title>GB 4706.31-1995 Special requirements for safety of sauna heating appliances for household and similar purposes - GB 4706.31-1995 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 4706.31-1995 Special requirements for safety of sauna heating appliances for household and similar purposes

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 4706.31-1995

Standard Name: Special requirements for safety of sauna heating appliances for household and similar purposes

Chinese Name: 家用和类似用途电器的安全桑那浴加热电器的特殊要求

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1995-07-06

Date of Implementation:1996-08-01

Date of Expiration:2004-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrician>>Electrician Comprehensive>>K09 Health, Safety, Labor Protection

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB 4706.31-2003

Procurement status:IEC 335-2-53-1988 IDT

Publication information

other information

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

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GB 4706.31-1995 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances. Special requirements for sauna heating appliances. GB4706.31-1995 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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National Standards of the People's Republic of China
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances
Special requirements for sauna heating appliances
Safety of household and similar electrical appliancesParticular requirements for electric sauna heating appliances
GB4706 .31—1995
This standard is equivalent to IEC335-2-53 "Special requirements for safety of sauna heating appliances for household and similar electrical appliances" (1988 No. Edition).
This standard should be used in conjunction with GB4706.1-92 "General safety requirements for household and similar electrical appliances". The parts of this standard that say "applicable\" mean that the corresponding provisions in GB4706.1-92 are applicable to this standard; the parts of this standard that say "replace" shall be subject to the provisions of this standard; in this standard The part marked "Added" means that in addition to the corresponding provisions in GB4706.1-92, it must also comply with the added provisions in this standard; the part marked "Modified" in this standard means that it should comply with the revised provisions of this standard. The corresponding provisions in GB4706.1-92
This chapter in GB470.192 shall apply except for the following content. 1.1 This provision shall be replaced by the following content: || tt||This standard applies to thermal storage and non-storage sauna heating appliances with a rated input power not exceeding 20kW (hereinafter referred to as sauna heaters)
Note: ① This standard does not include unattended old appliances. Special hazards exist in places where children, the sick, and the disabled are active, and saunas used in these situations may require additional requirements
② For saunas intended for use on vehicles, ships, or aircraft. , need to add requirements. This standard does not apply to:
Users who only use steam to sweat a certain part of the human body and the user does not need to enter a bathroom or similar sauna; a.
b. Sweating saunas with the head kept outside the heated space; c. Tent-type saunas and other foldable saunas. 2 Terms
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 except for the following. 2.2.29 This article is replaced by the following content:
The full heat release condition of adequate heatdischarge means that the sauna device works under the following conditions: The sauna device (except prefabricated sauna device) should Installed in the sauna test room described in Appendix B according to the manufacturer's instructions, the prefabricated sauna device is assembled and installed according to the manufacturer's instructions
The following clauses are added to this chapter:
2.2. 101 Sauna heating appliance
sauna heating appliance
State Bureau of Technical Supervision approved on 1995-07-06 and implemented on 1996-08-01
is made by An electrical appliance consisting of a sauna radiator, control and safety device control panel, etc., and prefabricated sauna heating appliances are not equipped with a sauna room
Note: Sauna heating appliances can be equipped with more than one sauna. radiators, but these radiators should be close to each other and controlled by a common. 2.2.102 Saunaheate radiator
is to use electric heating elements to heat water in various ways to turn water into steam. A device that discharges steam. 2.2.103 A prefabricated sauna is a combination of a sauna room equipped with a sauna radiator, control and safety devices. Assembled after delivery. 3 General requirements
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 shall apply. 4 General instructions in testing
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 4.2 This clause is replaced by the following: bzxZ.net
The test shall be carried out on a sauna sample, which shall be able to withstand the tests specified in this standard. If the sauna is equipped with more than one sauna radiator, these radiators shall be tested together. If the sauna device needs to be equipped with sauna stones, a sufficient number of sauna stones should be provided with the prototype.
If the instructions accompanying the sauna have details of the power cord model, the power cord must be tested together with the specimen. 4.4 The following content is added to this article:
Unless otherwise specified, the test shall be conducted with the container filled with stones in accordance with the manufacturer's regulations. But if the capacity of the stone container is adjustable, the stone container should be filled with the most unfavorable number of stones. 4.5 This article adds the following content:
Place the sauna and prefabricated sauna in a large enough unventilated room. The following clauses are added to this chapter:
4.101 If an exhaust fan is installed and the exhaust fan is not related to the operation of the runner, the test shall be conducted under the most severe conditions between exhaust operation and non-operation. carried out, unless otherwise specified. 5 Ratings
This chapter in GB4706.1-192 is applicable. 6 Classification
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 7 Mark
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 7.1 The following content is added to this article:
In addition, the sauna radiator should also be marked with the following sign: the shortest vertical distance between the top of the radiator and the ceiling of the sauna room. The shortest vertical distance between the bottom of a radiator and the floor of the sauna room. Unless this distance is determined by the design of the radiator. The minimum horizontal distance between a radiator and all flammable construction materials of the sauna room, including protective fencing, unless this distance is determined by the design of the radiator.
For sauna radiators intended to be installed in grooves, the maximum depth and minimum width of the groove should be marked. For additional important information, please refer to the instructions. GB4706.311995
The sauna radiator should be marked with the following warning inside the cabinet frame: "Beware of fire covering!"
Prefabricated saunas should also be placed close to the inner wall of the sauna room The following warning should be marked in the frame of the sauna radiator: "Beware of fire in the radiator cover!"
The sauna radiator should also be marked with the following warning in the cabinet frame. If the sauna radiator can meet the requirements of Chapter 11 when tested without stones in the container, this warning is not required: "Beware of fire caused by insufficient container content of stones." Note: It is intended to be installed in the sauna room. Sauna radiators, control and safety devices, and electrical components intended to be installed in outdoor prefabricated saunas shall be marked with the splash-proof construction symbol.
7.8 Add the following content to this article
There should be a wiring diagram on the control panel of the sauna, as well as detailed information on the electrical connections of the controller and safety devices. Note: ① In addition to the required electrical connection information, the wiring diagram can also provide additional information as long as it does not cause confusion. ② If equipped with multiple control panels, the wiring diagram can be divided into several parts so that each control panel has its own wiring diagram and indicates the relationship with other control panels.
7.12 Modify this article as follows:
The first paragraph "for the interconnection of separate components (if any) during installation or use*" is changed to: The sauna radiator shall The instruction manual comes with the following details: the minimum and maximum volume (m) of the sauna room where the sauna radiator is intended to be installed; the minimum height of the sauna room;
several sauna radiators side by side Installation requirements or instructions that this sauna radiator may only be used alone; control and safety devices necessary for the correct operation of the sauna radiator and the correct location of these devices in the sauna room; separate control panel installation requirements and this sauna radiator. Instructions that "the control panel must be installed outside the sauna"; the model used for the power cord of the sauna radiator, and stipulates that the single-core cable must be protected by a metal conduit; the method of adding stones to the stone container and the use of ronal Precautions when radiating the radiator; ventilation facilities in the sauna room;
- Building materials for the walls and ceiling of the sauna room: - Installation of a separate protective barrier (if applicable). The instruction manual should also give the following warning (if applicable): "This radiator must not be embedded or placed in the wall! Prefabricated saunas should be accompanied by instructions that give detailed instructions on the installation and use of the machine. 7.14 The following content is added to this article:
The distance mark indicating the flammable materials in the sauna room should be clearly legible on the outside of the sauna radiator without removing the cover. Warning signs about fire hazards should be clear and easy to read after the sauna radiator is installed according to normal use requirements. The height of the characters should be at least:
The title is 5mm;
- other text is 3mm.
The above warning signs should still meet the clear and legible requirements after the sauna radiator is installed according to normal use requirements. This sign is allowed to be placed in the recessed lower part of the sauna radiator. 8 Protection against electric shock
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 9 Starting of electric appliances
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 10 Input power and current
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 11 Fever
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 11.2 This article is replaced by the following content:
Yes For saunas (except prefabricated saunas), the sauna radiator should be installed in the sauna test room according to normal use requirements. The radiator should be placed on the floor in a corner of the sauna test room or fixed on the wall. At the same time, it should Consider signage requirements regarding the minimum distance from flammable construction materials in the sauna. Thermostats and thermal trips intended for separate installation shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The volume of the sauna test room is adjusted to the specified minimum value according to the manufacturer's instructions. Note; if the minimum volume of the sauna room specified in the manufacturer's instructions cannot be obtained using the facilities described in Appendix B, the required volume of the sauna test room Can be obtained with additional partition walls.
11.3 The following content is added to this article:
The temperature on the front of the sauna must be measured with a movable wooden stick vertically erected on the floor in accordance with the provisions of Appendix B. Measure up the stick until it is at least 40cm above the highest point of the stone in the container. The distance between the sticks and the sauna radiator should be adjusted to the minimum horizontal distance marked on the radiator between the radiator and any flammable material. 11.4 The following content is added to this article:
Adjust the temperature controller to the highest setting position.
If the sauna radiator is marked with the warning "Beware of insufficient stones in the stone container", the test should be carried out with the stone container filled with stones. If this warning is not given, the test shall be carried out under the most unfavorable of the two conditions, with the container of stones empty or filled with stones. In addition, the test shall be conducted in the sauna room under the most unfavorable conditions of ventilation or non-ventilation specified in Appendix B. 11.7 This article is replaced by the following:
Sauna radiators other than thermal storage types should start running from the cold state until the temperature controller operates for the first time, and then run for 2 hours. During this period Measure the temperature inside.
The thermal storage sauna radiator runs for 3 hours immediately after reaching the maximum load condition, and the temperature is measured during this heat release process. 11.8 This article is modified as follows:
The "requirements" in front of Table 3 are changed to:
During the test, the temperature shall not exceed the temperature specified in the table of GB4706.1--92 plus 25K . In addition, the temperature of the wooden rods, walls, ceilings and floors of the test chamber or prefabricated sauna shall not exceed: 120°C, on the visible surface of the wood after the radiator is installed; - 90°C, after the radiator is installed After installation, the surface of the wood cannot be seen. Note: Small surfaces located behind thermostats and similar devices may be considered "visible" surfaces. 12 Appliances with electric heating elements are operated under overload conditions. This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 12.2 This article is modified as follows:
The 15 cycles specified are changed to:
The sauna radiator operates under the conditions specified in Chapter 11, but the sauna test room or prefabricated sauna The door of the vessel should be spread out as much as possible, and the stone container should be filled with stones.
This article also adds the following content:
During the test, the door should be left open to prevent the thermostat from operating. 13 Electrical insulation and leakage current at operating temperature This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 13.1 This article is modified as follows:
The time specified in Article 11.7 is changed to:
For non-storage sauna radiators, the radiator shall operate under sufficient heat release conditions as specified in Article 11.7 Test at the same time as the cycle. Heat storage sauna radiators should be tested at the end of the load cycle. 13.2 The following content is added to this article:
For three-phase sauna radiators intended to be used only in star connection, as shown in Figure 101, there must be a connection between accessible metal parts and the neutral line of the power supply. Connect the wires between the measurement circuits.
The leakage current should be measured when switches a, b, and c shown in Figure 101 are in the closed state, and then when switches a, b, and c are opened in sequence, while the other two switches are in the closed state Repeat below. Three-phase power supply
Figure 101 Circuit diagram for measuring the leakage current at operating temperature of a three-phase sauna heater intended for star connection only 14 Suppression of radio and television interference
GB4706.1 This chapter in 1.92 is applicable. 15 Waterproof
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 16 Insulation resistance and electrical strength
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 17 Overload protection
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 18 Durability
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 18.1 This article is replaced by the following:
For electrical appliances equipped with electric motors, compliance shall be determined through the tests of Articles 18.2 and 18.6. For other electrical appliances, compliance is fully checked by conducting tests in other provisions of this standard. 18.2 This article is replaced by the following:
The sauna shall operate under sufficient heat dissipation conditions and a voltage equal to 1.1 times the rated voltage for 48 hours minus the operating time required for the tests in Chapters 11, 12 and 13. Then, the sauna is operated for another 48 hours under full heat dissipation conditions and a voltage equal to 0.9 times the rated voltage. The operation can be continuous or a corresponding number of cycles, but each cycle must not be less than 8 hours. Note: If the appliance is equipped with more than one electric motor, the specified operating times apply separately to each electric motor. 19 Abnormal operation
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 19.1 This article is modified as follows:
The provisions applicable to various types of electrical appliances are changed to: through the testing of 19.2, 19.3, 19.4, 19.6, 19.7, 19.10, 19.11 (if applicable) Check whether it is qualified. The tests of 19.2 and 19.3 are only carried out on sauna radiators equipped with fans. Sauna radiators with fans are tested with the thermostat short-circuited and the motor operating, unless the fan is controlled by a separate switch.
If the stone container is detachable or delivered separately, the test shall be carried out with the stone container not in its normal position.
For sauna radiators that are not prefabricated saunas, the test in Articles 19.2 to 19.4 shall be carried out in the sauna test chamber by adjusting the volume to the maximum volume specified by the manufacturer or to the volume specified in the following table (Which takes the maximum value between the two). Rated input power of sauna radiator
13||tt ||16
Note: For intermediate values ??of rated power, the volume of the sauna test chamber shall be determined by the insertion method. 19.4 This article is replaced by the following:
Sauna laboratory volume
10||tt| |12
Conduct two tests under the conditions specified in Article 11.2 and under sufficient heat release conditions. The first time is carried out at a power supply voltage that makes the input power equal to 1.24 times the rated input power, and the second time is done at a power supply voltage that makes the input power equal to 0.85 times the rated input power. The test shall be carried out in the sauna test chamber under the most unfavorable conditions, ventilated or unventilated as specified in Appendix B, and under the short-circuit condition of any control device controlling the temperature during the test in Chapter 11. For thermal storage sauna radiators, the test shall be carried out with the lid or protective cover closed and in the most unfavorable intermediate position without the application of external force. However, during the latter test, the thermostat No short circuit. If the sauna radiator is equipped with two thermostats, both thermostats shall be short-circuited at the same time, unless otherwise specified. 19.6 This article is modified as follows:
The specified test period is changed to:
The motor stall test shall be carried out until the steady state is established. Articles 19.8 and 19.9 do not apply.
19.11 This article amends the following content:
During the tests of Articles 19.2, 19.3, 19.4, 19.6 and 19.7, the sauna shall neither emit flames nor Molten metal shall not emit dangerous amounts of harmful or flammable gases. The outer casing shall not be deformed to the extent that it does not meet the requirements of this standard. The electric heating element shall not damage the walls, ceiling, floor and other surfaces of the sauna test chamber. The surface temperature of the placed wooden rods or the surface temperature of the prefabricated sauna shall not exceed 165℃
In addition, the insulation temperature of the power cord shall not exceed 175℃, and the temperature of supplementary insulation and reinforced insulation shall not exceed GB4706. 192 The table in Article 11.8 stipulates 1.5 times the relevant value plus 25K. The following clauses are added to this chapter:
19.101 Sauna radiators shall not emit harmful radiant heat under any circumstances. Qualification is determined by the following tests.
The sauna radiator makes the input power equal to 1.4 times the power supply voltage of the rated input power, and the thermal control device installed in the sauna radiator does not work after the container is filled with stones. Process for 6 hours. After this treatment is completed, let the sauna radiator cool to room temperature and then install it under the conditions specified in Chapter 11, but the volume of the sauna test chamber should be adjusted to the maximum volume specified by the manufacturer. Sprinkle an amount of sand over the stone container to cover as much of the heat-reflective surface as possible. The container is then filled with stones and the radiator is operated at a supply voltage that makes the input power equal to 1.24 times the rated input power until steady state is established. The temperature of point M located in the middle of the sauna test room and 30cm below the ceiling should be kept at the lowest temperature value by means of heat exhaust through the door, but shall not be lower than 90°C.
During the test, the temperature of the walls, ceiling and floor of the sauna test chamber, as well as the temperature of the wooden rods or prefabricated saunas, shall not exceed 140°C.
Note: Sauna radiator processing does not have to be adjusted inside the sauna test room. If any part of the radiator (other than mirrors and similar materials) is deformed due to the action of high temperatures during handling, this part shall be replaced immediately before the subsequent test.
Do not use fans to remove hot air from the room.
If the heating element is damaged during the test, it should be replaced. 20 Stability and mechanical hazards
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 21 Mechanical Strength
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. The following content is added to this chapter:
21.101 Sauna radiator fixed on the wall The device should have sufficient mechanical strength. Qualification is determined by the following tests.
The sauna radiator is installed on the wall according to the manufacturer's instructions, and the stone container is filled with the maximum number of stones specified by the manufacturer. Place an object weighing twice as much as the radiator with the stone container (filled with stones or 100kg, whichever is larger) on the top of the radiator for 30 minutes.
After the test, the sauna radiator shall not be loosened from the wall, and the installation device shall have no obvious deformation. 22 Structure
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 22.1 This article is replaced by the following:
Sauna equipment is a 1, 1 or similar appliance.
22.2 This article is replaced by the following:
The sauna radiator and the control devices and safety devices intended to be installed in the sauna room shall be Splash type structure. For prefabricated saunas, the electrical components intended to be installed outside the sauna room should also be of splash-proof construction. Qualification is determined through observation and relevant tests. 22.29 This article adds the following content
The excessive heat radiation shield on the sauna radiator must be removed with tools. The following clause is added to this chapter:
22.101 When designing, it should be considered that the sauna radiator should be firmly fixed on its bracket. This requirement does not apply to sauna radiators intended to be placed on the floor if the minimum horizontal distance between the radiator and the wall is determined by the design of the radiator.
Keyhole slots, small hooks and similar devices, without other means to prevent the sauna radiator from loosening from its bracket, are not considered sufficient to securely secure the sauna radiator to its bracket. appropriate device. Compliance is checked by observation and measurement. 22. There should be a water outlet hole with a diameter of 5mm, or an area of ??20mm, and a width of at least 3mm at the bottom of the power junction box of the 102 sauna radiator.
22.103 The thickness of the sheath of the tubular electric heating element in contact with the sauna stone should be at least 0.4mm. Compliance with the requirements of Articles 22.102 and 22.103 shall be determined through observation. 22.104 The sauna radiator should be equipped with a timer that limits the operation of the sauna radiator to a maximum of 12 hours. Chapter 11: Qualification during the test.
22.105 A separate control panel shall not be installed in the sauna room. Qualification is determined by observation.
22.106 If the sauna radiator is marked with the warning "Caution! Insufficient stones in the container may cause a fire", then the delivery should be accompanied by enough stones to fill the container,
Compliance is determined by observation.
23 Internal wiring
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 24 components
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 24.1 The following content is added to this article:
The control and safety devices intended to be installed inside the sauna room, as well as the lighting devices and lamp holders of prefabricated saunas, shall be suitable for the conditions measured during the test in Chapter 11 It is used at the highest temperature or 125℃, whichever is higher. The switch installed in the sauna is not required to be a frequently operated switch. 24.3 The following content is added to this article:
The control panel of the electronic appliance should have a device that can disconnect the electrical appliance from the power supply, with a contact gap of at least 3mm. The following clause is added to this chapter:
24.101 The thermal circuit breaker shall be of the non-automatic reset type and shall be connected so that all electric heating elements of the sauna radiator can be disconnected when the thermal circuit breaker operates.
24.102 If a combination of a thermostat and a thermal circuit breaker is used to control the sauna radiator, both control devices should be equipped with independent contacts and independent temperature sensing elements.
For sauna radiators equipped with contactors controlled by the switching portion of the thermostat or thermal circuit breaker, the individual contactors shall be controlled by each of these controls. Whether GB4706.31—1995
meets the requirements of Articles 24.101 and 24.102 shall be determined through observation. 5 Power supply connection and external flexible cables and cords
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 25.1 This article amends the following content:
Sauna radiators shall not be equipped with appliance sockets. 25.2 The following content is added to this article:
The requirement of "intending to connect the power supply cord" in GB4706.192 does not apply to Rona radiators that are connected to the power supply through the power supply cord.
This requirement allows a power cord to be installed, but the use of a plug is not allowed. If a power cord is installed, it should also comply with the relevant requirements. 25.6 Modify this article as follows:
The model number is changed to:
The power cord should be a polybutadiene rubber sheathed flexible cord and should not be lighter than a polychloroprene rubber sheathed flexible cable. 6 Terminals for external conductors
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 27 Grounding measures
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 3 Screws and wiring
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 9 Creepage distances, electrical clearances and penetration insulation distances 29
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 are all applicable. 30 Heat resistance, flame resistance and tracking resistance
This chapter in GB4706.1--92 is applicable. 31 Anti-rust
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is replaced by the following content. The sauna radiator shall not emit harmful rays and substances with toxicity or similar hazards. Whether it is qualified or not shall Inspections shall be carried out in accordance with relevant regulations of the national health department.
Article 7 During the test, the sauna shall not emit flames or molten metal, nor shall it emit dangerous amounts of harmful or flammable gases. The outer casing shall not be deformed to the extent that it does not meet the requirements of this standard. The electric heating element shall not damage the wall of the sauna test chamber. The surface temperature of ceilings, floors, etc., the surface temperature of wooden rods placed in accordance with Chapter 11, or the surface temperature of prefabricated saunas shall not exceed 165°C
In addition, the insulation temperature of power cords shall not exceed 175°C ℃, the temperature of supplementary insulation and reinforced insulation shall not exceed 1.5 times the relevant value specified in the table of Article 11.8 of GB4706.192 plus 25K. The following clauses are added to this chapter:
19.101 Sauna radiators shall not emit harmful radiant heat under any circumstances. Qualification is determined by the following tests.
The sauna radiator makes the input power equal to 1.4 times the power supply voltage of the rated input power, and the thermal control device installed in the sauna radiator does not work after the container is filled with stones. Process for 6 hours. After this treatment is completed, let the sauna radiator cool to room temperature and then install it under the conditions specified in Chapter 11, but the volume of the sauna test chamber should be adjusted to the maximum volume specified by the manufacturer. Sprinkle an amount of sand over the stone container to cover as much of the heat-reflective surface as possible. The container is then filled with stones and the radiator is operated at a supply voltage that makes the input power equal to 1.24 times the rated input power until steady state is established. The temperature of point M located in the middle of the sauna test room and 30cm below the ceiling should be kept at the lowest temperature value by means of heat exhaust through the door, but shall not be lower than 90°C.
During the test, the temperature of the walls, ceiling and floor of the sauna test chamber, as well as the temperature of the wooden rods or prefabricated saunas, shall not exceed 140°C.
Note: Sauna radiator processing does not have to be adjusted inside the sauna test room. If any part of the radiator (other than mirrors and similar materials) is deformed due to the action of high temperatures during handling, this part shall be replaced immediately before the subsequent test.
Do not use fans to remove hot air from the room.
If the heating element is damaged during the test, it should be replaced. 20 Stability and mechanical hazards
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 21 Mechanical Strength
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. The following content is added to this chapter:
21.101 Sauna radiator fixed on the wall The device should have sufficient mechanical strength. Qualification is determined by the following tests.
The sauna radiator is installed on the wall according to the manufacturer's instructions, and the stone container is filled with the maximum number of stones specified by the manufacturer. Place an object weighing twice as much as the radiator with the stone container (filled with stones or 100kg, whichever is larger) on the top of the radiator for 30 minutes.
After the test, the sauna radiator shall not be loosened from the wall, and the installation device shall have no obvious deformation. 22 Structure
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 22.1 This article is replaced by the following:
Sauna equipment is a 1, 1 or similar appliance.
22.2 This article is replaced by the following:
The sauna radiator and the control devices and safety devices intended to be installed in the sauna room shall be Splash type structure. For prefabricated saunas, the electrical components intended to be installed outside the sauna room should also be of splash-proof construction. Qualification is determined through observation and relevant tests. 22.29 This article adds the following content
The excessive heat radiation shield on the sauna radiator must be removed with tools. The following clause is added to this chapter:
22.101 When designing, it should be considered that the sauna radiator should be firmly fixed on its bracket. This requirement does not apply to sauna radiators intended to be placed on the floor if the minimum horizontal distance between the radiator and the wall is determined by the design of the radiator.
Keyhole slots, small hooks and similar devices, without other means to prevent the sauna radiator from loosening from its bracket, are not considered sufficient to securely secure the sauna radiator to its bracket. appropriate device. Compliance is checked by observation and measurement. 22. There should be a water outlet hole with a diameter of 5mm, or an area of ??20mm, and a width of at least 3mm at the bottom of the power junction box of the 102 sauna radiator.
22.103 The thickness of the sheath of the tubular electric heating element in contact with the sauna stone should be at least 0.4mm. Compliance with the requirements of Articles 22.102 and 22.103 shall be determined through observation. 22.104 The sauna radiator should be equipped with a timer that limits the operation of the sauna radiator to a maximum of 12 hours. Chapter 11: Qualification during the test.
22.105 A separate control panel shall not be installed in the sauna room. Qualification is determined by observation.
22.106 If the sauna radiator is marked with the warning "Caution! Insufficient stones in the container may cause a fire", then the delivery should be accompanied by enough stones to fill the container,
Compliance is determined by observation.
23 Internal wiring
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 24 Components
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 24.1 The following content is added to this article:
The control and safety devices intended to be installed inside the sauna room, as well as the lighting devices and lamp holders of prefabricated saunas, shall be suitable for the conditions measured during the test in Chapter 11 It is used at the highest temperature or 125℃, whichever is higher. The switch installed in the sauna is not required to be a frequently operated switch. 24.3 The following content is added to this article:
The control panel of the electronic appliance should have a device that can disconnect the electrical appliance from the power supply, with a contact gap of at least 3mm. The following clause is added to this chapter:
24.101 The thermal circuit breaker shall be of the non-automatic reset type and shall be connected so that all electric heating elements of the sauna radiator can be disconnected when the thermal circuit breaker operates.
24.102 If a combination of a thermostat and a thermal circuit breaker is used to control the sauna radiator, both control devices should be equipped with independent contacts and independent temperature sensing elements.
For sauna radiators equipped with contactors controlled by the switching portion of the thermostat or thermal circuit breaker, the individual contactors shall be controlled by each of these controls. Whether GB4706.31—1995
meets the requirements of Articles 24.101 and 24.102 shall be determined through observation. 5 Power supply connection and external flexible cables and cords
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 25.1 This article amends the following content:
Sauna radiators shall not be equipped with appliance sockets. 25.2 The following content is added to this article:
The requirement of "intending to connect the power supply cord" in GB4706.192 does not apply to Rona radiators that are connected to the power supply through the power supply cord.
This requirement allows a power cord to be installed, but the use of a plug is not allowed. If a power cord is installed, it should also comply with the relevant requirements. 25.6 Modify this article as follows:
The model number is changed to:
The power cord should be a polybutadiene rubber sheathed flexible cord and should not be lighter than a polychloroprene rubber sheathed flexible cable. 6 Terminals for external conductors
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 27 Grounding measures
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 3 Screws and wiring
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 9 Creepage distances, electrical clearances and penetration insulation distances 29
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 are all applicable. 30 Heat resistance, flame resistance and tracking resistance
This chapter in GB4706.1--92 is applicable. 31 Anti-rust
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is replaced by the following content. Sauna radiators shall not emit harmful rays and substances with toxicity or similar hazards. Whether they are qualified or not shall Inspections shall be carried out in accordance with relevant regulations of the national health department.
Article 7 During the test, the sauna shall not emit flames or molten metal, nor shall it emit dangerous amounts of harmful or flammable gases. The outer casing shall not be deformed to the extent that it does not meet the requirements of this standard. The electric heating element shall not damage the wall of the sauna test chamber. The surface temperature of ceilings, floors, etc., the surface temperature of wooden rods placed in accordance with Chapter 11, or the surface temperature of prefabricated saunas shall not exceed 165°C
In addition, the insulation temperature of power cords shall not exceed 175°C ℃, the temperature of supplementary insulation and reinforced insulation shall not exceed 1.5 times the relevant value specified in the table of Article 11.8 of GB4706.192 plus 25K. The following clauses are added to this chapter:
19.101 Sauna radiators shall not emit harmful radiant heat under any circumstances. Qualification is determined by the following tests.
The sauna radiator makes the input power equal to 1.4 times the power supply voltage of the rated input power, and the thermal control device installed in the sauna radiator does not work after the container is filled with stones. Process for 6 hours. After this treatment is completed, let the sauna radiator cool to room temperature and then install it under the conditions specified in Chapter 11, but the volume of the sauna test chamber should be adjusted to the maximum volume specified by the manufacturer. Sprinkle an amount of sand over the stone container to cover as much of the heat-reflective surface as possible. The container is then filled with stones and the radiator is operated at a supply voltage that makes the input power equal to 1.24 times the rated input power until steady state is established. The temperature of point M located in the middle of the sauna test room and 30cm below the ceiling should be kept at the lowest temperature value by means of heat exhaust through the door, but shall not be lower than 90°C.
During the test, the temperature of the walls, ceiling and floor of the sauna test chamber, as well as the temperature of the wooden rods or prefabricated saunas, shall not exceed 140°C.
Note: Sauna radiator processing does not have to be adjusted inside the sauna test room. If any part of the radiator (other than mirrors and similar materials) is deformed due to the action of high temperatures during handling, this part shall be replaced immediately before the subsequent test.
Do not use fans to remove hot air from the room.
If the heating element is damaged during the test, it should be replaced. 20 Stability and mechanical hazards
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 21 Mechanical Strength
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. The following content is added to this chapter:
21.101 Sauna radiator fixed on the wall The device should have sufficient mechanical strength. Qualification is determined by the following tests.
The sauna radiator is installed on the wall according to the manufacturer's instructions, and the stone container is filled with the maximum number of stones specified by the manufacturer. Place an object weighing twice as much as the radiator with the stone container (filled with stones or 100kg, whichever is larger) on the top of the radiator for 30 minutes.
After the test, the sauna radiator shall not be loosened from the wall, and the installation device shall have no obvious deformation. 22 Structure
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 22.1 This article is replaced by the following:
Sauna equipment is 1, 1 or similar equipment.
22.2 This article is replaced by the following:
The sauna radiator and the control devices and safety devices intended to be installed in the sauna room shall be Splash type structure. For prefabricated saunas, electrical components intended to be installed outside the sauna room should also be of splash-proof construction. Qualification is determined through observation and relevant tests. 22.29 This article adds the following content
The excessive heat radiation shield on the sauna radiator must be removed with tools. The following clause is added to this chapter:
22.101 When designing, it should be considered that the sauna radiator should be firmly fixed on its bracket. This requirement does not apply to sauna radiators intended to be placed on the floor if the minimum horizontal distance between the radiator and the wall is determined by the design of the radiator.
Keyhole slots, small hooks and similar devices, without other means to prevent the sauna radiator from loosening from its bracket, are not considered sufficient to securely secure the sauna radiator to its bracket. appropriate device. Compliance is checked by observation and measurement. 22. There should be a water outlet hole with a diameter of 5mm, or an area of ??20mm, and a width of at least 3mm at the bottom of the power junction box of the 102 sauna radiator.
22.103 The thickness of the sheath of the tubular electric heating element in contact with the sauna stone should be at least 0.4mm. Compliance with the requirements of Articles 22.102 and 22.103 shall be determined through observation. 22.104 The sauna radiator should be equipped with a timer that limits the operation of the sauna radiator to a maximum of 12 hours. Chapter 11: Qualification during the test.
22.105 A separate control panel shall not be installed in the sauna room. Qualification is determined by observation.
22.106 If the sauna radiator is marked with the warning "Caution! Insufficient stones in the container may cause a fire", then the delivery should be accompanied by enough stones to fill the container,
Compliance is determined by observation.
23 Internal wiring
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 24 Components
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 24.1 The following content is added to this article:
The control and safety devices intended to be installed inside the sauna room, as well as the lighting devices and lamp holders of prefabricated saunas, shall be suitable for the conditions measured during the test in Chapter 11 It is used at the highest temperature or 125℃, whichever is higher. The switch installed in the sauna is not required to be a frequently operated switch. 24.3 The following content is added to this article:
The control panel of the electronic appliance should have a device that can disconnect the electrical appliance from the power supply, with a contact gap of at least 3mm. The following clause is added to this chapter:
24.101 The thermal circuit breaker shall be of the non-automatic reset type and shall be connected so that all electric heating elements of the sauna radiator can be disconnected when the thermal circuit breaker operates.
24.102 If a combination of a thermostat and a thermal circuit breaker is used to control the sauna radiator, both control devices should be equipped with independent contacts and independent temperature sensing elements.
For sauna radiators equipped with contactors controlled by the switching portion of the thermostat or thermal circuit breaker, the individual contactors shall be controlled by each of these controls. Whether GB4706.31—1995
meets the requirements of Articles 24.101 and 24.102 shall be determined through observation. 5 Power supply connection and external flexible cables and cords
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 25.1 This article amends the following content:
Sauna radiators shall not be equipped with appliance sockets. 25.2 The following content is added to this article:
The requirement of "intending to connect the power supply cord" in GB4706.192 does not apply to Rona radiators that are connected to the power supply through the power supply cord.
This requirement allows a power cord to be installed, but the use of a plug is not allowed. If a power cord is installed, it should also comply with the relevant requirements. 25.6 Modify this article as follows:
The model number is changed to:
The power cord should be a polybutadiene rubber sheathed flexible cord and should not be lighter than a polychloroprene rubber sheathed flexible cable. 6 Terminals for external conductors
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 27 Grounding measures
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 3 Screws and wiring
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 9 Creepage distances, electrical clearances and penetration insulation distances 29
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 are all applicable. 30 Heat resistance, flame resistance and tracking resistance
This chapter in GB4706.1--92 is applicable. 31 Anti-rust
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is replaced by the following content. The sauna radiator shall not emit harmful rays and substances with toxicity or similar hazards. Whether it is qualified or not shall Inspections shall be carried out in accordance with relevant regulations of the national health department.
The 101 sauna radiator must not emit harmful radiant heat under any circumstances. Qualification is determined by the following tests.
The sauna radiator makes the input power equal to 1.4 times the power supply voltage of the rated input power, and the thermal control device installed in the sauna radiator does not work after the container is filled with stones. Process for 6 hours. After this treatment is completed, let the sauna radiator cool to room temperature and then install it under the conditions specified in Chapter 11, but the volume of the sauna test chamber should be adjusted to the maximum volume specified by the manufacturer. Sprinkle an amount of sand over the stone container to cover as much of the heat-reflective surface as possible. The container is then filled with stones and the radiator is operated at a supply voltage that makes the input power equal to 1.24 times the rated input power until steady state is established. The temperature of point M located in the middle of the sauna test room and 30cm below the ceiling should be kept at the lowest temperature value by means of heat exhaust through the door, but shall not be lower than 90°C.
During the test, the temperature of the walls, ceiling and floor of the sauna test chamber, as well as the temperature of the wooden rods or prefabricated saunas, shall not exceed 140°C.
Note: Sauna radiator processing does not have to be adjusted inside the sauna test room. If any part of the radiator (other than mirrors and similar materials) is deformed due to the action of high temperatures during handling, this part shall be replaced immediately before the subsequent test.
Do not use fans to remove hot air from the room.
If the heating element is damaged during the test, it should be replaced. 20 Stability and mechanical hazards
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 21 Mechanical Strength
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. The following content is added to this chapter:
21.101 Sauna radiator fixed on the wall The device should have sufficient mechanical strength. Qualification is determined by the following tests.
The sauna radiator is installed on the wall according to the manufacturer's instructions, and the stone container is filled with the maximum number of stones specified by the manufacturer. Place an object weighing twice as much as the radiator with the stone container (filled with stones or 100kg, whichever is larger) on the top of the radiator for 30 minutes.
After the test, the sauna radiator shall not be loosened from the wall, and the installation device shall have no obvious deformation. 22 Structure
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 22.1 This article is replaced by the following:
Sauna equipment is a 1, 1 or similar appliance.
22.2 This article is replaced by the following:
The sauna radiator and the control devices and safety devices intended to be installed in the sauna room shall be Splash type structure. For prefabricated saunas, electrical components intended to be installed outside the sauna room should also be of splash-proof construction. Qualification is determined through observation and relevant tests. 22.29 This article adds the following content
The excessive heat radiation shield on the sauna radiator must be removed with tools. The following clause is added to this chapter:
22.101 When designing, it should be considered that the sauna radiator should be firmly fixed on its bracket. This requirement does not apply to sauna radiators intended to be placed on the floor if the minimum horizontal distance between the radiator and the wall is determined by the design of the radiator.
Keyhole slots, small hooks and similar devices, without other means to prevent the sauna radiator from loosening from its bracket, are not considered sufficient to securely secure the sauna radiator to its bracket. appropriate device. Compliance is checked by observation and measurement. 22. There should be a water outlet hole with a diameter of 5mm, or an area of ??20mm, and a width of at least 3mm at the bottom of the power junction box of the 102 sauna radiator.
22.103 The thickness of the sheath of the tubular electric heating element in contact with the sauna stone should be at least 0.4mm. Compliance with the requirements of Articles 22.102 and 22.103 shall be determined through observation. 22.104 The sauna radiator should be equipped with a timer that limits the operation of the sauna radiator to a maximum of 12 hours. Chapter 11: Qualification during the test.
22.105 A separate control panel shall not be installed in the sauna room. Qualification is determined by observation.
22.106 If the sauna radiator is marked with the warning "Caution! Insufficient stones in the container may cause a fire", then the delivery should be accompanied by enough stones to fill the container,
Compliance is determined by observation.
23 Internal wiring
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 24 components
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 24.1 The following content is added to this article:
The control and safety devices intended to be installed inside the sauna room, as well as the lighting devices and lamp holders of prefabricated saunas, shall be suitable for the conditions measured during the test in Chapter 11 It is used at the highest temperature or 125℃, whichever is higher. The switch installed in the sauna is not required to be a frequently operated switch. 24.3 The following content is added to this article:
The control panel of the electronic appliance should have a device that can disconnect the electrical appliance from the power supply, with a contact gap of at least 3mm. The following clause is added to this chapter:
24.101 The thermal circuit breaker shall be of the non-automatic reset type and shall be connected so that all electric heating elements of the sauna radiator can be disconnected when the thermal circuit breaker operates.
24.102 If a combination of a thermostat and a thermal circuit breaker is used to control the sauna radiator, both control devices should be equipped with independent contacts and independent temperature sensing elements.
For sauna radiators equipped with contactors controlled by the switching portion of the thermostat or thermal circuit breaker, the individual contactors shall be controlled by each of these controls. Whether GB4706.31—1995
meets the requirements of Articles 24.101 and 24.102 shall be determined through observation. 5 Power supply connection and external flexible cables and cords
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 25.1 This article amends the following content:
Sauna radiators shall not be equipped with appliance sockets. 25.2 The following content is added to this article:
The requirement of "intending to connect the power supply cord" in GB4706.192 does not apply to Rona radiators that are connected to the power supply through the power supply cord.
This requirement allows a power cord to be installed, but the use of a plug is not allowed. If a power cord is installed, it should also comply with the relevant requirements. 25.6 Modify this article as follows:
The model number is changed to:
The power cord should be a polybutadiene rubber sheathed flexible cord and should not be lighter than a polychloroprene rubber sheathed flexible cable. 6 Terminals for external conductors
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 27 Grounding measures
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 3 Screws and wiring
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 9 Creepage distances, electrical clearances and penetration insulation distances 29
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 are all applicable. 30 Heat resistance, flame resistance and tracking resistance
This chapter in GB4706.1--92 is applicable. 31 Anti-rust
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is replaced by the following content. Sauna radiators shall not emit harmful rays and substances with toxicity or similar hazards. Whether they are qualified or not shall Inspections shall be carried out in accordance with relevant regulations of the national health department.
The 101 sauna radiator must not emit harmful radiant heat under any circumstances. Qualification is determined by the following tests.
The sauna radiator makes the input power equal to 1.4 times the power supply voltage of the rated input power, and the thermal control device installed in the sauna radiator does not work after the container is filled with stones. Process for 6 hours. After this treatment is completed, let the sauna radiator cool to room temperature and then install it under the conditions specified in Chapter 11, but the volume of the sauna test chamber should be adjusted to the maximum volume specified by the manufacturer. Sprinkle an amount of sand over the stone container to cover as much of the heat-reflective surface as possible. The container is then filled with stones and the radiator is operated at a supply voltage that makes the input power equal to 1.24 times the rated input power until steady state is established. The temperature of point M located in the middle of the sauna test room and 30cm below the ceiling should be kept at the lowest temperature value by means of heat exhaust through the door, but shall not be lower than 90°C.
During the test, the temperature of the walls, ceiling and floor of the sauna test chamber, as well as the temperature of the wooden rods or prefabricated saunas, shall not exceed 140°C.
Note: Sauna radiator processing does not have to be adjusted inside the sauna test room. If any part of the radiator (other than mirrors and similar materials) is deformed due to the action of high temperatures during handling, this part shall be replaced immediately before the subsequent test.
Do not use fans to remove hot air from the room.
If the heating element is damaged during the test, it should be replaced. 20 Stability and mechanical hazards
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 21 Mechanical Strength
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. The following content is added to this chapter:
21.101 Sauna radiator fixed on the wall The device should have sufficient mechanical strength. Qualification is determined by the following tests.
The sauna radiator is installed on the wall according to the manufacturer's instructions, and the stone container is filled with the maximum number of stones specified by the manufacturer. Place an object weighing twice as much as the radiator with the stone container (filled with stones or 100kg, whichever is larger) on the top of the radiator for 30 minutes.
After the test, the sauna radiator shall not be loosened from the wall, and the installation device shall have no obvious deformation. 22 Structure
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 22.1 This article is replaced by the following:
Sauna equipment is a 1, 1 or similar appliance.
22.2 This article is replaced by the following:
The sauna radiator and the control devices and safety devices intended to be installed in the sauna room shall be Splash type structure. For prefabricated saunas, the electrical components intended to be installed outside the sauna room should also be of splash-proof construction. Qualification is determined through observation and relevant tests. 22.29 This article adds the following content
The excessive heat radiation shield on the sauna radiator must be removed with tools. The following clause is added to this chapter:
22.101 When designing, it should be considered that the sauna radiator should be firmly fixed on its bracket. This requirement does not apply to sauna radiators intended to be placed on the floor if the minimum horizontal distance between the radiator and the wall is determined by the design of the radiator.
Keyhole slots, small hooks and similar devices, without other means to prevent the sauna radiator from loosening from its bracket, are not considered sufficient to securely secure the sauna radiator to its bracket. appropriate device. Compliance is checked by observation and measurement. 22. There should be a water outlet hole with a diameter of 5mm, or an area of ??20mm, and a width of at least 3mm at the bottom of the power junction box of the 102 sauna radiator.
22.103 The thickness of the sheath of the tubular electric heating element in contact with the sauna stone should be at least 0.4mm. Compliance with the requirements of Articles 22.102 and 22.103 shall be determined through observation. 22.104 The sauna radiator should be equipped with a timer that limits the operation of the sauna radiator to a maximum of 12 hours. Chapter 11: Qualification during the test.
22.105 A separate control panel shall not be installed in the sauna room. Qualification is determined by observation.
22.106 If the sauna radiator is marked with the warning "Caution! Insufficient stones in the container may cause a fire", then the delivery should be accompanied by enough stones to fill the container,
Compliance is determined by observation.
23 Internal wiring
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 24 Components
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 24.1 The following content is added to this article:
The control and safety devices intended to be installed inside the sauna room, as well as the lighting devices and lamp holders of prefabricated saunas, shall be suitable for the conditions measured during the test in Chapter 11 It is used at the highest temperature or 125℃, whichever is higher. The switch installed in the sauna is not required to be a frequently operated switch. 24.3 The following content is added to this article:
The control panel of the electronic appliance should have a device that can disconnect the electrical appliance from the power supply, with a contact gap of at least 3mm. The following clause is added to this chapter:
24.101 The thermal circuit breaker shall be of the non-automatic reset type and shall be connected so that all electric heating elements of the sauna radiator can be disconnected when the thermal circuit breaker operates.
24.102 If a combination of a thermostat and a thermal circuit breaker is used to control the sauna radiator, both control devices should be equipped with independent contacts and independent temperature sensing elements.
For sauna radiators equipped with contactors controlled by the switching portion of the thermostat or thermal circuit breaker, the individual contactors shall be controlled by each of these controls. Whether GB4706.31—1995
meets the requirements of Articles 24.101 and 24.102 shall be determined through observation. 5 Power supply connection and external flexible cables and cords
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable except for the following content. 25.1 This article amends the following content:
Sauna radiators shall not be equipped with appliance sockets. 25.2 The following content is added to this article:
The requirement of "intending to connect the power supply cord" in GB4706.192 does not apply to Rona radiators that are connected to the power supply through the power supply cord.
This requirement allows a power cord to be installed, but the use of a plug is not allowed. If a power cord is installed, it should also comply with the relevant requirements. 25.6 Modify this article as follows:
The model number is changed to:
The power cord should be a polybutadiene rubber sheathed flexible cord and should not be lighter than a polychloroprene rubber sheathed flexible cable. 6 Terminals for external conductors
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 27 Grounding measures
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 3 Screws and wiring
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 9 Creepage distances, electrical clearances and penetration insulation distances 29
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 are all applicable. 30 Heat resistance, flame resistance and tracking resistance
This chapter in GB4706.1--92 is applicable. 31 Anti-rust
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is applicable. 32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
This chapter in GB4706.1-92 is replaced by the following content. Sauna radiators shall not emit harmful rays and substances with toxicity or similar hazards. Whether they are qualified or not shall Inspections shall be carried out in accordance with relevant regulations of the national health department.
This chapter in 1-92 is applicable except for the following content. This chapter adds the following content:
21.101 The device of the sauna radiator fixed on the wall should have sufficient mechanical strength. Qualification is determined by the following tests.
The sauna radiator is installed on the wall according to t
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