Some standard content:
Trial Verification Procedure for Resistance Strain Gauges
JJG 623—1989
Trial Verification Procedure for Resistance Strain Gauges
Verification Procedure for Resistance Strain Gauges-
JJG 623—1989
This verification procedure was approved on July 21, 1985 after technical supervision and was effective from May 21, 1990. Imported by: Chinese Academy of Sciences. Reformed by: Chinese Academy of Planning and Design Sciences. The technical provisions of this procedure are the responsibility of the drafting unit. Interpretation: The main drafters of this regulation: Zhao Jizhen (National Academy of Metrology)
Deng Jia Drafter: Zhang Gongming (National Academy of Planning and Design Sciences)
. Technical requirements...
Test conditions...
) Test equipment
(ii) Determination of environmental conditions
Test items and test methods
. External inspection...
(ii) Determination of basic error (indication error) () Test record of static electric strain gauge
(iv) Determination of static electric strain gauge sensitivity coefficient scale error (v) Test of dynamic electric strain gauge stability (vi) Test of dynamic resistance strain gauge attenuation error (viii) Verification of dynamic electric strain gauge pseudo linear error (ix) Determination of dynamic resistance strain gauge sensitivity coefficient scale error (x) Determination of dynamic resistance strain gauge frequency response error (xi) Determination of resistance balance range
! ) Determination of capacitance balance range
(XIV) Determination of energy
(XIII) Determination of the influence of power supply voltage change on the quantity
(VII) Determination of the influence of temperature change
V. Analysis of the results and verification intervals:
Appendix 1. Verification of resistance strain gauge
Appendix 1. Verification format of original record of resistance strain gauge Appendix 1. Main technical indicators of domestic standard analog strain gauge calibrator--Table 682
Trial verification procedure for electric strain gauge
This procedure applies to the verification of newly manufactured and replaced electric strain gauges (type resistance strain gauge sensors and partial wave modulation resistance strain gauge sensors) after the adjustment of the science and technology.
Electric strain is only for measuring and guaranteeing A stress analyzer that measures the deformation of a material under load. If equipped with a corresponding sensor, it can measure force, pressure, torque, displacement, amplitude and other physical quantities. It is a reliable tool for experimental stress analysis.
There are many types of resistance strain gauges, but the structures are basically similar. They are mainly composed of bridges, phase detectors, filter detectors, power supplies and other parts.
Three technical requirements
The levels of resistance strain gauges are divided into A, B and C levels. The required technical requirements are as follows: Table 1
Basic error limit (indication error)
The error (indication error) of the electrostatic strain gauge meets the requirements of Table 1 when the sensitivity coefficient K is 2.000. 2
Sensitivity scale error
The resistance strain gauge has a sensitivity coefficient setting. The scale error of the sensor arm Should not be greater than the provisions of Table 2. Table 2
Dynamic electric strain gauge
Linear error
More system error (%)
The linearity error of the dynamic electric strain gauge should not be greater than the provisions of Table 2. Calibration error (indication error)
The dynamic target strain gauge has no calibration device. , each calibration value (indication) is consistent with the full rate, and its calibration error (indication error) is not greater than that specified in Table 4. Table?
Performance (%)
Actual control (position change) (pot)
: The calibration should be accurate, with the single arm eating as the single kidney) when used, and should be used in the reverse order given in the manual:
To reduce the error|| tt||The dynamic resistance strain gauge can have a certain range and each gear is used for measurement (" is positive and negative!), and its point error should not exceed the requirements of Table 5.
Frequency response error
The frequency response error of the dynamic resistance strain gauge should not exceed the specified rate in Table 6. wwW.bzxz.Net
Signal-to-noise ratio
Table 4(%)
Or the signal-to-noise ratio of the dynamic resistance strain gauge should not exceed the specified rate in Table 6.
Stability of the dynamic resistance strain gauge
Period error (cB)
The dynamic resistance strain gauge has a certain change in value and its point drift within 2h and is not greater than the requirements of Table 3. The static resistance strain gauge has a certain stability and its point drift reading value change within 4 hours should not exceed the requirements of Table 9. Resistance flat street function
point temperature ()
resistance strain gauge using 120 resistance strain gauge (piece), its resistance flat street function should not be less than =[1.5%. The capacitance balance range should be no less than 1300
The indication balance time
Static voltage limit can be used for dynamic readings and record balance devices, and its indication balance time should not be less than 29. The voltage withstand performance
The electric strain gauge powered by the Beijing power supply should be subjected to a voltage withstand test of 1000V sinusoidal alternating current with a frequency of 50 and a voltage of 1000V for 1min, without any breakdown or sudden phenomenon. The mains voltage used by the resistance strain gauge changes by 15% and 10% of the rated value. The basic error of the single resistance strain gauge does not change more than the requirements of the various levels in Table 1 of this scale: The dynamic voltage change should not exceed the requirements in Table 10, Table 9
Equal points Lin x
error reception change (%:
property: static resistance change is only subject to the zero point basis grid. A
factor value change 1%;
15 external induction field influence
by the title rate 5 [11s real current electric induction of 400A/m (50) external magnetic field are afraid of the above: the dynamic resistance strain gauge's noise ratio change point is not greater than the requirements of the regulations, the dynamic electric strain gauge and the static electric strain gauge reading change test individual according to Table 1.
16 temperature sense change influence
resistance change instrument mountain 20=5 yuan travel domestic fixed temperature change to · +4 range kitchen time card constant overflow
degree, the blue group degree change 1 what is the effect of the following regulations. The static resistance change instrument base car said difference, The sensitivity coefficient scale error, stability change is not greater than 1/1 of the error specified in each level in Articles 1, 2, 16.1
9 of this regulation. Note: The resistance change of the 4-phase power supply bridge does not need to be tested. The dynamic resistance strain gauge
coefficient change (%)
16.2 The sensitivity coefficient scale error, linearity error, calibration error, frequency error, stability change is not greater than 1/11 of the error specified in each level in Articles 2, 3, 4.6, K of this regulation. 17 Anti-transport environment performance
The resistance strain gauge can only comply with 2BY002-1961 "Instrument Transportation" under the condition of unpacking. , transportation, purchase and storage basic environmental conditions and/or test methods and professional standards. Among them: commercial temperature test uses +55: low temperature test uses -40. After the test, the static electric strain gauge shall still meet the requirements of 1, 2, 9, 13 of this regulation: the dynamic electric strain gauge shall meet the requirements of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13 of this regulation. 18 Appearance
18, the surface treatment of the housing and parts of the strain gauge is good, there is no significant mechanical damage, all switches are in good condition, positioning is accurate, and operation is active. The seal of the instrument shall not be opened at will: the markings and equal signs shall be clear.
18, 2 Only the panel or the outer surface of the instrument shall have the following markings: model and name, manufacturer name, year and month of manufacture, and factory number. 18.3 The names or symbols of the knobs, buttons and terminals used shall be clearly engraved. 3. Verification conditions
【--)Standard use report
19 The calibration of the dynamic strain gauge should have the following equipment: [9.] Standard strain gauge calibrator: Uncertainty (0.015~0.2]%; Current range 0~105E; Resolution 1pE; Working voltage 12V; Working intensity -1k [For example, the calibration of the dynamic strain gauge should have the following equipment: 20.1: Standard analog strain gauge calibrator: Uncertainty (0.015~7.2)%; Scale voltage 0-10F; Operating voltage 12V; Operating intensity -1kE
20.2 High accuracy direct current milliammeter: uncertainty is (4.K/2.2)%; current range 0~±5mA; resolution 22.0 yuan/4,
20.3 digital voltmeter: uncertainty is (0.0J2-[0.2)%; same range 0-±12V; resolution a.orV
20.4 AC/DC dual-purpose insulator: uncertainty is (4.2%, measuring range.-; 0; operating frequency 0-101% 0.10:
20.5 resistance strain gauge or frequency measuring instrument: amplitude-frequency error is (17.3~±1)%: phase-frequency characteristic 3: measuring range 20Hz--10kHz.
20 Calibration purpose: Under normal circumstances, the strain gauge should have an internal power supply, the instrument should have an internal or external matching power supply (including special drivers and brackets) and the matching power supply used should meet the requirements specified in the strain gauge specification.
20, "Connection box and input and output leads": The special connection box and input and output leads matching the strain gauge to be tested must be used.
The measurement uncertainty of the standard instrument used for calibration should not exceed one third of the allowable error of the resistance strain gauge...21
(II) Testing environment
The resistance strain gauge should be calibrated at room temperature of 20+5℃, humidity of (35~75)RH and external field of 40A/m22
Fourth control items and verification methods
【--External inspection
23 Compliance with the requirements of Article 8 of the regulations,
(II) Verification of basic error (indication deviation) 2 Static resistance strain gauges should be verified, and the verification method is as follows: 24.1 Place the reading disks of the coordinated monthly strain gauge in the cold, adjust the sensitivity K=2.00J, turn on the power and keep it on for ten minutes (according to the requirements of the instruction manual), adjust the zero balance of the resistor R and the electric guest ℃, so that the indicator is zero. Continue to preheat the battery for half an hour and then re-balance it. The automatic balance position of the sound reading electric strain gauge is balanced according to the instruction manual.
24.2 The zero-pointing pre-state strain gauge can be balanced by compensation method. The nominal value of the calibrated point B is given on the static resistance strain gauge. The actual value of the calibrated point is given by the standard simulated strain gauge. 24.3 The offset static combined strain gauge can be directly measured. The nominal value of the calibrated point without half balance is the standard simulated strain gauge.
24.4 The error (six-phase error) 3 of the calibrated static resistance strain gauge can be calculated according to (1): 8. = 54- 5 × 100%
Where: *3—the indicated value on the calibrated state strain gauge ();
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