality and cost; b) Technical and economic analysis and comparison of corresponding parts and components of the same type of products; c) Use value engineering and other methods to analyze the structure, performance, precision, materials and other items of the main parts and components of the product from the perspective of the relationship between cost and function, and demonstrate the structural plan that is technologically advanced and economically reasonable; d) Expected economic effect.
4.16 Early Failure Analysis Report
a) Cause of failure:
b) Impact of failure (if the impact of the failure involves user complaints, claims, violation of relevant standards or regulatory requirements, it should be clearly stated);c) Failure control (list the current control methods or indicate that it is not controlled):d) Probability of failure (referring to the probability of predicted failure);e) Severity of failure (referring to the estimated severity of the impact of the failure after the product is delivered to the user, generally divided into five levels) See Table 2: Table 2
Severity level
f) Recommended measures;
The nature of the failure is minor and will not cause significant impact on system performance. The nature of the failure is minor and has a slight impact on system performance, or the severity of the impact is low. The impact is medium and may lead to functional impairment. The impact is serious, such as functional failure
The impact is very serious, which will cause personal safety accidents or failure of the entire system, etc.g) Corrective measures Responsible department and person:h) Unit and person who submits the failure analysis report. 4.17 Document directory17. File Directory17. File Directory
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