This standard specifies the data items and text values of the discipline of "geological economics", including the analysis of the situation of mineral resources, the reserve, supply and demand of mineral resources, various indicators of economic decision-making, various economic indicators of minerals, mining and mineral products, economic evaluation indicators of ore deposits, economic effects of geological work and management of geological work. This standard is applicable to the construction of various geological and mineral information systems, determines the database standard system and data dictionary, is the basic standard for formulating various geological data file format standards, and provides a technical basis for information exchange and sharing. GB/T 9649.24-2001 Classification Code of Geological and Mineral Terms Geological Economics GB/T9649.24-2001 Standard Download Decompression Password:
This standard specifies the data items and text values of the discipline of "geological economics", including the analysis of the situation of mineral resources, the reserve, supply and demand of mineral resources, various indicators of economic decision-making, various economic indicators of minerals, mining and mineral products, economic evaluation indicators of ore deposits, economic effects of geological work and management of geological work. This standard is applicable to the construction of various geological and mineral information systems, determines the database standard system and data dictionary, and is the basic standard for formulating various geological data file format standards, providing a technical basis for information exchange and sharing.
Some standard content:
ICS35.040 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T9649.24—2001 The terminology classification codes of geologyand mineral resources-Geoeconomy2001-04-29 Issued 2001-12-01 Implementation People's Republic of China General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine GB/T9649.24—2001 Classification principles Word selection principles Coding methods Use and management Code table content settings Geological economics term classification code table Appendix A (Standard Appendix) Explanation on the scope of classification word selection GB/T9649.24—2001 Informatization in the field of geology and mineral resources has emerged in countries around the world. my country should catch up with the world's advanced level, introduce modern information technology, and develop my country's information resources to ensure the realization of information sharing between various information systems to be built. In 1985, the national standardization department approved the establishment of the project to formulate the national standard "Geological and Mineral Terminology Classification Code", which was approved and issued in 1988. The content of GB/T96491988 "Geological and Mineral Terminology Classification Code" is mainly to combine geological and mineral production, scientific research and various geological phenomena, collect various types of related information involved in the attribute and the terminology used for qualitative description of attribute characteristics. In order to facilitate application and division of labor in compilation, and avoid duplication and omission of content, subject classification is used for compilation. After consultation, appropriate division of labor is made for the parts of content that overlap between subjects to ensure the overall systematicity, integrity and uniqueness. Character codes are given to terms used as data items (attributes), and a coding scheme combining surface classification and line classification is adopted, which can maintain uniqueness and have sufficient room for expansion. There will be no duplicate codes when supplemented as needed by the application. Terms used as text values are generally coded with numbers, which is conducive to storage and retrieval, saving space and improving processing speed. After five years of application, GB/T9649-1988 was revised in 1993 according to user requirements. Due to actual needs, only some disciplines were revised this time, and a series of standards were adopted to facilitate user use and future revisions. In order to maintain the stability of the standard, the principle of this revision is to keep the overall structure, word selection scope, classification principles, word selection principles and coding methods unchanged, and the original term code is kept as unchanged as possible, and its content is appropriately supplemented and modified. The 24th discipline "Geological Economics" of GB/T9649-1988 "Geological and Mineral Terminology Classification Code" was drafted by Wu Shitao, Zhan Shuhua, Zhang Xia and others. This standard is a revision standard for the "Geological Economics" section of GB/T9649--1988 "Geological and Mineral Terminology Classification Code". "Geological Economics" is one of the marginal disciplines of geosciences. Its connotation and extension are difficult to determine. As an independent discipline, it has a continuous improvement process. Since the original standard was compiled in 1985, when my country's market economy was not yet developed and lacked international communication, this revision enriched and added content related to market operation mechanism and international integration. After the original standard was issued and implemented, the former Ministry of Land and Mineral Resources and other departments successively established information systems such as "Exploration Registration Database", "Mining Registration Database", "Second Phase Demonstration of Mineral Resources Guarantee Degree of the Ministry of Land and Mineral Resources", "Geological Economic Information System Database Design", and formulated the "Mineral Product Supply and Demand Information Data File Format" and other geological and mining industry standards. According to user needs, this revision adds technical and economic evaluation content related to mine construction and mineral product quality; combined with the survey of developed market economies such as the United States, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, Australia, etc., this revision adds new terms related to "mining rights". This revision adds more than 230 terms. Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard. This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Land and Resources. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding. This standard is organized and drafted by the China Institute of Geological and Mineral Information. This standard is managed and maintained by the China Institute of Geological and Mineral Information. The main drafters of this standard are Fu Yikai, Li Wanheng, Chen Chunzi, Ma Deyao, Zhao Jingman, Wu Zhongyu and Fan Zhankui. GB/T9649-1988 was issued on July 8, 1988. Part 24 of GB/T9649-1988 was revised for the first time on April 29, 2001. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Terminology Classification Codes of Geologyand Mineral Resources-Geoeconomy The terminology classification codes of geologyand mineral resources-GeoeconomyGB/T9649.24—2001 Partially replaces GB/T9649—1988 This standard specifies the data items and text values of the subject of "geology and mineral resources" including mineral resources situation analysis, mineral resources reserves, supply and demand, economic decision-making indicators, various economic indicators of minerals, mining and mineral products, economic evaluation indicators of ore deposits, economic effects of geological work and geological work management. This standard is applicable to the construction of various geological and mineral information systems, determines the database standard system and data dictionary, is the basic standard for formulating various geological data file format standards, and provides a technical basis for realizing information exchange and sharing. 2 Definitions This standard adopts the following definitions. 2.1 Data item: refers to the term that reflects the basic attributes of various geological entities and their upper-level concepts. 2.2 Text value: refers to the term used to make a specific qualitative description of the basic attributes of geological entities. 3 Classification principles 3.1 This standard adopts the surface classification method to divide geological science into 35 major disciplines in accordance with the principles of easy compilation and use and minimizing code redundancy while leaving room for expansion, and strictly divides the boundaries to maintain the overall systematicity and integrity and avoid duplication and overlap of content. 3.2 A three-level tree classification is adopted under the major categories, from middle categories, small categories to basic data item names. The content levels of each discipline are different, and can be less than three levels. Under the condition that the coding capacity allows, it can also be divided into four levels. 3.3 Classification at all levels is scientific, systematic and universal. 4 Principles of word selection 4.1 Objects of word selection: terms that may be used as data items of various geological and mineral databases (including upper-level concepts of data items selected from the classification sense), as well as terms to be used to qualitatively describe the text values of data items. The selected terms are consistent with the current relevant national standards, and refer to the current various geological work specifications as much as possible. 4.2 The terms used as data items are unique in this standard. Any synonyms are marked in the remarks column for reference, but they shall not be used when building the database. 4.3 The selected terms are simple, clear and unambiguous. The needs of establishing a database are fully considered. 4.4 In order to ensure the integrity and systematicness of the "Geological and Mineral Terminology Classification Code" and avoid duplication, the content already included in the basic disciplines will no longer be selected in the applied disciplines, and only the unique content of emerging disciplines and marginal disciplines will be selected. For instructions on the scope of classification and selection of terms, please see Appendix A (Appendix to the standard). 4.5 Appropriately select some terms that reflect the new direction and new level of discipline development. Approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China on April 29, 2001, and implemented on December 1, 2001 GB/T9649.24—2001 4.6 For the convenience of use, individual frequently used data items may appear repeatedly in different disciplines, but they must be encoded in a unified way to ensure the uniqueness of the code. There may be a small amount of duplication of text values under different data items. 5 Coding method 5.1 Data items are encoded using no more than six Latin letters (uppercase), and are generally divided into four levels. The structure is as follows: X area Major category, middle category, and small category data item Major categories take the Chinese phonetic initials of two Chinese characters that can reflect the meaning of the category as codes, which have a certain degree of readability. For example, "structural geology" takes "GZ" as the code. The following is a tree-shaped nested format, with the middle category and small category each taking the order of letters A to Z, and the last two are basic data items, which are relatively large in number and are arranged in the order of AAZZ. If there is a need for grading and there is enough expansion margin, the last two digits can also be divided into two levels. 5.2 Text values are generally coded digitally, and their length is determined by the needs of classification, the number of text values, and the margin left for expansion. Try to shorten them as much as possible to reduce margins. When text values are graded, digital hierarchical nesting is used, and the text value codes under the same data item are equal-length codes. Some text values (such as chemical elements, strata, etc.) continue to use the original international or domestic universal character codes. 6 Use and Management 6.1 Usage: This standard is provided in both written and magnetic media forms. Users can select the required terms and their codes from various disciplines according to their respective database construction purposes as the data dictionary of their own systems. 6.2 If the content of this standard cannot meet a certain need, you can propose the content to be supplemented and report it to the standard management unit for supplementation in the corresponding discipline, and give a code for use. It is not allowed to add words or codes on your own. In this way, you can meet the needs and maintain the stability of the standard. 7 Code table content settings In order to meet the needs of database construction and international communication, the classification and code table has four columns: code, Chinese name, English translation (paleontology is Latin name) and remarks. 8Classification code table of geological economics terms Geological economics Geological economics Chinese name Mineral resources situation Basic information of technical-economics Economic evaluation of ore deposits Economic effect of geological work Geological work management Mining right Mining market Mineral resources situation Range of resources situation analysisSupply and demand analysis of mineral products Dynamic analysis of mineral resource reserves Analysis of resource situation factors English translation The situation of mineral resourcesBasic information of technical-economicsEconomic evaluation of ore depositsEconomic effect of geological workGeological work management Mining tenement Mining market Range of resources situation analysisSupply and demand analysis of mineral products commoditiesDynamic analysis of mineral resources reservedAnalysis of factors of the resources situationRemarks JJAAAA JJAAAB JJAAAC JJAAAD JJAAAE JJAAEA JJAAEB JIAAED JJABAA JJABAB|| tt||JJABAC JJABAD||t t||JJABAE JJABAF JJABAG Chinese character name Mineral product market forecast Mineral resource economic decision-making Mineral resource situation analysis method Resource situation analysis scope Mineral situation analysis Regional name Spatial scope Time element Mineral situation analysis Long-term minerals Urgently in short supply minerals Advantageous minerals Disadvantageous minerals Short-term products Spatial scope Economic zone Regional country National group Other countries or regions Time factor Prospect analysis Current situation analysis Pre-analysis Post-analysis Mineral product supply and demand analysis Analysis Supply and demand of mineral products Mineral mining base Analysis of terminal use of mineral products Supply of mineral products Supply and demand relationship Supply and demand of mineral products Annual output Annual consumption Annual surplus Annual shortage Annual export Annual import Annual growth coefficient GB/T9649.24—2001 地质经济学 英译名 Market forecasting of mineral commoditiesDecision making of mineral economicsAnalysis methods of mineral resources situationPrice mineral situation analysis Names of district Life cycle Spatial range Timefactor Sufficient minerals Deficient minerals Superior minerals Deficient minerals Deficient products Domestic Provincial District Drainage basin Economiczone Continent Regional nations National group Other countries or regions Long-term analysis Present situation analysis Prior analysis Posterior analysis Demand and supply of mineral commoditiesMiningbase End-use analysis of mineral commoditiesSupply of mineral commoditiesRelationshop between supply and demandAnnual production Annual consumption Annual surplus Annual shortage Annual export Annual import Annual growth rate JJABAI JJABAJ JJABAK JJABAL JJABAM JJABAN JJABAO JJABAP JJABAQ JJABAR JJABAS JJABAT JJABAU JJABAV JJABAW JJABAX JJABAY JJABAZ JJABBA JJABBC JJABBD JJABBF JJABBG JJABBH JJABBI JJABBK JJABCA JJABCB JJABCC JIABCD JJABCE JJABCF JJABCG JJABCH JJABCI JJABCJ JJABCA 矿产自给率 汉字名 供需比 产量所居位数 产量占百分比 消耗量所居位数 消耗量占百分比 出口量所居位数 出口量占百分比 进口量所居位数 进口量占百分比 消费量 需求量 消费部门 消费单位 供应量 进口量 出口量 需求部门 需求单位 矿产开采基地 主要矿产国 次要矿产国 主要矿产地区 次要矿产地区 主要矿山 次要矿山 年开采量 开采量所居位数 开采量占百分比 销采比 法人单位代码 矿产品终端用途分析 矿产品用途 矿产品主要用途 矿产品次要用途 主要用量 次要用量 主要用量占百分比 次要用量占百分比 消费满足率 新用途开发概率 代用品开发概率 矿产品用途 民用工业 军需工业 GB/T9649.24—2001 地质经济学 英译名 Rate of self-sufficiency of mineral commoditiesRatio of supply to demand Position of production Production in terms of percentagePosition of consumption Consumption in terms of percentagePosition of export Export in terms of percentagePosition of import Import in terms of percentageConsumption Demand Consumption department Consumption unit Supply Import Export Demand department Demand unit Major mineral production countriesMinormineral production countriesMajor mineral production regionsMinor mineral production regionsMajormines Minormines Annual ore production Position of ore production Annual ore production in terms of percentageRatio of sales to productionCode of corporate body Usage of mineral commoditiesMajor use of mineral commoditiesMinor use of mineral commoditiesTonnage for major use Tonnage for minor use Percentage of major use Percentage of minor use Ratio of production full consumptionProbability of new use developmentProbability of substitutoral products developmentCivil industry Agriculture Military industry JJABDB JJABDC JJABDE JJABDF JJABDH JJABDI JJABDJ JJABDK JJABDL 重工业 轻工业 基础工业 地勘业 钢铁工业 汉字名 有色金属工业 加工工业 化学工业 电子工业 机械制造工业 建筑材料工业 陶瓷及耐火工业 研磨工业 能源工业 煤炭工业 石油工业 对外贸易 珍宝业 金融业 服务业 旅游业 矿产品供应 供货单位 供货部门 供货地点 供货方式 进口国别 进口部门 进口单位 出口国别 出口部门 出口单位 供货方式 供求关系 供求平衡 供不应求 供过于求 矿产资源储备动态分析 可回收矿产 PKCAAA能利用储量 GB/T9649.24—2001 地质经济学 英译名 Heavy industry Light industry Basic industry Mining industry Geological and explorational industryIron and steel industry Nonferrous metals industry Processing industry Chemical industry Electronic industry Mechanic industry Construction material industryCeramic and refractory industryAbrasive industry Energyindustry Coal industry Oil industry Foreign trade business Gemstone and jewellery industryFinance business Service industry Tourist industry Unit of supply Department of supply Location of supply Modeof supply Nationality of import Departmentofimport Unit of Nationality of export Department of export Unit of export Addition Futures Balance between supply and demandDemand exceeds supply Supply exceeds demand Recoverable minerals Usablereserves PKCAAB 汉字名 经济可采储量 拥有资源所居位数 拥有资源所占百分比 储采比 储采均衡程度 可供开采年限 暂不能利用储量 预测资源量 储量增长率 储量增长主要因素 储量耗竭率 储量耗竭主要因素 国内资源保证程度 世界资源储备状况 保有储量 资源储备前录 矿产资源资产 矿产资源价值 矿产资源计价方法 矿产资源核算方法 储采均衡程度 基本均衡 正失调 负失调 国内资源保证程度 有充分保证 基本有保证 有缺口 资源急缺 世界资源储备状况 基本满足 严重不足 资源储备前景 矿产资源核算方法 区域价值估计法 体积估计方法 丰度估计法 丰度模型法 GB/T9649.24—2001 地质经济学 英译名 Economically minable ore reservesPosition of mineral resourcesMineral resources in terms of percentageRatio of ore reserve to ore minedBalance degree between ore reserve and ore minedMine life Reserves unusable in near futurePredictive resources Reserve increasing rate Major factors of ore reserve increaseRate of ore reserve depletionMajor factors of ore reserve depletionDegree of self-sufficiency of mineral resourcesSituation of world mineral resources preparedUnmined reserve Prospects of mineral resources preparedPropery of mineral resourcesValue of mineral resources Valuation methods of mineral resourcesAccounting methods of mineral resourcesBalance Basic balance Positive inbalance Negative inbalance Fully meeting the demand Almost fully the demand Deficiency Critical deficiency Sufficiency Basic sufficiency Deficiencey Critical deficiency Optimistic Better Unknow Pessimistic Regional value estimation Volume estimation Abundance estimation Abundance-model method 储备过多 储备不足 汉字名 矿产模型化法 德尔菲法 资源形势因素分析 经济分析方法 影响资源形势的因索 矿产地质因素 地质勘查因素的事后分析 技术因素 经济因素 政治社会因素 其他因素 经济分析方法 静态分析法 动态分析法 价格分析 数理分析 经济模型 综合分析 影响资源形势的因素 资源丰度系数高 资源丰度系数低 成矿地质条件有利 成矿地质条件较好 成矿地质条件不利 成矿地质条件不清 基础地质研究工作增强 基础地质研究工作削弱 矿产普查增强 矿产普查削弱 矿床勘探增强 矿床勘探削弱 地质科学理论的更新 发现新的矿床类型 发现新的资源基地 探采工作协调 探采工作失调 地质资料更新 矿业开发技术高 矿业开发技术低 矿产加工技术高 矿产加工技术低 探矿技术高 探矿技术低 技术经济指标合理 技术经济指标不合理 资源综合利用 GB/T9649.24—2001 地质经济学 英译名 Mineral deposit modelling Delphi Methods of economic analysisFactors influenting resources situationFactors of geology of mineral resourcesFactors of prospecting and exploration for positionTechnical factors Economic factors Political and social factorsOtherfactors Static analysis Dynamic analysis Price analysis Mathematical analysis Economic model Intigrative analysis Hight abundance of resourcesLower abundance of resourcesMost favorable geological conditions for mineralizationBetter favorable geological conditions for mineralizationInfavorable geological conditions for mineralizationUnkown geological conditions for mineralizationStrengthening of basic geological researchWeakening of basic geological researchStrengthening of mineral prospectingWeakening of nineral prospectingStrengthening of mineral deposit explorationWeakening of mineral deposit explorationNew geological theory Discovery of new types of ore depositsDiscovery of new resources basesBalance between prospecting and miningInbalance between prospecting and miningUpdate of geological informationAdvanced technology of rniningLess advanced technology of miningAdvanced technology of mineral processingLess advanced technology of mineral processingAdvanced exploration technologyLess advanced exploration technologyRational technological and economic indicatorsUnrational technological and economic indicatorsComprehensive utilization of resources备注 汉字名 资源合理利用 资源浪费 开采过甚 资源开发正常枯竭 资源再生利用率高 资源再生利用率低 经济振兴 经济稳定 经济萧条 经济危机 经济复苏 矿业开发兴旺 增建新矿山 矿业萧条 消耗增长 消耗缩减 需求增长 需求缩减 生产成本增加 生产成本降低 生产成本稳定 矿产价格刺激 矿产价格偏低 矿产价格稳定 商业集团垄断 商业性囤积 商业性倾销 银根紧缩 银根松 国际关系缓和 国际关系紧张 政局稳定 政局动荡 政策干预 军事影响 增加军需储备 前减军需储备 矿产品战略储备 地质矿业政策性调整 有益于环境 致害环境 环境无害 扩大矿产品用途 代用品的冲击 矿产品市场预测 市场预测年限 GB/T9649.24—2001 地质经济学 英译名 Rational utilization of resourcesWasting mineral resources Overmmining Normal depletion of resources byminingHigh-rate of recycling use of resourcesLow-rate of use of resourcesEconomic prosperity Economic stability Economic depression Economic crisis Economic recovery Prosperous mine development Developing new mines Mining depression Consumption increase Consumption decrease Demand increase Demand depletion Costs increase Cost decrease Cost stability Stimulation of price of mineral commoditiesLower price of mineral commoditiesStabile price of mineral commoditiesGray market monopoly Trade stockpile Speculation marketing Tight money Easymoney International-relations relentinglylnternational-relations relentlesslyPolitical stability Political unstability Policy restraint Military effect Military reserve increase Military reserve decrease Mineral commodity strategic stockpilePolicy adjustment in geological and mining sectorBeneficial to environment Harmful to environment Harmless to environment Extending use of mineral commoditiesImpact of substitutoral productsTirne period of market forecasting备注 JJAEBA JJAEBB JJAEBC JJAEBD JJAEBE JJAEBF JJAEBG JJAEBH JJAEBI JJAEBJ JJAEBK JJAEBL JJAEBM JJAEBN JJAEBO JJAEBP JJAEBQ JJAEBM JJAECA JJAECB JJAECC JJAECD JJAECE JJAECF JJAECG JJAECH JJAECI JJAEDA JJAEDC JJAEDD JJAEDE 产销预测 需求预测 汉字名 商品供需关系 价格预测 市场展望 国际贸易协定 产销预测 生产增长率 生产增长主要因素 生产衰减率 生产衰减主要因素 销售增长率 销售增长主要因素 销售减衰率 销售减衰主要因素 消耗递增率 消耗递增主要因素 消耗递减率 消耗递减主要因素 新用途影响程度 代用品影响程度 增建矿山概率 新增矿山生产能力 可替代程度 新用途影响程度 需求预测 需求增长率 需求增长主要因素 需求减缩率 需求减缩主要因素 需求满足率 市场需求 市场需求容量 需求弹性 商品供需关系 主要生产国。 主要生产商 次要生产商 主要需求国 GB/T9649.242001 地质经济学 英译名 Forecasting of production and marketingForecasting of demand Relationship between supply and demand of commodi-ties Forecasting of price Outlook of market International trade agreernentRate of productive increasingMajor factors of productive increaseRate of productive decrease Major factors of productive decreaseRate of increase of sales Major factors of increase of salesRate of decrease of sales Major factors of decrease of salesRate of increase of consumptionMajor factors of increase of consumptionRate of decrease of consumptionMajor factors of decrease of consumptionEffected degree of new use Effected degree of substitutsProbability of developing new minesProduction capability of new minesSubstitutoral degree Bigger Medium Verysmall Rate of demand increase Major factors of demand increaseRate of demand decrease Major factors of demand decreaseRatio of supply to demand Demand Market demand Capacity of market demand Elasticity of demand Major production nations Major producers Minor producers Major demand nations Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.