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JB/T 5953-1991 Hydraulic hammer series parameters and technical conditions

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5953-1991

Standard Name: Hydraulic hammer series parameters and technical conditions

Chinese Name: 液压锤 系列参数及技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1991-12-12

Date of Implementation:1992-07-01

Date of Expiration:2008-11-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Construction Machinery and Equipment>>P97 Construction Machinery for Building Engineering

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 5953-2008

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of hydraulic hammers (hydraulic stone breakers). JB/T 5953-1991 Hydraulic hammer series parameters and technical conditions JB/T5953-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Parameters and technical conditions of hydraulic hammer series
Published on December 12, 1991
Published by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on July 1, 1992
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Parameters and technical conditions of hydraulic hammer series
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of hydraulic hammers (hydraulic stone breakers).
This standard applies to airborne hydraulic hammers powered by hydraulic pressure. 2 Reference standards
Product label
Paint colors and safety signs for mining, engineering, lifting and transportation machinery products JB/T5946 Engineering machinery
General technical conditions for painting
Engineering machinery
General technical conditions for packaging
Grouping, naming and code of hydraulic oil products Custody and storage of engineering machinery
Model description and basic parameters
3.1 Model description
Nominal weight of hydraulic hammer, kg
The first Chinese letter of the word "hammer"
Hydraulic, the first Chinese letter of the word "liquid"
3.2 Basic parameters of hydraulic hammer
The basic parameters of hydraulic hammer shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table 1
Total weight
Working flow
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on December 12, 1991Working pressure
Number of strikes
450~120 0
Single impact energy
Carrier weight
Implemented on 1992-07-01||tt ||YC1500bZxz.net
4Technical requirements
Total weight
Working flow
Table 1 continued
Working pressure
Number of impacts
Single impact energy
4.1 Hydraulic hammers shall comply with the provisions of this standard and be manufactured in accordance with the drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures. 4.2 All performance indicators of the product shall meet the specified values ​​in Table 1. Weight of load-bearing machine
4.3 The mechanical properties of the materials used to manufacture the impact piston, chisel rod, reversing slide valve, reversing slide valve spring and other parts shall not be lower than the mechanical properties of the materials specified in the drawings.
4.4 The mechanical property level of all fastening bolts shall be above level 8.8. 4.5 Heat treatment hardness of main parts:
a. The hardness of the impact piston shall be between 5862HRC; b. The hardness of the chisel rod shall be between 40 and 50HRC. 4.6 All parts, components and cooperative parts shall be assembled only after they have passed the inspection of the technical inspection department. The purchased parts shall have a certificate of conformity. The manufacturer shall conduct sampling tests when necessary and shall not assemble them until they have passed the inspection. 4.7 All parts shall be cleaned and coated with hydraulic oil or grease according to the requirements of the drawings before they can be assembled. 4.8 The product shall be assembled according to the requirements of the drawings. All parts shall be installed correctly and completely, and the connection shall be firm and reliable. 4.9 The matching parts of the hydraulic hammer and the load-bearing machine shall be complete. 4.10 For the cylinder body and accumulator housing that bear pressure, a pressure test should be carried out, and the whole machine should also be subjected to a pressure test after assembly. The test pressure is 1.5 times the maximum working pressure. The pressure is maintained for 3 minutes, and there shall be no leakage, cracking, etc. 4.11 The main parts such as the impact piston, bushing, guide sleeve and valve sleeve must be inspected by flaw detection, and no cracks are allowed. 4.12 The technical indicators of the hydraulic oil used in the hydraulic hammer shall comply with the indicators of YB-N46 anti-wear hydraulic oil in GB2512. 4.13
When the hydraulic hammer is working normally, the maximum temperature of the hydraulic oil shall not be greater than 80℃. When the hydraulic hammer works under normal working conditions, the life of the impact piston and the reversing valve shall not be less than 200h. The life of the accumulator diaphragm shall be 4.14
not less than 100h. When the minimum working life is reached, the impact piston impact end face concave value shall not be greater than 3mm. 5 The paint color shall comply with the provisions of JB2299, and the paint quality and appearance quality of the paint film shall comply with the provisions of JB/T5946. 4.15
5 Performance test
Before the test, check the assembly quality of the product, which shall meet the requirements of Article 4.8. 5.1 Test device
Indoor test bench or corresponding load-bearing machine; the impact object is an energy-absorbing device or a steel pressure sensor. 5.2 Test instruments: dynamic strain gauge, pressure sensor, tape recorder, etc. 5.3 Performance test items:
Impact stress, N/m;
Single impact energy;
Number of impacts min-1
Dynamic changes of nitrogen pressure and working oil pressure; working flow, L/min
Oil temperature.
5.4 Test method
This test system adopts the stress wave impact energy method, and the dynamic changes of nitrogen pressure and working oil pressure are measured by pressure sensors. 5.4.1 The stress wave method requires a rod or a general chisel rod with a strain gauge. The impact end of the rod should be the same as the standard tail of the product, and the cross-sectional area of ​​the rod remains unchanged. The distance from the position of the measuring strain gauge to the other end of the rod should ensure that the incident wave is not affected by the reflected wave at the measuring strain gauge.
5.4.2 At least two strain gauges should be attached to the rod, symmetrically attached to the opposite sides of the rod diameter to measure the axial strain. The strain gauges should be connected to the two opposite arms of the resistance bridge, so as to eliminate the influence caused by bending strain. 5.4.3 The rod should be guided along the machine to avoid bending waves. 5.4.4 The hydraulic hammer should be placed as upright as possible.
5.5 Data processing
A certain number of impact strain waves (such as 25) should be recorded, and the stress on the rod where the strain gauge is attached and the time when the wave passes through the point are substituted into formula (1), and the energy of the incident wave can be obtained by the integration method. ER
Where: e-energy, J;
--the cross-sectional area of ​​the rod with the strain gauge, m\; v--the speed of sound in steel, 5080m/s;
E Young's modulus. N/m:
j--the number of integration points;
R; the stress amplitude of the jth integration point, N/m\; At--the stress duration of each interval, s. ..(1)
5.6 The measurement of the number of impacts is sampled from the pressure change at the oil inlet of the hydraulic hammer, or the stress peak change of the chisel rod reflecting the number of impact pulses. 5.7 The flow measurement point should be carried out on the high-pressure side as much as possible. If the measurement point is placed on the low-pressure side, it must be calibrated according to the measurement value of the measurement point placed on the high-pressure side.
6 Inspection rules
Each hydraulic hammer should be inspected and qualified by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer before it can be shipped out of the factory. 6.1 The inspection of hydraulic hammer is divided into factory inspection and type test. 6.2 Factory inspection should be carried out on a bench or a load-bearing machine for crushing test. Under the specified test conditions, check that there is no leakage at each joint and the operation should be normal. Other inspection items are determined by the manufacturer. 6.3 Product type test should be carried out in one of the following situations: a.
Trial product of new product or old product transferred to the factory; when there are major changes in structure, material and process, which may affect performance: when resuming production after long-term suspension;
When the quality supervision agency proposes the need for type test. 6.4 Type test items:
Various factory inspection items;
Total weight;
Working flow;
Working pressure;
Number of impacts;
Single impact energy;
Durability test.
6.5 Randomly select three units from a batch of products for type test. All performance indicators of the test shall meet the requirements of Table 1. If one indicator fails in the test, double sampling inspection shall be carried out; if the second sampling is qualified, the first unqualified products are allowed to be repaired until they are qualified; if the second sampling inspection is still unqualified, the batch of products shall be unqualified. For new products, one unit shall be selected from any three units for durability test, and the test shall be no less than 10 times, otherwise it shall be unqualified. 6.6 The results of product factory inspection shall be recorded and filed for future reference. The product type test shall have a type test report, which shall include the test object, test equipment, test instruments, test results and test records, etc. 7
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
Each product shall be firmly equipped with a product label in a conspicuous position. The design of the sign shall comply with the requirements of JB8, and its contents shall include: a.
Product model and name;
Main parameters of the product: number of impacts, working flow, working oil pressure, machine weight (including chisel rod), overall dimensions (including chisel rod), etc.; manufacturer name or factory logo;
Product number;
Year and month of manufacturing.
7.2 Before packaging the product, each working fluid interface shall be sealed tightly with a plastic or steel sealing plug. It is not allowed to be sealed with cotton yarn, plastic cloth, paper and other materials. 7.3
Product packaging shall comply with the requirements of JB/T5947. 4 Avoid collision during transportation of the product. 7.4
5Product storage shall comply with the requirements of JB3306. 8 Quality Assurance
Within one year from the date of leaving the factory, the manufacturer shall be responsible for repairing or replacing any damage or abnormality caused by product quality, provided that the user complies with the regulations on use, maintenance, transportation and storage. Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute and Changzhi Hydraulic Parts Factory. The main drafters of this standard were Yang Rongzhen and Huo Xiongxiang. People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Hydraulic Hammer Series Parameters and Technical Conditions
Published and distributed by the Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry, Postal Code 100081)
(Box 8144, Beijing
Copyright reserved
Reproduction prohibited
Printed by Qinghe County Printing Factory, Hebei Province
1/16 Sheet 1/2 Words 8000
Format 880×1230
First printing in March 1992
First edition in March 1992
Print 00.001-500 Price 1.00 Yuan
No. 0525
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