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Rules for technical design of surveying and mapping

Basic Information

Standard ID: CH/T 1004-1999

Standard Name:Rules for technical design of surveying and mapping

Chinese Name: 测绘技术设计规定

Standard category:Surveying and mapping industry standards (CH)


Date of Implementation:1999-09-07

Date of Expiration:2006-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Surveying and Mapping>>A75 Surveying and Mapping Comprehensive

associated standards

alternative situation:Original standard number ZB A75001-1989; replaced by CH/T 1004-2005

Publication information

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CH/T 1004-1999 Surveying and Mapping Technical Design Regulations CH/T1004-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Surveying and Mapping Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rules for technical design of surveying and mapping
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the basic requirements, main contents and approval procedures for surveying and mapping technical design. CH/T 1004—1999
This standard applies to the technical design of mandatory and guiding surveying and mapping tasks, and market regulation tasks can be implemented as a reference. 2 General provisions for technical design
2.1 The purpose of technical design is to formulate practical and feasible technical solutions to ensure that surveying and mapping products meet technical standards and user requirements and achieve the best social and economic benefits. Therefore, each surveying and mapping project must be technically designed before operation. The technical design book shall not be implemented without approval.
2.2 Technical design is divided into project design and professional design. Project design refers to the comprehensive design of surveying and mapping projects with complete surveying and mapping process content, whose products can be directly used and circulated by the society. Surveying and mapping projects include geodesy, topographic survey, map making and printing, engineering survey and multi-purpose cadastral survey basic data surveying and mapping. Professional design is a specific technical design based on the project design and according to the type of work, and is the main technical basis for guiding the operation. The project design is written and reported by the competent department responsible for the mapping task, and the professional design is written and reported by the surveying and mapping production unit. The design work can be entrusted to the surveying and mapping design unit, or it can be written by full-time designers. 2.3 The basis and basic principles of technical design
2.3.1 The basis for technical design
The document or contract issued by the superior. b. "Related laws and technical standards.
Production quotas, cost quotas and equipment standards for surveying and mapping products. Basic principles of technical design
The technical design plan should consider the whole first and then the part, and take into account development; it should meet the requirements of users and attach importance to social and economic benefits. b.
Starting from the actual situation of the operation area, considering the strength of the operation unit (personnel technical quality and equipment conditions), tapping potential, and selecting the best operation plan.
Extensively collect, carefully analyze and make full use of existing surveying and mapping products and data. d. Actively adopt applicable new technologies, new methods and new processes. The size of a design area is generally completed in 1 to 2 years. Projects with large workloads , the operation area can be divided into several small areas, and technical design can be carried out separately; if the workload is small, project design and professional design can be combined. 2.4 Requirements for designers
2.4.1 Designers must first clarify the nature of the task, workload, requirements and design principles. 2.4.2 Designers should carefully conduct field surveys and investigations and analyses of the operation area. 2.4.3 Designers should be responsible for their design documents, go to the front line to check and understand the correctness of the design plan, and deal with problems in a timely manner when they are found. Approved by the State Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation on September 7, 1999
Implemented on September 7, 1999
2.5 Requirements for writing technical design documents
CH/T 1004--1999
2.5.1 The content should be clear and the text should be concise. Matters that have been clearly stipulated in the standard will generally not be repeated. Issues that are easily confused and overlooked during operations should be described in detail.
2.5.2 When adopting new technologies, new methods and new processes, the results of feasibility studies or trial production and the accuracy achieved should be stated, and an appraisal certificate or test report may be attached if necessary.
2.5.3 Nouns, terms, formulas, symbols, codes and units of measurement should be consistent with relevant laws and regulations and standards. 3 Approval procedures
3.1 After the project design is reviewed and signed by the chief engineer (technical person in charge) of the applicant unit and the design unit, five copies shall be submitted to the entrusting unit of the surveying and mapping task for approval.
Surveying and mapping projects issued by relevant departments of the State Council and included in the national mandatory plan shall be subject to the approval of the project design. The project design book shall be submitted to the surveying and mapping administrative department of the State Council for record.
The project design book of the guiding task shall be submitted to the surveying and mapping administrative department of the provincial people's government for record. 3.2 After the professional design book is reviewed and signed by the chief engineer (technical person in charge) of the production unit, it shall be submitted to the superior competent department for approval in four copies, and at the same time submitted to the surveying and mapping administrative department of the provincial people's government for record. 3.3 When the technical design book needs to be modified or supplemented in principle, the production unit or design unit may propose modification opinions or supplementary drafts, and submit them to the original approval unit for approval in a timely manner before implementation.
4 Contents of the project design book
4.1 Task overview: explain the name, source, scope of the operation area, geographical location, administrative affiliation, project content, product types and forms, task volume, main accuracy indicators required to be achieved, quality requirements, completion deadlines and product receiving units, etc. 4.2 Overview of the natural geography of the operation area: briefly explain the geographical features, settlements, transportation, climate conditions and types of difficulties in the operation area, etc. 4.3 Utilization of existing data: explain the completion of the surveying and mapping work in the data, the main quality conditions and evaluation, the possibility of utilization and utilization plan, etc.
4.4 Design plan
The basis for each type of work, the layout and encryption principles of control measurement, the technical requirements for aerial photography, the composition of the atlas, the drawing method, the main working methods and technical regulations. b. Special technical requirements, the basis and technical requirements for the use of new technologies, new methods and new processes, and make accuracy estimates or explanations. Main measures and requirements for quality assurance.
4.5 Planning and budgeting
. Classification of difficult categories of work areas.
b. Workload statistics: According to the design plan, calculate the workload of each process separately. c. Schedule plan: According to the workload statistics and the planned production strength, refer to the production quota, list the annual schedule plan and the connection plan of each process separately.
d. Budget: According to the design plan and schedule plan, refer to the relevant production quotas and cost quotas, prepare annual budget and total budget plans, and make necessary explanations.
4.6 Annex
Survey report.
b. List of available data.
c. Attached figures and tables.
5 Contents of the professional design book
5.1' Geodetic survey
CH/T 1004—1999
5.1.1 Task overview: explain the source of the task, the scope of the survey area, the geographical location, administrative affiliation, the amount of tasks and the technical basis adopted. 5.1.2 Physical geographical overview of the survey area: explain the geographical features, settlements, transportation, climate and other conditions of the survey area, and divide the survey area into difficult categories. 5.1.3 Analysis, evaluation and utilization of existing data: explain the operating unit, the surveying years, the standards based on the operation, the plane, elevation and gravity datum adopted; explain the quality of the existing data, and make an evaluation and point out the possibility of utilization. 5.1.4 Design plan Geodetic field survey: Generally, it is required to first carry out the design on the appropriate scale topographic map according to the relevant standards. After the design on the map is completed, it should be drawn into a design drawing of a certain scale. The literary description of the design plan should meet the following basic requirements:. Blue angle, guide wire, starting edge and astronomical measurement: explain the name, grade, figure, point density, utilization of known points and starting control of the determined lock, network (or guide wire); preliminarily determine the type and height of the standard mark, the type of the standard stone, the method of determining the horizontal angle and the guide wire edge, the joint measurement plan of the new and old points, and the method of determining the elevation of the triangulation point and the guide wire point. Explain the location of the Laplace point and the point for determining the astronomical longitude and latitude and the starting edge, determine the measurement plan of the astronomical point and the starting edge and the favorable season for observation;
According to the above situation, determine the workload according to the process. b. Leveling: Describe the elevation datum and the brief information of the starting point, explain the name, grade, location, length, spacing and numbering method of the route; determine the names and locations of intersections, basic points and bedrock points; explain the meteorological stations, hydrological stations, tide gauges and other leveling points that need to be measured; determine the type of benchmark and the specifications for burial: formulate various plans for observation, joint measurement, detection and crossing obstacles; calculate the workload. Gravity measurement: explain the layout and joint measurement plan of gravity control points and encrypted points, the measurement plan of gravity point plane coordinates and elevation, c.
the use and joint measurement of known gravity points; calculate the workload. Geodetic calculation: analyze and evaluate the field results data: explain the plane, elevation, gravity datum and starting data used; determine the mathematical model, calculation method and accuracy requirements of the adjustment calculation, and put forward the requirements for program compilation and verification; put forward the method of accuracy analysis, and the requirements for the printing format and arrangement of the calculation results; calculate the workload. When adopting new technologies and methods, the instruments used and the standards implemented should be stated, or the technical requirements and accuracy indicators achieved should be put forward.
5.1.5 Suggestions and measures
To complete the above design plan, draft the required instruments and equipment and main materials, and point out the measures and suggestions for operations that must be taken in business management, material supply, communication and liaison. 5.1.6 Attachments and tables
Technical design drawings.
Comprehensive workload table.
River and sky utilization table.
d. Main materials and equipment table.
Expected products and data table to be submitted, etc.
5. 2 Topographic survey
5.2.1 Aerial photography
The content of this professional design book shall be determined by the aerial photography unit according to the contract requirements. 5.2.2 Aerial survey field Task overview: explain the source of the task, the scope of the survey area, the geographical location, the administrative capsule, the scale of the map, the task volume and the technical basis adopted. Overview of the physical geography of the survey area: Describe the altitude, relative height difference, terrain type, difficulty type, and distribution and main characteristics of elements such as settlements, roads, water systems, and vegetation in the survey area: Describe the climate, wind and rain seasons, and living conditions. Analysis, evaluation, and use of existing data: Describe the plane and elevation datum, scale, contour interval, surveying unit, and age used in the existing data, the technical basis used, and the quality evaluation of the existing data and the availability of the data. Aerial data should state the aerial unit, the code of the shooting area, the shooting time, the camera model, the focal length, the image frame, the scale of the film, the quality of the aerial film (film), and the handling of problems. Design plan
Mapping specifications and mapping accuracy: Describe the projection method, plane and elevation datum, and the plane and elevation accuracy of the mapping. b. According to the project design requirements and terrain types, explain the mapping method and map contour interval. C. The layout plan of plane and elevation control points and related technical requirements. d. The survey method, technical requirements, tolerance regulations and accuracy estimation of plane and elevation control measurements. e: According to the quality of technical personnel and data, propose plans and technical requirements for indoor judgment and field mapping. If necessary, typical mapping samples and landscape photos should be made.
f. Photographic mapping: According to the survey report and data analysis, the characteristics and main representation methods of terrain elements are described according to the geographical landscape of the survey area. The requirements are as follows:
Residential land: According to the distribution of residential land in the survey area, explain the type of residential land, characteristics, representation methods and the original toilets of comprehensive selection; Roads: Describe the types and distribution of railways and highways, and for roads below highways, emphasize the requirements for comprehensive selection, etc.: Water system: Clarify the methods and requirements for measuring water levels, the selection principles of rivers, lakes and ditches in the water network area, and the representation methods and requirements for ancillary buildings of the water system, etc.;||tt| |Boundary: clearly define the level to which the boundary is represented, and put forward specific methods and requirements for the representation of national boundaries and other disputed boundaries; Landforms and soil quality: explain the characteristics of various landforms in the survey area, and the requirements for the representation of landform symbols and soil quality symbols; Vegetation: explain the requirements for the coordinated representation of the main vegetation types in the survey area, the principles for comprehensive selection of land type boundaries, etc.; other map elements that need to be described;
Place name survey: explain the basis and method for determining place names, the principles for comprehensive selection of place names in densely populated areas, the transliteration rules for place names in ethnic minority areas, and unified annotations for local characters in place names. g. Comprehensive mapping should also explain the requirements for surveying and mapping landforms and the requirements for annotations and decoration inside and outside the gallery. h. When adopting new technologies and using new instruments, the methods and requirements should be stated, the relevant tolerances should be specified, and necessary accuracy estimates and explanations should be made. Requirements for filling in the map calendar. Suggestions and measures: How to organize forces to complete the work tasks in the design area, estimate the main materials needed for the operation, and point out the main measures and suggestions for the operation that must be taken in business management, material supply, communication, special equipment, etc. Attached figures and tables.
5.2.3 Aerial survey internal work Task overview: Explain the source of the task, the scope of the survey area, the geographical location, administrative affiliation, the scale of the map, the amount of tasks and the technical basis adopted. Overview of the natural geography of the survey area: Explain the topographic profile, landform characteristics, difficulty categories and the main characteristics of elements such as settlements, water systems, and roads in the survey area. Analysis and evaluation of existing data: Aerial data should state the aerial unit, shooting area code, shooting time, camera model, focal length, image frame, frame mark, film scale, flight altitude, flight quality and the presence or absence of auxiliary instruments; aerial field data should state the control and mapping unit, time, operation basis, quality status and evaluation, etc. Design plan
a Mapping specifications, explain the projection method, plane and elevation benchmarks, mapping method and basic contour interval of the map, etc. b. Determine the operation method and instruments used according to the terrain type, data conditions and instruments and equipment. C. According to the adopted operation method and data conditions, make necessary accuracy estimates or explanations for mapping and each major process. d. Formulate an encryption plan, determine the encryption plan, the layout method of the reference points and the accuracy requirements of point selection, puncture points, measurement and computer calculation, and clarify the requirements for data collation and submission of results to the lower process. Explain the correction and reproduction methods of image planes and image maps, the instruments used and the accuracy requirements. e:
f. Explain the methods, technical requirements and tolerances for surveying and compiling the original aerial map, as well as the scale and color of the original map; when using one-shot 616
CH/T 1004—1999
, the requirements for compiling the printed original map shall also be stated. g. Explain the technical requirements for compiling the image map, including the principles for displaying the features and landforms, as well as the methods and requirements for their decoration and annotation. h. Explain the main features and representation methods of each element in the survey area; propose the principles for comprehensive selection and coordinated representation, the specifications and requirements for the decoration of the original map, and the provisions for the use of simplified symbols. If necessary, typical samples and sample maps shall be made. i. Propose suggestions for handling problems in the results of the internal work. j. When surveying in hidden areas, difficult areas or under special circumstances, or when surveying with new technologies or new instruments, the specific operation methods, technical requirements, tolerances and necessary accuracy estimates or explanations shall be stated. Attachments and tables
a. Encryption design drawing: mainly includes marking geodetic control points, photo control points, and route distribution; write out the photo number, map number, difficulty category contour distance, operation method, original aerial data, the border situation around the area and necessary explanations. b. Mapping design drawing: mainly includes map name, map number, latitude and longitude temperature, contour distance, map difficulty category, quota working days, various levels of boundaries, main water systems, distribution of main roads and border situation around the survey area, etc. 5.2.4 Plane mapping
In addition to referring to the design of the content of 5.2.2 of this standard, the following contents should also be supplemented: a. Explain the layout plan, survey method and relevant technical requirements of various control points. b. According to the characteristics of planar mapping, put forward the requirements for the representation of map elements and terrain measurement, etc. 5.3 Cartography
5.3.1 National basic scale topographic map Task overview: explain the task name, source, nature and purpose of the map, task volume, technical basis adopted, completion deadline and requirements. Geographical overview of the mapping area: briefly explain the geographical location, administrative divisions, natural geographical division types, characteristics of major landforms and landforms of the region, and divide the map into difficulty categories. Analysis, evaluation and use of mapping data: through the analysis and evaluation of mapping data, list basic data, supplementary data and reference data (including all available documents, charts, pictures, etc.), explain the degree and method of use. Design plan
Mathematical basis for the display and compilation of base map collage requirements. Operation methods, operation procedures and specific technical requirements in the operation. b.
Selection indicators of each element, generalization method and processing of the relationship between each element. c.
Production method of printed original map, technical requirements for clear (engraving) drawing of each element. d.
Production regulations of color separation sample map. Appendix: coordinate result table, supplementary graphic symbols, map area outline, data distribution outline, various index maps, comprehensive sample map, place name transliteration table and process flow chart, etc.
5.3.2 Ordinary map and thematic map
In addition to the contents of 5.3.1 of this standard, the following contents should be supplemented: a.
Map scale, projection, map range (cut, internal division and sub-section), confidentiality and publication form. b. Configuration of main area and adjacent areas, map name, legend, scale, processing of attached figures, description and design outline of gallery decoration. Analysis and use instructions of author's original map and other thematic element data. c.
Compilation method and requirements of geographic base map and thematic elements, map symbols and representation methods. d.
Color scheme of map, color scale, color layer table and printing requirements. 5.3.3 Atlas (volume) Task overview: explain the name, nature, purpose, content, size and number of pages of the atlas (volume), the scale, projection, size of the sheet, density of the latitude and longitude grid of each sheet, completion deadline and requirements. Analysis, evaluation and use instructions of cartographic data. 617 Design scheme
Mathematical basis for the display and drawing requirements.
CH/T 1004—1999
The structure of the atlas (volume), the design and requirements of the map group and map sheet, and the configuration of the drawing. b.
Technical methods and operating procedures for compilation.
d. Symbols of various elements and their representation methods
The production methods and requirements of the original printing map and color separation sample map. e.
The binding, publication form and printing requirements of the atlas. f.
g. Requirements for finishing, inspection and filling in the map calendar. Attachments: requirements for catalogue, design samples, outline and comprehensive sample maps, diagram legend table, text description and place name index, etc. 5.4 Map Printing
5.4.1 Task Overview: Explain the name, source, nature, purpose and task volume of the task, the technical basis adopted and the completion deadline. 5.4.2 Quality Requirements: Explain the accuracy requirements of printing, the technical and quality requirements of each process, the quality requirements of printing materials, special process requirements, etc.
5.4.3 Describe the quality of the original printing map and related materials, as well as the opinions on the treatment of existing problems. 5.4.4 Process Design
a. Methods and requirements for platemaking.
b. Methods and technical requirements for platemaking, explain the method of copying, the size of the finished map, the accuracy requirements, the method and number of reprinting, the content of the line-drawing plate, and the method of making the general dyeing plate; determine the number and type of overprinting (overprinting), the number of lines, percentage, angle of the film used, and the use of special films, and specify the plate type, bite, edge gauge size, the number of lines, percentage, angle of the overprinting film, and the use of special films. C. Printing requirements: explain the type, quantity, printing color, printing sequence and number of proofs, requirements for overprint accuracy and ink color. d. Specify the method, technical requirements, materials used, and production of clear samples. 5.4.5 Prepare a process flow chart.
5.5 Engineering survey
5.5.1 Task overview: explain the source, purpose, scope of the survey area, content and characteristics, workload and technical basis used. 5.5.2 Survey area overview: explain the geographical characteristics, settlements, transportation, climate and types of difficulties in the survey area. 5.5.3 Analysis, evaluation and use of existing data: explain the operating unit, survey years, technical basis and selected benchmarks of existing data; analyze the quality of existing data, and make evaluations and point out the possibility of use. 5.5.4 Design plan Plane and elevation control survey
a. Plane control measurement: explain the plane datum, grade division, point number, position, figure, point density, utilization and joint survey scheme of the control network, the height and type of the preliminary determined standard mark, the type and burial requirements of the standard stone, the observation method and requirements of the horizontal angle and distance, etc. b. Elevation control measurement: explain the adopted elevation datum and elevation control network grade, the length of the route and its network diagram, the type and burial requirements of the leveling point or mark; formulate the observation and joint survey scheme, observation method and technical requirements, etc. C. Internal calculation: analysis and evaluation of field results data, selected starting data and its evaluation, selected calculation mathematical model, calculation and verification method and its accuracy requirements, requirements for program compilation and verification, requirements for printing format and arrangement of calculation results, etc. Line measurement
a. Layout scheme and requirements of line control points, joint survey method, verification conditions and technical requirements. b.
Requirements for the starting and ending points of the center line and curve, layout requirements, survey methods, technical requirements, and the spacing and density of cross-section points.
Measurement methods and accuracy requirements for the plane and elevation of various stake points (center stake, turning point, intersection point, cross-section point, curve point, etc.). Requirements for re-surveying of various points at each stage of line survey, and tolerance regulations between each re-survey value. d.
Requirements for the tolerance of the direction point of the aerial ropeway deviating from the straight line, etc. Construction Survey
CH/T 1004—1999
a. Layout methods and accuracy requirements for the construction site control network and building control network, and layout and survey requirements for site elevation control points. b. Requirements for drawings and materials used for construction layout, technical requirements for layout and leveling between each construction process, and verification methods and tolerance regulations.
The method of setting out and the allowable deviation of measurement in the measurement of structural installation. d.
Requirements for the layout and measurement of cast-in-place piles, boundary stakes and red line points. The method of setting out and the allowable deviation of measurement for the construction of hydraulic structures, and the provisions for the vertical measurement deviation of the assembly of high-rise buildings and prefabricated components. Compilation and actual measurement of the general drawing of the completed project
Compilation and drawing of the general drawing of the completed project, explaining the content of the actual measurement, the method of dividing and numbering, as well as the legend symbols and the main basis for compilation and drawing. a.
The utilization plan of the original data of the drawing. The measurement method and requirements of the measured part of the completed drawing, the drawing accuracy and compilation requirements of the compiled part. c.
Requirements for various notes on the completed drawing. Deformation measurement
The plan for setting the benchmark points and the layout of the deformation observation points, the measurement method and its accuracy requirements. b.
Observation period of deformation observation.
Analysis of reliability of benchmark points, data processing methods, calculation formulas and statistical test methods, etc. Requirements for notebooks, records and calculations.
5.5.5 New technologies and methods used: explain the instruments to be used, the technical standards to be implemented or detailed technical requirements and operating procedures, as well as accuracy estimates, etc.
5.5.6 Attachments and tables.
5.6 Multi-purpose cadastral surveying and mapping basic data surveying 5.6.1 Task overview: explain the source of the task, the scope of the survey area, administrative affiliation, the scale of the survey area, the amount of tasks and the technical basis adopted. 5.6.2 Economic and geographical overview of the survey area: the level of industrial, agricultural and commercial development, land grade and utilization overview, etc. 5.6.3 Analysis of existing data: the benchmarks used in control results and maps, the distribution density of large sites, grades, map scales, quality evaluation, etc., the currentness and reliability of administrative division data, housing census data, and land use status survey data; the formulation unit and year of standards such as land use classification, division of land ownership units, and urban real estate classification. 5.6.4 Design plan
. The utilization plan of existing surveying and mapping data, the benchmarks and mapping methods used; the standards used in land use classification, division of land ownership units, urban real estate classification, and housing building structure classification. b. Control measurement: the layout plan of plane control, the specifications of standard marks and buried stones, observation methods, the joint measurement plan of new and old points, and the accuracy estimation of the control network.
Field survey and mapping: selected survey and mapping materials (topographic maps, aerial photographs, image plane maps); explain the content and methods of survey and mapping and investigation, c.
the representation of various ownership boundaries and the numbering method of hills, the requirements for filling in various forms and the items stored in the database. d. Methods and accuracy requirements for surveying boundary points and calculating area. e. Mapping operation plan: mapping operation methods, instruments used, accuracy requirements and tolerances, methods for expressing cadastral elements and topographic elements, and principles for comprehensive selection and coordination of various elements. f. Requirements for copying or printing technology of cadastral basic maps. g. Requirements for submitting results materials.
5.6.5 Attachments and Schedules
Mapping design drawing: mainly includes the annotation of the drawing number, mapping method, marking of administrative boundaries, streets (neighborhoods) and the scope and number of rural townships and villages (hill boundaries and numbers can be edited during the operation). 619
CH/T 1004---1999
Appendix A
Main contents of the survey report
A1 Administrative divisions of the operation area, time of survey, composition and division of labor of personnel, route and scope of survey. A2 Natural geographical conditions of the operation area: mountains, water systems, main landform types and characteristics, average general elevation, general relative height, natural slope of landforms, and visibility.
A3 Meteorological and climatic conditions of the operation area: wind, rain, snow, fog, temperature, air pressure, visibility, frozen soil depth and tall crop season, months available for operation each year, and average number of working days per month.
A4 Traffic conditions in the operation area.
A5 Customs and language of the settlements, distribution of settlements and rules of place names, and suggestions for the stationing of the operation team. A6 Soil, soil quality, swampland, etc. Vegetation types and distribution.
A8 Supply conditions in the operation area: supply of daily necessities, food, drinking water, fuel, and feed, the possibility and price of local materials such as wood, cement, sand, and stone, and the purchase locations of consumables, materials, and tools. A9 Labor, guides, and translators, etc. and wage standards. A10 Public security in the operation area, sanitation conditions, and preventive measures. A11 Existing mapping results in the operation area and their quality, the integrity of surveying marks, and preliminary analysis and opinions on the correct use of these data.
, Typical landforms, landform sample surveying and mapping, and photographic data. A13 Classification of regional difficulty categories and specific map difficulty categories (attached pictures). A14 Suggestions for improving the preliminary design plan. A15 Suggestions for future technical design and operations. Appendix B
Diagrams and tables in technical design
B1 Design drawings
Design drawings are an important part of technical design. They can intuitively reflect the overall picture of the entire technical design and the relationship between each operation process. According to the complexity of the technical design content, design drawings can be drawn for a single type of work or for multiple types of work. Generally, they can be divided into the following types of design drawings.
B1.1 Technical design drawings for triangulation and traverse measurement in the × survey area (including astronomical points and starting edges). B1.2 Technical design drawings for leveling in the × × survey area. B1.3 Technical design drawings for gravity measurement in the ×× survey area. B1.4 Aerial photography flight design drawings in the ×× photography area. B1.5 Technical design drawings for aerial survey field work in the ×X survey area. B1.6 Technical design drawings for terrain control measurement in the ×× survey area. B1.7 Technical design drawings for aerial survey internal work in the ×X survey area. B1.8 Technical design drawings for the XX mapping area.
B1.9 Technical design drawing of engineering survey in ×× survey area. 620
B1.10 Technical design drawing of cadastral survey in ×× survey area. B2 Contents and requirements of design drawings
CH/T 1004---1999
B2.1 The design drawings shall have titles (drawing names, codes), compiling units, compiling persons, reviewers, dates, necessary notes and legends. B2.2 The contents of the drawings shall reflect the workload of the tasks, the drawings shall be clear and concise, the size of the radial surface shall be appropriate, and the connection relationship of the existing data shall be indicated. B2.3 The scope of the operation area, longitude and latitude, major settlements, transportation lines, water systems and boundaries shall be indicated on the drawings. B2.4 When the contents of the design drawings are relatively complex, some auxiliary tables and necessary brief descriptions may be added to ensure that the contents of the design drawings and technical design books complement each other.
B3 Form
Comprehensive Work Quantity Table
The workload of each type of work should be compiled according to the relevant quota regulations, and the "Comprehensive Work Quantity Table" is in the format of Table 1. Table 1
Comprehensive Work Quantity Table
Grade or
B3.2 Man-Day Utilization Table
Unified Work Quota
Based on the data provided by the field survey, the number of man-days used in each month in the survey area is proposed to compile a "Man-Day Utilization Table" in the format of Table 2. Man-Day Utilization Table
Work Items
Number of Working Days in the Whole Year
B3.3 Main Materials and Equipment Table
Based on the design workload, the table of instruments, equipment and main materials and equipment required for the operation is compiled according to the material consumption quota and equipment standards. The format is as shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Main materials and equipment
Supply time
B3.4 Estimated products and materials to be submitted
According to the technical design requirements, list the products and materials required to be submitted according to Table 4. Table 4
Estimated products and materials
Product (material) name
B3.5 Utilization of existing materials
Fill in the existing results, drawings and other materials according to their utilization level. The format is as shown in Table 5. Table 5 Utilization of existing data
Data name
Data source
Utilization degree
B4 Cover format of technical design book
Cover format of project design book
Approval unit (stamp):
Approval opinion:
Approving person (signature):
CH/T 1004—1999
(Project name)
Project design book
Applicant (stamp)
Chief engineer (signature)
Design unit (stamp):
Technical person in charge (signature):
Main designer (signature):
Cover format of professional design book
Approval unit (stamp):
Approval opinion:
Approving person (signature):
CH/T 1004--1999
(Project name)
Professional design book
Applicant (stamp):
Chief engineer (signature):
Main designer (signature):4 When the content of the design drawing is more complicated, some auxiliary tables and necessary brief descriptions can be added to ensure that the content of the design drawing and the technical design book complement each other.
B3 Table
Comprehensive Work Quantity Table
The workload of each type of work should be compiled according to the relevant quota regulations, and the "Comprehensive Work Quantity Table" should be compiled. Its format is shown in Table 1. Table 1
Comprehensive Work Quantity Table
Grade or
B3.2 Man-day Utilization Table
Uniform Work
Work Quota
Based on the data provided by the field survey, the number of man-days used in each month in the survey area is proposed, and the "Man-day Utilization Table" is compiled. The format is shown in Table 2. Man-day utilization table
Work items
Working days throughout the year
B3.3 Main materials and equipment table
According to the design workload, the required instruments, equipment and main materials and equipment table for the operation shall be compiled according to the material consumption quota and equipment standards. The format is shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Main materials and equipment table
Supply time
B3.4 Expected products and materials table
According to the technical design requirements, the products and materials required to be submitted shall be listed in Table 4. Table 4
Expected products and materials table
Product (material) name
B3.5 Existing data utilization table
For the existing results, such as drawings and other materials, fill in according to their utilization level. The format is shown in Table 5. Table 5 Utilization of existing data
Data name
Data source
Utilization degree
B4 Cover format of technical design book
Cover format of project design book
Approval unit (stamp):
Approval opinion:
Approving person (signature):
CH/T 1004—1999
(Project name)
Project design book
Applicant (stamp)
Chief engineer (signature)
Design unit (stamp):
Technical person in charge (signature):
Main designer (signature):
Cover format of professional design book
Approval unit (stamp):
Approval opinion:
Approving person (signature):
CH/T 1004--1999
(Project name)
Professional design book
Applicant (stamp):
Chief engineer (signature):
Main designer (signature):4 When the content of the design drawing is more complicated, some auxiliary tables and necessary brief descriptions can be added to ensure that the content of the design drawing and the technical design book complement each other.
B3 Table
Comprehensive Work Quantity Table
The workload of each type of work should be compiled according to the relevant quota regulations, and the "Comprehensive Work Quantity Table" should be compiled. Its format is shown in Table 1. Table 1
Comprehensive Work Quantity Table
Grade or
B3.2 Man-day Utilization Table
Uniform Work
Work Quota
Based on the data provided by the field survey, the number of man-days used in each month in the survey area is proposed, and the "Man-day Utilization Table" is compiled. The format is shown in Table 2. Man-day utilization table
Work items
Working days throughout the year
B3.3 Main materials and equipment table
According to the design workload, the required instruments, equipment and main materials and equipment table for the operation shall be compiled according to the material consumption quota and equipment standards. The format is shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Main materials and equipment table
Supply time
B3.4 Expected products and materials table
According to the technical design requirements, the products and materials required to be submitted shall be listed in Table 4. Table 4
Expected products and materials table
Product (material) name
B3.5 Existing data utilization table
For the existing results, such as drawings and other materials, fill in according to their utilization level. The format is shown in Table 5. Table 5 Utilization of existing data
Data name
Data source
Utilization degree
B4 Cover format of technical design book
Cover format of project design book
Approval unit (stamp):
Approval opinion:
Approving person (signature):
CH/T 1004—1999
(Project name)
Project design book
Applicant (stamp)
Chief engineer (signature)
Design unit (stamp):
Technical person in charge (signature):
Main designer (signature):bzxz.net
Cover format of professional design book
Approval unit (stamp):
Approval opinion:
Approving person (signature):
CH/T 1004--1999
(Project name)
Professional design book
Applicant (stamp):
Chief engineer (signature):
Main designer (signature):
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