title>Sensory analysis—General guidance for the selection,training and monitoring of assessors—Part 2:Expert sensory assessors - GB/T 16291.2-2010 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Sensory analysis—General guidance for the selection,training and monitoring of assessors—Part 2:Expert sensory assessors

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 16291.2-2010

Standard Name:Sensory analysis—General guidance for the selection,training and monitoring of assessors—Part 2:Expert sensory assessors

Chinese Name: 感官分析 选拔、培训和管理评价员一般导则 第2部分:专家评价员

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2010-09-02

Date of Implementation:2010-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Food Technology >> 67.240 Sensory Analysis

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Agriculture, Forestry Comprehensive>>B04 Basic Standards and General Methods

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces GB/T 16291-1996

Procurement status:ISO 8586-2:2008,IDT

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2010-12-01

other information

Release date:1996-04-12

drafter:Liu Wen, Wang Houyin, Zhao Lei, Deng Shaoping, Wu Jihong

Drafting unit:China National Institute of Standardization, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China Agricultural University

Focal point unit:China National Institute of Standardization

Proposing unit:China National Institute of Standardization

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:China National Institute of Standardization

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 16291.2-2010 Sensory analysis General guidelines for selection, training and management of assessors Part 2: Expert assessors GB/T16291.2-2010 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This part of GB/T16291 specifies general guidelines for selecting persons with special sensory evaluation skills from among preferred assessors, product development, production, processing or marketing experts. The requirements for preferred assessors, product development, production, processing or marketing experts are given in ISO8586-1:2008. This part gives the principles and procedures for selecting and expanding their knowledge and abilities to reach expert assessors. This part also specifies the requirements for expert assessors who can use descriptors to establish sensory profiles of products and materials. These requirements do not include the requirement that expert assessors should have specific product and material expertise. This part is a supplement to GB/T10220.
GB/T 16291 "General guidance for the selection, training and monitoring of assessors for sensory analysis" is divided into two parts:
--- Part 1: Preferred assessors;
--- Part 2: Expert assessors.
This part is the second part of GB/T 16291, corresponding to ISO8586-2:2008 "General guidance for the selection, training and monitoring of assessors for sensory analysis - Part 2: Expert sensory assessors". This part of GB/T 16291 is equivalent to
This part replaces GB/T 16291-1996 "Guidelines for the selection, training and monitoring of sensory analysis experts". Compared with GB/T 16291-1996, the main technical changes in this part are as follows:
a) The name of the original standard has been modified to make it consistent with the name of the adopted international standard. Change "Guidelines for the selection, training and management of sensory analysis experts" to "General guidelines for the selection, training and management of sensory analysis evaluators Part 2: Expert evaluators";
b) Change the term "expert" in this part to "expert evaluator";
c) Change 2 "referenced standards" to 2 "normative references";
d) Change 3 "definition" to 3 "terms and definitions";
e) Added the definitions of reproducibility, reproducibility conditions, repeatability and repeatability conditions to the terms and definitions section, and deleted the definition and explanation of expert evaluators with professional knowledge;
f) Updated the contents of the original standard 4 "selection", 5 "training" and 6 "management and inspection of work level" according to the revised content of ISO, and changed 5.4 "establishment of a symbol library for describing sensory analysis results" to "establishment of a descriptive word library";
g) Added the content of 7 "management and maintenance of the team";
h) Deleted Appendices A, B and C of the original standard, and added informative Appendix A and references.
Appendix A of this part is an informative appendix.
This part is proposed and managed by China National Institute of Standardization.
Drafting units of this part: China National Institute of Standardization, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China Agricultural University.
Main drafters of this part: Liu Wen, Wang Houyin, Zhao Lei, Deng Shaoping, Wu Jihong. The
previous versions of the standards replaced by this part are:
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this part through reference in this part of GB/T16291. For all dated referenced documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, parties to an agreement based on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated referenced documents, the latest versions shall apply to this part.
GB/T6379.1-2004 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 1: General principles and definitions (ISO5725-1:1994, IDT)
GB/T10221-1998 Sensory analysis terminology (idtISO5492:1992)
ISO8586-1:2008 Sensory analysis - General guidance for the selection, training and monitoring of assessors - Part 1: Selected assessors (Sensory analysis - General guidance for the selection, training and monitoring of assessors - Part 1: Selected assessors)
Foreword I||tt ||
Introduction II
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 1
4 Selection of expert assessors 2
4.1 General 2
4.2 Professional skills 2
5 Training 3
5.1 General 3
5.2 Sensory memory 3
5.3 Learning the semantics and scale of sensory descriptors 3
5.4 Building a vocabulary of descriptors 3
5.5 Training on evaluation conditions 3
6 Monitoring and testing of assessor performance 3
6.1 Purpose 3
6.2 Principles 3
6.3 Analysis of results 4
7 Management and maintenance of the team 4
7.1 Motivation 4
7.2 Maintenance of skills 4
7.3 Addition of new assessors 5
7.4 Retraining 5
Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Repeatability and Reproducibility of Evaluators and Evaluation Teams 6
References 7

Some standard content:

ICS 67.240
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T16291.2—-2010/IS08586-2:2008 replaces GB/T 16291--1996
Sensory analysis---General guidance for the selection, training andmonitoring of assessors-Part 2: Expert sensory assessors(ISO 8586-2:2008, IDT)
2010-09-02 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
2010-12-01 Implementation
CB/T16291.2--2010/ISO 8586-2.2008 Foreword
Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
Selection of expert assessors
Professional skills
Sensory memory
Learning of the semantics and scale of sensory descriptors
Establishment of a descriptive vocabulary library
Training in evaluation conditions
6 Supervision and testing of assessor performance
Analysis of results
Management and maintenance of skills
Retention of skills
Supplementation of new assessors
Appendix A (informative) Repeatability and reproducibility of assessors and assessment teams References…
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GB/T 16291.2—2010/ISO 8586-2.2008G13/T16291 "Sensory analysis selection, training and monitoring of assessors - General guidelines" is divided into two parts: Part 1: Preferred assessors;
… Part 2 Expert assessors.
This part is the second part of G13/T16291, corresponding to ISO8586-2:2008 "Sensory analysis--General guidance for the selection, training and monitoring of assessors-Part 2, Expert sensory assessors". This part of GB/T16291 is equivalent to ISO 8586-2:2008.
This part replaces GB/T16291-1996 "Guidelines for the selection, training and management of sensory analysis experts". Compared with GB/I162911996, the main technical content changes of this part are as follows: a) The name of the original standard has been modified to make it consistent with the name of the adopted international standard. b) Change "Guidelines for the selection, training and management of sensory analysis experts" to "General guidelines for the selection, training and management of sensory analysis evaluators Part 2: Expert evaluators"; b) Change "experts" in this part to "expert evaluators"; c) Change "2 referenced standards" to "2 normative references", d) Change "3 definitions" to "3 terms and meanings", e) Add the definitions of "current", "reproducibility conditions", "repeatability" and "repeat conditions" in the "terms and definitions" section, and delete the definition and explanation of "expert evaluators with professional knowledge"; i) Update the contents of the three parts of "4 selection", "5 management and inspection of work level" and "6
" of the original standard according to the content modified by ISO, and change "5.1 Establish a symbol library to describe sensory analysis results" to "Construction of descriptive word library"; g) Add the content of "7 management and maintenance of the team"; h) Delete the appendix A, appendix B and appendix C of the original standard, and add informative appendix A and references. Appendix A of this part is an informative appendix.
This part is proposed and managed by China National Institute of Standardization. Drafting units of this part: China National Institute of Standardization, Zhejiang University of Technology, China Agricultural University. Main drafters of this part: Liu Wen, Wang Houyin, Zhao Lei, Deng Shaoping, Wu Jihong. The nine versions of the standard replaced by this part are: -GB/T 16291—1996.
GB/T16291.2—2010/1SO 8586-2:2008 Introduction
Sensory evaluation can be performed by three different types of evaluators: \evaluators" (see 2.5 of GB/T10221-1998), \preferred evaluators\ (see 2.6 of G13/T10221-1998), and expert evaluators (see 2.7.1 of G1B/T10221-1998). IS08586-1 "General Guidelines for the Selection, Training and Management of Evaluators for Sensory Analysis Part 1: Preferred Evaluators" specifies the basic requirements for the selection, training and management of preferred evaluators. This part specifies the general principles for the selection, training and management of expert evaluators. This part does not cover product experts or professional product experts, because their professional skills do not belong to sensory evaluation. It is not within the scope of sensory ability. However, product experts or professional product experts can become expert evaluators after special training. Expert evaluators with professional knowledge can rely on other professional knowledge (such as understanding of the product being evaluated and experience in product processing or the market) to interpret sensory data and draw conclusions. In the work of the evaluation team, expert evaluators should have special sensitivity and reproducibility and maintain good sensory memory for a long time. When there is a lack of control samples, reliable comparative judgments can be used. Expert evaluators should form an evaluation team and work under the leadership of the evaluation team leader. The evaluation team leader is responsible for the management and training of expert evaluators. Expert evaluators are not responsible for selecting evaluation methods, providing samples and interpreting boundaries. The evaluation team leader is responsible for these tasks and decides what information should be provided to the team members. GB/I16291.2—2010/ISO8586-2.2008 Selection, training and management of sensory analysis evaluators - General guidelines Part 2: Expert evaluators This part of GB/T16291 specifies the general guidelines for selecting personnel with special sensory evaluation skills from preferred evaluators, product development, production, processing or marketing experts. The requirements for preferred evaluators, product development, production, processing or marketing experts can be found in ISO8586-1:2008. This part gives the selection and development of their knowledge and ability to achieve the principles and procedures for expert evaluators. This part also specifies the requirements for expert evaluators who can use descriptors to establish the sensory aspects of products and materials. These requirements do not include requirements for expert evaluators to have specific product and material expertise. This part is a supplement to GB/I10220.
2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this part through reference in this part of G3/T16291. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, parties to an agreement based on this part are encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version applies to this part.
CB/T6379.1-2004 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results Part 1: General principles and definitions (ISO 5725-1:1994, IDT)
GB/T10221--1998 Sensory analysis terminology (idtISO5492:1992)ISO8586-1:2008 Sensory analysis-General guidance for the selection, training and monitoring of assessors---Part 1, Selected assessors
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions established in GB/T10221-1998 and the following terms and definitions apply to Part 1 of GB/T16291. 3.1
The person participating in sensory analysis.
[GB/T 102211998, definition 2.5]
selected assessor
Selected assessor
Selected assessor with high sensory analysis ability. [G3/T 102211998, definition 2. 6]
Expert assessorexpertassessor
Preferred assessor with high sensory sensitivity and rich experience in sensory analysis methods, and who can make effective and repeatable sensory evaluations of various products in the field involved. [GB/T 102211998, definition 2.7. 1]
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CB/T 16291.2-—2010/ISO 8586-2.20083.4
Precision under reproducibility conditions.
Note: Reproducibility can be expressed by the coefficient of dispersion of the evaluation results. [GB/T 6379.1-2004, definition 3.17]3.5
Reproducibitityconditions Test conditions under which the same object is tested independently in different laboratories, by different operators using different equipment and following the same test method.
Note: The existing conditions may include different times (different evaluations), different environments and different evaluation groups. [GB/T6379.1-2004, definition 3.18]
Precision under repeatability conditions. bzxz.net
Note: Repeatability can be expressed by the value of the coefficient of scatter of the evaluation results. [GB/T 6379.1-2004, definition 3.13]3.7
Repeatabilityconditions Test conditions under which the same object is tested independently in a short period of time by the same operator using the same equipment and following the same test method in the same laboratory.
Note: Repeated conditions mean different evaluators (evaluation teams), different time intervals (evaluations) and the same environment. [GB/T 6379.1-2004. Definition 3.14] 4 Selection of expert evaluators
4.1 General
Candidates suitable for training should meet the following conditions: a) Have the ability of sensory analysis, and refer to the provisions of IS0858G-1:2008 for specific requirements. It is best to first screen the preferred evaluators as candidates and directly select candidates from the preferred evaluation products b)
Interested in improving sensory skills, including learning sensory methodology and understanding the sensory characteristics of a variety of products;
c) Can guarantee to participate in training and regular practice - one of the basic conditions for being an expert evaluator is to regularly participate in the training program of the evaluation team;
d) Self-
4.2 Professional skills
The evaluation team leader shall evaluate the evaluation performance of the selected evaluators on the products involved in a certain period of time. If the selected evaluators' evaluation results show good repeatability, they have significant sensitivity or show special sensitivity in the classification of specific properties of raw materials (such as odor), they can be considered for selection to participate in the evaluation team composed of expert evaluators. Candidates for expert evaluators should also have the following conditions: a) memory of sensory characteristics;
b) communication skills with other experts;
c) ability to describe products.
The extent to which selected evaluators have the above conditions varies, so the corresponding screening procedures should be used or their training procedures should be adjusted accordingly.
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5 Training
5.1 General
GB/T 16291.2—2010/ISO 8586-2:2008 One of the purposes of training is to optimize the professional knowledge structure of expert evaluators and tap their potential in sensory evaluation through training. Preferred evaluators should have certain knowledge of sensory physiology and taste. As an expert evaluator, they should also have the necessary knowledge for preferred evaluators as stipulated in ISO8586-1:2008. The purpose of training is also to optimize the sensory analysis knowledge structure of evaluators, especially to enhance their memory of sensory descriptors and their intensity, so that they have the ability to evaluate the sensory profile of products (including the repeatability, accuracy and discrimination of evaluation results). 5.2 Sensory Memory
Expert evaluators should have sensory memory ability above the medium level. Sensory experiments used to train preferred assessors are mostly aimed at developing their short-term sensory memory, while training expert assessors should develop their long-term sensory memory. The characteristics recorded in the current evaluation may need to refer to previous evaluation experience.
Previous: The characteristics evaluated in the evaluation are related to the experience gained through training. Sensory experiments used to train expert assessors should be managed to develop their long-term sensory memory. 5.3 Learning the semantics and scale of sensory descriptors Training usually includes two stages:
a) Generation, definition and recognition of descriptors. The purpose is to confirm that these words can describe the product or evaluation object (can be proposed through a glossary or group discussion), to associate these descriptors with corresponding sensory perceptions, and to define each sensory descriptor based on sensory perception and learn to recognize whether the sensory characteristics it describes are present in the product or evaluation object; b) Assessment of intensity and memorization of intensity scale. The purpose is to learn to evaluate the intensity of each descriptor and memorize the intensity level of each specific descriptor.
The initial stage of training is to evaluate samples with more obvious descriptive weakness and to classify them based on this descriptive strength. Then, the assessors learn to express the strength of the descriptors by establishing corresponding references or products or materials for specific descriptors of different strengths. Note 1: Training is carried out in a combination of individual and group methods. The assessors are required to make every effort to concentrate their attention under the guidance of the assessment team leader to improve memory.
Note 2: Differential and paired tests can be used to highlight the characteristics of different products and materials, or to test whether the characteristics are remembered. 5.4 Development of a descriptive word library
The trainees should understand the role of sensory descriptors, which not only helps to cultivate long-term sensory memory, but also can be used as a tool for communication with customers and other experts.
The trainees should also have knowledge of specific terminology and be able to use it appropriately. 5.5 Training in evaluation conditions
The trainees should learn to evaluate a large number of samples at a time and to evaluate different samples of the same product. 6 Monitoring and testing of assessor performance 6.1 Purpose The purpose of monitoring assessor performance is to regularly check assessors’ ability to: a) Repeatability b) Discrimination d) Consistency of results 6.2 Principles The principle of monitoring assessor performance is based on the following two aspects: GB/T 16291.2—2010/ISO 8586-2:2008 Repeatability, the repeatability of partial evaluation results of a product or raw material within one evaluation cycle or between different evaluation cycles; Reproducibility, comparative testing carried out by multiple laboratories under different conditions (same product provided or subcontracted) (see GB/T 6379, 1) .
6.3 Analysis of results
6.3.1 General
Analysis of evaluation results can evaluate the performance of the team as a whole and of individual evaluators (see Appendix A). 6.3.2 Evaluation of the overall performance of the evaluation team is carried out through analysis of variance and other methods (analysis of variance see reference [2]): one-way analysis of variance (product) to evaluate discrimination ability; one-way analysis of variance of three-factor interaction (product, evaluator, between products) and reproducibility of two or three characteristics; three-way analysis of variance of case interaction (product, evaluator, between products) to check consistency. Other statistical methods, such as principal component analysis (PCA, Principal Component Analysis), discriminant factor analysis (DFA, Discriminant Factor Analysis), generalized Procrustes analysis, correlation coefficient calculation (which can evaluate the similarity of two matrices), can be used to evaluate the consistency of the results between evaluators and the consistency of the evaluation results of individual evaluators and the group. 6.3.3 Evaluation of individual work performance
can be expressed by drawing a graph, or by data analysis. For example:
compare the evaluation results (scores) of each evaluator with the average value within the group;
the magnitude of the standard deviation;
the consistency with the group evaluation results (scores) (the degree of dispersion from the mean); the difference between the evaluation products;
the repeatability and reproducibility of each evaluator's results Note: Repeatability and reproducibility should consider that the degree of variation in the evaluation of a certain descriptor by an evaluator in three evaluations is less than or equal to 15%. 7 Management and maintenance of the team
7.1 Incentives
Incentives for small groups are very important. For example:
should provide some information related to the output results;
should provide some feedback information related to personal results;
should be paid.
Note 1: Strictly prevent bias against further work. Note 2: There should be rewards for work.
7.2 Retention of skills
In order to make the team work more effective and not lose the effect of training, regular intensive training should be conducted. It is best to organize it once a week, and at least once a month.
The performance of the evaluation team should be selectively evaluated, and it should be carried out twice a year. In addition, after a long working period (more than 6 months), the evaluators should be retrained. In theory, the evaluation team should calibrate itself by comparing it with other expert evaluation teams, comparing it with reference products, or participating in comparative studies:
:... Participate in evaluation comparisons between different laboratories: For a product, conduct a profile analysis comparison with its supplier or distributor at the same time. 1) Products and repetitions that require lobby:
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3 Supplementation of new evaluators
If team members inevitably leave, new personnel should be added. GB/T16291.2—2010/IS08586-2.2008 Special training should be planned to enable new assessors to reach a satisfactory level of performance. The process of new assessors joining the team should be gradual and the work should be assigned according to the new assessors' abilities. 7.4 Retraining
When the products and materials to be assessed change, new training sessions should be organized to consider adding new descriptors and making appropriate changes to the intensity scale.
GB/T 16291.2——2010/ISO 8586-2:2008 Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Repeatability and reproducibility of assessors and assessment teams Table A.1 Repeatability and reproducibility attributes of assessors and assessment teams
Reproducibility means
Assessment team
The consistency of the evaluation results of the same sample under the same environment.
The same conditions refer to:
The same assessor (assessment team);
-Same time (same evaluation);
-Same environment.
The consistency of the evaluation results of the same sample under different conditions.
For evaluators, different conditions include:
same evaluator;
different time (different evaluation);
different environment.
For evaluation groups, different conditions include: same evaluation group;
different time (different evaluation);
different environment.
Between evaluation groups:
Measure the consistency of the evaluation results of the same sample under different conditions. Different conditions include:
consistency of the evaluation results of the same sample under different conditions.
consistency of the evaluation results of the same sample under different conditions.
consistency of the evaluation results of the same sample under different conditions.
consistency of the evaluation results of the same sample under different evaluation groups: the consistency of the evaluation results of the same sample by different evaluators in the same evaluation group.
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Determination method (for analysis, see reference L2J) Evaluator:
Standard deviation of the evaluation scores of repeated samples between evaluators in the same evaluation;
Standard error of the one-way ANOVA of the evaluation scores of the evaluators.
Evaluation group:
Standard deviation of the one-way ANOVA of the average score of repeated samples of the evaluation group in the same evaluation; Standard error of the one-way ANOVA of the average score of the evaluation group.
Combination of the standard deviation within the evaluation group and the standard deviation of the within-group ANOVA.
Evaluation group:
Combination of the standard deviation within the evaluation group and the standard deviation of the within-group ANOVA.
Consistency of the standard deviation between different evaluations and the standard deviation between evaluation groups.
Standard deviation of the two-way ANOVA of the evaluation scores of the evaluators in the same evaluation.
Xinkao Literature
(GI3/T10220 General Introduction to Sensory Analysis Methods (GB/T10220--1988,ncgISO6658:1985)Analysis of Variance for Sensory Data: Per Lea, Tormod Nes, Marit Rodbotten. Wiley 1997.[2]
( 3] LEA,P. ,NAS, T. , RDBOTEN,M. Analysis of variance for sensory data. Wiley,Chich-cster,1997.102 p.
atenet:Different time (different evaluation);
different environment.
For the evaluation group, different conditions include: the same evaluation group;
different time (different evaluation);
different environment.
Between evaluation groups:
Measure the consistency of the evaluation results of the same sample under different conditions (evaluation method). Different conditions include:
consistency of the evaluation results between
evaluators or
different evaluation groups;
different time (different evaluation);
different environment.
Consistency of the results within the evaluation group in different evaluations: the consistency of the evaluation results of the same sample by different evaluators in the same evaluation group.
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Determination method (for analysis, see reference L2J) Evaluator:
Standard deviation of the evaluation scores of repeated samples between evaluators in the same evaluation;
Standard error of the one-way ANOVA of the evaluation scores of the evaluators.
Evaluation group:
Standard deviation of the one-way ANOVA of the average score of repeated samples of the evaluation group in the same evaluation; Standard error of the one-way ANOVA of the average score of the evaluation group.
Combination of the standard deviation within the evaluation group and the standard deviation of the within-group ANOVA.
Evaluation group:
Combination of the standard deviation within the evaluation group and the standard deviation of the within-group ANOVA.
Consistency of the standard deviation between different evaluations and the standard deviation between evaluation groups.
Standard deviation of the two-way ANOVA of the evaluation scores of the evaluators in the same evaluation.
Xinkao Literature
(GI3/T10220 General Introduction to Sensory Analysis Methods (GB/T10220--1988,ncgISO6658:1985)Analysis of Variance for Sensory Data: Per Lea, Tormod Nes, Marit Rodbotten. Wiley 1997.[2]
( 3] LEA,P. ,NAS, T. , RDBOTEN,M. Analysis of variance for sensory data. Wiley,Chich-cster,1997.102 p.
atenet:Different time (different evaluation);
different environment.
For the evaluation group, different conditions include: the same evaluation group;
different time (different evaluation);
different environment.
Between evaluation groups:
Measure the consistency of the evaluation results of the same sample under different conditions (evaluation method). Different conditions include:
consistency of the evaluation results between
evaluators or
different evaluation groups;
different time (different evaluation);
different environment.
Consistency of the results within the evaluation group in different evaluations: the consistency of the evaluation results of the same sample by different evaluators in the same evaluation group.
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Determination method (for analysis, see reference L2J) Evaluator:
Standard deviation of the evaluation scores of repeated samples between evaluators in the same evaluation;
Standard error of the one-way ANOVA of the evaluation scores of the evaluators.
Evaluation group:
Standard deviation of the one-way ANOVA of the average score of repeated samples of the evaluation group in the same evaluation; Standard error of the one-way ANOVA of the average score of the evaluation group.
Combination of the standard deviation within the evaluation group and the standard deviation of the within-group ANOVA.
Evaluation group:
Combination of the standard deviation within the evaluation group and the standard deviation of the within-group ANOVA.
Consistency of the standard deviation between different evaluations and the standard deviation between evaluation groups.
Standard deviation of the two-way ANOVA of the evaluation scores of the evaluators in the same evaluation.
Xinkao Literature
(GI3/T10220 General Introduction to Sensory Analysis Methods (GB/T10220--1988,ncgISO6658:1985)Analysis of Variance for Sensory Data: Per Lea, Tormod Nes, Marit Rodbotten. Wiley 1997.[2]
( 3] LEA,P. ,NAS, T. , RDBOTEN,M. Analysis of variance for sensory data. Wiley,Chich-cster,1997.102 p.
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